10/19 Darkhaven Vs. Northern Shiverpeaks Vs. Maguuma

10/19 Darkhaven Vs. Northern Shiverpeaks Vs. Maguuma

in WvW

Posted by: Samusen.4578


While a few guilds from my server are actually taking to this truce that DH has with us. I do not think I can honor this, even tho guilds and members from Maguuma have abused in game mechanics over and over. I still will not take part in this truce. For all of these peoples efforts in breaking mechanics it’s still no where near enough to come close to DH’s night capping.

While the Darkhaven’s day crew will never out perform Maguuma without help, they don’t need anything at all during the day to boost their lead during the night. It was evident last week of this.

DH has asked the NSP to form a truce so that we can erase green from the map every night and let them have no points. What does this mean for everyone else? It means from when NSP has it’s primetime and DH is a few hours from it, all towers and keeps will be reset that green once owned. This actually allows them to cap the map faster when we log off and let their night crew go mostly unchallenged.

The truce they offered us would actually just let them seal the deal on this win. I refuse to let my guild be a part of this. This map is 1v1v1 for a reason, not to mention we’re adding in another variable with play times and higher server populations. If people from my server don’t open their eyes to this joke that DH is offering us, I’ll be very ashamed of NSP.

Commander Samusen – 80 Warrior
Guild Leader of Fat Insecure Neurotic Emotional[FINE]
Resident of Maguuma

10/19 Darkhaven Vs. Northern Shiverpeaks Vs. Maguuma

in WvW

Posted by: Javy.1697


even tho guilds and members from Maguuma have abused in game mechanics over and over.

Be a dear and start fielding screenshots, ’kay?

10/19 Darkhaven Vs. Northern Shiverpeaks Vs. Maguuma

in WvW

Posted by: Reido Kyuuten.4709

Reido Kyuuten.4709

While a few guilds from my server are actually taking to this truce that DH has with us. I do not think I can honor this, even tho guilds and members from Maguuma have abused in game mechanics over and over. I still will not take part in this truce. For all of these peoples efforts in breaking mechanics it’s still no where near enough to come close to DH’s night capping.

While the Darkhaven’s day crew will never out perform Maguuma without help, they don’t need anything at all during the day to boost their lead during the night. It was evident last week of this.

DH has asked the NSP to form a truce so that we can erase green from the map every night and let them have no points. What does this mean for everyone else? It means from when NSP has it’s primetime and DH is a few hours from it, all towers and keeps will be reset that green once owned. This actually allows them to cap the map faster when we log off and let their night crew go mostly unchallenged.

The truce they offered us would actually just let them seal the deal on this win. I refuse to let my guild be a part of this. This map is 1v1v1 for a reason, not to mention we’re adding in another variable with play times and higher server populations. If people from my server don’t open their eyes to this joke that DH is offering us, I’ll be very ashamed of NSP.


Helping DH wouldn’t ‘secure’ 2nd place for us like DH liked to point out as they tried to sell the ‘alliance’. As people from DH itself have already pointed out ‘it takes time to get word out’ and ‘no server can really account for everyone.’ So nothing is stopping either side’s guilds from claiming ‘hey now that wasn’t us,’ which helps the side with the larger force/population more than the other aka DH.

Though, if the people from DH advocating the ‘alliance’ actually thought any of this out to this extent, I’d be impressed even though it is a lame and dishonorable way to try to win while having a decidedly functional advantage on top reinforcing their weakness this week because of guild server jumps. But the majority probably thought it would actually help us and actually feel like they are the police to Maguuma’s criminals.

(edited by Reido Kyuuten.4709)

10/19 Darkhaven Vs. Northern Shiverpeaks Vs. Maguuma

in WvW

Posted by: Samusen.4578


even tho guilds and members from Maguuma have abused in game mechanics over and over.

Be a dear and start fielding screenshots, ’kay?

I do not know if you are ignorant or trolling. But the mechanic abused was a rendering issue, where they cannot be seen. Not to be confused with the previous invisible bug. But a clearly stated issue in which both NSP and DH have been seen, even other Maguuma people have acknowledged this. Have you even read any other post here?

