1-4-13: Maguuma/Borlis Pass/Devona's Rest

1-4-13: Maguuma/Borlis Pass/Devona's Rest

in WvW

Posted by: Sumwun.3846


This will be interesting to watch. I’ve yet to see an alliance not crumble and fall.

They all fall at some point. They are meant to.
I hate the word alliance, and I despise the idea of a “truce” in the classic form of the words.

But, to decide against a tactical decision to simply spit in the face of the words “Truce” and “Alliance” is simply ignorant.

granted different folks have different strokes. not everyone plays for the win at the end of the week. Some want to kill, kill, kill. That’s cool. Nobody should be telling Player-X they are not allowed to attack Blue Tower – X. It’s a game. You have no right. Just like James Games has every right to spend stupid amounts of gold on Goloms only to get them burned down walking around aimlessly. It’s his right. It’s your right to simply go have fun somewhere else and ignore him for existing.

That being said, if people on your server are trying to build a win working “something out” with another server, the least you could do is take the time to consider what’s happening outside your limited field of view. Sometimes it’s far easier to do when the people working this out actually communicate. Let’s not forget you are all one of many on a server, just because you feel you are better you are not. Stop being jackholes and communicate. Team mates.

Mag was grinding our faces in the dirt and BP was helping. If not going after a blue tower means we relieve pressure from somewhere else so our smaller numbers can deal elsewhere, whats the big deal?

Get the score close. Then when it’s close people who can do more than lead 20+ others to a door need to figure out how to manipulate numbers, people, score later.

Not attacking BP gives us more numbers for mag.
Not attacking BP makes it easier to defend against mag.
Not attacking BP moves us out of 3rd

attacking BP undoes all that.

Attacking BP gets us invaders from BP while we are having a hard time keeping Mag out.
Attacking BP gets us beat on from the east in EB
and attacking BP takes people out of other areas where we actually need them.

From what I have gathered, the agreement leaves SM open as well as camps. So really, whats the problem here? we can still fight BP, but working with them preserves our noses.

Want to take a tower? go take a tower from Mag. Why is this so insulting to so many of my server mates?

We’ve been here before and it blows my mind people are still confused by this ultra simple notion.

Yak’s Bend.

1-4-13: Maguuma/Borlis Pass/Devona's Rest

in WvW

Posted by: Sumwun.3846


I hope we can out of this matchup asap, I miss T4 like crazy.

Joke’s on you, we’re losing ranking points this week unless a miracle happens. For the overall WvW perspective, this match has been a lot more interesting and the thread has had gasp much more cross-server respect. I could get used to that.

Oh…FYI to all:

PRO will be transfering to a new server on reset. Destination unknown at this time.

Is this due to some inner server turmoil or just a fair weather jump?

After this last weekend. I am beginning to wonder if there is a server better suited for my personality and mind set. There must be a server that exists that is more about teamwork and planning than ego stroking and self promotion.

It’s called Maguuma. Mwahaha. Seriously though.

hahaha, well if thats the case, I couldn’t make that move till we aren’t at war. I am so against pink hat PvP that to jump to a winning server makes me feel cheap. I like to work for my win. I like to contribute. I like to see growth, and more important I enjoy a team victory. I’m one of the last of a dying breed. I want to be on a team. Not surrounded by Me’s and I’s.

Yak’s Bend.

1-4-13: Maguuma/Borlis Pass/Devona's Rest

in WvW

Posted by: saiyr.3071


I can respect that, though we might all be in this tier for a few weeks, haha. Maguuma is not often considered a “winning server” though. We’ve won what, like 3 times now? 4?

By the way, I dunno how true “Not attacking BP moves us out of 3rd” is…after all, wasn’t a large part of your catchup from owning half of BP and EBG?

[DERP] Saiyr, “bff” of Sgt Killjoy

1-4-13: Maguuma/Borlis Pass/Devona's Rest

in WvW

Posted by: Morningstar.6208


Only thing I have seen so far BP begging maguma and devona to ally with them and seems maguma favors BP. They almost don’t attack each other’s BLs and when BP gets attacked by Maguma and Devona they start whispering trying to make deals. Maguma also only achieve something when they outnumber enemy 2:1 with golems and avoiding fight letting BP Devona fight while they PvDoor their stuff on other side. Devona might stay or fall from this tier due to getting double teamed but in the end Devona will be the one going up when match up changes.

Commander Sir Morningstar of Devona’s Rest, Army of Devona [AoD] Guild Leader

1-4-13: Maguuma/Borlis Pass/Devona's Rest

in WvW

Posted by: Plok.6145


Only thing I have seen so far BP begging maguma and devona to ally with them and seems maguma favors BP. They almost don’t attack each other’s BLs and when BP gets attacked by Maguma and Devona they start whispering trying to make deals. Maguma also only achieve something when they outnumber enemy 2:1 with golems and avoiding fight letting BP Devona fight while they PvDoor their stuff on other side. Devona might stay or fall from this tier due to getting double teamed but in the end Devona will be the one going up when match up changes.

Please share your drugs with the rest of the community, that is only fair.


Commander Plok The Original Leader of Shadow of Agony [GOAT]

1-4-13: Maguuma/Borlis Pass/Devona's Rest

in WvW

Posted by: Sumwun.3846


Only thing I have seen so far BP begging maguma and devona to ally with them and seems maguma favors BP. They almost don’t attack each other’s BLs and when BP gets attacked by Maguma and Devona they start whispering trying to make deals. Maguma also only achieve something when they outnumber enemy 2:1 with golems and avoiding fight letting BP Devona fight while they PvDoor their stuff on other side. Devona might stay or fall from this tier due to getting double teamed but in the end Devona will be the one going up when match up changes.

Begging? or using a strat that requires more than yelling in all caps, and screaming at other people like an jackhole? 3v3 for a reason beyond, "defend my tower at all costs and let the supply run dry cause my 30+man zerg is unable to cap more than one location at a time and we don’t know why. "

Cool that you said that tho. Cause anyone with the ability to think beyond 3 feet in front of them may have just seen something useful in that piddly girl-like gripe.

