10/26: Devona/Ferg/Kain (again :))

10/26: Devona/Ferg/Kain (again :))

in WvW

Posted by: thenoobler.7540


meh, i get it, when you lose a arguement, attack the spelling.

Yes see you out in the field.

Maybe in time you will learn how the game works better and stop all this childishness.

Xiir – lvl80 Guardian – Dragonbrand Server
Guild Leader – Warsworn [WAR] – www.warsworngaming.com

10/26: Devona/Ferg/Kain (again :))

in WvW

Posted by: Sirenic.4275


Good fights on the garrison Kain, close fight, lord room but we pushed you out so far. I left after we pushed you out though because I had to pick up my girl lol.

Draygo, he went to kains.. I was okay with it, he left guild. He requested to come back and I agreed he could re-join.

It was a mutual agreement and I was fine with him moving to kains.. I wasn’t aware at the time they they all had a personal grudge against PRO.

-Phizyn [80 Sylvari Guardian]
Leader of Protocol [PRO]

(edited by Sirenic.4275)

10/26: Devona/Ferg/Kain (again :))

in WvW

Posted by: Mythdren.2475


“In the future if you see someone using questionable methods in WvW don’t call out their server unless you have their description and guild tags. These bad apples don’t reflect on all members of the server and the only point to calling them out is to let the server members attempt to handle it. Too much animosity brewing in these matchups, our competitiveness has gotten the better of us. Regardless of what happens with the score, still be respectful of your other servers. We’re a classy group here in the low tier, lets keep it that way.”

Oh the Tags are easy to figure out, it’s the guild [Pro]. Great when it comes to 20 min attacks on empty towers, and killing NPC’s, but in pvp heck 5 players can smash their entire group easy, so crap for actual pvp. Now [Red] on the other hand for DR is just awesome, they know how to get stuff done.

“Honor, Respect, Loyalty, Patience” These virtues are the very foundation of Mythdren.

10/26: Devona/Ferg/Kain (again :))

in WvW

Posted by: Kodiack.2783


Hey guys. I put up a thread bout us down here in Tier 7 and 8. Please take the time to read and comment.




10/26: Devona/Ferg/Kain (again :))

in WvW

Posted by: Jhor.4350



I’ll let Dred defend himself as he left the guild when he went to kains, he wanted a oceanic coverage. He then came back the next day and said Kain was nothing but rude, so I let him back into the guild… and then he transferred.

Well, the thing is, I was standing directly in front of the guy looking at his PRO tag on Kain. While he was trash talking the server, etc. I didn’t argue with him like some other guys, because…well…if this game is important enough for somebody to switch servers and nerdrage at the opponents, they need more help than I can provide.

Key point is he was in PRO, on Kain.

If he was spying, he’s not exactly a super-sleuth, since he was spamming map chat with flames. Besides, on a blue map, red attacks blue keeps, etc. It’s not so hard to find an enemy zerg on these tiny maps that you need an undercover op to locate them.

Kaineng (NoQQ)

10/26: Devona/Ferg/Kain (again :))

in WvW

Posted by: Siege.4280


Been a great fight so far


Lead Officer Pieg [RED]
Commander Pieg [RED]
Loyal Devona’s Rest Member

10/26: Devona/Ferg/Kain (again :))

in WvW

Posted by: Sirenic.4275


Just wanted to say a formal apology on my accusations of ‘hacking’ a orb recently on the WAR guild of kainengs server

I just tried what you did, and we saw no white swords.

I wasn’t aware that was possible, I guess you learn something new everyday. But yeah.. Apologies from ALL of PRO who accused you, it was wrong of us to do so with such accusations without trying it out ourselves.

-Phizyn [80 Sylvari Guardian]
Leader of Protocol [PRO]

(edited by Sirenic.4275)

10/26: Devona/Ferg/Kain (again :))

in WvW

Posted by: Draygo.9473


Yeah, few weeks ago i discovered that little fun trick.

You see back when we were WAY outnumbered i was finding ways to ninja keeps and found that one out, shared it with a bunch of guys in NUKE (who are now in WAR and iSPY some are still NUKE)

If they didnt hear it from me they probably figured it out along the way.

Apathy Inc [Ai]

10/26: Devona/Ferg/Kain (again :))

in WvW

Posted by: Draygo.9473


Also considering how often veteran orb guards flag keeps (ugh) there is nothing better than a pair of eyes watching an important objective.

Apathy Inc [Ai]

10/26: Devona/Ferg/Kain (again :))

in WvW

Posted by: Asquared.4091


Hey guys. I put up a thread bout us down here in Tier 7 and 8. Please take the time to read and comment.



Thanks for the mention, Kodiack. I’ll be sure to drop a comment. Though I’m sure if you have read through all this you have noticed we’re not at our best this week in the bottom tier.


10/26: Devona/Ferg/Kain (again :))

in WvW

Posted by: Kitrick.1967


“but in pvp heck 5 players can smash their entire group easy, so crap for actual pvp. "

I lol’ed, never seen this happen. Also, basing this statement on fights that might have happened, oh I don’t know, in a keep with people hitting us with all kinds of seige and AOEs etc, not really anything spectacular or skillful. It’s game mechanics. I regularly take on 3 or more by myself, so sweeping generalizations might not be the best idea, buddy.

10/26: Devona/Ferg/Kain (again :))

in WvW

Posted by: arKRazor.8654


Perhaps less QQ and more discussion of the match would be in order.

