10/12 ET/IOJ/CD

10/12 ET/IOJ/CD

in WvW

Posted by: R E F L H E X.8413

R E F L H E X.8413

Well I had a chance to join one of IoJ’s “Elite Guilds” you can throw that idea out the window because the stragetic value of your server is bottom tiered. He was trying to use his commander title to recruit people off of crystal desert before last match ended, I made a category in my guild called “Guilds kitten” and stuck him in there, makes a nice screenshot. He’s also secondly been a spy, but had went back to ioj this morning. You may win this matchup but that’s due to numbers which is all that really matters, the strategy so far has been the lowest level I’ve seen and I’ve played in bottom tier games, and even they didn’t sacrifice themselves 8 hours for one location while they instead could have taken towers from the people leading in point gain not only brought them down but also been the leading point gain themselves. Numbers and 2v1 is pretty much all it’s going to take and that’s how you have manged to catchup to cds score in the first place.

As of right now they are starting to take green towers and getting a stronger point lead even though green should be getting more online now and soon, the best time was whenever i made that post last night when green was doing literally nothing and had nobody on at that time (this post was made hours ago this is an edit) CD should have been defending while taking stuff from green, and that wasn’t really happening either green was left alone, we can handle the anz trebs we have been handling them anyways due to walls perma down fighting for anz for hours or taking greens towers is kind of the choice, the walls will eb down either way. I need to get my guild built up so i can lead a team but it’s not going to happen I’m not really that into wvw, I like gvg I like instances but I’m not into spvp, I also have the potential to earn the 100g in a day or two for commander but i could really careless about the title it will serve no purpose in gvg. Either way I’m about done with this matchup and might do other things than gw2 for this week, it’s 2v1, et giving stuff to red to help them win.

I must’ve missed the sign that said it was a fire sale.

(edited by R E F L H E X.8413)

10/12 ET/IOJ/CD

in WvW

Posted by: Scyndek.5273


Name? I’m kinda curious.

Elementalist – Isle of Janthir

10/12 ET/IOJ/CD

in WvW

Posted by: R E F L H E X.8413

R E F L H E X.8413

I’ve also seen dragon brand guilds on both servers I think they mad and trying to influence this 2v1. Don’t be surprised when they leave you for jade quarry!

I must’ve missed the sign that said it was a fire sale.

10/12 ET/IOJ/CD

in WvW

Posted by: Isila.2574


This week’s matchup is a pretty big showcase of what’s wrong with Wv3 currently. Last two times we had this ET/CD/IoJ matchup it was two separate week-long curbstomps on ET’s part, leaving with almost twice the score of CD and IoJ combined. This week it’s a neck-and-neck race because ET lost their massive 24/7 coverage to fair-weather server hoppers.

Hope ANet fixes this ridiculous crap soon.

10/12 ET/IOJ/CD

in WvW

Posted by: TheFug.5278


Wait.. so a bunch of server transfers that result in an extremely even and close match is a showcase of the “problem”?

[KH] Kwisatz Haderach

10/12 ET/IOJ/CD

in WvW

Posted by: Detahmaio.2014


This week’s matchup is a pretty big showcase of what’s wrong with Wv3 currently. Last two times we had this ET/CD/IoJ matchup it was two separate week-long curbstomps on ET’s part, leaving with almost twice the score of CD and IoJ combined. This week it’s a neck-and-neck race because ET lost their massive 24/7 coverage to fair-weather server hoppers.

Hope ANet fixes this ridiculous crap soon.

After ET lost their euro guilds they never had 24/7 coverage that’s why henge always jumped so high due to really no resistance at all.

ET lost at least 2-3 guilds so at night time they will get stomped. But they are holding well but the weekend is almost over.

10/12 ET/IOJ/CD

in WvW

Posted by: Curvs.9183


This match up is the best one i’ve been in so far. I’ve spent the most time in EB, but jump around in the borders too, and everywhere you go, it’s been a good fight. Still, even now, it’s anyone’s game. Although ET fell behind a bit, they are really holding their own, and pushing back really hard, by the time i logged. it’s unfortunate ET lost so much night coverage (last time CD fought you guys, well…wasn’t even a fight!), but to be honest, you guys are better off without those RUINoobs. It’s nice leaving spawn points without 10 ballista shooting you.

