01/02 Borlis vs Anvil vs N.Shiverpeaks

01/02 Borlis vs Anvil vs N.Shiverpeaks

in WvW

Posted by: tiramisu.8706


Dear Kalkz, please do not get an ulcer over GW2. We don’t care to PvDoor unless we’re THAT bored. BPbl happened to have some good farming cause we’ve yet to hit our daily quota of badges. Our boss is demanding a certain amount of farm or we’ll lose our jobs. Please understand our situation.

Wokfoo, Rokkasaurus, Not Daddy of [Rekz]

01/02 Borlis vs Anvil vs N.Shiverpeaks

in WvW

Posted by: Kalkz.5297


Dear ALS, its getting too late. you can have bay and the whole borderlands if thats the reason why you’re still nerding gw2 to this hour, this is just not healthy for you guys but still good job organizing the 8 trebs and 6 catas attack. dear [SEKZ] instead of nerding in our borderlands and eternal go take out AR waypoint out of your hills

Having issues with image links, but…



Borlis Pass Commander Kalkz [BS]
Original Former of Borlis Savers
Leader Of : http://youtube.com/kaotichq

(edited by Kalkz.5297)

01/02 Borlis vs Anvil vs N.Shiverpeaks

in WvW

Posted by: THE Dentist.5960

THE Dentist.5960

Epic fight with BP tonight in NSP BL’s. Kudos to you guys. AR too. Good defense on your side of our map, hopefully we will get the hills back soon. Alot of fun fighting you guys.

VoxL (NSP)
Doom Strykër [Warr] Doom Ryder [Ranger]
Doomku [Guard] Doom Wrack [Mez]

01/02 Borlis vs Anvil vs N.Shiverpeaks

in WvW

Posted by: Rashagal.5867


Dear Kalkz, please do not get an ulcer over GW2. We don’t care to PvDoor unless we’re THAT bored. BPbl happened to have some good farming cause we’ve yet to hit our daily quota of badges. Our boss is demanding a certain amount of farm or we’ll lose our jobs. Please understand our situation.

I ain’t Afraid of no [Sekz]. They are super predictable and the reason they do so well is that they are organized and pugs don’t realize that that slow push towards them is a portal bomb waiting to happen. [Sekz] > any mindless zerg: yes, but I’d wager they fair only slightly above average against most other guild run zergs. That’s not me ragging on them, huge props to what they do and how they do it. I only wish I could get that many badges/day.

PS: I can only assume this is how the GM of [Sekz] talks when a new member is initiated:


Anvil Rock Ambassador of [Sane];
[ARM] Anvil Rock Militia Commander;
The Loryak: I speak for these beasts.

01/02 Borlis vs Anvil vs N.Shiverpeaks

in WvW

Posted by: tiramisu.8706


I can quote the speech he gives to new members that want to WVW. It goes like this:

“You need mumble.”

Wokfoo, Rokkasaurus, Not Daddy of [Rekz]

01/02 Borlis vs Anvil vs N.Shiverpeaks

in WvW

Posted by: Mastermavrick.2439


i must have touched a FoeFire torch somewhere hi [Sekz], earlier i like my treb def lol


The Revenant Apostle [Rvnt]→ DragonBand
Kaiji Ruko – 80 Ranger, Revanat Shadowdeath – 80 Necromancer

(edited by Mastermavrick.2439)

01/02 Borlis vs Anvil vs N.Shiverpeaks

in WvW

Posted by: kazi.6438


My only issue with [Sekz] is that they do nothing but zerg v. zerg. If you’re doing anything that requires the slightest amount of patience (siegeing/defending/anything), expect them to ditch you and run off for badges.

That said, Tira does organize a good naked dance party every now and then.

Inir [CAT]

01/02 Borlis vs Anvil vs N.Shiverpeaks

in WvW

Posted by: Godfather.8217


What’s all this talk about Sekz,

Sekz is just as good as anyone of the other ogranized guilds running around, everyone has their key points. TBH in SoS encouters with them, they are either dead or they are running. It all depends on who gets the suprise on who. We’ve faced multiple groups of same tags this week, and I’m happy for it, means you guys are getting together.

I also see alot of camping done by Sekz in certain locations, ganking anyone they can outnumbered, hell even spawn camping our entrance. I had to call all of sos to regroup at waypoint and kill them on my way out. They thought it was just me, and 3 or 4 of them went out of cloak to gank me, but i’m a mesmer, so i dropped the portal and poof, it wasn’t just me anymore. It was a perfect set up against them. Now it’s a valid strategy, so i’m not complaining.

SoS spent majority of our time yesterday in NSP, and frankly I didn’t want to bother NSP, because I know the real threat is BP, they got the population, and can easily come back, my thinking is if we can take away from them, that’s less points for them to catch back up. But while I was leading an attack on BP, NSP FAM and Paxa decided to hit us from the back, preventing us from focusing on BP, and in my thoughts I’m wondering, why is it that while we are keeping them busy at Bay, is NSP and their numbers not hitting Hills while this is all happening, instead FAM tried to take the supply camp from us, which we wiped, and then FAM and Paxa got together and decided to pick a fight with us. So after that operation I decided to take sos to nsp, and we lead the operation there which ended with a waypoint built at their own hills keep. Our game plan was to make NSP call as much people to their borderlands as possible. I figured since you guys wanted to fight us so badly in bp, then we’ll come to you.