Halfpint Sapper – Poorly-traited Asuran Engineer/CatHound/Part-time Warbanner

Devona’s Rest [OHai][GloB]

10/26: Devona/Ferg/Kain (again :))

in WvW

Posted by: Zeel.3250


I’ve spoken to Drednyte personally; he’s an amiable and friendly guy and I honestly don’t see why everyone was bashing him. KAIN and PRO have had many fights against one another and I can say it’s all been very fair. We smash them, they smash us. Numbers, coordination, etc. I wasn’t around when he transferred over, but from what I can see, it didn’t go over very well. He had no intentions to spy, I can assure you of that.
Also, “butthurt”? I think we’re finally on equal fighting grounds, and most battles between our guilds are fierce and tons of fun. Don’t draw assumptions!
As someone once said, wvwvw is like the tide; it comes and it goes. Cut the forum angst and I’ll see you all on the battlefield, eh?

Dyneis, [80 Human Elementalist]
Leader of KAIN, Kings of Kaineng

10/26: Devona/Ferg/Kain (again :))

in WvW

Posted by: Sajec.5302


@ Kaineng folks:
First of all, ask anyone who knows me on DR…I’d said i was transfering off of DR and most likely to Kaineng last week Sun night and Monday. I stated i was transfering because I wanted on a server that had a decent crew 24/7 not just a one shift push then lose everything on nights, as DR has for the most part. I transfered to Kaineng, and didnt joing a guild there, ask to be guilded or anything. I didnt flag up commander icon and start barking orders. I gave some sound advice and updates when i saw it was needed.

– Get your facts straight before you make comments in forums please. Never once said nor had I been on Kain for a week…lol

@those comments on “spying”
- So i transfer in, im running through the garrison when i see the npcs break the orb, i run pick it up and message it on mapchat. Tell folks I have it when they started panicing thinking DR had got it. Then someone mapchatted DR was inside watergate. I tried to run to higher ground as was only 3-4 of us in the garrison and i figured higher ground was safer than open ground outside the garrison and hoping reinforcements would arrive. Mistake i made here was getting too close to an outter wall and got pulled down when i stopped to mapchat. Remember now, all this im relating in mapchat. I got back inside the garrison before it fell and hid (im a mez btw). Told mapchat i was inside and not found. Kain zerg reformed, i ported zerg back INTO the garrison but DR wiped them before they could get the paper inner gate down. Again, all this was in mapchat. Now Im not sure how smart some folks are, or not in this case. but why would anyone have no problem stating they left DR and was prior PRO just to “hack the orb”, give it to DR, then port entire Kain zerg BACK INTO the garrison as soon as DR left the garrison empty??? I’ll not laugh at those who obviously rode the short bus to school.

- Notice how i didnt mention anything in the forums? I had no intentions of making any comments but you felt the need to bring it up so lets talk. Bay was held by DR, Im at the citidel and watch Shananigans run from the citidel to the north outer gate of DR, through the gate to the north inner gate, through that gate, to the champs room. He ran from the citidel to the Bay orb in about 25-30s tops. Orb was moving then stopped moving, then bout 10s later the Bay was ours. And as i finally arrive at the Bay i dont see this “zerg” of which some folks were stating in mapchat when i questioned it, but i did see a team building a ram on the OUTSIDE of the inner gate, AFTER the Bay already belonged to Kaineng. Now could be those were just a bit slow at how the game works….dunno. All I did was whisper Shani that if he was going to do things some might find questionable, he should turn his commander icon off so it’s not so obvious on the map.

Now as to why i went back to DR: quite frankly, Kaineng players were rude and quick to accuse and make all kinds of excuses for their failures. Not all mind you, someone named “Sir something” (sorry cant remember) i was hangin out with for quite a while ganking DR folks (yes PRO we were owning u! lol)…you rock man! was awesome fun with u! It only got worse when WAR got online, think might have seen 10-15 DR at the “largest DR” point once WAR was online, but WAR kept running taking points with no defenses and acting like they were “owning DR”, as someone put it. NPC fighting rocks eh?

You make me laugh bro! Stand behind the fighting taking pics…too bad theres not photo journalist class in the game!


Dredstorm One Eye
Daemon’s Gate [HELL]
Fort Aspenwood

(edited by Sajec.5302)

10/26: Devona/Ferg/Kain (again :))

in WvW

Posted by: Sajec.5302



Well, i did and still do like the coverage Kaineng has across all the shifts and i wish you gluck in server progression. Lot of very good players there and i was impressed with some of the smaller guilds, based on # of tags i saw only, who were very organized and communicated very well to each other in mapchat. Sorry for the “larger” guilds you have that seem to fall short of what you smaller ones are accomplishing, but posting in forums on how “they” are doing it all. If you ever want to move, I’d welcome any of you to DR, and PRO if you want, as I very much enjoyed fighting alongside of u.

Lastly…Did KAIN/WAR have fun last night? Offshift is where Kaineng shines at the moment as there are less than 50-60 DR folks combined on the 4 maps at any given time. But even with those small numbers vs your obvious larger zerg….yes it was me in our borderlands leading the fights that walked u right back to your spawn. I still laugh when literally 1 minute there were 30ish or so of u in a tower, you wipe at a tower then there are NONE of you anywhere on the map. And yes, i led the DR team over to your borderlands and was ripping you apart there too. Would have taken the map but after the 2 times we took your orb just to have the lame npcs break the altar before we could place it, i called it a night and got some food and went to bed.

Well, had fun last night, plan on having more fun tonight.

