10/19 Desolation vs Far Shiverpeaks vs Kodash

10/19 Desolation vs Far Shiverpeaks vs Kodash

in WvW

Posted by: Zumazen.6742


Funny all these comments about Ruin not being successful in NA and moved EU for easier fights. Ruins former server was consistently T1-2 server(since we left they are plummeting in ranking), no we were not the #1 server, we did not have as good 24/7 coverage as the other servers and prime time we did not have the quality of guilds that Deso has in guilds like Iron, GG, and GOD to name a few and the militia is fantastic here. Deso is not just winning because of night capping, but the team work here has been great and is the main reason Deso will be a T1 server soon. Alo find the zerg comments amusing, its large scale warfare, get over it, do spvp if ya want small scale pvp.


10/19 Desolation vs Far Shiverpeaks vs Kodash

in WvW

Posted by: Syntax.9602


We do not want small scale pvp… it is just that we are only about 10 people. WvW-Players are not like bunnies you can’t summon them out of a hat.

But since RUIN is so fond about telling us to adapt I still want to hear their ideas about adaptation?

10/19 Desolation vs Far Shiverpeaks vs Kodash

in WvW

Posted by: Narai.8079


Someone made a very good comment – to stop all this whining one simple solution do not have NA and eu servers. Anet should of made all servers international. Then there would be no excuses.

Yes! And we should all speak english because America speaks english. But wait! Shouldn’t we call it american then? That would make so many problems, like, disappear and stuff!


10/19 Desolation vs Far Shiverpeaks vs Kodash

in WvW

Posted by: kesh.5148


Noticed a big increase in mercenary guilds from other servers in Deso, getting a better 24/7 coverage, plus the local glory-hunting population, instead of sitting in Lions Arch talking about Dyes an what not are now actively involved in WvW like the first few weeks before nightcapping demoralized the server. Would personally rather kitten in my pillow before i go to sleep then server hop, but i don’t mind winning neither.

Looking forward to smashing the two French servers, an collecting French badges again.

10/19 Desolation vs Far Shiverpeaks vs Kodash

in WvW

Posted by: MajorKong.8095


Someone made a very good comment – to stop all this whining one simple solution do not have NA and eu servers. Anet should of made all servers international. Then there would be no excuses.

Yes! And we should all speak english because America speaks english. But wait! Shouldn’t we call it american then? That would make so many problems, like, disappear and stuff!

Just ban anyone who doesn’t speak Esperanto and host them in Bermuda.

Human Elementalist -The Iron Triangle [IRON]
My WvW review

(edited by MajorKong.8095)

10/19 Desolation vs Far Shiverpeaks vs Kodash

in WvW

Posted by: Zumazen.6742


Syntax find 24/7 coverage is the main option, if you want to be T1 and soon T2, if you cant, then have fun and enjoy the fights in the lower tiers. Bashing the players on servers with 24/7 is not going to help. Last week and this week we suffered from day capping and BT(XAOC) forced us to try some new strategies to combat this with our limited forces during this time. You guys are going to have to find your own strategies and use the time spent on these forums bashing us more constructively.


10/19 Desolation vs Far Shiverpeaks vs Kodash

in WvW

Posted by: Fred Fargone.3127

Fred Fargone.3127

Someone made a very good comment – to stop all this whining one simple solution do not have NA and eu servers. Anet should of made all servers international. Then there would be no excuses.

Yes! And we should all speak english because America speaks english. But wait! Shouldn’t we call it american then? That would make so many problems, like, disappear and stuff!

Just ban anyone who doesn’t speak Esperanto.

Oh, but Esperanto is more EU than international. How about we be fair for everyone and… disable chat all together? Just rely on party pings and those nice kitty images on the map.

People who can argue often offer a good and meaningful conversation about the subject.
People who can’t tend to call the opponent troll, scream something utterly incomprehensible
and finally result to personal insults.

10/19 Desolation vs Far Shiverpeaks vs Kodash

in WvW

Posted by: Knasher.5607


Yes! And we should all speak english because America speaks english. But wait! Shouldn’t we call it american then? That would make so many problems, like, disappear and stuff!

Not everyone on Desolation speaks English, most of the inter guild communication and WvW chat occurs in English simply because most people have a basic understanding of it and because the English speakers outnumber the non-English speakers (though that isn’t the case on other servers). There are even German guilds already on Desolation. In fact the only servers that are language specific are the language specific ones. I’ve yet to see anyone get given out to for speaking something other than English in map chat.