Commander Samusen – 80 Warrior
Guild Leader of Fat Insecure Neurotic Emotional[FINE]
Resident of Maguuma

10/19 Darkhaven Vs. Northern Shiverpeaks Vs. Maguuma

in WvW

Posted by: zTales.4392



I do not know if you are ignorant or trolling. But the mechanic abused was a rendering issue, where they cannot be seen. Not to be confused with the previous invisible bug. But a clearly stated issue in which both NSP and DH have been seen, even other Maguuma people have acknowledged this. Have you even read any other post here?

OH, that! Now I know what you’re talking about. Something to do with Mesmer portals (if I remember correctly) causing rendering issues. You can do it on command.

Is that what this is all about? XD

Just to let ya’ know, it’s not only Maguuma who’s making use of it. ._.

Bri Dragonblight – Ranger | Bri Iceblight – Guardian
Northern Shiverpeaks

10/19 Darkhaven Vs. Northern Shiverpeaks Vs. Maguuma

in WvW

Posted by: Harper.6709


So let me get this right. DH and NSP are trying to form against Mag, because they believe Mag is using non-existant free trial accounts to drain supply from places they hold?

I have looked all over the net, and i cant seem to find anywhere that a free trial is available. Please keep reporting any character you see abusing supply. Maguumans do not condone the use of such tactics, and we beg you to please report and hopefully Anet will start to ban all those accounts. It will only end up better for Mag in the end, since those are real players on your servers and not Mag players or accounts. Im sure the rest of your server is going to enjoy all the hate when all those accounts start getting banned lol :P

Also, NSP… Hows that alliance working out for you? I can see from the score it seems to really be giving you a boost. Unfortunately for you, DH has played you, and you fell for it. Congrats on securing thier win for them, but its not too late. Join with Mag and help us fight off thier night-capping crew. Thats the only chance we have at a “fair fight”. Want to talk about spying tactics, they didnt even have to lose accounts to your server, they just played your commanders and guild leaders and you did most of the work for them.

10/19 Darkhaven Vs. Northern Shiverpeaks Vs. Maguuma

in WvW

Posted by: Reido Kyuuten.4709

Reido Kyuuten.4709

even tho guilds and members from Maguuma have abused in game mechanics over and over.

Be a dear and start fielding screenshots, ’kay?

I do not know if you are ignorant or trolling. But the mechanic abused was a rendering issue, where they cannot be seen. Not to be confused with the previous invisible bug. But a clearly stated issue in which both NSP and DH have been seen, even other Maguuma people have acknowledged this. Have you even read any other post here?

I’m not quite sure what you’re talking about but if you’re talking about people stacking in one place to hide, isn’t that using game mechanics in that way the same as using WvW’s 24hr ‘openness’ and, to a greater extent, the rendering issues when thieves go in and out of cloaking?

10/19 Darkhaven Vs. Northern Shiverpeaks Vs. Maguuma

in WvW

Posted by: YummYummtheMan.4081


I have heard over and over again the term “Abused game mechanics” from this thread. So far there has only been one specific example that I caught, and that is stacking up. This isn’t an abuse of a game mechanic, as proper siege placement nullifies this advantage.

If there are legitimate complaints about specific guilds or players, please post screenshots and proof so the various leaders on Maguuma can do something about them.

As a Commander, I can assure you that I have no knowledge of any groups practicing in spying, supply dumping or any hacking. I have heard nothing mentioned in the VOIP servers, nothing mentioned in map chat or anything similar. If people are doing these things, it is a small and secluded minority.

Hope to see you on the Borderlands soon.

10/19 Darkhaven Vs. Northern Shiverpeaks Vs. Maguuma

in WvW

Posted by: Harper.6709



I do not know if you are ignorant or trolling. But the mechanic abused was a rendering issue, where they cannot be seen. Not to be confused with the previous invisible bug. But a clearly stated issue in which both NSP and DH have been seen, even other Maguuma people have acknowledged this. Have you even read any other post here?