Dredstorm One Eye
Daemon’s Gate [HELL]
Fort Aspenwood

10/26: Devona/Ferg/Kain (again :))

in WvW

Posted by: Sajec.5302



Next time please take screenshots.
– Yes i had a PRO tag while on Kaineng
– I was standing at the spawn point when you saw me
– I’d just gotten the invite back to PRO
– I never left spawn, i finished up the chat i was having with one of your awesome gamers…then logged off and transfered back

Please follow through with facts, not accusations, or maybe just ask. I’d have given you an honest answer and told you to have a good day. =)

Dredstorm One Eye
Daemon’s Gate [HELL]
Fort Aspenwood

10/26: Devona/Ferg/Kain (again :))

in WvW

Posted by: Sajec.5302


@Zeel.3250 (Dyneis)

TY for the support and although others may not believe me, I did transfer to Kaineng in hopes to join either KAIN, WAR, or SoS as they’re online when I am for the most part. I didnt transfer for nefarious reasons regardless of what others may think or want to think. Easier to blame than accept responsibilities when things go wrong. It’s all good though, hope to see you on the battlefield!

Dredstorm One Eye
Daemon’s Gate [HELL]
Fort Aspenwood

(edited by Sajec.5302)

10/26: Devona/Ferg/Kain (again :))

in WvW

Posted by: Bones.5762


First off i’m going to start of with it as I don’t like the leadership in PRO. First when you arrive in DR, many people thought it was ok, but some voiced out their opinions and you guys denied them their advice saying alot of nonsense, making them feel like you’re so much better. You’re arrival in DR was for the servers good i’ll give you that, but as for the community itself, I can’t personally say, i have heard from a good friend of mine on DR saying he personally does not like how your commanders act in Wv3. Reason i know him was i fought him in a 1v1 once during wv3, and i whispered him, saying congrats it was a hard fight, and we continued to 1v1 each other without finishing and only downing one another throughout the week. First week you guys arrive and win, calling out our whole ENTIRE server like is this it? First off most of our players were doing PVE that week. So this week we show up in force, coordinate and focus you guys down hard DURING primetime. Whats the response for this? OMG Kain wat happened how much xfers you guys get. like cmon man, give it a rest. @ Dred, i have utterly nothing to say to you except your statement is a load of bull. you are telling EVERYONE in this forum saying you wanted a 24/7 coverage. ROFLMAO, you CAME TO KAINEG. you guys have made yourself look bad, this is all from 2weeks worth of your forum trash talking. And knowing as you guys like to spam people mail with trash mail, im sure to receive alot of letters, please do, I sure miss those gold sellers that mail me all the time, cause they have been coming to me less, and would like some company in my mailbox.

Will you help me move?

10/26: Devona/Ferg/Kain (again :))

in WvW

Posted by: Sirenic.4275


Zeel.3250 – Appreciated.

Respect to your guild – [KAIN]

-Phizyn [80 Sylvari Guardian]
Leader of Protocol [PRO]

10/26: Devona/Ferg/Kain (again :))

in WvW

Posted by: Bones.5762


Lol @ sirenic
First you say you have lost all respect for the guild KAIN, and now you’re saying respect? I wish you wouldn’t keep changing your mind. First you call us out saying Hack, figure out the trick, didn’t realize sorry kaineg that you guys used superior tactics. Its funny how you guys are the first to throw the lie, and when you uncover the truth you try to make yourself not look bad. Still have zero respect for you leadership. MUCH respect to the guilds GASM, and RED though. I see them often doing alot of different things.

Will you help me move?

10/26: Devona/Ferg/Kain (again :))

in WvW

Posted by: thenoobler.7540


Thnxs for saying your part of it Drednyte.

Grantd it was mostly all lies.

Look forward to fighting more and more as the weeks go by.

Im sure the excuses and lies and rage will keep us entertained.

Xiir – lvl80 Guardian – Dragonbrand Server
Guild Leader – Warsworn [WAR] – www.warsworngaming.com

10/26: Devona/Ferg/Kain (again :))

in WvW

Posted by: Splintrr.7391


Nice assault on DB with the 3 cats on outer SE wall, 2 trebs inner wall, I thought we were kittened but we barely held in the lords room…I can only imagine the whole zerg did not cooperate, because I saw like 20 DR still at the trebs when you guys slowly got wiped in(next to) the lords room…it could have turned out a lot worse for us

We barely mustered a defense, we called all guild groups from 2 other borderlands to defend this, lol.

PS: I logged out already, and I’m sure the assault is regrouped and continued, so we may still lose

Feralblood(Guardian) Splintrr(Ranger)
Warsworn [WAR], Dragonbrand
Evermoor Alliance

(edited by Splintrr.7391)

10/26: Devona/Ferg/Kain (again :))

in WvW

Posted by: Sirenic.4275


Yeah that keep is gone Splintrr, PRO and RED working together for that keep.

Finally went down.

PRO mesmers did their job great at the beginning props to them, Managed to stay hidden and pop us up over the wall to actually start the invasion… We managed to get knocked out by some disorganization but managed to get back in because you guys forgot to repair the wall.

Pieg [RED] came in and helped us out. Both of us working together trebbing it down managed to get it finally..

Great fight, was so fun.


