10/19 Desolation vs Far Shiverpeaks vs Kodash

10/19 Desolation vs Far Shiverpeaks vs Kodash

in WvW

Posted by: Zumazen.6742


I think T1 will be a tough fight, expecting a hard core 2v1, cant wait.


10/19 Desolation vs Far Shiverpeaks vs Kodash

in WvW

Posted by: Gatsby.7420


Im drunk as kitten so someomen come duel me. ill be behind victors lodge by the skill point såpider!

10/19 Desolation vs Far Shiverpeaks vs Kodash

in WvW

Posted by: Truebanana.5936


Actually, AS have got 1 canadian guild with something like 15-30 players every night (For AS, after 3am we aren’t really much, and after 6am, most of people are sleeping) and without them, we have got something like 20-30 players on each map.
Yesterday VS didn’t want to take the risk to to drop to T2, so they didn’t play during the prime time and they were like 50+ at 6am against close to nobody.


You will win, but i don’t think you will stay more than 3 weeks on EU servers at fighting against 10 to 50 people on each map with more than 100 people on during nightime, because in less than 30min, you will own all of them and might get bored xD

But as i can see, you seem to enjoy it actually http://mos.millenium.org/servers/view/15

Truebanana [Opt] Solo roaming D/F Elementalist on Augury Rock
Dolcebanana [Opt] Solo roaming D/F Elementalist twink lvl 60 on Augury Rock

(edited by Truebanana.5936)

10/19 Desolation vs Far Shiverpeaks vs Kodash

in WvW

Posted by: Syntax.9602


Syntax find 24/7 coverage is the main option, if you want to be T1 and soon T2, if you cant, then have fun and enjoy the fights in the lower tiers. Bashing the players on servers with 24/7 is not going to help. Last week and this week we suffered from day capping and BT(XAOC) forced us to try some new strategies to combat this with our limited forces during this time. You guys are going to have to find your own strategies and use the time spent on these forums bashing us more constructively.

Ok, so finding 24/7-Coverage is your way of adapting to the system.

I do not want to abuse your kindness any more, but is there a way you could share your knowledge off german oversea-communities with me? I would really like to know whom I should contact to get some germans from GMT-7 or GMT +9 and whatever, since the only ones I know happen to life in GMT+1 for quite some time.

Since I’m a nice person I will also tell you what you could do to make both of us happy. It happens that there are some very low populated american brackets too and I heard the opponents there happen to have nice doors too. So instead of deconstructing our hard work of carpentry every day you could bother them instead.

Or I have another good solution for you. How about being nice guests here in europe and adapt to our culture by sleeping when we do.

And I still must laugh about the expectations of T1. I guess ArenaNet should implement friendly fire, since there won’t be alot enemies even in T1 at night and americans are used to shooting their own people.

(edited by Syntax.9602)

10/19 Desolation vs Far Shiverpeaks vs Kodash

in WvW

Posted by: kesh.5148


Syntax is so nice! Keep looking.

10/19 Desolation vs Far Shiverpeaks vs Kodash

in WvW

Posted by: Ihysoal.7153


This thread is a hilarious read, not only are some RUIN guild members flailing their e-appendages around like they actually mean something but there’s also a group of fanboys brown-nosing them completely.

10/19 Desolation vs Far Shiverpeaks vs Kodash

in WvW

Posted by: Syntax.9602


I’m still not playing on Far Shiverpeaks…

And well… no idea what you mean but RUIN actually is stressing my nerves by telling me over and over that we should get 24/7 coverage. No idea where that players should come from.

And no, we are not falling in the rankings. We go to T3 again, get up again, go down again, go up again, go down again, go up again… well this will most likely continue for a rather long period (well it already does work that way for 7 weeks).

Actually it is some kind of long tradition to make fun of different aspects of american. Our media (well exspecially cabarett and such stuff) really likes Mitt Romney or the americans just slaughtering Bin Laden and the whole “the world is centered around us”-attidude. And the nasty part about this is that RUIN is actually behaving much the same way. They came to europe for competition now all european server should cry for oversea-help to be competitive, thats a pretty egoistic perspectiv. WvW wasn’t perfect, but it somehow worked for 5 weeks. There was literally no Oversea-Presence (SFR had a small american guild, but not many, not even sure if it was a guild or just players) in the european brackets and no it is stupid to argue with 500 hebrew-speaking canadians.

There was an issue with nightcapping, but most servers hadn’t much night-presence on the strong nightcrews on Vizunah and Riverside shrinked because the queues during primetime were to long. And no RUINs decided to make us start all over again, with no chance of ever balancing things out.

