(edited by Offski.4897)
10/19 Desolation vs Far Shiverpeaks vs Kodash
Between 00.00 and 05.00 CET the US can roam freely. Around 05.00 CET the russian get out of bet, thats between 7 or 8 for them. This is during a weekday, if the working russians want to get any playtime in and “morning cap” befoer work they need to get out of bed at 03.00 CET 5-6 their time. During which time the US players are still awake and happy. So in reality, the only onces having free caps are infact the US if you just know how timezones work and how people work.
So Russians get out of bed at 3.00 CET, despite the fact the country covers 9 time zones…
Guess every one only looksm at the points when they are up front? From 14-00 till 18:00 GMT +1 i saw point shift around quite abit. With no world topping 295 points.
Imo fights were even most of the day.
But guess all we do is moan and search for excuses why our worlds are behind.
Cpt. Booming
The best weapon against an enemy is another enemy.
@ jroekke.7210
I’m sorry mate, i’m a bit nervous. I just wanna try to pull the best of my guild in this situation. We are behind but we have a few days left to finish this match. My idea is to use this situation and organize guild training grounds at eternal map, we will focus on communication, fight in formation, siege units education and scouting. As we are fast growing guild apart from core raid (40 people) we have a lot of members without real WvW knowelege and exp (350 members). My idea is that with this few days we educate people and in that way we bring our realm more efficient players that will know what they have to do once they step into Eternal.
So Russians get out of bed at 3.00 CET, despite the fact the country covers 9 time zones…
if there were any players in more than 2 time zones…=(
OP put an incorrect date into the title. It’s 19/10.
We’re european here.
funny to see fs players qq ing about american players in deso then you have this " FS inviting US and Latin American guilds to conquer the EU"
thread .
spanky.4630, we ask for American players as this become the only way to play WvW at competitive level (servers like Desolation and Visunah make this happen). What we wanna do with this is to minimize the damage from 3rd shift, we don’t need americans to win this game for us (like you need), we need a guild that will absorb the damage from the night so we could play normal at prime time. It’s not that easy to take back all towers, camps and keeps that we lose in the night over and over again for a weeks behind.
Is there a hate forum for the nightcappers on Vizunah and Arborstone too? I feel discriminated against QQ, I need to go to a nightcappers anonymous from the other T1 servers and see if they have to put up with some many whiners too. BTW I give props to Blacktide – atleast they embraced the idea of nightcappers and instead of complaining they are recruiting actively in the NA servers to leverage and make their own server more competitive. FYI guys, nightcapping is not frowned upon by Anet, no one owns the game, they do. If you want to win, start balancing out your own servers and stop QQ’ing about others. You might actually like a little more cultural exchange with more NA in your life, otherwise tough, move on with your life, stop QQ’ing on forums – kthxbye <3
ive not even once see a desolation player claiming to be better then Kodash or FSP we are improving on weekly bases.
Thats all that matters for us, we learn only by fighting stronger servers and even with a mass exodus we had to endure we are rebuilding to make our community stronger and stronger.
We have a long way to go, but at least we have a few time zone’s covering our weak spots.
Thats a great thing to have in WvW versus other servers that alos use multiple timezone’s.
It must suck to drop tiers knowing your primetime force is prolly top notch, but spitting to other servers aint doing you much good.
Other people / guildmasters / officers might read these boards to and if they see how much a server is crying you might lose the benefits of those guilds making a move to your server.
I would calm down and speak with a little less bitterness before no guilds want to transfer to your realm.
We are the 1st server to admit we where in a bad shape for a long time, but we are getting there, dont talk trash about other servers who have no intention to harm yours.
peace out.
spanky.4630, we ask for American players as this become the only way to play WvW at competitive level (servers like Desolation and Visunah make this happen). What we wanna do with this is to minimize the damage from 3rd shift, we don’t need americans to win this game for us (like you need), we need a guild that will absorb the damage from the night so we could play normal at prime time. It’s not that easy to take back all towers, camps and keeps that we lose in the night over and over again for a weeks behind.
i totally agree with you . the fact is this is a 24hr game i play to have fun and its not much fun at 1am in the morning sitting twiddleing thumbs because the whole map is blue . but slagging off deso because we have a night crew is wrong btw ruin are not the only night folk around .in an ideal world there would be an even amount of players at any given time . but this is not the case . i can`t speak for morning/daytime because i work . to be sucsessful in WvWvW i guess you need night cover which we have atm . doesnt mean we suck or you suck thats just the way it is. perhaps its time for paid server transfers so people will think twice before server hopping
(edited by spanky.4630)
BTW I give props to Blacktide – atleast they embraced the idea of nightcappers and instead of complaining they are recruiting actively in the NA servers to leverage and make their own server more competitive.