But since RUIN is so fond about telling us to adapt I still want to hear their ideas about adaptation?

Well during the last Vizunah vs FS vs Deso match up, we were vastly out numbered. If I remember correctly a couple of guilds merged together with the goal of holding a single orb or a single borderlands overnight. We simply didn’t have the forces that FS or VS had so instead of spreading across all the maps, people concentrated on a single borderlands where we actually stood a chance.

Personally I wasn’t in a big guild at the time, so instead I played on one of the lesser populated maps. I played to try to take and hold a single tower against a vastly larger force for as long as I possibly could. It mightn’t be for everyone, but I was always quite fond of the Left 4 Dead series, so I enjoyed that kind of challenge (and mostly failure tbh). I played when we could only field 20 people on a map during prime time and we managed to hold that tower for four hours while being attacked by both VS and FS. If your only reason to play WvW is to get that number on the top of the screen as high as possible, then in the weeks where you don’t outnumber your foe I don’t think you will have much fun, for everyone else there are still epic battles to be had (and also mastercard).

(edited by Knasher.5607)

10/19 Desolation vs Far Shiverpeaks vs Kodash

in WvW

Posted by: MajorKong.8095


Someone made a very good comment – to stop all this whining one simple solution do not have NA and eu servers. Anet should of made all servers international. Then there would be no excuses.

Yes! And we should all speak english because America speaks english. But wait! Shouldn’t we call it american then? That would make so many problems, like, disappear and stuff!

Just ban anyone who doesn’t speak Esperanto.

Oh, but Esperanto is more EU than international. How about we be fair for everyone and… disable chat all together? Just rely on party pings and those nice kitty images on the map.

We could always communicate through the medium of dance though. Also, I wouldn’t call it Eurocentric because it’s based on germanic/romance languages that are spoken throughout the Americas, including the USA (Spanish and English). You’re right about it not being international though, but frankly Koreans are operating on a higher plain of existence and do not require communication so it’s not important.

In any case I think it’s unfair to blame RUIN for these balance problems. The game has been designed in such a way that population differences are inevitable, be that because players are at different physical locations, or because fairweather quit or join depending on the tide of battle.

Human Elementalist -The Iron Triangle [IRON]
My WvW review

10/19 Desolation vs Far Shiverpeaks vs Kodash

in WvW

Posted by: Dax.3815


FS have totally given up wvw apparently. dont move to this server

10/19 Desolation vs Far Shiverpeaks vs Kodash

in WvW

Posted by: Snapple.9251


Explain what you mean with “adapt” please?

A good start is spending less time on the forums complaining like 5 year-olds.

It is just a fact of how WvW has played out that EVERY top-tier server should be looking to have enough diversity of guilds to cover the maps over 24 hours.
EVERY server should be trying to recruit off-peak time guilds to help bolster their off-peak time presence.

If you as a server are unwilling to accept that fact, then i am sure you will have some fun in the mid-tier match-ups.
Complaining and whining on the forums is not a good look for your server, and it will make it harder for you to convince others to join you.

[IRON] – SoR
Snappless / Osii

10/19 Desolation vs Far Shiverpeaks vs Kodash

in WvW

Posted by: Woody.7250


Personally I would say that RUIN have a very good point here. Anyone who complains about night-capping needs to nut up or shut up, there are always going to be night-cappers, and complaining about it isn’t going to make Arena Net change their mind about nationality equality in servers. The reason servers like Deso and VS are in the top 2 tiers is because we have dedicated players at all times of the day. WvW is a 24 hour deal, nothing is going to change that.

Also I’d like to thank the guys over at RUIN for providing us with a powerful off-peak team, as you’ve really helped us get a footing back against the high tier servers and there own night-cap team. I’d love to have a consversation in-game with someone from your guild, as I am currently representing an upcoming WvW dedicated guild. I hope you guys plan on sticking around ^^

Also on the subject of people leaving and joining different servers – I think it’s wrong, and ANet should bring back the cost to change server they originally intended to include, as we’re seeing a high number of people hopping off their server as soon as things get a little rough and it’s quite honestly pathetic. You should be proud of your server, even if you’re getting your kitten handed to you by a superior force. Even if Desolation dropped to the bottom of the rankings, I’d fight my hardest to get us back up there. Desolator through and through!

Rizzla Ironlung
Veteran at Desolation Coalition [DC]
Server – Desolation

10/19 Desolation vs Far Shiverpeaks vs Kodash

in WvW

Posted by: Muan.1029


Glad to see that [CaSu] is still considered a big deal in the worldwide WvWvW scene. Didn’t expect a 2 active-members guild could do that.