-Phizyn [80 Sylvari Guardian]
Leader of Protocol [PRO]

(edited by Sirenic.4275)

10/26: Devona/Ferg/Kain (again :))

in WvW

Posted by: Shananigans.8412


– Notice how i didnt mention anything in the forums? I had no intentions of making any comments but you felt the need to bring it up so lets talk. Bay was held by DR, Im at the citidel and watch Shananigans run from the citidel to the north outer gate of DR, through the gate to the north inner gate, through that gate, to the champs room. He ran from the citidel to the Bay orb in about 25-30s tops. Orb was moving then stopped moving, then bout 10s later the Bay was ours. And as i finally arrive at the Bay i dont see this “zerg” of which some folks were stating in mapchat when i questioned it, but i did see a team building a ram on the OUTSIDE of the inner gate, AFTER the Bay already belonged to Kaineng. Now could be those were just a bit slow at how the game works….dunno. All I did was whisper Shani that if he was going to do things some might find questionable, he should turn his commander icon off so it’s not so obvious on the map.

LOL, i ran my group to bluelake to cap the towers and supply camps infront of your spawn to distract DR then ran the group across the lake and to DB, which we had already burned both the inner and outer gates. So yes while i did go through the gates fast (they were both open) i didn’t come from citadel, and when I did the exact same thing today on Ferg’s Map, white swords were showing up on the keep, so your point is still invalid, which your guild leader had already stated. So thank you for congradulating me on my superior strategy in which i took a keep without any Devonas or even our own server knowing, pretty sneaky.. after all i am a thief. Oh and you generally kill the orb statue thing before you kill the lord.. just fyi.

And also 10-15DR, thats crap.

Looking forward to fighting the rest of DR, props to ya’ll on stepping it up <RED> <WvW> <GASM>

Shananigans- Team Absolute Legends

10/26: Devona/Ferg/Kain (again :))

in WvW

Posted by: arKRazor.8654


Ferguson’s crossing blitzed Stonemist just now. Devona’s had been committed to the north gate for hours against Kaineng. We held against sustained treb fire and had to defend several breaches to inner. I was there for at least 7 golem kills. Their assault was tireless, pressing us whenever we though we could commit manpower elsewhere.

We had just gotten enough breathing room to really work on repairing our northern defenses, even posturing around the kaineng keep, when we heard that our southwest gate was under attack. Got back just in time to see no fewer than eleven FC golems marching through our gates.

Amusingly enough my short little asura was low profile enough to march with the FC rank and file, I actually managed to shoulder past each golem on the way to the lord’s room. I chipped at them as much as I could and took a few attackers alongside my fellow defenders before heading to the top floor after the capture.

I was surveying the celebrating FC when a particularly diligent round up group noticed me and chased me around the roof for a couple minute before I decided to splat myself.

Props to FC for reading the situation and striking with an overwhelming commitment.

I hope our match continues to give us fun fights and surprises.

Halfpint Sapper – Poorly-traited Asuran Engineer/CatHound/Part-time Warbanner

Devona’s Rest [OHai][GloB]

10/26: Devona/Ferg/Kain (again :))

in WvW

Posted by: Jhor.4350



Not sure what you want SS’s of. I was just responding to Sirenic that you were repping PRO while arguing in map chat on Kain. And that you probably weren’t spying, since spying while flying enemy tags, while arguing with everyone in map would be…stupid. Which you seem to agree with in your post.

As I already said earlier in the thread, I’m glad PRO came down to this bracket. The pop balance seems fairly good now. It’ll never be perfect. And all these posts keep me entertained at work.

Side note: Of all the bigger DR guilds mentioned here, the one I find hardest to blindside hit and throw into confused panic is RED. But I never see them post.

Kaineng (NoQQ)

10/26: Devona/Ferg/Kain (again :))

in WvW

Posted by: Siege.4280



I’m the WvW Officer and Commander Pieg[RED]

We try adn stay out of the drama. We enjoy WvW and are willing to paly with mostly everyone on the server. We are from DR and just want to have fun while we play.

Lead Officer Pieg [RED]
Commander Pieg [RED]
Loyal Devona’s Rest Member

10/26: Devona/Ferg/Kain (again :))

in WvW

Posted by: ZXfrigginC.2357


On the Drednyte topic:

There is certainly a rivalry between KAIN and PRO. As a respected advisor of KAIN, when they talked about members of PRO coming into the guild, I was quite vocal that no former members of PRO would join.

The drama we see right here is an excellent example of why I remain adamant about this. If we were having this drama happen with former PRO members in our guild, it would present a conflict of interest between membership in KAIN and loyalty to PRO, both with former PRO members and respected KAIN members. When things get emotional, it would be too easy to put the finger at alleged spies.

The rule I’m putting out there is simply: “The flag you fly during a rivalry cannot be thrown away.”

And now, as a respected member of KAIN, here is my comment to Drednyte: “You are being such a jerk! Run back to your server and stay there!”

10/26: Devona/Ferg/Kain (again :))

in WvW

Posted by: Darwinism.8619


Shanaigans… i am a [PRO] member. i agree [GASM] [WvW]and [Red] should have their praise’s sung about. And i understand your thinking about [PRO] given the misunderstandings, accuations, and heated exchanges that have occured. But the guild is full of many great ppl. And given the chance to know us, im sure you would not condem us all.

i can tell you for a fact, i would not follow someone that i felt was Cheating/Hacking ect… i can tell you from my experience, that Phizyn has been a Good leader… that trys to keep everyone inline. As for Dred leaving the DR server to head for Kain’s.. i can tell you that most of us in TS were angry that he left and went there of all places… while we were in the middle of a WWW.. i can tell Shanagians, that i told anyone that Killed him and sent a Screen Shot to me.. id mail them a Bounty for Killing Dred.. I can tell you that many ppl sought out Dred just to Kill him for Transfering… i can tell you that if i were Phizyn… i would not have been so quick to forgive Dred and let him return.. but to me this is an example of Phizyn’s leadership skills that he forgave Dred…