Best of luck to IOJ and ET…we’re all in for a good week I hope; with CD coming out on top

Commander, Curvsaplenty – Mesmer
Happy Tree of w0t0 [w0t0] -Crystal Desert-

10/12 ET/IOJ/CD

in WvW

Posted by: Karma.8920


Literally side by side :P

anyway, this has been a great match so far, best of luck to everyone.


Karma Seeker / Crystal Desert

10/12 ET/IOJ/CD

in WvW

Posted by: TheFug.5278


IOJ is currently spamming Fireworks at Redbriar in an attempt to lag us all out. This one of the dirtiest tricks I have seen in a while.

[KH] Kwisatz Haderach

10/12 ET/IOJ/CD

in WvW

Posted by: Forest.4197


I was looking forward to a Yak’s Bend/Sanctum of Rall/Northern Shiverpeaks like score for this matchup, but now with Eradon Terrace lagging behind by 10k points, this looks like a runaway victory for Isle of Janthir who has more 24 hour coverage then Crystal Desert does.

10/12 ET/IOJ/CD

in WvW

Posted by: TheFug.5278


Congratz on crashing Eredon Terrace Battleground with fireworks.

[KH] Kwisatz Haderach

10/12 ET/IOJ/CD

in WvW

Posted by: Luvpie.8350


If CD can get 1-2 big oceanic guilds transfer and help our oceanics we can really give IOJ a tough matcup for rest of the week. Right now our day time presence is doing best we can with IOJ’s new daytime prescence which got a boost recently. ET needs to be in the fight too because IOJ just takes ET’s objectives and got 50 point lead today which it held till now so now they are up by 1.2k.

We will try again tomorrow and the day after that and so on and on till Friday reset

Apply @ Fang-Gaming.US
Follow @twitch.tv/Luvpie

10/12 ET/IOJ/CD

in WvW

Posted by: Vombs.5917


Let the firework battles begin!

10/12 ET/IOJ/CD

in WvW

Posted by: TheFug.5278


Explain? Are people on CD pulling some kitten too? I haven’t seen much, but when I do I call them out on it.

[KH] Kwisatz Haderach

10/12 ET/IOJ/CD

in WvW

Posted by: Wolfus.4531


Good job crashing the ET borderlands you IoJ numbskulls, honestly that firework crap needs to be a bannable offense for purposely trying to crash the server.

10/12 ET/IOJ/CD

in WvW

Posted by: Vombs.5917


Yes, because 10 of us with fireworks crashed the server!
Has it occurred to you that they might be fixing the orb that hasn’t been on the map for a few hours?

10/12 ET/IOJ/CD

in WvW

Posted by: Tyresion.9458


I can’t tell if these firework accusations are serious or just a joke to follow up on another light hearted gesture.

The “crash” is probably a result of the orb having gone missing earlier in the night, and a reset is likely required to get it to spawn once more.

The idea that fireworks, which are just particle effects, potentially breaking the server or causing an abundant amount of lag, is a bit preposterous. Chalk it up as a coincidence. If the fireworks were capable of crashing the server, how does EBG not crash after every reset during the Stonemist Rush?

10/12 ET/IOJ/CD

in WvW

Posted by: japes.3279


Good job crashing the ET borderlands you IoJ numbskulls, honestly that firework crap needs to be a bannable offense for purposely trying to crash the server.

Can you provide any proof that it was a few people using fireworks that crashed the borderlands? I wasn’t having any trouble with them – 80fps while fraps’ing, all good. Would upload the footage because it was a spectacular show being put on by IoJ (free for you, stop complaining!) but I left the F1 audio streaming in the background which kind of ruins it.

10/12 ET/IOJ/CD

in WvW

Posted by: Wolfus.4531


10 ppl with fireworks cant completely cover the top side of that tower to hide a treb, i got the screens. It had to be way more

10/12 ET/IOJ/CD

in WvW

Posted by: Blademage.8932


there is worse lag in Stonemist when all 3 servers are rushing it, a small guild of people will not crash as server with a small amount of fireworks.

