Account bound minis
Yeah I really like mini pets without account bound.. But yeah.. They probably don’t want to see too many things end up skyrocketing in the future. For example.. Mini karma, hatchling, and reef drakes.
I can understand that but the way they had it for madness day was perfect.
I’m a little disappointed because the one thing I really wanted was the quaggan! At least if they were not account bound I could have bought it
I spent over 100 dollars just to try and get the minis but I’m really thinking about quitting the game if they are into boxes now.
If its account bound, we should be able to buy the chest like in Halloween. Account bound and random is a disaster. People end up with excess and people end up with none.
I’m usually a cheerleader for GW2, but I’m extremely disappointed that I spent $40 just hoping for minis — I got only one, after $38 had already been spent. There should be some other way to get them! It’s not like I wasn’t willing to pay!
The boxes also gave me a valuable weapon skin I don’t need. While I could sell it, I can’t buy a Wintersday mini with that gold.
I honesty don’t even care if I opened 20 and didn’t get the mini I wanted, I just wish they were not account bound so at least even if they go for 100 gold in game I can save up for one. Hoping this is a mistake or something they change, seems odd to have account bound minis. Especially when there is a recipe to craft the quaggan.
My issue is that they do not stack x___x I have 7 of each…. so 21 spots eaten up …
If they weren’t account bound id give you one man….
I spent $100 USD from my savings for the hell of it and to support ANET and ended up with a tonnnn of stuff…. except the baby and the minis not released yet I have everything via drops. Maybe im just a lucky sob but don’t lose hope!
Fort Aspenwood
There’s a second set of account bound miniatures that you need to farm for and then forge to get. There seem to be five of these.
250 mystic cogs
enchanted stuffing
magic glue
frame (depends on if you want princess, ventari, soldier, golem or plush griffon)
[&AgSflQAA] is the link for one of the the frame items.
Wolfey, you got minis from world drops? “Not released yet” — more Winterday minis are coming?
almost better off selling the excess stuffing in my opinion, almost up to 30 silver per piece xD
Fort Aspenwood
Haha ill hold you to that Wolfey incase they change it ;P honestly this didn’t RUIN the event for me, I did get the mini infinitarium and didn’t even realize he flies around until I opened it. Got a kick out of that! Haha. And the snow globe scepter with the lions arch lion in it is literally amazing. Everything is done so nicely.
Probably bad word choice on my part, clariffication
I got 21/21 from Mystery Box
Mystery Boxes can drop or you can buy from the gem store
18/21 were from bought boxes
3/21 were from drop boxes
the 3/21 were all snowman x_x
hope that clears things up a little
Fort Aspenwood
Minipets should be directly buyable, like in halloween.
The current system is a complete fail, you have to be so lucky in order to get a minipet. Random chance for getting pets isnt fun, if anet want random chance for pets, they should at least design a way to auction them….
But in my opinion, halloween minipet system is the way to go: direct buy through gems, you pay, you got, no RNGs
Dunno, I didn’t really like the chainsaw skeleton being an instant gimmie. Removing the account bound portion sounds fair enough to me. I can’t be the only lucky sob to get multis >.<
Fort Aspenwood
Well I will say this and only this before I stop replying to this topic of mine.
Arena net next time you make special event minis for the gem store that are account bound. Please give them their own item and not throw then it with the other stuff.
The events shouldn’t be about getting lucky and making a fortune off other players. Everyone can enjoy the holiday event without having 100+ gold to their name. Get used to it, myself and (what seems to be) a majority of the players like this change.
I don’t think the people in this thread are really interested in getting rich mka,it’s more about getting the mini you really wanted. The way Halloween did it and lost shores did it give you a chance or an avenue either way to eventually obtain the one you want. This system allows only the very rich or very lucky to do that. Gw2 is really based around equal opportunity for all players and so this particular method seemed (to me) very out of character. The mystery boxes will be dropping in the world tomorrow so it’s also possible that the minis from them may not be account bound. Either way, I don’t particularly agree with the method as it stands. I’m curious to hear what ANet’s reasoning behind it is.
The events shouldn’t be about getting lucky and making a fortune off other players. Everyone can enjoy the holiday event without having 100+ gold to their name. Get used to it, myself and (what seems to be) a majority of the players like this change.
I’m not talking about getting rich at all but you seem to have misunderstood something here. Really the thread is about at least giving account bound minis their own item. If you thought differently just because of the title then I’m sorry.
On the same token though, the events shouldn’t be a 100% auto gimmie event. Could they be increased in drop rate, sure go for it; but I hate the concept of 100% gimmie events. I don’t want a “awww congrats on not doing a damn thing or getting lucky heres a 1st place trophy bask in non existent glory”
Fort Aspenwood
Also just to Clarify I bought 4 sets of 10 boxes (40 boxes total) and got 5 mini pets.. 1 of each and 2 duplicates. You guys need to not worry. It’s the first day of an over 2 week long event. These boxes drop in the world too and the majority of the event isn’t even in the game yet.
The events shouldn’t be about getting lucky and making a fortune off other players. Everyone can enjoy the holiday event without having 100+ gold to their name. Get used to it, myself and (what seems to be) a majority of the players like this change.
I’m not talking about getting rich at all but you seem to have misunderstood something here. Really the thread is about at least giving account bound minis their own item. If you thought differently just because of the title then I’m sorry.
No worries. I did get a different impression from the title. I do think that having them account-bound and random is kind of bad. But you know what? They’re common. And Anet is learning and trying to find a good middleground. Just think – all the future events once they do their guinea pigging on us will be much better.