If i were in NSP and I saw a force hitting BP, I would have went after another big prize, and perhaps after capturing it, I would have tried to ninja bay from the team that just broke into the two gates for us.

Syndicate of Shadows, Anvil rock
Darksavage – 80 Ranger Shadowena – 80 Thief
Darkside Syndicate – 80 Mesmer

01/02 Borlis vs Anvil vs N.Shiverpeaks

in WvW

Posted by: osif.8673


It’s good to see some Sekz hate going down. Congrats guys, looks like you’ve destroyed enough zergs to make them cry about it! I can only imagine how mad those BP and AR zergs that you steamrolled feel when pressing #1 and backpedaling doesn’t win them the fight.

Miller Time – 80 Sylvari Mesmer
Not Just A Goodtime – 80 Asura Warrior

01/02 Borlis vs Anvil vs N.Shiverpeaks

in WvW

Posted by: THE Dentist.5960

THE Dentist.5960

It’s good to see some Sekz hate going down. Congrats guys, looks like you’ve destroyed enough zergs to make them cry about it! I can only imagine how mad those BP and AR zergs that you steamrolled feel when pressing #1 and backpedaling doesn’t win them the fight.

Aw idk they are pretty good at hitting #6 too….sometimes…..

VoxL (NSP)
Doom Strykër [Warr] Doom Ryder [Ranger]
Doomku [Guard] Doom Wrack [Mez]

01/02 Borlis vs Anvil vs N.Shiverpeaks

in WvW

Posted by: jkctmc.8754


It’s good to see some Sekz hate going down. Congrats guys, looks like you’ve destroyed enough zergs to make them cry about it! I can only imagine how mad those BP and AR zergs that you steamrolled feel when pressing #1 and backpedaling doesn’t win them the fight.

I don’t think I’ve ever seen anyone complain about Sekz. Usually there is a call out to where Sekz is, and for people to go get their free badges. Sekz definately isn’t the best guild in this tier, as is claimed.

Renno – Stonegard – Aece
80 Thief – 80 Warrior – 80 Guardian – 80 Ranger
80 Mesmer – 80 Necromancer

01/02 Borlis vs Anvil vs N.Shiverpeaks

in WvW

Posted by: Toble.2968


Sekz wanted to try out some of that siege stuff. Turns out its pretty ez. lol

Amazing plays by AS and AS commander Noroz as well as OS and OS commander Ocularis , TFG and TFG commander Moontrance, and SEKZ commander Calleah.

*edit: sorry the mistypes Moontrance <3333

I think… You should do this more often. An extra 20 people organized makes a huge difference doesn’t it?

And that’s my Ocuparis! ^^^ Wheeee!!!

Teal haired, Bifrost wearing, heal pooping, dot placing, noob.
| Epidemic
| Drenched

01/02 Borlis vs Anvil vs N.Shiverpeaks

in WvW

Posted by: erigais.6805


It’s good to see some Sekz hate going down. Congrats guys, looks like you’ve destroyed enough zergs to make them cry about it! I can only imagine how mad those BP and AR zergs that you steamrolled feel when pressing #1 and backpedaling doesn’t win them the fight.

I don’t think I’ve ever seen anyone complain about Sekz. Usually there is a call out to where Sekz is, and for people to go get their free badges. Sekz definately isn’t the best guild in this tier, as is claimed.

k, who is better? have them come kill us cuz we getting bored with most of your zergs tbh.

[Sekz] Officer erigais AKA Weeaboo Hunter

01/02 Borlis vs Anvil vs N.Shiverpeaks

in WvW

Posted by: jkctmc.8754


It’s good to see some Sekz hate going down. Congrats guys, looks like you’ve destroyed enough zergs to make them cry about it! I can only imagine how mad those BP and AR zergs that you steamrolled feel when pressing #1 and backpedaling doesn’t win them the fight.

I don’t think I’ve ever seen anyone complain about Sekz. Usually there is a call out to where Sekz is, and for people to go get their free badges. Sekz definately isn’t the best guild in this tier, as is claimed.

k, who is better? have them come kill us cuz we getting bored with most of your zergs tbh.

Most of my Zergs? haha…………. I run solo most of the time, but when I run with my guild, SoS, we school you guys. Once in awhile you’ve got the drop on us, when you’ve outnumbered us, and forced us to retreat.

Here is a screenshot of me, outmanned, within easy range for Sekz to come play with me, after I got a PuG group who was defending a nearby camp to lure you guys out multiple times, and I was killing those in the rear.