10/19 Desolation vs Far Shiverpeaks vs Kodash

in WvW

Posted by: Celes.9726


I just want to extend a warm LOL to the Ruin thief that tried to gank me in a 2vs1 while having 3 Orbs earlier today. After i finished killing his mesmer buddy he stealthed and ran off with ~50% health. Account name is C…y….2415 or something like that.
Apparently it’s harder to play thief than i thought..maybe 6orbs would help lmao.

10/19 Desolation vs Far Shiverpeaks vs Kodash

in WvW

Posted by: Kracin.6078


@Kracin.6078 since quote doesnt work.

How can you seriously claim any of that being viable. You claim there is more pride on EU servers, sure that might be true But transfering here and facerolling as a major guild (how many guilds and side guilds do you have int he chapter with a “ruin” tag?) strips any pride that Deso once had.

When you reach tier 1 you say you will be where you wanted to on US servers. Wrong, you will be at the position you wanted, but out of a competative/skillful viewpoint no. You bash doors, its WvD for you, easy way to the top.

The US servers were too hard for your guild, so you move to where you have a great advantage. For instance, resets and match ups happen during YOUR peak hour, so you get a head start over the EU crowd.

You will never get epic fights here, because people get bored by having to back cap EVERYTHING each new day. More than likely you will see Deso get boycotted if the same kitten keeps going on without any lucky population change to other servers. By population change I mean a more multiregional population throughout all EU servers.

I honestly cant understand how you can sit and claim you want fair fights. You ditched the US server exactly due to the reason you now inflict upon the EU. You had the aussies nightcapping you, you transfer to eU and try to justify what you just migrated from.


i see you haven’t been on the Us servers much.

as it was HoD wasn’t just winning because of a few guilds, it was winning because it had overwhelming bandwagon numbers migrating to it, which caused it to be a powerhouse above all simply because of numbers.

after HoD had a couple of bad PR moves, all the rats jumped the ship to the next best thing , Jade quarry. which is now doing the same thing HoD did, because of the bandwagon effect.

and like i said, we are moving because it will be the same story over and over again, one server dominates all day every day because of the amount of people that will migrate to the dominant server to claim victory.

once desolation is in tier one, i’m sure none of this will be remembered, and everybody will forget about how it was going to be pure PvDoor because they all know the time frames that we play in better than we do. anyone in the current match saw that fsp was keeping up just fine until their people just suddenly gave up when faced with the same thing we faced as a matter of fact.

we may be pulling ahead at X hour to a 600 point lead, but during the weekend when we had logged of (our early morning hours of 3 am to 10 am), deso was down and fsp had a 500+ point lead. twice i believe.. but the difference is staying at it. and not quitting.

back in the us servers, we had eredon terrace running in between tier 1 and tier 2, and it was the same story every time.

tier 2 we would end up facerolling because of how large the gap was, a 500k game at that. then at tier 1, we would end up losing in the end because of the massive amount of coverage by the bandwagon server at the time. add together all the contributing factors of going from a faceroll week of no pvp because the other 2 servers stop playing. and a week of only your guild being on the field because all of the fairweather people don’t want to regain territory at night, and it was obvious that since no one wanted to come over to fill in those gaps, then we had to move to somewhere and fill those gaps ourselves.

it’s about as nice as i can put it without pointing out flaws and resorting to ad homonyms of some sort when people talk about our own schedules of play like we don’t even know when we play.


theres still a lot of playtime gap on desolation. the current score is only at a huge difference because of server morale, not because of “nightcapping”, as FS did plenty of “morning capping” until their people stopped logging on to retake

http://mos.millenium.org/servers/view/23 it may be player updated, but it shows FS consistently getting over 300 ppt at the same hours every day until recently when the people just stopped getting on to do it.

(edited by Kracin.6078)

10/19 Desolation vs Far Shiverpeaks vs Kodash

in WvW

Posted by: Eugene.7358


Elona Reach [DE] desperately resistant to fall into the second group /applause
So we have another fun night a week =p

10/19 Desolation vs Far Shiverpeaks vs Kodash

in WvW

Posted by: Luimes.4281


Es gibt zu viel nachtkappers!
Es ist nicht gut und ich muss ganz viel weinen.

Wait what?

what is meme

10/19 Desolation vs Far Shiverpeaks vs Kodash

in WvW

Posted by: Acotje.5689


Dear people from Desolation,

Thx for RUINning WvW on our server
Normally we had some decent action at night, but now it looks like everyone just gave up and even at daytime we have a lot less people.