Phizyn cant control every random Donkey and what they post in Fourm… as i am an example… and again.. a Commander Icon can be any fool w/ 100gold… We at [PRO] follow Phizyn because he has demonstrated he is a good leader.. he was Man enough to apologize when he realized he was wrong for accusing your team of Hacking… credit him for that… Credit him for being a worthy opponent.. he has earned that… as have many [PRO] members… just my 2 cents

Darwin Ism

Darwin Ism(HumanThief) Thin The Herd(HumanMezmer) Abuzz Kill(AsuranD/D Ele)
[PRO] World Defender

10/26: Devona/Ferg/Kain (again :))

in WvW

Posted by: Bones.5762


Though this post might anger somebody from my guild,(maybe, or maybe not). Respect well earned and well said Darwinism. I as a member of WAR was deeply offended when accusation was thrown at my commanders who i would follow in the line of fire and die for, and I do acknowledge that Sirenic did apologize. Like you said, if our commanders weren’t worthy of leading we wouldn’t be following them, so i hope for future understanding and problems not be handled with accusations of hacking. I hope things settle down and we can just get back to the good fight, I don’t honestly care if we lose or win, i won’t gloat about our victory or loss, as i only care about good fights. Hope to see you guys soon

Also its quite sad i haven’t been able to get online to play, since i’m getting more and more busy, i only come to check forums posts about things, and quite glad i took a breather to read your post, I hope for the future to have less tension between servers. GL to all servers and have fun.

Will you help me move?

10/26: Devona/Ferg/Kain (again :))

in WvW

Posted by: Bones.5762


See darwinism? the leadership of your commanders are poor in how they behave in forums, they purposely try to offend. sigh wish you could lead them by your example, as I know not all players in your guild are like that, majority of them are great players no doubt, but from leadership perspective, i have yet to see someone who is humble.

I’m tired of all arguing about this, so i’ll leave it at that, but I hope you see what i mean.

Will you help me move?

10/26: Devona/Ferg/Kain (again :))

in WvW

Posted by: Sirenic.4275


Blaster is just a troll ignore him lol.

Blaster play nice…

I only try to defend myself and my guild. I try hard to not get bad rep, the last thing I want is bad rep. :/

For myself and the guild.

It’s sad knowing yall don’t know what goes on when I lead or what I do in teamspeak. I know I sound like a kitten on forums but in game I’m just… Me. Phizyn.

Anyways enough with the fighting between WAR and PRO please. I got a few whispers today from a few members just saying “noob”

Like seriously.. C’mon.

Anyways as bones said ill leave it at that. Ill cya all in the battlefield.

Phizyn out

-Phizyn [80 Sylvari Guardian]
Leader of Protocol [PRO]

10/26: Devona/Ferg/Kain (again :))

in WvW

Posted by: Sajec.5302



If i misunderstood your post…apologies. TY for the update to clarify tho. =)

@Darwinism.8619 and other PRO members
My decision to transfer to Kaineng was based on research i’d done previously and my game times. Even Phizyn can tell you, when PRO moved to DR i voiced my opinion that we should jump to Kaineng. (Note: next comments based on MY time zones) I knew Kaineng had a decent day team that could at the least hold its own or make every loss be a struggle to take. I knew their afternoon and late night shifts, which I normally play, were well rounded and full of some great WvWrs. DR, at the time of my research, was decent on the day shift, but very weak on the other shifts. I’d wanted to game on a lower tier that had at least decent coverage round the clock to allow for some fun WvW for me, not just run around fighting NPCs late night and claiming “we pwned!” when there’s almost nobody around to fight. My decision had nothing to do with PRO, DR’s gamers themselves, the guilds there, Kaineng’s guilds, etc…it was purely what I myself was looking at wanting to do for a game I paid for. All this was explained to PRO’s leadership the week prior, which i did promise I’d stay til reset that week.

And for the bounties! Well u fkr! lol…i do recall a sea of DR red chasing me a few times…sad it takes a zerg of 25+ to kill one mez. (that a compliment on abilities?)

And for those PRO who were left behind and had to struggle through the map by themselves to get to the zerg…yes, i purposely hunted you, i found u, i owned u. Sometimes in 2s-3s lol.

Dredstorm One Eye
Daemon’s Gate [HELL]
Fort Aspenwood

(edited by Sajec.5302)

10/26: Devona/Ferg/Kain (again :))

in WvW

Posted by: Draygo.9473


Protip (not ment to be ironic)

Logging out with the orb when your server is trying to cap it wont glitch it to your possession


On Kaineng borderlands you guys went for an orb cap, I managed to down the orb carrier at the gate but I couldnt lift the orb because arenanet made it impossible to target items in groups of people (no closest item bind)

So the orb capture group retook the orb and marched near the skritt then started to make their way south to bay. I ambush the carrier again, and right before he goes into the downstate he logs out.

ololol thanks for the orb back. You guys would have easily captured it if it wasnt for that player, I had no hope of getting out with it.