OH, that! Now I know what you’re talking about. Something to do with Mesmer portals (if I remember correctly) causing rendering issues. You can do it on command.

Is that what this is all about? XD

Just to let ya’ know, it’s not only Maguuma who’s making use of it. ._.

If this whole thing is all about portal bombs and not the supply issue mentioned earlier in this thread, then you really are naive. Portal bombs are not hacking or exploitative, and i hate to tell you this, but all of the top tier servers use this tactic. Maybe you havent seen it until you moved up high enough to match against Mag, but from here on out, you will see this more and more from every server in every tier from here to the top. Best to start strategizing and figuring out how to counter it (yes it can be countered) because you are in for a rude awakening.

Something Maguuma does very well is using strategy and compensating for very small numbers with a large amount of tactic. Also, most of the portal bombs we use are a single portal, one mesmer=15 people. You will see higher tiered servers using multiple mesmers moving an entire zerg, 30+ people into a single spot. If you think Mags is bad, I cant wait to see your troll posts about top tiers. Good luck in your future, sounds like you are going to need it

10/19 Darkhaven Vs. Northern Shiverpeaks Vs. Maguuma

in WvW

Posted by: zTales.4392


Okay, long story short, this is what the non-Maguumans are talking about:

These are orders we’ve received through Mumble.
Step 1) Everyone gathers up in a huge, condensed zerg.
Step 2) Begin to attack.
Step 3) Mesmers start throwing down portals. People go through portals (portal bombing, lol).

People over Mumble started talking about possibly using combo fields to possibly produce a similar effect as well. That was what I experienced on Mumble last night. It, in short, causes rendering issues. That’s apparently what the ‘alliance’ was formed over. XD

Bri Dragonblight – Ranger | Bri Iceblight – Guardian
Northern Shiverpeaks

10/19 Darkhaven Vs. Northern Shiverpeaks Vs. Maguuma

in WvW

Posted by: Acajou.3864


Can someone give me the score for the match up. I’m away for the weekend and millenium is out dated.


Lacajou – Black lys member
Northern Shiverpeaks

10/19 Darkhaven Vs. Northern Shiverpeaks Vs. Maguuma

in WvW

Posted by: Reido Kyuuten.4709

Reido Kyuuten.4709

Can someone give me the score for the match up. I’m away for the weekend and millenium is out dated.


DH 38171 +240 orb
Maguuma 24121 +290 orb
NSP 20180 +165 orb

as of ~20-25min ago

10/19 Darkhaven Vs. Northern Shiverpeaks Vs. Maguuma

in WvW

Posted by: Roughneck.2509


What I’ve taken away from this thread is that one or two guys on DH were so afraid of Maguuma that they used a manufactured reputation of the server to panic NSP into joining them in an allaince against Maguuma.

Here are the facts, as near as I can tell, all of which happened after Maguuma darted out to a reasonable points lead:
1. A poster created a seperate thread, claiming Maguuma was using exploits, for which the user had no proof.
2. Posters have claimed that players on Maguuma are using dummy, free trial, accounts to strip defended locations of thier supply.
3. Free trial accounts do not exist.
4. There is a guild that has transferred from NSP onto DH that still has quite a few members on NSP.
5. DH has a large off-peak hours crew which does a bang up job for them capping the map.

I miss anything?

10/19 Darkhaven Vs. Northern Shiverpeaks Vs. Maguuma

in WvW

Posted by: Reido Kyuuten.4709

Reido Kyuuten.4709


There has also been no mention of any alliances in game (I’m on NSP). I’ve only seen it here.

10/19 Darkhaven Vs. Northern Shiverpeaks Vs. Maguuma

in WvW

Posted by: iii.3905


Ok here is what happened, I lead the night crew, since three weeks ago… Yesterday I was informed of the truce. We were allied with nsp’s major guilds such as oS and Fine, etc to punish mags for unsportsmanlike behavior. I don’t wanna get into much details about it but it’s some where in between lines of a certain hacking program related to EQ and black accounts bought with credit card fraud.


