WvW jumping puzzles
yak’s bend has 7-10 ppl at the end of the dark room setup with an arrow cart. they arnt trying to do the puzzle. they just troll.
That’s part of the point of the puzzle.
You get WvW rewards for going through a gauntlet in a pvp zone. Do what some others do and take the fight to them in the puzzle- it is doable.
My moves are fresh, like my groceries.
uh no. this is stupid. these ppl are just trolling. there are a bunch of them and they went out of their way to bring a SIEGE GOLLEM and an ARROW CART into the eternal battlegrounds jumping puzzle. this isnt how it was “ment” to be. you are probably one of the ones on the trolling end of things so you think its ok. have you been trolled by Yak’s bend lately? its not fun. They are purposely not completeing the jump puzzle themselves so they can just sit there and troll others. This is not the right way to go about making pvp jumping puzzles. Some guildies and I discussed it and here are some of the ideas we came up with as a solution to this problem:
1: neutral area. no fighting.
2: pvp area but no blueprints allowed
3: pvp area but everyone that enters gets invulnerable buff until they attack someone else, thus you can pvp if you want to but you cant troll innocent ppl trying to do the puzzle.
4: put a lockout timer on the puzzle. if you are in for a certain period of time you get ejected and a debuff put on you so you cant go back in for a certain length of time.
I still am rooting for the neutral area option seeing as how i am disgusted with PvP in this game and want no part of it. I only want the gift of battle.
Actually i have been gettiing consistently trolled by Crystal Desert so no, i am not a troll defending my abusive play styles.
As for your suggestions i like 2 and 4 and think they are reasonable. 1 and 3 remove too much risk in my opinion. And the gift of battle is supposed to be a mark of achievement in the WvW zones. They shouldn’t introduce a method of acquiring it that is devoid of pvp. If they want to change the recipe of legendary weapons fine, but the badges should not be acquirable without having to risk pvp encounters.
My moves are fresh, like my groceries.
personally I do not think PvP should be part of the monthly, nor part of the legendaries.
I think they should be seperate.
PvP monthly = w/e achieve you can think of, half the reward of the current monthly = 10 coins 5 jugs.
PvE monthly = w/e achieve you can think of, half the reward of the current monthly = 10 coins 5 jugs.
For those that WANT to do both, go for it. For those that think PvP is kitten just do PvE.
Same for legendaries, have diff legendaries be in diff areas. PvP version. PvE version. make them slightly different skins. w/e. I shouldnt have to do something I hate to obtain something I like. Its a game. ment to be enjoyed. not to cause frustration.
By that logic then exploration should be removed from the legendary because i dislike exploring. There should be a separate set of legendaries for exploration.
I agree with the monthly commend, but i think that the legendary should be obtained from experiencing multiple aspects of the game. I believe pvp should remain one of those aspects.
My moves are fresh, like my groceries.
Accusing someone of trolling the jumping puzzle who happens to things things are fine the way things are is unfair. I encountered it often when trying to get my 500 badges. Just gather a bunch of people and charge at them or get a mesmer to get up to the top and port everyone.
and what if my guild doesnt like pvp? did it ever occure to you that getting these “people” is actually rather difficult seeing as how most NORMAL players want to pvp in the actual pvp areas. Keeps, outposts, etc etc. No one cares if they see a shout “we need help in the jumping puzzle!”
Think about it from another person point of view. Not just your own.
I’m sure this system is fantastic for those yaks bend guys that are doing the trolling. But its kitten for everyone else.
If you cannot coordinate to complete a goal or objective in WvW you do not complete it- that is how server based pvp works. There needs to be solo based objectives in WvW i agree- whether or not this should be one i cannot decide as i think the team based aspect of it at the moment is quite good.
My moves are fresh, like my groceries.
I was. I don’t actually have a guild since I never cared much for them. You team up with others in the puzzle. If there are none then try again at another time.
hah. yah ok. we have a small server, so ill take my 2, maybe 3 if im lucky, ppl from my server that are doing the puzzle and well take on those 10-12 yaks bend with a siege gollem and arrow cart. mmmkay. ill get right on that. thx for the tip.
