10/26: Devona/Ferg/Kain (again :))

10/26: Devona/Ferg/Kain (again :))

in WvW

Posted by: Cyanstorm.9613


I am a warrior and member of ENVY in Fergursons. I am here to say that a lotta folks in both Kainegs and Devonas are very classy, at least when it comes to single matches , a bit earlier I had some epic matches with some kitten good Kainegs fellows 1v1, they were very courteous, and I can say the same for some of Devonas folks too, I am glad we are all in the same bracket, you guys show a lot of class and dignity. Now the spoiler, that big Devonas zerg that transferred there this week, PRO I think its called, I can say this: very poor skills individually, and a very nasty attitude, the few times they kicked my kitten was zerging me to the other world, and then they danced. Don’t know where they come from but wow, they sure seem to be cry babies. Anyway, here is my toast to the 2 most classy server I have fought so far in this game: Devonas Reach and Kainegs.

10/26: Devona/Ferg/Kain (again :))

in WvW

Posted by: Sajec.5302


Just so you all know, PRO isnt on DR in full force. There’s probably a good half not on the server and those that are, at any given time the PRO population peaks at maybe 20-25 members that actually Wv3.

DR coming together as a TEAM and some very good communication on the battlefield I believe is proving the difference. I’ve played almost around the clock numerous times so I’ve seen first hand the population all 3 servers are bringing into Wv3. From what I’ve seen only Kain’s SoS guild time bracket is the only time there seems to be “overwhelming” numbers. Outside of that bracket the fighting population seems pretty balanced across the servers and across the “shifts”. DR is slowly pulling away from the “lets zerg npcs” mentality and aiming as a team for the “lets control the map”, whereas I still see chunks of Kain/Ferg out in pretty decent sized teams (10+) back capping camps/towers while major fights are being had over key positions on the map.

Again, this just my observations. Heck of some good fights tho =)

Dredstorm One Eye
Daemon’s Gate [HELL]
Fort Aspenwood

10/26: Devona/Ferg/Kain (again :))

in WvW

Posted by: Bones.5762


OO i didn’t know you left Dragonbrand as well Xiir. Funny because i left dragonbrand for the same reason, but i just happened to stick around longer than you because of hope that the server would change, but finally after week 5 or 6 of official wv3, they just ticked me off by giving up on DAY 2!!!!

Will you help me move?

10/26: Devona/Ferg/Kain (again :))

in WvW

Posted by: arKRazor.8654


I, for one, hope FC gets a few more guilds to help even things up. The tighter the match the better. When a match is close enough for lead changes to occur the fighting is truly remarkable.

Halfpint Sapper – Poorly-traited Asuran Engineer/CatHound/Part-time Warbanner

Devona’s Rest [OHai][GloB]

10/26: Devona/Ferg/Kain (again :))

in WvW

Posted by: Sajec.5302



From what Ive seen FCs Wv3 population is pretty well the same as DR and Kain. The only difference is 95% of the time i see FC only chasing NPC caps. They rarely engage in full frontal assault for map control. I’ve ran across FC zergs of upwards of 20 folks just attacking supply camps and abandoned towers.

Now I could be wrong, just stating what I’ve seen ingame. If Im right, I’d say some commanders/guild leaders pulling together would make a huge impact on your Wv3 gaming. (it did on DR)

Dredstorm One Eye
Daemon’s Gate [HELL]
Fort Aspenwood

10/26: Devona/Ferg/Kain (again :))

in WvW

Posted by: Clifford.4913


Well, you are probably wrong about the population. I am in Ferg and have always been here. We could still get 20-30 men zergs almost daily about 2 weeks back. Since then, I have hardly come across a zerg with more than 20. In fact, if we get more than 30-40 players across all 4 maps at any given time, it would probably be a good day for us. I am one that doesn’t like quitting but constantly getting outnumbered 2 or 3 to 1 these days is spoiling some of the fun.

10/26: Devona/Ferg/Kain (again :))

in WvW

Posted by: Balidore.2790


Yeah, I’m not sure where your numbers come from Drednyte. The past 2 weeks on Ferg, my most common buff is the Outmanned buff. It’s there pretty much anywhere we go.