Muan — Janitor of [CaSu]
Vizunah Square

10/19 Desolation vs Far Shiverpeaks vs Kodash

in WvW

Posted by: Zander.7346


poor poor england…..
now need of united states or be nothing
a shame for your great history but now …

10/19 Desolation vs Far Shiverpeaks vs Kodash

in WvW

Posted by: Snapple.9251


No point in attempting decent discussion…
Hope this thread gets locked.

[IRON] – SoR
Snappless / Osii

10/19 Desolation vs Far Shiverpeaks vs Kodash

in WvW

Posted by: Wothan.4673


Why we chose EU ?
Firstly what I’m about to say is meant to be taken in fun as a part of the meta-game. We decided that it would be interesting to make this about bringing the French servers down. It is widely known that most EU communities and the US dislike the French for whatever reasons. We saw the FR starting to dominate the EU bracket and decided to make this about joining together with out EU brethren to bring down the tyrannical rule of the FR in tier 1 of the EU bracket. We are well aware that until tier 1 we may be facing PvDoor. But as my research has directly revealed the FR servers have a LARGE nighttime presence. We have been informed of an organization called CaSu that are mostly French Canadian. Alot of players on the EU servers fear CaSu. We (ruin) cannot wait to face them and dominate them. Yes I said dominate. RUIN intentionally seeks out large organizations that people believe are the best and do everything in our power to defeat them. We will be victorious!

We are coming for you France!! We plan to RUIN your good time in Tier 1 and bring DESOLATION to your lands!!
PS – We recognize and welcome all other countries in our conquest of the French. not just UK,USA

Ahaha What a joke… seriously guy…

Well, if you think you go to find fight vs french canadian .. i’m sorry to disappoint you, but VS have almost no canadian and PA have only one french canadian guild..

So move your alliance to EU for fight vs 10 guys and Door when it’s your prime time.. is maybe a little too much… but if you like fight vs empty keep, well , Welcome in EU

But as my research has directly revealed the FR servers have a LARGE nighttime presence.

Atm VS nightcapping presence is 10 guys and PA 30… Woot what a large presence… you may be disappointed.. You"r research is based on anything, except on angry russian maybe…

Nahtow – [SR] Soul Reapers
Jade Quarry

(edited by Wothan.4673)

10/19 Desolation vs Far Shiverpeaks vs Kodash

in WvW

Posted by: PotemK.7682


“We have been informed of an organization called CaSu that are mostly French Canadian. Alot of players on the EU servers fear CaSu. We (ruin) cannot wait to face them and dominate them. Yes I said dominate”

I am 100% confident in assuring you that you will never defeat CaSu on the battlefield, never.

10/19 Desolation vs Far Shiverpeaks vs Kodash

in WvW

Posted by: lindstroem.3601



I think, if FSP guilds can’t be successful in WvW, they go the forums. You can’t die in the forums.

I have a question: Did the doors drop some loot?

10/19 Desolation vs Far Shiverpeaks vs Kodash

in WvW

Posted by: saVdoom.2067



Also on the subject of people leaving and joining different servers – I think it’s wrong, and ANet should bring back the cost to change server they originally intended to include, as we’re seeing a high number of people hopping off their server as soon as things get a little rough and it’s quite honestly pathetic. You should be proud of your server, even if you’re getting your kitten handed to you by a superior force.

You do understand that the main reason making Desolation competitive at the moment is the same “high number of people hopping off their server as soon as things get a little rough and it’s quite honestly pathetic”, they usually do under the reasons such as “our server did not had wvwvw mentality”, “we carried the server but they were mindless zergers” and so on.

So what i am saying is that the new 24/h coverage servers such as Desolation and Blacktide at the moment, were only possible because of free transfers with a whole lot of guilds looking for a server where they have their “off-time” covered.

