1/11/13 CD, IoJ, FA (Round 4)

1/11/13 CD, IoJ, FA (Round 4)

in WvW

Posted by: Vixena.3821


As someone who saw IoJ rise into the one week they were in tier 1 and heard so freaking much about IoJ server pride and about how no matter how hard IoJ falls, they will stick together because THAT is IoJ… this is very saddening.

It’s such a different picture now of IoJ. I am honestly truly saddened to see it go down shamefully by the mass exodus of guilds. I hope those of you who truly have the IoJ server pride that you guys were once known for find a comfortable spot in whatever tier you end up in.

1/11/13 CD, IoJ, FA (Round 4)

in WvW

Posted by: Master Farkha.1857

Master Farkha.1857

1/11/13 CD, IoJ, FA (Round 4)

in WvW

Posted by: etrigan.4213


All the BS and server knocking aside. Had a blast on IoJ last night.

Pics of our golems before the push to SM.

More here: http://imageshack.us/g/534/gw036t.jpg/

You know whats great about that pic???

The lag was sooooo bad in SMC last night in that three way fight that we had no idea that you guys had that many golems there.

Insane fights though!!

Nox – Fort Aspenwood

1/11/13 CD, IoJ, FA (Round 4)

in WvW

Posted by: junglizm.5843


Fact of the Matter is. in open field combat IOJ walked all over CD. Reset night of last week, IOJ curb stomped FA and CD at SMC for 3+ hours with both pushing into the keep.


We have had even numbers in T1 and T2 and couldn’t do squat because we were against superior guilds that just had better tactics and strategy.

Your supply camp timing push was about the most creative tactic you came up with during this month of matches but that was it. It wasn’t that we couldn’t counter it or weren’t aware of it, it was that we simply didn’t have the numbers to offset it.

If you ever get the chance to trade places with TC, you will know all to well and I sincerely hope you learn from future matches, because irregardless of guild sizes, militia numbers and server morale, learning is what keeps WvW matches interesting for everyone.

Accelerant [BURN] – Fort Aspenwood

1/11/13 CD, IoJ, FA (Round 4)

in WvW

Posted by: Deathdom.8250


Now that SBI has imploded and will be falling down soon, I have a feeling that the next matchup or the next next one will decide who will be moving up to T2. And it seems like all 3 servers have a good chance at that with (as much as it pains me to say it) FA probably having the best chance. So people, who do you think will move up? Crystal Desert, Fort Janthir, or Dragonbrand?

1/11/13 CD, IoJ, FA (Round 4)

in WvW

Posted by: Riddickk.7091


you know FA and IOJ are really doing allot of trash talking lately, outside of titan and the joke post, no one in CD is really talking kitten. i just see FA saying they moving to tier 2 next week and how there gods.

also about the guy saying CD don’t feild combat good, you need to find KH. we are really good at feild combat.

I said for the most part. KH folded and ran like everyone else did once we annihilated their frontline the few times we met. [Gods] I think it was wiped us a few times till we figured they were caster heavy with like 3 frontline guys.
and there was a really good guardian grp, but I think those were FA.

Roddrickk-80 Asuran Warrior
Guild: Helioz

1/11/13 CD, IoJ, FA (Round 4)

in WvW

Posted by: Waking.6052


When we had a guild meeting, and talked about a lot of different servers, the consensus easily was to join FA because they are similar in fighting spirit, respectful of their opponents, and there was nothing really AGAINST them except the concern that they might not receive us.

As soon as we transferred I started getting whispers of welcome, and there are pages on the community saying the same thing. FA is the place we wanted to be but didn’t know it until it became obvious that IOJ can’t be saved. We went down with the sinking ship of IOJ from T1, through months of losing now to T4.

Since there were WvW focused guilds on IOJ that wanted TOUGH competition but also not ridiculous queue times FA just made sense.

So CD, consider this. You presented an unsavory image. FA presented an opportunity for some dignified fun. We chose FA over CD, in fact we chose FA over a lot of servers. Now we’ll see how the behavior of CD and FA have influenced their success in WvW.

Guardian Commander “The Lord Saves”
Mesmer Commander “The Lord Knows”
Fort Aspenwood

1/11/13 CD, IoJ, FA (Round 4)

in WvW

Posted by: appledainty.8127


I’m not TC, I am CD. I made no threats and bullied no one, and my group organizes the event and feels the same way. I even stated that I thought TC’s response was rather extreme (albeit, kinda funny in that they take their RP so seriously).

