Rank 80 sPvP
Champion Phantom
Liking the fight this weekittenep it up.
Good luck to you guys, hopefully one of you can come up to tier 3 and play with us for some changes!
Good luck to you guys, hopefully one of you can come up to tier 3 and play with us for some changes!
Not trying to brag here but if anyone came up DB pending more NA transfers would be the best canidate.. Simple enough we have the Oceanic coverage to handle it. Our Oceanic guilds do have experience in higher tiers, I am pretty sure they will enjoy the challenge again. We still lack NA coverage though our NA crew is used to being double teamed hard during this time as it is the best strategy for the servers facing us. Yaks would do well as well but lack the Oceanic coverage (and this is harder to get through transfers). DB is where it belongs at the moment.
(edited by lani.7431)
Gotta say that i’m getting pretty disheartened with the whole pvdoor scenario. last night before i crashed we had DB and EB solidly behind us.
YB did have a decent lead, and you guys came out swinging hard at the reset.
But the majority of that lead stems from the tactical decision by Dragonbrand to only flex NA guilds in three maps. We decided to leave YB bl alone for the evening, and EBay apparently followed suit or had trouble setting up any kind of foothold there.
Had Dragonbrand decided to flex major forces into YB bl, and leave EBay bl alone for reset night the score would have been closer.
EBay is still trying to dislodge DB from their homeland as we speak.
How is that a “tactical decision” when DB can clearly outnumber both servers combined during off peak hours?
You can do as much tactical decision making all you want during the day, it doesn’t change that fact that your server is playing PvE mode at night.
Whether u wanna believe it or not, these kinda cancerous thoughts directly, and indirectly, impact the success or failure of your peers… Buck up lil trooper and keep fighting, you have some good players in your game, no need dis their efforts
The fact that DB can own all 4 maps at once during the night without any resistance is what is impacting the success or failure of my peers. Its a simple fact really. They get more points at night than anyone during the day. Unfortunately that’s the way to goes with this matchup.
“Without any resistance”
Well, I wonder have you ever played WvW during nightime? Yak’s defense power is pretty decent on eternal battleground, even in the morning.
(edited by Ping.5739)
I-Its not like we w-wanted to win with those g-golems.
we were just pretending to attack you. J-jokes on you guys!
Fixed for accuracy.
nice try to the guy of Eb who tried to take the greenlake tower with just an alpha golem…
ethinanNice job of DB exploiting into this tower. We may have been able to hold it until reinforcements but we got ganked inside….
You sure it wasn’t a mesmer?
ethinanNice job of DB exploiting into this tower. We may have been able to hold it until reinforcements but we got ganked inside….
You sure it wasn’t a mesmer?
They never suspect that dastardly mesmer with pro hiding skills!
ethinanNice job of DB exploiting into this tower. We may have been able to hold it until reinforcements but we got ganked inside….
You sure it wasn’t a mesmer?
They never suspect that dastardly mesmer with pro hiding skills!
People don’t sweep towers very well either.
The closest thing to tower “sweeps” I ever see is the PVEers in the zerg running up to the vistas in some of them.
Plus, all a mesmer really has to do is lay down an entrance portal inside the tower and then go wait outside until the zerg moves on, portal back up and Tada, they’re inside. Zergs don’t stick around towers for more than 30 seconds after capture very often.
Don’t even need to be inside during the sweep.
(edited by EnRohbi.2187)
pokes Ebay
Did we break you guys.
I didn’t mean to spot your 6 Alpha 1 Omega golem rush. I didn’t meant to destroy it before it got to the door. Well ok I did meant to destroy it but still. I stopped commanding in your borderlands and the zerg there has no commander and they are taking your stuff.
Haha I knew it! You guys would post it here! Couldn’t you tell how obvious it was?
It’s already like 2 am our time and we built those golems to attack hills. We know your asian zerg is about to come and take the whole map.We’re about to sleep so we just put those golems out there instead of not using them It was already spotted right after we left the garrison gate but I told my guys to just keep going and get this over with and rest. We’ve been wvwing for the past 7 hours ever since that fight for bay at our home borderlands against yaks.
oh yeah, we were the guild who went to your borderlands Friday, took your garrison, took NE,NW,SW towers and put that waypoint on your bay with help from our friends from [CoS] of course.
