how to help condition builds in pve
condition damage was not designed as primary source of damage for any class
Its like seasoning on steak
If you try to build primary condition damage build it would be like taking lots of seasoning and then add little of steak
It just wont work
condition damage was not designed as primary source of damage for any class
Can you look at a Necromancer and say that with a straight face?
DODGE!!! –
The problem lays in crediting …
The general “replace 25s of bleeding into [deep wound]” has been suggested multiple times before. And the general three problems are:
- How do you get credited for inflicting bleed? Your bleed disappears, deep wound appears, but whose condition is it?
- What’s the damage of deep wound? Everyone has different condition damage, so which to choose? a fixed one ?
- What duration will the new condition have? Same as condition damage …
If I understand you correctly, instead of replacing the 25 stacks of bleed, you want to create a new status, which is active when you have 25 bleedings (30s burned, 60s poisoned) and during that time conditions deal more damage. But this doesn’t change the unfairness of the limit or the server stress on calculating tick based effects 25 times a second. It would just increase the damage a bit when you’re in a zerg.
What conditions need is more damage in PvE, not additional damage when you’re zerging a high hp boss. And for bosses they’d need to cut the limit so anyone can inflict his/ her bleeding without being replaced by the “stronger one”. I know … those limits are for server performance, so it’s rather a technical limit than a design one.
I’d rather suggest that once you stacked up 25 bleeds, their damage will be applied instantly. Meaning … you applied a 10s bleed with 100 dmg/tick, someone filled the stack to 25 and your bleeding will be turned into instant 1000 damage instead of ticking. Same can be done with poison and burning. This will not only improve condition builds, but also be quite effective with stacking parties. It’d solve both problems when you manage to stack up to the limit.
I’m kindof a newb, so sorry if I’m over-simplifying this…but is it possible the problem isn’t that the game is broken because you can’t put conditions on a creature, but that a creature already has conditions on it and you are unwilling to adapt?
When I’m fighting a big monster, I’ll glance up at the conditions it’s suffering from. If it’s already suffering from a condition, I don’t use a skill that inflicts that condition. If a creature is suffering from every condition I can give it, I switch over to my daggers and start stabbing away! Is that harder to do at higher levels or something?
-Romulan proverb
condition damage was not designed as primary source of damage for any class
Its like seasoning on steak
If you try to build primary condition damage build it would be like taking lots of seasoning and then add little of steak
It just wont work
That isn’t correct. If this were the case, then condi builds in general would be considerably weak, and the Necro would not be billed as a master of conditions. Based on the number of skills that deal conditions of one sort or another, combined with the fact that most such skills deal more condition damage than direct damage regardless of build, it seems pretty clear that the devs intended for condi builds to be a significant option in build design. Not to mention the fact that some classes that have very few viable builds to begin with because of lack of skill balance, often are best when used as a condi build. And even beyond that, with classes that have more options to choose from for viable builds, condi builds are often among the most powerful for PvE. The Necromancer alone has the ability to stack 25 bleeds single handed if they choose, even as a hybrid build. The Ele can inflict constant burning single handed if they choose, a chaos Mesmer with staff can inflict major condi damage. A condi traps Ranger is one of the only viable builds for Ranger. Condi Eng can be highly effective and valued in dungeons.
I personally see two problems with conditions mechanics in-game. First, the damage from a high-condi build in solo scenarios often outstrips direct raw damage builds, except against objects (which are immune). And second, the deminishing returns and overall damage loss that is suffered when more than one condi build character focuses on the same target (as happens frequently in DEs, and Dungeon PUGs).