I was leading the force in EB and we had our side, NSP had ur side plus SM, we destroyed entire green side around 2am pst. Then I realized a group of FINE and pugs were constantly trebling my towers, they eventually got two towers on our side of the truce. So I went ahead and broke the truce and took all your towers and stone mist real quick.

But yeah, I’ll honor the treaty again, only if unprovoked, if I was attacked by pugs it’s fine, but FINE was leading the invasion, I had no choice but to break the treaty temporarily.

Any how, I’m willing to honor the treaty again, until both DH and NSP carry a signanificant lead over mags.

-seal the deal
half naked norn
Dark haven alliance DHA
Heaven and Earth HVN

10/19 Darkhaven Vs. Northern Shiverpeaks Vs. Maguuma

in WvW

Posted by: iii.3905


Btw wasn’t kungen and kripparian on mag? Man I watched him stream b4

10/19 Darkhaven Vs. Northern Shiverpeaks Vs. Maguuma

in WvW

Posted by: Aliases.8354


I am so beyond tired of hearing people on other servers complain about “night capping” no matter what you try to do, or say someone somewhere else will be asleep, there will NEVER be a time where everyone can all get on at the same exact moment and time together 24 hours a day. The mere excuse of “oh well if you guys didnt night cap we’d have you” is the same as saying “if you guys didn’t play at all we’d have you” …DUH!

Is it that annoying to you? Is it that “op” or “unfair” well I am almost certain they still have FREE transfers, do a ton of research on a bunch of different servers, and find which one is exactly so fair to you that you can still win BUT feel good about it afterwards without having to come here and complain and cry about it. But for the love of all that is unholy, QUIT COMPLAINING ABOUT THEM NOT BEING ON WHEN YOU ARE. Want to win? Bust your kitten harder, bring your entire server together get to know every single WvW player and have shifts so you have round the clock 24 hour a day defense in WvW that’s your only other choice.

10/19 Darkhaven Vs. Northern Shiverpeaks Vs. Maguuma

in WvW

Posted by: iii.3905



Bro, stacking+portal+bubbles is so OP!

I respect lots of mags for pulling great tactics off, showed me a lot new stuff

Now im gonna use it against u.

10/19 Darkhaven Vs. Northern Shiverpeaks Vs. Maguuma

in WvW

Posted by: iii.3905



It’s almost discrimination to call DH night cappers, I mean, how is it night when an Aussie player or Chinese player play during their afternoon? In case you guys don’t know. Dark Haven started with NA players who just didn’t sleep, then we got sooooo many Aussie and Chinese people in here, we are now probably the real “unofficial oceanic” server of NA

10/19 Darkhaven Vs. Northern Shiverpeaks Vs. Maguuma

in WvW

Posted by: Aliases.8354



It’s almost discrimination to call DH night cappers, I mean, how is it night when an Aussie player or Chinese player play during their afternoon? In case you guys don’t know. Dark Haven started with NA players who just didn’t sleep, then we got sooooo many Aussie and Chinese people in here, we are now probably the real “unofficial oceanic” server of NA

That’s what I’m saying everyone keeps saying “oh man DH night capped again so unfair” Yet I wake up around 8 or 9am server time pop on the game real quick, and I see one of the enemies have the entire map or winning by a ton. Yet they scream we are night capping? Really?

10/19 Darkhaven Vs. Northern Shiverpeaks Vs. Maguuma

in WvW

Posted by: Javy.1697


I haven’t heard any screaming, just people who are bummed out from 8 weeks in a row of active night servers. The problem is exacerbated by mass guild transfers, and that’s where most peoples’ ‘anger’ (if it can be called that) is directed.

10/19 Darkhaven Vs. Northern Shiverpeaks Vs. Maguuma

in WvW

Posted by: Skapocalypse.5236



Bro, stacking+portal+bubbles is so OP!

I respect lots of mags for pulling great tactics off, showed me a lot new stuff

Now im gonna use it against u.