Yak’s Bend.

(edited by Sumwun.3846)

1-4-13: Maguuma/Borlis Pass/Devona's Rest

in WvW

Posted by: Dynnen.6405


He’s a roamer and everyone is zerging.

Easily believable. There are other roamers around, however the roaming mindset usually drives them to go to enemy borderlands, where there’s more chance to run into the massive zergs and less chance to run into other roamers. That’s the way it goes :P

They ran into my guild a couple of times. Didn’t end well for them =P
Good fights though!

1-4-13: Maguuma/Borlis Pass/Devona's Rest

in WvW

Posted by: saiyr.3071


Only thing I have seen so far BP begging maguma and devona to ally with them and seems maguma favors BP. They almost don’t attack each other’s BLs and when BP gets attacked by Maguma and Devona they start whispering trying to make deals. Maguma also only achieve something when they outnumber enemy 2:1 with golems and avoiding fight letting BP Devona fight while they PvDoor their stuff on other side. Devona might stay or fall from this tier due to getting double teamed but in the end Devona will be the one going up when match up changes.

Oh dear, so many things wrong with your post, I don’t know where to start…

Actually, I’ll just leave it at that. Everything about your post is wrong.

He’s a roamer and everyone is zerging.

Easily believable. There are other roamers around, however the roaming mindset usually drives them to go to enemy borderlands, where there’s more chance to run into the massive zergs and less chance to run into other roamers. That’s the way it goes :P

They ran into my guild a couple of times. Didn’t end well for them =P
Good fights though!

What are your play times during the week? We should have a fight club. And by we, I mean not me, because I will lose. But there are definitely people on Maguuma that are interested. Thursday night or Friday some time, when the match is probably decided.

[DERP] Saiyr, “bff” of Sgt Killjoy

(edited by saiyr.3071)

1-4-13: Maguuma/Borlis Pass/Devona's Rest

in WvW

Posted by: Eyanthina.6824


OK in response to this thread regarding what Dred or Nytemyst posted. PRO is NOT and I REPEAT NOT transferring servers, OUR GUILD IS STAYING ON Devonas. This post by Dred last night was a practical joke or early April fools prank that he felt was going to be amusing. For anyone who has witnessed Dreds forum posting habits you know he is full of hot air most of the time and that he shouldn’t be taken too seriously with many things.

PRO is on DR to stay, and if it wasn’t I would not have spent so much time trying to build an alliance with other DR guilds, don’t take the words of one player to stand for the consensus of our entire guild.

Eyanthina [PRO] Officer!

1-4-13: Maguuma/Borlis Pass/Devona's Rest

in WvW

Posted by: styx.7294


OK in response to this thread regarding what Dred or Nytemyst posted. PRO is NOT and I REPEAT NOT transferring servers, OUR GUILD IS STAYING ON Devonas. This post by Dred last night was a practical joke or early April fools prank that he felt was going to be amusing. For anyone who has witnessed Dreds forum posting habits you know he is full of hot air most of the time and that he shouldn’t be taken too seriously with many things.

PRO is on DR to stay, and if it wasn’t I would not have spent so much time trying to build an alliance with other DR guilds, don’t take the words of one player to stand for the consensus of our entire guild.

Eyanthina [PRO] Officer!

That awkward moment when you have to tell people your guild leader was joking when he told everyone you’re transferring.

Someone get this guy a beer.

Gate of Madness

1-4-13: Maguuma/Borlis Pass/Devona's Rest

in WvW

Posted by: Sumwun.3846


Devona might stay or fall from this tier due to getting double teamed but in the end Devona will be the one going up when match up changes.

It may stay, or it may fall. But it will move up.

I want to try a few of these.

You would be a better leader if you learned to lead and not react, but even if you don’t do either, you will still be annoying at the end of the week.

Leading a zerg is basically like going to the mall and being in front of everyone going to the same store at the same time, when you all get there nobody is shopping for the same thing. then you yell at them all because Macy’s is doing a special on your favorite item and everyone needs to come help you overkill the purchase, if you are able to figure out how to make the purchase in the first place. Stupid credit card swiper things. THERE ARE 4 WAYS THE CARD CAN SWIPE. SWIPE MORE AND FASTER. MORE HANDS ARE NEEDED TO SWIPE THIS SINGLE CARD.

Bad commanders can either learn to lead better or stop leading, or keep leading too.

When an inevitable situation is known to be inevitable it is always wisest to do nothing about that situation until it’s right in your face and all you are left with is. reaction and panic.

I don’t think I do it as well as you do.

Yak’s Bend.

1-4-13: Maguuma/Borlis Pass/Devona's Rest

in WvW

Posted by: thrice.9184


Only thing I have seen so far BP begging maguma and devona to ally with them and seems maguma favors BP. They almost don’t attack each other’s BLs and when BP gets attacked by Maguma and Devona they start whispering trying to make deals. Maguma also only achieve something when they outnumber enemy 2:1 with golems and avoiding fight letting BP Devona fight while they PvDoor their stuff on other side. Devona might stay or fall from this tier due to getting double teamed but in the end Devona will be the one going up when match up changes.

LOL nice try.

Ranger put into Retirement due to Anet Abuse.
9/3/13 rip

1-4-13: Maguuma/Borlis Pass/Devona's Rest

in WvW

Posted by: Morningstar.6208


OK in response to this thread regarding what Dred or Nytemyst posted. PRO is NOT and I REPEAT NOT transferring servers, OUR GUILD IS STAYING ON Devonas. This post by Dred last night was a practical joke or early April fools prank that he felt was going to be amusing. For anyone who has witnessed Dreds forum posting habits you know he is full of hot air most of the time and that he shouldn’t be taken too seriously with many things.

PRO is on DR to stay, and if it wasn’t I would not have spent so much time trying to build an alliance with other DR guilds, don’t take the words of one player to stand for the consensus of our entire guild.

Eyanthina [PRO] Officer!

That’s the PRO I know Thanks for clarifying.

