1 year of LAG. +1 if it s ENOUGH.

1 year of LAG. +1 if it s ENOUGH.

in WvW

Posted by: Mazidra.8903


For one year on GW2 we try everything to change the lag probleme.
Peacefully , silencious, losing hours in configurations, tests.
VPN, switch operators etc etc etc.
Seriously we are like losing so much time waiting to enter in WvsW and when we do, a uncredible lag is everywhere even when you’r doing a 3v3 , the blob around makes you lag as hell.

It ’s time to say STOP ยง
We dont want to play more in this LAG, we are not all kids spamming keys mindlessly.
Most of us deserve better gaming conditions.
Do something ,switch server location if needed ! that "s not Professional.


ps : Sorry about my english I know it s not perfect (I’m French ).

1 year of LAG. +1 if it s ENOUGH.

in WvW

Posted by: Cufufalating.8479


What I find most strange is how variable it is… 2 nights ago I was at a battle in SM lords room and it was so unplayable I couldnt see anyone, my skills didnt work, the usually extreme lag problem. Then last night I was in a blob vs blob battle (easily 40+ on both sides) and I was at 20-30 fps with nearly no skill lag at all.

I have no idea how it can be so god aweful one night and really not a problem at all the next.. but whatever.

Cufufalating – Ranger / Part-Time Mesmer
Gunnar’s Hold

1 year of LAG. +1 if it s ENOUGH.

in WvW

Posted by: lordkrall.7241


Why do people keep assuming that ArenaNet is not doing all they can to fix the lag?
It is extremely unlikely that they leave the lag in just for lolz.
If they had a fix for it they would have implemented it a long time ago.

Krall Bloodsword – Mesmer
Krall Peterson – Warrior
Piken Square

1 year of LAG. +1 if it s ENOUGH.

in WvW

Posted by: Mazidra.8903


because if they where doing all they can , there will be less lag.
There are budget reason , developpemnt cost, geographical position of server choices that suit for some and are bad for others and so many other variables.

When, in a battle, you can’t even make an other action than “press 1”, or you freez for 10sec, I think there is more to do.

1 year of LAG. +1 if it s ENOUGH.

in WvW

Posted by: KeeZee.7312


Same thing happens in Aion during the large scale battles. Its more of a NCSoft issue.
Anet can only use what NCSoft provides.

1 year of LAG. +1 if it s ENOUGH.

in WvW

Posted by: UnrepentantProcrastinator.7420


Why do people keep assuming that ArenaNet is not doing all they can to fix the lag?

Because they work on a budget that they’re not allocating to fix the lag.

1 year of LAG. +1 if it s ENOUGH.

in WvW

Posted by: lordkrall.7241


because if they where doing all they can , there will be less lag.
There are budget reason , developpemnt cost, geographical position of server choices that suit for some and are bad for others and so many other variables.

When, in a battle, you can’t even make an other action than “press 1”, or you freez for 10sec, I think there is more to do.

So you are basically assuming that they are actively screwing themselves over just to kitten people off?

If they haven’t found a solution for lowering lag, without hurting the game and/or population in a major way, how can they do it?
They can’t magically fix lag without a solution after all.

I just don’t get why people seems to assume that they aren’t doing all they can to fix it.
It is after all hurting them much more than it is hurting us.

Krall Bloodsword – Mesmer
Krall Peterson – Warrior
Piken Square

1 year of LAG. +1 if it s ENOUGH.

in WvW

Posted by: Silver.3284


My 2 cents on this. I live in APAC and the lag issue for me has been extreme. As in I had to get out of WvW by 11-2 in the morning central European time (weekends) cause I could literally tell that a zerg is on its way (although not yet visible) by the lag. I had the same issue in organised tequatl fights in full maps -skill lag and freeze, followed by a dc within the first 3-4 minutes.
About a week ago I tried one of the programs that are designed to lower your ping by using a set path to a server near the game servers. Interestingly, it works. My ping is still high compared to players in eu and us (about 250-300ms) but I have not seen that type of skill lag. even in eu primetime, at least not yet. I will wait for when we play Vz again for the final test.
This is obviously not a solution, but rather a temporary patch that individuals (especially those in locations far away from the servers) may wish to consider in order to minimise the effects until the real issue is fixed.
To the original post +1

1 year of LAG. +1 if it s ENOUGH.

in WvW

Posted by: aspirine.6852


I use my slowdowns to guess the size of the zerg outside a keep or castle

But sometimes inside sm, garrison or just any larg battle I just cannot do much because of the lag.

1 year of LAG. +1 if it s ENOUGH.

in WvW

Posted by: Fuzzion.2504


Why do people keep assuming that ArenaNet is not doing all they can to fix the lag?

Because they work on a budget that they’re not allocating to fix the lag.

You guys are very close to the truth.

You can research the company the cloud is in and discover the costs and methods used.

The bottomline is $$$, streamlining the server side code and client side code and lastly $$$. There are also plans for an xbox/ps4 based GW2 which is exciting

Fuzzionx [SF]
Guest member of [LOVE]
JQ official Prime Minister

1 year of LAG. +1 if it s ENOUGH.

in WvW

Posted by: lordkrall.7241


There are also plans for an xbox/ps4 based GW2 which is exciting

Would love to see a source for this, since the last I heard they made it quite clear that they were NOT planning on releasing GW2 on consoles.

Krall Bloodsword – Mesmer
Krall Peterson – Warrior
Piken Square

1 year of LAG. +1 if it s ENOUGH.

in WvW

Posted by: titanlectro.5029


Step one: Read this thread

Step two: Admit that everything in this thread is completely wrong.

If you are going to act so entitled or “in the know” at least do your research.

Gate of Madness | Leader – Phoenix Ascendant [ASH]
Niniyl (Ele) | Barah (Eng) | Luthiyn (War) | Niennya (Thf)
This is my Trahearne’s story

1 year of LAG. +1 if it s ENOUGH.

in WvW

Posted by: SpehssMehreen.5897


can a dev please close this thread? its hardly constructiveand has been answered and reviews, discussed, debated, blah3x etc etc so much already

1 year of LAG. +1 if it s ENOUGH.

in WvW

Posted by: DevonCarver.5370


WvW Coordinator

Please take this discussion to the following thread, where Bill continues to discuss what we are doing about this problem.