Notice my class (not a Thief), notice my stacks (all Sekz kills), and notice the guild name, a guild who has rolled you countless times. I’ll welcome any evidence that actually shows you guys being better. lol………

You guys stopped leaving the safety of your siege, all because one lonely Ranger was getting kills off your massive group. There had to have been 30 Sekz in that group.

Last night you got pushed off Hills, TWICE with fewer than 10 people.


Renno – Stonegard – Aece
80 Thief – 80 Warrior – 80 Guardian – 80 Ranger
80 Mesmer – 80 Necromancer

(edited by jkctmc.8754)

01/02 Borlis vs Anvil vs N.Shiverpeaks

in WvW

Posted by: Rob.7624


Good day,
training went well.


Googled “Commander Bird Song” too.
Guess what I found.


Commander Bird Song
Northern Shiverpeaks Night Crew
Os Guild

01/02 Borlis vs Anvil vs N.Shiverpeaks

in WvW

Posted by: Rob.7624


“Reads the forums”

Oh look.
People are having trouble with server queues.
Imagine. If we actually had those.


Commander Bird Song
Northern Shiverpeaks Night Crew
Os Guild

01/02 Borlis vs Anvil vs N.Shiverpeaks

in WvW

Posted by: sylpheedIIDX.5721


Drama in the forums again? Keep it coming please.


Lady Burr [Sekz] [Rekz] [qT] [DNA]
#1 puking quaggan

01/02 Borlis vs Anvil vs N.Shiverpeaks

in WvW

Posted by: Ela.5829


“Reads the forums”

Oh look.
People are having trouble with server queues.
Imagine. If we actually had those.


More badges for me!!!

Asura Mesmer, Asura Engy, Sylvari Theif

01/02 Borlis vs Anvil vs N.Shiverpeaks

in WvW

Posted by: Lothial.7859


I’ve gone up against [Sekz] once with my title on. I was the guy who prompted one of you guys to come here and point out how much we love Umberglade. I had a pug zerg, but in fairness a pretty numerous pug zerg. They held us off Umberglade a while. So someone put up a treb to counter siege at Bravost, and we pushed in.

So while I’m fighting I see in map chat “Guys! back off that is [Sekz]! They specialize in open field combat”. I didn’t say anything because I know no one in Anvil Rock looks at map chat when a fight is on, but we got the camp sieged it up, and I popped guild buffs, and we went to grab our tower back that BP snagged when we were busy. Leaving only the people who were on seige.

Then the portal bomb happened, but since the zerg was over at the tower we jump popped back over, and wiped them again.

So my advice if you face [Sekz] at a camp. Put some siege bait down use your buffs if you can, and then move your zerg around the nearest hill. Should be fine.

King Fire Rat
Anvil Rock

01/02 Borlis vs Anvil vs N.Shiverpeaks

in WvW

Posted by: erigais.6805


i dunno guys… alot of you are talking big like “yeh we kill sekz all da time” but i can count on one hand the number of times we wiped in 2 weeks. sure we dont win all the time but lol.. come on guys.. SoS guild…? i didnt even recognize the tag small son. i.e. your probably a bad that gets wiped like rest.

[Sekz] Officer erigais AKA Weeaboo Hunter

01/02 Borlis vs Anvil vs N.Shiverpeaks

in WvW

Posted by: Lothial.7859


I relayed one instance. I dunno like I said it’s the only time I’ve ever faced them. our guild WvW event is tonight so maybe I’ll have some more example. I will say had we been at the camp defending it we probably would have gotten smashed.

King Fire Rat
Anvil Rock

01/02 Borlis vs Anvil vs N.Shiverpeaks

in WvW

Posted by: CrowndClown.1702


Does AR remember the Grub yesterday? You guys were adamant about getting that thing. It was nice of you to pull it to your wall and still get wiped when we were under all that cannon fire. And to the few people that got the chest, was it worth the repair bill? It was worth it for us.

The Weather Girl – Champion Arrow Cart – Ressea – Points Per Tick
Less Talkin More [Sekz]
Brorannosaurus [Rekz] PEE PEE TEE #GetGud

01/02 Borlis vs Anvil vs N.Shiverpeaks

in WvW

Posted by: jkctmc.8754


i dunno guys… alot of you are talking big like “yeh we kill sekz all da time” but i can count on one hand the number of times we wiped in 2 weeks. sure we dont win all the time but lol.. come on guys.. SoS guild…? i didnt even recognize the tag small son. i.e. your probably a bad that gets wiped like rest.

You’re lying, if you don’t recognize [SoS} Syndicate of Shadows.

That alone proves a lot. lol……………………………..

Friend me, and we can get some one on ones going when i can log in the game.

Renno – Stonegard – Aece
80 Thief – 80 Warrior – 80 Guardian – 80 Ranger
80 Mesmer – 80 Necromancer

01/02 Borlis vs Anvil vs N.Shiverpeaks

in WvW

Posted by: itohead.2749


[SoS]?……oh you mean this guild me and 5 other dudes just wiped?


80 Ele 80 Engi
one man guild

(edited by itohead.2749)

01/02 Borlis vs Anvil vs N.Shiverpeaks

in WvW

Posted by: Lothial.7859


Is that BP borderland?