Commander Sir Morningstar of Devona’s Rest, Army of Devona [AoD] Guild Leader

1-4-13: Maguuma/Borlis Pass/Devona's Rest

in WvW

Posted by: Rhoto.8791


He’s a roamer and everyone is zerging.

Easily believable. There are other roamers around, however the roaming mindset usually drives them to go to enemy borderlands, where there’s more chance to run into the massive zergs and less chance to run into other roamers. That’s the way it goes :P

They ran into my guild a couple of times. Didn’t end well for them =P
Good fights though!

You talking about [OG]? The only guild I know of that has beat us without overwhelming numbers is [WaR].

Chipsu – Elementalist
Maguuma [SWäG]
Original [OG] (good times)

1-4-13: Maguuma/Borlis Pass/Devona's Rest

in WvW

Posted by: Dynnen.6405


He’s a roamer and everyone is zerging.

Easily believable. There are other roamers around, however the roaming mindset usually drives them to go to enemy borderlands, where there’s more chance to run into the massive zergs and less chance to run into other roamers. That’s the way it goes :P

They ran into my guild a couple of times. Didn’t end well for them =P
Good fights though!

You talking about [OG]? The only guild I know of that has beat us without overwhelming numbers is [WaR].

We ran into OG twice, there was 5 of u and 6 of us each fight.

1-4-13: Maguuma/Borlis Pass/Devona's Rest

in WvW

Posted by: Sumwun.3846


PRO is on DR to stay, and if it wasn’t I would not have spent so much time trying to build an alliance with other DR guilds, don’t take the words of one player to stand for the consensus of our entire guild.

Eyanthina [PRO] Officer!

No offense as you’re one of few PRO officers I have no reason to dislike(mostly because this is the only time I’ve seen you post and it’s a sensible post.) But, if you want people to not take Dred seriously, it’s best you have him remove that “Co-Leader of PRO” part from his Signature. Unfortunately, PRO gets a lot of bad press because many of it’s “Leaders” are very vocal, and often spouting that hot air you mentioned. For example…this event. When you speak as a Guild Leader, you need to take into account you are speaking on behalf of the members of your Guild.

Oh look..heres the Kaineng troll AGAIN….are you ever going to stop chasing DR and offering up your T8 strats?

He came offering truth and logic. My suggestion would be to learn from it.

Yak’s Bend.

1-4-13: Maguuma/Borlis Pass/Devona's Rest

in WvW

Posted by: Draygo.9473


Also were utilizing T7 strats atm. Next week T6 strats. Its possible we can meet again in T5 if you continue to stall in T5 in two weeks time.

Apathy Inc [Ai]

1-4-13: Maguuma/Borlis Pass/Devona's Rest

in WvW

Posted by: Sumwun.3846


Also were utilizing T7 strats atm. Next week T6 strats. Its possible we can meet again in T5 if you continue to stall in T5 in two weeks time.

haha!! I thought you guys bumped up! I was going to visit but wasn’t sure. Grats!

Yak’s Bend.

1-4-13: Maguuma/Borlis Pass/Devona's Rest

in WvW

Posted by: Rhyis.7058


Only thing I have seen so far BP begging maguma and devona to ally with them and seems maguma favors BP. They almost don’t attack each other’s BLs and when BP gets attacked by Maguma and Devona they start whispering trying to make deals. Maguma also only achieve something when they outnumber enemy 2:1 with golems and avoiding fight letting BP Devona fight while they PvDoor their stuff on other side. Devona might stay or fall from this tier due to getting double teamed but in the end Devona will be the one going up when match up changes.

Oh dear.

1-4-13: Maguuma/Borlis Pass/Devona's Rest

in WvW

Posted by: Sajec.5302


@ all….in regards to PRO transfering

Bad Eyan baaaaad! Yes it was a joke. Bout 3am me, Eyan, Swords, Pknuckle, and some others were on TS and in group and i was like “wonder what would happen if….”

Eyan wasnt supposed to post cuz i was gonna post it was an early April Fools but darnit he had to go and ruin it! lol

No PRO isnt leaving, we’ve helped push DR to T5 no need to stop now.

Someone asked if it was an internal server or fair weather fighting transfer. If it would have been true i can guarantee you it wouldnt be fair weather transfering. The last time PRO moved we literally moved to the last ranked server in the game, DR.

@ the DR gamer would doesnt like PRO. Those that dont like us judge us based on PRO trying to make things happen on maps. Its extremely frustrating when you go into EB and see nothing but zerg fail train after another. See the zerg flip nodes just to lose them 15 mins later because everything is paper, no siege, no upgrades started. Its extremely frustrating to go to DR BL and find zero scouts watching over key places and find a fortified wall down to 10% health because 1 player set up 1 catapult and manned it for over an hour hitting the wall because nobody bothered to keep an eye out. Frustrating to see our Garrison reinforced watergate down to 20% health by 1 ram and 5 or so enemies because nobody checked one the contested state. Couple tons of moments like that with the calls for “PRO can you send a commander to…”, “PRO can you send folks to…”, “PRO can you, can you, can you….” Gets to the point a lot of PRO, including myself, just get tired of it.

Let me give you some prime examples:
- DR BL turning all green, almost no DR on the map cuz they’re all in EB. What few PRO/GASM are online are trying to stem the green virus that has taken all but 3 points on the map. Pop over to EB, where there was a queue, and ask the commander there to send help. (dont forget now, queue in EB). EB map has 3-4 red dots on it, with a queue. The Commander there’s response to aid from a queued map, “If i send anyone to DR then I’ll lose Overlook.” No help sent. Soooooo…lets keep Overlook and lose an entire map, gotcha on those strats. It worked out in the end though. GASM/RED/Rega/WvW/WP managed to get some folks into DR and alongside PRO we pushed the map clean.
- Last night, DR BL turning green on one side, blue on the other, and then going blue all over. Someone from EB pops in, “We need help, we’re losing EB” and strips the handful of randoms from DR BL. Went to EB for help…again…“If we leave we’ll lose SM”….gotcha…lose entire borderland map to hold SM. Those “winning” strats….yay. Finally get DR BL under control when a call for “PRO can you send a commander to EB…” comes rolling in. Eyan, who’d meant to log 3 hrs prior, went over to offer some help.