The game was supposed to encourage informal grouping and provide methods of synergy between multiple characters to reward group efforts, hence the combo system. But the way conditions mechanics work, condi builds are actually punished for grouping, not rewarded, because of the way condition stacking is handled. For example, take any Group DE with a Champion: If you have say 3+ warriors all built for raw direct damage and little to no conditions, they all get full damage effect, and adding an additional warrior that is built for raw direct damage, the new warrior will also get full damage effect, and the previous ones will maintain their full damage as well. On the other hand, if you have an Ele against the same target that is built for constant Burning condition, and then you add in another character that uses Burning as well (say a chaos staff Mesmer), then the new character looses all of their Burning damage, and the overall damage output of the group is less than the sum of its parts. This isn’t acceptable. And despite the fact that the devs stated months ago that they were looking at ways to improve conditions and condi builds, nothing has changed.
OP’s suggestion of adding a new automatic condition that triggers when other conditions are in full force isn’t half bad, but I think it fails to address some of the general problems with conditions overall. While it would help in terms of condition stacking from multiple sources, I’m not sure it goes far enough in that regard. I, instead, would like to see condition caps scale based on the power and difficulty of the target. So trash MOBs would probably remain unchanged, because they die so quickly already anyway, while Veterans could allow 1.5 sets of stacking (that is, intensity stack cap increased to 37, and duration stacks would add a second stack of intensity at half damage once full duration cap was achieved), and Champions would have their cap increased to double, while targets that increase their HP based on the number of players attacking them could also have increased condition stacking beyond double once they reach a certain HP increase threshold.
That would make conditions probably a bit OP at that point, so reducing base condition damage for skills a little probably would be justified. Since condi damage often is superior to raw direct damage when solo anyway, a slight reduction in condi power overall at the baseline probably isn’t a bad idea anyway.
Then, to address the issues of condi builds having almost zero effectiveness against objects compared to direct damage builds, the devs could implement a system where the raw direct damage from any skill that deals condi damage is increased against objects proportionate to roughly 50% of the condi damage that is ignored.
I’m kindof a newb, so sorry if I’m over-simplifying this…but is it possible the problem isn’t that the game is broken because you can’t put conditions on a creature, but that a creature already has conditions on it and you are unwilling to adapt?
When I’m fighting a big monster, I’ll glance up at the conditions it’s suffering from. If it’s already suffering from a condition, I don’t use a skill that inflicts that condition. If a creature is suffering from every condition I can give it, I switch over to my daggers and start stabbing away! Is that harder to do at higher levels or something?
That’s all well and good for a build that has that kind of flexibility, but most condi builds are not flexible in that way. A build that is designed to rely on conditions can certainly stop using those conditions, but then they loose the vast majority of their damage. It doesn’t matter if they loose it because of stack caps, or lose it because of not using it because of the stack caps, either way, they still lose that damage. There are not so many viable hybrid builds out there that just anyone can choose not to use their conditions and still expect to remain effective. The point is that condi builds should not loose half or more of their damage potential just because there is another condi build attacking the same target with the same conditions. Players should not be punished for grouping, and group overall damage should not be reduced just because two characters use the same type of condition heavily. And the fact that condi builds suffer from such damage reduction, while direct damage builds do not, is grossly unjust.
I’m kindof a newb, so sorry if I’m over-simplifying this…but is it possible the problem isn’t that the game is broken because you can’t put conditions on a creature, but that a creature already has conditions on it and you are unwilling to adapt?
When I’m fighting a big monster, I’ll glance up at the conditions it’s suffering from. If it’s already suffering from a condition, I don’t use a skill that inflicts that condition. If a creature is suffering from every condition I can give it, I switch over to my daggers and start stabbing away! Is that harder to do at higher levels or something?
That’s all well and good for a build that has that kind of flexibility, but most condi builds are not flexible in that way. A build that is designed to rely on conditions can certainly stop using those conditions, but then they loose the vast majority of their damage. It doesn’t matter if they loose it because of stack caps, or lose it because of not using it because of the stack caps, either way, they still lose that damage. There are not so many viable hybrid builds out there that just anyone can choose not to use their conditions and still expect to remain effective. The point is that condi builds should not loose half or more of their damage potential just because there is another condi build attacking the same target with the same conditions. Players should not be punished for grouping, and group overall damage should not be reduced just because two characters use the same type of condition heavily. And the fact that condi builds suffer from such damage reduction, while direct damage builds do not, is grossly unjust.
