10/26 - Arborstone vs Vizunah Square vs Desolation
Much better thread than the other one. Good luck to all indeed.
For Desolation!
Leina Shade | Svea Lightbringer | Maximus Ironhide | Mara Deathblossom
It is two french servers against desolation? daaamn haha
Have a good game :p
Let’s start from the beginning:
It was Saturday morning – the most important time of the war. Immediately after the reset IRON swarmed into Arborstone BL split into two teams – one to the east, aiming at AR territory and another one (smaller) towards the VS part of the map.
Taking the eastern keep and supply camp by the main force went smoothly as opposed to the heavy opposition, met by the smaller team ultimately resulting in a wipe. The main force proceeded to obtain the Orb, oblivious to the AR forces present in the area…
With the precious sphere in our possession we happily started heading back to the eastern keep. At this time hell unleashed upon us – a massive AR force struck from the general direction of their spawn at our main group like a storm. The heavy combat lasted through the whole journey and even though the Orb carrier finally managed to get into our keep, it became evident that AR forces in the area can match IRON’s combined power on the map. At the very same time VS forces stormed at the tower at our spawn and took it in spite of the best efforts of our second team. The supply camp next to it went down shortly after.
In what seemed to be mere seconds, our presence on the map was reduced to a single un-upgraded keep with the Orb inside and no supply. To top it off a glimpse of the score board showed that each server possessed an Orb of their own…
In no time we found ourselves alternating between retaking our supply camp (only to be taken by VS forces again and again as soon as we leave) and defending the Orb from the relentless AR attacks which quickly reached the inner keep. With the keep having holes from both sides we could not spare enough forces to retake the tower at our spawn where VS were already starting to dig in. Our second team could barely prevent us from being spawn camped by VS, let alone taking an objective on its own. The situation seemed dire…
Our doom was approaching as each AR attack reached further and further into the keep. No one could help us with this mess we found ourselves into… but the Internet God :-P The servers crashed.
Some minutes later the login race began. It was a very close call but we managed to retake our spawn tower without losing our keep/Orb (in no small part due to AR forces being significantly reduced after the crash).
Unwilling to waste the unexpected gift of fate IRON spent the next few hours fortifying and defending both positions without any significant effort put into taking other strategic objectives.
Stay tuned for the next part where you are going to see how the Internet God turned on us Sunday evening…
P.S. It’s late and I don’t even have the energy to read what I just spawned so I apologize for any potential nonsense and grammar errors – I just wanted to contribute (hopefully) to this thread before it gets flooded by trolls and closed/deleted.
EDIT: Ok, I did read it again (fortunately)
The Iron Triangle
Fate Challenger – Human Warrior 80
(edited by Soultaken.6873)
4th times the charm.
French have quality guilds that really put the hurt on in WvW. WL last night was tough to fight off a half upgraded Stonemist, but thanks to the quick response from all of EB deso, we held by our fingernails and pushed them back eventually taking Valley keep and nuetralizing all the tier 3 upgrades on it.
This wont end well guys !
Let’s kill each other calmly and constructivly instead.