(edited by Noice.8730)
Not trying to brag here but if anyone came up DB pending more NA transfers would be the best canidate.. Simple enough we have the Oceanic coverage to handle it. Our Oceanic guilds do have experience in higher tiers, I am pretty sure they will enjoy the challenge again. We still lack NA coverage though our NA crew is used to being double teamed hard during this time as it is the best strategy for the servers facing us. Yaks would do well as well but lack the Oceanic coverage (and this is harder to get through transfers). DB is where it belongs at the moment.
YB was in T3 for 3 or so weeks and competed well.
pokes Ebay
Did we break you guys.
I didn’t mean to spot your 6 Alpha 1 Omega golem rush. I didn’t meant to destroy it before it got to the door. Well ok I did meant to destroy it but still. I stopped commanding in your borderlands and the zerg there has no commander and they are taking your stuff.
Haha I knew it! You guys would post it here! Couldn’t you tell how obvious it was?
It’s already like 2 am our time and we built those golems to attack hills. We know your asian zerg is about to come and take the whole map.We’re about to sleep so we just put those golems out there instead of not using them
It was already spotted right after we left the garrison gate but I told my guys to just keep going and get this over with and rest. We’ve been wvwing for the past 7 hours ever since that fight for bay at our home borderlands against yaks.
oh yeah, we were the guild who went to your borderlands Friday, took your garrison, took NE,NW,SW towers and put that waypoint on your bay
with help from our friends from [CoS] of course.
Congrats but you should know how it is with both servers pushing on an enemy BL during reset. Very hard to defend with 2 server zergs. At least we got our Garrison and BL before you guys got yours on your BL. Btw, congrats to your server on finally taking your east keep back on your BL. How long has it been?
Either way, dont burn yourselves out. The match has a long way to go. Rest assured, YB will probably be focused on now since you guys are falling behind quite a bit. This will leave you guys time to catch up. Thats assuming you don’t turn our heads or keep wasting your prime time on things that don’t maximize your points.
(edited by Furey.6734)
Steamrolled is the only word that comes to mind on what just happened to EB on YBBL!
I-Its not like we w-wanted to win with those g-golems.
we were just pretending to attack you. J-jokes on you guys!Fixed for accuracy.
Haha, you guys really crack me up. Yeah, sometimes the rush gets discovered, it happens! Most of the time though, I’m on your inner garrison with the door at 10% when 60+ people show up. That’s when the EBG commander rushes and caps Stonemist. Mock me all you want, but it works. Our DOMINATION of you guys in primetime shows that we have sound strategies AND tactics. When we have our alliance on, we even dominate in T3. Ask TC, they remember.
Keep laughing it up. Soon enough we will get the oceanic presence we need and we will climb back up.
ethinanNice job of DB exploiting into this tower. We may have been able to hold it until reinforcements but we got ganked inside….
You sure it wasn’t a mesmer?
They never suspect that dastardly mesmer with pro hiding skills!
People don’t sweep towers very well either.
The closest thing to tower “sweeps” I ever see is the PVEers in the zerg running up to the vistas in some of them.Plus, all a mesmer really has to do is lay down an entrance portal inside the tower and then go wait outside until the zerg moves on, portal back up and Tada, they’re inside. Zergs don’t stick around towers for more than 30 seconds after capture very often.
Don’t even need to be inside during the sweep.
I have to agree. We Yaks in particular have been doing a poor job of sweeping overall and it’s something we are trying to fix.
Keep laughing it up. Soon enough we will get the oceanic presence we need and we will climb back up.
From where? Let’s be perfectly honest here. Oceanic guilds don’t transfer often if at all due to language barrier and them not wanting to play by themselves in their respective timezones. We watch countless recruitment threads on these forums asking for Oceanic guilds to join heavy NA servers but only rarely do you see these actually work. The best way to get an Oceanic presence is to just join a server with a strong one already. Until then your going wake up to flipped keeps and dominated maps.
Keep laughing it up. Soon enough we will get the oceanic presence we need and we will climb back up.