King Fire Rat
Anvil Rock

01/02 Borlis vs Anvil vs N.Shiverpeaks

in WvW

Posted by: jkctmc.8754


[SoS]?……oh you mean this guild me and 5 other dudes just wiped?

That’s cool, 6 green upleveled arrows doing Karma runs with 1 80 to tank for them. You can see the green uparrows clear as day in your screenshot. That’s probably the level 7 group that was bored, and decided to make new toons. You’re good. <laughs hysterically>

Seriously? I could have killed an upleveled group fighting a camp, solo. You have at least 10 green dots in that screenshot in your minimap. Zerg more please.

Friend me so we can duel when I’m on.

Renno – Stonegard – Aece
80 Thief – 80 Warrior – 80 Guardian – 80 Ranger
80 Mesmer – 80 Necromancer

(edited by jkctmc.8754)

01/02 Borlis vs Anvil vs N.Shiverpeaks

in WvW

Posted by: erigais.6805


[SoS]?……oh you mean this guild me and 5 other dudes just wiped?

That’s cool, 5 green upleveled arrows doing Karma runs. You can see the green uparrows clear as day in your screenshot. You’re good. <laughs hysterically>

Seriously? I could have killed an upleveled group fighting a camp, solo.

Friend me so we can duel when I’m on.

lol your clan full of bads??? hahahaahaha. that fact your fighting so hard for 1v1s shows your guild got 0 wvw coordination. no wonder you guys trying to hard to make a name for yourselvs off of us. im gonna give you some free pro-tips. picking off people in zerker gear thieves makes you bad in wvw. if its not a team build your doing it wrong.

[Sekz] Officer erigais AKA Weeaboo Hunter

01/02 Borlis vs Anvil vs N.Shiverpeaks

in WvW

Posted by: jkctmc.8754


[SoS]?……oh you mean this guild me and 5 other dudes just wiped?

That’s cool, 5 green upleveled arrows doing Karma runs. You can see the green uparrows clear as day in your screenshot. You’re good. <laughs hysterically>

Seriously? I could have killed an upleveled group fighting a camp, solo.

Friend me so we can duel when I’m on.

lol your clan full of bads??? hahahaahaha. that fact your fighting so hard for 1v1s shows your guild got 0 wvw coordination. no wonder you guys trying to hard to make a name for yourselvs off of us. im gonna give you some free pro-tips. picking off people in zerker gear thieves makes you bad in wvw. if its not a team build your doing it wrong.

You’re so good, you are afraid of fighting me 1v1?

In my screenshot of picking you off, I’m a Ranger, not a Thief in zerker gear. That makes you guys horribly bad. I got 22 kills off of you guys, before you got scared and kept your guild zerg under the cover of siege for protection, and wouldn’t leave the tower. Just because you can play follow the leader, doesn’t make you good.

You guys travel with 20+ most of the time becuase you’re scared, and you have never beat a SoS full 80s group of players, ever.

Renno – Stonegard – Aece
80 Thief – 80 Warrior – 80 Guardian – 80 Ranger
80 Mesmer – 80 Necromancer

(edited by jkctmc.8754)

01/02 Borlis vs Anvil vs N.Shiverpeaks

in WvW

Posted by: CrowndClown.1702


[SoS]?……oh you mean this guild me and 5 other dudes just wiped?

That’s cool, 5 green upleveled arrows doing Karma runs. You can see the green uparrows clear as day in your screenshot. You’re good. <laughs hysterically>

Seriously? I could have killed an upleveled group fighting a camp, solo.

Friend me so we can duel when I’m on.

lol your clan full of bads??? hahahaahaha. that fact your fighting so hard for 1v1s shows your guild got 0 wvw coordination. no wonder you guys trying to hard to make a name for yourselvs off of us. im gonna give you some free pro-tips. picking off people in zerker gear thieves makes you bad in wvw. if its not a team build your doing it wrong.

You’re so good, you are afraid of fighting me 1v1?

In my screenshot of picking you off, I’m a Ranger, not a Thief in zerker gear. That makes you guys horribly bad. Just because you can play follow the leader, doesn’t make you good.

You guys travel with 20+ most of the time becuase you’re scared, and you have never SEEN a SoS full 80s group of players, ever.

Fixed it for you.

The Weather Girl – Champion Arrow Cart – Ressea – Points Per Tick
Less Talkin More [Sekz]
Brorannosaurus [Rekz] PEE PEE TEE #GetGud

01/02 Borlis vs Anvil vs N.Shiverpeaks

in WvW

Posted by: itohead.2749


[SoS]?……oh you mean this guild me and 5 other dudes just wiped?

That’s cool, 5 green upleveled arrows doing Karma runs. You can see the green uparrows clear as day in your screenshot. You’re good. <laughs hysterically>

Seriously? I could have killed an upleveled group fighting a camp, solo.