The 1-2 grps you see capping supply camps are either pve’rs trying to get karma, or during the other 90% of time that we’re so outnumbered, there’s nothing else to do really.

Omni and Sanc were the 2 zerg guilds in Ferg, and they’re both gone. Not sure what happened to Omni tbh, but Sanc has left for good :/

Balidor [Envy]

10/26: Devona/Ferg/Kain (again :))

in WvW

Posted by: SniffyCube.6107


sooooo much unnecessary drama in this thread

“he left, how dare he have a free will!?”
“she hacked… he hacked!”
“my guild did this… no my guild did that!”

have fun its a game and it resets every week

btw warsworn you’ve been doing pretty well… wish more guilds followed your example

and ferg, totally agree you guys are massively outnumbered out there and disorganized w/o your main wvw guilds but its a chance to build and start over which should be fun

props though for trying and props to kain for the effort

that’ll probably be my last look at the forums, pms from now on… it’s like reading the script for a soap ;/

The Black Tides
Èl Cid

(edited by SniffyCube.6107)

10/26: Devona/Ferg/Kain (again :))

in WvW

Posted by: Sajec.5302


As i said…my post was based on what i see when im in Wv3. And most times i see Ferg members i dont see the outmanned buff. (until we push you to spawn) Good example is tonight, me and a few PRO saw Ferg doing the supplly camp run so we cleaned up DR with folks from RED and a team Morningstar was running. Then PRO hopped over to Ferg BL and turned it blue again while the other 2 teams cleaned up EB. Later we saw Ferg recapping from npcs so few of us bounced over. And FINALLY we run into a decent Ferg group lol. there was bout 15-20 of us total i think on the map, DR that is, and at one point i counted 32 Fergs. Looked like more, and no i didnt count the pets =), but that was the only time i tried to get a tally.

Props to Ferg for garrison defense…we’d had it but nobody brought supplies and the 2 cata’s we managed to get up…tehy built side by side. (and yea, they learned the lesson there lol) Shortly after Ferg successfully defended their garrison inner gate, we lost a few DR folks and few more Ferg showed up. You all had a nice bit of teamwork going there btw. Ferg rushed the Bay, but we managed to push them off inner and all the way back to spawn. Then DR folks started logging, me included as it was 4am for me.

All around nice fights the day before reset, wasnt expecting it.

Dredstorm One Eye
Daemon’s Gate [HELL]
Fort Aspenwood

10/26: Devona/Ferg/Kain (again :))

in WvW

Posted by: Sajec.5302


Oh…to all 3 servers. Doesnt matter what the points say…YOU ALL WIN in my book! Some darn nice battles/sieges/scuffles across all the maps i was on. Awesome teamwork/coordination by DR commanders and non commanders that just took charge. Kain/Ferg you both dealt some crushing blows to DR and seemed like every fight i was in was a down and dirty fight to win.

Props to everyone on all 3 servers who got involved this week in WvWvW.

(now, lets do it again next week =)

Dredstorm One Eye
Daemon’s Gate [HELL]
Fort Aspenwood

10/26: Devona/Ferg/Kain (again :))

in WvW

Posted by: lujate.5432


FC suffered a mass exodus a while back (maybe that week we got moved up a bracket and totally annihilated). Now it is common for us to have the outmanned buff on EB and enemy borderlands during US primetime.

“Queen of Cheese Builds”

10/26: Devona/Ferg/Kain (again :))

in WvW

Posted by: Sumwun.3846


Oh…to all 3 servers. Doesnt matter what the points say…YOU ALL WIN in my book! Some darn nice battles/sieges/scuffles across all the maps i was on. Awesome teamwork/coordination by DR commanders and non commanders that just took charge. Kain/Ferg you both dealt some crushing blows to DR and seemed like every fight i was in was a down and dirty fight to win.

Props to everyone on all 3 servers who got involved this week in WvWvW.

(now, lets do it again next week =)

I enjoy reading posts that give props to the whole. WE all know of the larger guilds who run with us on our maps. They are hard to miss. But when you zoom out and look around, and ignore your(generally speaking) guilds tag you see a number of guilds out there who are seemingly “unknown” Yet, there they are with the more known members of our community. Taking towers, keeps, camps, and ressing the fallen.

