WvW PVP + Alt + F4 = Win? (Logout exploit)

WvW PVP + Alt + F4 = Win? (Logout exploit)

in Suggestions

Posted by: Eretik.1826


Recently many people use logout exploit to avoid death when go to downstate or lose fight.
Are you planning to do something with this issue?

It would be nice if you add 10 seconds logout timer for players in combat state.

For now, do I need to report these players for exploit use or consider this kind of “immortality?” as a part of normal gameplay?
If I need to report them, how to do that?

WvW PVP + Alt + F4 = Win? (Logout exploit)

in Suggestions

Posted by: Auesis.7301


I can’t stand this. I missed 10 kills in a ROW just by this stupid method. Simply disable all methods of menu/shortcut interaction while downed = instafix.

Gnome Child [Gc]
Resident Thief

WvW PVP + Alt + F4 = Win? (Logout exploit)

in Suggestions

Posted by: GADefence.5634


. . . Auesis, you just proposed turning GW2 into malware.

A better solution is to leave people in for 2 minutes if they are in combat. This is how most games fix this.

WvW PVP + Alt + F4 = Win? (Logout exploit)

in Suggestions

Posted by: Auesis.7301


I meant within the game, not globally.

Gnome Child [Gc]
Resident Thief

WvW PVP + Alt + F4 = Win? (Logout exploit)

in Suggestions

Posted by: Xatik.2071


There are a lot of games out already and most of them solved this problem. So, I dont think that we should advise arena.net how to solve it. But we sure do need to make them solve it fast!
I have to say that with each day more and more players use “logout exploit”. A month ago it was 1 player a day and now, its like 1 of 3 is logging.

I’d be glad to hear from devs a word or two.

WvW PVP + Alt + F4 = Win? (Logout exploit)

in Suggestions

Posted by: Wapakalypse.7038


Also, if you jump down the cliff and go character screen before hitting the ground. You somehow lose all the falling speed and land on the ground without taking the fall damage. However, this should not work in WvW where you will be ported out but then again you wont die.


WvW PVP + Alt + F4 = Win? (Logout exploit)

in Suggestions

Posted by: Larkir.6502


Also, if you jump down the cliff and go character screen before hitting the ground. You somehow lose all the falling speed and land on the ground without taking the fall damage. However, this should not work in WvW where you will be ported out but then again you wont die.

If this is true then that could be seen as an exploit in PvE where waypoints cost money, but I don’t see this as an issue in WvW specifically since it doesn’t matter if you hit the ground there. The armor doesn’t break if you die from falling damage and the waypoints are free. The only thing that this impacts is the survivor achievements. However, lifetime survivor is still bugged I believe and the monthly survivor achievement thing is usually easily obtainable anyway.

WvW PVP + Alt + F4 = Win? (Logout exploit)

in Suggestions

Posted by: zbrkesbr.4173


Thats pretty much useless exploit because you’ll have to waste a lot of time on queues every time you do it. When/If they introduce “grace time” after disconnect – that would be another story.

As it is now – you have less enemies to worry about every time someone does it. For quick fix – forced kill of disconnected players if they are downed and in WvW would suffice (with full consequences like armor break and exp/loot awards).

War doesn’t determine who is right, only who is left.

(edited by zbrkesbr.4173)

WvW PVP + Alt + F4 = Win? (Logout exploit)

in Suggestions

Posted by: PetroZaa.1046


Thats pretty much useless exploit because you’ll have to waste a lot of time on queues every time you do it. When/If they introduce “grace time” after disconnect – that would be another story.

As it is now – you have less enemies to worry about every time someone does it. For quick fix – forced kill of disconnected players if they are downed and in WvW would suffice (with full consequences like armor break and exp/loot awards).

I think you play only in the prime server time on high pop server.

The facts are:
-there are no queues on med pop servers
-there are queues to EB in the evening(prime time) on high pop servs + minor queues to B Lands
-there are queues on full servers in the end of the day and till the late night
-In the rest of the time there are no queues at all.

As we know WvW is endless fight without cofeebreaks. So logoff exploit is not useless.

But I dont play WvW coz of capturing points… I am playing it coz I want fun… and its not fun dew to logoffski epidemic.
I think nobody wants play a pvp game without a possibility to kill enemy character.

WvW PVP + Alt + F4 = Win? (Logout exploit)

in Suggestions

Posted by: LOCO.1785


Thats pretty much useless exploit because you’ll have to waste a lot of time on queues every time you do it. When/If they introduce “grace time” after disconnect – that would be another story.

As it is now – you have less enemies to worry about every time someone does it. For quick fix – forced kill of disconnected players if they are downed and in WvW would suffice (with full consequences like armor break and exp/loot awards).

What queues? There’s only queues on the weekends on my server, which has a full population. So log outters can keep abusing this all during the week with no consequences.

+1 for implementing a 10 grace period on logout. It’s already in most MMOs and is the simplest method for deterring this exploit.

WvW PVP + Alt + F4 = Win? (Logout exploit)

in Suggestions

Posted by: Raffie.7865


I been telling people to use ATL+F4 to be in GOD MODE for 10sec.

www.infowars.com and also lookup Agenda 21
www.graystatemovie.com its coming if you like it or not.