^^This. I main a Necro, and I am fully specced for condition damage. If you half that, I’m essentially useless.
You could do :
In PvE, when you apply a stack of condition that goes above the cap, the stack that is dropped will instantly apply all it’s damage potential at once.
Should be rather balanced since as far as I know, ANet didn’t balance a single class or build with the condition cap in mind.
You could do :
In PvE, when you apply a stack of condition that goes above the cap, the stack that is dropped will instantly apply all it’s damage potential at once.
Should be rather balanced since as far as I know, ANet didn’t balance a single class or build with the condition cap in mind.
I think that is basically what Nretep was suggesting. The problem I see there is that it could result in extreme damage spikes once the stack caps are filled, especially with Burning, which has very high damage numbers when full duration. It might be more reasonable to instead calculate the remaining damage from the stack that has the least duration remaining on it, then drop that stack (the one with least remaining duration) and deal that stack’s remaining pro-rated damage all at once.
I think that is basically what Nretep was suggesting. The problem I see there is that it could result in extreme damage spikes once the stack caps are filled, especially with Burning, which has very high damage numbers when full duration. It might be more reasonable to instead calculate the remaining damage from the stack that has the least duration remaining on it, then drop that stack (the one with least remaining duration) and deal that stack’s remaining pro-rated damage all at once.
It was what I’ve been suggesting, indeed.
Here, your reasoning isn’t correct. While it would actually deal spiking damage once in a while it would only do that at the exact moment of the replacement. The raw damage per second remains the same as when no limit would exist (givien infinite time). The damage output would just be a bit sooner. I wouldn’t think that’d cause problems. You’re either outnumbering the boss and the spike pops every 2s and it’s comparable to having no cap or you’re barely hitting the cap (in a 5 man party) and you barely get any spikes. The high HP of the mobs (which last 25 stacks) evens the sudden spikes out.
Making “only replace the first bleed with instant damage” wouldn’t make much difference. Basically the same in another order. But here you don’t seem to want it to hit the cap like in my suggestion. It’d especially create problems due to priorization of conditions. Imagine 3 sources of burning with different malice numbers. High, mid and low. While the high one ticks in general due to priorization. The low one will tick due to replacement. The mid one would barely tick … or at least as the last.
I dunno if bleed-replacing also follows the “replace the weakest”-rule. If yes, it’d cause the same problems.
The problem lays in crediting …
The general “replace 25s of bleeding into [deep wound]” has been suggested multiple times before. And the general three problems are:
- How do you get credited for inflicting bleed? Your bleed disappears, deep wound appears, but whose condition is it?
- What’s the damage of deep wound? Everyone has different condition damage, so which to choose? a fixed one ?
- What duration will the new condition have? Same as condition damage …
the debuff is untied to a player its tied to the target when the target have a condi cap the debuff starts on a fix 3 sec unaffected by players.
as for credit as long as a target have the debuff every condi attack you make will morph into 50% direct dmg after 3sec are over,this will base on the condi dmg you did in this time frame,and individuality for anyone that did condi dmg in the time frame.
i`ll just add that the dmg only after 3 sec and with 50% lower dmg is for balance and to stop condition build from being a direct dmg build in this situations.
its only to somewhat compensate the dmg that get lost.
I’d rather suggest that once you stacked up 25 bleeds, their damage will be applied instantly. Meaning … you applied a 10s bleed with 100 dmg/tick, someone filled the stack to 25 and your bleeding will be turned into instant 1000 damage instead of ticking. Same can be done with poison and burning. This will not only improve condition builds, but also be quite effective with stacking parties. It’d solve both problems when you manage to stack up to the limit.
may i ask if this was done tomorrow why will i want to play a direct dmg build when i can go condi and do good direct dmg and still enjoy my condition dmg?
why will i not run with 5 condi necro`s cof 1 and not 5 zerker warriors?
also if im on my engineer and iwill stack a 60sec burn on a mob then comes along a ele and puts a 4 sec burn will i do the 60sec burn dmg instantly?
see the problem.