10/12 ET/IOJ/CD

in WvW

Posted by: TheFug.5278


I get almost no lag during the Stonemist rush’es, but those fireworks completely stalled mine (and a few other) people’s machines, despite having beefy kitten rigs. Welcome to the non-uniform optimization of GW2.

[KH] Kwisatz Haderach

10/12 ET/IOJ/CD

in WvW

Posted by: Blademage.8932


I get almost no lag during the Stonemist rush’es, but those fireworks completely stalled mine (and a few other) people’s machines, despite having beefy kitten rigs. Welcome to the non-uniform optimization of GW2.

my rig is 4 years old.. and an old graphics card… idk whats wrong with yours if mine can handle this.

10/12 ET/IOJ/CD

in WvW

Posted by: R E F L H E X.8413

R E F L H E X.8413

I’ve crashed more on the borderlands in wvw in the past two nights, also in eternal too, but borderlands are noticeably worse and has this new bug of teleporting us outside the starting zone, than I have in the entire time I’ve played guildwars, but this is not fireworks related like above people are talking about.

It’s the sound bug then instant game freeze during the sound bug turning on crash.

I must’ve missed the sign that said it was a fire sale.

10/12 ET/IOJ/CD

in WvW

Posted by: Tyresion.9458


I’ve crashed more on the borderlands in wvw in the past two nights, also in eternal too, than I have in the entire time I’ve played guildwars, but this is not fireworks related like above people are talking about.

It’s the sound bug then instant game freeze during the sound bug turning on crash.

Reset your sound quality to default, I used to have the same problem but this seems to fix it.

10/12 ET/IOJ/CD

in WvW

Posted by: Wolfus.4531


BS my entire guild was getting lag spikes everytime we looked at the tower and only when we looked in that direction. The fireworks were causing a massive lag spike and it was what caused the crash. If it had been a “sound” issue we could have been able to reenter ET BL upon reentering the game, however the ET BL server crashed. Eitherway Anet can sort it out.

10/12 ET/IOJ/CD

in WvW

Posted by: Enigmus.3895


“R E F L H E X.8413
8 hour assault on sm with a decent force harrassing cd and nothing else for 8 entre hours while green had noone on the map. The force that was harrassing cd that was getting back capped could’ve taken the entire green location (who was on and off for most points) in 20 min or so then harrassed cd. It was lso fun seeing a bunch of golems at the keep dropping a couple arrow carts, rooting the entire team right before the gate fell then jumping right back on an arrowcart, that attack was epic in the area of fail XD. Really need one of the comedians to think of a good gag name for the server, massly suicidal for 8 hours (then green takes it LOL), it was like an ioj cult koolaid party in sm.”

I love how one sided this statement is. Just because positions on the map weren’t changing doesn’t mean we zerged you and did nothing for 8 hours. Green did have a presence in EB. Points were taken and attempts made on that side but the moment we let up on your bunkered down castle you came out at us in force. If we’d just ignored your stance in the middle of the map we’d have been overrun in the other areas we’d fought hard to get back. I don’t remember when I started Friday evening but we had next to nothing in EB at that time. We needed to dislodge you so we had a place to strike out from into the bottom half of the map without you flanking us. Our forces were not so disparate with regards to the numbers. Green did have enough defenders waiting to hit us when we engaged their points with the token forces sent down (all we could spare) and a few times we actually ran into a mini zerg of CD players that killed us trying to take greens southernmost supply camp and then you didn’t even cap it. Overall I appreciate how close this fight has been and I think that just stating we wasted 8 hours against one objective is not a valid statement considering we held you at bay while increasing our point total which does seem to have carried over into Saturday’s match.

10/12 ET/IOJ/CD

in WvW

Posted by: Forest.4197


CD member here

Hats off to IoJ, been wondering how we would fair in a rematch, and clearly 1v1 you are kicking our * (this is a 1v1 since ET is basically a no show in this match up)

10/12 ET/IOJ/CD

in WvW

Posted by: TheFug.5278


Not hard for IOJ to dominate when we have outmanned in all borderlands and they are running with 45+ zergs.

