take out the listing fee auction house

take out the listing fee auction house

in Suggestions

Posted by: best.3794


Both real and virtual Economy health all depends on tax meaning if look at the current state of Economy it’s sucks it’s has been more then five month’s since the realess of Guild Wars 2 majority of the population of guild wars 2 have left the game do to a faltering economy and over use of taxing to the point where you are nickel and diming the player to death let’s say if you won’t list a level 80 great sword for 1 gold you have to have 47 silver to list in the auction house meaning that would be 47% of your prophet goes to AN and if you can list your item up for sale it would take a few months to just to sell it but if AN reads this idea take out the listing fee in the auction house that would inprove the Economy health and create compilation and that would attract a lot of new players to Guild Wars 2

take out the listing fee auction house

in Suggestions

Posted by: Olba.5376


The listing fee is there to avoid people from using the TP as a storage. That and to combat undercutting.

And the daily commerce at the TP is most definitely much more than any other gold sink we have in the game.

take out the listing fee auction house

in Suggestions

Posted by: Odius.4705


Both real and virtual Economy health all depends on tax meaning if look at the current state of Economy it’s sucks it’s has been more then five month’s since the realess of Guild Wars 2 majority of the population of guild wars 2 have left the game do to a faltering economy and over use of taxing to the point where you are nickel and diming the player to death let’s say if you won’t list a level 80 great sword for 1 gold you have to have 47 silver to list in the auction house meaning that would be 47% of your prophet goes to AN and if you can list your item up for sale it would take a few months to just to sell it but if AN reads this idea take out the listing fee in the auction house that would inprove the Economy health and create compilation and that would attract a lot of new players to Guild Wars 2

The listing fee is a necessary evil. As the previous post mentioned, it is used to prevent people putting up items for 999,999,999 gold just to use for storage. Also, it requires people to be realistic when placing an item up, they are more apt to put for a reasonable price when they know they will lose money if it never sells.

I know several people that “quit” (they all have since came back) and not a single one cited the TP listing fee as their reason for leaving…

take out the listing fee auction house

in Suggestions

Posted by: Weebitt.3157


I’m not sure how this prevents undercutting, as most items sell at or just below the vendor price when AN takes out it’s cut. It’s the clueless I guess, that lose 1c or more they would make selling their item to a vendor instead of listing on the Trading Post.

take out the listing fee auction house

in Suggestions

Posted by: Catisa.6507


Sorry but a 1g listing does not cost 47s … BS exaggerations like this just make your whole post silly.


take out the listing fee auction house

in Suggestions

Posted by: Fred Fargone.3127

Fred Fargone.3127

I’m not sure how this prevents undercutting, as most items sell at or just below the vendor price when AN takes out it’s cut. It’s the clueless I guess, that lose 1c or more they would make selling their item to a vendor instead of listing on the Trading Post.

I actually did go into detail on why they do not exactly lose 1c on another thread, even if they sell at vendorprices and the taxes are deducted. The only scenario where they would lose that 1c is if they traveled to the city and then sold items to the TP right next to a vendor.

People who can argue often offer a good and meaningful conversation about the subject.
People who can’t tend to call the opponent troll, scream something utterly incomprehensible
and finally result to personal insults.

take out the listing fee auction house

in Suggestions

Posted by: StormageddonBK.9842


Isn’t the listing fee 15% not 47%.

take out the listing fee auction house

in Suggestions

Posted by: Dasorine.1964


plus gold sinks like this are good for the game (if not for the individual player) as it stops the value of gold plummeting.

take out the listing fee auction house

in Suggestions

Posted by: Kane Fire Blade.7482

Kane Fire Blade.7482

plus gold sinks like this are good for the game (if not for the individual player) as it stops the value of gold plummeting.

Don’t forget the side effect of that the price of stuff increases and the poor get poor and the rich become richer. people with little money will find it hard buy things unless they sell everything. and the rich already have the gear and the money!

take out the listing fee auction house

in Suggestions

Posted by: Dasorine.1964


well thats the whole value of gold plummeting, if the basic stuff costs several hundred gold its because theres too much gold in game and yes mostly held by old players so new and poor players just get further and further behind.

If theres constant gold draining in theory people shouldn’t be able to hoard millions of gold to the point where prices get ridiculous, sure there will be rich people but not as many.

Course we still need more gold sinks really.

take out the listing fee auction house

in Suggestions

Posted by: Signet of Forums.4397

Signet of Forums.4397

Removing the listing fee would make it even easier for people that already have a ton of money to control the market. Why? Because they can buy anything that undercuts their listings by any amount as long as they are confident that those items will sell for more at some point. As it is right now, if people list something for one price and then buy the same item listed at over 85% of their own listing price, they are essentially losing money. Take away the listing fee, and there is little stopping someone from just buying out every listing that undercuts them, unless it’s something that doesn’t move fast enough in the first place.

Therefore we proceed to write a sig.

take out the listing fee auction house

in Suggestions

Posted by: Doomguard.5094


Isn’t the listing fee 15% not 47%.

Wrong again :P, listing fee is in fact 5%, selling fee is an additional 10%.

take out the listing fee auction house

in Suggestions

Posted by: Tyrant.2430


I have to say, this listing fee and selling fee are too high.
Maybe, make it both listing and Selling fee as 5%, total of 10% is way more reasonable.

take out the listing fee auction house

in Suggestions

Posted by: Gummy.4278


The only thing I do not like is when I am not listing a item at all, just selling to the highest buy order. I still have to front money to make the sale. I have had some relatively high cost items that could have taken me out of the red, yet could not afford to even sale it till I farmed for hours on end, just to build up the listing fee.
I don’t see why, I did not list the item at all. People here saying the tax in here cause it keeps people from using the tp as a storage, but the item in question never goes into storage when you sale to the highest Buy Order.