Lets not mention the fact that PRO members are spending vast gold amounts in upgrades/siege while the zerg mentality folks run off to another fight. It’s not just PRO either. GASM/Rega/WP/RED, and a few smaller guilds are also “bearing the cost burden” of trying to hold onto what we take while the vast majority of DR are running to the next fight with no thought to whats behind them.

And to clarify…PRO is NOT a big guild..we have 166 members total with about 25ish max on during primetime in Wv3. Those 25ish are split normally between 2 maps. So our “footprint” on population is extremely small, yet our impact isnt.

Zerging by DR has been mentioned in this thread numerous times by Mag/BP as failed strat and asking why we keep doing it. Well? Zergers answer it please, why do you keep doing fail strats? Since reset DR been on the short end of the stick, yet DR hasnt changed it’s strats….why? It’s obvious what folks are doing isnt working, yet when someone, PRO or not, gets in mapchat trying to change the fail flow of things, folks start getting heated and dont want to listen. EB is a prime example…i use to LOVE that map, but it’s morphed into nothing but a zergfest, so I dont even bother going there anymore.

Oh, for those that failed to noticed. Just a few mins before point reset Mag/BP field small teams that go run supply camps to take advantage of reset. I’d hoped it would’ve been easy to identify and counter, but seems again DR fell short on learning.

So before you want to toss rocks and spit at us…remember this: without guilds like ours YOU wouldnt be where you are today.

(Note: for those guilds/players who are NOT doing the above mentioned things and are trying their best to help push DR upward, none of these comments were directed at you or your guild. Much respect to you and keep it up!)

Dredstorm One Eye
Daemon’s Gate [HELL]
Fort Aspenwood

1-4-13: Maguuma/Borlis Pass/Devona's Rest

in WvW

Posted by: RUCKUS.4102


He’s a roamer and everyone is zerging.

Easily believable. There are other roamers around, however the roaming mindset usually drives them to go to enemy borderlands, where there’s more chance to run into the massive zergs and less chance to run into other roamers. That’s the way it goes :P

They ran into my guild a couple of times. Didn’t end well for them =P
Good fights though!

You talking about [OG]? The only guild I know of that has beat us without overwhelming numbers is [WaR].

We ran into OG twice, there was 5 of u and 6 of us each fight.

now now..dont have to lie on the forums… OG has only had 1 good fight this week..which was against (WAR) .. any other guild out there, has gotten rolled by us… if you want a 5v5 challenge..please wait in line.. (WAR) is first

kahu anela/ahi kamalii/kahiko alii – jack of all trades

1-4-13: Maguuma/Borlis Pass/Devona's Rest

in WvW

Posted by: Sajec.5302


Oh look..heres the Kaineng troll AGAIN….are you ever going to stop chasing DR and offering up your T8 strats?

He came offering truth and logic. My suggestion would be to learn from it.

Truth and logic from his perspective…coming from a fair weather fighter who’s never been out of bottom tier legitly, and who continuously jumps to “winning” servers or upwards in tier. Sorry mate, he’s flamed DR since T8, followed us to T7 and did the same, then to T6, and now to T5. And i’m pretty sure if/when DR moves up again, he’ll continue the groopy ride. As to his strats…he doesnt command but offers up common sense strats he’s read from prior posts in other threads.

Want to impress me, gain my respect? Have him go to say T8, icon up, help pull the server together, and push upwards. Easy to toss out strats and ideas when nothing’s on the line. Easy when you’re outside looking in. Whole different ballgame when you’re the one in the line of fire trying to make things happen.

Dredstorm One Eye
Daemon’s Gate [HELL]
Fort Aspenwood

1-4-13: Maguuma/Borlis Pass/Devona's Rest

in WvW

Posted by: Sajec.5302


PRO is on DR to stay, and if it wasn’t I would not have spent so much time trying to build an alliance with other DR guilds, don’t take the words of one player to stand for the consensus of our entire guild.

Eyanthina [PRO] Officer!

No offense as you’re one of few PRO officers I have no reason to dislike(mostly because this is the only time I’ve seen you post and it’s a sensible post.) But, if you want people to not take Dred seriously, it’s best you have him remove that “Co-Leader of PRO” part from his Signature. Unfortunately, PRO gets a lot of bad press because many of it’s “Leaders” are very vocal, and often spouting that hot air you mentioned. For example…this event. When you speak as a Guild Leader, you need to take into account you are speaking on behalf of the members of your Guild.

Oh look..heres the Kaineng troll AGAIN….are you ever going to stop chasing DR and offering up your T8 strats?

There is something extremely amusing about calling a fairly civil person a troll immediately after troll posting that your guild is leaving your server. Just sayin’.

You havent had this stalker following you since T8 either.

Dredstorm One Eye
Daemon’s Gate [HELL]
Fort Aspenwood

1-4-13: Maguuma/Borlis Pass/Devona's Rest

in WvW

Posted by: Bunzy.8674


He’s a roamer and everyone is zerging.

Easily believable. There are other roamers around, however the roaming mindset usually drives them to go to enemy borderlands, where there’s more chance to run into the massive zergs and less chance to run into other roamers. That’s the way it goes :P

They ran into my guild a couple of times. Didn’t end well for them =P
Good fights though!

You talking about [OG]? The only guild I know of that has beat us without overwhelming numbers is [WaR].

We ran into OG twice, there was 5 of u and 6 of us each fight.

You make false assumptions. I suppose you don’t have a video to back this up do you?

Bunzy – I’m a mother father gentleman
WvW Roaming Videos

1-4-13: Maguuma/Borlis Pass/Devona's Rest

in WvW

Posted by: saiyr.3071


There is something extremely amusing about calling a fairly civil person a troll immediately after troll posting that your guild is leaving your server. Just sayin’.

I really do like this guy. What does map chat on your server look like? I’m not looking for strats. I’m from DR if we cant run through it with numbers we keep trying or switch maps. You don’t need a playbook for that.

Seriously, what’s it like. Cause if it’s nothing like my current situation I will prolly want to see for myself on Friday.

