02/15 Aurora Glade - Gandara - Riverside
and again…
let the deliberate provocation beginn
Just a question are many player and guilds from eastern europe or russia?
Already ran into the german bot zerg. Guess this going to be another dull week against the usual things you find against their servers!
Was trying to run round as a group of 4 people. was impossible as took just 15seconds between escaping one 25+ man zerg to run into another one.
If your asking gandara, I dont think so but wouldn’t be surprised if we did.
We have a 2 or 3 turkish guilds i think and a few italian guilds. Couple of scandinavian guilds too.
We’re a pretty international server
Stop the flaming already. It doesnt get us anywhere.
Just a question to RS: How many Golems did you have when capping our Garrison? I got reported 8, but I’m not sure.
some nice early fights already
Many more weeks against Riverside, i feel it. This flaming etc. brings us nowhere. Anet can easily close this thread if you guys keep going on like that.
Let’s have some nice fights! I know both RS and AG have a good start and decent nightshift (atleast during weekend) but like always, Gandara might be able to get the points during the week.
Looked pretty bad for Gandara at a certain point during the reset and many people logged off early. A lot of big enemy groups. How do you guys make such big superzergs at these ungodly times? Just insane!
Can’t wait to have some nice clashes again against some of the AG guilds! UNTY, RAGE and many more! Cya on the battlefield and please, keep the flaming to a minimum.
Gandara – WvW Warrior
go go zerg more because without zerg u all are nothing:/
and more laugh when u kill 12 ppl with 60 pls,we have 1 week to spam laugh on u all dont worry .This coming from XxX, the biggest zerglings and cullingabusers is very ironic.
Zumy please before you accusing XxX for zerg and culling i recommend you to watch some off the clips they have posted… They never run more then 10-15 ppl (max20) in a group…some times some pugs joins but thats normal for all guildruns.
Can understand XxX frustration when they get overrunned by 3 times more ppl then them and after some Riverside ppl laugh and jumping on their corps (happend to me many times last match)…
Take care and hope the trolling in this tread dont get as low as it was last week/matchup.
“And watch our back…. The hangover is hard after a slapp from a YaKslapper…”
Gandara [EU]
(edited by nico.2946)
Keep it fluffy please folks, makes me sad panda to see people bad-mouthing like this.
Perish [FLEE]
GO RS AND AG awsome start to the Reset cant wait for this week
) happy to see thoose nice guilds FInaly got a few night fights in..
G V G = contact @ ukguildwars2.enjin.com / GL and happy hunting
contact : www.YaKslappers.com
SeverGvG: www.ThisIsGandara.com
Thanks for the fun on GBL tonight AG and RS. Special shout out to KISS, NP and FURY. You field well at reset!
Love from JDGE. See you as the match up progresses…
Leader of [JDGE] on Gandara EU.
A GW2 API for Objective-C – http://tinyurl.com/durmandpriory
dont get me wrong in my post. i was just asking, because of the diffenrent metallity.
I some countries its totally normal to provoc others. Here in germany we mostly take it as an offend. Thats the reason why some ppl here took it so serious. But i guess thats the reaction u want.
And btw these guys here dont represent our server. they speak for themself.
There are nice fights between our server some we lost and we won some aswell like every week.
It seems that some ppl here use their wins as an * enlargement. Chill guys its just a GAME!
Thanks for the fun on GBL tonight AG and RS. Special shout out to KISS, NP and FURY. You field well at reset!
Love from JDGE. See you as the match up progresses…
Likewise mate. Wins and wipes to be had by all it seemed. I thought we had your garrison in the bag, we were focusing down your Lord for the 2nd time then JDGE came piling in behind us lol
Furious Cookies[FURY]
Great start of the matchup guys, already had some good fights vs XxX, SN (if i recall correctly) and i thought i saw some YAK there also. Its been a balanced start excited about what the rest of the week will bring!
Good luck to all!
Greetz from FURY
my stream: http://twitch.tv/Para_Streaming
All names start with Para
Greetings from Riverside^^
Cause of last week which was more work than fun and besides Gandara and Riverside has no more secrets to share;-) me and some comrades take a break from point ticking and play just for fun and open roaming hope to see some smaller groups of you and Aurora to kick some kitten ^.
