10/19 Henge Of Denravi, Blackgate, Eredon Terrence

10/19 Henge Of Denravi, Blackgate, Eredon Terrence

in WvW

Posted by: kefro.9312


The new meaning of spawn camping…
By Blackgate server


10/19 Henge Of Denravi, Blackgate, Eredon Terrence

in WvW

Posted by: Sunt.6835


Lopez who u r in game
stop talking like u r the face of the server.

im here since day 1 and im happy with w/e we are now.
just get a life. do something else untill next week. go to get some fresh air.
feel free to transfer to somewhere though. it’s better than seeing whinners everyday


10/19 Henge Of Denravi, Blackgate, Eredon Terrence

in WvW

Posted by: kefro.9312


New update at score lol:


10/19 Henge Of Denravi, Blackgate, Eredon Terrence

in WvW

Posted by: Virchow.6043


Not a fun ride on HoD to the bottom.

Honestly, Kaening could spawn camp us at this point. Not sure if there’s even many remnants of the remnants left.

I can assure you taunts won’t ‘bring us out to fight,’ so might as well save them for ET.

Trust me, if there were a way to actually get to the very bottom where we belong at the moment, I’d take it in a heartbeat.

I just hope you can retain your population through a week of virtually no PvP, coupled with an ugly reality check next week regarding a population density and coverage you’re about to face, added to your bandwagon load. I honestly mean it when I say, “Good luck!”

10/19 Henge Of Denravi, Blackgate, Eredon Terrence

in WvW

Posted by: AnthonyZdravko.2051


This is why we shouldn’t let oceanic players play gw2 on NA servers, not only have they created night capping. but they are also the biggest bandwagons causing volatile upset in WvW balance.

10/19 Henge Of Denravi, Blackgate, Eredon Terrence

in WvW

Posted by: kefro.9312


I wonder who will be last, ET or HoD… that camp near spawn will be crucial to make the diference

10/19 Henge Of Denravi, Blackgate, Eredon Terrence

in WvW

Posted by: Raven Paradox.1860

Raven Paradox.1860

Lopez you need to leave the server. For those saying we have bandwagoners are a joke. Most of the Guilds have been in Blackgate the entire time. I’m in KnT, one of the major WvW guilds, and there’s only around 20 of us on mumble, and it’s always the same 20. There are then other guilds that we almost never hear from (or at least from what I know) in their own channels.

The fact of the matter is we work well together. If you think that’s a lame tactic…you’re insane. How is it a lame tactic to cordinate well together? We’re suppose to just zerg up and sit in front of gate for hours? Laughable. We started planning our tactics for the server switch nearly a week ago when we beat FA and TC in 12 hours and preparing for this matchup. Problem is, we got two servers that had the outmanned buff. It had nothing to do with Oceanic servers switching, Blackgate has always had a full queue when the servers switch. We’re a WvW server.

If you think we just steamroll everyone you’re wrong. Where were you when we faced Dragonbrand and had to have a day designated for WvW to beat them? Where were you the week after that in which we got double teamed by IoJ and SBI? Oh, you probably weren’t there because you’re likely a bandwagoner.

We’re likely a T1 server at this point, and in a week, we’ll be there competing with SBI and JQ. We never asked for help, people were interested in our server because we made noise for being high skilled players.

10/19 Henge Of Denravi, Blackgate, Eredon Terrence

in WvW

Posted by: Chrysalis.5983


It doesn’t matter what you asked for, what you’re getting is the dubious honor of being one of this month’s “Server of the Month”, with all the bandwagon transfers and WvWvW queues and riveting zerg vs door battles that comes with it until some major guilds leave because they’re burnt out or bored of playing zerg vs door and the bandwagon follows them and you’re left practically a ghost town.