But, I can understand why you are holding a grudge against the Yak Parade because of something that a server we are no longer wvwing with did or said months ago. I understand it, but I won’t deny that I think it’s a little sad that these thoughts occur to you at all.

When that small group of FA crashed the parade, I went out of my way to continue trying to recruit FA people to join us, because I have no hard feelings. But you’re not capable of putting aside an overblown reaction from a server that’s not even here anymore? You do know that they stomped all over CD’s maps when they finished with FA’s right? Should we stop being capable of friendly conversation with them because of it?

It’s just a game ya’ll. And words are wind.

Ellehnia – Mad Pirate Ranger
Team Dolyak [KH]

1/11/13 CD, IoJ, FA (Round 4)

in WvW

Posted by: Vixena.3821


When we had a guild meeting, and talked about a lot of different servers, the consensus easily was to join FA because they are similar in fighting spirit, respectful of their opponents, and there was nothing really AGAINST them except the concern that they might not receive us.

As soon as we transferred I started getting whispers of welcome, and there are pages on the community saying the same thing. FA is the place we wanted to be but didn’t know it until it became obvious that IOJ can’t be saved. We went down with the sinking ship of IOJ from T1, through months of losing now to T4.

Since there were WvW focused guilds on IOJ that wanted TOUGH competition but also not ridiculous queue times FA just made sense.

Reminds me so much of when several guilds transferred to IoJ that helped bring it to tier 1.

1/11/13 CD, IoJ, FA (Round 4)

in WvW

Posted by: Turkey.3605


Well this thread’s wound up exactly where I thought it would.

If FA is successful after the transfers, they’ll see exactly what CD saw: fairweathers, PvErs, and lowbies coming out to WvW, vids of CD guilds wrecking zergs with random FA guild tags spread throughout while we still lose the match overall, and finally CD players whining on the forums about numbers advantages and decrying FA’s lack of skill.

The same story plays out on every server in every tier.

It’s all so pointless. Even though WvW by it’s nature provokes server rivalries, I still like to think I’m playing a game called GUILD Wars 2. Fights against randoms are meh, my blood only gets pumping while fighting groups with certain guild tags.

So vilify CD all you want to, just stop pretending that we were the ONLY server that smack talks, as if AVTR’s posting vids isn’t smack talk, or qq’ing that we only win because of numbers and have no skill isn’t smack talk. In the end, you’re really only mad that a very few select people from CD talked smack because we won.

And using that to rationalize abandoning IoJ, as if CD directly provoked the exodus, is just laughable, but if it helps you sleep at night then hate away.

Ludrig – Necromancer

1/11/13 CD, IoJ, FA (Round 4)

in WvW

Posted by: junglizm.5843


Reminds me so much of when several guilds transferred to IoJ that helped bring it to tier 1.

To be fair, none of the guilds on IOJ ever felt we earned the spot we got that week in T1. It was the reseult of higher tier server imploding and inflating lower tier rankings. Blackgate and SoS were still well below us, blowing out match ups to earn their way back up when we went to T1.

We were comfortable being a T2 guild, we had very good commanders and mediocre militia support. But when Fractals came out, the holidays never returned our militia to WvW. Top tier servers thrive on militia morale and you can’t give morale to guys who don’t even show up to fight.

It’s really bad when people message you to stop recruiting for WvW on your own server b/c it keeps bumping their FotM messages out of map chat. That was the sad state of IOJ.

Accelerant [BURN] – Fort Aspenwood

1/11/13 CD, IoJ, FA (Round 4)

in WvW

Posted by: Visadin.1485


agree elle, words, that all FA is doing now, for the talk about how CD is evil and eat kittins, you guys got a few guilds and got high and mighty, talking about tier 2, how CD suck, and talking about how we bully with the dolyak parade.

first off the only bully in a dolyak parade is a bully goat so please be nice :P

and also yes we trash talk, i haven’t trash talk at all, in fact i welcome IOJ to FA, i want a good fight, last week sucked for us as mush as you both, hell i respect you FA, but today i am losing respect. so 5 guys from CD troll the forums, so everyone on my server is full of jerks? well maybe i am a jerk, maybe you are right.

but all i ask is stop talking and just bring it.

[KH] Visadin Lightbranch- 80 Guardian

1/11/13 CD, IoJ, FA (Round 4)

in WvW

Posted by: junglizm.5843


And using that to rationalize abandoning IoJ, as if CD directly provoked the exodus, is just laughable, but if it helps you sleep at night then hate away.

Exactly where in this thread does anyone give you credit for provoking the IOJ exodus?