Greets Myrmi
Fantasic start of the week in Gandara BL, alot pf respecct from <Judge> to Kiss, Fury and NP for offer interesting fights. Also lots of ty to the Gandara ppl for fight together with us and be just as Aggressive on the field as anyone could wish
/Osicat <Judge>
so this zummy always QQ like this? thikn i seen u saying bout 5v5 in last weeks thread, XxX always run with small zerg, thats how they roll, try recruiting more players to ur guild if there only 5 of you lol… simples
less QQ more pewpew!!!!
[FLEE] Gandara [PUK]
Cut the sillyness!
Semper Dius [Dius]
EU Gandara
go go zerg more because without zerg u all are nothing:/
and more laugh when u kill 12 ppl with 60 pls,we have 1 week to spam laugh on u all dont worry .
<…>thikn i seen u saying bout <whatever>in last weeks thread, <server xyz> always run with <big> zerg, thats how they roll, try recruiting more players to ur guild <XxX> if there only <12>of you lol… simples
less QQ more pewpew!!!!
See, universal truth! So, everyone just start recruiting we need bigger guild groups to nuke bigger zergs to nuke bigger guild groups to nuke even bigger zergs to nuke… (I think even you (yes, you!) got me by now)…
@XxX: relax, that kitten can be annoying when you decide to run smal (or not so smal) groups, but it was your decision after all (same’s true for us Zumy). AND don’t do the above mentioned ‘solution’
Zzzzz and get rid of your pug adds:-(
Until we whipe you again on the battlefield, suxxers! (wouldn’t be a REQ post if there were no flame, rude kitten or hidden accusations) :-)
dangerdoom.3862: We all know your setup by now:
2 guardians, 2 mesmers, 1 warrior and 3 forumtrolls
This a field report from yesterday.
Its made with Big respect for the AG guild <NP> Ty alot for offer good fights, same to Kiss, Fury and some others.
Gandara AG and Riverside:
/Osicat <Judge>
(edited by Osicat.4139)
dont get me wrong in my post. i was just asking, because of the diffenrent metallity.
I some countries its totally normal to provoc others. Here in germany we mostly take it as an offend. Thats the reason why some ppl here took it so serious. But i guess thats the reaction u want.And btw these guys here dont represent our server. they speak for themself.
There are nice fights between our server some we lost and we won some aswell like every week.
It seems that some ppl here use their wins as an * enlargement. Chill guys its just a GAME!
Think most of it is friendly banter … without the friendliness XD.
No dont take it too seriously.
@ Myrmi
We have roaming groups of most sizes think the largest guild group you’ll see is about 20 and theres smaller groups of just about every size down from that, so im sure you can find someone somewhere to give your group a few fun fights.
Look forward to seeing you out there.
Had a lot of fun on our BL on reset before moving to another BL. Thanks for the fights KISS/NP/FURY and UNITY.
its good to be fighting with you guys again
good luck and have fun to both servers.
on Piken Square and Gandara.
@ Osi
why u dont pick up drop? :O
btw nice fight
I’m kill you’r bessies
Hi all! Good luck and fun. Hi hope this week is flameless of the past one.
See u in Border!!!…..Kill u in Border!!!
Bozzilla [IC] -Insert Coin- Gandara
Frist i would like to say thank you to Judge for the awesome fight we had and also getting on video :P :P and also to XxX we had awesome fights aganst you both and hope for many more <3 NP
Second the match has been up for less than 24hrs and people are already raging….. why? If you get wiped you get wiped take it on the chin ^^
The Night Pact Legacy [NP]
@ Osi
why u dont pick up drop? :O
btw nice fight
ikr! It hurts my soul every time I see Osi leaving loots behind or when he chases enemies instead of ressing me :< So rude.
If anyone wants to do 1v1 , add me / AG
Whats going on why is gandara winning? Its not the middle of the week yet : /
This is some dirty trick to lull us into a false sense of security isn’t it >:(
Well it wont work. We’re on to you
To the AG asura D/D ele (from [ES] Elder Scrolls guild I think) my engi and a thief just fought in GBL Titan camp. You are very good. #respect
on Piken Square and Gandara.