I had high hopes that out community would develop into a server full of “we” instead of a server full of us’s and them’s. That mindset is what will help us hold on when we inevitably move up. when we eventually make that step up a tier, we are going to need some amazing teamwork to survive that first, massive leap into a 1k+ server tier.

I am incredibly happy to see our server beginning to congeal.

it’s.. Specredible

Yak’s Bend.

10/26: Devona/Ferg/Kain (again :))

in WvW

Posted by: Shananigans.8412


I agree with the fact that DR has come together much more so in the last week, but(and it could just be because of the lead) on the majority of maps ive been on throught the week, when i log on we’re outnumbered by DR until we start taking keeps and towers and they leave the map for another. You simply can’t get a +605 lead by good strategy on equal numbers, that requires a large force on the majority of the battlegrounds.

Looking forward to this week, as there truly is no more halloween events.. we’ll see how it turns out.

Oh and Props to RUNN and AP as well as Cindros and his guild for dominating out there as well.


Shananigans- Team Absolute Legends

10/26: Devona/Ferg/Kain (again :))

in WvW

Posted by: Sumwun.3846


I’m going to shout out to [SoCo] as I’ve been funneling more of my guildies into their TS channel. It was a weeknight so we only had like 16ish people, 2 from my guild (the rest were stuck fighting Lupicus). We took Anzi, lost it, ninja’d it back, and swept all the way through to Mendons where we made a meat grinder of that place. Sadly we never got to /bow over the corpses of 100 kains, but we locked it down against the small (15-20) man groups that popped their noses in.

Idk what their plans are but you may see a VERY GOOD commander by the name of Lilj come from that guild. She wipes faces, murders things with red names, and eats raw steaks for giggles. Can’t wait to see where those guys take this.

Your kind words here were quickly spread and well received in house

SoCo appreciates the friendly support and general graciousness of Dark leadership. It’s been nice to see Dark visiting and working with us. Lilj got her banner and we hope to get out there this weekend and rip it up with the rest of our DR family. Thank you, much.

Yak’s Bend.

10/26: Devona/Ferg/Kain (again :))

in WvW

Posted by: spif.7580



Looks like we’ll have a new Red team next week…

—- Kaineng : Nuke → Saarc ---

10/26: Devona/Ferg/Kain (again :))

in WvW

Posted by: revcornelius.6519


I agree with the fact that DR has come together much more so in the last week, but(and it could just be because of the lead) on the majority of maps ive been on throught the week, when i log on we’re outnumbered by DR until we start taking keeps and towers and they leave the map for another. You simply can’t get a +605 lead by good strategy on equal numbers, that requires a large force on the majority of the battlegrounds.

Looking forward to this week, as there truly is no more halloween events.. we’ll see how it turns out.

Oh and Props to RUNN and AP as well as Cindros and his guild for dominating out there as well.


Thanks Shan, much appreciated:)

Artillery / Penumbral Effect – NOQQ – Kaineng

10/26: Devona/Ferg/Kain (again :))

in WvW

Posted by: Balidore.2790


You PRO guys, or atleast Drednyte exaggerate so bad it’s incredible… I lead the garr defense he’s talking about, we had 9 people… They just weren’t able to put down any siege due to us killing it all. Then we killed them as they ran out. After that, we gained a few more and were roughly 15 as we took everything back. Devona had no less than 25 the entire time, and I’m being generous. Also… the PRO mesmer commander leading it did an Alt-F4 as I was about to finish him, very lame.
I don’t mid ya telling stories, even bring it out of context for all I care, but don’t straight lie, it’s pathetic. I bet you’re the alt-f4 guy.

Balidor [Envy]

10/26: Devona/Ferg/Kain (again :))

in WvW

Posted by: SpaceLord.4590



Just had to clear a few of your "facts’ up.

PRO came to the server almost 2 weeks ago…not during this week.

“That huge Devonas Zerg you think we call PRO”- we probably at most have had 30 people in WvW at one time and I highly doubt they were even all in the same BL.

“Very Nasty Attitude”- I have never danced or laughed at any enemy I have fought, I have however bowed hundreds of times at opponents when they put up a good fight or had good spirit.

“very poor skills individually”- I have no doubt that PRO has people that are as skilled and tough a fight as you will find. Me personally I am average, but I love the chase of getting better.