Now this might be the real intend of Anet, but this will lead to some problems such as very high populated servers with 24/h coverage and a lot of server without.. who will not be real competitive in higher tiers. Simple saying the top servers will always be fighting each other with very few to no change on the competition (taking into account that they will close free transfers at some point). I’m still not sure whether this is good or not though… I don’t think so to be honest, i would still rather have the score reflecting more towards the actual PvP (so if you’re PvEin’ you don’t get as many points as you do now), where people would focus in quality PvP and WvWvW instead of quantity/PvDoors WvWvW. We will see…

10/19 Desolation vs Far Shiverpeaks vs Kodash

in WvW

Posted by: Wothan.4673


So this “2000” strong RUIN night time guild you “researched” that doesn’t exist

I don’t remember to have speak about “2000” RUINs or RUINS number… I just say : an Alliance for fight 30 guys is maybe a little too much

Nahtow – [SR] Soul Reapers
Jade Quarry

10/19 Desolation vs Far Shiverpeaks vs Kodash

in WvW

Posted by: Metixo.5086


Indeed this thread should be locked, I am ashamed to see that most people here cannot do anything but throw insults at each other!

Yes, we are not happy with how things are at the moment, but give it another reset tops and desolation will be in T1 and we others will have a more fair matchup that will hopefully be more fun and get people interested in wvwvw again.

There is no need in blaming RUIN or IRON or ANYONE. Things are as they are for now and there is absolutely nothing we can do about it.

So Desolation I wish you lots of fun in T1, I guess you will be dissapointed but that will be your loss and not mine.

I also want to thank Kodash for giving us some good battles, you folks have done great with the resources you have at your disposal!

And again if this thread is to stay open, please at least keep it civil and dont start throwing insults and accusations at each other, there is just no point besides starting a flame war. Thank you!

Metixo – Far Shiverpeaks

10/19 Desolation vs Far Shiverpeaks vs Kodash

in WvW

Posted by: Kindragon.4308


Whining – Check
Claims of Hacking with no proof as the reason for losses – Check
Demoralized and broken enemies- Check
Tripling the 2nd place server in points – Check

Sounds like we did a good job of dominating this week.

/salute Desolation

Good work everyone. Drink in the tears of your enemies and satisfy your thirst. We deserve it.


Jozhua – LvL 80 Thief
[R U I N] Scout/Soldier

10/19 Desolation vs Far Shiverpeaks vs Kodash

in WvW

Posted by: Wildman.9641


Ruin is just one of the easy mode guilds that gather together as many people as possible. They are really just a PvE guild. Now they found a safe place with a safe time slot where they can PvE doors. To most of us they are pathetic but they do make all their PvE players happy, so /shrug. It is their bucks. They will move on to new doors in a week.

10/19 Desolation vs Far Shiverpeaks vs Kodash

in WvW

Posted by: SneakyErvin.3056


@Kindragon.4308: Sorry, but doors dont cry. Guess you need to go thirsty.

Also quite a feat getting tripple points over #2 with nightcappers during the release days of a holiday event. Thats quite impressive.

Let Valkyries guide me to my destiny.

10/19 Desolation vs Far Shiverpeaks vs Kodash

in WvW

Posted by: Raap.9065


Good news everyone, I’m back on the forums again!

So I’ve been reading the last few pages and still see a lot of FS complaining and saying “Desolation would do the same if the roles were reversed.”.

I’d like to tell you that we have been there, several times, and eventually it got us dropped to a low tier bracket. Then all the leeches left the server and the remaining guilds gained valuable time to organise themselves into what you see today. Even a lot of our ‘random players’ got better understanding of how WvW works and which commanders to follow.

We got pushed down and instead of complaining about it, we rallied and came back. During the bracket vs Seafarers Rest we we’re 3rd, but re-organised and got 2nd, we would have had a good shot at 1st but the 7 day match was too short to allow us to close that gap. The following matchup we continued this progress and then RUIN joined in aswell.

Desolation has been nightcapped upon plenty of times, to the point where it looked like Deso was no longer a viable WvW server. It looked grim, but we rallied thanks to the efforts of our WvW guilds. We didn’t complain about it, we never gave up, and now here we are.

So this makes me wonder, why are FS and Kodash not able to do the same? Chances are this is your first big blow and you need a week or two to recover and re-organise, just like Deso had to. Taking a blow like this is good, it purges the farmers from your WvW queue, and gives you time to re-organise.

But do everyone a favour, re-organise yourselves ingame, and don’t use that enegry to instead complain on the forums.

Swift Mending – Guardian
Thorny Scrub – Thief

(edited by Raap.9065)

10/19 Desolation vs Far Shiverpeaks vs Kodash

in WvW

Posted by: saVdoom.2067


We got pushed down and instead of complaining about it, we rallied and came back. During the bracket vs Seafarers Rest we we’re 3rd, but re-organised and got 2nd, we would have had a good shot at 1st but the 7 day match was too short to allow us to close that gap. The following matchup we continued this progress and then RUIN joined in aswell.

