1-11-13 Maguuma vs. Borlis Pass/Devona's Rest

1-11-13 Maguuma vs. Borlis Pass/Devona's Rest

in WvW

Posted by: Madzharov.7530


Since I’m not seeing a lot of general WvW fighting from our server with few exceptions, I will derail a bit.

I had a lot of fun yesterday fighting you amazing Maguuma people in location omitted. I won maybe 2 fights?!.. Ok, it was probably less, but I don’t really remember those, because the +200 losses were much more memorable. XD

I hope we can get together for more during the week as well, the time spent in those fights was one of the most fun times I’ve had in WvW. =D

P.S. I could’ve taken a much more awesome picture with the Great Flame Ram Lord and the siege golem, but while I was setting for it I accidentally double clicked on one of you folks and my auto-attack went to hell. T_T


~ Just a scrub

(edited by Madzharov.7530)

1-11-13 Maguuma vs. Borlis Pass/Devona's Rest

in WvW

Posted by: nytehex.3267


Just in case you guys haven’t caught on for some unknown reason, BP this week really doesn’t care. We’ve cashed in and are in the middle of a re-org. We figure we’ll let Mags and DR have their days in the sun, seeing as how it does shine on every dog’s butt at least once. Yeah, we’re dropping. Yeah, we’re reeling. Yeah, we’re gonna come back and dance jigs on your corpses. One week does not a brag session make. Mags, your turn in coming, in the future. DR, here is a late Christmas gift because, in reality, you couldn’t hold our jock straps much less be a valid competitor against us, as was proved last week. To both servers…..you ARE welcome.

It seems to me what we have here is a failure to communicate.

Leader of [moya]

1-11-13 Maguuma vs. Borlis Pass/Devona's Rest

in WvW

Posted by: Walabone.6713


Wow WAR has the nerve to talk trash when they transfered to BP not too long ago from another server. You guys are just trying to make a name for yourself on the forums, and you have a great start. You must be one of the guys that died in the video lol. Sorry if we hurt your lil feelings, get over it, it’s just a game.

PS: btw your not a second place server no more, so instead of typing on the forums maybe you should be commanding or something. I really could use some more kills.

Rofl. I was the Commander in your little “video.” I stayed on despite the odds, along with my guildies, and continued fighting in EB despite the overwhelming odds. Also, I would like to be playing Guild Wars right now, but sadly I have a job. The first scene, as testpig points out, shows us out manned and being attacked in your corner by not only a large Mag group but also a large group of DR as well as camp guards. Meanwhile, Evilzara was working on taking back territory close to our corner.

We’d love to fight your guild in the open field with equal numbers, but alas, we’re a small guild and our 5-10 members can’t muster zerg like your guys. Anyways, you’d probably transfer before we could kill you all :‘( I’ll throw down in a commander duel though.

P.S. WAR transferred from a WINNING server, Sanctum of Rall, to Borlis Pass, which was losing at the time. That was nearly two months ago. We look for a fight; we don’t run from it.

*Drops mic, walks away

Walabone – Borlis Pass
Ascension [WAR] Officer | [ÆÆÆÆ] | Driver of BP’s GvG guild [BB]

(edited by Walabone.6713)

1-11-13 Maguuma vs. Borlis Pass/Devona's Rest

in WvW

Posted by: russia.9057


One week does not a brag session make.

Actually we beat you last week too.


1-11-13 Maguuma vs. Borlis Pass/Devona's Rest

in WvW

Posted by: nytehex.3267


russia, that is correct, however, the score was much closer and when you all decided to come on our little corner of things, we beat you back. you can have this week. i hope mags ego doesnt get too big, because bigger and better servers await to crush it. Like I said, this week, you both get a bye. Enjoy.

It seems to me what we have here is a failure to communicate.

Leader of [moya]

1-11-13 Maguuma vs. Borlis Pass/Devona's Rest

in WvW

Posted by: Jinks.2057


So how is the roaming population in this Tier?

Fuggin DB/Yaks are horrible players and only offer a challenge when grossly out numbering you.

1-11-13 Maguuma vs. Borlis Pass/Devona's Rest

in WvW

Posted by: russia.9057


Yes the score was closer, in the sense that Maguuma won last week’s matchup by over 100,000 points.

You don’t need to give us this week, we took it from both of your servers easily enough on our own.


1-11-13 Maguuma vs. Borlis Pass/Devona's Rest

in WvW

Posted by: nytehex.3267


only offering a challenge when grossly outnumbering you…..that sounds eerily familiar…..2 servers come to mind…..Magumma and DB. Zerguuma and zergonbrand should be their names….