Lets not stoop to their level Seal, we can beat them without it. Seriously I reported 6 people today that have built random rams near supply depots in our Keeps today wasting our supplies. And then I saw this a bunch of times.


Multiple body stacking to avoid AOE and their are about 20 people in that one spot. Abuse of game mechanics. Keep it up Maguuma your just making yourselves look bad.


10/19 Darkhaven Vs. Northern Shiverpeaks Vs. Maguuma

in WvW

Posted by: Spacedad.2841


I haven’t heard any screaming, just people who are bummed out from 8 weeks in a row of active night servers. The problem is exacerbated by mass guild transfers, and that’s where most peoples’ ‘anger’ (if it can be called that) is directed.

It gets very tiring is all I’m saying. In some cases literally as there are people who have tried staying up late to at least slow the nightcapping down. Nightcapping is one of those anachronisms from DAOC’s pvp model that really should have been addressed in a cleverly thought out manner – but Anet’s policy thus far has been hands-off. So we are stuck with an endgame pvp where when your opponent isn’t playing is the biggest factor. In other words, pvp where you win by engaging in lackluster pve.

I would love to fight my opponents, even if that means losing. Trouble is they often aren’t online when I am, depending on server matchups.

(edited by Spacedad.2841)

10/19 Darkhaven Vs. Northern Shiverpeaks Vs. Maguuma

in WvW

Posted by: Roughneck.2509



Don’t you think this:

“I don’t wanna get into much details about it but it’s some where in between lines of a certain hacking program related to EQ and black accounts bought with credit card fraud.”

Sounds a little ridiculous when you say it out loud?

10/19 Darkhaven Vs. Northern Shiverpeaks Vs. Maguuma

in WvW

Posted by: Javy.1697



Bro, stacking+portal+bubbles is so OP!

I respect lots of mags for pulling great tactics off, showed me a lot new stuff

Now im gonna use it against u.

Lets not stoop to their level Seal, we can beat them without it. Seriously I reported 6 people today that have built random rams near supply depots in our Keeps today wasting our supplies. And then I saw this a bunch of times.


Multiple body stacking to avoid AOE and their are about 20 people in that one spot. Abuse of game mechanics. Keep it up Maguuma your just making yourselves look bad.

We’ve used this strategy since release; every other server we’ve fought has used the same tactic or figured out how to counter it. This is the first time it’s kicked up such a fuss. It’s pretty funny, but also fairly perplexing!

10/19 Darkhaven Vs. Northern Shiverpeaks Vs. Maguuma

in WvW

Posted by: malixor.8417


I’m the one who came up with the idea of the truce, blame me all you want; just leave others out of it and stop finger pointing. We were getting portal bombed constantly and other portal abuse (hiding in a keep and using a portal to get people is a valid tactic, I’ve ruled that out as a negative). I, myself alone, no other approached NSP and asked if they had seen anything strange; they had. They were also wondering why when NSP breached DH Garrison on EB, why did Maguuma come in from behind… wipe them.. then leave w/o taking the keep. So, with myself and a few other guild leaders from NSP agreeing something needed to be done, we decided to try a truce. I then went my separate way and jumped into every DH guild ventrilo I had. I explained the situation that myself and some NSP Gleaders saw… they reported the same and agreed. Word spread on DH, many people have been talking about it in team and map chat… so DH IS speaking about it.

You can try and poison our actions all you want saying that it was a tactic used by DH to gain the upper hand, but anyone who knows DH understands that is not how we roll. We respect our opponents and have had a blast playing w/ NSP, most of DH isn’t in it for the win. Do we want to win? Of course we do! But, you would be severely wrong if you think it’s all we care about. We want engaging battles, close match ups, and nail biting scores up until the last minute. To even accuse us of setting this up for any personal gain besides shutting down people abusing game mechanics errors is insulting, but I’m sure that’s exactly what some people were going for.

I for one will continue to honor the truce even if it’s been called off and direct my energy towards Maguuma, if I stop seeing portal bombing and other shady tactics then I may go back to playing how I normally do, one giant FFA.