Friend me so we can duel when I’m on.

lol your clan full of bads??? hahahaahaha. that fact your fighting so hard for 1v1s shows your guild got 0 wvw coordination. no wonder you guys trying to hard to make a name for yourselvs off of us. im gonna give you some free pro-tips. picking off people in zerker gear thieves makes you bad in wvw. if its not a team build your doing it wrong.

You’re so good, you are afraid of fighting me 1v1?

In my screenshot of picking you off, I’m a Ranger, not a Thief in zerker gear. That makes you guys horribly bad. Just because you can play follow the leader, doesn’t make you good.

dude, I’ll 1v1 you in a game of Apples to Apples.

80 Ele 80 Engi
one man guild

01/02 Borlis vs Anvil vs N.Shiverpeaks

in WvW

Posted by: jkctmc.8754


[SoS]?……oh you mean this guild me and 5 other dudes just wiped?

That’s cool, 5 green upleveled arrows doing Karma runs. You can see the green uparrows clear as day in your screenshot. You’re good. <laughs hysterically>

Seriously? I could have killed an upleveled group fighting a camp, solo.

Friend me so we can duel when I’m on.

lol your clan full of bads??? hahahaahaha. that fact your fighting so hard for 1v1s shows your guild got 0 wvw coordination. no wonder you guys trying to hard to make a name for yourselvs off of us. im gonna give you some free pro-tips. picking off people in zerker gear thieves makes you bad in wvw. if its not a team build your doing it wrong.

You’re so good, you are afraid of fighting me 1v1?

In my screenshot of picking you off, I’m a Ranger, not a Thief in zerker gear. That makes you guys horribly bad. Just because you can play follow the leader, doesn’t make you good.

dude, I’ll 1v1 you in a game of Apples to Apples.

Not sure what you mean by Apples to Apples, but friend me so we can duel when I’m logged on.

Renno – Stonegard – Aece
80 Thief – 80 Warrior – 80 Guardian – 80 Ranger
80 Mesmer – 80 Necromancer

01/02 Borlis vs Anvil vs N.Shiverpeaks

in WvW

Posted by: jkctmc.8754


[SoS]?……oh you mean this guild me and 5 other dudes just wiped?

That’s cool, 5 green upleveled arrows doing Karma runs. You can see the green uparrows clear as day in your screenshot. You’re good. <laughs hysterically>

Seriously? I could have killed an upleveled group fighting a camp, solo.

Friend me so we can duel when I’m on.

lol your clan full of bads??? hahahaahaha. that fact your fighting so hard for 1v1s shows your guild got 0 wvw coordination. no wonder you guys trying to hard to make a name for yourselvs off of us. im gonna give you some free pro-tips. picking off people in zerker gear thieves makes you bad in wvw. if its not a team build your doing it wrong.

You’re so good, you are afraid of fighting me 1v1?

In my screenshot of picking you off, I’m a Ranger, not a Thief in zerker gear. That makes you guys horribly bad. Just because you can play follow the leader, doesn’t make you good.

You guys travel with 20+ most of the time becuase you’re scared, and you have never SEEN a SoS full 80s group of players, ever.

Fixed it for you.

Now you’re just lying. You havn’t seen a SoS group of 80s? Let me refresh your memory. Ten of us chased the entire Sekz zerg off Hills twice last night before I logged.

Renno – Stonegard – Aece
80 Thief – 80 Warrior – 80 Guardian – 80 Ranger
80 Mesmer – 80 Necromancer

01/02 Borlis vs Anvil vs N.Shiverpeaks

in WvW

Posted by: autumnsigh.7512


This has the be the funniest thing I’ve read all week.

Appleby [DNA] [Sekz]

01/02 Borlis vs Anvil vs N.Shiverpeaks

in WvW

Posted by: jkctmc.8754


This is how good Sekz is. They hide behind siege, when their opponents have the outmanned buff. As a Ranger I scored 22 kills (count my stacks) on these really bad zerg players before they stopped coming out of the tower.

lol….. Sekz is not good.


Renno – Stonegard – Aece
80 Thief – 80 Warrior – 80 Guardian – 80 Ranger
80 Mesmer – 80 Necromancer

01/02 Borlis vs Anvil vs N.Shiverpeaks

in WvW

Posted by: CrowndClown.1702


[SoS]?……oh you mean this guild me and 5 other dudes just wiped?

That’s cool, 5 green upleveled arrows doing Karma runs. You can see the green uparrows clear as day in your screenshot. You’re good. <laughs hysterically>

Seriously? I could have killed an upleveled group fighting a camp, solo.

Friend me so we can duel when I’m on.

lol your clan full of bads??? hahahaahaha. that fact your fighting so hard for 1v1s shows your guild got 0 wvw coordination. no wonder you guys trying to hard to make a name for yourselvs off of us. im gonna give you some free pro-tips. picking off people in zerker gear thieves makes you bad in wvw. if its not a team build your doing it wrong.

You’re so good, you are afraid of fighting me 1v1?