It seems to me what we have here is a failure to communicate.

Leader of [moya]

1-11-13 Maguuma vs. Borlis Pass/Devona's Rest

in WvW

Posted by: Nilgoow.1037


So how is the roaming population in this Tier?

Fuggin DB/Yaks are horrible players and only offer a challenge when grossly out numbering you.

I’ve only seen a handful of groups from BP/DR out looking for fights. I’ve noticed a bit more on maguuma, but we have better participation in general so that’s not surprising. That being said, DR seems pretty organized despite not having a lot of numbers so roaming might not be a priority for them at this point. Nobody really stood out to say for sure.

1-11-13 Maguuma vs. Borlis Pass/Devona's Rest

in WvW

Posted by: uflyandy.6392


Let me start off why is everyone bashing on WAR, if they came to maguuma because it is a better server in every way why hate. I know their are a few serious guilds why not join a loving server that down to earth. only issue we had in tier 4 is eBay not they are better then anyone they just always tag team our great server. Dragons is on top and we beat them both when eBay wasn’t around. They are just a mess period, so the ego isn’t getting to anyone’s head. You guys lack stature, you guys had your zones in EB and all BP, I went In with GOA , TTK , and invalid password guys and we took over everything in 3 hrs and we were taking our sweet time to. The fact that I expect a little more from you guys was sad we brought your walls down in est keep expecting for a fight but nothing we walked in and took your keep. You talk about maguuma numbers we have always been out numbered learn how to worry about your home land before worrying about a keep in a different BL . Stick to the basics and you guys will advance with due time never the less I rather you guys move to a new home and grow with us. For those who don’t will always be losing to any server that drops to this tier good luck

Title: Commander and Leader of [GOA] Legion Alliance [Maguuma]Name: Promethieus

1-11-13 Maguuma vs. Borlis Pass/Devona's Rest

in WvW

Posted by: alcuin.1257


To Magumma (from a dr player),

Trah talk aside, since it is apparent you are moving up in tier, I’d like to be one of the first to offer congratulations on your success these past two weeks. It’s a testament to your skill individually and strategically. I’d also say thank you for helping to teach our server many things. We aspire to the culture and competency you folks display. It is no wonder you folks attracted so many players in our tier. Don’t be to hard on them. Your fun and humor around flame rams as well as your success is a very attractive pull for many. Yes you have superior numbers but you use them intelligently. We wish you success until we meet you again in battle!

To Borlis,

I dream of a matchup between us and Anvil Rock as I feel that would be a great challenge to really judge our respective strength. Sorry to hear of your transfers but it is nice to get a leg up on you this week as we want to fight for this tier!

To Devona,

Never give up! It has been awesome to listen in on teamspeak as we struggle to learn and compensate for what we have encountered. We have some awesome leadership who is willing to listen and respond in creative ways! It may seem like magumma is just mindless barbarian masses, but most of you have recognized their superior organization as well and have tirelessly worked to move our server in that direction. We are better for it!

(edited by alcuin.1257)

1-11-13 Maguuma vs. Borlis Pass/Devona's Rest

in WvW

Posted by: Mortalitas.9710


Just in case you guys haven’t caught on for some unknown reason, BP this week really doesn’t care. We’ve cashed in and are in the middle of a re-org. We figure we’ll let Mags and DR have their days in the sun, seeing as how it does shine on every dog’s butt at least once. Yeah, we’re dropping. Yeah, we’re reeling. Yeah, we’re gonna come back and dance jigs on your corpses. One week does not a brag session make. Mags, your turn in coming, in the future. DR, here is a late Christmas gift because, in reality, you couldn’t hold our jock straps much less be a valid competitor against us, as was proved last week. To both servers…..you ARE welcome.

Commander Dai from Dkz I believe ? Yes BP is having a tough time right now not argument there. But it’s BP’s fault that people left, the frat boy attitudes and overall cry baby atmosphere ran people off. I never really joined any guilds there because the attitudes. Maguuma is a different world as far as community, change the community and BP will change. Good luck

E. BlackThorn Mesmer

1-11-13 Maguuma vs. Borlis Pass/Devona's Rest

in WvW

Posted by: russia.9057


Magumma and DB. Zerguuma and zergonbrand should be their names….

Haha. Okay. You might as well stay in hiding next week since EBay isn’t going to be fun for someone that just want to knock on doors all day long.

