1/3 - 8/3 Sorrow's/Eredon/Ferguson's

1/3 - 8/3 Sorrow's/Eredon/Ferguson's

in WvW

Posted by: Cantur Soulfyre.5409

Cantur Soulfyre.5409

Good morning (or whatever it is where you are) forum folks! We all ready for reset later??

Cantar Soulfyre-Norn W|Canter Soulfyre-Human G|Cantirus Foghorn – Charr R
Born and raised in Sorrow’s Furnace – WvWvWest Coast Squad
“All hail the mighty Flame Ram!!!” – said by Someone Somewhere at Sometime

1/3 - 8/3 Sorrow's/Eredon/Ferguson's

in WvW

Posted by: Kaisareia.1785


Usually this is the best night of fighting for all sides involved. Not even sure what to say right now with ET getting 75 points per tick, I’ve never seen it this bad on reset night. All I can hope is that people from ET succumbed to my divine wisdom and joined FC

1/3 - 8/3 Sorrow's/Eredon/Ferguson's

in WvW

Posted by: Cantur Soulfyre.5409

Cantur Soulfyre.5409

Do not worry, I have a date tonight so I will not be on until late. HATE missing reset until hours later but, c’est la vie.

Cantar Soulfyre-Norn W|Canter Soulfyre-Human G|Cantirus Foghorn – Charr R
Born and raised in Sorrow’s Furnace – WvWvWest Coast Squad
“All hail the mighty Flame Ram!!!” – said by Someone Somewhere at Sometime

1/3 - 8/3 Sorrow's/Eredon/Ferguson's

in WvW

Posted by: Manoa.5897


Good odds I’ll be missing reset. Our intarwebs are being fussy and we can’t get a tech until tomorrow morning. :cries:

Chaos Spatulai [Chef] | Paragon City Elite [PCE]
Henge of Denravi

1/3 - 8/3 Sorrow's/Eredon/Ferguson's

in WvW

Posted by: Cantur Soulfyre.5409

Cantur Soulfyre.5409

Good odds I’ll be missing reset. Our intarwebs are being fussy and we can’t get a tech until tomorrow morning. :cries:


Cantar Soulfyre-Norn W|Canter Soulfyre-Human G|Cantirus Foghorn – Charr R
Born and raised in Sorrow’s Furnace – WvWvWest Coast Squad
“All hail the mighty Flame Ram!!!” – said by Someone Somewhere at Sometime

1/3 - 8/3 Sorrow's/Eredon/Ferguson's

in WvW

Posted by: Manoa.5897


Total bummer. I took a vacation day today for some R&R and was looking forward to getting lots of GW2 fun in today. Ah well, you know what they say about the best laid plans. :-/

Chaos Spatulai [Chef] | Paragon City Elite [PCE]
Henge of Denravi

1/3 - 8/3 Sorrow's/Eredon/Ferguson's

in WvW

Posted by: Ungood.3054


Usually this is the best night of fighting for all sides involved. Not even sure what to say right now with ET getting 75 points per tick, I’ve never seen it this bad on reset night. All I can hope is that people from ET succumbed to my divine wisdom and joined FC

For the last few weeks ET has had very low turn out for reset day.

Every Lifelong Journey Ends With a Gravestone.
Born and Raised in Eredon Terrace

1/3 - 8/3 Sorrow's/Eredon/Ferguson's

in WvW

Posted by: katz.8376


Hate to burst your ego bubble but this is how much we care about SM atm

LOL... its a recent tradition

Just playing n having fun till reset :-)

tradition huh? hmmm. odd... but ok.

when in Rome, as they say...


Druids of Dhuum [DoD]|Rally Bait [RALY]
~o hai there :D~ LONG LIVE ET

1/3 - 8/3 Sorrow's/Eredon/Ferguson's

in WvW

Posted by: Scumbag Mawile.6384

Scumbag Mawile.6384

Had to empty my 80-slot inventory five times tonight.

Ferg put up much more of a fight than I usually get to see. Even wiped a zerg a couple times. Fun evenin’.

Disciple of Quag

1/3 - 8/3 Sorrow's/Eredon/Ferguson's

in WvW

Posted by: ErlendR.6107


Too much talk and no score :@

Proud ex-Kaineng T8 best server ever vs DR & FC

1/3 - 8/3 Sorrow's/Eredon/Ferguson's

in WvW

Posted by: Ungood.3054


Well the week ends.

SF: 322,429 Total Move: -0.122
ET: 159,236 Total Move: 11.833
FC: 127,202 Total Move: -14.276

And while SF has done a much better job this week, then last week, they are still currently 99 points from the lowest T7 server HoD.

So, Beyond ET getting a night/morning crew and doing a great job of securely holding 2nd place, giving them a near 12 point gain, nothing has changed for the servers in T8.


Every Lifelong Journey Ends With a Gravestone.
Born and Raised in Eredon Terrace

1/3 - 8/3 Sorrow's/Eredon/Ferguson's

in WvW

Posted by: Wanderer.3248


I just needed an excuse to use that Mr. Bean chemistry episode pic.

Is that a commentary on our dancing skills? My Sylvari dance a lot like Mr Bean.