Why so MANY back Items

Why so MANY back Items

in Suggestions

Posted by: VonKreep.6598


Anet, my character only has one back. Can you please reward him with something else. My bank is full of back skins I already cannot use. A overabundant choice selection is nice, don’t get me wrong. However, mix it up a bit!

Why so MANY back Items

in Suggestions

Posted by: Esplen.3940


I like it. Selection is always good, in my book.

Why so MANY back Items

in Suggestions

Posted by: Euthymia.4807


I like it. Selection is always good, in my book.

Would you rather have 50 back selections or

7 Helm options
7 Shoulder options
7 Chest options
7 Back options
7 Glove options
7 Leggings options
7 Boot options

or 4 of each if you also count the four weapon slot available for skinned weapons.

Why so MANY back Items

in Suggestions

Posted by: Esplen.3940


50 back selections.

Why so MANY back Items

in Suggestions

Posted by: Euthymia.4807


50 back selections.

You’d rather have 50 back selections and no options for everything else? That’s up to you I guess. I’d rather they spread the wealth around more. There’s tons of back skins. Can we get some other stuff now?

More town clothes would really be awesome and more skins for all pieces of armor.

Why so MANY back Items

in Suggestions

Posted by: Player Character.9467

Player Character.9467

You really want the 1 skin from each event to not be a back piece? Gonna make it that much harder to make armor that matches if your gloves are from easter and your helmet’s from christmas.

Why so MANY back Items

in Suggestions

Posted by: Mist Y.5214

Mist Y.5214

You really want the 1 skin from each event to not be a back piece? Gonna make it that much harder to make armor that matches if your gloves are from easter and your helmet’s from christmas.

It may be hard to make it work, at least in your opinion, although maybe there’s someone who wants a “Seasonal Festivity” themed set, with pieces from all around the year. Unfortunately we’ll never get the opportunity to see, because it’s literally impossible to match a backpiece with another backpiece. What we want is the opportunity to use more than one of these rewards together instead of just storing the spare ones in the bank or putting them on different characters.