Actually BP is most likely dropping to T6, but really in terms of talent and population you should probably slide to T7 or T8.


(edited by russia.9057)

1-11-13 Maguuma vs. Borlis Pass/Devona's Rest

in WvW

Posted by: Rhyis.7058


As some of the DR people seem to be understanding, losing can be really great for your server as a catalyst for improving your overall skills and tactics. It’s a good mindset to be in. That’s how our core grew, as nobody knows about losing as much as Maguuma does lol.

Best of luck to those that realize this and I hope you’ll be able to construct a rock solid community from it.


(edited by Rhyis.7058)

1-11-13 Maguuma vs. Borlis Pass/Devona's Rest

in WvW

Posted by: uflyandy.6392


Since you guys are dropping a tier why not join our guilds, I’m one of the commander in the legion alliance. We want nothing but to organize the servers guild for a better experience. If you are in a smaller guild and would love to join a PVE and WVW guild private message me in game. GOA brings numbers to the battlefield because we believe we are a family and only want to help players and the server out. As I said once before grow with us and use your skills and willing players to learn for a better gaming experience

Title: Commander and Leader of [GOA] Legion Alliance [Maguuma]Name: Promethieus

1-11-13 Maguuma vs. Borlis Pass/Devona's Rest

in WvW

Posted by: Bunzy.8674


Just in case you guys haven’t caught on for some unknown reason, BP this week really doesn’t care. We’ve cashed in and are in the middle of a re-org. We figure we’ll let Mags and DR have their days in the sun, seeing as how it does shine on every dog’s butt at least once. Yeah, we’re dropping. Yeah, we’re reeling. Yeah, we’re gonna come back and dance jigs on your corpses. One week does not a brag session make. Mags, your turn in coming, in the future. DR, here is a late Christmas gift because, in reality, you couldn’t hold our jock straps much less be a valid competitor against us, as was proved last week. To both servers…..you ARE welcome.

Maguuma is a different world as far as community

The thing that makes Maguuma so fun is we often play to have fun and if we win it’s just a bonus, also people are willing to listen to each other and give feedback. It’s like one big community where everyone knows each other.

Bunzy – I’m a mother father gentleman
WvW Roaming Videos

1-11-13 Maguuma vs. Borlis Pass/Devona's Rest

in WvW

Posted by: Rhyis.7058


I’m pretty sure nobody listens to Bunzy though.

1-11-13 Maguuma vs. Borlis Pass/Devona's Rest

in WvW

Posted by: Mortalitas.9710


only offering a challenge when grossly outnumbering you…..that sounds eerily familiar…..2 servers come to mind…..Magumma and DB. Zerguuma and zergonbrand should be their names….

How was BP any different when we went against AR? Pot calling the kettle black my friend. Just now your on the other end if the stick.

E. BlackThorn Mesmer

1-11-13 Maguuma vs. Borlis Pass/Devona's Rest

in WvW

Posted by: Cactus.2710


It’s rather amazing how blatantly some players have so openly turned to hacking for their jollies. I came across two of them last night in EB that not only couldn’t be killed … they never even lost health points. The first hacker was an ele who held off three of us at the same time, eventually killing two of us and almost killing the third (who finally escaped into a keep after it was obvious this was not a fair fight). The battle lasted several minutes and the hacker only dropped about 5% in HP for a brief moment once that entire time … the rest of the time he was at full health.

The second hacker was just standing near the cliff on the OL side of the hill between OL and Anz. I and a guild mate saw him there and went after him, at which point he jumped off the cliff. He landed near a third server mate who started fighting him, so I and my guild mate jumped down as well from a slightly lower height. We both instantly died from the fall. I had over 19K health and died, while the enemy fell from a higher height and never took ANY damage at all.

Both of these players were out solo in fairly isolated areas that weren’t even being contested at the time. They pretty obviously weren’t acting on behalf of their server so there’s no point in identifying it, but it’s pretty clear that there are some god-mode client-side hacks out there that pretty much ruin things for everyone.

D/D Thief who prefers mobility to stealth … so yeah, I die a lot
Stormbluff Isle [AoD]

1-11-13 Maguuma vs. Borlis Pass/Devona's Rest

in WvW

Posted by: ifelldown.5426


Commander Dai is a very good commander, and frankly, we have/had quite a few good ones. We also have/had some very good fighters too. Still do. at some point though you just cut your losses.