Ths guys. Blacktide was fighted with nightcapping server everyweek and get strategy and good cooperation between guilds. =")
Warm greeting from BT to [IRON] and [Ruin]. Congratulation.
We ll meet next week and i think it will be epic.
(edited by lin.2814)
Between 00.00 and 05.00 CET the US can roam freely. Around 05.00 CET the russian get out of bet, thats between 7 or 8 for them. This is during a weekday, if the working russians want to get any playtime in and “morning cap” befoer work they need to get out of bed at 03.00 CET 5-6 their time. During which time the US players are still awake and happy. So in reality, the only onces having free caps are infact the US if you just know how timezones work and how people work.
So Russians get out of bed at 3.00 CET, despite the fact the country covers 9 time zones…
Yes and 6-7 of those time zones are uninhabited or without internet connection.
Does the little word Siberia ring a bell?
A solution to the issue.
Why doesnt one of the major night time guilds just move to another server.
You yourself claim its not fun during the night since everything is owned by you. Wouldnt the right solution just be to migrate to another server until the players have solved the issue Anet wont be able to solve?
Or is it just empty talk about it being no fun during the night when you own everything?
And I’m not saying move to FSP, just pick a server that might need the people during the night and it will even out in time.
I still find it funny how everyone is saying you need other timezones to compete, but still neither elona nor arborstone do have them and Vizunah has about 30 canadians, which mainly go for EB from 1 to 3am GMT.
Even now (it is 15:19 in germany) FS already starts pushing Desolation back and I have yet so see a real lead on primetime. And just for Definition, primetime is the time when overall numbers for WvW-Participation Peak out. This should be around 6pm from our german view (since this is already 8pm in moscow (you have no summertime)).
At 6pm we normally start to get queues and of course we can’t instantly take everything back, same should be true for FS if there forces come online. And they also have to fight with 2 Orbs difference vs. upgraded objects.
FS propably always was the best organized Server in Europe, and they will most likely stay like this for some time. Desolation already drops, their organization was a lot better in times, were they actually had to fight to win. They still won via Nightcapping but not to this extend and they were harder opponents during the day, and they dropped before, because Kodash was stronger at night on weekend and monday morning. Now I experience some kind of “it doesn’t really matter what we do”-Attidude during primetime, since the victory is sure and all the primetime-battles are mostly unimportant.
A small remark to the hackers on Kodash… they were both british and only transfered to Kodash for this single matchup. The first was from SFR and the second propably from Deso, since he has only stolen orbs from desolation not from SFR (or maybe he was a random troll, no idea).
well for one i don`t agree with server hopping i picked deso because my old wow freinds are here and i`m here to stay good or bad . If the whole guild decided to move which i have no reason to believe they would (i`m only an underling ) i still would stay wasn`t that long ago deso needed people for nightime badly and i was getting my kitten kicked . still enjoyed it though
Ive seen it on Discovery channel SneakyErvin, Siberia aint no joke, to survive a normal day one has to be russian or you wont even live for 24 hours there
Question what happend to Nug on Far Shiverpeaks ? havent seen them sunday !
They where there, but not as long as on saturday, and they made us angry so we pushed against FS not against Deso.
Server: Kodash
I just dont get it why a big american guild transfers to europe to fight here while everybody is sleeping. Just to clarify it. There are NO 24/7 servers in europe.
I’m playing on elonas reach, who won the tier 1 matchup last week and while we have a big nightteam compared to other servers ( we get no help from other countries, because there are no german speaking countries in other timezones, so we have to organize ourselves to stay competive at night) it’s not as big as some people think. On a weekday there are no queus from 00:00-17:00/18:00 on all three borderlands. So even if you reach tier 1 @desolation/ruin you will fight against gates at night. Is this what a big american guild wants, when they have the possibility to fight during primetime against other us guilds?
Champion- Magus, Shadow, Illusionist, Hunter
(edited by Scryar.2954)
(since this is already 8pm in moscow (you have no summertime)).