Drake Phoenix.6158
i dont think to scale condition caps are a good way to go.
when one profession can stack 25 bleeds you need to make lets say a champion have x5 the cap not just double.
way? lets say i run with 5 thiefs in my party to run a dungeon all condi.
double cap…3 still lose out, back to the same problem,punish condi builds,punish grouping.
you make it x5 cap you have anet problem of server bandwidth.
reduce condi stacking for a single profession so it wont solo stack 25 bleeds you have a big impact on balance that who knows what new problems it will bring.
may i ask if this was done tomorrow why will i want to play a direct dmg build when i can go condi and do good direct dmg and still enjoy my condition dmg?
why will i not run with 5 condi necro`s cof 1 and not 5 zerker warriors?
Because it’ll still be a worse DPS than with zerk warriors/thieves.
I’d rather suggest that once you stacked up 25 bleeds, their damage will be applied instantly. Meaning … you applied a 10s bleed with 100 dmg/tick, someone filled the stack to 25 and your bleeding will be turned into instant 1000 damage instead of ticking. Same can be done with poison and burning. This will not only improve condition builds, but also be quite effective with stacking parties. It’d solve both problems when you manage to stack up to the limit.
You could do :
In PvE, when you apply a stack of condition that goes above the cap, the stack that is dropped will instantly apply all it’s damage potential at once.
Should be rather balanced since as far as I know, ANet didn’t balance a single class or build with the condition cap in mind.
Personally I think this is the best suggestion I’ve ever heard for the problem of Conditions in PvE. On the concern of this spike damage, this is simply factoring in the damage that is otherwise being completely negated simply due to Anet’s servers not being able to count above 25 stacks per target.
This would also give a new strategy for builds that apply a great amount of conditions. A general zerker build that just happens to apply bleeds could work together with a condition damage player to help achieve a condition spike to finish off enemies faster. Think of it as the Engineer has dealt a massive wound to the target, and they are hanging on by a thread at 20 stacks (for example), the zerker warrior whips out his 1H sword and applies additional bleeds (which themselves don’t do much), but which is enough to cut that thread that the target was hanging onto. Bam, teamwork!! This would even give a purpose for non condition builds to bring a bit of condition application for the sake of helping out their party members.
This spike would only really be useful for dealing the deathblow though, which on trash doesn’t matter, on players in PvP… well 25 stacks of bleeding probably means that you’re dead anyways, and bosses shrug off 25 stacks of bleeding every day.
Another issue with what makes condition damage bad, is the scaling. Zerker stats all multiply the effectiveness of each other, whereas you get no such synergy with a condition build. In PvE where defensive stats are largely worthless, that means that zerkzerkzerk is the way to do it, as Conditions cannot be specialized as much for damage. Condition/Precision might help a tad, but not nearly as much as the holy trinity of Power/Precision/Critical Damage.
(edited by Surbrus.6942)
may i ask if this was done tomorrow why will i want to play a direct dmg build when i can go condi and do good direct dmg and still enjoy my condition dmg?
why will i not run with 5 condi necro`s cof 1 and not 5 zerker warriors?Because it’ll still be a worse DPS than with zerk warriors/thieves.
nope it will be considerably higher.
may i ask if this was done tomorrow why will i want to play a direct dmg build when i can go condi and do good direct dmg and still enjoy my condition dmg?
why will i not run with 5 condi necro`s cof 1 and not 5 zerker warriors?Because it’ll still be a worse DPS than with zerk warriors/thieves.
nope it will be considerably higher.
Conditions can’t crit.
nope it will be considerably higher.