You just RUINed all our fun.
Hope we get a decent match up tomorow and that we never see you guys again.
Also hope our people start playing again and not just rage quit the server.

Greetz from a proud Far Shiverpeaks player!

Hello darkness, my old friend.

10/19 Desolation vs Far Shiverpeaks vs Kodash

in WvW

Posted by: Junal.2469


You do know that we are going to be playing against each other in this next matchup, right?

Junal – Legacy of Raiders [LoR] Co-Leader

10/19 Desolation vs Far Shiverpeaks vs Kodash

in WvW

Posted by: XxTAFxX.6741


Tbh i did not mind ruin on our servers.
but now it’s not fun anymore.
by the time 11pm hits wvw is empty as they capped everything.

So the fun is going fast as i kinda like to play at night where the action is in small numbers.
but now there is no action just running around doing nothing or the jp.

also des used to be a nice server everyone was more or less helpful in pve,but now bah.
you cannot even ask for help without a handfull trying to troll.
Also over 3 hours waiting to enter wvw.
This is not ruins fault,just many ppl jumping ship to this server because we could hit the n1 spot.

Tbh i would rather have it back as it was before,don’t really care for being at the top tbh.
I just want to have fun,thats inc playing on the night time as well.

10/19 Desolation vs Far Shiverpeaks vs Kodash

in WvW

Posted by: DavidMonthen.4398


If you wait for a BORDERLAND que for longer than 20min, relogg. There seems to still be a flaw in the que system and other people get in much much quicker, so don’t be the guy that waits for 2h and logs off, to whine about long ques on the server.

If you wait for the ETERNAL que to pop, you may have to wait up to an hour on Desolation currently, but I have (at no time during day or night) been waiting over 30min to get into a BL or ETERNAL. (given I did not try it every 5mins, but I did do some testing the last days, just checking how long it took the que to pop every hour or so.)

Good way of checking if you have to relog: Speak to guildies or friends, ask them how long it took them to get in (in case they qued recently) if it’s taking you a much longer, relog.


Commander – Kaargoth Bloodsteel
Gunnars Hold – [RUN]

10/19 Desolation vs Far Shiverpeaks vs Kodash

in WvW

Posted by: Same.4687


First off, I don’t have any personal problems with RUIN. I do however think you, probably unknowingly, messed up the EU dynamic for atleast the coming months. Justifying a move of a gaming community that consists of 2000+ members isn’t the same as a move of a French Canadian/South American/Australian/Russian ETC ETC guild that has 30/40/50 members tops.

With a gaming community as large as yours you should have been able to find a problem to solve your nightcapping issues on US server. Hell there’s a RUIN member here saying he and many many others don’t live in the US and play @ EU times. There’s your very own nightcrew.
By joining a EU server, which server doesn’t even matter, with such a large group you completely messed up the, already awkward, balance we had on EU servers.

The guy that did the post and said he did the research on EU servers should probably have done a better job.

Here’s the truth as told by EU players about EU servers in THIS very thread:

ER has a nightcrew that consists of Germans that work weird shifts or just sleep very little. Vizu might have SOME Canadians but mainly their nightforce consists of Metropolitan French and Arborstone is the only one that has a single French Canadian guild with 30/40 members.
Do you really expect to need the full 2000+ members of RUIN for that? If my memory serves me right a person of each of the current T1 servers has posted here saying that the moment Desolation ends up in T1 you will still be playing PvDoor.
Even IF your up coming opponents in T1 manage to gather 100 players at night or 200. They will still be hopelessly outnumbered on all 4 maps.

Here’s my personal input:

I stopped reading at page 8.. But here’s my input on the recent RUIN member/leader posts. Both ER/Vizu/AS have already told you that they have a nightcrew but that it’s not much bigger than 50 people tops.
RUIN alone can max out servers on all 4 maps by just sheer numbers. The moment you guys play at night you will run into more resistance then you would now, but don’t expect anything that 500 people per map can’t handle by splitting up into smaller groups or simply zerging your way through maps. Even if you say you only have an online % during our nights of 33% you will still have more active players than all three current T1 servers combined x4 and then some.

In the end though nothing is going to change your mind cause it’s a lot harder to face reality when all you do is lollerskate your way through maps and beat everything that comes in your path, be that by numbers or skill. I sincerely hope you stop having fun sooner than that it becomes a trend that huge gaming communities from all over the world join EU servers. Because right now the mentality isn’t to find a solution for a small population imbalance (30-50 people at night) but to recruit a gaming community that is 10 times the size of the actual issue (or you know in your case atleast 40 times). Not only is that going to increase the issues across servers but also the entire dynamic of WvWvW and queues.

