/dance as a "Weapon set".

/dance as a "Weapon set".

in Suggestions

Posted by: GustavoM.7605


Like, a player’s weapon skill set changes to five different “moves” while /dance’ing, that can be improved/adquired via the Cash Shop. And also changed based on the player’s preferences.

Something like:

1- Twist
2- Shout
3- Spin
4- Jump
5- (Change to a different move list)

So, my dear reader….what do you think? Leave your thoughts right below, and help this suggestion flow.

/dance as a "Weapon set".

in Suggestions

Posted by: Ryuujin.8236


I love this idea xD – so practical and fits in with what we already have in the game mechanics.

If not as /dance, then as a “toy” town clothing slot item

The Ashwalker – Ranger
Garnished Toast

/dance as a "Weapon set".

in Suggestions

Posted by: dangerhunt.2607


That’s a great idea, I would definitly support that. Please arena net, make this happen!

/dance as a "Weapon set".

in Suggestions

Posted by: drwookie.6391


It also fits in well with the cash shop…I’d buy some nice dance moves for my A sura.

/dance as a "Weapon set".

in Suggestions

Posted by: Onshidesigns.1069


Expanding on that:

The Skill Bar is made up of:
*1-5 weapon skills
*6-10 utility skills, healing, elite

Add one button on the hud to turn the Skill Bar into a
emotion bar.

Skill 1-5 can have options like:
Dancing skills
Boxing skills

6-10 will be for other animations

/dance as a "Weapon set".

in Suggestions

Posted by: Jack of Tears.9458

Jack of Tears.9458

I could get into this, totally.

I’m sorry I stepped outta yer box, don’ worry, if
ya whine enough they’ll put me right back.

/dance as a "Weapon set".

in Suggestions

Posted by: Ronah.2869


This idea is awesome. The button for swapping skill bars can be placed at the right, as opposite to the weapon swap button as it is now. Emote icons will be equipped like any utility skill.

/dance as a "Weapon set".

in Suggestions

Posted by: MithranArkanere.8957


This would make a neat town Toy.
There could also be instrument town toys that work much like the Organ when equipped, changing skills.

That way, you could have a band of players actually playing hideous music while some other players dance horribly.

It’ll be lots of fun.

No exceptions!

/dance as a "Weapon set".

in Suggestions

Posted by: Onshidesigns.1069


Expanding on that:

The Skill Bar is made up of:
*1-5 weapon skills
*6-10 utility skills, healing, elite

Add one button on the hud to turn the Skill Bar into a
emotion bar.

Skill 1-5 can have options like:
Dancing skills
Boxing skills

6-10 will be for other animations

Combine this with the dueling system when it’s released. Could make for some fun dueling games.
*drinking contests

/dance as a "Weapon set".

in Suggestions

Posted by: Jaded.8591


I Love this idea! I hope it happens


/dance as a "Weapon set".

in Suggestions

Posted by: GustavoM.7605


I haven’t suggested this as a town toy as a way to let this more “free”, instead of making a player to join a specific town to use this feature.

Oh, and… just a “plus”: Adding “dancing moves” that can only be performed with two, three or even ten people simultaneously can let this even more neat. Something like, a player invites two/three other players to a party, and (Group-specific moves goes here) becomes available for the group to use.

Also I really hope this idea Is taken into consideration with the GW2 team. The ideas of dancing moves can be endless, leaving this as a nice (and viable) cosmetic option for everyone.

-EDIT- About that thing I said about “improving” a dance move. Let’s say that every player starts with five moves, that s/he can change the order how the moves are set accordingly (Exactly how everyone can change utility/heal and elite skills: Click, and a “move list” will be shown. Also ones that haven’t been unlocked yet.) and all those moves looks goofy and/or badly coordinated. Then, a “improved” version of that same move will be available on the Cash Shop. Something like, “Groovy level 2”. And when the player “unlocks” the next ranking of that move, that same move will be improved, and will look “less goofy”. Until the “ultimate move”, that looks all perfect and edilaydila. You get the idea.

(edited by GustavoM.7605)

/dance as a "Weapon set".

in Suggestions

Posted by: drwookie.6391


The group thing…they could apply the combo field mechanic….

Certain dance moves lay a combo field, and then other dance moves change depending on the combo!!