Nice story there man. But this is far from correct. The remaining guilds in Desolation did not “rallied” nor “came back”. The exact same time Desolation started gaining some ground against Seafarer’s Rest last week was due mainly 2 factors:

1) IRON guild started doing night capping to get up in points seeing that Seafarer’s Rest barely has any night time players safe a few. And i’m not trying to say this in a negative way, probs to IRON guild for having the effort for doing that. But as said by their own members, a rather “cheesy” tactic, but so far is the best tactic in GW2 WvWvW for us so far, which is → cap stuff when there is no one to defend.

2) It combined exactly with RUIN transfer to Desolation. They didn’t join after the match up, but they joined 2-3 days before ending, hence the huge amount of points you guys gained making the scenario look some-what a “close fight”. But this close fight was merely in points, not in actual fighting mind you.

Huge amount of points just promotes 2 things → PvDoor and making people lose the interest of fighting in W3. Simple as that :-\

10/19 Desolation vs Far Shiverpeaks vs Kodash

in WvW

Posted by: saVdoom.2067


@Double post since i cannot edit.

Only guild that “rallied” or “came back” was indeed Iron. Perhaps they made a significant impact mainly because of their sheer numbers. And if they managed to get 10-20 organized people during the night it definitely already made a huge impact against 5-10 pugs.

And its “props”, not “probs” XD

10/19 Desolation vs Far Shiverpeaks vs Kodash

in WvW

Posted by: SkeletalLlama.5381


Every server realized night capping was a problem. Every server kept begging the Asians to join them. Ruin was simply the first guild to realize it wasn’t going to happen. It’s not reasonable to expect Asians to come to every server to act as your personal night cappers. So Ruin got proactive and did what no one else was willing to do. It was a smart move and it worked magnificently as the scores show.

10/19 Desolation vs Far Shiverpeaks vs Kodash

in WvW

Posted by: saVdoom.2067


Every server realized night capping was a problem. Every server kept begging the Asians to join them. Ruin was simply the first guild to realize it wasn’t going to happen. It’s not reasonable to expect Asians to come to every server to act as your personal night cappers. So Ruin got proactive and did what no one else was willing to do. It was a smart move and it worked magnificently as the scores show.

True. But then its the argument whether did it “worked”? What worked?

Lets see..
Sure they’ve huge scores and will probably be in T1 and might even win T1 with a huge amount of points like T2.. and then what?
If Arborstone and Vizunah does not have the amount of night activity as they claim, then what will happen → something like one server scoring 600+ and other 2 scoring less then 100? Will lead to what we already see in some match ups, which is people leaving W3 all together, and ruining yet another whole week match up, making the whole game boring for everyone. Bored people leave the game.

The whole point to make WvWvW succeed is to make the matches fair and competitive. Winning a close fight is much more enjoyable then winning a fight where your opposition left 5 days ago and all you’re doing is beating on NPCs. Close fights make people fight till the end.

You can argue that this is what Anet wants, and at some point the servers without night activity will try get activity at those times or just stay mid-tiers and so on. But then check my previous post where i said that i don’t think this is such a good idea.

Btw is ridiculous the filter stopping me from saying “happen (not trying to write anything kinky here) is that” but it won’t allow me -_-

10/19 Desolation vs Far Shiverpeaks vs Kodash

in WvW

Posted by: Ajaxx.3157



When you learn the difference between the “UK” and “England” let us know

Ajaxx – Warrior – [JuG] – Desolation [eu]


10/19 Desolation vs Far Shiverpeaks vs Kodash

in WvW

Posted by: Kracin.6078


^ this, as simply as it can be put, we came to the EU because of a couple of reasons.

one being that no one wanted to move to the us servers unless it was HoD, as they had the vast majority of players on at all times, as opposed to just prime times. so we made the move we wanted everyone else to make instead.

and two, there is a lot more…. pride… here than the US server have, in the U.S. bracket there are servers that stay somewhat consistent, but low, and there has always been one huge mega server that gains the collective bandwagon follow train of newbies that will transfer to the biggest wvw pop server there is, just to claim a victory.

when desolation reaches tier 1, we will be at the point that we wanted the us servers to be… a bit more even, because right now there are 2 dominant servers with more coverage than anyone else that have stayed top for a while, and we hope our move over here will help to create a better fight overall at the top.

in the end though, even tier 2 would have been a much more epic fight had the people on the other servers not gotten discouraged so easily. we saw this happen all the time on the US servers too, once 1 side starts taking a lead, everybody takes their ball and goes home. “no sense in fighting, they are just going to take it all back tonight”….. makes you wonder how FS got ahead of us during the first few days even though we were somehow a massive “nightcapping” force. except that when we log off, its most of us leaving around 12 am to 2 am.. leaving a huge gap before the main forces in the UK wake up, and thats when FS tend to take things back easier because there are less deso on. it happens to everyone, and complaining does nothing.