Best of luck to Desolation and it’s inhabitants. I’m absolutely sure that most people that in fact still read this thread will agree to what I’m saying, whether or not Desolation and in particular RUIN does I don’t know.

10/19 Desolation vs Far Shiverpeaks vs Kodash

in WvW

Posted by: Zaowi.7098


FarshiverPeaks = Official Cry and Whine server.

Even when it was Vizunah – Desolation – Farshiver they were still crying about vizunah night capping. You did’nt see Desolation whining about going down to tier3, yeah there was maybe a few but not as much as there is in this thread from farshiverpeaks, and you expect people to move to your server , hahahaha you’ve got to be kidding me.

I’m glad we won’t go tier 1 next week so you can suffer abit more.

Sanctum Of Rall

10/19 Desolation vs Far Shiverpeaks vs Kodash

in WvW

Posted by: Shadow of Azrael.1205

Shadow of Azrael.1205

Who cares about u in the next match? We have a blacktide’s butt waiting to get kicked :-p

10/19 Desolation vs Far Shiverpeaks vs Kodash

in WvW

Posted by: DavidMonthen.4398


500 people per map

Last time I checked there was a limit of 166/map. Just sayin.

Commander – Kaargoth Bloodsteel
Gunnars Hold – [RUN]

10/19 Desolation vs Far Shiverpeaks vs Kodash

in WvW

Posted by: Vukanigia.5496


It was a nice fight last night at Eternal map from 21:00 – 24:00. Thanks to all people on the field that work hard to take back our keep, towers and camps.

10/19 Desolation vs Far Shiverpeaks vs Kodash

in WvW

Posted by: DKP.4196


Why all the butthurt everywhere…

Its WvW, its not supposed to be fair. War is never fair. Some take advantage of one thing, others the other. If a particular server gave up, then its not the other servers problem. We just take advantage of it. IF you are personally insulted by your own servers incompetence. Make a guild, or join a hard core WvW/ semi core WvW guild that actually gives a cookie about WvW and does something.

If I recalled, this is how most WvW guild on Desolation started. Even IRON was like this, RUIN had such a time before in another game. They weren’t as big as they are now long ago. So start a guild/ hop onto a guild that is trying on WvW in your own server. The other option of course is to come on the forums, and rant over how bad your server is whilst not doing much in terms of commitment, to try to win a battle happening right now in WvW. 1 player makes a difference in every battle;)

In regards of the current situation. RUIN is doing a great job locking down EB, but FS is also doing a great job wrecking havoc during their prime time, and so is Kodash who struggle a bit in WvW. In each BL FS/Kodash do make some lasting punchs here and there that Deso has to react to. Therefor we can all agree that neither FS/kodash have truely given up in WvW. There are a few that still try.

Remember, not EVERYONE can win in WvW. There needs to be 1 winner. Crying on the forums will not get you 1st place in your match up. Right now, all I see as a Deso player is. Most FS players here are completely butt hurt, they might get traumatized by the experience in WvW after all, FS did brag they were the number 1 in EU which they clearly aren’t yet. Kodash is lurking and too busy to make any memorial comments. Deso players are just amused at the rants and excuses they hear of why they shouldn’t be winning in WvW atm.

Keep trying, or die trying. Never give up, never forgive. We will Desolate. – Desolation
Not A Message.

10/19 Desolation vs Far Shiverpeaks vs Kodash

in WvW

Posted by: jroekke.7210


Its waaaaay to much whining in this thread, and its really not representative for most of the FSP community, 10-20 people commenting here and whining, feels kinda sad since I dont feel this is the right picture of FSP. The serious WvWvWers are still ingame either doing Halloween or WvWvW, not QQing on this forum.

Had some fun fights on Deso BL last night guys, thanks for the fights! ^^

10/19 Desolation vs Far Shiverpeaks vs Kodash

in WvW

Posted by: Ichishi.9613


Nine out of ten pages of this topic exist solely because people think those 2 symbols in brackets before server name actually mean anything.
And they don’t.
Instead of Eu, Us or something else there could be QQ, GG, ZZ on any other letter combination. What would all these people write here then?

10/19 Desolation vs Far Shiverpeaks vs Kodash

in WvW

Posted by: DKP.4196


They would write that GG has too much PvD and QQ cant candle it since ZZ isnt helping out in WvW.

