Ferguson’s Crossing server.
(edited by Detharos.3157)
While it is true 90% of SF players in JP attack the moment they see you, it usually doesn’t matter as 90% of SF players in the JPs are terrible/inexperienced. I bet their main forces won’t even miss the 10-20 people they often have in the EB puzzle at all. Just a day or so back for example, I remember some SF guild [CDH] or something like that trying the usual antics with me in the jumping puzzle, and me literally massacring them in groups of 2-4 a two or three times in rapid succession til I had amassed 16+ full level 80 kills(literally not one of them was down-leveled.) with only one death to them in the EB jump puzzle, and this as a laggy 10 fps glass cannon ranger. In the end I still got to finish the puzzle, and got to bathe in Sorrow’s… sorrow. It got so bad that when I was running towards one of them near the edge above the water, they literally opted out, jumped off the cliff, but somehow died anyways.
What’s the moral of the story, that I’m just that good? Nah, its that the SF that typically funnel into the jumping puzzles are just that bad. Half of them are probably PVE players that are spending their first time in PvP ever, so there’s really nothing to stress out over with most of them.
ET however, or at least KWBH is cause for concern in there. Thankfully they don’t attack you most of the time, because when they do you know finishing the puzzle will become much more difficult if they do.
(edited by Detharos.3157)
While it is true 90% of SF players in JP attack the moment they see you, it usually doesn’t matter as 90% of SF players in the JPs are terrible/inexperienced. I bet their main forces won’t even miss the 10-20 people they often have in the EB puzzle at all. Just a day or so back for example, I remember some SF guild [CDH] or something like that trying the usual antics with me in the jumping puzzle, and me literally massacring them in groups of 2-4 a two or three times in rapid succession til I had amassed 16+ full level 80 kills(literally not one of them was down-leveled.) with only one death to them in the EB jump puzzle, and this as a laggy 10 fps glass cannon ranger. In the end I still got to finish the puzzle, and got to bathe in Sorrow’s… sorrow. It got so bad that when I was running towards one of them near the edge above the water, they literally opted out, jumped off the cliff, but somehow died anyways.
What’s the moral of the story, that I’m just that good? Nah, its that the SF that typically funnel into the jumping puzzles are just that bad. Half of them are probably PVE players that are spending their first time in PvP ever, so there’s really nothing to stress out over with most of them.
ET however, or at least KWBH is cause for concern in there. Thankfully they don’t attack you most of the time, because when they do you know finishing the puzzle will become much more difficult if they do.
I lag in there too, for some reason the EB jp and the bandit cave in Queensdale make my computer go crazy.
As far as KWBH attacking in the jp goes, I normally tell my guys to knock that kitten off cause 98% of the time the dues are paid in doubles. But the few times I’ve done the EB puzzle without a mesmer and Fergs were in there, they’ve invited me to a party and helped with the puzzle and such and we’ve had some good conversations.
I don’t see the point of griefing in the JP and I do speak up against it. I guess it’s an ET thing.
I generally don’t have a problem with killing people and being killed in jumping puzzles. Anet put player activated traps and such, so it’s obvious they want people to fight. What I don’t like is when people just camp for kills or go to extremes to kill people.
If I’m going along and run into people yeah I’ll fight, but I’m not going to camp it or chase people down.
at least 90% of SF players attack in puzzles
at least 75% of ET players dont…in my experience
Sad to hear. We used to be far more forgiving in the JP. I don’t care what others on my server are doing, I still won’t attack unless attacked first.
at least 90% of SF players attack in puzzles
at least 75% of ET players dont…in my experience
Sad to hear. We used to be far more forgiving in the JP.
I don’t care what others on my server are doing, I still won’t attack unless attacked first.
Same here, never going to camp at Jp and kill enemies.
I just feel really lame if I do that.
The EB Puzzle has got pretty brutal lately with SF just camping it , I have no problem with this because a Guildie and I just roll in pick up a bunch of badges get the chest and leave .
What happens when you give a SF a bunch of golems against a pot of oil?
Lol golems are nothing when we own the Eternal jp…do yourself a favor and stay out of puzzle. Or save youself the trouble and jus stay Out of EB
AH kitten WE GOT A QUEEN OF THE JUMPING PUZZLE. Lettuce be cereal; we only use the JP when we’re not gearing up our alts off the dead bodies of lulzy SF players. Gotta hand it to Anet though, I love those wooden chests.
QQ some more please makes me happy…go back to pve if you can’t handle fighting, you want to post pics, then I will post them when your NOOBS come to my Thunderdome
Yeah stay out of our JP…and pls don’t cry. We own and wish I could taste all of your tears, love when you guy run around in dome for a while thinking I may get tired of pulling you and letting the beast out…hahaha
I tried to be nice for first few days but you guys tried to make it difficult…so just blame yourselves
at least 90% of SF players attack in puzzles
at least 75% of ET players dont…in my experience
Sad to hear. We used to be far more forgiving in the JP.
I don’t care what others on my server are doing, I still won’t attack unless attacked first.
Same here, never going to camp at Jp and kill enemies.
I just feel really lame if I do that.
Well I got killed many times well before I started ever started attacking people so blame the people on your own severs….not very smart to start attacking us when you can barely hold down your own BL
Just my opinion…you are the master of you own destiny!
ps if you feel lame about yourself in a game..they off help for that you just need to go talk to someone
Wow didn’t eve read all the posts before I started commenting tonight…first time I did this jp was 4 days ago and was killed at least 7 times by both your teams before I starting fight back and camping jp…so say all you want but I will still be up here just enjoying a video game… and laughing thank you all for the enjoyment
I believe that numbers are to blame for us not “holding” our own bl. I am pretty sure ourselves and WZ can agree that the quality of play we have seen from SF is subpar at best. Yes, you have a very large wvw population for t8 and maybe t7, but population isn’t the reason you’re in t8. The smack talk doesn’t really count for much when 2-3 of us spec’d spvp style can go take out about ten of you. While we’re doing it, your guys panic and drop siege that we pick up (not in the JP, but whenever we fight you in EB or SF BL it happens at least once a night).