Being able to just push a button and server transfer is absolutely not only killing WvWvW, but also making its ranking system irrelevant. At any moment a very significant chunk of a server’s population can spirit themselves away to a new server for whatever reason. As long as that is possible, WvWvW will never be anything more than a crapshoot. (You can’t get assured balance until populations stabilize, populations will never stabilize as long as the lemmings can follow the major guilds around)

10/19 Henge Of Denravi, Blackgate, Eredon Terrence

in WvW

Posted by: kefro.9312


Bandwagons dont go to tier 2, they stay at tier 1 in the nº1, this is not bandwagoners this is just pure wvwvw guilds

10/19 Henge Of Denravi, Blackgate, Eredon Terrence

in WvW

Posted by: Chrysalis.5983


Guess where you’re going to be very soon?

You probably won’t even need half of a guess to figure it out.

10/19 Henge Of Denravi, Blackgate, Eredon Terrence

in WvW

Posted by: kefro.9312


Nop… by the ranking system we will keep this tier next week even with a win and HoD will keep it to even if it finish 3rd, ET will also stay here if it finish 2nd, so next week will be the same

You can see next week by current score here

10/19 Henge Of Denravi, Blackgate, Eredon Terrence

in WvW

Posted by: AnthonyZdravko.2051


Lol Kefro, too bad bandwaggons do go to tier 2, as tons of hod players went to blackgate, wonder how they went from the best server to being stomped on beyond reason by your server?

10/19 Henge Of Denravi, Blackgate, Eredon Terrence

in WvW

Posted by: RouletteVice.2850


Blackgate is incredibly defensive, for reasons that elude me. At least that guy from LoTD was reasonable.

10/19 Henge Of Denravi, Blackgate, Eredon Terrence

in WvW

Posted by: kefro.9312


HoD guilds moved when HoD was winning and they moved because of the bandwagons on the server, they moved to blackgate when blackgate was on tier 3 losing, after that HoD started losing and only after that the bandwagon moved to JQ. Thats the true story the bandwagon gone to JQ the hardcore guilds moved to Blackgate.
It was a nice move

10/19 Henge Of Denravi, Blackgate, Eredon Terrence

in WvW

Posted by: RouletteVice.2850


But kefro, according to raven your meteoric rise has nothing to do with the hardcore wvwvw guilds of HoD that moved to your server. By his logic you are qq’ing(with joy?)

10/19 Henge Of Denravi, Blackgate, Eredon Terrence

in WvW

Posted by: Raven Paradox.1860

Raven Paradox.1860

We weren’t “losing” we were just getting nightcapped. Guilds found blackgate that can cap in the night. Simple as that.

10/19 Henge Of Denravi, Blackgate, Eredon Terrence

in WvW

Posted by: kefro.9312


Don’t care about emotions im almost a robot, im just explaining it to you. Btw JQ will be the next new empty HoD cause they started to lose and the bandwagon is already transfering to SBI (bad luck SBI will be the next victim of 4h queues), im glad we arent in tier1 yet…

10/19 Henge Of Denravi, Blackgate, Eredon Terrence

in WvW

Posted by: sceptus.9415


Raven you are seriously delusional. You think your server was this dominating without the server transfers? Quit making excuses! BG was a kitten good server before the transfers, and the transfers just made it a juggernaut. Don’t make excuses for it because you like to win. Read the post they just made – pretty soon they will even this system out and you won’t have to hear this anymore.

To the folks playing against BG this week – welcome to our world last week. I truly feel your pain. What makes it worse are the egotistical folks who post from BG all week. Most of them didn’t even start there like proud Raven did. Wait until they start complaining about being bored spawn camping and bragging that there are no queues and still pwning you. Yeah fun times. This week’s matchup is so much better for us. Seems like a real three way fight.

Hern | Sceptus | Vulkus | Colbane
[DIS] and [TTC]
Tarnished Coast

10/19 Henge Of Denravi, Blackgate, Eredon Terrence

in WvW

Posted by: FrozeNuggz.7219


Match is over in 30 min. Time to take my 2 week vacation on Tuesday.