From where? Let’s be perfectly honest here. Oceanic guilds don’t transfer often if at all due to language barrier and them not wanting to play by themselves in their respective timezones. We watch countless recruitment threads on these forums asking for Oceanic guilds to join heavy NA servers but only rarely do you see these actually work. The best way to get an Oceanic presence is to just join a server with a strong one already. Until then your going wake up to flipped keeps and dominated maps.
Don’t discourage them,
Every server should have some amount of Oceanic coverage and they should try to achieve it too.
DB is not entirely unique amongst GW2 servers,
We’re in a good place right now but we’re following the same sort of pattern that every other server does.
I also don’t want to see DB’s reputation become like what BP’s was. Arrogant, rude and full of themselves.
What your facing at 12AM-4/5 AM Eastern are those that haven’t gone to sleep yet from the NA time zone. Same as you guys.
Is NNK NA? Looks like different names than we see in primetime. So doesn’t seem like NA, unless your NA team doesn’t start playing the game in earnest till like 11 PM NA. We rarely get pushed by DB prior to that.
But seems like a lot of these groups are not used to being hit back at all, other than maybe by a token force that its easy for them to overwhelm. Having 50 man groups routed by maybe half of that when they do actually meet organized resistance.
Shouldn’t be surprising really if that is all one is used to facing. It takes consistent competition to force you to improve tactically. But its definitely up there beyond this tier. We have played IoJ, CD, TC, these teams that are used to having to battle intensely off peak, and they are very good at it.
(edited by Pendragon.8735)
What your facing at 12AM-4/5 AM Eastern are those that haven’t gone to sleep yet from the NA time zone. Same as you guys.
Is NNK NA? Looks like different names than we see in primetime. So doesn’t seem like NA, unless your NA team doesn’t start playing the game in earnest till like 11 PM NA. We rarely get pushed by DB prior to that.
But seems like a lot of these groups are not used to being hit back at all, other than maybe by a token force that its easy for them to overwhelm. Having 50 man groups routed by maybe half of that when they do actually meet organized resistance.
Shouldn’t be surprising really if that is all one is used to facing. It takes consistent competition to force you to improve tactically. But its definitely up there beyond this tier. We have played IoJ, CD, TC, these teams that are used to having to battle intensely off peak, and they are very good at it.
Nah, NNK are some of our Asians.
But I tend to see a few NNK during NA daytime/afternoon still, and a steadily increasing number of them until their primetime.
You’re probably seeing groups of them come online before the fullest of our Asian force gets home from work/school/whatevertheydoduringtheday
ADDED: I really hope by now though, at least since this is the second week of this matchup, that we’ve proven that our NA crew belongs in tier 4. I think we’re past the days where we should be getting ragged on as being carried by our Asian crew. They certainly make a difference and they are also definitely the reason that we /win/ so solidly, be if they all left right now we would still be competitive where we are.
(edited by EnRohbi.2187)
Keep in mind that Friday evening is Saturday afternoon for East Asia and Australia. So seeing a few more of them on at reset isn’t unprecedented.
What your facing at 12AM-4/5 AM Eastern are those that haven’t gone to sleep yet from the NA time zone. Same as you guys.
Is NNK NA? Looks like different names than we see in primetime. So doesn’t seem like NA, unless your NA team doesn’t start playing the game in earnest till like 11 PM NA. We rarely get pushed by DB prior to that.
But seems like a lot of these groups are not used to being hit back at all, other than maybe by a token force that its easy for them to overwhelm. Having 50 man groups routed by maybe half of that when they do actually meet organized resistance.
Shouldn’t be surprising really if that is all one is used to facing. It takes consistent competition to force you to improve tactically. But its definitely up there beyond this tier. We have played IoJ, CD, TC, these teams that are used to having to battle intensely off peak, and they are very good at it.
Just to chip in, 2 out of 3 current T2 servers TC and SoR have next to no oceanic coverage. We’re talking 10 people on 2 maps during those times…a strong oceanic is mandatory for T1 and for winning T2, but it isn’t everything. And any server that thinks they can ride a strong oceanic base all the way up is sorely mistaken. Crystal Desert will be like a brick wall, for one.
ykyk does not lie i was up in that server before i transferred down to DB for multiple reason but any ways yes Crystal Desert is a brick wall that 200feet thick 10000 feet long and 1000 feet high brick wall they are not a server you can kitten around with they can play booth oceanic prime time and NA prime time with non stop combat
(edited by IonusX.7905)
Keep in mind that Friday evening is Saturday afternoon for East Asia and Australia. So seeing a few more of them on at reset isn’t unprecedented.