Guildleader of SUFFER [SFFR]
Katipen (Mesmer) / Malixor (Engineer)

10/19 Darkhaven Vs. Northern Shiverpeaks Vs. Maguuma

in WvW

Posted by: Arforyon.1746


Stacking players on the same spot to make use of the area of effect target limit is abusing game mechanics and exploiting? Using portals to move people around is also abusing game mechanics? omg this is serious abuse and here i thought mesmer portals were supposed to only be used for cosmetic purposes, to look all shiny on the ground.

Seriously now, are you guys really really saying this? I mean, really? Son, i’m disappoint. Really?

Maguumans, let’s stop using our brain, apparently it’s considered exploiting.
Either way let’s just go to the borderlands and fight on instead of feeding this “funny” thread. Portal bomb!!!

Thoros Myr – Level 80 Guardian

(edited by Arforyon.1746)

10/19 Darkhaven Vs. Northern Shiverpeaks Vs. Maguuma

in WvW

Posted by: Aliases.8354


For those of you hating 24 hour pvp, let me tell you this now don’t go play planetside 2 cause it’s 24 hour pvp non stop all day everyday, and that game doesn’t need a ton of ppl going “:’( nightcappers”

10/19 Darkhaven Vs. Northern Shiverpeaks Vs. Maguuma

in WvW

Posted by: Khairos.3890


What Skapocalypse posted was exactly what [GOON] was doing. You don’t see the zerg of 20+ players because it doesn’t render. Until right after you’re dead.

Helia – Stormbluff Isle – [MORD]

10/19 Darkhaven Vs. Northern Shiverpeaks Vs. Maguuma

in WvW

Posted by: iii.3905


Mags r right, higher tiered servers r using this tactic, let’s stop complainting and find a solution. What isn’t fair is resource dumping and hacking by a individual player

10/19 Darkhaven Vs. Northern Shiverpeaks Vs. Maguuma

in WvW

Posted by: Arius.7031


Darkhaven. PvEing there way to victory one keeplord at a time. Naw guys its skill, really. Cant wait to wake up and fight Mag every morning/early evening.

Take out 4-6 hours where DH has no contesting and see how well they do.

We’re more than able to go toe to toe with either of your servers. Don’t disrespect your opponents, be a gracious player, win or lose.


Darkhaven Commander
Co-leader of [Sold]

10/19 Darkhaven Vs. Northern Shiverpeaks Vs. Maguuma

in WvW

Posted by: Ricky.4706


yeah, and in our last fight, we were trying to work out truces with Ebay vs NSP – we all had fun and didn’t take anything personally – it’s no different now that NSP is working with us …it’s all in fun and if any one server has or takes an advantage over the other 2, I think that it’s only fair that an alliance is formed to protect the interests of keeping the overall wvw game interesting and fair.

It doesn’t mean the alliance will last, especially if they start attacking our keeps -arches brow at NSP-

but if Maguuma thinks they are going to take advantage of certain scenarios and expect DH and NSP to sit back and just cry …you’ve got another thing coming

as much as DH and NSP go at each other’s throats, we are both servers that love a fair and fun game even if we have to team up to make it happen!

IBM PC XT 4.77mhz w/turbo oc@ 8mhz 640kb windows 3.1 hayes 56k seagate 20 meg HD mda@720x350 pixels

10/19 Darkhaven Vs. Northern Shiverpeaks Vs. Maguuma

in WvW

Posted by: Skapocalypse.5236


Stacking players on the same spot to make use of the area of effect target limit is abusing game mechanics and exploiting? Using portals to move people around is also abusing game mechanics? omg this is serious abuse and here i thought mesmer portals were supposed to only be used for cosmetic purposes, to look all shiny on the ground.

Seriously now, are you guys really really saying this? I mean, really? Son, i’m disappoint. Really?

Maguumans, let’s stop using our brain, apparently it’s considered exploiting.
Either way let’s just go to the borderlands and fight on instead of feeding this “funny” thread. Portal bomb!!!