/dance as a "Weapon set".

in Suggestions

Posted by: Adine.2184


Like, a player’s weapon skill set changes to five different “moves” while /dance’ing, that can be improved/adquired via the Cash Shop. And also changed based on the player’s preferences.

Something like:

1- Twist
2- Shout
3- Spin
4- Jump
5- (Change to a different move list)

So, my dear reader….what do you think? Leave your thoughts right below, and help this suggestion flow.

“lets twist again like we did last summer . Lets twist again like we did last yeeear.”

Does that tell you my stance?

/dance as a "Weapon set".

in Suggestions

Posted by: Pandemoniac.4739


I love the toy concept in this game, an I think this suggestion takes it to the next level. You know we will need musical instruments next, right?

Don’t ever think you know what’s right for the other person.
He might start thinking he knows what’s right for you.
—Paul Williams

/dance as a "Weapon set".

in Suggestions

Posted by: Donari.5237


I love everyone in this thread, and support you all. Custom dancing yes please!

/dance as a "Weapon set".

in Suggestions

Posted by: Corian.4068


These are good ideas and need to happen. I am more than fine with the gem store having little things like this for fun, rather than being used an option to pay money to bypass the deliberately annoying or deliberately inadequate things about the game.

Hit level eighty
Priorities, what to do?
Spend hours with dye

/dance as a "Weapon set".

in Suggestions

Posted by: GummiBear.2756


what a genius idea, totally support

/dance as a "Weapon set".

in Suggestions

Posted by: bwillb.2165


I could be wrong, but isn’t that how dancing worked in Star Wars Galaxies?

/dance as a "Weapon set".

in Suggestions

Posted by: Vick.6805


All of this would be incredible, especially if combined with town clothes options.

/dance as a "Weapon set".

in Suggestions

Posted by: GustavoM.7605


The group thing…they could apply the combo field mechanic….

Certain dance moves lay a combo field, and then other dance moves change depending on the combo!!

The idea of giving suggestions to this part of forum are those that adds something new to the current game mechanics. Combos looks a fun addition, but I somewhat doubt one of the devs will spend his time on trying to add such a thing to this game. Don’t take me wrong: Your idea Is nice, but somewhat impossible to happen due to the nature of this part of the forum. Feel free to prove I’m wrong, tho.

All of this would be incredible, especially if combined with town clothes options.

Or to look goofy while WvW’in. Or, who knows… private dancing tournaments.

I am more than fine with the gem store having little things like this for fun, rather than being used an option to pay money to bypass the deliberately annoying or deliberately inadequate things about the game.

So do I. “Dancing moves” can be as harmless as clothes (Or even better than, In a matter of “profit”) since It’s something that everyone likes and enjoys. And the best of all: Does not hurt the game nature In any way.

“lets twist again like we did last summer . Lets twist again like we did last yeeear.”

Does that tell you my stance?

Excuse me while I make a asura called “Chubby Checker”.

(edited by GustavoM.7605)

/dance as a "Weapon set".

in Suggestions

Posted by: Spike.3087


I support this. It’s goofy, but sounds really fun.

/dance as a "Weapon set".

in Suggestions

Posted by: Pandemoniac.4739


The idea of giving suggestions to this part of forum are those that adds something new to the current game mechanics. Combos looks a fun addition, but I somewhat doubt one of the devs will spend his time on trying to add such a thing to this game.

Well, because none of us have any idea how hard or how easy something is to implement, I think we should offer whatever we come up with and let the Devs sort it out. Besides, sometimes crazy ideas inspire other more practical ideas, so I say keep them coming.

Don’t ever think you know what’s right for the other person.
He might start thinking he knows what’s right for you.
—Paul Williams

/dance as a "Weapon set".

in Suggestions

Posted by: Onshidesigns.1069


With a dual system you could also have a Dance Off Dual. Each move would work like a attack.

/dance as a "Weapon set".

in Suggestions

Posted by: GustavoM.7605


Allow me to add a bit more of feedback with a few “dancing moves” ideas:

- Air punch (right hand)
- Air punch (left hand)
- Walk backyards (left foot)
- Walk backyards (right foot)
- Knee drop
- “Groovy” wave hand (right hand)
- “Groovy” wave hand (left hand)
- http://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_detailpage&v=oRlT8ZoExGU#t=48s <- ^ This.

As you may already notice, the basic idea Is to give /dance a “Do It yourself” feel.

(edited by GustavoM.7605)