1 patch to kill it all
…And in the darkness bind them.
“Run you fools!”
Kill a few: there won’t be a many
Clearly you are on the forums, and so are loads of others based on the new posts coming in.
There is also quite nice increase of activity in WvW (at least for my server).
Krall Peterson – Warrior
Piken Square
do you vote?……
“You have my sword.”
There is also quite nice increase of activity in WvW (at least for my server).
Show us your sources for this statement.
Fort Aspenwood
“Great. Where are we going?”
Underworld Battalion [WvW] Leader (retired) – Gandara [EU]
All Is Vain https://forum-en.gw2archive.eu/forum/pvp/pvp/gf-left-me-coz-of-ladderboard/
“Run you fools!”
“Fly you fools!”
This truly pained me. Forgive me.
…And in the darkness bind them.
And in spvp bind them*
“You have my sword.”
Ferguson’s Crossing [MAIN]
“You have my sword.”
“One does not simply play balanced WvW”
“You have my sword.”
I know I did. figured I’d throw out a random quote
Ferguson’s Crossing [MAIN]
70 man zerg. strong!we got 15….LET THEM COME!
15 sup ac’s 2 trebs on the gate: U shall not pass!
5 min later.70 storm into lordsroom: FLEE U FOOLS!
Isle of Kickaspenwood
(edited by selan.8354)
Drums. Drums in the deep.
We cannot get out. They are coming.
Didn’t you know? The forums ar eonly a marginal part of the community, hardly worth listening to.
It’s true, Devon Carver said so…
didnt you know? world verses world players are even less relevant is pretty much what devon carter truly meant
Ferguson’s Crossing [MAIN]
Our opinions are worth less than that of that last remaining sPvP player.
We only play WvW for endless hours, what would we know?
Mar Steadfast G, Silent Intrigue T, Mar Fidget Engi, Mar Fierce W, Silent Awe M
In GW2 since BWE1 ~ ~ ~ Guild leader of Legio Romana [LR], too
Had a queue all the time before the patch, now no queue anywhere and just PvDoor..
dun dun dundundun, daddumddadumdaddum dun dun daddum…….
Show us your sources for this statement.
How would I be able to show a source on this?
Without the actual server numbers a source would be more or less impossible to supply.
But I suppose we should all assume that I am lying and that the OP (which didn’t supply and source either) is telling the truth? ^^
Krall Peterson – Warrior
Piken Square
Uhmm.. yes. Since your “experience” differs then EVERYONE else on this thread… id say you need to have some numbers to back that up. If you are betting on who is the liar in a lineup, you go with the guy saying the light is red, when everyone else is saying the light is blue.
Stat increase = gear grind.
Gear grind = no money from me ever again.
And yet to the patch we said “thou shall not pass!”, but our staff got broken in two by Anet. Now the Barlog is devouring so many loyal, dedicated wvw players and guilds that its getting a belly ache. But then, it’s the minority and not the valued customers, that’s why they had to enter trough the caves after all.
Crtitical Emergence [CE] – Gunnar’s Hold
My elementalist videos… http://www.youtube.com/user/erastmus/videos
(edited by Erastmus.3785)
Uhmm.. yes. Since your “experience” differs then EVERYONE else on this thread… id say you need to have some numbers to back that up. If you are betting on who is the liar in a lineup, you go with the guy saying the light is red, when everyone else is saying the light is blue.
Read lordkrall’s other posts (just click on his name). He is by far ANet’s biggest apologist and will say anything to defend them on every topic. One of my biggest LOL’s was him saying several times that ANet couldn’t implement many of the improvements and fixes players were asking for because of all the time it would take to calculate and test potential balance issues … and he said all that just before bloodlust was sprung on us.
I wouldn’t go so far as to say he was lying … he just isn’t in the least objective. I’ll admit that most of my posts now are negative, but they weren’t always. I’ve been playing this game since launch and really, really wanted to see it become everything it promised to be, but after months of disappointments and seeing how out-of-touch ANet is with their player base, I’ve become very jaded toward this game and the devs. Lordkrall, on the other hand, is like the mother of the two Boston bombers who is convinced they were set up.
Stormbluff Isle [AoD]
Lordkrall, on the other hand, is like the mother of the two Boston bombers who is convinced they were set up.
LOL there are people like that on the Disney forums….. if Disney does something that is epicly wrong some of those folks would argue that it is really great and that we just plain do not “get it”…. their disconnect with reality can be challenging, entertaining, and something both at once
Lordkrall, on the other hand, is like the mother of the two Boston bombers who is convinced they were set up.
LOL there are people like that on the Disney forums….. if Disney does something that is epicly wrong some of those folks would argue that it is really great and that we just plain do not “get it”…. their disconnect with reality can be challenging, entertaining, and something both at once
Disney has forums? My childhood memories are in the corner in the fetal position begging me not to go there.
“Run you fools!”
“Fly you fools!”
This truly pained me. Forgive me.