Whats going on why is gandara winning? Its not the middle of the week yet : /
This is some dirty trick to lull us into a false sense of security isn’t it >:(
Well it wont work. We’re on to you
Overall negativity and shenanigans like the guy(s) that kept building flame rams all over our fortifications last week are taking their toll i guess.
Great weekend so far! Lots of fun fights, even during the day! Keep it up!
Happy the mods got to work on the crap in here, but did they have to infract my request for their action? ;P Guess it’s just because the crap is gone as well!
Keep the battles coming! Just logged into gw2 for this matchup, and kitten you guys loves AG or what?
Well you guys are rly something different then GH and FSP, both in bigger numbers and good tactics. Well fought
[VII] – Seventh Legion – retired
[Dius] – Semper Dius – Kodash
Whats going on why is gandara winning? Its not the middle of the week yet : /
This is some dirty trick to lull us into a false sense of security isn’t it >:(
Well it wont work. We’re on to you
Well, I am a little bit surprised, too. I have not been around at reset but I got up pretty early this morning just to learn that the Riverside WvW community somehow (incidently?) almost unanimously decided to stay in bed this Saturday morning. In the Eternal Battlegrounds, we were outnumbered almost the entire morning and there has not been a queue on EB until the late afternoon, which is quite unusual for Riverside. In that shape we are actually no serious opponent.
While it is true that there has been some disruptive agitation by individuals from our own server against Riverside again this morning, the disruption is nowhere as extensive as it has been last week and can not be taken as an excuse for anything. It seems that we simply had a rather bad start into the weekend, while the Gandaran forces were strong and organized enough to take advantage of that fact.
Keep up the good fighting. There is still plenty of the weekend left, so lets see whether we can regain our strength.
Tyrian Intelligence Agency [TIA]
Dies for Riverside on a regular basis, since the betas
Was a joke aimed at gandara really, cant remember the last time we were winning a match up at this point in the week. Sorry if it kitten some people off : /
Sorry to hear morale isn’t great on RS, maybe a strong weekday shift will put you in a better mood for future matchups.
Still a long way to go though, if we can sort our crappy start to weeks out you can sort your less than stellar end out im sure
Good luck anyway and remember that the score =/= fun
Well tbh al guilds who participated in the battleplan in last Gandara guild TS meeting know we planned to go full force agressive last night with XxX, Dius Judge MM www etc.
Last night was first reset in Gandara where we with force and agression went on the offensive to wipe as many enemy groups and guilds as possible. Can only talk for Gandara BL but there the server communication adn overall agression was fantastic, no defensive build siege and hold, It was " enemy group 20~ repported on postion and instantly 2 guilds went there to seek battle and hopfully wipe them.
This teamwork and communication payed off and the scores talk for them self. Also had alot of fun.
/Osicat <Judge>
Good luck anyway and remember that the score =/= fun
Thanks, and I am well aware of that.
Well tbh al guilds who participated in the battleplan in last Gandara guild TS meeting know we planned to go full force agressive last night with XxX, Dius Judge MM www etc.
Kudos. As far as I can tell, your planning did pay off quite well so far. A 10k lead at this point of the week is impressive.
Tyrian Intelligence Agency [TIA]
Dies for Riverside on a regular basis, since the betas
Had a a good time on Riverside borderlands fighting over Bay. Proper quality fighting displayed on all sides. No complaints.
Lots of good fights on AG BL tonight. RMS did a great job commanding and good work by a few guild groups in there (you know who you are) may the cookies be with you.
Really enjoyed the fights with AG and RS happening around bay in RS border tonight. I’m sure everyone had their fair share of wins, losses and epic moments. We were supposed to call it a night already but stayed for an extra hour thanks to fights we had because of our “one more try” at bay. Really liked the 3-way chaosness happening around there. Thanks for the fun everyone involved!
Rottis – Mesmer | Hyrskytin – Engineer | Rullakebab – Warrior
Really enjoyed the fights with AG and RS happening around bay in RS border tonight. I’m sure everyone had their fair share of wins, losses and epic moments. We were supposed to call it a night already but stayed for an extra hour thanks to fights we had because of our “one more try” at bay. Really liked the 3-way chaosness happening around there. Thanks for the fun everyone involved!
Seconded! Very intense & awesome!