In my screenshot of picking you off, I’m a Ranger, not a Thief in zerker gear. That makes you guys horribly bad. Just because you can play follow the leader, doesn’t make you good.

You guys travel with 20+ most of the time becuase you’re scared, and you have never SEEN a SoS full 80s group of players, ever.

Fixed it for you.

Now you’re just lying. You havn’t seen a SoS group of 80s? Let me refresh your memory. Ten of us chased the entire Sekz zerg off Hills twice last night before I logged.

I love how you were online for that. The word of mouth from SoS’s keyboard warrior is too strong. I’m trembling under my blanket.

inb4 “Friend me so we can 1v1”

edit: I’m also glad you can post the same picture. It really shows you’re trying. Our efforts are not lost guys!

The Weather Girl – Champion Arrow Cart – Ressea – Points Per Tick
Less Talkin More [Sekz]
Brorannosaurus [Rekz] PEE PEE TEE #GetGud

01/02 Borlis vs Anvil vs N.Shiverpeaks

in WvW

Posted by: itohead.2749


[SoS]?……oh you mean this guild me and 5 other dudes just wiped?

That’s cool, 5 green upleveled arrows doing Karma runs. You can see the green uparrows clear as day in your screenshot. You’re good. <laughs hysterically>

Seriously? I could have killed an upleveled group fighting a camp, solo.

Friend me so we can duel when I’m on.

lol your clan full of bads??? hahahaahaha. that fact your fighting so hard for 1v1s shows your guild got 0 wvw coordination. no wonder you guys trying to hard to make a name for yourselvs off of us. im gonna give you some free pro-tips. picking off people in zerker gear thieves makes you bad in wvw. if its not a team build your doing it wrong.

You’re so good, you are afraid of fighting me 1v1?

In my screenshot of picking you off, I’m a Ranger, not a Thief in zerker gear. That makes you guys horribly bad. Just because you can play follow the leader, doesn’t make you good.

dude, I’ll 1v1 you in a game of Apples to Apples.

Not sure what you mean by Apples to Apples, but friend me so we can duel when I’m logged on.

Whattt? You’ve never played the board game apples to apples??? OMG! It’s soo fun. well, I guess you need 3 people at least, but one person picks a card and has a subject. then the other two people have 7 cards each, and they choose the one that fits the subject best. Hilarity ensues because sometimes they are just funny. Oh it’s such a good time!

80 Ele 80 Engi
one man guild

01/02 Borlis vs Anvil vs N.Shiverpeaks

in WvW

Posted by: autumnsigh.7512


This is how good Sekz is. They hide behind siege, when their opponents have the outmanned buff. As a Ranger I scored 22 kills (count my stacks) on these really bad zerg players before they stopped coming out of the tower.

lol….. Sekz is not good.

Nice. You took a screenshot when we were taking a break two weeks ago. We should make you the photographer for our family pictures.

Appleby [DNA] [Sekz]

(edited by autumnsigh.7512)

01/02 Borlis vs Anvil vs N.Shiverpeaks

in WvW

Posted by: Sawnic.6795


I would personally like to ask AR “WHISKEY TANGO FOXTROT?!”


Seriously? You have to resort to abusing terrain bugs to keep your lead? Because right after the specific fight before these screenies, THE ENTIRE AR ZERG ran to that spot and hung out, before dispersing, some getting killed, others returning, etc.

This was near bluevale, by the way.

Whatever guild I’m repping today [tag]
Borlis Pass’ official male cheerleader
Commander by title: Sawnec the Mesmer

01/02 Borlis vs Anvil vs N.Shiverpeaks

in WvW

Posted by: itohead.2749


This is how good Sekz is. They hide behind siege, when their opponents have the outmanned buff. As a Ranger I scored 22 kills (count my stacks) on these really bad zerg players before they stopped coming out of the tower.

lol….. Sekz is not good.

…wait, was that during our bathroom/dinner break? Calm down, I guess I would be fairly upset too if I got smashed a million times in wvw.

80 Ele 80 Engi
one man guild

01/02 Borlis vs Anvil vs N.Shiverpeaks

in WvW

Posted by: jkctmc.8754


This is how good Sekz is. They hide behind siege, when their opponents have the outmanned buff. As a Ranger I scored 22 kills (count my stacks) on these really bad zerg players before they stopped coming out of the tower.

lol….. Sekz is not good.

Nice. You took a screenshot when we were taking a break two weeks ago. We should make you the photographer for our family pictures.

How did you know I owned my own photography business?

I love how Sekz zergs the forums too. I guess when you’re bad at the game on an individual level, and can’t win anything worth mentioning in game, you have the forums to zerg.

…wait, was that during our bathroom/dinner break? Calm down, I guess I would be fairly upset too if I got smashed a million times in wvw.

No Sekz member has ever killed any of my toons. You’ll get good enough one day to leave the zerg.

Renno – Stonegard – Aece
80 Thief – 80 Warrior – 80 Guardian – 80 Ranger
80 Mesmer – 80 Necromancer

01/02 Borlis vs Anvil vs N.Shiverpeaks

in WvW

Posted by: sylpheedIIDX.5721


I ran out of popcorn… I’ll come back when the drama gets good again.