P.S. even if the server were locked, and it was impossible to play on EU while in the US or other time zones, then there would still be nightcapping complaints, except it would be complaints about which server has the most 2nd shift workers who can stay up all night to play. or which server has the most unemployed or something dumb like that.

Tl : DR

its never quite what you think it is, and its always something. right?

10/19 Desolation vs Far Shiverpeaks vs Kodash

in WvW

Posted by: Belfagor Diabolos.1940

Belfagor Diabolos.1940

Every server realized night capping was a problem. Every server kept begging the Asians to join them. Ruin was simply the first guild to realize it wasn’t going to happen. It’s not reasonable to expect Asians to come to every server to act as your personal night cappers. So Ruin got proactive and did what no one else was willing to do. It was a smart move and it worked magnificently as the scores show.

Truth no one was so irresponsible to move a huge Guild from NA to Europe to destroy balance on Europeans WvW matches in own interest . And now arguing so everything is OK … and ignoring fact so Europe isn’t a another States of US we have own country’s and languages, from this factor European servers are build completely differed way like servers in US.
( servers are split between NA & EU and WvW league as well so to keep fair play players should stay in own region if they want to participated in WvW matches 4 haw long A-net not stopping this exploit with free unlimited transfer between NA and EU )

Far Shiverpeaks [EU]

10/19 Desolation vs Far Shiverpeaks vs Kodash

in WvW

Posted by: Sunken.6439


Guys from Desolation, you know CaSu guild is an fake guild lol

You’re really funny guys

10/19 Desolation vs Far Shiverpeaks vs Kodash

in WvW

Posted by: SkeletalLlama.5381


It is not an exploit to play on an EU server.

10/19 Desolation vs Far Shiverpeaks vs Kodash

in WvW

Posted by: Quentin Fields.1295

Quentin Fields.1295

Man that’s the same point as Vampire-Werewolf myths.

Vampires have werewolves to fight for them in day light.While Wolves beat daylight , Vampires beat nights.

That’s the same crap.So stop whining like a 4-5 years old babygirl.

That’s also the rule of “WAR”.


10/19 Desolation vs Far Shiverpeaks vs Kodash

in WvW

Posted by: Steve.4265


It is not an exploit to play on an EU server.

I was going to write something along the exact same lines. Think the word “exploit” should be explained in detail to help him in future.

Generally i dont comment on this crap but FSP have just moaned so much in the last few days its annoying.

If RUIN had moved to your server there would not be a whisper about “Nightcapping” or any of the bullwinkle that has flown through these pages since last week. Was really expecting this to be a good week of fighting again but you seem to be better at moaning on forum pages and claiming you are the best at prime time. Think you should look more internally and sort that out before you go looking for the exact same sort of guild you claim are “exploiting” the EU bracket.

Wonder why RUIN never chose you guys?? Looking through these pages its not hard to see why. You really, really could learn alot from Blacktide. They were warriors and gentlemen throughout. Fought right to the last. Looking forward to seeing them again.

Glad your here RUIN and keep up the good work.

Peace, im out

P.S Obviously this aint aimed at all of FSP. Some have come across perfectly decent and honourable. Its for the ones with posts every few hrs with excuses and abuse

10/19 Desolation vs Far Shiverpeaks vs Kodash

in WvW

Posted by: Wothan.4673


Atm if RUINS inc because they think fight CaSu.. they are well trolled…

CaSu is a guild with only 1 men now, french, who creat a post on Gw2guidl to claim have a guild with 500 french Canadian and some ppl make rumours about he rule the D1 night…

In fact CaSu is like the famous Sadam massif destruction weapon myth…

Btw i hope all the ppl moving in EU, can find challenge fight, really, but i don’t think they finds that they have come to seek ..

Nahtow – [SR] Soul Reapers
Jade Quarry

(edited by Wothan.4673)

10/19 Desolation vs Far Shiverpeaks vs Kodash

in WvW

Posted by: Bahamzero.6783


I dont know why ppl are bashing Deso and RUIN, we should all respect them and this is why:
Instead of whining about night/morning capping or w/e they looked and worked towards a solution with as result that they became the best WvW server in Europe.
Im sure other servers and ppl will follow them in the future because you might see alot of QQ’ing on these forums but there are also other ppl playing this game who like competition and strive to become the best.