Reset is at 11.00 am Australian eastern daylight saving time, so yes almost afternoon :-).
I’m not trying to dis the DB oceanic crew or even the NA crew. I have said before and will say again that you guys are bound for tier 3 and above. You have a great overall presence and some fundamentally sound guilds.
That doesn’t mean we’re gonna gift wrap it for ya, though. I’m gonna bite, scratch, kick and claw the whole time.
Someone on Ebay please explain: why do you consistantly zerg Yaks BL while your own BL is Red/Green? Not quite seeing the logic there. You guys seem to be doing this daily and all it’s doing is pushing you further and further down in rankings. Own your homeland and push out after it’s secured, thats typically the norm strat for progression.
Ive seen your numbers on Yak BL, EBG, and even in DB BL….but you outmanned in your own BL. Kinda backwards aint it?
What your facing at 12AM-4/5 AM Eastern are those that haven’t gone to sleep yet from the NA time zone. Same as you guys.
Is NNK NA? Looks like different names than we see in primetime. So doesn’t seem like NA, unless your NA team doesn’t start playing the game in earnest till like 11 PM NA. We rarely get pushed by DB prior to that.
But seems like a lot of these groups are not used to being hit back at all, other than maybe by a token force that its easy for them to overwhelm. Having 50 man groups routed by maybe half of that when they do actually meet organized resistance.
Shouldn’t be surprising really if that is all one is used to facing. It takes consistent competition to force you to improve tactically. But its definitely up there beyond this tier. We have played IoJ, CD, TC, these teams that are used to having to battle intensely off peak, and they are very good at it.
Just to chip in, 2 out of 3 current T2 servers TC and SoR have next to no oceanic coverage. We’re talking 10 people on 2 maps during those times…a strong oceanic is mandatory for T1 and for winning T2, but it isn’t everything. And any server that thinks they can ride a strong oceanic base all the way up is sorely mistaken. Crystal Desert will be like a brick wall, for one.
Can I just say again that I miss playing TC? Fun fights and respectful people all around. We all have forum trolls, I know, but our communities were mostly civil and we even had quite a few fight nights and dance parties!
Zergs don’t stick around towers for more than 30 seconds after capture very often.
Zergs tend to stick around about as long as their commanders do.
Our guild member 80% taiwan 5% hong kong
15% us uk canada .etc
and we have the cmd is us also
DB’s EA guild…sigh. That attempt at the Bay on YB BL. We’ll not talk about exactly what happened there now will we, as we both know what you did. But if you want I can send you a nice pic of all of you becoming loot bags in the Lord’s room.
DB’s EA guild…sigh. That attempt at the Bay on YB BL. We’ll not talk about exactly what happened there now will we, as we both know what you did. But if you want I can send you a nice pic of all of you becoming loot bags in the Lord’s room.
Uh oh…. Someones gettin a lil froggy
DB’s EA guild…sigh. That attempt at the Bay on YB BL. We’ll not talk about exactly what happened there now will we, as we both know what you did. But if you want I can send you a nice pic of all of you becoming loot bags in the Lord’s room.
Dred, e only commander that’s able to decimate huge Zerg wif his little defend force. Previously in PRO (DR), now in YB.
Yes pls, lets hear e juicy story. Unlike u to post such a short posting.
Drednyte.7601DB’s EA guild…sigh. That attempt at the Bay on YB BL. We’ll not talk about exactly what happened there now will we, as we both know what you did. But if you want I can send you a nice pic of all of you becoming loot bags in the Lord’s room.
If I took screens of all you guys becoming loot bags on our hills, I’d run out of disk space.
GG though – Nice response time.
(edited by Evalana.5480)
I’m the [EA] Chaar on the treb!!
… Yaks Bend knows exactly what I’m talking about. =D
~ Kovu
[edit] And so does Ehmry, because for some reason they keep showing up and 2v1ing us instead of trying to hit something on -their- side of the map.
(edited by Kovu.7560)
Zergs don’t stick around towers for more than 30 seconds after capture very often.