Not exactly, no. I believe it goes like this:
I live in Ukraine, and I am 1 hour closer to GMT-0 than Moscow. Right at this second, while I am writing this, I have 17.13 on my clock. That means that Moscow still got only 18.13 = 6.13 pm.
Otherwise it is correct – 8 pm Moscow time pretty much starts Russian prime-time, and a few hours later we get our main server prime-time with majority of EU players joining in on WvW.
They can rename Desolation in US Ruin hehehe. Just kidding, well i think due to many US Guilds/Alliances flee/migrate to EU Servers A-Net is forced to act someday, the only question is, if they can do something before GW2 WvW and Players died out.
Anyway lets have a good time and kick Desolation in the butt like we did the rest of the days in our Primetimes.
And lets hope that the hack/exploit was just a onetimer.
Server: Kodash
Update please
The best weapon against an enemy is another enemy.
8 pm Moscow time pretty much starts Russian prime-time, and a few hours later we get our main server prime-time with majority of EU players joining in on WvW.
They started logging on at 4 AM GMT during the weekend, just like Blacktide did throughout the week in our last match. So to us it cerainly seemed like Nug wasn’t much different from Xaoc in that regard.
If Far Shiverpeaks’ Russians honestly don’t start logging on until 8PM Moscow Time, then you guys should actually be much more worried about Blacktide than Desolation. Blacktide has an OK night time crew, an incredibly strong morning crew, and most importantly they never give up, so they’ll always be gaining points somewhere.
They’re coming up to Tier 2 next week and I sure am looking forward to it, since they gave us one hell of a fight last week.
That’s a fair warning I give you.
- In Tier 1 you need a strong 24/7 presence.
- In Tier 2 you either need a strong morning crew or a strong night crew.
- In Tier 3 you usually only need a strong prime time crew.
That’s how things seem to be shaping up right now. But at the end of the day, as someone who has played in all three top tiers, Tier 3 is no less fun than Tier 1 is. As a matter of fact, I had more fun in Tier 3 and Tier 2 than I ever did in Tier 1.
Yes and 6-7 of those time zones are uninhabited or without internet connection.Does the little word Siberia ring a bell?
None of them are unihabitated, large towns and cities have internet, as you mention Siberia, let’s go with that, it has several large towns / small cities with populations of over 500k and Omsk is Russia’s 7th largest city with a population of 1.1m and unsuprisingly they have internet connections.
Does get an education ring a bell?
And guess what, there is a 4 hour time difference, between Omsk and places like Minsk or Kiev, so no not everyone gets up at 3.00 CET.
(edited by Sylosi.6503)
In no game I ever played (online), there is fairness (read nightcapping) you always have either people stay up late due to overday work, or viseversa.. Evening/nightplayers will always be there… The issue here is that those numbers are very very big (read few guilds)…
I personally don’t see what the fun is to play on a server of which you know you are most likely up against a handfull of players (during the night)… or on a server of which you know you will have equal battles (US players/guild on a EU server, or EU players/guild on US server)… You (the ones playing against the handfull opponents) are ‘easy winning’ battles against headless chickkens, named NPC’s .. wow.. where’s the fun in that? maybe those who feel being talked to, can give me a short version of why you like it?.. Because I’m clueless of whats fun in that
note, im not judging you for doing so, I just can’t get my head around it why it is fun..
Somewhere I read someone who said don’t judge/punish all players from 1 guild due to the actions of 1 or 2 individuals (sorry for not looking up the post, but I’m not that much of a forum writer, so to lazy to read it all etc etc).. Today i’ve seen (to my surprise), at least 4 guilds, all with the tag RUIN (with capital letters, before there were just 2 that I saw running around, so sorry if the other 2 were there before, I just didnt spotted you then).. I know 1 RUIN is the ‘almighty’ RUIN, the other (mentioned about the 2 i saw before), was with lower-case letters, that same guild now changed it in capital letters.. .. In my opinion just to tag along on the succes of the ‘big RUIN’ guild…. Now I know there’s no ©opywrite on the name RUIN, but, don’t you think its odd?.. And before you start, yes i’m sure that somewhere there is another guild with the same [TAG] as my own small guild [DPS]…
anyway, just started to write to much of a big wall of text, lets just continue fighting, and hopefully someday (in the far future), this whole ‘nightcapping’ discussion can come to an end, but till then, take the fights to where they belong, in game, borderlands or Eternal Battlegrounds…
Talatha Gaésian Dolyak Parcel Service [DPS]
home at Far Shiverpeaks.
spanky.4630, we ask for American players as this become the only way to play WvW at competitive level (servers like Desolation and Visunah make this happen). What we wanna do with this is to minimize the damage from 3rd shift, we don’t need americans to win this game for us (like you need), we need a guild that will absorb the damage from the night so we could play normal at prime time. It’s not that easy to take back all towers, camps and keeps that we lose in the night over and over again for a weeks behind.