I am sorry your experience with our guild has been a bad one. I hope the coming week will bring more fun in battle.

Haaaa Key Puck (80) Norn Mesmer (80) Asura Engineer-Protocol [PRO]
Devona’s Rest

(edited by SpaceLord.4590)

10/26: Devona/Ferg/Kain (again :))

in WvW

Posted by: ktith.6197


This has been a truly epic week in terms of battles and people starting to work together better. When PRO first came to Devona, many people were skeptical if they’d stay to stick it out or if they were doing like so many of the other guilds have done to our other tier brothers for our matchups and just shift the numbers for the week and then take off. PRO has stuck around and that initial “demanding” that was felt by many of the guilds on Devona has seemed to have pretty much gone away and everyone seems to be back to their old “let’s work together” selves.

As far as I’ve seen, and I’m out there in force on many different toons, things are going well. I have seen some slanted remarks this past week from commanders on our server that you all should know better from doing and I won’t point fingers to the guilds that these comments have come from because it would only degrade the work that has been done amongst this tier community. Just know that the information was “saved” should accusations become abound.

I, personally, am not a commander at least in the sense that people believe a person should be called one. I haven’t even bothered to get into exotics or work towards the book, because I spend a lot of gold on upgrading towers/keeps/and SM, and putting down tons of siege when needed and where needed. Just because someone has that ICON does not make them an instant leader as we should all know. NERD RAGING off the game as an ICON holder also does not make you a good leader or any kind of leader at all (you know who you are).

Also props to the people that have been naming guilds and people out individually…giving credit where credit is due. You don’t know how often that gives these people/guilds a nice “thank you” and is a good morale booster as a whole. Keep that up, it helps everyone.

So as to that, I’ve seen out in force this week RED/GASM/PRO/SKY/AoD/FWAE…and some others that I can’t rememer their tag. Props to all our enemy guilds that I also can’t remember all the tags.

Cmdr. Xandria Wolfkin
[RED] Devona’s Rest

10/26: Devona/Ferg/Kain (again :))

in WvW

Posted by: Sajec.5302



Bro I wont argue the point with you. I was there and I know what I saw. And i also know the quality of folks on DR. You would not/could not have held the garrison vs a prolonged siege with paper gates and no supplies with 9 v 25 (as you say). If you had 9 players, then you had a heck of a lot of bots defending too.

And I’m a mesmer commander that was in there, not sure if anyone else was there as a mes commander. And it wasnt me that crashed out before the spike. Heck i’m vocal about removing the lame “fight to survive” crap in WvW, u die, u die period imho. But i do remember a rather large zerg taking quite a while to drop lil ole me and whoever was trying to spike me….look behind you, a teammate managed the spike as he knew what to look for when a mez goes down. =)

it was all good though, had a blast.

Dredstorm One Eye
Daemon’s Gate [HELL]
Fort Aspenwood

10/26: Devona/Ferg/Kain (again :))

in WvW

Posted by: Sajec.5302


I agree with the fact that DR has come together much more so in the last week, but(and it could just be because of the lead) on the majority of maps ive been on throught the week, when i log on we’re outnumbered by DR until we start taking keeps and towers and they leave the map for another. You simply can’t get a +605 lead by good strategy on equal numbers, that requires a large force on the majority of the battlegrounds.

Looking forward to this week, as there truly is no more halloween events.. we’ll see how it turns out.

Oh and Props to RUNN and AP as well as Cindros and his guild for dominating out there as well.


Thanks Shan, much appreciated:)

Totally disagree, every fight i was in the numbers on both sides looked pretty darned even to me (note: i said fights I was in). And if anything DR was outmanned as we were getting hit by Ferg also. I’ve figured out the basic strat Kain uses and found a rather simple solution to breaking it, and passed it on to other DR commanders who’ve implemented it for success. Pushing Ferg seems, to me a least, a bit tuffer as they seem to go berserk regardless of odds…lol (go Ferg!)

Again though…fun week, fun fights….screw the numbers, lets just keep it up!

Dredstorm One Eye
Daemon’s Gate [HELL]
Fort Aspenwood

10/26: Devona/Ferg/Kain (again :))

in WvW

Posted by: Xerre.9678


Kaineng nice job defending your last supply camp. I have been laughing so hard in vent.

