World completion is a kick in the teeth
World completion is needed for one and only one thing: legendary weapons… and those are meant to show at least a somewhat global understanding of the game, including WvW.
Honestly, I’m more than a little shocked they all but removed the badge of honour requirement by way of achievement chests.
TL;DR: no.
I don’t see any achievements that go the opposite way. Not a single one that can be almost 95% completed doing nothing but PvP and then requires an enormous grueling amount of PvE to grind out the last 5%,
Map completion
Nope, because the PvP player won’t spend anywhere near the amount of time doing PvE map completion as it takes waiting on server spawn rotations to finish getting the wvw maps completed. It’s not even close. Maybe, if it required full poi and story completion for every dungeon it would start getting closer, but it doesn’t.
That is just my experience. It took me far longer to get pve complete than wvw.
World completion is needed for one and only one thing: legendary weapons… and those are meant to show at least a somewhat global understanding of the game, including WvW.
Honestly, I’m more than a little shocked they all but removed the badge of honour requirement by way of achievement chests.
TL;DR: no.
Then maybe they should come up with a different requirement for legendary weapons? I don’t care if world completion is only “needed” for that. I care that I, a player who enjoys PvE, played their entire game, and got 100% completion in every area, and watched my achievement climb all the way up to the very tippy top almost done percentage, and then when I went to research what I’d done wrong, since to the best of my knowledge I was done, I got dropped in the horrible zerg around the roses nightmare of wvw. It’s like doing a Queensdale champion train, only with more repair costs and less chance of getting anything I want. Oh, and just for fun, I have to do it three times on the same map, just to rub salt in to the wounds I got when I cut myself while slicing lemons. Some of us just like achievements for their own sake.
You think having a legendary weapon should require some type of global understanding, then that’s fine, make it it’s own achievement with other PvE, SPvP, and WvW titles as requirements, and I’ll never worry about getting it. But the way World Completion is set up, it feels like they tricked me into thinking I was working on a PvE achievement, and then at the end yelled out “surprise! Just kidding.”
Back in the day achievement chests and WvW rank chests didn’t give massive amounts of badges of honor. Assuming that every two kills would drop a badge you would need 1,000 kills to get the 500 badges. WvW has always been a basic requirement for having a legendary. Try to be proactive and do WvW world comp when your server is a different color, and when they are pushing into the enemy borderlands.
we’ve all seen what happens in games where there’s no disadvantage to taking your pants off.
I don’t see any achievements that go the opposite way. Not a single one that can be almost 95% completed doing nothing but PvP and then requires an enormous grueling amount of PvE to grind out the last 5%, maybe, if they get lucky and wait for perfect conditions for months while doing something they don’t enjoy.
Except that that’s the exact situation for every WvW-only player who wants a legendary.
I didn’t like completing the WvW maps either, particularly Borderlands 2 and 3, but I did it, and so did lots of other people. And you know what? Looking back, it wasn’t so bad. The worst part was the waiting. I had more actual trouble completing maps like Malchor’s and certain vistas.
You want that star by your name? Well, you’ve got to earn it. Anyway, doing things you don’t want to do is good for you. Builds character.
(edited by Kalarchis.8635)
pretty much what xactactx, kalarchis and others said… despite the massive inconvenience that is waiting for my server (Kaineng) to go blue (or it is green? whichever is on next rotation) in order for me to get my last two PoIs (the two borderlands outposts near the main castle) i have in fact gotten 100% map completion on the previous incarnation of my sylvari ranger and i plan to get it for every single char i have (currently at 15 materialised out of 40 total, one for each race/profession combo)
whether you look at it from a gameplay, lore, PvP, PvE or simple WvWvW point of view, the Mists are part of the game and one should not claim the title and star without dipping their toes (up to the eyeballs) in a little cross-server mayhem. at the very least it is good training for other aspects of the game
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I just wish my server would be something other than blue, I could see it being less of a problem on a server that changes often.