The portal hopping is fine it’s intended game mechanic but staying in one spot to avoid AOE and abusing the rendering is an abuse of game mechanics. I don’t see Northern Shiverpeaks doing this I don’t see DarkHaven doing this. In fact this is the first server I have seen doing it. Just because other servers before us were abusing it against you doesn’t mean they were any more right in abusing it then you are now. But stay classy and say whatever you want to help you sleep at night.


10/19 Darkhaven Vs. Northern Shiverpeaks Vs. Maguuma

in WvW

Posted by: iii.3905


Wait a second, it’s 458pm pst and we r winning? No way, I thought dark haven only wins at night…

10/19 Darkhaven Vs. Northern Shiverpeaks Vs. Maguuma

in WvW

Posted by: Arius.7031


Wait a second, it’s 458pm pst and we r winning? No way, I thought dark haven only wins at night…

That’s what’s really funny HNN, for almost the entire week we would be winning by 4pm pst, if not soon after. People keep claiming we can’t go toe to toe with them during primetime…

What’s really funny is I found 4 screen shots of us beating NSP during EST prime time which is before PST prime time. I’m not bragging, but people need to stop trying to degrade Dh. From a factual standpoint, we only do poorly during the morning, from 3pm PST and on we’re very competitive in WvW when it’s equal numbers.

Darkhaven Commander
Co-leader of [Sold]

10/19 Darkhaven Vs. Northern Shiverpeaks Vs. Maguuma

in WvW

Posted by: Ricky.4706


let’s settle this once and for all, here’s a pic for the ‘commentators’ , notice our 3 orbs AND an outnumbered buff.

nuff said.


IBM PC XT 4.77mhz w/turbo oc@ 8mhz 640kb windows 3.1 hayes 56k seagate 20 meg HD mda@720x350 pixels

10/19 Darkhaven Vs. Northern Shiverpeaks Vs. Maguuma

in WvW

Posted by: Aliases.8354



The wink always implies I am going to degrade myself for this key, yet there never was a key…

10/19 Darkhaven Vs. Northern Shiverpeaks Vs. Maguuma

in WvW

Posted by: IComeInPeace.1768


Hows the que times for your servers?

10/19 Darkhaven Vs. Northern Shiverpeaks Vs. Maguuma

in WvW

Posted by: saiyr.3071


portal bombing and other shady tactics

You are in for a treat when you move to a higher tier. Portal bombing is about as standard of a tactic as it gets.

[DERP] Saiyr, “bff” of Sgt Killjoy

10/19 Darkhaven Vs. Northern Shiverpeaks Vs. Maguuma

in WvW

Posted by: brender.9728


Hows the que times for your servers?

Darkhaven, 0 queue, all maps, 24/7 no queue

Now are in position 14 and 1488 rating, next match TOP 11 and +1500 rating


A month ago this queue size data, and a month later, the daughters decreases further and organization of Darkhaven Alliance (DHA) increased


(edited by brender.9728)

10/19 Darkhaven Vs. Northern Shiverpeaks Vs. Maguuma

in WvW

Posted by: Ricky.4706


or maybe they are in for a treat when we show them how we can team up with honest servers to keep the game fair and balanced. ^.^

win or lose, anyone we fight will eventually side with us, we fight our foes so they can become fun loving friends.

portal bombing and other shady tactics

You are in for a treat when you move to a higher tier. Portal bombing is about as standard of a tactic as it gets.

IBM PC XT 4.77mhz w/turbo oc@ 8mhz 640kb windows 3.1 hayes 56k seagate 20 meg HD mda@720x350 pixels

10/19 Darkhaven Vs. Northern Shiverpeaks Vs. Maguuma

in WvW

Posted by: Radiodread.8469


Fairweather players will be the end of WvW. Soon there will be 6 competitive servers in the top 2 brackets continuously cycling players and the bottom tiers will be ghost battlegrounds.