Zergs tend to stick around about as long as their commanders do.
I’m not sure if this is a quip at me or just a statement, I’ll assume the latter.
Zergs are not mindless.
Every character in a zerg is a fully independent human being with a brain that can go “Maybe I should stick around and check out hiding spots in this tower while the rest of the zerg moves on”
It’s a waste of time for everyone to mesmer sweep one tower for 5 minutes, but any one of the people in the zerg could opt to stay behind and verify the tower is safe themselves.
I know I stay behind and mesmer sweep all the time when I have my Commander tag off.
Saying the Commander leaves too soon is a huge copout.
DB’s EA guild…sigh. That attempt at the Bay on YB BL. We’ll not talk about exactly what happened there now will we, as we both know what you did. But if you want I can send you a nice pic of all of you becoming loot bags in the Lord’s room.
Dred, e only commander that’s able to decimate huge Zerg wif his little defend force. Previously in PRO (DR), now in YB.
Yes pls, lets hear e juicy story. Unlike u to post such a short posting.
Don’t forget to sweep for … everyone!
Huge zerg? I’d like to know what EA’s numbers were?
Btw, what happened at that camp?
Thanks for all the fun though ! XD
(edited by lani.7431)
lani.7431Don’t forget to sweep for … everyone!
Huge zerg? I’d like to know what EA’s numbers were?
Btw, what happened at that camp?
Apparently 10 people = ‘huge zerg’ =)
Zergs don’t stick around towers for more than 30 seconds after capture very often.
Zergs tend to stick around about as long as their commanders do.
I’m not sure if this is a quip at me or just a statement, I’ll assume the latter.
Zergs are not mindless.
Every character in a zerg is a fully independent human being with a brain that can go “Maybe I should stick around and check out hiding spots in this tower while the rest of the zerg moves on”It’s a waste of time for everyone to mesmer sweep one tower for 5 minutes, but any one of the people in the zerg could opt to stay behind and verify the tower is safe themselves.
I know I stay behind and mesmer sweep all the time when I have my Commander tag off.
Saying the Commander leaves too soon is a huge copout.
Not that i want to side with him but there is science that does lend to the idea of MoB mentality. But there are steps the commander can take to make sure such actions are delegated and taken care of.
Fun stuff in Ebay BLs today =) Can’t remember who it was trying to invade our Hills, but you guys were sneaky and almost took it! great job…if we hadn’t been so lucky as to have the doors finish upgrading and consequently fix that outer wall you’d blown through, we probably would have lost it. I’ll admit, though…it was pretty funny watching you guys run for your lives with us chasing you down the hill…
Too bad that not too much later, we lost the Hills while I was afk eating, lol. Good job taking it back, again xD
Zergs don’t stick around towers for more than 30 seconds after capture very often.
Zergs tend to stick around about as long as their commanders do.
I’m not sure if this is a quip at me or just a statement, I’ll assume the latter.
Zergs are not mindless.
Every character in a zerg is a fully independent human being with a brain that can go “Maybe I should stick around and check out hiding spots in this tower while the rest of the zerg moves on”It’s a waste of time for everyone to mesmer sweep one tower for 5 minutes, but any one of the people in the zerg could opt to stay behind and verify the tower is safe themselves.
I know I stay behind and mesmer sweep all the time when I have my Commander tag off.
Saying the Commander leaves too soon is a huge copout.
Not that i want to side with him but there is science that does lend to the idea of MoB mentality. But there are steps the commander can take to make sure such actions are delegated and taken care of.
There’s nothing particularly special about me or my brain, if I can break mob mentality and realize “hey, I should sweep this place”, there’s no reason to believe that anyone in a zerg can’t do the same.
People use zerging as an excuse to not think while they play, and it shows when it happens. Commanders SHOULD be asking a few people to stay behind and sweep towers; absolutely. But if they forget, that’s not an excuse to just… not sweep.
I haven’t been talking about my own way of Commandering yet,
But for the record, I delegate tasks like a mofo when I’ve got my tag on.
If everyone on the map read teamchat and followed orders my zerg would probably be about a quarter of the size of most Commander’s just because I’d send groups of them off to do things (Obviously there are times that bigger numbers are better, but in a lot of situations I opt to spread forces out a bit instead of just having one rolling deathball on the map).