Took my buddy Zen a while to get it

We had a lot of fun holding it with 7;) Nice rush at the end from both directions, that was what was needed.

These are the type of fights I play for. Outmanned atleast 2:1, my only complaint is it wasn’t a true open field fight. We need more roaming guilds!

80 Dive Bomb Guardian for NoQQ Alliance
Over Extending since 2001

(edited by Xerre.9678)

10/26: Devona/Ferg/Kain (again :))

in WvW

Posted by: NealCaffrey.6450


You PRO guys, or atleast Drednyte exaggerate so bad it’s incredible… I lead the garr defense he’s talking about, we had 9 people… They just weren’t able to put down any siege due to us killing it all. Then we killed them as they ran out. After that, we gained a few more and were roughly 15 as we took everything back. Devona had no less than 25 the entire time, and I’m being generous. Also… the PRO mesmer commander leading it did an Alt-F4 as I was about to finish him, very lame.
I don’t mid ya telling stories, even bring it out of context for all I care, but don’t straight lie, it’s pathetic. I bet you’re the alt-f4 guy.

lol so it’s not just me that is seeing through some of the posts. His lengthy posts make me shake my head and laugh. At least his stories keep the thread alive and give me a reason to come back each day to the forums.

Commander Rañger Dañger
Leader of Cryptic Gaze[iSpy]
Evermoor Alliance (iSpy, JAWA, WAR) – Dragonbrand

10/26: Devona/Ferg/Kain (again :))

in WvW

Posted by: Sajec.5302


The field of battle drawn, the lines formed up, the troops in a state of adrenaline high. The war for domination was at hand. 3 servers ready to kill, ready to die if need be to conquer the maps. In the distance a horn is heard…a call to war, a call to let loose the carnage of war. From whence it came none knows…only the call to charge by one was a call to charge by all…

In an eye blink 3 armies collide. Warriors of all sizes, shapes, ages, skill released the gates of hell within themselves. War was upon us. All semblance of order lost as the first soldier drew blood, as the first soldier fell to earth never to rise again. Chaos reigned.

Server armies were engaged in epic battles. Each sought complete and total annihilation of the other. No quarter was asked, none was given. Blood and gore was strewn across the landscape, accompanied by pieces of shattered bodies no longer recognizable. Alliances, sworn oaths, blood ties…all fell to the wayside as warriors collided, shaking the very foundations of Heaven itself, and making the devils in Hell quiver in fear.

Days on end the war raged. Mothers lost sons, wives lost husbands, children lost fathers and mothers. Brave young soldiers crippled for life…and many many more finding eternal peace in death. Across the realm a shimmering haze descends, hiding the blood, gore, and shattered remains. A mist to calm the blood, bring thought into play and set instinctual reaction aside. The war was drawn to an end.

Heroes all who were there at the start of the charge. Heroes all who woke that morning hoping to claim glory for themselves, clan, and family. But only a few remain standing. Only a few able to stand….none without wounds. None without the knowledge that something beyond mere mortals had happened across those days of death and destruction. All knew that no mere mortal was waging war, they were the pawns in a greater game of the Gods….Gods had risen to strive for higher status, most had fallen alongside their mortal counterparts.

Across the battlefield the mist slowly fades. Guild banners are shreds, armor torn, bodies no longer recognizable as friend or foe. Those few brave avatars still standing look across the wasteland of flesh at each other….one lone standard is still standing in the midst of a circle of bodies piled hundreds high, Devona’s Rest. A cry of victory rises forth from a hoarse and swollen throat that’d minutes earlier been screaming battle cries.

One voice rings out in victory, soon picked up and carried on the wind by others until all across the blood drenched soil one chant is heard, “Deeevona Deeevona Deevona!”

That day history was made, but not by the brave souls of Devona’s Rest. But by the courage and honor of 3 servers coming to the field of battle and giving everything they had, even life itself. In the end there was no sole winner, there was no gloating in taverns after. In the end there was just a few surviving heroes almost godlike in their abilities, avatars in mortal form, who forged a bond of friendship greater than any bloodoath or server affiliation. An oath forged on the life’s blood of friends and family, an oath of honor, courage, respect.

