Toypocalypse Tips

Toypocalypse Tips

in Wintersday

Posted by: Nehtor.7026


I just finished getting ‘Toypocalypse Canceled’ with an amazing group with very little dmg ever going to the Doylaks. So I will share a few tips that worked really well for my run.

1. Make sure everyone is building walls/balista and upgrading/repairing when needed.
2. Found it worked really well to place the walls at the edges of the ramps (2 walls per ramp except the big ramp) and place balista all around the outer ring.
3. When Toxx is out make sure to kite it away from everything only 1 or 2 people should do this. Use this time to rebuild anything that’s needed.

Of course placing in more ‘turrets’ and walls all over the place never hurts.

My group had 1 guy using the pop gun to kill everything hitting walls. While the rest would build/take out large groups of toys when needed.

Hope this helps you get your achievement. Good luck and Have fun.
/endwall maybe….

p.s. My first attempt at writing this was 10x better but I accidentally hit the back arrow and lost my text then forgot how I wrote it all. lol :*(

Toypocalypse Tips

in Wintersday

Posted by: Myrkkin.7921


Catapults are significantly better than ballistas. AoE 5k damage? Oh yeah.

Toypocalypse Tips

in Wintersday

Posted by: Nehtor.7026


Yeah we had them both all over. My original write up included that. After a while we stopped worrying about the main ring and started dropping things out in the snow everywhere.

Toypocalypse Tips

in Wintersday

Posted by: maxztt.3289


1. Make sure everyone is building walls/balista and upgrading/repairing when needed.

I successfully made it through and got the achievements.

But concerning your first point: Repairing did not work at all for me.
I tried snow and also scrap on both, snow and scrap structures, but none worked for repairing.

I also found it rather bad that the structures disappeared after a certain time and did not stay until they were destroyed by damage.

Your second and third point are solid advice, obviously. But anyone not getting those ideas himself is probably not the brightest star in the sky.

Toypocalypse Tips

in Wintersday

Posted by: Cthulhu.1432


It’s not nice to be forced in going with pugs, where 90 % is mostly noobs running around as sitting ducks. I’d love to see teaming up possibility, for now it’s pointless to try. PuG wars 2…

Toypocalypse Tips

in Wintersday

Posted by: Ishtar.6457


yes just drop all the stuff . mostly catapult. but our team strategy was 1 cata 1 snow 1 balista on every inch of the ramp. and drop walls on inner circle near yaks. good toy fort. and keep checking for almost broken cata etc and replace it imediately.

My team was pug. we fail 2 times before finally we get it. key is to listen for suggestions and keep trying new strategies.

Toypocalypse Tips

in Wintersday

Posted by: Harbinger.1983


Couldnt repair anything also, but anyway i have other tip.

- Theres Skirt Mercs on one of the sides that you can hire for 3 scrap each, DO IT ! they nuke anything that comes remotly close to the center area, and they dont die, atleast mine didnt, its like a few extra players that cant be killed and hit like trucks.

Toypocalypse Tips

in Wintersday

Posted by: Healix.5819


Sounds exactly like what my group just did.

I was using the pop gun running around spamming tab or ctrl and looking for red. If I caught them quickly, I could snipe 2-4 of them before they reached middle. In some cases I could do the entire group, especially if they were chasing someone.

I also saw a catapult strike almost 1 shot an entire group.

Toypocalypse Tips

in Wintersday

Posted by: Nehtor.7026


Yeah you can only upgrade 3 times which also repairs the object. After that you have to wait for it to be destroyed.

Toypocalypse Tips

in Wintersday

Posted by: maxztt.3289


Yeah you can only upgrade 3 times which also repairs the object. After that you have to wait for it to be destroyed.

This description clearly says, that after the things are fully upgraded, using scrap on them will repair them.

I guess it is bugged.

(edited by maxztt.3289)

Toypocalypse Tips

in Wintersday

Posted by: SolarNova.1052


At the start.

Wave 1 Build as many ballista and snowmen on the out ring.

By wave 2 start building walls, catapults, Upgrade ballista and snowmen building out form the outer ring in 3 areas by the ramps (like 3 outer camps of defenses)

By wave 3 Build more ballista and snowmen., joining the 3 camps thus making a new outer ring of defense. Upgrade catapults

By wave 5 build everything/upgrade u should be pritty set and things should be easy from this point. Build moreon the new outer ring ..start spreading defense out further.

Bassicaly by the end of wave 3 u should no longer have to use ur weapons to kill stuff, ur defenses should be taking care of it. And by wave 5 the toy’s should not be getting to ur dolyaks at all.

The Boss: Pull him away from ur defenses/dolyaks. have 2 people attacking him for aggro and 1 building a few minor defesnes near him to help kill it. The other 2 people can carry on building defenses.

This is what worked for the gorup i completed it with. We had no problems doing it this way.

3930k 4.6ghz | NH-D14 Cooler | P9x79 Pro MB | 16gb 1866mhz G.Skill | 128gb SSD + 2×500gb HDD
EVGA GTX 780 Classified w/ EK block | XSPC D5 Photon 270 Res/Pump | NexXxos Monsta 240 Rad
CM Storm Stryker case | Seasonic 1000W PSU | Asux Xonar D2X & Logitech Z5500 Sound system |

Toypocalypse Tips

in Wintersday

Posted by: Sarie.1630


To add to the tips, I wonder if anyone else has realised if you give each Skritt mercenary 3 scraps you get them to fight for you? They’re pretty handy, though if they try to fight Toxx and she does that whirly attack they’re not clever enough to keep away sadly.

On the opposite end to the Bridge are 2 mortars also, each required 3 scraps to build and will fire a very long way. These seem quite unsatisfying at the moment to use though.

Anyone found a use for the “speedy fur” stuff that seems to be around? It seems annoying that you can’t keep it on you and you can’t really use it for gathering defensive items since you gotta drop it to transport the item back to the centre. I dunno.

The worst part of this I found is that it’s random. Random teams. Noone you can rely on. I only hope that I’ll be lucky enough to get grouped with some brained individuals at some point for the Topocalypse Cancelled achievement sometime.

Toypocalypse Tips

in Wintersday

Posted by: lynspottery.6529


Yeah you can only upgrade 3 times which also repairs the object. After that you have to wait for it to be destroyed.

This description clearly says, that after the things are fully upgraded, using scrap on them will repair them.

I guess it is bugged.

Apparently the “repair” function in this instance is not working. I tried all throughout both runs to do this without success. There was little point in trying it because it did not matter what “tool” you had, it obviously did not work.

I ran around and took pot shots at all the red names I could find although on several occasions I got over run and defeated. Easy enough to get back into play but there did not seem to be any way to build health back up after it dropped below 1/2 way.

I was fortunate that the 2 groups I was running with had obviously done some pvp where you had to build walls and equipment for defense. I certainly did not know what to do, so chose to help them out by trying to keep the enemies clear.

Seemed to work well as we won both events for the achievements. I wanted to run this with guild mates but was unable to get into any group with anyone I knew.

Oh well, got the achievements and learned a lot, but would have preferred running with my friends.

(edited by lynspottery.6529)

Toypocalypse Tips

in Wintersday

Posted by: Xyne.9104


catapults > ballista…

superior range + aoe + superior dmg

jus go purely snowmen and catas