DB’s EA guild…sigh. That attempt at the Bay on YB BL. We’ll not talk about exactly what happened there now will we, as we both know what you did. But if you want I can send you a nice pic of all of you becoming loot bags in the Lord’s room.
Well if they used exploits I hope you sent in a complaint.
I’m not trying to dis the DB oceanic crew or even the NA crew. I have said before and will say again that you guys are bound for tier 3 and above. You have a great overall presence and some fundamentally sound guilds.
That doesn’t mean we’re gonna gift wrap it for ya, though. I’m gonna bite, scratch, kick and claw the whole time.
So long as you don’t throw sand in my eyes, we’re good! Best of luck to both servers as I have just come back to the match from a much needed RnR
morrolan.9608Well if they used exploits I hope you sent in a complaint.
No exploits. You guys REALLY need to sweep better.
morrolan.9608Well if they used exploits I hope you sent in a complaint.
No exploits. You guys REALLY need to sweep better.
Just like you guys should have swept SM better last week, multiple times.
morrolan.9608Just like you guys should have swept SM better last week, multiple times.
I don’t think it’s any secret at this point that we all need to sweep better for mesmers.
Honestly, if servers did a perfect job at sweeping for mesmers every single time, mesmers would not still be bothering to hide.
What your facing at 12AM-4/5 AM Eastern are those that haven’t gone to sleep yet from the NA time zone. Same as you guys.
Is NNK NA? Looks like different names than we see in primetime. So doesn’t seem like NA, unless your NA team doesn’t start playing the game in earnest till like 11 PM NA. We rarely get pushed by DB prior to that.
But seems like a lot of these groups are not used to being hit back at all, other than maybe by a token force that its easy for them to overwhelm. Having 50 man groups routed by maybe half of that when they do actually meet organized resistance.
Shouldn’t be surprising really if that is all one is used to facing. It takes consistent competition to force you to improve tactically. But its definitely up there beyond this tier. We have played IoJ, CD, TC, these teams that are used to having to battle intensely off peak, and they are very good at it.
Just to chip in, 2 out of 3 current T2 servers TC and SoR have next to no oceanic coverage. We’re talking 10 people on 2 maps during those times…a strong oceanic is mandatory for T1 and for winning T2, but it isn’t everything. And any server that thinks they can ride a strong oceanic base all the way up is sorely mistaken. Crystal Desert will be like a brick wall, for one.
Can I just say again that I miss playing TC? Fun fights and respectful people all around. We all have forum trolls, I know, but our communities were mostly civil and we even had quite a few fight nights and dance parties!
<This… Well said!
perfect fix for the massive zergs: anet implement a no more than 5% population advantage on a map. That way regardless of time, maps are always basically even populated. Longer queues, maybe…force players to stop stacking on one server and spread out on them all.
perfect fix for the massive zergs: anet implement a no more than 5% population advantage on a map. That way regardless of time, maps are always basically even populated. Longer queues, maybe…force players to stop stacking on one server and spread out on them all.
So the best defensive for your own boarder land would just to be have none of your own players on it because than no invaders can attack it. So this means everyone is forced to play on EB BL. But what if no one is on EB when you try to get to it that means no on will ever be able to enter it ever.
perfect fix for the massive zergs: anet implement a no more than 5% population advantage on a map. That way regardless of time, maps are always basically even populated. Longer queues, maybe…force players to stop stacking on one server and spread out on them all.
Then we will have 1v1v1 in wvwvw. The 2nd person wil not be able to login because it will be an increase of 100percent against other server.
But e point is why penalized e server with larger pop? I totally understand where u r coming from. Anet needs to match up 3 servers wif similar population in 3 same time zones instead of by points.
I personally will never understand why in a game people fight for second place. When 3rd helps 1st to take down 2nd. 3rd and 2nd should Always team up to beat down #1 as far as possible then fight it out. 2nd place is the #2 loser. Every time I see Ehmry attack Yaks, while DB has easily takeable objectives.. it boggles my mind. You take more of #1 than us, then not only are you gaining on 1st, but second as well. Not complaining.. I like barreling into you guys and being killed by a few well placed strikes.. it is a game, but I don’t understand why you guys are not playing to win rather than place?
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