Also just to Clarify I bought 4 sets of 10 boxes (40 boxes total) and got 5 mini pets.. 1 of each and 2 duplicates. You guys need to not worry. It’s the first day of an over 2 week long event. These boxes drop in the world too and the majority of the event isn’t even in the game yet.
+1’d ya for making me not feel like the only lucky sob
Fort Aspenwood
I think that its possible they will do like halloween and have the minis drop from the instance chest along with other gem shop items, and its still 2 weeks to go as others said
On the same token though, the events shouldn’t be a 100% auto gimmie event. Could they be increased in drop rate, sure go for it; but I hate the concept of 100% gimmie events. I don’t want a “awww congrats on not doing a damn thing or getting lucky heres a 1st place trophy bask in non existent glory”
Exactly this. I was lucky enough to get a mini polar bear in GW1. It had less than a 0.02% drop rate and some people farmed year after year to no avail. Just saying, this game is not a “Here everyone, have everything!” Event. Everyone should have fun, but nobody should have 100% everything from an event or else there’s no value or rarity anymore.
Also just to Clarify I bought 4 sets of 10 boxes (40 boxes total) and got 5 mini pets.. 1 of each and 2 duplicates. You guys need to not worry. It’s the first day of an over 2 week long event. These boxes drop in the world too and the majority of the event isn’t even in the game yet.
Lucky I opened about 13 sets and only got 2 minis but at least three duplicates of those. Right now I’m not happy with Arena net.
Eh, you knew that buying the boxes was a lottery. I spent well over 60$ and ~20g in gems during Halloween on keys – not a single Halloween item. Then used all that junk to make Mad King Chests. Nothing from those either. Yeah I was kitten but life moves on.
Thanks, Mkalafut. That’s reassuring that I might get them from world drops (though I got only one for 40 boxes). I’m glad I might not need to spend more than I’m really willing to.
Thanks, Mkalafut. That’s reassuring that I might get them from world drops (though I got only one for 40 boxes). I’m glad I might not need to spend more than I’m really willing to.
Dont’ spend anything if you don’t want to. The event just started, and there’s plenty of time to get them from the event / world drops. I just felt like buying them because I had some excess gold. Good luck to you though!
Mkalafut making account bound minis into a lottery does not help. I may go kill some stuff now but still I can wish they look here and use the Halloween system on account bound minis in the future.
Probably bad word choice on my part, clariffication
I got 21/21 from Mystery Box
Mystery Boxes can drop or you can buy from the gem store
18/21 were from bought boxes
3/21 were from drop boxesthe 3/21 were all snowman x_x
hope that clears things up a little
Just to clarify, the drop boxes are the big/small gift boxes or the personalized gift boxes from snowball and choir? Or some other box I haven’t encountered? x-x
Mkalafut making account bound minis into a lottery does not help. I may go kill some stuff now but still I can wish they look here and use the Halloween system on account bound minis in the future.
Agreed. I would rather the festive minis be farmable and sellable (a la mini polar bear from GW1) or just purchased directly (account-bound) from the gem store or other in game vendor.
Update: Got Baby 4/4 done
hes so fkn cute!!!!!
i have to fight people away in LA <3 <3 <3
+10 to you anet
Fort Aspenwood
Update: Got Baby
4/4 done
hes so fkn cute!!!!!
i have to fight people away in LA<3 <3 <3
+10 to you anet
How do you get the Stuffing or whatever?
That part i decided to be a cheap kitten on and buy off the TP, i saw it for 15 silver per for a quantity of 100 so i jumped on it
Fort Aspenwood
I just want to be able to give my boyfriend some of my extra minis from the boxes please make them tradeable, please!
If they become trade able ill give out some of my spares for free lol… i only wanted 1 of each xD
Fort Aspenwood
Aveinda Gw2 has no real trade system hope they can fix that one day.
If they become trade able ill give out some of my spares for free lol… i only wanted 1 of each xD
Your like me then about minis
I just spent 20g trying to get these minis
No luck,But its my fault i guess to think I would get one :/
I knew it, I knew they would ruin the event with their lottery boxes. They had to think of something to force you buy their lottery boxes and not off TP… greediness OMG
— Gwen
I knew it, I knew they would ruin the event with their lottery boxes. They had to think of something to force you buy their lottery boxes and not off TP… greediness OMG
Yep. The whole event is ruined because non-combat mini-pets are available in a lottery box the first day of the event. HOLY kitten RIGHT?
The event is 1 day out of over 2 weeks. I just don’t even know what to say to people like you lol I honestly don’t.
If anyone is going to read anything let it be this please.
The topic is only about giving the account bounds minis their own item like in Halloween or a little higher drop rate. (Someone else idea) If your not here to support it then place leave.
Sorry for going off topic BKJ, Got a little to excited x)
Fort Aspenwood
(edited by Wolfey.3407)
Sorry for going off topic BKJ, Got a little to excited x)
Your fine I’m mostly talking to anyone using this topic to cry over them. I waste 125 dollars just for them but I’m not mad just mostly putting my voice that A net could have done better.
If its account bound, we should be able to buy the chest like in Halloween. Account bound and random is a disaster. People end up with excess and people end up with none.
Account bound and random is a disaster.
If its account bound, we should be able to buy the chest like in Halloween. Account bound and random is a disaster. People end up with excess and people end up with none.
Account bound and random is a disaster.
Agree, I think the general synopsis is to increase drop rate, drop account bound and keep it far away from 100% acquisition. 50-60% maybe?
Fort Aspenwood
They are testing the waters of various things. They will get it right eventually. Making a game like this and pleasing the masses is not an easy feat.