[KH] Kwisatz Haderach

10/12 ET/IOJ/CD

in WvW

Posted by: Arctix.1758


Not hard for IOJ to dominate when we have outmanned in all borderlands and they are running with 45+ zergs.

This made me laugh a little.

Because the outmanned buff only inspires people to pve. Also our 45+ zergs are clearly fictional elves that run magical fireworks with the sole intent of crashing servers. Didn’t you get the memo?

Also, my sparkler burnt my finger while we were ninjaing Aldon’s from ET throught EB.

Commander Arctix (Arctx) [Team Legacy] Human Warrior
DAoC, EQ2, WoW, AoC, L2, UO <freerps> <myth>
<wrath> <banda> <insurrection> <jaded>

10/12 ET/IOJ/CD

in WvW

Posted by: ryan.3915


I’m on CD and I have to say that the strategies so far has been really fun from both sides.

While they had numbers on their side, IoJ has been very disciplined with upgrading towers that they have captured and setting up defenses. They also man those to look for likely invaders. Their defenses (catapults, arrow carts) hold back the invaders while the main zerg army comes to save the day. They also built trebuchets very frequently. One tower had 3, so it was easy for the tower to break into nearby keeps.

CD also had lots of fun stuff, like an army of golems. We initially thought we wanted 1 billion, but we settled for 12. Luvpie is a good commander with interesting ideas. He managed to invade the keeps and towers with relative ease. Unfortunately, no one seemed interested in setting up defenses or manning it while zergs were going on. So it was easy for LoJ to take back whatever we had gotten.

However, I didn’t know what to say when we were being overtaken, and there were people asking about jumping puzzles or if they could get help getting to a point of interest.


Blaine Warbler, Thief
EDMW, Jade Quarry.
I still love Crystal Dessert tho.

10/12 ET/IOJ/CD

in WvW

Posted by: Mif.3471


Score update


Tarnished Coast | Best cookies in all of Tyria

10/12 ET/IOJ/CD

in WvW

Posted by: Vixena.3821


It makes sense why IoJ is doing so well now since Team Legacy moved deserted ET to go to IoJ.

10/12 ET/IOJ/CD

in WvW

Posted by: jonesbones.9632



IoJ is winning because Jones Bones, the Necromancer of Pwnhammer, is playing for IoJ. All bow to Jones Bones.

Why are these score threads so full of tears? I played on Devona’s for 3 weeks and never posted a OMGZ WE LOSIN THIS SUX post.

10/12 ET/IOJ/CD

in WvW

Posted by: Wiredgunslinger.5480


Also helps them to win when they are blatantly cheating. Oh what’s this…our last keep in EB…no swords up….yet all of a sudden here’s their army at our 2nd gate. Yah ok IOJ.

Server: SoS Guild: Work
Verucalize: 80 Thief
Señor Chang: 80 Ranger

10/12 ET/IOJ/CD

in WvW

Posted by: Vixena.3821


Why are these score threads so full of tears? I played on Devona’s for 3 weeks and never posted a OMGZ WE LOSIN THIS SUX post.

No idea. I’m simply explaining how IoJ is suddenly doing so incredibly well and ET is doing so poorly in a rematch where before, ET stomped IoJ and ET. Team Legacy’s transfer to IoJ and the exodus of bandwagoners from ET that follow wherever Team Legacy goes is the core answer.

10/12 ET/IOJ/CD

in WvW

Posted by: Mif.3471


It’s called a water gate.
You not paying attention =/= “blatantly cheating”

Would you like IoJ to email you before we attack a location?

Tarnished Coast | Best cookies in all of Tyria

10/12 ET/IOJ/CD

in WvW

Posted by: Adaneshade.2409


“Also helps them to win when they are blatantly cheating. Oh what’s this…our last keep in EB…no swords up….yet all of a sudden here’s their army at our 2nd gate. Yah ok IOJ.”

Look up 5-man rule ;-D. Combine that with water gate and it’s easy to ninja a keep.


10/12 ET/IOJ/CD

in WvW

Posted by: Goregash.4952


Lol what is this now, team legacy and ascension alliances fourth game world transfer?