Shaniquia Johnson – Frozenuggz [KnT] Blackgate

10/19 Henge Of Denravi, Blackgate, Eredon Terrence

in WvW

Posted by: FatHitman.5074


Wow such hate for BG

BlackGate [KnT] 80 Necro Skinny Demon

10/19 Henge Of Denravi, Blackgate, Eredon Terrence

in WvW

Posted by: Kyiv.9621


Wow such hate for BG

They have an influx of individuals that will give them a bad name. See above. Shame, seemed like the Blackgate community was decent and worked hard and now the bandwagon transfer train has ruined them. HoD v2.0

10/19 Henge Of Denravi, Blackgate, Eredon Terrence

in WvW

Posted by: sceptus.9415


Last week they told us they moved because they wanted more competition, or the people on BG asked them to, and finally they told us they were trying to balance the servers. All they did was totally break the tiers all by themselves.

Hern | Sceptus | Vulkus | Colbane
[DIS] and [TTC]
Tarnished Coast

10/19 Henge Of Denravi, Blackgate, Eredon Terrence

in WvW

Posted by: FatHitman.5074


Wow such hate for BG

They have an influx of individuals that will give them a bad name. See above. Shame, seemed like the Blackgate community was decent and worked hard and now the bandwagon transfer train has ruined them. HoD v2.0

As a day 1 member of BG, I can tell you that we are actually really good at WvW. I really don’t see our alliance losing people do to bandwagons. Really we will just wait it out and grind for better gear and just wait for a better match-up. Now the people who are joining the server just because we are good will eventually find another server to go to.

So in all our WvW alliance are very skilled and organized. That is the main reason we are winning all the time. So don’t hate on BG just because people decide to play follow the leader. That is just life.

BlackGate [KnT] 80 Necro Skinny Demon

10/19 Henge Of Denravi, Blackgate, Eredon Terrence

in WvW

Posted by: Ambrosiaa.6054


Wow such hate for BG

They have an influx of individuals that will give them a bad name. See above. Shame, seemed like the Blackgate community was decent and worked hard and now the bandwagon transfer train has ruined them. HoD v2.0

As a day 1 member of BG, I can tell you that we are actually really good at WvW. I really don’t see our alliance losing people do to bandwagons. Really we will just wait it out and grind for better gear and just wait for a better match-up. Now the people who are joining the server just because we are good will eventually find another server to go to.

So in all our WvW alliance are very skilled and organized. That is the main reason we are winning all the time. So don’t hate on BG just because people decide to play follow the leader. That is just life.

The main reason you STARTED winning all the time is because almost every single WvW guild from HoD and ET xfered to BG.

10/19 Henge Of Denravi, Blackgate, Eredon Terrence

in WvW

Posted by: Kyiv.9621


Wow such hate for BG

They have an influx of individuals that will give them a bad name. See above. Shame, seemed like the Blackgate community was decent and worked hard and now the bandwagon transfer train has ruined them. HoD v2.0

As a day 1 member of BG, I can tell you that we are actually really good at WvW. I really don’t see our alliance losing people do to bandwagons. Really we will just wait it out and grind for better gear and just wait for a better match-up. Now the people who are joining the server just because we are good will eventually find another server to go to.

So in all our WvW alliance are very skilled and organized. That is the main reason we are winning all the time. So don’t hate on BG just because people decide to play follow the leader. That is just life.

Problem is, all the people who just moved to BG recently don’t have that same sense of loyalty. Hence why they jumped ship from their old servers. Because of those people who jump ship, it messes up the rankings and when they leave, the server has weeks of getting smashed and the loyal community has to suffer with it.

10/19 Henge Of Denravi, Blackgate, Eredon Terrence

in WvW

Posted by: FatHitman.5074


Wow such hate for BG

They have an influx of individuals that will give them a bad name. See above. Shame, seemed like the Blackgate community was decent and worked hard and now the bandwagon transfer train has ruined them. HoD v2.0

As a day 1 member of BG, I can tell you that we are actually really good at WvW. I really don’t see our alliance losing people do to bandwagons. Really we will just wait it out and grind for better gear and just wait for a better match-up. Now the people who are joining the server just because we are good will eventually find another server to go to.

So in all our WvW alliance are very skilled and organized. That is the main reason we are winning all the time. So don’t hate on BG just because people decide to play follow the leader. That is just life.

The main reason you STARTED winning all the time is because almost every single WvW guild from HoD and ET xfered to BG.

So you are telling me that since day 1? So they transferred on day 1? Seems off to me. We have been winning or coming in close second since day one.