Desolation only got RUIN around 2 weeks ago, yet you claim we are like Visunah who started from the beginning almost. All Deso done was get RUIN, which we did not activly recruit, we was lucky they chose us.
So yeah Desolation got a night crew to compete, so how is that any doifferent to what FS is doing now? Only difference between Deso and FS is we was able to get a night crew in first. Yeah it sucks for you until you get it fixed but until then stop crying all over the thread.
I still find it funny how everyone is saying you need other timezones to compete, but still neither elona nor arborstone do have them
Do you really missed this http://www.armata.ca/showthread.php?tid=5150 ?
@Tyila: I might be wrong here, so don’t absolutely quote me on this, but I’ve heard that RUIN have enough members for like, 6 guilds. All of those RUIN/Ruin/ruin tags you see are actually part of the same large guild.
Supposedly, anyway. Not sure how true the rumour is.
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But we never forget that incident, on kodash. And yet on many maps especially FS Borderlands we stomped desolation where they came 80% of the time i was there (6-10hours per day on the weekend).
Server: Kodash
I personally don’t see what the fun is to play on a server of which you know you are most likely up against a handfull of players (during the night)… or on a server of which you know you will have equal battles (US players/guild on a EU server, or EU players/guild on US server)… You (the ones playing against the handfull opponents) are ‘easy winning’ battles against headless chickkens, named NPC’s .. wow.. where’s the fun in that? maybe those who feel being talked to, can give me a short version of why you like it?.. Because I’m clueless of whats fun in that
note, im not judging you for doing so, I just can’t get my head around it why it is fun..
I think ruins original plan was to move desolation quickly up into tier 1, where the other servers have a decent night crew and fight there. We will obviously have to wait and see if the other tier 1 servers can put up a fight, I think arborstone will but I’ve always got the feeling that Vizunah’s night crew were large but unorganized. I imagine they expected to have a boring week in tier 3 where they easily dominated before moving up. I know however that they were really impressed with the tactics and fight that Blacktide especially put up(not to put down Augry Rock mind you, but for some reason they waited until Thursday to really step up their game) and we had a much harder (and more fun) fight of it last week than anyone originally expected. (I don’t think we were ever behind, but on Monday and Tuesday Blacktide were gaining more points per day and at a rate which could have overtaken us). They also have no real night crew to speak of, they were just really strong on defense and a couple of other strategies (which I don’t want to ruin as we will be both against them next week)
Somewhere I read someone who said don’t judge/punish all players from 1 guild due to the actions of 1 or 2 individuals (sorry for not looking up the post, but I’m not that much of a forum writer, so to lazy to read it all etc etc).. Today i’ve seen (to my surprise), at least 4 guilds, all with the tag RUIN (with capital letters, before there were just 2 that I saw running around, so sorry if the other 2 were there before, I just didnt spotted you then
).. I know 1 RUIN is the ‘almighty’ RUIN, the other (mentioned about the 2 i saw before), was with lower-case letters, that same guild now changed it in capital letters.. .. In my opinion just to tag along on the succes of the ‘big RUIN’ guild…. Now I know there’s no ©opywrite on the name RUIN, but, don’t you think its odd?.. And before you start, yes i’m sure that somewhere there is another guild with the same [TAG] as my own small guild [DPS]…
Ruin actually has too many players for a single guild, so instead they have 5 (though the 5th isn’t anywhere near full), they are probably about 2000 players strong (although you’d have to ask someone in Ruin how many play in WvW at a time).
(edited by Knasher.5607)
Thats a good idea i will do that Knasher
Server: Kodash
Anyways back on topic about the match,
so i heard deso was weak during Euro primetime….
Kodash dont do much, right now many players do pve or go out in real life who normally do wvw. So nothing representive will come for the next days until we get our moral back up. Even i wont play WvW today to calm down
Server: Kodash
Seems to me Demogat you are forgetting something, Anet made each server region free.
EU guilds on USA servers
USA guilds on EU servers
Aussies free to go ?
Asians free to go ?