You could also change to their server but then you’re stuck there for 7 days.
You could also change to their server but then you’re stuck there for 7 days.
wow. really? i was waiting for that suggestion. hah…you ppl will defend your trolling habits to the death.
Seperate jumping puzzles in pvp. Im done with this thread.
You could also change to their server but then you’re stuck there for 7 days.
wow. really? i was waiting for that suggestion. hah…you ppl will defend your trolling habits to the death.
Seperate jumping puzzles in pvp. Im done with this thread.
Your responses are childish- you have offered good suggestions, but you need to work on accepting criticism.
My moves are fresh, like my groceries.
The puzzles are in a pvp zone and give pvp rewards. Therefore, they are important enough to defend and also important enough to try and complete. This makes them a pvp objective.
Why would it make sense for a jumping puzzle in WvW to be a neutral zone or frankly any of the other suggestions you made? I too personally sometimes get frustrated when I get killed doing the WvW jumping puzzles, but is there anything wrong with them in my opinion? No.
You get siege blueprints for completing the puzzles, therefore stopping the enemy teams from being able to complete the puzzle has a tangible benefit. You are denying the enemy team from obtaining free siege equipment that they would then use to break down your gates. Granted you are right, some people are there with the sole purpose of trolling, but that doesn’t change anything. Much in the same way that you’re not going to take a keep by yourself, you can’t take an organized emplaced group by yourself. I’ve not seen a single place that you can’t get people out of with teamwork or even just a large number of bodies.
If there’s no one else there or no one seems to care enough to help you, then well I don’t know what to tell you except sorry, try again later. You couldn’t beat them, you don’t have a right to complete the jumping puzzle, just like you don’t have a right for them to let you into their keep so you can get the point of interest to complete your map exploration.
Sigh. Think of it as a fortrass that gives blueprints rather than points. It’s the only non-scoring objective left in WvW.
Not that I care much for this thread, but how do you explain a terrain filled with mountains, cliffs, tight corners, rigged traps and irritating jumping areas be considered a good place to PvP?
Sea of Sorrows
Personally, the big reason I wish they did something like Ashontear’s suggestion is that I would be all for leaving the PVP jumping puzzles as a PVP resource – except it’s not just for PVP. It’s also part of a pre-requisite that has absolutely nothing to do with PVP (getting the Gift of Battle if you don’t want to have to fight people). There’s a lot of great PVP-oriented arguments in favor of leaving it as is, like the resources argument or the fact it’s in a competitive zone.
But I don’t think it’s particularly nice that in order to get PVE rewards (map completion, a legendary) that you have no choice but to either PVP or deal with PVP at the PVP jump puzzles. There should be some neutral option for people who are forced to be there when they don’t want to, or can’t handle, PVP.
Some friends of mine tried to walk me through the jump puzzles the other day, because I dearly want to be able to earn the Kudzu bow, but I have anxiety issues that prevent me from being able to handle or enjoy PVP competition. It was a complete disaster because the other team was camping the midway point of the puzzle, so I had to completely write off ever getting a legendary.
The jumping puzzle should be a safety valve where players who don’t want to PVP can get what the game forces them to collect and get out. It really shouldn’t be yet another PVP resource too. That’s my two cents, at least, and I know I’m in an extreme minority because my condition makes even the jump puzzles too scary as is – but I think it’d be nice to have some way for a pure PVE-er to collect what is primarily PVE content.
It’s PvP, if you were expecting not to get killed by other PLAYERS in a PvP zone, you’re an idiot.
If you think PvPing in such terrains that contain jumping obstacles, tight corners and elevated mountain areas is completely acceptable, then your the idiot.
Sea of Sorrows
(edited by YumCHA.8706)
Isn’t that the reason they have three wells spaced out within the puzzle that give you 5 minutes of invisibility each? I was under the impression that those were put there for people who weren’t interested in the PvP aspect of the puzzle.
You probably didn’t know about that, Hisuichan, don’t give up on your Legendary!