You fit that ego into a compact or you drive an SUV?

Accelerant [BURN] – Fort Aspenwood

1/11/13 CD, IoJ, FA (Round 4)

in WvW

Posted by: Haldunius.7864


Approximately 1 hour til reset. That’s all that matters.

The only kitten talking I’ve seen from FA about this server battle is from a CD person saying FA is kitten taking. As for T2, feel free to point it out to me, but I have yet to see one FA person say the server is going to T2.

1 hour.

FA Mesmo – [VK]
Last words – “I’m going to jump off this cliff
and pull all those guys down cuz they’ll die.”

1/11/13 CD, IoJ, FA (Round 4)

in WvW

Posted by: Ejiofor.4801


Good luck for this week, everyone! Welcome, IoJ guilds to FA!

Gearstrip Jones, Engineer, Borlis Pass, [KPUP]
“Which Lo Pan? Little ol’ basket case on wheels, or the ten-foot-tall roadblock?!”
-Kurt Russell, Big Trouble in Little China

1/11/13 CD, IoJ, FA (Round 4)

in WvW

Posted by: Visadin.1485


Good i want a fight, BRING IT!

[KH] Visadin Lightbranch- 80 Guardian

1/11/13 CD, IoJ, FA (Round 4)

in WvW

Posted by: VerdantSF.1507


The only kitten talking I’ve seen from FA about this server battle is from a CD person saying FA is kitten taking. As for T2, feel free to point it out to me, but I have yet to see one FA person say the server is going to T2.

CD is going to be feeling the wrath of IoJ+FA as well as their new opponents. I can assure you those who transfered to FA are looking for CD blood. It’s not going to just be next week either. CD will never make it to tier 2 because the best they’l get is 2nd place in tier 3 from now on until FA moves up and frankly they deserve it. CD may very well end up like IoJ is now before the week is over and free transfers are locked.

Mitchcraft the Mesmer
Get of Fenris [GoF] on Blackgate

(edited by VerdantSF.1507)

1/11/13 CD, IoJ, FA (Round 4)

in WvW

Posted by: Haldunius.7864


Yikes – ok 1 guy. And he managed to hit both topics. Touche my friend. Touche.

FA Mesmo – [VK]
Last words – “I’m going to jump off this cliff
and pull all those guys down cuz they’ll die.”

1/11/13 CD, IoJ, FA (Round 4)

in WvW

Posted by: VerdantSF.1507


Hehe, couldn’t resist . Regardless, looking forward to a good match tonight! I don’t think there’s been this much pre-reset anticipation for our tier in a long time!

Mitchcraft the Mesmer
Get of Fenris [GoF] on Blackgate

(edited by VerdantSF.1507)

1/11/13 CD, IoJ, FA (Round 4)

in WvW

Posted by: Visadin.1485


ya that guy kitten me off, it one thing to say FA going to tier 2, i want that, i want FA and CD to fight for tier 2 and if CD lose we don’t deseave it, simple as that.

but to say that you hope that CD server dies like IOJ is just bad.

[KH] Visadin Lightbranch- 80 Guardian

1/11/13 CD, IoJ, FA (Round 4)

in WvW

Posted by: Volcanus.2756


The 2 servers combined will now be called Fort Janthir from here on out. Arena Net please make this change.

Damage Inc. [DI]
Isle of Janthir

1/11/13 CD, IoJ, FA (Round 4)

in WvW

Posted by: Epidemiology.8496


Well this thread’s wound up exactly where I thought it would.

If FA is successful after the transfers, they’ll see exactly what CD saw: fairweathers, PvErs, and lowbies coming out to WvW, vids of CD guilds wrecking zergs with random FA guild tags spread throughout while we still lose the match overall, and finally CD players whining on the forums about numbers advantages and decrying FA’s lack of skill.

The same story plays out on every server in every tier.

It’s all so pointless. Even though WvW by it’s nature provokes server rivalries, I still like to think I’m playing a game called GUILD Wars 2. Fights against randoms are meh, my blood only gets pumping while fighting groups with certain guild tags.

So vilify CD all you want to, just stop pretending that we were the ONLY server that smack talks, as if AVTR’s posting vids isn’t smack talk, or qq’ing that we only win because of numbers and have no skill isn’t smack talk. In the end, you’re really only mad that a very few select people from CD talked smack because we won.

And using that to rationalize abandoning IoJ, as if CD directly provoked the exodus, is just laughable, but if it helps you sleep at night then hate away.