Lady Burr [Sekz] [Rekz] [qT] [DNA]
#1 puking quaggan

01/02 Borlis vs Anvil vs N.Shiverpeaks

in WvW

Posted by: erigais.6805


[SoS]?……oh you mean this guild me and 5 other dudes just wiped?

That’s cool, 5 green upleveled arrows doing Karma runs. You can see the green uparrows clear as day in your screenshot. You’re good. <laughs hysterically>

Seriously? I could have killed an upleveled group fighting a camp, solo.

Friend me so we can duel when I’m on.

lol your clan full of bads??? hahahaahaha. that fact your fighting so hard for 1v1s shows your guild got 0 wvw coordination. no wonder you guys trying to hard to make a name for yourselvs off of us. im gonna give you some free pro-tips. picking off people in zerker gear thieves makes you bad in wvw. if its not a team build your doing it wrong.

You’re so good, you are afraid of fighting me 1v1?

In my screenshot of picking you off, I’m a Ranger, not a Thief in zerker gear. That makes you guys horribly bad. Just because you can play follow the leader, doesn’t make you good.

You guys travel with 20+ most of the time becuase you’re scared, and you have never SEEN a SoS full 80s group of players, ever.

Fixed it for you.

Now you’re just lying. You havn’t seen a SoS group of 80s? Let me refresh your memory. Ten of us chased the entire Sekz zerg off Hills twice last night before I logged.

lol i dont even think we were on hills yesteday. kitten we are dying laughing in voip right now over this. you keep on posting this same shot of us afk at some tower. its getting sad at this point, but ill be sure to look at the bodies next time we kill you to see if i recognize any of you. btw, anyone in BP heard of these guys? maybe they tag behind ALS upscales picking ppl off or something

[Sekz] Officer erigais AKA Weeaboo Hunter

01/02 Borlis vs Anvil vs N.Shiverpeaks

in WvW

Posted by: sylpheedIIDX.5721


Hello, I’m XXL and don’t read any thief guide
My theorycraft leaves AR in forts where they hide
Plain and simple dawgs, you’re weak and soft
Like map chat scrubs filing A. Net reports
Since Lad guy saw me /invite Anvil Rock
he watched me make these scrubs talk
Your opinion about me? better keep it short
If I wanted to know what you think, I’d read your thoughts
I’ll place you next to a PD thief’s debut
biters who sound more like guide writers than guide writers do
I hate this games PvP, but I manage to stay true
In a game where Sword Rangers rule once they start biting too
ALS is a joke, yeah I just said it
Zerging Teivo so much, they should get DKP credit
At the same time, SoS shines by biting ALS’ lines
If zerging gives you a kill on me, I say fine
ALS is your big brother so now you all like
zerg Teivo so ALS tucks us in tonight ^>^
And that’s the reason I got SoS believing
They should quit roaming and stay stuck to zerging
MOOB stays in small groups cause they stay in fear
By themselves they’re easy and shed tears
TWIN making treaties with me since I’m too strong
still gank me when my back is turned for too long
and don’t bother to ask where the mic is at
‘Cause Teivospy don’t care cause you bad
Anvil Rock is just marketing strategy babble
Only server that never actually 1v1 battles
I know #1 WvW weekly makes you a tough fixture
So hold your fake trophy and take some more pictures
WoW PvE rejects that can only zerg walls
Then talk trash on forums like they have balls
Learn Pv Walls?, I’d rather spec PD
make a montage and pretend it isn’t easy
Living in WvW, seekin’ online fame and stardom
Dudes you from suburbs and reek of boredom
AR Commanders talk tough, but fake in gw2 life
jealous I get 22 – 28 girls to be my online wifes
If your ability was real I wouldn’t have 100% win rate
you a high schooler who just ollies cause he can’t skate
But luckily I’m bored of solo PvP and I’ve finished my plate*
you guys zerg over and over and still ask for more cheesecake*
scumbag ALS always makin’ some bold statements
Even if I stealth and burst their commanders face in,
because then they summon their whole raid in.
all the time its just the same rhyme:
Down commander and then die
40 culled mobs appear around me and /dance on teiv,
then they caress each other, stroke and start kissing
The next nobody ALS gonna post soon
How you like talking in an empty room?
I don’t care what you say stick to your zerging career.
I do respect Manvil, top to bottom
But being on anvil rock tells me you guys have a problem
You’re on AR, so y’all don’t need me to say
Anvil rock is terrible and overall are easy slay
Borliss Pass guild bl is bad and confusing
but at least you guys try so I won’t be dissing
back to AR, hear what I’m saying:
I hope you crash in a ditch, I’m not playing
Zerging is the Yoko Ono of this WvW hub-bub
Makes a good pvp’r turn into a nub-scrub.
Then when alone ALS like searching for food stamps:
hiding behind NPCs in freshly capped supply camps
New plan: small group pvp and harass zergs,
Diss AR for no reason other than my nerve
GOAT say I’m jealous because they farm badges
I tell them they suck and to stay on top of their ledges
All of you don’t pvp, you just talk trash
Two words, grow up and stop being bad
I’m laughing at scrubs like TW and ZERO
You guys only get one bar so stop stressin’
MOOB still mad cause I imply they are cowards
PRO TIP: stop stealing into my SB #3 and hit the showers
I don’t hate, this is what you people want
None of you PvP all you guys do is zerg and taunt
But this is my opinion, so I’m speaking the truth
Naming guilds when you see me in the booth
And if I ain’t mention you chumps in what I drop
Either I think you aren’t bad or you suck and I forgot

And you my friend, have a way with words. So beautiful.