Keep trying, or die trying. Never give up, never forgive. We will Desolate. – Desolation
Not A Message.

10/19 Desolation vs Far Shiverpeaks vs Kodash

in WvW

Posted by: Vukanigia.5496


I did give up after Saturday but i realize it was a bad move. Chewbiduhwa.9756 inspired me with his posts and the way he fought for Desolation while server was struggling to survive dbl French realms after got pushed back from division one.

I apologize if i was rude and my reactions forced, i’m aware that we are facing a hard period in WvW and that future is not blight as it was before we drop to division 2.

What i can say is that my guild (SFRJ) will fight for Far Shiverpeaks no matter what, we will give our best for each point on the field.

All of 350 members of Balkan Legion love this realm and community, we know how limited we are as we don’t have 24/7 force but if we have to drop to division 3 then we will fight for Far Shiverpeaks in that division and representing our server proudly. I hope all people from Far Shiverpeaks will realize this is our 2nd home and changing/leaving our home server ain’t make this game better then it is.

Loyalty is the key of success and if we stick as one we will get back on a top.

Desolation, BT, i wish you good fight next week and lets have some fun!

(edited by Vukanigia.5496)

10/19 Desolation vs Far Shiverpeaks vs Kodash

in WvW

Posted by: Sabiz.2671


I agree with jroekke.
It’s sad that is so much whining on this thread is going on. Imo it should be closed as it brings no input to the wvwvw fights of this week.

Nevertheless here’s my 2 cents on this subject as I do wanne say something bout it ^^
I been on FSpeaks since the beginning, and we as a server should only look at ourselves instead of blaming oversees guilds like Ruin or Iron. For crying out loud there are several posts on this forum FSpeaks is inviting oversees guilds aswell, and just because we don’t have any, some ppl start to cry? I guess they are just upset because our server isn’t doing to well anymore… and here is why

Take Eternal Battlegrounds yesterday as an example. Time: 17:00, we got stomped back to our waypoint area, why? because we only had 10-15 ppl on… i mean, rly! for a high populated server I mean where the f.. is everyone. And don’t tell me everyone is busy with Halloween.. or wait maybe they are. Letz take another example that occured last week. Elona Reach was able to take our Keep in EB around 13:00u. You see things can happen, but the worst part about losing the keep is that atleast 25 people where killing the Grub. Oke, oke.. I know, this Grub is like the ultimate endboss in Guildwars 2, because you can get like 8 badges of honor and some siege equipement that costs alot… Sigh. Just for the records, yes I was being sarcastic. Because it’s simply to sad for words people rather kill a Grub than protect and actually do something decent in wvwvw.

In my opinion this is where things goes wrong on FSpeaks atm.
So seriously. Stop whining, stop complaining. Leave this server or just join WvWvW at any time, as much as possible and letz make something of it. And please, do not make FSpeaks look any worse than it already is.

On a side note, thumbs up to some of the primetime soldiers we have left, that always try to make something of it even though they start from scrap almost everytime!

10/19 Desolation vs Far Shiverpeaks vs Kodash

in WvW

Posted by: jroekke.7210


Sad that most guilds “gave up” already on Saturday, one day after the reset… If they didnt you would have gotten alot more resistance throughout the week. Looks like most guilds found out it was stupid and hopefully it’ll get better in the next week =)

10/19 Desolation vs Far Shiverpeaks vs Kodash

in WvW

Posted by: DavidMonthen.4398


oversees guilds like Ruin or Iron.

Just a quick reminder here… IRON is a european guild, most of our players are from the UK. We do have a few players from overseas but they represent less than 1% in our total numbers… ;-)

Just because quite a few of us like to stay up late and play all night when they can does not mean we’re from a different time-zone.

- Bloodsteel

Commander – Kaargoth Bloodsteel
Gunnars Hold – [RUN]

10/19 Desolation vs Far Shiverpeaks vs Kodash

in WvW

Posted by: Grischu.3869


In regards of the current situation. RUIN is doing a great job

PvDoor is a difficult job, they are uber.

Grischu – Wächter 80 / Ertiki – Necromancer 80 / Risana Mortis – Messmer 80
Good old Days [GD] Elona

10/19 Desolation vs Far Shiverpeaks vs Kodash

in WvW

Posted by: Zero.6507


Doesn’t FS have a thread inviting U.S. players, while crying about Desolation having U.S. players? Interesting logic FS.