Apathy Inc [Ai]

(edited by Draygo.9473)

10/26: Devona/Ferg/Kain (again :))

in WvW

Posted by: Jaaded.1870


Fun time in EB tonight thanks to the kains and fergs for all the open field fights and sorry for some backdoors :p

Yak’s Bend

(edited by Moderator)

10/26: Devona/Ferg/Kain (again :))

in WvW

Posted by: Sajec.5302


@Dyneis (GL of KAIN)
awesome fight with you there at the Bay earlier tonight. Think i had the most fun when you and a few of your Kainenites showed up around the lakes edge and found me all alone. For the non-80s, tell em dont fret, gets better at 80 with gear! At one point I think it was a 5v1 against me, but (go go go MEZrs) I managed to pull out the win. Course there was 2-3 non-80s in the group there with you, and from the damage the 80s took it looked like glass cannon builds. But all around very fun fight. You almost had me at one point and after the chat with you via whispers when fight was over, obvious reason what allowed me to come out with the loot bag. Nice chat on gear and upgrade items too. Now if i can just get off my butt and level my ele, but GAWD leveling requires PvE grind and i do so hate PvE.

Oh: that siege you set up at the orb…you’re an evil man! Not sure how things ended, as had to log off and pick up ma wife from work. Bout to log on now to find out though.

Dredstorm One Eye
Daemon’s Gate [HELL]
Fort Aspenwood

10/26: Devona/Ferg/Kain (again :))

in WvW

Posted by: thenoobler.7540


Shanaigans… i am a [PRO] member. i agree [GASM] [WvW]and [Red] should have their praise’s sung about. And i understand your thinking about [PRO] given the misunderstandings, accuations, and heated exchanges that have occured. But the guild is full of many great ppl. And given the chance to know us, im sure you would not condem us all.

i can tell you for a fact, i would not follow someone that i felt was Cheating/Hacking ect… i can tell you from my experience, that Phizyn has been a Good leader… that trys to keep everyone inline. As for Dred leaving the DR server to head for Kain’s.. i can tell you that most of us in TS were angry that he left and went there of all places… while we were in the middle of a WWW.. i can tell Shanagians, that i told anyone that Killed him and sent a Screen Shot to me.. id mail them a Bounty for Killing Dred.. I can tell you that many ppl sought out Dred just to Kill him for Transfering… i can tell you that if i were Phizyn… i would not have been so quick to forgive Dred and let him return.. but to me this is an example of Phizyn’s leadership skills that he forgave Dred…

Phizyn cant control every random Donkey and what they post in Fourm… as i am an example… and again.. a Commander Icon can be any fool w/ 100gold… We at [PRO] follow Phizyn because he has demonstrated he is a good leader.. he was Man enough to apologize when he realized he was wrong for accusing your team of Hacking… credit him for that… Credit him for being a worthy opponent.. he has earned that… as have many [PRO] members… just my 2 cents

Darwin Ism

You sound like a good guy Darwin Ism.

Im quite sure the vast majority of players in your guild are just fine and nice people to game with. Im sure we’d get along and have some laughs in TS/vent.

I salute you guys putting forth a great effort in WvW…. wiping and retrning, wiping an returning… relentlessly assaulting … you dont quit.

that’s what earns respect.

The behaviour of your guild leader and 1 of your commanders is not what earns respect.

You cant expect for our guild to be smeared, our people to be harassed, and not have some sort of blow back from it (thats a general you, not you specifically lol).

Up till now we have been very amicable towards those we fight, and that attitude we will continue going forward, giving props where due.

Xiir – lvl80 Guardian – Dragonbrand Server
Guild Leader – Warsworn [WAR] – www.warsworngaming.com

10/26: Devona/Ferg/Kain (again :))

in WvW

Posted by: Sajec.5302


Another great night of WvW!
DR’s BL — took bit of effort but finally pushed Kain out…and of course the npc fighting Ferg server too. Although Ferg did go back in later and farm more npcs.

Went in to Eternal when got the call that SM was under siege. Rolled into a serious siege by Kain. They were peppering the SM outter walls from OL and Anz. Walls cracked couple/three times i believe, but we managed to hold them out. At one point good ole Ferg came in to support Kain on the SM siege…managed to push them off too. Very tough fighting on both sides. Kain had the numbers, we had the “back to the wall and nowhere to go” attitudes. Although i did see a few of DR warriors go into a state of MMO berserk fighting, lol, they went down but not before taking a few reds with em! After several hours of defending what seemed like an endless horde of Kainenites and Ferg minions, stubborness finally won out. DR managed to push Kain back to OL and Ferg back to Lowlands. Although undermanned and vs Kain with large chunk of their late night prime timers, and Ferg popping in out of the blue at critical junctures, we held out. DR started to go on the offensive and pushed Kain back to the point they sprouted the infamous outmanned buff…shortly after Ferg sprouted it also. Was about 5 hours longer than i’d intended to game, and I’d imagine as fun as it was players on all 3 servers stayed online longer than they’d planned. When i logged out i believe map was starting to turn toward a standstill, but DR was still pushing hard.

Kain: whoever was on that OL treb, please inform them. When im on the wall looking at the map, kindly refrain from punting me off. lol

Ferg: u broke my alpha golem i ninja walked to watergate!!! you know how slow those darned things walk! u coulda least let me gotten gate to 50%. lol

All in all, awesome night for all 3 servers i think and heck of some teamwork on all 3 too.

Quite a few DR players were rocking on leadership, so much so was no need for a commander to icon up…awesome!
- Sir Morningstar — rose to the challenge and was putting a serious push on Kain
- Cailan – nothing short of excellent on the OL outter wall clearing after several claimed it was “impossible” (darn the max supplies!)
- Gasmic — u need an icon! awesome coordination and shuffling of folks to key positions
- Elvis and his group — turned Rogue’s supply camp into a field of death and carnage for Ferg! They’d peep their heads in and an armies worth of siege would own em. Had bout 4x the siege than people to man them…hilarious
- PRO/GASM/RAVE/RED and lots of others…awesome awesome awesome!