BlackGate [KnT] 80 Necro Skinny Demon

10/19 Henge Of Denravi, Blackgate, Eredon Terrence

in WvW

Posted by: Faul.8109


Wow such hate for BG

They have an influx of individuals that will give them a bad name. See above. Shame, seemed like the Blackgate community was decent and worked hard and now the bandwagon transfer train has ruined them. HoD v2.0

As a day 1 member of BG, I can tell you that we are actually really good at WvW. I really don’t see our alliance losing people do to bandwagons. Really we will just wait it out and grind for better gear and just wait for a better match-up. Now the people who are joining the server just because we are good will eventually find another server to go to.

So in all our WvW alliance are very skilled and organized. That is the main reason we are winning all the time. So don’t hate on BG just because people decide to play follow the leader. That is just life.

The main reason you STARTED winning all the time is because almost every single WvW guild from HoD and ET xfered to BG.

So you are telling me that since day 1? So they transferred on day 1? Seems off to me. We have been winning or coming in close second since day one.

Don’t worry, BG is only temporary. When it hits #1 another server with potential will be chosen to receive the transfers. Bringing servers up rank is a very good way to meet faces to roll.

10/19 Henge Of Denravi, Blackgate, Eredon Terrence

in WvW

Posted by: DemonCow.5328


These guilds just don’t want any competition. If they did, they wouldn’t all transfer to the same server. All they are doing now is griefing thousands of players by building up a server, then transferring down to a new one, ruining all of the matches in the top 3 tiers for weeks.

@Everyone on HoD and ET, I’m sure I can speak for just about everyone on TC and FA when I say welcome to our world for the last week. Hang in there, if you can get even (or close to even) numbers, Blackgate can be beaten back, just be careful of mesmer portals, Every time you cap/ are capping anything, especially supply camps. Oh, and good luck with all of the golems you’re gonna see.

[TI] Taking Initiative- Tarnished Coast
Guild Leader

10/19 Henge Of Denravi, Blackgate, Eredon Terrence

in WvW

Posted by: Chiggerbite.6572


HoD and ET,

You can choose to believe me or not (up to you), but there are folks on BG advocating for people to back off so this can at least be fun for everyone. Personally, I don’t want a repeat of last week. Hang in there guys and gals!

10/19 Henge Of Denravi, Blackgate, Eredon Terrence

in WvW

Posted by: FrozeNuggz.7219


Just a quick FYI. 30 min after the server reset on friday evening my server Blackgate held 99% of the map. All we had left was to take was Overlook Keep. All the chat in Blackgate Server Mumble and map chat was, oh my kittening god this sucks balls, not another week like last week. Now please understand, this chat was from the hardcore Blackgate WvW community that i have played with for months. We didn’t want to win, we didn’t want to lose, we didn’t want to grief anyone, we wanted competition.

The lack of competition last week, and it seems this week is not Blackgates fault, or FA or TC or HoD or ET, we didn’t pick you guys to fight any more then you picked us. We hardcore WvW’ers didn’t want to grief, spawn camp, zerg or demoralize a foe who never even showed up to the fight. This week, 10 min after the reset someone in the Blackgate Alliance mumble said this, “OMG one of those servers have the out manned buff”, and everyone in mumble groaned. How is a team not even showing up to the fight that Blackgate didn’t choose, suddenly Blackgates fault?

I will tell you who Blackgates hardcore WvW community chose to fight this week, TIER 1..!! We wanted competition, we wanted to fight.

Win or Lose, Love it or Hate it, We WvW’er want exactly the same thing that your server’s WvW’ers want, a competitive open world knock down drag out, no holds barred, bloody your knuckles call the ambulance cause one of us is going out on the stretcher fight.

Shaniquia Johnson – Frozenuggz [KnT] Blackgate

10/19 Henge Of Denravi, Blackgate, Eredon Terrence

in WvW

Posted by: WhiteCrow.8106


I think the problem is pretty clear, so let try to find solution.