Hola AG and RS! I haven’t actually played properly this matchup yet, too much drinking to be had! Anyway I hope that this thread can be more civil this time around
@RS, It’s sad that you guys are being affected by trolls and low morale. I hope that your community can ditch them and rebuild
@REQ Nice to see you guys staying classy ;D Just a note; Maybe we (Dius) can organize a night (Probably friday) for a bit of 5v5? We don’t expect to win, being 5v5 not our strongest point, but maybe we can give you guys a ncie fight. it will be a giggle and maybe if you thrash us, we can learn a bit from you all
Hola AG and RS!
I haven’t actually played properly this matchup yet, too much drinking to be had! Anyway I hope that this thread can be more civil this time around
@RS, It’s sad that you guys are being affected by trolls and low morale. I hope that your community can ditch them and rebuild
@REQ Nice to see you guys staying classy ;D Just a note; Maybe we (Dius) can organize a night (Probably friday) for a bit of 5v5? We don’t expect to win, being 5v5 not our strongest point, but maybe we can give you guys a ncie fight. it will be a giggle and maybe if you thrash us, we can learn a bit from you all
Hi friend, I am sure we can arrange something. Good hunt and enjoy the rest of the WE. Tomorrow is monday :/.
Legendary counter: Twilight, Bolt, Incinerator, Incinerator Nr. 2, Meteorlogicus, The Dreamer
You RS dudes and dudettes truly love trebus, don’t you? How many did you build outside of Klovan before you managed to flip it yesterday evening? 7-8 trebs? Plus all the catas, ACs and ballis. Madness! Would you be so kind and reveal the secret behind the infinite supply and blueprint stream :< It was very intense fight, hope to see more like that. Just with less trebs next time, it was a bit overkill kthxbye.
To the dozen+ Aurora Glade members camping the chest (top of EBG JP): some people just want to do the puzzle in peace, let me get my rewards and I’m gone. It’s like an unspoken rule not to camp the chest.
Ran with the [WvW] crew a bit today and crossed paths with [PX] a couple times; fun battles, win or lose (some of both).
It’s like an unspoken rule not to camp the chest.
No it’s not, if you don’t like getting killed don’t go into a PvP zone.
Ran with the [WvW] crew a bit today and crossed paths with [PX] a couple times; fun battles, win or lose (some of both).
Yeah it is always fun wiping groups twice our size!
Good fun today on EBG versus [PX] first force of AG I’ve seen outside the JP, so kudos to you guys – definitely got the pain factor still, true to your Piken heritage.
Tonight we had a trial leader running, his second time leading – we had at peak 26 members at one point, however with those numbers and his lack of experience, I think he both did amazingly and improved a lot, proud of him
We guessed you guys had about 15, maybe more towards the end, we were winning consistently until the latter stages, I think you wiped us twice altogether, both times with infantry support (I think, wasn’t there for Pangloss though, afk at the time) ; however that’s nothing for me to cry about we’re the infantry supporting Guild of our Server, at our best with some good old Gandaran soldiers at our backs and listening to our orders
no doubt in hell we would get wiped repeatedly and farmed should we ever take you guys on with equal numbers, that’s not our focus, what we do we do well, I think that can be said for the both of us.
Despite having lesser numbers you guys sure as hell put fear and anxiety into us, shouts of incoming [PX] resounded through TS and we were always on the look out for you guys. Definitely not lost the fire of Piken, and I wouldn’t have it any other way.
Hopefully you guys can take this without flaming or jeering, you’re well respected opponents, and last I remember you were respectful too; I only mention it because of the attitude of the above poster :P
Will see you guys on the battlefield, many more badges to be had of us, I fear…
Underworld Battalion [WvW] Leader (retired) – Gandara [EU]
All Is Vain https://forum-en.gw2archive.eu/forum/pvp/pvp/gf-left-me-coz-of-ladderboard/
Good fun today on EBG versus [PX]
first force of AG I’ve seen outside the JP, so kudos to you guys – definitely got the pain factor still, true to your Piken heritage.