10/19 Desolation vs Far Shiverpeaks vs Kodash

in WvW

Posted by: Samstein.5269


For a fact Desolation is the only server on EU with a full status (afaik). You got alot of people playing WvW, good for you.

I think it´s kinda unfair fight atm but you win by the rules so there really shouldn´t be anything for us in FSP to whine about. RUIN (amongst others chose your server) and that´s FSP downfall.

I like to compare this with football (yes, soccer). FSP has the same value in their players like Desolation kinda like FC Barcelona and Real Madrid. Only that Desolation is playing with 11 players the whole game while FSP only got 11 players for half the game. This is exactly how it is. FSP can´t put a decent fight cause we simply cant muster the strenght.

Even though we struggle and used to keep a fairly even fight (sat-tue FSP still was able to get highest points/tally) the morale and activeness fails from players when they see the disadvantage.. Right now we´re undermanned even at our primetime so even if we´re able to take a keep we aint got no time to fortify it until desolation comes with a bigger force and takes it back.

This isn´t a competition anymore, it´s just unfair disadvantage which takes all motivation from everyone.

Desolation, if we had the same playerbase it would atleast have been a fair fight but you win all by the rules and are the superior server for sure.

I hope you´ll face more equal opponents in the future.

10/19 Desolation vs Far Shiverpeaks vs Kodash

in WvW

Posted by: Quentin Fields.1295

Quentin Fields.1295

For a fact Desolation is the only server on EU with a full status (afaik). You got alot of people playing WvW, good for you.

I think it´s kinda unfair fight atm but you win by the rules so there really shouldn´t be anything for us in FSP to whine about. RUIN (amongst others chose your server) and that´s FSP downfall.

I like to compare this with football (yes, soccer). FSP has the same value in their players like Desolation kinda like FC Barcelona and Real Madrid. Only that Desolation is playing with 11 players the whole game while FSP only got 11 players for half the game. This is exactly how it is. FSP can´t put a decent fight cause we simply cant muster the strenght.

Even though we struggle and used to keep a fairly even fight (sat-tue FSP still was able to get highest points/tally) the morale and activeness fails from players when they see the disadvantage.. Right now we´re undermanned even at our primetime so even if we´re able to take a keep we aint got no time to fortify it until desolation comes with a bigger force and takes it back.

This isn´t a competition anymore, it´s just unfair disadvantage which takes all motivation from everyone.

Desolation, if we had the same playerbase it would atleast have been a fair fight but you win all by the rules and are the superior server for sure.

I hope you´ll face more equal opponents in the future.

Finally someone acknowleding facts with manners and delegant thinking.

10/19 Desolation vs Far Shiverpeaks vs Kodash

in WvW

Posted by: Blutkrieg.1320


I’m from desolation, I’ve been from desolation since the betas and all I see here is butthurt whining from the other servers, but far shiverpeaks in particular.

You’re just angry because you use to be the dominate server after vizunah square, you didn’t complain when you were dominating Desolation with foreign guilds and exploits like bugging keep lords, something desolation never did.

You didn’t complain when you had night capping as well, the only reason you got into T1 was your night capping, since at prime time Desolation would even things and even win. Desolation was always a very dominant server in WvW since the beta until we were matched against vizunah. Desolation has a lot of players that pride themselves for being Deso…

You’re just crying horribly because you’re not what you use to be, don’t blame desolation for it, we didn’t cause you to fall down a bracket did we ? Now… now is our time, we don’t want shiverpeaks… we want vizunah… vizunah is our target, we want payback and we want to lead desolation to the top again ! Everyone agrees even if we stay 2nd we just want to beat vizunah.

Officer [VILE] – Desolation

10/19 Desolation vs Far Shiverpeaks vs Kodash

in WvW

Posted by: SneakyErvin.3056


@Kracin.6078 since quote doesnt work.

How can you seriously claim any of that being viable. You claim there is more pride on EU servers, sure that might be true But transfering here and facerolling as a major guild (how many guilds and side guilds do you have int he chapter with a “ruin” tag?) strips any pride that Deso once had.

When you reach tier 1 you say you will be where you wanted to on US servers. Wrong, you will be at the position you wanted, but out of a competative/skillful viewpoint no. You bash doors, its WvD for you, easy way to the top.