For long term → If any guild in Black Gate decided to move to other server I recommended DO NOT move in to the same server. Spread out and have some fun even though you may lost. If you try to build a perfect team, then there is no one left to fight you. ><

For this match up. Maybe Black gate should leave a map alone. Just take all borderland maybe and leave EB so that HoD and ET can fight each other and have fun. Don’t let your mistake in group up/transfer destroy other people gaming experience.

Hope this get better soon ^^

10/19 Henge Of Denravi, Blackgate, Eredon Terrence

in WvW

Posted by: Diashame.6328


Matches should be seperated into two completley different ranking systems:
3 day (weekend) Normal Friday reset for 72 hours
4 day (weekday) Monday reset until Friday reset

Two completely independant ranking and matchups.

Dia – [RET]
Fort Aspenwood – the PvP server

10/19 Henge Of Denravi, Blackgate, Eredon Terrence

in WvW

Posted by: Willywho.9460


I truly wish Blackgate members would stop coming into these fourms and making our server look bad. I hope the many of people from different servers can look beyond them people and not judge us by that crap. Iv been on this server since day one, am now an officer of KnT, they are a great group of people and have made a lot of friends in the time l have have spent here.
I know KnT was very saddened by the way last week and the start of this week has turned out. I look up at the tier 1 scores and think to myself that’s what I want, that’s what KnT wants. A hardcore battle that only a couple hundred points separate first from third. That is why we play WvW, for times like that! We were in mumble working with other guilds on strategies an hour before reset, talking about it all week, farming siege all week for today. We were truly hoping for a battle this week! No one enjoys what’s happening right now, but I do wish the best of luck to ET, HoD, FA, and TC in the future and hope you guys can get some guilds to transfer over and get you rolling so hopefully we can redo these matchs in the future and have some fun times.
I want more fighting in game and less on these dang fourms!

- (KnT) I Decoy I

I Decoy I
Blackgate Original

(edited by Willywho.9460)

10/19 Henge Of Denravi, Blackgate, Eredon Terrence

in WvW

Posted by: Psy.6153


For those saying we have bandwagoners are a joke. Most of the Guilds have been in Blackgate the entire time. I’m in KnT, one of the major WvW guilds, and there’s only around 20 of us on mumble, and it’s always the same 20.

Wow you are so deluded seriously. Blackgate are going from tier 4/3 playing the likes of Dragonbrand and GoM to Tier 1 next week, and you think thats all down to the hard work you and your puggers are putting in?

Get real. You have had a mass transfer to Blackgate not only the Titan Alliance guilds who took Henge to #1, but also the likes of [Thai] from Eredon terrace.

Its a joke that they would all bandwagon together like that to make another Henge server, where is the fun in that? Have fun with your 6 hour queues next week when everyone jumps ship and you dominate Tier 1.

Just HoD with a new name

Portal Bomber of
Sea of Sorrows NA

10/19 Henge Of Denravi, Blackgate, Eredon Terrence

in WvW

Posted by: Willywho.9460


Stop… Being… So…. Mad… What is with you people. Can’t you just enjoy the game without turning it into a circus show? Feel like I’m reading a script for a new drama reality show.

- (KnT) I Decoy I

I Decoy I
Blackgate Original

10/19 Henge Of Denravi, Blackgate, Eredon Terrence

in WvW

Posted by: Ratto.1572


so.. Eredon “broke” one more WvW with transfer?

Human – Thief | Norn – Warrior | Asura – Elementalist

10/19 Henge Of Denravi, Blackgate, Eredon Terrence

in WvW

Posted by: Dznootz.4958


None of the real WvW’ers from blackgate wanted this cmon man… You think we want to overtake the map and have nothing to do? To try and bash the server as a whole is really stretching it. You might want to check the wvw history…. The xfers have really only affected the last 2.
These are the same people that joined a Frat because, they couldn’t make real friends or get laid on their own. The same type of person that buys a modded controller for Modern warfare so they get no recoil on every weapon. Don’t worry they will be gone soon enough. Utterly pathetic IMO.