Lady Burr [Sekz] [Rekz] [qT] [DNA]
#1 puking quaggan

01/02 Borlis vs Anvil vs N.Shiverpeaks

in WvW

Posted by: BfourD.8540


YEAAAHHHHHH Im gonna need you to sum that up into 2 sentences…….Thanks.

01/02 Borlis vs Anvil vs N.Shiverpeaks

in WvW

Posted by: itohead.2749


This is how good Sekz is. They hide behind siege, when their opponents have the outmanned buff. As a Ranger I scored 22 kills (count my stacks) on these really bad zerg players before they stopped coming out of the tower.

lol….. Sekz is not good.

Nice. You took a screenshot when we were taking a break two weeks ago. We should make you the photographer for our family pictures.

How did you know I owned my own photography business?

I love how Sekz zergs the forums too. I guess when you’re bad at the game on an individual level, and can’t win anything worth mentioning in game, you have the forums to zerg.

…wait, was that during our bathroom/dinner break? Calm down, I guess I would be fairly upset too if I got smashed a million times in wvw.

No Sekz member has ever killed any of my toons. You’ll get good enough one day to leave the zerg.

Crying typically makes people feel better. Obviously it hasn’t done much for you.

but on a more serious note, you should seriously check out Apples to Apples.

80 Ele 80 Engi
one man guild

(edited by itohead.2749)

01/02 Borlis vs Anvil vs N.Shiverpeaks

in WvW

Posted by: jkctmc.8754


Going to take my wife to dinner since none of Sekz will accept my one vs one. Funny seeing you guys zerg the forums claiming to be good, but not willing to back it up, knowing you’re not.

Get good, then we can talk.

Renno – Stonegard – Aece
80 Thief – 80 Warrior – 80 Guardian – 80 Ranger
80 Mesmer – 80 Necromancer

01/02 Borlis vs Anvil vs N.Shiverpeaks

in WvW

Posted by: autumnsigh.7512


Going to take my wife to dinner since none of Sekz will accept my one vs one. Funny seeing you guys zerg the forums claiming to be good, but not willing to back it up, knowing you’re not.

Get good, then we can talk.

Have fun!

Appleby [DNA] [Sekz]

01/02 Borlis vs Anvil vs N.Shiverpeaks

in WvW

Posted by: Evilzara.6378


Going to take my wife to dinner since none of Sekz will accept my one vs one. Funny seeing you guys zerg the forums claiming to be good, but not willing to back it up, knowing you’re not.

Get good, then we can talk.

It doesn’t matter who’s better at 1v1’s. SekZ is more fun and coordinated than SoS will ever be. Also, quite a name you’re building for yourself and your guild, “Omg 1v1 me, I’m the best, you guys suck!”.

Commander Evilzara of The Black Tides [TBT]

Stormbluff Isle

01/02 Borlis vs Anvil vs N.Shiverpeaks

in WvW

Posted by: jkctmc.8754


Going to take my wife to dinner since none of Sekz will accept my one vs one. Funny seeing you guys zerg the forums claiming to be good, but not willing to back it up, knowing you’re not.

Get good, then we can talk.

It doesn’t matter who’s better at 1v1’s. SekZ is more fun and coordinated than SoS will ever be. Also, quite a name you’re building for yourself and your guild, “Omg 1v1 me, I’m the best, you guys suck!”.

You have a short memory.

SOS, I’m starting to like you guys better. Good coordinated little group you guys have.


Renno – Stonegard – Aece
80 Thief – 80 Warrior – 80 Guardian – 80 Ranger
80 Mesmer – 80 Necromancer

01/02 Borlis vs Anvil vs N.Shiverpeaks

in WvW

Posted by: Rob.7624


I don’t even..


I mean..


You know, I’d have a very witty meme to put in here.
If any of this actually made sense.

What defines the best WvW guild on the server is who attains the most points for said server. The entire winning idea of WvW.
So er. Yeh.
If you add in the Os Commanders who take the Nightcrew, Morning crew, day crew and Primetime crew.
Est mucho pointé
(In a language not known by anyone)
Not saying we’re, you know, up there at tip top.
But smokes the opposition

As for this entire page.
Ha ha ha ^__^

Commander Bird Song
Northern Shiverpeaks Night Crew
Os Guild

(edited by Rob.7624)