Though I agree with you on most points, you should realize that CD has some very arrogant winners, particularly one from your guild, that caused this bad blood. I have no problem with losing – in fact, I thought your CD’s strategies and organization in the last weeks improved tremendously (conceding it wasn’t entirely a numbers game). However, it’s hard to admit that when people on the forums intentionally flamebait. Someone from KH spewed BS all over these last few weeks’ threads, and I’m guessing people just generalized that particular character as how your guild (and consequently server, since you guys are a huge WvW guild) acts. For example, as if you guys weren’t already winning, your players failed to recognize how a 3-way game works and accused the losing teams of 2v1ing you. And then, you guys had the audacity to dictate what FA and IoJ were to do (stay out of CDBL and fight each other), and boasted of threats if you didn’t get your way (something along the lines of declining FA points until we reached T4). It’s one thing to talk smack, but it’s another to be so bold as to whine when you’re already winning, and then try to control other servers’ actions through threats.

1/11/13 CD, IoJ, FA (Round 4)

in WvW

Posted by: Liability.8261


So CD, consider this. You presented an unsavory image. FA presented an opportunity for some dignified fun. We chose FA over CD, in fact we chose FA over a lot of servers. Now we’ll see how the behavior of CD and FA have influenced their success in WvW.

If presenting an “unsavory image” drove drgn to FA, then this is the best argument FOR trash talking that I’ve ever seen.

1/11/13 CD, IoJ, FA (Round 4)

in WvW

Posted by: Visadin.1485


Our leader chewed us out for trash talking too mush, i think it silly to trash talk that way, i want close matches and not blow outs, even if i am the winning side.

[KH] Visadin Lightbranch- 80 Guardian

1/11/13 CD, IoJ, FA (Round 4)

in WvW

Posted by: Sylosis.7125


See you on the battlefield

1/11/13 CD, IoJ, FA (Round 4)

in WvW

Posted by: Waffler.1257


It’s always good to CD talking us down (one of the reasons when we didn’t choose CD) (After all we want to move to a place where we will feel valued, and that was FA)

As one of these “Bandwagoners” that we are called and one of these leave at first sign of trouble and no server pride blah blah blah, it has nothing to do with that. Do we need to defend ourselves? Why bother, it will just fall on deaf ears.

But I know every single IoJ that has decided to leave has put their blood sweat and tears into IoJ.

For those that do give us these ‘brands’ it shows how little you know of Janthir’s past 4 months of history. And at the end of the day Guild wars 2 is a game, people pay to play it (not the other way around) and I am extremely proud of every IoJ’er that has lasted this long through a very hard time on a game you are meant to have fun on.
(Can’t remember the last leader meeting we had where we didn’t bring up the struggle of numbers and lack of support from the greater IoJ community in WvW)

To the WvW leaders and guild leaders that kept the spirits high in IoJ, even through all the hard times, I am so happy most of you did not burn out for so long. To the players that supported those leaders, thank you for having faith in us. It’s time now for us to be able to have more support in WvW (We have tried recruiting internally and externally for IoJ for a long time)

And now, to the IoJ community and its friendship and support, thank you for sticking together, to keep that community and join a server who treats us as equals, respects us and understands what we have been through.

CD, how you respect the other players you get to play with (remember, without all the other players and servers out there, you would not have any WvW) is how you will be viewed. The vote was unanimous to not go to CD and one of the main factors was due to how you represent yourself here, how you smack talk and how you show a lack of understanding to other players out there, a lack that other human beings may want to actually play and enjoy a game they have spent money on instead of continually fighting against a server that at its core is PvE.

FA is our new home for most of us not because we want to bandwagon and stack up on CD (yes it will be fun to fight you again) but it is our new home because we the want to fight with our friends we have forged in the past 4 months in a place where we can do it without having to hear the terms CD so easily flings around. And because FA has shown us a server that has values aligned with ours.

Maybe you forgot to do a background check. Our first ever recruitment thread received responses not from potential transfers, not from other CD members supporting the thread, nope, it was FA trolls kittenting all over us for trying to recruit. Maybe you don’t know as much about FA since you haven’t been playing against them as long as us, but I can assure you they are far from the angels you make them out to be.

1/11/13 CD, IoJ, FA (Round 4)

in WvW

Posted by: moose.6973


Lots of hate on CD in this thread, sad to see that. As a commander in RISE, I’ll see you all out on the battlefield this week. I can definitely say that whatever attitudes you perceive from some of the members on CD shouldn’t be the generalization for all of us. Looking forward to some good battles, as FA was a hard matchup BEFORE they got some new players.