The last few weeks have been devistating for BP for many reasons. It didn’t start all bitter because I was here with them fighting up from tier 8 and we had a lot of fun. With all the hours I spent in there and based on what I saw, no one or two guilds held the server together. We just loved to fight.

However, imbalanced matchups take their toll. I t was mostly being matched up with servers that had closer to 24 hour coverage than anything skill based. We could definately bring the fight, as older posts will show. When the fight loses any sense of meaning, then things start to break down.

Our night crew fought well, but we don’t have strong coverage there due to numbers. I fought with them at times and could never fault their determination. They just had no resources.

Krew leaving was a big deal since it had been such a surprise and at such a bad time. Then the other transfers lead to a feeling of betrayal more due to the timing than anything else, making a tough struggle even worse.

Still, we would fight, but as the balance shifted and the ability to maintain maps declined then the vicious cycle of morale drop/losses/transfers/repeat accelerates to where we are now. Blaming this or that guild or server directly is wrong, since the the reasons are more complex than that. As for internal drama, put any group of people together and you have drama. I wouldn’t say it was particularly bad though. BP was pretty fun. No, this is a series of badly timed events, bad mechanics, and not-so-good match-ups more than anything else.

I did drop in to fight for garri last night. The fighters of BP were still determined, but too few. Plus, no help was coming and we all knew that.

The last few weeks were terrible and next week is looking pretty bad. It wll be a while until BP ever recovers from all this.It’s a shame since we were doing so well.

1-11-13 Maguuma vs. Borlis Pass/Devona's Rest

in WvW

Posted by: Morningstar.6208


Devona is recovering from its wounds. We will keep fighting no matter what. Loyalty is our second name.

Commander Sir Morningstar of Devona’s Rest, Army of Devona [AoD] Guild Leader

1-11-13 Maguuma vs. Borlis Pass/Devona's Rest

in WvW

Posted by: nytehex.3267


Okay, bunzy, I will direct this at you since I saw the link on your post (I will admit I do not go back and read everything from everyone overnight).

As to who JesseCox is, at first I didn’t know, but I know now. I will not divulge his guild name, however, I can honestly say that I don’t even think he plays. His guild on our server is run by a smurf of a different color, but I digress. He DOES NOT speak for Borliss Pass, seeing as how I don’t think he even got the server right (GOON is on Mags right?). Borliss pass, like other servers, will post about what are commonly thought of as hacks and exploits, however, I really don’t think he knows what he is talking about. I think his guild feeds him all that they can shovel and he gets on that broadcast and fires away, without even knowing what is real and what is fantasy. I cannot speak for everyone on BP, however, I will apologize to GOON. No proof has EVER been presented to match his accusations, and ergo, they should never have been said.

Now, TO JesseCox. If I were you, I’d buy and play the game sir. Every server, including BP, has those that like to exploit and do their tricks to make life evil. Until I see you on BP, as I have been almost every day, playing and defending BP to the bitter end, your words are EMPTY. Period. If you want to have your moment in the sun, great. Don’t sit there and be acrimonious towards that which you have zero knowledge. Just because the guild in GW2 is based off your guild from other games does NOT entitle you to pass judgment because you don’t play. In other, more blunt words, STFU sir.

/end rant.

It seems to me what we have here is a failure to communicate.

Leader of [moya]

1-11-13 Maguuma vs. Borlis Pass/Devona's Rest

in WvW

Posted by: nytehex.3267


and btw, mortalitas, i’m not daiosho. i am me for whom i amst….i represent no one. to insult daiosho in such a way isnt good.

It seems to me what we have here is a failure to communicate.

Leader of [moya]

1-11-13 Maguuma vs. Borlis Pass/Devona's Rest

in WvW

Posted by: Tricare.2946


Wow WAR has the nerve to talk trash when they transfered to BP not too long ago from another server. You guys are just trying to make a name for yourself on the forums, and you have a great start. You must be one of the guys that died in the video lol. Sorry if we hurt your lil feelings, get over it, it’s just a game.

PS: btw your not a second place server no more, so instead of typing on the forums maybe you should be commanding or something. I really could use some more kills.

Rofl. I was the Commander in your little “video.” I stayed on despite the odds, along with my guildies, and continued fighting in EB despite the overwhelming odds. Also, I would like to be playing Guild Wars right now, but sadly I have a job. The first scene, as testpig points out, shows us out manned and being attacked in your corner by not only a large Mag group but also a large group of DR as well as camp guards. Meanwhile, Evilzara was working on taking back territory close to our corner.