Thank god you corrected that. My internal OCD LOTR fan boy was getting antsy.
Uhmm.. yes. Since your “experience” differs then EVERYONE else on this thread… id say you need to have some numbers to back that up. If you are betting on who is the liar in a lineup, you go with the guy saying the light is red, when everyone else is saying the light is blue.
In a thread where only 1 or 2 posts actually says anything at all about numbers that really isn’t so bad.
Another thing to keep in mind is that people are much more willing to post on forums if they are unhappy rather than happy with changes.
I am simply stating that based on my match-up the amount of people in WvW haven’t decreased in the least, but rather increased, which would suggest that the patch did infact NOT kill WvW.
One can also look up on the scores and such of the other match-ups which would also suggest that it is still very much alive.
Krall Peterson – Warrior
Piken Square
In a thread where only 1 or 2 posts actually says anything at all about numbers that really isn’t so bad.
Another thing to keep in mind is that people are much more willing to post on forums if they are unhappy rather than happy with changes.I am simply stating that based on my match-up the amount of people in WvW haven’t decreased in the least, but rather increased, which would suggest that the patch did infact NOT kill WvW.
One can also look up on the scores and such of the other match-ups which would also suggest that it is still very much alive.
So based on your logic… and on the fact that only a minority actually take the time to post… pro or con.
The WvW forums have exploded with anger and frustration about this change.
So all these players being probably only 1/100th of the actual players… are NOT playing right? Using your numbers right?
So lets say 50 people post in the negative. Thats 50 people NOT playing because of the change… thats 5000 people that are not playing because of the change.
And that is assuming we are only 1/100th of the players… by the way Anet treats us and everyone else says we are the “extreme” minority… its possible we are 1/1000th of the playerbase.
So that is 50000 people that are no longer playing WvW.
Care to continue with the numbers? Thats not adding the far fewer that are not playing but posting that they support it like yourself as well… so THEY are not playing.
Stat increase = gear grind.
Gear grind = no money from me ever again.
The people that post on the forums are the one that represent many others. Many in my guild refuse to post/visit these forums, so I give them updates because I do. Meaning I represent ~50 people.
Bloodlust was a fail, absolutely no way around it.
And yes, there are less people in WvW. I noticed it aswel and the WvW discussion feels dead. Post update really really slow considering it is the weekend.
First troll to receive 10/10
Best golem driver EU
The people that post on the forums are the one that represent many others.
Anet invented the backwards game. People are trying to lose so they don’t end up in the gold league. GJ
There are simultaneously more queued maps and more empty ones.
The people that post on the forums are the one that represent many others. Many in my guild refuse to post/visit these forums, so I give them updates because I do. Meaning I represent ~50 people.
Bloodlust was a fail, absolutely no way around it.
And yes, there are less people in WvW. I noticed it aswel and the WvW discussion feels dead. Post update really really slow considering it is the weekend.
I fully agree on this, despite I play on a different server and belong to a different guild (I am member of TLA. Velocity [Vcy] is also a very good guild).
When I chat in game with people or read our server wide forums it is obvious that the 17th September patch was deemed a big failure. Everybody dislikes the bloodlust buff (except those rare players playing on balanced matchups or super stacked servers) Most players also dislike points from stomping and the spvp-map alike stuff where the BL lake used to be. Spvp/tpvp was never popular in this game compared to WvWvW. WvWvW has probably 10-50 times more players. I do not understand why Arenanet tries to force feed spvp capture the point everywhere as majority of players who love WvWvW want open field battles.
There are some players who never liked the lake or underwater combat. They tell that they like the new area, but still most of them are following the zerg, rather than roaming. Those who truly enjoy the new middle area seem to be minority and tend to be those type of players who like to roam in groups of 3-8 players and using spvp like builds.
It is a fact that solo roaming became harder thanks to this patch. This alone is driving off many players from WvWvW.
I hope Arenanet comes to its senses and either removes all the new changes or changes the way bloodlust works (no stat buffs at all) before the WvWvW League season starts as otherwise they are gonna lose a lot of guilds and players. Lots of new MMOs are coming out or in beta and I know several who stopped GW2 and trying / playing other games already.
I’m actually amazed that the seven or so of you that drive (and make) each and every one of these threads, haven’t gotten bored yet. Its like the antithesis to krall.
Its almost admirable.
I do think we’ve come full circle though:
- Buffs suck, ruined balance! Keep stomp and map!
- Stomp sucks, too many points are not from PvD, how dare 40% of our points come from fighting! Keep only the map!
- Map sucks! (No clue what the reason for this one is…)
And two weeks ago, we were crying about:
- Change the maps or give new ones! This is boring!
- Too much reward for PvDoor! Reward the fighting!
The wonders of the internet.
[Eon] – Blackgate
- Buffs suck, ruined balance! Keep stomp and map!
- Stomp sucks, too many points are not from PvD, how dare 40% of our points come from fighting! Keep only the map!