Devona’s Rest / Fergusuns Crossing / Kaineng
Forged in battle, tempered in blood, sharpened and polished in honor!

Long live the bottom Tier! None can never understand the bond we’ve forged. None who have not stood on that hilltop overlooking the valley where even Gods died, that has hence been known as “Valley of the Avatars”.

Dredstorm One Eye
Daemon’s Gate [HELL]
Fort Aspenwood

10/26: Devona/Ferg/Kain (again :))

in WvW

Posted by: thenoobler.7540


I agree with the fact that DR has come together much more so in the last week, but(and it could just be because of the lead) on the majority of maps ive been on throught the week, when i log on we’re outnumbered by DR until we start taking keeps and towers and they leave the map for another. You simply can’t get a +605 lead by good strategy on equal numbers, that requires a large force on the majority of the battlegrounds.

Looking forward to this week, as there truly is no more halloween events.. we’ll see how it turns out.

Oh and Props to RUNN and AP as well as Cindros and his guild for dominating out there as well.


Thanks Shan, much appreciated:)

Totally disagree, every fight i was in the numbers on both sides looked pretty darned even to me (note: i said fights I was in). And if anything DR was outmanned as we were getting hit by Ferg also. I’ve figured out the basic strat Kain uses and found a rather simple solution to breaking it, and passed it on to other DR commanders who’ve implemented it for success. Pushing Ferg seems, to me a least, a bit tuffer as they seem to go berserk regardless of odds…lol (go Ferg!)

Again though…fun week, fun fights….screw the numbers, lets just keep it up!

Oh no you figured out our basic Kaineng strat… we are doomed.

I look forward to this weeks new matchup…. should be very interesting indeed.

Xiir – lvl80 Guardian – Dragonbrand Server
Guild Leader – Warsworn [WAR] – www.warsworngaming.com

10/26: Devona/Ferg/Kain (again :))

in WvW

Posted by: Sajec.5302



All i can say is your name says it all. theNOOBler. Everyone in the forums are having a great time but you just like to toss out name calling and rant away. Well matie..heres a pic of the ‘alliance that never was’ at the very end before reset.

yes…Kain/Ferg was and had been in alliance against DR. both servers mixed together fighting alongside each other against DR at the same time during the SM siege. But even with those combined numbers…still failed to take SM before reset. =)

Was fun though lol. (oh..notice ma bag of loot…hahahah, i almost managed to loot it arg)(oh..check out the INC mortar on the group trying to rez the 2…lol)

For those that werent part of the “alliance” nothin against ya! Was just plain fun at the end.

Gratz to all 3 servers on a awesome Wv3 this week. (as before, screw the #s…it was just plain FUN)


Dredstorm One Eye
Daemon’s Gate [HELL]
Fort Aspenwood

10/26: Devona/Ferg/Kain (again :))

in WvW

Posted by: Shananigans.8412


Here’s a pic of DR (PRO) trying to take down a DB gate from the inside to let Fergs (the green team) in, OBVIOUS SERVER ALLIANCE?!?!?!?!?!??!?!?!??!?!!?!?!?!?!?

I love server alliance accusations

-Commander Shananigansx

Oh and what thenoobler said was fairly joking lol… but you’ve obviously not yet realized why people call him XiirTroll™.


Shananigans- Team Absolute Legends

10/26: Devona/Ferg/Kain (again :))

in WvW

Posted by: Balidore.2790



Bro I wont argue the point with you. I was there and I know what I saw. And i also know the quality of folks on DR. You would not/could not have held the garrison vs a prolonged siege with paper gates and no supplies with 9 v 25 (as you say). If you had 9 players, then you had a heck of a lot of bots defending too.

And I’m a mesmer commander that was in there, not sure if anyone else was there as a mes commander. And it wasnt me that crashed out before the spike. Heck i’m vocal about removing the lame “fight to survive” crap in WvW, u die, u die period imho. But i do remember a rather large zerg taking quite a while to drop lil ole me and whoever was trying to spike me….look behind you, a teammate managed the spike as he knew what to look for when a mez goes down. =)

it was all good though, had a blast.