Well, you can use the fountains to be invisible for 5 minutes. I’ve seen enemies run straight past me when I was in that mode, and it lasts long enough to get you through it. No, it doesn’t stop AoE griefing, but it would help you slip by some of the mokittengeted attacks.
(ninja’d – that’s what I get for not hitting refresh before I type my reply I guess)
Sadly the invisibility does not stop people from seeing the dust clouds when you land. So people can still take a strategic position and spam ranged stun attacks at the platforms till they hit you. You may never make it to the top, or even close enough to hit them.
The idea of invisibility fountains is great, but it should actually make you completely invisible, not partially. If people can still see the dust clouds, then you might as well still be visible.
yea the invisibility fountains are nice but they don’t last long enough for those just trying it out to finish. I have finished the puzzle at best 9.5 mins with speed boosts. I also know the puzzle rather well. Guess you got to die by trial by fire in EB.
I like the fact of jumping puzzles in the PvP area, but the siege equipment definitely needs to go. There are already flame and spike traps to grief people without the constant cripple or combat slow or knock down from getting hit by siege from an area you can’t get to. Some classes are better than others like the mesmer and necro at pulling people down but if you are a class without a pull then you have no way of combating some of the EVIL tactics the griefers have cooked up. (fear trap on end of the dark room is my personal favorite 2nd only to the arrow cart on the chandoller.)
Stonehenge Grr – [Heap]
If you think PvPing in such terrains that contain jumping obstacles, tight corners and elevated mountain areas is completely acceptable, then your the idiot.
It is acceptable, I was facing 3 other invaders vs me. I killed them all due to taking advantage of the terrain (near the fire trap after the well staircase thing). I jumped to the top, mystic dagger jumped down, steal, C&D then get back up there. Initiative is fully recharged, rinse and repeat.
Just need to learn how to play really
this isnt how it was “ment” to be.
Don’t think the devs planned to have mesmers exploiting the whole thing with portals either.
Although puzzles are on pvp zone, things like camping and building siege engines on the puzzles is way too much. Why?
Let’s think. What does a guild gain camping a player? Nothing. Then it’s nonsense and unfair.
They aren’t doing the puzzle, they’re trolling. And something should be done about it.
Only a stupid person would lose his/her time to make someone lose his/her time. Period.
Honestly , this is the eternal circle in MMOs.
The grief this causes players to change servers , and then ofc , they will grief other players on vengeance.
Nothing against this , im already used to the eternal wheel.
You could argue some do it to farm kills for the monthly or to farm badges.
So you want a pvp reward but don’t want to put in the effort… that’s not going to happen,
if you don’t want to be killed by other players, you can go back to PvE and being killed by npcs
saying it should be a pvp free zone is ridiculous, then there would be no point in it existing in the mists at all, having the traps etc usable by players adds another dimension to the fun
imho its all fair game.
“They aren’t doing the puzzle, they’re trolling.”
they’re not trolling they are getting WvW kills, you know the ones you need for the monthly, or for fun, not sure how you equate killing other players in the PVP area of the game to trolling
its not hard to do what i do and run all the puzzles during off peak when its relatively empty, if people are camping its not hard to go do something else for a while and come back or even kill them
Edit: also where are these invisibility wells, ive never seen them <_<
everything is working as intended.
please do not blame the game if you are unable to defeat your enemies.
Not that I care much for this thread, but how do you explain a terrain filled with mountains, cliffs, tight corners, rigged traps and irritating jumping areas be considered a good place to PvP?
Launches exist. Launches are no better than knockdowns without cliffs to throw people off of.
Also, go watch the fight between the Dread Pirate Roberts and Inigo Montoya. Or any Indiana Jones film.
(edited by Illiander.8049)
By that logic then exploration should be removed from the legendary because i dislike exploring. There should be a separate set of legendaries for exploration.
I agree with the monthly commend, but i think that the legendary should be obtained from experiencing multiple aspects of the game. I believe pvp should remain one of those aspects.
On that note we have an experience with RNG from the Mystic clovers- remove the precursor