Tonight we had a trial leader running, his second time leading – we had at peak 26 members at one point, however with those numbers and his lack of experience, I think he both did amazingly and improved a lot, proud of him
We guessed you guys had about 15, maybe more towards the end, we were winning consistently until the latter stages, I think you wiped us twice altogether, both times with infantry support (I think, wasn’t there for Pangloss though, afk at the time) ; however that’s nothing for me to cry about
we’re the infantry supporting Guild of our Server, at our best with some good old Gandaran soldiers at our backs and listening to our orders
no doubt in hell we would get wiped repeatedly and farmed should we ever take you guys on with equal numbers, that’s not our focus, what we do we do well, I think that can be said for the both of us.
Despite having lesser numbers you guys sure as hell put fear and anxiety into us, shouts of incoming [PX] resounded through TS and we were always on the look out for you guys. Definitely not lost the fire of Piken, and I wouldn’t have it any other way.
Hopefully you guys can take this without flaming or jeering, you’re well respected opponents, and last I remember you were respectful too; I only mention it because of the attitude of the above poster :P
Will see you guys on the battlefield, many more badges to be had of us, I fear…
You think I’m being disrespectful?
I hope you will be willing to accept my flowers as an apology.
Good fun today on EBG versus [PX]
first force of AG I’ve seen outside the JP, so kudos to you guys – definitely got the pain factor still, true to your Piken heritage.
Tonight we had a trial leader running, his second time leading – we had at peak 26 members at one point, however with those numbers and his lack of experience, I think he both did amazingly and improved a lot, proud of him
We guessed you guys had about 15, maybe more towards the end, we were winning consistently until the latter stages, I think you wiped us twice altogether, both times with infantry support (I think, wasn’t there for Pangloss though, afk at the time) ; however that’s nothing for me to cry about
we’re the infantry supporting Guild of our Server, at our best with some good old Gandaran soldiers at our backs and listening to our orders
no doubt in hell we would get wiped repeatedly and farmed should we ever take you guys on with equal numbers, that’s not our focus, what we do we do well, I think that can be said for the both of us.
Despite having lesser numbers you guys sure as hell put fear and anxiety into us, shouts of incoming [PX] resounded through TS and we were always on the look out for you guys. Definitely not lost the fire of Piken, and I wouldn’t have it any other way.
Hopefully you guys can take this without flaming or jeering, you’re well respected opponents, and last I remember you were respectful too; I only mention it because of the attitude of the above poster :P
Will see you guys on the battlefield, many more badges to be had of us, I fear…
Good fights man!
The above poster is a jerk, don’t mind him btw!
There were fights we wouldn’t meet you guys alone and it was kinda frustrating for us, but it was all good fun, and yeah we peaked 16 PX at some point but most of the times half of them are afking smoking or trying to figure out what is profitable in the trading post
Cheers, see you around!
ps: sometimes we also run a night crew of 3-4 people in the EB Jumping Puzzle making people mad btw!
(edited by Deep Star.6541)
Good fun today on EBG versus [PX]
first force of AG I’ve seen outside the JP, so kudos to you guys – definitely got the pain factor still, true to your Piken heritage.
Tonight we had a trial leader running, his second time leading – we had at peak 26 members at one point, however with those numbers and his lack of experience, I think he both did amazingly and improved a lot, proud of him
We guessed you guys had about 15, maybe more towards the end, we were winning consistently until the latter stages, I think you wiped us twice altogether, both times with infantry support (I think, wasn’t there for Pangloss though, afk at the time) ; however that’s nothing for me to cry about
we’re the infantry supporting Guild of our Server, at our best with some good old Gandaran soldiers at our backs and listening to our orders
no doubt in hell we would get wiped repeatedly and farmed should we ever take you guys on with equal numbers, that’s not our focus, what we do we do well, I think that can be said for the both of us.
Despite having lesser numbers you guys sure as hell put fear and anxiety into us, shouts of incoming [PX] resounded through TS and we were always on the look out for you guys. Definitely not lost the fire of Piken, and I wouldn’t have it any other way.
Hopefully you guys can take this without flaming or jeering, you’re well respected opponents, and last I remember you were respectful too; I only mention it because of the attitude of the above poster :P
Will see you guys on the battlefield, many more badges to be had of us, I fear…
You think I’m being disrespectful?
I hope you will be willing to accept my flowers as an apology.
salute good fights… good times.. never trust flowers from a guy that fights with spoons