:Drolett — if everyone could hear your voice on teamspeak on the server, they’d all go running anytime u called for help! (still waitin for the “Dred, pull ma hair!”) jk =)

Hope tomorrow, er tonight, is as fun as this one was. Had so much fun didnt even look at the score until i was loggin off. Heck didnt even care if the truth was known. was just darned good fighting on all sides.

PS: my golem has fallen and cant get up =(

Dredstorm One Eye
Daemon’s Gate [HELL]
Fort Aspenwood

(edited by Sajec.5302)

10/26: Devona/Ferg/Kain (again :))

in WvW

Posted by: Sajec.5302


Oh..one last message. I had 3 private messages when I logged into the forums. Seems some, wont name names, are playing the silly game of “reporting” threads cuz their emotions got bit hurt. Let me know when your online and i’ll send you a hugz whisper ok….hopefully makes you feel better.

Oh..and be sure when you report a thread, it actually has something of subsistence in it thats worth reporting. Dont make bogus reports because it just backfires. None of my posts were found to be an issue. So gluck with the feedback you’ll get for wasting folks time reading bogus reports.

hugz (just in case i miss you in game)

Dredstorm One Eye
Daemon’s Gate [HELL]
Fort Aspenwood

10/26: Devona/Ferg/Kain (again :))

in WvW

Posted by: Sumwun.3846


I’m not sure where to post seeing we don’t have an actual forum. I tend to look at this thread as a home.

Do we have any people on DR who defend? I know we have some, I see it, but do we have anyone that actually sees benefit in building up and holding down a tower that will force others to come and try to take it? (meaning in an important location)

A tower is almost as vital as a supply camp. A dedicated Tower team can hold, upgrade and defend against 4 to 1 odds or greater if they are working together. A tower team can hold, upgrade and defend a supply camp as well with the right set up.

You can earn a ton of karma, badges and silver defending almost as well as running in a zerg train. The trick is digging in at the right place at the right time and a few people interested in making it work. Granted this method requires more effort than being led by the hand in zerg format, capping, and losing most in your wake. But the battles are usually very very fun. the cosr is minimal to get a tower up and running and you can make an impact on what is going on around you.

It seems we have a lot of Commanders now, is anyone preaching this to people who only listen to a blue icon?

Edit: Not a Gripe thread.

I am trying to find more like minded people to join out in the killing fields. I’m not a zerg guy. At heart, I am support and tactics.

Yak’s Bend.

(edited by Sumwun.3846)

10/26: Devona/Ferg/Kain (again :))

in WvW

Posted by: Ender.3508


Some of my guild and I were running with [SoCo] last night in EB. Those guys have thier stuff together when it come to defense. We fought off 2 zergs at least twice as big at Durios, and then a huge FC zerg at quentin. It was pretty empowering.

Kretna 80 Elementalist
ex – The Midnight Syndicate [Dark]

10/26: Devona/Ferg/Kain (again :))

in WvW

Posted by: Psychophant.5682


Thanks PRO.
I personally spend a lot more time griping at KAIN than I do leading it in battle (commanders have been coming out of the woodwork, much to my liking), but I’d have to say that, while my favorite battles will always be those with RED or RAVE, the most educational battles by far are those fought against your guildmates Sirenic. They demonstrate the sort of ingenuity that I look for in truly talented soldiers, and I can only hope that I’ll find more like them on Kaineng.
Should there ever be any enmity between our guilds, the only to suffer would be those wishing to expand their tactical gamut.

Archon Moros
Lvl. 80 Abrasive
GM of [KAIN]

10/26: Devona/Ferg/Kain (again :))

in WvW

Posted by: Kyskythyn.6471


Current score and map update


Miss Kysie – S/F condi bunker ele
River of Tears – S/D glass ele
Solo and small group roamer

10/26: Devona/Ferg/Kain (again :))

in WvW

Posted by: Sumwun.3846


Some of my guild and I were running with [SoCo] last night in EB. Those guys have thier stuff together when it come to defense. We fought off 2 zergs at least twice as big at Durios, and then a huge FC zerg at quentin. It was pretty empowering.

Ahh.. That was you in our TS. ..

Ahh.. That was you in our TS. ..

Yak’s Bend.

10/26: Devona/Ferg/Kain (again :))

in WvW

Posted by: Ender.3508



Had a feeling you were in [SoCo] but alas you have no sig so I couldn’t be sure.

Kretna 80 Elementalist
ex – The Midnight Syndicate [Dark]

10/26: Devona/Ferg/Kain (again :))

in WvW

Posted by: Nabarue.3290


I’m not sure where to post seeing we don’t have an actual forum. I tend to look at this thread as a home.

Do we have any people on DR who defend? I know we have some, I see it, but do we have anyone that actually sees benefit in building up and holding down a tower that will force others to come and try to take it? (meaning in an important location)

A tower is almost as vital as a supply camp. A dedicated Tower team can hold, upgrade and defend against 4 to 1 odds or greater if they are working together. A tower team can hold, upgrade and defend a supply camp as well with the right set up.

You can earn a ton of karma, badges and silver defending almost as well as running in a zerg train. The trick is digging in at the right place at the right time and a few people interested in making it work. Granted this method requires more effort than being led by the hand in zerg format, capping, and losing most in your wake. But the battles are usually very very fun. the cosr is minimal to get a tower up and running and you can make an impact on what is going on around you.

It seems we have a lot of Commanders now, is anyone preaching this to people who only listen to a blue icon?