10/19 Desolation vs Far Shiverpeaks vs Kodash

in WvW

Posted by: Quentin Fields.1295

Quentin Fields.1295

@Zero true deal m8.


That’s the topic of FS inviting overseas.

“FS has already one topic on this forums inviting guilds to join us, which, however was an important contribution of a single member, while this topic is an official invitation from the whole FS community”

With an enterance like that.Must be ironi ha?FS?

10/19 Desolation vs Far Shiverpeaks vs Kodash

in WvW

Posted by: Those Who Remain.1987

Those Who Remain.1987

Dear people from Desolation,

Thx for RUINning WvW on our server
Normally we had some decent action at night, but now it looks like everyone just gave up and even at daytime we have a lot less people.

You just RUINed all our fun.
Hope we get a decent match up tomorow and that we never see you guys again.
Also hope our people start playing again and not just rage quit the server.

Greetz from a proud Far Shiverpeaks player!

Don’t put the blame on all of Desolation’s WvW players. I (and many others) have had not a single influence on this outcome.

I am personally having double feelings about the nightcapping of RUIN. On one hand, Anet has stated it is allowed and is thus a viable means to improve your score. You have to adjust to the rules in order to win, which in this situation means 24/7 coverage.

However, when I see every point in our possession in the morning, I can’t feel but wonder about the weakness and consequences of the above. It just does not feel right.

That said, I immensely enjoy the EU primetime in which Desolation has been able to deal with FS as well. Don’t put the blame of the loss entirely on nightcapping, that’s just silly and a poor attempt at accepting the loss.

EDIT: And kudos to Kodash for zerging early this morning on the EB. There were barely any Desolation defenders, so +1 for showing the will to deal with your disadvantages in a smart way.

10/19 Desolation vs Far Shiverpeaks vs Kodash

in WvW

Posted by: Deep Star.6541

Deep Star.6541

Lol. Are you guys even listening what you’re saying?

“And kudos to Kodash for zerging early this morning on the EB. There were barely any Desolation defenders, so +1 for showing the will to deal with your disadvantages in a smart way.”

So to sum up WvWvW in GW2, the conclusion i get is:
Doing good/playing smart/be skilled is PvEing and PvDooring and not fighting any defenders nor meeting any resistance.

I believe with the actual score system this is the most effective way to “win”. True. But ask yourself…. is this the game you want to play? Is this the kind of “War” you want? Are you honestly telling me you queue up for WvWvW to not fight anybody, since its the most viable tactic?

Might even go back to Warhammer for open world pvp, since… you know… you actually get to fight people in there.

Riviére, Select Start, Cmnd Ctrl, Uninteresting Event @ Three Steps Ahead [Oz]

10/19 Desolation vs Far Shiverpeaks vs Kodash

in WvW

Posted by: jroekke.7210


2 more points in rating and you’re tier1 next week Deso.


10/19 Desolation vs Far Shiverpeaks vs Kodash

in WvW

Posted by: DavidMonthen.4398


2 more points in rating and you’re tier1 next week Deso.


it’s actually 3, if you look at the numbers to the right of the “,” but yeah, didn’t expect this to get THIS close…

its actually going to be exciting to see who we get, i don’t mind either tier, really.

Commander – Kaargoth Bloodsteel
Gunnars Hold – [RUN]

10/19 Desolation vs Far Shiverpeaks vs Kodash

in WvW

Posted by: Those Who Remain.1987

Those Who Remain.1987

Lol. Are you guys even listening what you’re saying?

“And kudos to Kodash for zerging early this morning on the EB. There were barely any Desolation defenders, so +1 for showing the will to deal with your disadvantages in a smart way.”

War is striking at the time your opponent is most vulnerable. War has no ‘I only attack you when you attack me’ rule.

So yes, Desolation had an advantage in the night and Kodash decided to take their advantage in the morning, whichs shows their willingness to continue to fight.

Also, FS already has a thread about recruiting US servers as well. If it was ‘morally wrong’ and ‘a kitteny move’ to do so by Desolation, wouldn’t FS hurt their ownj credibility by doing exactly the same after it was used against them?

The rules of the game has been set. Now it is up to the servers to be as effective as possible. If that means the help of foreign guilds, so be it.

(I actually hope each server has both a day and night shift or each server has neither of them. It might make it a bit more interesting. That said, the current situation is no disgrace to Desolation either, despite many making it seem to be)

I mostly play on the primetime evenings. While I thoroughly enjoy a good siege, I also enjoy going with a small group of people to capture supply camps when they are left vulnerable.