Uhh, it’s not always the most pristine thing in the world, I won’t lie. We mostly get along though and we definitely get along in Mumble. If you want to see a good WvW community, being on our Mumble is the place to be. It’s a giant hodgepodge of guilds and individuals that all work together as a team.

[DERP] Saiyr, “bff” of Sgt Killjoy

1-4-13: Maguuma/Borlis Pass/Devona's Rest

in WvW

Posted by: Dynnen.6405


He’s a roamer and everyone is zerging.

Easily believable. There are other roamers around, however the roaming mindset usually drives them to go to enemy borderlands, where there’s more chance to run into the massive zergs and less chance to run into other roamers. That’s the way it goes :P

They ran into my guild a couple of times. Didn’t end well for them =P
Good fights though!

You talking about [OG]? The only guild I know of that has beat us without overwhelming numbers is [WaR].

We ran into OG twice, there was 5 of u and 6 of us each fight.

now now..dont have to lie on the forums… OG has only had 1 good fight this week..which was against (WAR) .. any other guild out there, has gotten rolled by us… if you want a 5v5 challenge..please wait in line.. (WAR) is first

Ummm, yea it happened there smalls. Also we didn’t have any downed players each fight. So maybe thats what you mean about only having ‘1 good fight.’

“Guys, its OG, be careful they’re pretty good and make videos of small group fights”
a minute later after we stomped the last one
“They do?”

Only thing I can think of is that theres a guild with an ‘â’ in there somewhere or something, but I don’t think there was. Or maybe you weren’t there for those two fights. /shrug

1-4-13: Maguuma/Borlis Pass/Devona's Rest

in WvW

Posted by: saiyr.3071


He’s a roamer and everyone is zerging.

Easily believable. There are other roamers around, however the roaming mindset usually drives them to go to enemy borderlands, where there’s more chance to run into the massive zergs and less chance to run into other roamers. That’s the way it goes :P

They ran into my guild a couple of times. Didn’t end well for them =P
Good fights though!

You talking about [OG]? The only guild I know of that has beat us without overwhelming numbers is [WaR].

We ran into OG twice, there was 5 of u and 6 of us each fight.

You make false assumptions. I suppose you don’t have a video to back this up do you?

I see no assumptions here except your assumption that he is a liar.

[DERP] Saiyr, “bff” of Sgt Killjoy

1-4-13: Maguuma/Borlis Pass/Devona's Rest

in WvW

Posted by: Dynnen.6405


He’s a roamer and everyone is zerging.

Easily believable. There are other roamers around, however the roaming mindset usually drives them to go to enemy borderlands, where there’s more chance to run into the massive zergs and less chance to run into other roamers. That’s the way it goes :P

They ran into my guild a couple of times. Didn’t end well for them =P
Good fights though!

You talking about [OG]? The only guild I know of that has beat us without overwhelming numbers is [WaR].

We ran into OG twice, there was 5 of u and 6 of us each fight.

You make false assumptions. I suppose you don’t have a video to back this up do you?

Ill ask around. I remember fighting an OG D/D ele outside DR Garrison yesterday, was that u?

(edited by Dynnen.6405)

1-4-13: Maguuma/Borlis Pass/Devona's Rest

in WvW

Posted by: Oozo.7856


He’s a roamer and everyone is zerging.

Easily believable. There are other roamers around, however the roaming mindset usually drives them to go to enemy borderlands, where there’s more chance to run into the massive zergs and less chance to run into other roamers. That’s the way it goes :P

They ran into my guild a couple of times. Didn’t end well for them =P
Good fights though!

You talking about [OG]? The only guild I know of that has beat us without overwhelming numbers is [WaR].

We ran into OG twice, there was 5 of u and 6 of us each fight.

You make false assumptions. I suppose you don’t have a video to back this up do you?

I only recall one fight with me there. It was at the ruins on the first night (iirc). One of your elems either came down after us or fell off the back side and we killed them quickly. We then portaled up and killed 3 more. I only recall four but I got there a little late.

The fight was over very quickly since you got hit offguard and were seperated. Pretty sure you were distracted by something else and we also outnumbered you. I didn’t see it as a clean fight so I deleted the footage.

I’m not really big into kittenswinging. What happens happens. Good groups are going to win some and lose some to other good groups.

[Anonymous Defender] on Youtube
Solo & Roaming Group WvW Movies

1-4-13: Maguuma/Borlis Pass/Devona's Rest

in WvW

Posted by: Bunzy.8674


He’s a roamer and everyone is zerging.

Easily believable. There are other roamers around, however the roaming mindset usually drives them to go to enemy borderlands, where there’s more chance to run into the massive zergs and less chance to run into other roamers. That’s the way it goes :P

They ran into my guild a couple of times. Didn’t end well for them =P
Good fights though!

You talking about [OG]? The only guild I know of that has beat us without overwhelming numbers is [WaR].

We ran into OG twice, there was 5 of u and 6 of us each fight.

You make false assumptions. I suppose you don’t have a video to back this up do you?

I only recall one fight with me there. It was at the ruins on the first night (iirc). One of your elems either came down after us or fell off the back side and we killed them quickly. We then portaled up and killed 3 more. I only recall four but I got there a little late.

The fight was over very quickly since you got hit offguard and were seperated. Pretty sure you were distracted by something else and we also outnumbered you. I didn’t see it as a clean fight so I deleted the footage.

I’m not really big into kittenswinging. What happens happens. Good groups are going to win some and lose some to other good groups.

Any group we “lose” to we would remember the guild tag, without evidence there is no point in even making a claim that you beat us. There is no guild that has beaten us in a straight 5v5 fight and this is because the only other group I would consider “good” would be AoN who are also on Maguuma.

Bunzy – I’m a mother father gentleman
WvW Roaming Videos

1-4-13: Maguuma/Borlis Pass/Devona's Rest

in WvW

Posted by: saiyr.3071


He’s a roamer and everyone is zerging.