We’d love to fight your guild in the open field with equal numbers, but alas, we’re a small guild and our 5-10 members can’t muster zerg like your guys. Anyways, you’d probably transfer before we could kill you all :‘( I’ll throw down in a commander duel though.

P.S. WAR transferred from a WINNING server, Sanctum of Rall, to Borlis Pass, which was losing at the time. That was nearly two months ago. We look for a fight; we don’t run from it.

*Drops mic, walks away

So I guess 10-15 people is considered a zerg to you, because that’s all we run with normally. WäR would be happy to match numbers with you and go head to head, stop talking about it and lets do it.

P.S. Heres a video of a WAR running away http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Lt8CYqRhFjU&feature=youtu.be

1-11-13 Maguuma vs. Borlis Pass/Devona's Rest

in WvW

Posted by: Adaneshade.2409


I’d have to state, (coming from a DAoC mindset mind you), that anything greater than 1 full party is a zerg.


1-11-13 Maguuma vs. Borlis Pass/Devona's Rest

in WvW

Posted by: Mortalitas.9710


and btw, mortalitas, i’m not daiosho. i am me for whom i amst….i represent no one. to insult daiosho in such a way isnt good.

I don’t recall saying you where Dai that’s why there was a question mark there. I don’t remember insulting him either. Just pointing out the overall issues with BP as a server. I wish everyone good luck and hope people just have fun with the game. After all it is just a game.

E. BlackThorn Mesmer

1-11-13 Maguuma vs. Borlis Pass/Devona's Rest

in WvW

Posted by: Gab Superstar.4059

Gab Superstar.4059

I’d have to state, (coming from a DAoC mindset mind you), that anything greater than 1 full party is a zerg.

I’d say anything greater than 1 player is a zerg.

That’s why [OG] never dies to anything but a zerg.


Very Good Detectives [VGD]
Devonas Rest 4 lyfe

1-11-13 Maguuma vs. Borlis Pass/Devona's Rest

in WvW

Posted by: Gremlin.1096


I usually don’t post on the forums, but I feel like my heart may implode if I don’t express anything.

To introduce myself, I usually play WvW on my guardian by the name Sylphia Zephyr[MKF] from Borlis Pass. Although I don’t put in as many hours as some commanders do, I regularly play and command at times. To most of you, I may look like some random pug commander from a small guild, but I take pride and joy in doing what I do with my small group of friends.

First thing I want to say is, WäR leaving the server has damaged BP more than what they would have thought it would. It’s not just the fighting power that we lost, but they’ve managed to severely demoralize the commanding ranks. This is what happens when one of the best of us defects to a server we are facing off against. What happened to WäR saying that they would like to keep things in good terms with BP and try to focus on DR this week? I see a fair number of WäR in BPBL, and I am torn between wanting to fight them and leaving them alone.

And now up to my second point – what is up with this flame on the forums. It is as if WäR is intentionally trying to make BP look bad. Are you trying to justify your departure…? Technically, WAR did start this particular flame, but from what I remember, WäR may have started the feud with WAR weeks/months back by making comparison between one and another on the forums.

Thirdly, we’ve been blue ever since we came into tier 5. We’ve never gotten 1st place in a match up since, but I feel that we were holding up our own against T4 servers that were getting knocked down. The match ups against DB, EB, and MG has been eye-opening, and I have been eager to absorb and learn as much as we can from the match ups. Even without WäR, I am certain that we can hold our own and stay in tier 5 if we put our kittens together and actually start fighting instead of staying demoralized.

Lastly, every server has its own drama and unique community. We are trying hard to get a paradigm change in leadership and organization – except no one ever listens to me or my ideas but that’s probably because I have no voice. If there is a problem, stay and fix it. Be the change you wish to see, please!

[MKF] Sylphia Zephyr

1-11-13 Maguuma vs. Borlis Pass/Devona's Rest

in WvW

Posted by: shagworth.5017


Lol @ Borliss stooping to building trebs in their spawn to take back their keep in Eternal..