10/19 Desolation vs Far Shiverpeaks vs Kodash

in WvW

Posted by: Vukanigia.5496


I wish you good luck if you menage to reach division one (i think you will). Have a nice fights vs dbl French realms and i hope you will win, i really do!

Now, wish us the same as we have to rise up and face two really impressive opponents that can easy crush us apart if we don’t reorganize and get back on the track.

This was a hard week, you show us how powerful you become and that WvW is not like it use to be. Now its on us if we gonna learn something from this and become better or we gonna drop with morale and lose our realm.

Good luck IRON!

10/19 Desolation vs Far Shiverpeaks vs Kodash

in WvW

Posted by: Lizerunn.9072


Dear Ruin’s players !

Greetings from the Arborstone’s french speaking server.

We are honored that the overall mastery and excellence entity of the GW2’s WvWvW pay so much attention on our simple persons.
We acknowledge your wish to join us in tier 1 EU bracket and learn some basics WvWvW tactics and give you a warm welcome.

So you think you are well informed about our main structures. Actually It’s quite funny to read your so-called analysis about that specific point. You made us laugh, it’s priceless, tanks for that buddy.

Guess what, we have also some pieces of intelligence about you and we have been told that you are more like a bunch of “unbrained” zerglings that lie down quickly on the battlefield.

You pretend to bring The desolation on our servers ?
Come on and face humiliation, at least you’re well used to it yet.

Bring your frail and sweet kitten’s white a***s in.
We will spread your rotten corpses across the borderlands and your children will serve as meal for our war-hounds.

You have warriors ?

We are


(edited by Lizerunn.9072)

10/19 Desolation vs Far Shiverpeaks vs Kodash

in WvW

Posted by: Bahamzero.6783


I really hope Deso reaches T1 tonight, should be an epic week in the top tier

10/19 Desolation vs Far Shiverpeaks vs Kodash

in WvW

Posted by: Quentin Fields.1295

Quentin Fields.1295

@ Lizerunn.9072 ;

You just watched 300 Spartans didn’t you?

10/19 Desolation vs Far Shiverpeaks vs Kodash

in WvW

Posted by: DrunkenChip.8504


@Desolation and Bracket 1.

Good Luck to PvDoor again.

Vizu and Abor have a nightshift, but not in a big scale. I think Abor has up to 100 an Vizu 50 – 70

Greetings from Elona.

10/19 Desolation vs Far Shiverpeaks vs Kodash

in WvW

Posted by: Those Who Remain.1987

Those Who Remain.1987

Dear Ruin’s players !

Greetings from the Arborstone’s french speaking server.

We are honored that the overall mastery and excellence entity of the GW2’s WvWvW pay so much attention on our simple persons.
We acknowledge your wish to join us in tier 1 EU bracket and learn some basics WvWvW tactics and give you a warm welcome.

So you think you are well informed about our main structures. Actually It’s quite funny to read your so-called analysis about that specific point. You made us laugh, it’s priceless, tanks for that buddy.

Guess what, we have also some pieces of intelligence about you and we have been told that you are more like a bunch of “unbrained” zerglings that lie down quickly on the battlefield.

You pretend to bring The desolation on our servers ?
Come on and face humiliation, at least your well used to it yet.

Bring your frail and sweet kitten’s white kitten in.
We will spread your rotten corpses all around the borderlands and your children will serve as meal for our war-hounds.

You have warriors ?

We are


Well…you certainly know how to light the fire in the souls of others.

We’ll meet in war!

10/19 Desolation vs Far Shiverpeaks vs Kodash

in WvW

Posted by: Quentin Fields.1295

Quentin Fields.1295

Spartans, What is your Profession?



10/19 Desolation vs Far Shiverpeaks vs Kodash

in WvW

Posted by: Vukanigia.5496


Looks like we will have one of the best weeks in top 2 division. Can’t wait for battle to start!

10/19 Desolation vs Far Shiverpeaks vs Kodash

in WvW

Posted by: Sird.4536



We were looking for one or two guilds to compete with VS and the upcoming AS with the french canadian guild they have. Not looking for 5 or 6 to completely dominate them.

Plus I have seen Ruin in action and I am not that impressed,all they seem to have going for them is numbers. They drop really fast because alot of those numbers are sub 80s. Also I gave credit to the EU guilds for improving since last time, but it seems to me only IRON are any good. Whenever they are on a BL that we are trying to take back we have some really good fights. The other BL without them we start taking things back, noticed the same from kodash.