Radiodread, Guardian [Os] NSP
AKA: Darkshines, Schroedingers Mesmer

10/19 Darkhaven Vs. Northern Shiverpeaks Vs. Maguuma

in WvW

Posted by: Equate.4790


Sheesh no matter where i look its always something involving DH that he forums bust open. Wth is this NBSI crap? Pers, GoF attacks whoever we want and at will, you have an ORB we will try to take it. Please do not slander a server because of a few people saying things. I have yet to see it. Also.. wth goons.. i cant find the dang post on somethingawful otherwise I would of been there with you guys. On another note… are you guys using the same mumble as eve? or another one?

10/19 Darkhaven Vs. Northern Shiverpeaks Vs. Maguuma

in WvW

Posted by: saiyr.3071


or maybe they are in for a treat when we show them how we can team up with honest servers to keep the game fair and balanced. ^.^

Yeah, that might happen if you play with another server rising from the lower tiers. The higher tiers don’t believe this is dishonest and is totally legitimate. Just because you can’t react to it properly doesn’t mean it’s unfair, it just means you have things to learn if you want to get better.


Fairweather players will be the end of WvW. Soon there will be 6 competitive servers in the top 2 brackets continuously cycling players and the bottom tiers will be ghost battlegrounds.

Eh, I don’t think so. It is a problem but I don’t think it will become that extreme. Servers at the top tiers lose too, so they’d abandon them for fair weather, too.

[DERP] Saiyr, “bff” of Sgt Killjoy

(edited by saiyr.3071)

10/19 Darkhaven Vs. Northern Shiverpeaks Vs. Maguuma

in WvW

Posted by: Raffie.7865


Friday is a long ways off and a lot can happen over nite or in the next day or so.

www.infowars.com and also lookup Agenda 21
www.graystatemovie.com its coming if you like it or not.

10/19 Darkhaven Vs. Northern Shiverpeaks Vs. Maguuma

in WvW

Posted by: Radiodread.8469


saiyr, I’m just speaking from what I’ve seen on NSP the last 2 weeks. We lost to SoR by a hair 2 weeks ago, and had an exodus of players to that server. Then this last week we lost to DH by about 40k and had an exodus of people to that server. Now we have outmanned in 3 of the 4 maps at primetime on saturday.

Radiodread, Guardian [Os] NSP
AKA: Darkshines, Schroedingers Mesmer

10/19 Darkhaven Vs. Northern Shiverpeaks Vs. Maguuma

in WvW

Posted by: Raffie.7865



You lost to my server (DH), how embarassing. Now hang your head in shame and don’t let it happen again.

www.infowars.com and also lookup Agenda 21
www.graystatemovie.com its coming if you like it or not.

10/19 Darkhaven Vs. Northern Shiverpeaks Vs. Maguuma

in WvW

Posted by: Radiodread.8469


I’m not sure what you’re getting at. I’m still in the battle and playing hard. They just need to end free xfers so the battles don’t get lopsided as soon as there is a clear leader.

Radiodread, Guardian [Os] NSP
AKA: Darkshines, Schroedingers Mesmer

10/19 Darkhaven Vs. Northern Shiverpeaks Vs. Maguuma

in WvW

Posted by: Actium.8765


So wait… stacking on eachother and using eachothers builds and spells to protect one another is exploiting?

This is a serious question btw.. :\ don’t flame me please.

I’m just curious cause if that is exploiting then why would the developers say in there video to do this to hlep one another.

And if they do stack up like that, why not just cata or ballista the crap outa them. It seems like a double edged sword to me personally. Sure they can stop the attacks from AoE attacks but they really can’t go anywhere and they wont be able to withstand THAT much firepower…hopefully.

Character: Acium 80 Guard
Server: Northern Shiverpeaks, Commander
Guild: Legends and Myth [Myth]

10/19 Darkhaven Vs. Northern Shiverpeaks Vs. Maguuma

in WvW

Posted by: Actium.8765


lol that video was great!

Character: Acium 80 Guard
Server: Northern Shiverpeaks, Commander
Guild: Legends and Myth [Myth]