1-11-13 Maguuma vs. Borlis Pass/Devona's Rest

in WvW

Posted by: testpig.5018


Lol @ Borliss stooping to building trebs in their spawn to take back their keep in Eternal..

yea i don’t even know who built those things.. it’s not like we are using them or needed them.

we got to the inner of our keep using catas/trebs from lang, while farming your players.

but atlas, 10 players or so, can only do so much against all of mag in the zone, being that DR is no where to be found, and we are providing the only resistance.

as for that video, again lol, your guild transfered to a winning server to leach a victory. You also still have member of your guild just hanging around in our waypoint, observing chat/commander movements.

so not only is your guild fair-weather players. but you are also cross realmers. /shame


1-11-13 Maguuma vs. Borlis Pass/Devona's Rest

in WvW

Posted by: Miekka.2415


Lol @ Borliss stooping to building trebs in their spawn to take back their keep in Eternal..

yea i don’t even know who built those things.. it’s not like we are using them or needed them.

we got to the inner of our keep using catas/trebs from lang, while farming your players.

but atlas, 10 players or so, can only do so much against all of mag in the zone, being that DR is no where to be found, and we are providing the only resistance.

as for that video, again lol, your guild transfered to a winning server to leach a victory. You also still have member of your guild just hanging around in our waypoint, observing chat/commander movements.

so not only is your guild fair-weather players. but you are also cross realmers. /shame

We don’t need spies, have you checked the score lately?

We have some members that are still coming over and some cleaning house to do. Sorry we gave people time to decide what they were doing instead of kicking people instantly on day one of the transfer. Stop being paranoid and name the time for dueling.

[WäR] Lady Miekka – Elementalist

1-11-13 Maguuma vs. Borlis Pass/Devona's Rest

in WvW

Posted by: Deadlysage.5873


Lol @ Borliss stooping to building trebs in their spawn to take back their keep in Eternal..

yea i don’t even know who built those things.. it’s not like we are using them or needed them.

we got to the inner of our keep using catas/trebs from lang, while farming your players.

but atlas, 10 players or so, can only do so much against all of mag in the zone, being that DR is no where to be found, and we are providing the only resistance.

as for that video, again lol, your guild transfered to a winning server to leach a victory. You also still have member of your guild just hanging around in our waypoint, observing chat/commander movements.

so not only is your guild fair-weather players. but you are also cross realmers. /shame

You do know that not all of our WäR players decided to move to Maguuma. Only a portion of us came over and some left the guild to stay. Some are staying to be with friends for this last week. All you guys have done is try to bash us on the forums as if you we’re better than us, and you have no proof. I’ve even tried to work with your commander Ascension War personally in bp. When I asked him to bring his numbers to help out in battle he ignored my whisper, stayed on with his commander hat doing something, and then turn it off and logged off. Please lets set up a fight club between your guild and our’s today because I can’t wait fight any of your members in a battle. We will show you who the better players really are.

I don’t ever recall anyone besides your guild claiming that we have horrible tactics and we’re just a zerg. You obviously don’t know any of us well. Well, lets see if you can beat me in a 1v1, 2v2, 3v3, 5v5, guild vs guild situation.

Please everyone place your bets, who do you think is gonna win [WAR] or [WäR]?

Beautykills – Legendary Thief – Guild Leader
[SWäG] Still Winning and Grinning

1-11-13 Maguuma vs. Borlis Pass/Devona's Rest

in WvW

Posted by: saiyr.3071


DR is no where to be found

I sure hope you aren’t blameshifting here because that’s probably how DR felt about you all day yesterday

[DERP] Saiyr, “bff” of Sgt Killjoy

1-11-13 Maguuma vs. Borlis Pass/Devona's Rest

in WvW

Posted by: Sumwun.3846


Man, I really hope all the new members you have on Mag translates into a surprise for your step up next week. You guys may be every where and then a few more places than that, but you are still using tactics as often as you can. Very smart. Very persistent.

I can’t begrudge the overwhelming numbers you guys have, DR had it just a few weeks ago as well, peeps wanting to RvR would go to the red map just to cap north camp if it was all that there was to take. But it doesn’t make it not frustrating nonetheless. lol

Still getting into nice little scraps here and there at camps, or out in a field win some lose some, still fun if it’s a nice match.

Yak’s Bend.

1-11-13 Maguuma vs. Borlis Pass/Devona's Rest

in WvW

Posted by: Rennoko.5731


It amazes me how much bad blood has gone down on these forums over a single guild shift, and not even a large guild at that. WäR was not a massive powerhouse guild with 300 people, and had just recently started to get the numbers in guild to fill up a handful of parties in WvW. The real heavily lifting in WäR was done by the numerous commanders in guild willing to play 8-12+ hours per day, commanding and coordinating when no one else was around. The player base on BP is suffering because they stopping moving up tiers, much the same that happens to other rising star servers.

You can only ask commanders to make those kinds of sacrifices if others are willing to do the same, and quite frankly the server as a whole wasn’t willing to do that. I can’t imagine why you would blame them for moving over to a server where they have the numbers of commanders and committment to match what the WäR commanders were putting in on a weekly basis for BP.