So maby T1 might be interesting. If the french can build a defence during the night they can repel the sub 80 from Ruin, and during the day compete on maps iRON are not on.

RP enthusiast

10/19 Desolation vs Far Shiverpeaks vs Kodash

in WvW

Posted by: SUNTO.2341


Hello Ruins,

You want to explode the French servers, but you have no idea what you’ll find.

I really wish you courage.

Good luck to all the other guilds of desolation, hope we will have good fight during our primetime

10/19 Desolation vs Far Shiverpeaks vs Kodash

in WvW

Posted by: Same.4687


I would really like to ask Far Shiverpeak players to stop posting insults towards Desolation and/or RUIN. Even though I have posted my opinion here myself I feel this isn’t going anywhere and by now we are just feeding (Desolation) trolls. Those same trolls are now actively trying to block our own recruiting efforts, even though that effort is to create SOME kind of opposition, which RUIN has been looking for..

We have to get over the fact that they think it’s normal that a 2000+ member US guild joined their server and that we should simply try and find our own 2000+ guild groups to counter that move.
I still think they (RUIN) moved here thinking they would find some kind of resistance in the night that was going to be close to or on par with their force but their info was wrong. There is no such thing, however they’re here and they most likely won’t leave untill they either find such opposition or they realize it’s extremely hard to gather 2000+ numbers for EU nighttime.

TL;DR it happened. We have to get over it wait for RUIN to get bored with beating opponents 10 to 1 or just get into T1 just to drop back to T2 asap. Still angry at them? Find them on the maps and do your kitten hardest to beat them. But just drop the namecalling and blaming because we are hurting our cause more than helping it.

10/19 Desolation vs Far Shiverpeaks vs Kodash

in WvW

Posted by: Offski.4897


Anyway back on topic. Thanks for the great fighting last night FS on your borderland. Nug were really impressive last night. Great 2/3 hour fight for garrison and the northern towers which you finally and deservedly took. We then tried everything to get the towers/garrison back and failed non stop.

In fact that was some of the best fighting I have had in wvw. Don’t think I have wiped so much in a long time.

Necromancer – Sanctum of Rall[IRON]

10/19 Desolation vs Far Shiverpeaks vs Kodash

in WvW

Posted by: SneakyErvin.3056


I keep seeing the same kitten comments from the Deso crowd.

1. Get 24/7 coverage.
2. Deso didnt have as good coverage as FS earlier.
3. Ruin wanted competition.
4. Weekend scores being even.
5. Morning capping is as bad as night capping.

So ok, to answer these claims/suggestions.

1. Why didnt you take your own advice back on the US servers in the first place?
2. You’re a EU server, try and attract EU guilds or get your people interested. Recruiting americans is a cheesy and easy solution.
3. Uhm lol. Competition would be staying in the US and trying to even out the servers.
4. Weekends doesnt matter, its not when scores get uneven, its during the week when the free capping is going on and europeans cant cover that time. Thats when you pull ahead easily.
5. No not nearly. Its just a very bad excuse. There is a very big difference between 2-3 hours and 7-9 hours.

The solution and change that Anet should take is the following. This wont impact any players time or peak hour, it wont give much benefits to neither nightcapping or morning capping.

-Scores should ONLY happen during weekends (friday 23.59 to sunday 23.59. Rest of the week should be centered around buffing up keeps, getting orbs and taking/holding for server buffs. The scores for the two weekends would then be added up to see who moves up/down.

This way every server will have a chance to advance if they have a weekend fighting crowd, the time of the week when everyone can stay up and play, no matter time differences. Servers wouldnt be able to pull ahead during weekdays if this was implemented, there would still be a reason to WvW.

Let Valkyries guide me to my destiny.

(edited by SneakyErvin.3056)

10/19 Desolation vs Far Shiverpeaks vs Kodash

in WvW

Posted by: Auzegeist.2836


Many many tiny tears here about this that and everything, my view on this weeks Wv3:
Kodash – Very weak Wv3 server god knows how they have been T2 for so long. Zerg mentality wont win wars. Any time it comes to a 1v1 with one of you guys I win (i play engi btw LOL) Very unskilled zerg mentality players. Have yet to see skilled players from your server.
Far Shiver – Where have you been? Your Wv3 numbers have been poor all week, not once have had a decent battle with any guilds or players from the server.

Before you say ‘whine whine whine blah blah’ about 24/7 coverage get with the programme, its going to happen, it is happening, you either evolve or fade away. Was really looking forward to the battles this week but been such a let down. Lets hope next week is much much better.

(edited by Auzegeist.2836)