Once again, I am ballparking that both WZ and Envy can agree on this one, as well as any WvW guilds on ET (mclovin posting that lovely picture of SF’s golem rush against burning oil). However, congratulations… Zerging karma trains and owning a jumping puzzle must be a very exciting way to spend your time. There are three more puzzles so if it makes you feel better about losing open field fights against the outmanned buff then you should probably camp all of them
Also, I do not think the five posts in a row were warranted and at one point I think you were answering your own previous post… not sure what to make of that.
To the rest of SF, we have seen some sparks of light and we hope you continue to develop and grow. You have been a fun enemy to go against but unfortunately the populations are skewed in your favor. I look forward to fighting you on a more even plain eventually.
Probably will be fighting you again next week after the ratings reset, but after that best of luck!
Also, you ferg guilds should just join ET :P! (that’s my miserable recruitment attempt).
Yeah stay out of our JP…and pls don’t cry. We own and wish I could taste all of your tears, love when you guy run around in dome for a while thinking I may get tired of pulling you and letting the beast out…hahaha
It’s okay, princess. We’ll get you some real kills someday.
Wish you would …this match-up reminds me of an Episode of Seinfeld when Kramer took Karate and had to fight Children. I was jumped from behind and killed over 7 times here while “Trying To be Nice”. Then I decided to stay up and defend this point as any server that may share a few brains would. Love to see the waterworks though…TY so much and keep coming back to Thunderdome and giving me some enjoyment while you run around below.
ps I have plenty of REAL KILLS
(edited by FilthyRat.4652)
Love how you condone you guy for posting pics but slam me for replying…can’t wait to take pics of your people that try to make it past the Thunderdome. Oh that’s if i am on and playing the game for the 3 hrs a day that you can hold your keep in EB. But then again there are the ones that magically appear up here when we hold all the keeps for 4hrs
(edited by FilthyRat.4652)
Don’t have to be Eloquent my little friend (or maybe just Dainty, not to sure I do speak like a cave man though) …you guys post pics and act like heroes when you defend a keep (or maybe tower). Never claimed to be well versed in the English language but may just be going to schools around Boston. You really don’t need to understand what I am saying but if you were intelligent you would probably look at scoreboard before you posted pics…in the famous words of John Rambo, You drew First Blood
(edited by FilthyRat.4652)
Ignoring all the JP comments since i don’t do them. SmilingKnight can we duel I’m a thief from Ferg, i just want a friendly competition.
Lol…funny to see you guys insult me and then start reporting me. Just goes to show what kind of people you are…hahahahaha. Will be in jp anytime
And please come get your chests we will welcome you with open arms.
[insert quintuple post here]
^ forum warrior doesnt get people riled up like he wants so he talks to himself?
well at least our thread hit 2 pages this week! it was close, i thought wed stay at 1 page until this guy showed up.
(edited by insanemaniac.2456)
I know, right?
Time to bump up the post I made this morning, then.
This is WvW which is war…was killed plenty of times in here before I started trying to keep control of this strategic point. I feel your pain too, it isn’t easy for us all the time either. It sometimes reminds me of mowing the lawn when we are in battle (only cause the whole map is GREEN and that is the only reason, not because we just cut you guys to pieces). I am sorry that the battles are so one sided but you guys post pics/and compare us to Kaineng, what do you compare yourselves to. Well at least ET owns a supply camp right now not sure how helpful that will be in the long run.
(edited by FilthyRat.4652)
Well guess I wont be seeing you guys in the jp anytime soon.
Well guess I wont be seeing you guys in the jp anytime soon.
i kind of want to grant you minimal attention with 1-2 line posts so you keep posting walls of text and wasting your time, and our thread gets to be respectably long from your double, triple, and quadruple posts.
I love this thread. My favorite part was the description of an instanced jumping puzzle as a “strategic point.”
I don’t know why some of you Sorrows guys get so upset. You guys really must love that strategic point. Now to go back to killing the lot of you in between zergs
It’s not fun anymore. SF has ruined it, just like DR and Kaining before them. It’s never going to be a fair fight as long as these more populated servers are allowed to beat up on lower populated ones. I speak for a lot of us when I say it’s beyond old having a SF zerg around every corner on every map. What’s worse is that on an even playing field we’ll destroy SF groups 8 times out of 10 (except for those KING mesmers. I really dislike you guys, but I respect hell out of ya). But this is rarely a game of quality when quantity wins the day, and zerg is King. Yes, I realize Sorrow’s is likely to go away. Yes, the replacement server will probably still have more people than Ferg’s and ET combined. Nothing like a healthy status quo as far as that goes. Still, a change of scenery is welcome. It’d be nice to have a week where we at least believe we have a chance.
—Just Another Disillusioned Ferg
Eredon Terrace, please tell your mesmers to stop glitching into 10 o’clock tower (Longview) on your borderlands. On numerous occasions I’ve heard my comrades complain about it. I’ve told them all to report any glitchers accordingly from now on.
I was asked to post this here. Happen 2/3/2013. Hope this is corrected
I believe you posted in the wrong match thread (this thread is for last week’s match-up). The link below is the thread for the current match. I believe it’s the thread you actually wanted to post in
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