All internet anger aside, the shift happening between matchups where BP would still be against Maguma was likely fuel to this fire, but I can guarantee this change for WäR had nothing to do with jumping over to a winning server in the weekly matchup. I don’t speak for anyone else in WäR other than myself and I happen to still be taking some time off, but it makes me sad to hear all this insanity on the forums, from people who were so cordial just a few weeks ago.

1-11-13 Maguuma vs. Borlis Pass/Devona's Rest

in WvW

Posted by: Mortalitas.9710


Will some one post the score please? Also good luck to everyone this week hope to see you on the battlefield. Also anyone have a decent ranger build? Mine sucks hardcore. We should try to stay on topic also before they shut this thread down. Other wise someone post another dip recipe and let’s get it over with.

E. BlackThorn Mesmer

1-11-13 Maguuma vs. Borlis Pass/Devona's Rest

in WvW

Posted by: Zepher.7803


WaR seems to have picked up some bad habits since they moved, TSK TSK TSK


Sincerly, Me.

1-11-13 Maguuma vs. Borlis Pass/Devona's Rest

in WvW

Posted by: Sumwun.3846


DR is no where to be found

I sure hope you aren’t blameshifting here because that’s probably how DR felt about you all day yesterday

It Kinda is. lol
I think most of us imagine you guys are getting squeezed like we are.

There are still peeps out there, but for one reason or another people tend to get their kitten handed to them for shorter periods of time before they take a break to regrow their backside.

I’ll respawn many times over. but once it feels like I’m just respawning to go get slain again and only that. I go watch some TV.

Yak’s Bend.

1-11-13 Maguuma vs. Borlis Pass/Devona's Rest

in WvW

Posted by: saiyr.3071


WaR seems to have picked up some bad habits since they moved, TSK TSK TSK

Yeah, not like they already knew how to do that before they left or anything. Stuff like that is just harmless fun, they can’t even kill you or anything. If you guys don’t give us anything to do we have to be a bit more creative. Seems most people are receptive to it.

[DERP] Saiyr, “bff” of Sgt Killjoy

1-11-13 Maguuma vs. Borlis Pass/Devona's Rest

in WvW

Posted by: testpig.5018


I don’t ever recall anyone besides your guild claiming that we have horrible tactics and we’re just a zerg. You obviously don’t know any of us well. Well, lets see if you can beat me in a 1v1, 2v2, 3v3, 5v5, guild vs guild situation.

Please everyone place your bets, who do you think is gonna win [WAR] or [WäR]?

You can find us anytime in WvW, because that’s where we are, running with our 5-10 man group, roaming in mags corner, killing your zerg. If you want to 5v5, you can find us in spvp =)

1-11-13 Maguuma vs. Borlis Pass/Devona's Rest

in WvW

Posted by: Gab Superstar.4059

Gab Superstar.4059

Will some one post the score please? Also good luck to everyone this week hope to see you on the battlefield. Also anyone have a decent ranger build? Mine sucks hardcore. We should try to stay on topic also before they shut this thread down. Other wise someone post another dip recipe and let’s get it over with.

~173k, +610 *
~40k, +60
~32k +30

Very Good Detectives [VGD]
Devonas Rest 4 lyfe

1-11-13 Maguuma vs. Borlis Pass/Devona's Rest

in WvW

Posted by: Deadlysage.5873


I would like to apoligize to those in bp that thinks we are only targeting them. We’ve been attacking Devona too and only started attacking you guys after some trolls like the [WAR] guild started to bash us on the forums. If you play with fire your gonna get burnt so please save the trash talk and meet us on the battlefield. I’m will be waiting for a time and place to fight you [WAR]. I really can’t wait to see your superior tactics in battle first hand, lmao.

Beautykills – Legendary Thief – Guild Leader
[SWäG] Still Winning and Grinning

1-11-13 Maguuma vs. Borlis Pass/Devona's Rest

in WvW

Posted by: testpig.5018


WaR seems to have picked up some bad habits since they moved, TSK TSK TSK

such quality players have join mag! i feel sorry for that server now =(

1-11-13 Maguuma vs. Borlis Pass/Devona's Rest

in WvW

Posted by: testpig.5018


I would like to apoligize to those in bp that thinks we are only targeting them. We’ve been attacking Devona too and only started attacking you guys after some trolls like the [WAR] guild started to bash us on the forums. If you play with fire your gonna get burnt so please save the trash talk and meet us on the battlefield. I’m will be waiting for a time and place to fight you [WAR]. I really can’t wait to see your superior tactics in battle first hand, lmao.

were you not there when we rolled your zerg the entire sunday night while being outmanned? =) how quickly you forget.