Not the intensity stacking conditions. The duration stacking duration however would make for a far higher damage, as all that burning/poison damage that would usually be wasted even with one person (enemy dies to lone player when it still has 1 minute of burning/poison) would then be added to the DPS. Perhaps the damage could still spike and clear the stack, but by giving a much lower damage value… lets say one minute of burning clears and turns into 15 seconds worth of that condition’s damage.
However for Bleeding, as it is generally more of a “burst” condition to begin with, I think that a change like this would be needed to help better scale the condition damage when condition damage builds are grouped together.
wow … not only stof exactly rephared what I said, now Subrus did the same while refering to the copy of my suggestion …
you seem to not understand any suggestion but your own. And you seem to overestimate bleeding damage alot. Just because you see alot numbers is doesn’t mean that you’re dealing much damage.
Even a necro skill with 10s bleed (+condi dur), 3 stacks at once, dealing 150 dmg per tick, hitting multiple targets, still only deals 4500 damage per target. Warriors deal the same amount of damage (per recharge) with autoattack. But they also use skills (100blade) which deal 5k damage within 2s instead of 10s. And necros’ scepter’s autoattack is not AoE.
Basically in PvE conditions (exc poison) always lose to direct damage. Direct damage scales to easily with zerker gear (pow, prec and crtdmg), while condition damage only scales by malice and condi duration, and you can’t have both in the same gear.
Why aren’t there groups replacing one warrior by a condition necro then?
Although one possible issue with the idea is Epidemics. This skill might need special cap rules on how much conditions it can multiply because 5 necros would instantly burst kill a pack of trash mobs with that. But the issue is the insane synergy this utility gets in that 5 necro situation, synergy that is only kept in check by the condition cap.
As a necro, it’s a pain that conditions are constantly fearing “what about epidemic!” when it comes to balance.
Jeez at this point, even though I do love epidemic, it’d be better if it was removed so that conditions could be buffed without epidemic looming over them.
A possible solution for epidemics that comes from a DotA item : make the mobs affected by epidemics immune to it for a certain duration. That way, one cannot exponentially multiply conditions just by casting it alternatively on two mobs.
In a coordinated party multiple necros could multiply the bleeding stacks on a boss a few times (without capping). The first one uses epidemic on the boss and the other necro(s) use it on the minion to multiply back to the boss. Without capping that’d be very, very awkward and ofc overpowered.
But the problem is the skill itsself. Copying all conditions to multiple foes with a short CD is too strong. Using my suggestion “a full 25 bleed will turn into its direct damage” would surely restrict this possibility. Not completely forbid it, but drastically limit it. Both other suggestions (condition debuff increasing incoming condi dmg; only overflowing bleedings deal direct damage) would horribly boost epidemic.
While I also love the general concept of the skill, it’s still too strong. I’d probably limit the transferable conditions to 5 bleedings (5 vul, 6s burning, 12s poison) while keeping the rest of its mechanics.
condition damage was not designed as primary source of damage for any class
Its like seasoning on steak
If you try to build primary condition damage build it would be like taking lots of seasoning and then add little of steak
It just wont work
For my hemophiliac Necro it’s more like steak and eggs, toast, and 3 cups of coffee. No, condition damage is not intended to be supplemental damage. All you need to do to understand that is to look at traits, gear, food, etc.
There is only one major problem with condition builds in PvE and a lot of minor ones. The major problem is that condition damage is managed as stacks on a mob rather than damage by player. If you have a normal group of 5 with one necro you can keep bleeds capped at 25. If you were to add 5 more condition necros you wouldn’t be adding significantly to to the groups damage output. Compare this to adding 5 zerker warriors and you will understand instantly what the major problem is with condition builds in PvE and the reason that they are not desired in group play.
It doesn’t have to be this way and other games have solved the problem by managing “condition” damage or damage over time, by damage per tick times a number of ticks (it’s duration). You lose the stacks on a mob and account for all damage by player. There are no stacking to infinity problems—i.e., it’s just damage by player. The sustained damage of a condition build should be comparable to direct damage in a sustained fight. This is the biggie and the thing that principally makes condition builds lackluster for group play.