Edit: Not a Gripe thread.

I am trying to find more like minded people to join out in the killing fields. I’m not a zerg guy. At heart, I am support and tactics.

This is one of the reasons I sometimes don’t make it to the front line until an hour or so after I log into WvW. The VERY first thing I do is make a run to everything we own and make sure Oil is built, upgrades are moving, and siege is placed. And when we successfully repel an attack, my very first order of business is to start repairs. I am often in constant communication with Zendaya or Kota to know where and when I am needed to fortify and defend, as I share your feelings on the importance of every tower and keep.

I have often flirted with the idea of starting my own Corps of Engineers dedicated to doing just this. Doesn’t have to be many people, maybe 5 or so, but it would make all the difference when the Kains or Fergs come knockin.

I hear what you’re saying, and your post was worded well. It’s not saying that we as a server are BAD at doing this, it just means we need to improve upon this particular area.

Sir Sprocket the Engi/ Kyoryu Silver the Ele
And my Alter-Ego- Kyoryu Gold, Mesmer, Thundering Hero, wielder of the Legendary Meteorlogicus!

10/26: Devona/Ferg/Kain (again :))

in WvW

Posted by: Sumwun.3846



Had a feeling you were in [SoCo] but alas you have no sig so I couldn’t be sure.

I’m not doing anything to warrant a sig.

I’m just talking battle sense, hoping others will grab on.

Yak’s Bend.

10/26: Devona/Ferg/Kain (again :))

in WvW

Posted by: Sumwun.3846


This is one of the reasons I sometimes don’t make it to the front line until an hour or so after I log into WvW. The VERY first thing I do is make a run to everything we own and make sure Oil is built, upgrades are moving, and siege is placed. And when we successfully repel an attack, my very first order of business is to start repairs. I am often in constant communication with Zendaya or Kota to know where and when I am needed to fortify and defend, as I share your feelings on the importance of every tower and keep.

I have often flirted with the idea of starting my own Corps of Engineers dedicated to doing just this. Doesn’t have to be many people, maybe 5 or so, but it would make all the difference when the Kains or Fergs come knockin.

I hear what you’re saying, and your post was worded well. It’s not saying that we as a server are BAD at doing this, it just means we need to improve upon this particular area.

Actually Sprocket, I see you and ZAsh (as I call him) often, working the map. I love Z’s style, he is one of the few “commanders” I see multitasking a map. (I put commanders in quotes because Z isnt actually one, it’s not a dig) I have mentioned Z many times to my guild mates as well. "If you are out there and ZAsh is running a map, work with him, you are in good hands. "

I always enjoy seeing the two of you out there.

I too try to visit our towers and get upgrades going, but you will agree more of us need to do it. I preach it. Last week our zerg was more interested in zerging then defending, when I asked if anyone was going to upgrade the keep, everyone offered it to me. As if I wasn’t going to be the first person to buy the first upgrade to begin with.

( I tend to think Walls/Door before oil) but I get my silver in there and do what I can. Normally I am in DRB or EB , depending on where my guild is, but I have a very difficult time going to the other borderlands. Especially if ours isn’t locked down. I’m very defensively minded.

The two southern towers on all the borderlands are just amazing pieces of real estate if you want constant combat without having to zerg. 5 people and close to one gold in upgrades can get you hours of bad kitten combat, Karma, and silver to compensate for the upgrades.

I hope to grab a tower tonight.

Yak’s Bend.

10/26: Devona/Ferg/Kain (again :))

in WvW

Posted by: ktith.6197


So telling everyone to have some cookies because it’ll make you feel better was apparently reported by someone in this thread….really people. So to add to HAVE SOME COOKIES, I guess I’ll have to ADD some MEAT to my post.

So there I was late (early) this morning trying to do my part in WvW and I decide to go over to EB because I hear how there is all this nagging going on over chat over the defense of stonemist. I get there and everything is chaos as usual. Commanders with and without icons quarreling with each other and ego’s inflated. Whilst everyone is griping about the walls are down, watch out their pushing this door, etc etc….NOBODY thought to work on upgrades far before this point and NOBODY sieged up the lord’s room. At the very least instead of waiting until the enemy was on your doorstep, the doors should have already been upgraded. But, some well placed siege in that lord’s room can keep out armies of people and golems (been there killed em a lot).

Another pet peeve I think I have is, if you as an individual or a guild claim a tower/keep/castle (and that goes for anyone in the guild I am in as well), you’d better have some coin to upgrade that sucker. Don’t pee in the sand and leave it to waste, at least make an effort to upgrade what you’ve made claim to. Now, any guild that wants to send me in game donations for my efforts of upgrading your towers/keeps/castle…may do so, especially whoever claimed Bay last night and left it completely undefended and non-upgraded.

It may be a small thing, and some may not think about it, but stop claiming stuff and not working it out. Oh yeah and quit bickering amongst yourselves in /T if you’re a commander with or without an icon, as it shows poorly your ability to handle stress under fire. Especially that kid that everyone doesn’t like that NERD RAGES offline.

Cmdr. Xandria Wolfkin
[RED] Devona’s Rest

10/26: Devona/Ferg/Kain (again :))

in WvW

Posted by: ktith.6197


Oh yea and nice 1v1 when available to that thief from iSpy that was messing around Redbriar Tower on DLBL early this morning….you still got people to come out for you even though they knew you were baiting them. (WoW mentality I guess of the “kill”).

Cmdr. Xandria Wolfkin
[RED] Devona’s Rest