1-11-13 Maguuma vs. Borlis Pass/Devona's Rest

in WvW

Posted by: Harrason.1429


When I first transferred to Maguuma back in mid-December or so, that’s when I really started to check the rankings, and its really unfortunate that both BP and DH have been fighting these uphill matches against the rotating T4 servers, and in fact I think the guys in DH, being up there in T4-T5 area for quite some time, are getting really sick of it, looking at their poor track record for the last couple of weeks.

But that aside, while most of the time we pretty much zerg both DR and BP, I’ve seen many things that DR’s capable of(they are actually really good at securing their garrison as well as defending it for hours when they need to, and I’ve seen them done a few things that only organized groups with good commanders can do). As for BP, they did a really FINE job holding east keep of DR BL at the beginning of this matchup.
Hope to see more of 3 colors in EB, in fact both of you guys set off our alarms a lot when we see DR taking Rogue’s and BP taking Golanta. Really hoping to see either of you pull off a stealth golem zerg on our lowlands keep sometime this week, it’ll be really fun. =D

Next week, it’ll probably be Ebay vs DR vs Kain. Ebay will probably be the victor, but I’ll like to see how DR will go up against Kain, since DR has been owning Kain for weeks in T8 before ET dropped down there, and both servers have been winning by large margins on their way up(though Kain had a much wider margin, probably due to the asians).

As for Mag, I really hope to see it go the way just like when DB moved up to T4 with us and yaks when it was a really close fight.

Still waiting on pics from the Maguuma festivities at DR’s spawn in Maguuma BL last night. Very smart of you guys to make the alpha golem to carry your drinks.

I was actually there with you guys at your spawn in our BL. It was very entertaining, the DR guys who joined in with us and the thief from [PRO] who kept trying to kill us, but overall it was all in good fun, and I had a good laugh when a few more of your guys came in and started wiping us before stripping naked and humping one of our best commanders(guy likes to run around naked all the time, so don’t mind him). Unfortunately, I never took any screenshots, so I can’t help you there. =/


Harrason Xez – Warrior/Yunomiko – Mesmer
Triskaidekaphobia – [XIII] – Maguuma

1-11-13 Maguuma vs. Borlis Pass/Devona's Rest

in WvW

Posted by: Aeneasx.1589


Duels, tonight 630 central.

Mags bl

backstabd 22222222222222 finish
Sylvari Rouge

1-11-13 Maguuma vs. Borlis Pass/Devona's Rest

in WvW

Posted by: wads.5730


WaR seems to have picked up some bad habits since they moved, TSK TSK TSK

they miss you, and just want to hang out

1-11-13 Maguuma vs. Borlis Pass/Devona's Rest

in WvW

Posted by: xxxzavulonxxx.8413


I love how someone said we are zerguuma.

Obviously these people have never seen higher tiered servers. lol.


1-11-13 Maguuma vs. Borlis Pass/Devona's Rest

in WvW

Posted by: Deadlysage.5873


I don’t ever recall anyone besides your guild claiming that we have horrible tactics and we’re just a zerg. You obviously don’t know any of us well. Well, lets see if you can beat me in a 1v1, 2v2, 3v3, 5v5, guild vs guild situation.

Please everyone place your bets, who do you think is gonna win [WAR] or [WäR]?

You can find us anytime in WvW, because that’s where we are, running with our 5-10 man group, roaming in mags corner, killing your zerg. If you want to 5v5, you can find us in spvp =)

Ok lets set up a battle later today behind the wind mill in any bl. We all just went to sleep after 7am est. We want 5v5’s, 3v3’s, and 1v1’s in wvw.

Beautykills – Legendary Thief – Guild Leader
[SWäG] Still Winning and Grinning

(edited by Deadlysage.5873)

1-11-13 Maguuma vs. Borlis Pass/Devona's Rest

in WvW

Posted by: Grae Knight.5921

Grae Knight.5921

First time posting on these forums but just wanted to drop a note to tell you all how much fun WvWvW has been with all 3 servers. Lots of great battles. More times than I care to admit I have been on the losing side of said battles but I had fun regardless. Hopefully this week will be just as active and enjoyable. See you on the battlefield.

Member of [GASM]