And where do the russians need to go ? they not alowed to play GW2 ?Maybe stick to Structured pvp Demogat ? its alot more fair as it seems you cannot handle that servers are recruiting guilds to cover their off peak hours.
How about Int. Server?
Honest the EU flag has no sense for me.
And yes, it is arenanet fault.
EU flag has a sense in where the datacenter is located, as in a better route to the server as in better latency / ping. Doesn’t have that big of an impact in WvW but it does in sPvP with the type of combat the game has.
If we (Desolation) are actually winning this early in the day, then something new is happening. In my experience Desolation prime time usually doesn’t start until around 20:00 GMT (seeing as we’re the unofficial UK server). For the longest time we’ve always had to fight back from a point potential deficit as UK prime time rolls along. So it is a bit strange seeing us leading this early in the day vs. a server as strong as Far Shiverpeaks.
Oh would be nice Shtra, so all of kodash have few more time in real life
Atleast i can say that many i know from kodash will not play today maybe a couple of days and that this screenshot is not representive we saw many from the weekend who are and depending on the time they where made.
Nirvana i guess FS has stopped to anticipate and know that they cant be first place so they stopped playing. Kodash moral is another thing, lets see how the week will lead to. But all we know the first days where fun and now its just…
Kodash expected to be third anyway and just wanted to fight tough, learn, improve and made some points especially to see what you guys can pull off from Far Shiverpeaks. We achieved allready our goal to be primetime Point ruler for a short period and to be major second part before Desolation in our primetime on the weekend.
I just hope that after our entitled hate who wasn’t talked in sense destroy the rest of the thread even when some wannabe trolls comment anything. In the end we all know why so many of us are so angry and i guess can understand it also, so we will calm down and maybe fight you again like we did before. But i can say for myself not today.
Server: Kodash
(edited by Elkantar.9460)
If we (Desolation) are actually winning this early in the day, then something new is happening. In my experience Desolation prime time usually doesn’t start until around 20:00 GMT (seeing as we’re the unofficial UK server). For the longest time we’ve always had to fight back from a point potential deficit as UK prime time rolls along. So it is a bit strange seeing us leading this early in the day vs. a server as strong as Far Shiverpeaks.
yeah that screen shot was taken 20 mins ago. I was pretty surprised myself that we’re leading in potential points when 2 hours before that, FSP were up about 330+
The official Ruin guilds are:
Ruinous (The Main guild)
Ruin Gaming
Ruin Hammer Squad
Ruin Elite Purple Cobras
There maybe others, I tend to lose track since I can’t be in all of them due to the guild limit. Not all of them are full, in fact i believe none of them are right now due to we had to cull out alot of players after transferring due to bandwagoners/non-transfers/in-active.
Arena Net can we please have a last logged in column for guild? For large guilds like us it’s absolutely vital to have.
And that excuse train just keeps getting longer.
Thorny Scrub – Thief
For those posting screenshots at just a few specific points in time: it’s far more reliable to link to http://mos.millenium.org/servers/view/15
and look at the 2nd graph “income evolution”. Set it to any interval that’s easily readable for you.
Just saying (I’m staying out of this flame debate but that graph proofs some comments to be very wrong).
Community Coordinator
Hi folks.
In the interest of allowing the worlds to have a place to discuss their matches, we’re going to re-open this thread one last time.
Let me be perfectly clear here first though – we have taken the time to clean this thread up, and trust me, there was a lot to be cleaned out.
These threads are for discussing WvWvW calmly, constructively, and without personal attacks. If you can’t show good sportsmanship, refrain from calling players or guilds out on what you perceive to be cheats or unjust actions, and be polite, this thread is not for you.
I have re-opened this thread, but note that it comes with a caveat… players ignoring the Code of Conduct will not be given a free or lenient path. If you see someone breaking the rules, report the post (click the little black flag in the bottom right-hand corner of the offending post). Do not be the person that violates the rules by responding in kind.
With that, this thread is now open – remember to play fair and play nice. Failure to do so will result in the permanent closure of this thread.
QUOTE:Hi folks.
In the interest of allowing the worlds to have a place to discuss their matches, we’re going to re-open this thread one last time.
Let me be perfectly clear here first though – we have taken the time to clean this thread up, and trust me, there was a lot to be cleaned out.
These threads are for discussing WvWvW calmly, constructively, and without personal attacks. If you can’t show good sportsmanship, refrain from calling players or guilds out on what you perceive to be cheats or unjust actions, and be polite, this thread is not for you.