My main is a mesmer, and I never mistake the downed clone. You Alt-F4’d. In fact…. your entire reply is a buncha kitten. You had a PRO tag, I know this, because I chased you 1/4 of the map to kill you just before you hit alt-f4.

And we didn’t kill you, you retreated, remember? That’s how 9 beat you. We killed your siege, you couldn’t kill ours, and you ran.

Balidor [Envy]

10/26: Devona/Ferg/Kain (again :))

in WvW

Posted by: Dismay.4729


A lot of positive energy here on the forums. Keep up the good fight Kains/Ferg! Devona’s Rest and [Dark] is gunning for you

Gurugant (Kaypud Guard)
DismÁy (Ele)
Teeheef (Bad Thief)

10/26: Devona/Ferg/Kain (again :))

in WvW

Posted by: Bear.6514


The field of battle drawn, the lines formed up, the troops in a state of adrenaline high. The war for domination was at hand. 3 servers ready to kill, ready to die if need be to conquer the maps. In the distance a horn is heard…a call to war, a call to let loose the carnage of war. From whence it came none knows…only the call to charge by one was a call to charge by all…

In an eye blink 3 armies collide. Warriors of all sizes, shapes, ages, skill released the gates of hell within themselves. War was upon us. All semblance of order lost as the first soldier drew blood, as the first soldier fell to earth never to rise again. Chaos reigned.

Server armies were engaged in epic battles. Each sought complete and total annihilation of the other. No quarter was asked, none was given. Blood and gore was strewn across the landscape, accompanied by pieces of shattered bodies no longer recognizable. Alliances, sworn oaths, blood ties…all fell to the wayside as warriors collided, shaking the very foundations of Heaven itself, and making the devils in Hell quiver in fear.

Days on end the war raged. Mothers lost sons, wives lost husbands, children lost fathers and mothers. Brave young soldiers crippled for life…and many many more finding eternal peace in death. Across the realm a shimmering haze descends, hiding the blood, gore, and shattered remains. A mist to calm the blood, bring thought into play and set instinctual reaction aside. The war was drawn to an end.

Heroes all who were there at the start of the charge. Heroes all who woke that morning hoping to claim glory for themselves, clan, and family. But only a few remain standing. Only a few able to stand….none without wounds. None without the knowledge that something beyond mere mortals had happened across those days of death and destruction. All knew that no mere mortal was waging war, they were the pawns in a greater game of the Gods….Gods had risen to strive for higher status, most had fallen alongside their mortal counterparts.

Across the battlefield the mist slowly fades. Guild banners are shreds, armor torn, bodies no longer recognizable as friend or foe. Those few brave avatars still standing look across the wasteland of flesh at each other….one lone standard is still standing in the midst of a circle of bodies piled hundreds high, Devona’s Rest. A cry of victory rises forth from a hoarse and swollen throat that’d minutes earlier been screaming battle cries.

One voice rings out in victory, soon picked up and carried on the wind by others until all across the blood drenched soil one chant is heard, “Deeevona Deeevona Deevona!”

That day history was made, but not by the brave souls of Devona’s Rest. But by the courage and honor of 3 servers coming to the field of battle and giving everything they had, even life itself. In the end there was no sole winner, there was no gloating in taverns after. In the end there was just a few surviving heroes almost godlike in their abilities, avatars in mortal form, who forged a bond of friendship greater than any bloodoath or server affiliation. An oath forged on the life’s blood of friends and family, an oath of honor, courage, respect.

Devona’s Rest / Fergusuns Crossing / Kaineng
Forged in battle, tempered in blood, sharpened and polished in honor!

Long live the bottom Tier! None can never understand the bond we’ve forged. None who have not stood on that hilltop overlooking the valley where even Gods died, that has hence been known as “Valley of the Avatars”.

You sir have inspired our guild to move to Devona’s Rest. We look forward to spilling blood with you. Send all correspondence in strict rp to Weaponsx Virtus and Undead UdA


10/26: Devona/Ferg/Kain (again :))

in WvW

Posted by: Zizanzi.4678


quote, " Oh and Props to RUNN and AP as well as Cindros and his guild for dominating out there as well.


RUNN & AP is one guild of 10-15 @ 8pm to 11pm EST under the tag “Shoulda Rolled Kaineng” (NoQQ) :-) Just so people know.