- Map sucks! (No clue what the reason for this one is…)
And two weeks ago, we were crying about:
- Change the maps or give new ones! This is boring!
- Too much reward for PvDoor! Reward the fighting!
The wonders of the internet.
This is a matter of taste: I do not like the aesthetics of the expanded ruins. It feels and looks too cramped and forced. But that is just me: I never much fancied the looks of ruins (cliché in RPGs). Like I wrote before: a small underwater castle instead of the island of the storms would have been a much cooler idea. Part of this small castle could have been above water line. I like underwater combat a lot and now the new area has very little water left, thus less chances for underwater combat. Plus opponents can always exit the water before the kill. Versatility is good and now the water combat was pretty much taken out of the menu (except for very short dips into water). WvWvW already had capping points (e.g. capping the sentries, camps, towers etc) so adding more standing in a circle is in fact adding more of the same. Plus we have seen this in spvp before.
Obviously there are a lot of players, who want to have some sort feeling of fairness. I am not gonna say WvWvW has ever been fully fair, but if you know your enemy has all the 3 bloodlust buffs and you just lost a fight, which was fairly even, most players are gonna feel bad, because they knew they lost because of the bloodlust. Also when your server has all the buffs and won a duel and at one point you had just 1500 health left, you knew you won because of buff, not because of your skills. Since the buffs are affecting all maps, if you are yourself in EB.
This patch really benefits those servers, which have the largest number of players and best coverage. The situation came even more desperate for those who have just couple of players on a map. You cannot realistically hold the bloodlust buffs plus take a tower or defend tower or keep if you have just 3 players on the entire map. Spawn camping has been happening before. Now the enemy servers who have much more players are going to get stomping points from those few lonely players who dare to exit their spawn area.
The biggest complaints on these forums have been:
A) the lag
B) imbalanced match ups
Now the recent patch made both of these just worse.
PS. I would really want an official reply from dev, when this patch is going to be reverted.
Nobody in game.
Nobody in forum – Look how slow the posts are.Maybe a revert and rethink….not coming back until I can at least enjoy the game you used to have.
Yes. A revert: to Habib for a start (not that he was good, but look what we have now.)
Nobody in game.
Nobody in forum – Look how slow the posts are.Maybe a revert and rethink….not coming back until I can at least enjoy the game you used to have.
Yes. A revert: to Habib for a start (not that he was good, but look what we have now.)
Yep anyone is better then Devon, cuz unless you stop playing Devon doesn’t care or wants to listen to the community. Only thing that matters is gem sales and player #s in game.
Follow @twitch.tv/Luvpie
(edited by Luvpie.8350)
Nobody in game.
Nobody in forum – Look how slow the posts are.Maybe a revert and rethink….not coming back until I can at least enjoy the game you used to have.
Yes. A revert: to Habib for a start (not that he was good, but look what we have now.)
Yep anyone is better then Devon, cuz unless you stop playing Devon doesn’t care or wants to listen to the community. Only thing that matters is gem sales and player #s in game.
I wonder if the “continuing declines” he speaks of means WvW population is in decline (not surprising if true, but always good to hear confirmation) or whether I’m taking that out of context.
Nobody in game.
Nobody in forum – Look how slow the posts are.Maybe a revert and rethink….not coming back until I can at least enjoy the game you used to have.
Yes. A revert: to Habib for a start (not that he was good, but look what we have now.)
Yep anyone is better then Devon, cuz unless you stop playing Devon doesn’t care or wants to listen to the community. Only thing that matters is gem sales and player #s in game.
http://i.imgur.com/BA20tY6.jpgI wonder if the “continuing declines” he speaks of means WvW population is in decline (not surprising if true, but always good to hear confirmation) or whether I’m taking that out of context.
Well since his job is wvw I am assuming WvW #s decline. I can assume that he isn’t asking us to quit the game entirely although I could be wrong. Maybe he will confirm one of these days whether he wants us to quit wvw or the game itself before they will realize the bloodlust was a huge mistake.
Follow @twitch.tv/Luvpie
(edited by Luvpie.8350)
I’m actually amazed that the seven or so of you that drive (and make) each and every one of these threads, haven’t gotten bored yet. Its like the antithesis to krall.
Its almost admirable.
I do think we’ve come full circle though:
- Buffs suck, ruined balance! Keep stomp and map!
- Stomp sucks, too many points are not from PvD, how dare 40% of our points come from fighting! Keep only the map!
- Map sucks! (No clue what the reason for this one is…)
And two weeks ago, we were crying about:
- Change the maps or give new ones! This is boring!
- Too much reward for PvDoor! Reward the fighting!
The wonders of the internet.
well too bad that the dominating server gets all the buffs and all the stomps and we dont get anything out of it.i like the way the ruins look but it would have been better to turn this area into a castle with the same kind off narrow passages and chokepoints and places to use traps=zerg runs the wrong way they die.
Isle of Kickaspenwood