The US servers were too hard for your guild, so you move to where you have a great advantage. For instance, resets and match ups happen during YOUR peak hour, so you get a head start over the EU crowd.

You will never get epic fights here, because people get bored by having to back cap EVERYTHING each new day. More than likely you will see Deso get boycotted if the same kitten keeps going on without any lucky population change to other servers. By population change I mean a more multiregional population throughout all EU servers.

I honestly cant understand how you can sit and claim you want fair fights. You ditched the US server exactly due to the reason you now inflict upon the EU. You had the aussies nightcapping you, you transfer to eU and try to justify what you just migrated from.


Let Valkyries guide me to my destiny.

10/19 Desolation vs Far Shiverpeaks vs Kodash

in WvW

Posted by: Nabbis.5784


As someone from Deso since the start id like to point out that making our ques +1h and keeping everything capped so that we cant recap things for karma/money is simply moronic.

I dont give two kitten on what our rank is, i want to PLAY and switch ownerships of WvW structures for a more fun and interactive gameplay, instead of sitting on other servers spawn points. Stop transfering to our server. No one with brain cells wants anymore people coming here to play the nightcapping heroes.

10/19 Desolation vs Far Shiverpeaks vs Kodash

in WvW

Posted by: SneakyErvin.3056


Hope you enjoy the newly migrated instant gratification must-win kitteners that left FS for Deso just to win. Not that they were liked on FS anyways so we dont want them back.

Too bad there are no name tags in WvW.

Let Valkyries guide me to my destiny.

10/19 Desolation vs Far Shiverpeaks vs Kodash

in WvW

Posted by: Wildman.9641


Well Sneaky has summed it up nicely.

What I find funny about these threads is that WvD guilds like Ruin want so badly to be looked at as a good guild or a skilled guild. The other Deso people want to also claim they now magically have mad WvW skillz! lol Like everyone doesn’t know how and why they do what they do and are what they are.

10/19 Desolation vs Far Shiverpeaks vs Kodash

in WvW

Posted by: Raap.9065



As someone from Deso since the start id like to point out that making our ques +1h and keeping everything capped so that we cant recap things for karma/money is simply moronic.

WvW is not a PvE farming zone. Try Cursed Shore in Orr for farming karma/money. If you prefer to farm over doing well in WvW, consider joining a server with a like-minded view, lower down the tiers.

Desolation has too many dedicated WvW players right now to care about people’s farming needs, when most WvW players already got more karma than they know what to do with it, anyway.

Swift Mending – Guardian
Thorny Scrub – Thief

10/19 Desolation vs Far Shiverpeaks vs Kodash

in WvW

Posted by: Nabbis.5784


The only “dedicated” WvW players that want this crap are the newly transferred nightcapping heroes. Get out of my server.

10/19 Desolation vs Far Shiverpeaks vs Kodash

in WvW

Posted by: kesh.5148



It’s hypocrisy when FS used to (as the glory hordes are going to Deso) enjoy a more spread out GMT prime time population then most other servers, an now that advantage isn’t as effective, flame.

Yes, the transfers need sorted. Possibly a lock-in period, or something along the lines that have been mentioned; no cost to transfer to low population servers, transfer to a higher population made undesirable. Everyone wants ANet to clarify the transfer situation one way or the other. People on Deso don’t want boring WvW, or leechers extending que times. As people will just stop playing. In Deso the ques are at most 10-15min, not 3-4 hours like AS, or even longer in the old Vz, so at least they’ll be competitive WvW matchups.

10/19 Desolation vs Far Shiverpeaks vs Kodash

in WvW

Posted by: Zumazen.6742


SaVdoom we are hoping for a good fight in T1 and have expected they will have night coverage as do the NA T1 servers. We had hoped T2 would as well after getting such a great fight in T3 from BT, but Kodash and FSP have been disappointing, and only shown a alot of whining and quitting. To bad we have to face one of you again next week, least BT is moving to T2 where it properly belongs and will give a good fight.


10/19 Desolation vs Far Shiverpeaks vs Kodash

in WvW

Posted by: Sird.4536


There will be no competition for Ruin and if they actually did som research they would have known that. CaSu was created to troll FS when we complained about French Canadians on VS.

EU Deso might get competition. I’m hearing some EU guilds on these DE, FR servers looking for new homes on NA servers. Infact there is a thread on GW2 guru about a German guild looking for a NA home, more might follow or keep transferring to lower tier servers in EU to get fair matches.

RP enthusiast