I guess its just a matter of time before they find the right one to carry them to the top and hold their lead.

10/12 ET/IOJ/CD

in WvW

Posted by: Jackie.1829


Also helps them to win when they are blatantly cheating. Oh what’s this…our last keep in EB…no swords up….yet all of a sudden here’s their army at our 2nd gate. Yah ok IOJ.

Maybe learn the game mechanics first?

[VoTF] www.votf-online.net
GW1 Rank 1 – 2 Gold Capes – [sC] [sup]

10/12 ET/IOJ/CD

in WvW

Posted by: Adaneshade.2409


Whoever that necro I just fought in CD borderlands between the garrison and godslore was, much props. You’re pretty good, was a hell of a fight!



10/12 ET/IOJ/CD

in WvW

Posted by: Proud Heart.7623

Proud Heart.7623

Please, be informed before you start spreading rumors. Here is why TL transferred: http://teamlegacy.net/topic/9281-team-legacy-starting-a-new-chapter/

Character Name: Proud Heart
Guild: Team Legacy [TL]
Server: Northern Shiverpeaks

10/12 ET/IOJ/CD

in WvW

Posted by: Stormcycle.4208


I kept telling people to relax and that IoJ would pull ahead at some point. Glad you guys all proved me right I’ll hopefully be joining the battle again tonight, my internet is acting up but may be fixed by tonight.

10/12 ET/IOJ/CD

in WvW

Posted by: jonesbones.9632


No disrespect for TL, but I’ve been playing almost exclusively in CD BL and I’ve seen them once. It’s mostly PUGs or small groups of guilds rolling around. KD (Brazil) and ND (Korea) provide a bit of off hours coverage.

10/12 ET/IOJ/CD

in WvW

Posted by: Buffalo Sabres.1072

Buffalo Sabres.1072

WvW slowly becoming irrelevant when guilds transfer everyday and 1 guild in two worlds is the norm.

10/12 ET/IOJ/CD

in WvW

Posted by: forever.6908


Can IoJ get enough points to move up to tier 1 next week?

Checking the current ratings of IoJ and HoD (300 difference), looks like there’s no way IoJ can take over HoD after this week. So top tier match up will be stuck with JQ vs SBI vs HoD for next week. Tier 2 match will most lilkely be the same 3 as well. It’s boring and painful to see HoD and ET going down slowing the next couple of weeks.

(edited by forever.6908)

10/12 ET/IOJ/CD

in WvW

Posted by: forever.6908


Some weird bug prevented me from editing last post (can’t see the edit, reply icons). Looking the current score again, Blackgate is winning big in tier 3, so they will move up to tier 2 most likely. So next week tier 2 will likely be IoJ vs Blackgate vs (CD or ET depending on their final score). I know it’s still early in this week’s match up, but I’m really bored playing WvW this week.

10/12 ET/IOJ/CD

in WvW

Posted by: Scyndek.5273


Actually according to http://mos.millenium.org/matchups#NA even with out updated score HOD is now only 100 or so points ahead of IoJ now. By the end of the week we should out take them.

Elementalist – Isle of Janthir

10/12 ET/IOJ/CD

in WvW

Posted by: GavinGoodrich.1382


Amazing, amazing weekend. IoJ is starting to pull away from the pack around 11am Pacific, though. TBH I perfer the epic’ly close 3’ways, or even losing. So used to getting steamrolled due to not enough people


Resident Zerg Idiot
Isle of Janthir

10/12 ET/IOJ/CD

in WvW

Posted by: Zeke Minus.5720

Zeke Minus.5720

ET and HoD: Casualties of Server Transfers.

10/12 ET/IOJ/CD

in WvW

Posted by: Luvpie.8350


[QUOTE]ET and HoD: Casualties of Server Transfers.[/QUOTE]

Guilds that get the transferred guilds like BG,IoJ,SoS are winners.
ET/HoD/DB which bleed the guilds are biggest casualties from server transfers.
CD/T2 candidates with no influx of guilds and status quo coverage are casualties of Server transfers as well.

Apply @ Fang-Gaming.US
Follow @twitch.tv/Luvpie