Easily believable. There are other roamers around, however the roaming mindset usually drives them to go to enemy borderlands, where there’s more chance to run into the massive zergs and less chance to run into other roamers. That’s the way it goes :P

They ran into my guild a couple of times. Didn’t end well for them =P
Good fights though!

You talking about [OG]? The only guild I know of that has beat us without overwhelming numbers is [WaR].

We ran into OG twice, there was 5 of u and 6 of us each fight.

You make false assumptions. I suppose you don’t have a video to back this up do you?

Ill ask around. I remember fighting an OG D/D ele outside DR Garrison yesterday, was that u?

I think Bunzy is the only one that uses the glowy daggers in OG but I might be wrong.

[DERP] Saiyr, “bff” of Sgt Killjoy

1-4-13: Maguuma/Borlis Pass/Devona's Rest

in WvW

Posted by: Bunzy.8674


He’s a roamer and everyone is zerging.

Easily believable. There are other roamers around, however the roaming mindset usually drives them to go to enemy borderlands, where there’s more chance to run into the massive zergs and less chance to run into other roamers. That’s the way it goes :P

They ran into my guild a couple of times. Didn’t end well for them =P
Good fights though!

You talking about [OG]? The only guild I know of that has beat us without overwhelming numbers is [WaR].

We ran into OG twice, there was 5 of u and 6 of us each fight.

You make false assumptions. I suppose you don’t have a video to back this up do you?

Ill ask around. I remember fighting an OG D/D ele outside DR Garrison yesterday, was that u?

I kill hundreds of people daily and don’t remember anyone unless they put up a really good fight.

Bunzy – I’m a mother father gentleman
WvW Roaming Videos

1-4-13: Maguuma/Borlis Pass/Devona's Rest

in WvW

Posted by: Bunzy.8674


He’s a roamer and everyone is zerging.

Easily believable. There are other roamers around, however the roaming mindset usually drives them to go to enemy borderlands, where there’s more chance to run into the massive zergs and less chance to run into other roamers. That’s the way it goes :P

They ran into my guild a couple of times. Didn’t end well for them =P
Good fights though!

You talking about [OG]? The only guild I know of that has beat us without overwhelming numbers is [WaR].

We ran into OG twice, there was 5 of u and 6 of us each fight.

You make false assumptions. I suppose you don’t have a video to back this up do you?

Ill ask around. I remember fighting an OG D/D ele outside DR Garrison yesterday, was that u?

I think Bunzy is the only one that uses the glowy daggers in OG but I might be wrong.

Yes you are wrong.

Bunzy – I’m a mother father gentleman
WvW Roaming Videos

1-4-13: Maguuma/Borlis Pass/Devona's Rest

in WvW

Posted by: Gab Superstar.4059

Gab Superstar.4059

He’s a roamer and everyone is zerging.

Easily believable. There are other roamers around, however the roaming mindset usually drives them to go to enemy borderlands, where there’s more chance to run into the massive zergs and less chance to run into other roamers. That’s the way it goes :P

They ran into my guild a couple of times. Didn’t end well for them =P
Good fights though!

You talking about [OG]? The only guild I know of that has beat us without overwhelming numbers is [WaR].

We ran into OG twice, there was 5 of u and 6 of us each fight.

You make false assumptions. I suppose you don’t have a video to back this up do you?

I only recall one fight with me there. It was at the ruins on the first night (iirc). One of your elems either came down after us or fell off the back side and we killed them quickly. We then portaled up and killed 3 more. I only recall four but I got there a little late.

The fight was over very quickly since you got hit offguard and were seperated. Pretty sure you were distracted by something else and we also outnumbered you. I didn’t see it as a clean fight so I deleted the footage.

I’m not really big into kittenswinging. What happens happens. Good groups are going to win some and lose some to other good groups.

Any group we “lose” to we would remember the guild tag, without evidence there is no point in even making a claim that you beat us. There is no guild that has beaten us in a straight 5v5 fight and this is because the only other group I would consider “good” would be AoN who are also on Maguuma.

So humble…

You guys are actually pretty mediocre. NAME has been doing WvWvW for a little over a week and I can recall many times where we have ganked you and your members. You guys are just looking for kills everywhere you go. This makes it extremely easy to bait your team around while making you forget about the real objectives of WvWvW.

Very Good Detectives [VGD]
Devonas Rest 4 lyfe

1-4-13: Maguuma/Borlis Pass/Devona's Rest

in WvW

Posted by: saiyr.3071


He’s a roamer and everyone is zerging.

Easily believable. There are other roamers around, however the roaming mindset usually drives them to go to enemy borderlands, where there’s more chance to run into the massive zergs and less chance to run into other roamers. That’s the way it goes :P

They ran into my guild a couple of times. Didn’t end well for them =P
Good fights though!

You talking about [OG]? The only guild I know of that has beat us without overwhelming numbers is [WaR].

We ran into OG twice, there was 5 of u and 6 of us each fight.

You make false assumptions. I suppose you don’t have a video to back this up do you?

I only recall one fight with me there. It was at the ruins on the first night (iirc). One of your elems either came down after us or fell off the back side and we killed them quickly. We then portaled up and killed 3 more. I only recall four but I got there a little late.

The fight was over very quickly since you got hit offguard and were seperated. Pretty sure you were distracted by something else and we also outnumbered you. I didn’t see it as a clean fight so I deleted the footage.

I’m not really big into kittenswinging. What happens happens. Good groups are going to win some and lose some to other good groups.

Any group we “lose” to we would remember the guild tag, without evidence there is no point in even making a claim that you beat us. There is no guild that has beaten us in a straight 5v5 fight and this is because the only other group I would consider “good” would be AoN who are also on Maguuma.

So humble…

You guys are actually pretty mediocre. NAME has been doing WvWvW for a little over a week and I can recall many times where we have ganked you and your members. You guys are just looking for kills everywhere you go. This makes it extremely easy to bait your team around while making you forget about the real objectives of WvWvW.

Uh, they don’t care about the real objectives of WvW, you aren’t making them forget anything. They don’t care if you beat them 30v2 either. And for the record as much as I find Bunzy’s forum PvP to be lacking, I really doubt an even numbered group of NAME could beat OG. But let’s find that out at fight club, shall we? Nobody is answering and it’s making me sad.