I have re-opened this thread, but note that it comes with a caveat… players ignoring the Code of Conduct will not be given a free or lenient path. If you see someone breaking the rules, report the post (click the little black flag in the bottom right-hand corner of the offending post). Do not be the person that violates the rules by responding in kind.
With that, this thread is now open – remember to play fair and play nice. Failure to do so will result in the permanent closure of this thread.
On that note, I have enjoyed some of the fights, looking forward to seeing Blacktide next week.
I have up most respect for Blacktide, Good sportman ship, Don’t give up with be a great match up.
Other than that GL Kodash and FSP Keep up the work.
Founder of The IRON Triangle
Been some great fights with FS and some decent with Kodash this week. Those two several hour stonemist defense and assaults were some of the best pvp I’ve seen, and worst skill delay. It’s a shame so much hate seems to make it to the forums, look forward to some more memorable fights.
Cya on the field.
Kurudin – 80 Guardian
(edited by Alomar.7136)
@ juju, on your mini map it says 9.30 am. Is that local time or server? If its local time then it means you guys still had the lead because of your night crew, and FS slowly clawing our way back. Which btw we did, we had FS locked down and held our own in every map and comfortably had the lead from 10 am to 6. No idea what happened after since I logged but I can guess.
Also apologies if I offended people or guilds, MMO’s can get frustrating
What really got to me is the Deso players that crawled out of the woodworks when their server started winning and bashing FS and even Kodash. I don’t think FS has got the credit it deserved for being the number one EU server and number 2 WvW server. We are not a bunch of headless chickens using our server population to establish ourselves, instead it’s all of the guilds that took the time to organise and lead the server to those heights. Guilds like Epic, Team Sweden, NoX, RL, GF, Nug, ZD, DZ, DiE, WoTU and many others, and also not forgetting the ‘pugs’.
Times are changing and as a result FS will have to adapt, which we are trying to do. Whether this means getting more EU guilds to form a night guard or guilds from other time zones, I don’t know. I still believe FS has the best prime time force of any server and when we can keep that going through the night (like on Saturday) we are very hard to beat. All we are missing in WvW is a night time presence.
The EU WvW scene is looking really good at the moment. All tiers look like they have good match ups (regardless of scores).
Today was a good day. Not only for fighting but also for Far Shiverpeaks as a server. We are currently really trying to become more organized through every possible way we can imagine and there was almost immediate return on investment. I mostly played on FS BL and no matter how you look at it, we managed to keep atleast 50% of the map for a long time.
I can honestly say I’m proud to be on this server and more proud of the way we put ourselves on the map today. We have gone with a +300 and up lead most of our prime time and it was 00:30 GMT + 2 before Deso could finally manage to break our last group of players @ their own keep where we were vastly outnumbered.
I assume I will log in tomorrow to see everything in blue again but I simply don’t care. We will just start chipping away at it again!
@Sird That would be server time.
I usually get kitten when I go to sleep (winning) and wake up (losing), this is just something we (Far Shiverpeaks) got to deal with. RUIN definitely carried Desolation to tier 2 but the ‘smaller’ guilds also worked hard to archieve this, I think RUIN couldn’t have done this without the smaller guilds, I even think RUIN needs the smaller guilds to function in this tier like they’re currently doing. Still, I think there isn’t a better WvWvW guild on any EU (international) server than RUIN, they got numbers, organization and they know what they are doing. I still think Far Shiverpeaks is the ‘better’ server during ‘EU-times’ but it’s pretty obvious Desolation will be the victor, good job! Maybe we’ll do better next week against you guys.
I think what a lot of people on Deso are frustrated with is the lack of recognition for the work done during the day, other than saturday where fair enough FS carried the day the daytime battles have been very even.
I know as others do on our server how frustrating it can be fighting a nightcapping crew in VS and Arborstone. it is demoralizing to say the least. Saying that flaming Deso daytime players and saying how much greater you guys are is not the way to gain any respect.
We see how well you fight and we are learning off you. Yes Deso had some dark days but things were improving prior to Ruin joining.
The only way you will become competitive again is with a 24hour presence. If Ruin had not joined us we would of kept on fighting without flaming the opposition. Blacktide were gentleman personified losing to us last week and their morning/daytime crew a real challenge.
good fights yesterday desolation – from far shivers
Lots of fun fights @ Kodash borderlands yesterday : )