10/19 Henge Of Denravi, Blackgate, Eredon Terrence

in WvW

Posted by: Daximus.8547


Why are people crying so much? All servers play by the same rules….all have the same zone caps on players. If all the players that are on losing servers stopped crying and decided to join forces on the same server of their choice against the guilds/servers they are complaining against then we would actually have a good wvw environment. But I guess it is easier to cry on forums instead of plan/coordinate/fight.

So SBI and BG have lots of guilds or “bandwagoners”…get your own group together from the other 20+ servers, join forces and make a game of it!

10/19 Henge Of Denravi, Blackgate, Eredon Terrence

in WvW

Posted by: Blix.8021


Don’t lock the thread, Anet needs to be constantly reminded how terrible the system they have made is, this matchup being the most clear example of why.

10/19 Henge Of Denravi, Blackgate, Eredon Terrence

in WvW

Posted by: Eurosdown.6072


Yikes, I feel bad for tier 2 servers right now, nobody enjoys a one-sided fight. Tiers 1 and 3 are both pretty interesting this week at least!

10/19 Henge Of Denravi, Blackgate, Eredon Terrence

in WvW

Posted by: Rhotsbin.8579


Just want to throw out that Blackgate has had a great community, wvw and otherwise, since day 1. Regardless of this week’s wvw nonsense, I don’t doubt it’ll remain that way. The bandwagoners will move on, or not, and the awesome people here will remain. As it’s been pointed out, open server transfers are not only making any matchmaking pointless, but also all this matchmaking data Anet claims to want before implementing 2 week battles is meaningless. Server transfers should have ended weeks ago.

Ascending gear. Descending game.

10/19 Henge Of Denravi, Blackgate, Eredon Terrence

in WvW

Posted by: Blix.8021


Yikes, I feel bad for tier 2 servers right now, nobody enjoys a one-sided fight. Tiers 1 and 3 are both pretty interesting this week at least!

The problem is, ET and HoD are completely dead in terms of WvW. So they are going to ruin matchups as they fall down the ranks for weeks and weeks. In 2 weeks, when ET and HoD are in tier 3, there will be another matchup that looks exactly like this. And, hypothetically, if JQ or SBI or whatever implodes like ET/HoD did, the cycle will just repeat itself.

10/19 Henge Of Denravi, Blackgate, Eredon Terrence

in WvW

Posted by: Predat.8165


I had more fun losing to SBI than im having now. At least we had something to fight for.

10/19 Henge Of Denravi, Blackgate, Eredon Terrence

in WvW

Posted by: Kralous.7563


This result isn’t because of Anet’s system, it’s because of people wanting to have the most fun possible with their game time. A couple of weeks ago, when HoD died, a whole lot of people decided to choose another server to get their jollies from. And this caused a bit of a cascading effect with other server not happy with their current situation. Alot of those people saw Blackgate as having potential. Deal with it. Others went to IoJ, hell some even went to EU servers.

This matchup is a result of almost an entire server to transfer out. This same suitiation has caused what is so far the closest T1 matchup to date.

If free transfers were not up, WvW would be even more desolate that it is because rather than having a way to change their situation, people would just stop playing.

10/19 Henge Of Denravi, Blackgate, Eredon Terrence

in WvW

Posted by: Blix.8021


Yeah, it isn’t a result of Anet allowing free transfers, it’s a result of players using free transfers! Brilliant logic.

10/19 Henge Of Denravi, Blackgate, Eredon Terrence

in WvW

Posted by: Kralous.7563


Way to look completely past the point to continue trolling.

10/19 Henge Of Denravi, Blackgate, Eredon Terrence

in WvW

Posted by: Blix.8021


What point? That you don’t mind having a bunch of well-organized guilds mass transfer to your sever and give you easy wins? And what happens next week when someone falls out of tier 1 and then THEY have to “fight” ET/HoD? Another week of no WvW for everyone involved. I’m not trolling, I’m just thoroughly disappointed by how things have turned out for this game.

Enjoy your queues and bandwagoners. We all know how that turns out (ask some of the former HoD guilds on your realm if you don’t).

10/19 Henge Of Denravi, Blackgate, Eredon Terrence

in WvW

Posted by: Moderator.6837



As this thread is starting to be inflammatory, it is now locked. Please refrain from such behaviour in the future.

Thank you.