[DERP] Saiyr, “bff” of Sgt Killjoy

1-4-13: Maguuma/Borlis Pass/Devona's Rest

in WvW

Posted by: Dynnen.6405


He’s a roamer and everyone is zerging.

Easily believable. There are other roamers around, however the roaming mindset usually drives them to go to enemy borderlands, where there’s more chance to run into the massive zergs and less chance to run into other roamers. That’s the way it goes :P

They ran into my guild a couple of times. Didn’t end well for them =P
Good fights though!

You talking about [OG]? The only guild I know of that has beat us without overwhelming numbers is [WaR].

We ran into OG twice, there was 5 of u and 6 of us each fight.

You make false assumptions. I suppose you don’t have a video to back this up do you?

Ill ask around. I remember fighting an OG D/D ele outside DR Garrison yesterday, was that u?

I kill hundreds of people daily and don’t remember anyone unless they put up a really good fight.

Well it was me and 5 ppl out western side of our garrison and I kept ALMOST getting you but mistform + 20 zergies behind you kept me from finishing the deal. Wasn’t really good fights, just a lot of running in and out of the zerg being all…ya know…elementally.

1-4-13: Maguuma/Borlis Pass/Devona's Rest

in WvW

Posted by: Oozo.7856


He’s a roamer and everyone is zerging.

Easily believable. There are other roamers around, however the roaming mindset usually drives them to go to enemy borderlands, where there’s more chance to run into the massive zergs and less chance to run into other roamers. That’s the way it goes :P

They ran into my guild a couple of times. Didn’t end well for them =P
Good fights though!

You talking about [OG]? The only guild I know of that has beat us without overwhelming numbers is [WaR].

We ran into OG twice, there was 5 of u and 6 of us each fight.

You make false assumptions. I suppose you don’t have a video to back this up do you?

I only recall one fight with me there. It was at the ruins on the first night (iirc). One of your elems either came down after us or fell off the back side and we killed them quickly. We then portaled up and killed 3 more. I only recall four but I got there a little late.

The fight was over very quickly since you got hit offguard and were seperated. Pretty sure you were distracted by something else and we also outnumbered you. I didn’t see it as a clean fight so I deleted the footage.

I’m not really big into kittenswinging. What happens happens. Good groups are going to win some and lose some to other good groups.

Any group we “lose” to we would remember the guild tag, without evidence there is no point in even making a claim that you beat us. There is no guild that has beaten us in a straight 5v5 fight and this is because the only other group I would consider “good” would be AoN who are also on Maguuma.

It wasn’t a straight 5v5, as I mentioned in my post. If it was, I would not have deleted the footage. I didn’t see much point in keeping it since one of you got seperated from the others and got killed by 5 of us while our mesmer snuck up behind the rest of you. We then mesmer portaled on top of you and killed 3 others in about minute. That’s what happened. You were outnumbered and got hit offguard by a guild group that was communicating on mumble. There isn’t any shame in that.

I’m pretty sure that your group was distracted by some fighting that was going on nearby and just got caught flatfooted. It can happen to anyone.

[Anonymous Defender] on Youtube
Solo & Roaming Group WvW Movies

1-4-13: Maguuma/Borlis Pass/Devona's Rest

in WvW

Posted by: Bunzy.8674


He’s a roamer and everyone is zerging.

Easily believable. There are other roamers around, however the roaming mindset usually drives them to go to enemy borderlands, where there’s more chance to run into the massive zergs and less chance to run into other roamers. That’s the way it goes :P

They ran into my guild a couple of times. Didn’t end well for them =P
Good fights though!

You talking about [OG]? The only guild I know of that has beat us without overwhelming numbers is [WaR].

We ran into OG twice, there was 5 of u and 6 of us each fight.

You make false assumptions. I suppose you don’t have a video to back this up do you?

I only recall one fight with me there. It was at the ruins on the first night (iirc). One of your elems either came down after us or fell off the back side and we killed them quickly. We then portaled up and killed 3 more. I only recall four but I got there a little late.

The fight was over very quickly since you got hit offguard and were seperated. Pretty sure you were distracted by something else and we also outnumbered you. I didn’t see it as a clean fight so I deleted the footage.

I’m not really big into kittenswinging. What happens happens. Good groups are going to win some and lose some to other good groups.

Any group we “lose” to we would remember the guild tag, without evidence there is no point in even making a claim that you beat us. There is no guild that has beaten us in a straight 5v5 fight and this is because the only other group I would consider “good” would be AoN who are also on Maguuma.

So humble…

You guys are actually pretty mediocre. NAME has been doing WvWvW for a little over a week and I can recall many times where we have ganked you and your members. You guys are just looking for kills everywhere you go. This makes it extremely easy to bait your team around while making you forget about the real objectives of WvWvW.

You have no evidence so stop making claims. The real objectives of WvW to us is killing people, it’s what we do.

Bunzy – I’m a mother father gentleman
WvW Roaming Videos

1-4-13: Maguuma/Borlis Pass/Devona's Rest

in WvW

Posted by: Fiction.6418


He’s a roamer and everyone is zerging.

Easily believable. There are other roamers around, however the roaming mindset usually drives them to go to enemy borderlands, where there’s more chance to run into the massive zergs and less chance to run into other roamers. That’s the way it goes :P

They ran into my guild a couple of times. Didn’t end well for them =P
Good fights though!

You talking about [OG]? The only guild I know of that has beat us without overwhelming numbers is [WaR].

We ran into OG twice, there was 5 of u and 6 of us each fight.

You make false assumptions. I suppose you don’t have a video to back this up do you?

I only recall one fight with me there. It was at the ruins on the first night (iirc). One of your elems either came down after us or fell off the back side and we killed them quickly. We then portaled up and killed 3 more. I only recall four but I got there a little late.

The fight was over very quickly since you got hit offguard and were seperated. Pretty sure you were distracted by something else and we also outnumbered you. I didn’t see it as a clean fight so I deleted the footage.