(edited by Raine.1394)
condition damage was not designed as primary source of damage for any classCan you look at a Necromancer and say that with a straight face?
I read that as a condition thief as well. Dealing 4k per tick with 25 stacks of bleed is far greater than any straight DPS build, it’s only a matter of getting and maintaining those stacks
In a coordinated party multiple necros could multiply the bleeding stacks on a boss a few times (without capping). The first one uses epidemic on the boss and the other necro(s) use it on the minion to multiply back to the boss. Without capping that’d be very, very awkward and ofc overpowered.
so…you wont run 5 necro`s?
this is what i had in mind op to say the least.
to let chain epidemics do direct dmg is crazy.
but after you said some tweaks here and there im more willing to accept your idea and only for intensity not for the duration stacking.
also keep in mind you can spike something like 30k with blood is power-x2 enfeebling blood if you invest in duration,just one example.
impact on game balance is something to keep in mind if you tweak this and tweak that.
the devs will not be ok with a solution that create a lot of balance problems.
Can’t see why anyone would disagree with this being an issue. I remember there was a post where a dev said condition damage is problematic and that they are working towards a solution.
Then again, that was last year, so yeah…
In a coordinated party multiple necros could multiply the bleeding stacks on a boss a few times (without capping). The first one uses epidemic on the boss and the other necro(s) use it on the minion to multiply back to the boss. Without capping that’d be very, very awkward and ofc overpowered.
so…you wont run 5 necro`s?
this is what i had in mind op to say the least.
to let chain epidemics do direct dmg is crazy.but after you said some tweaks here and there im more willing to accept your idea and only for intensity not for the duration stacking.
also keep in mind you can spike something like 30k with blood is power-x2 enfeebling blood if you invest in duration,just one example.impact on game balance is something to keep in mind if you tweak this and tweak that.
the devs will not be ok with a solution that create a lot of balance problems.
If you were talking about epidemic, say so. Everyone (including me) thought you were saying that necros damage output is OP and only acceptable due to bleed capping. It’s not necromancers, but epidemic.
Let’s looking at your initial suggestion with a 5 man coordinated necro party:
They cause 20 bleeds (for other suggestions I use 20 instead of 25), the wounded debuff didn’t appear yet. One uses epidemic on the boss and 4 use epidemic on the minions. Suddenly the boss is faced with 4×20 bleeding stacks. 5 are used for the wounded debuff, 95 remain. I still didn’t get your exact suggestion, but I assume those 95 still cause somewhat damage. 95 bleeding stacks ……….
Now drakes suggestion as “replace the weakest bleeding with direct damage”:
Well, the boss gets the 95 bleedings and replaces the weakest 95 ones with direct damage, dealing like 71,250 instant damage (with 5 man; 150dmg/tick, 5s) to the boss.
My suggestion is pretty much the same as drakes in this example. It’d only change for uncoordinates groups (like bossing) since the bleed counter would continuously reset from 25 to 0 and run up again. So you’d have to time your first epidemic close to 25 and hope noone else bleeded the minions before. If you’re a bit too late or the minion has bleedings you end up having no/ low bleedings on the minion.
Conditions are capped due to technical difficulties, not because they thought having more than 25 bleeds on a target would be op.
Conditions are capped due to technical difficulties, not because they thought having more than 25 bleeds on a target would be op.
True, but removing the cap WOULD be overpowered, at least in WvW. For large world events where you’re fighting a boss with several billion health, condition builds are worthless because you’ll easily hit the cap just from all the people running zerker’s or whatever.
In a dungeon, you shouldn’t be running a condition build anyway koz conditions are weak in PvE, so you have yourself to blame if you face this problem there. The problem is not the cap, but the fact that conditions just can’t do as much as direct damage. Of course, if they fixed this problem by buffing conditions, more people would run condition builds and then hitting the cap would become a real problem.
For now though, just stop running underpowered condition builds, and watch in amazement as your problem melts away before your eyes.