I’m not really big into kittenswinging. What happens happens. Good groups are going to win some and lose some to other good groups.

Any group we “lose” to we would remember the guild tag, without evidence there is no point in even making a claim that you beat us. There is no guild that has beaten us in a straight 5v5 fight and this is because the only other group I would consider “good” would be AoN who are also on Maguuma.

So humble…

You guys are actually pretty mediocre. NAME has been doing WvWvW for a little over a week and I can recall many times where we have ganked you and your members. You guys are just looking for kills everywhere you go. This makes it extremely easy to bait your team around while making you forget about the real objectives of WvWvW.

In bunzy’s defense it does not seem like they ever knew what the real objectives were.

Evidence – 80Asura Thief | Skáldskap 80Human Guardian | Pirateking 80Human Mesmer
Pvp Inc. [PvP]
Ferguson’s Crossing

1-4-13: Maguuma/Borlis Pass/Devona's Rest

in WvW

Posted by: saiyr.3071


Oh no, I just realized I helped derail this into gank thread again. So sad.

[DERP] Saiyr, “bff” of Sgt Killjoy

1-4-13: Maguuma/Borlis Pass/Devona's Rest

in WvW

Posted by: Minigun.7952


Ok, who is the Warrior in PRO that runs the Hundred Blades spec with the Dawn? Your group works well together and I’m surprised you guys are good at skirmishes given the fact you all seem to be running glass cannons.

I’m a GOON thief.

I’m not glass cannon spec =P. Just wanted to say its been a great week full of exciting battles . Win or lose anything is better then sitting around waiting for something to do.

{PRO} Sword Blades

(edited by Minigun.7952)

1-4-13: Maguuma/Borlis Pass/Devona's Rest

in WvW

Posted by: Gab Superstar.4059

Gab Superstar.4059

Oh no, I just realized I helped derail this into gank thread again. So sad.

It’s OK. I am sure most people just see your name and scroll past the posts anyway.

You have no evidence so stop making claims. The real objectives of WvW to us is killing people, it’s what we do.

Sure! But when you are being baited away from objectives and STILL not getting kills, you’d have to wonder right?

Uh, they don’t care about the real objectives of WvW, you aren’t making them forget anything. They don’t care if you beat them 30v2 either. And for the record as much as I find Bunzy’s forum PvP to be lacking, I really doubt an even numbered group of NAME could beat OG. But let’s find that out at fight club, shall we? Nobody is answering and it’s making me sad.

I don’t think a numbered group of NAME people could beat them either. Most of the time we have two players in WvWvW, but it can go as high as a grand total of 3 regularly. After monthly reset we can even field a group of 5 people since people need their achievement done (although very rarely).

Very Good Detectives [VGD]
Devonas Rest 4 lyfe

(edited by Gab Superstar.4059)

1-4-13: Maguuma/Borlis Pass/Devona's Rest

in WvW

Posted by: Bunzy.8674


Oh no, I just realized I helped derail this into gank thread again. So sad.

It’s OK. I am sure most people just see your name and scroll past the posts anyway.

You have no evidence so stop making claims. The real objectives of WvW to us is killing people, it’s what we do.

Sure! But when you are being baited away from objectives and STILL not getting kills, you’d have to wonder right?

We ALWAYS get kills.

Bunzy – I’m a mother father gentleman
WvW Roaming Videos

1-4-13: Maguuma/Borlis Pass/Devona's Rest

in WvW

Posted by: frickers.8309


hey, some of us ( LARP ) xfered to dev. Looking to small man with some people we don’t have many people left.


1-4-13: Maguuma/Borlis Pass/Devona's Rest

in WvW

Posted by: saiyr.3071


Is this the same LARP that was on Ehmry Bay pooping on our EB and Maguuma party in the SW game at the end of the match?

[DERP] Saiyr, “bff” of Sgt Killjoy

1-4-13: Maguuma/Borlis Pass/Devona's Rest

in WvW

Posted by: SolarWind.5693


Just like James Games has every right to spend stupid amounts of gold on Goloms only to get them burned down walking around aimlessly. It’s his right. It’s your right to simply go have fun somewhere else and ignore him for existing.

I agree with that except…

James doesn’t spend HIS money. He gets other people to spend THEIR money on stupid amounts of useless golems. Now you may say it’s their right to do so. I would argue he is mostly taking advantage of people who don’t know any better. He also empties keeps of supply when he does that making them unable to withstand an attack. That is my problem with James’ use of stupid amounts of useless golems.

CMDR – Devonas Rest [WvW]

(edited by SolarWind.5693)

1-4-13: Maguuma/Borlis Pass/Devona's Rest

in WvW

Posted by: Oozo.7856


hey, some of us ( LARP ) xfered to dev. Looking to small man with some people we don’t have many people left.

How many and who is left? AD is already running maxxed most nights, but maybe you could fill out NAME and BSty groups who are often running with just 2-3.

[Anonymous Defender] on Youtube
Solo & Roaming Group WvW Movies

1-4-13: Maguuma/Borlis Pass/Devona's Rest

in WvW

Posted by: frickers.8309


Is this the same LARP that was on Ehmry Bay pooping on our EB and Maguuma party in the SW game at the end of the match?

Yes that was us, right by the maguuma supply camp.


1-4-13: Maguuma/Borlis Pass/Devona's Rest

in WvW

Posted by: Bunzy.8674


hey, some of us ( LARP ) xfered to dev. Looking to small man with some people we don’t have many people left.

How many and who is left? AD is already running maxxed most nights, but maybe you could fill out NAME and BSty groups who are often running with just 2-3.

You do realise the reputation of LARP right?

Bunzy – I’m a mother father gentleman
WvW Roaming Videos

1-4-13: Maguuma/Borlis Pass/Devona's Rest

in WvW

Posted by: frickers.8309


hey, some of us ( LARP ) xfered to dev. Looking to small man with some people we don’t have many people left.

How many and who is left? AD is already running maxxed most nights, but maybe you could fill out NAME and BSty groups who are often running with just 2-3.

Me, Etna, tiglie right now that have xfered right now.