100 badges per 1 WvW ticket
I support this idea.
Badges are not worthless,
100:1 ratio is useless because no one is getting 17,500 badges a week.
Even if someone could farm that many badges per week,
17,500 badges is like 157.5g @ 27s per badge of tribute.
What is the point in throwing gold away to get skins a little faster?
Why so people can farm tickets in eotm and achievement chests? And use badges that were stocked up from before the update to buy up tickets they did not earn to get rewards? No thanks.
Badges have a lot of uses, maybe its not satisfactory as the items you get have not kept up with the needs of wvw’ers but they are not useless.
Yes please, especially if tickets are staying as a main currency, it would give those of us who hit cap early something to work toward
No, badges should not buy tickets.
100 badges for just 1 ticket is way too little. If you look at
You can see that the average GW2 player has just 2951 badges (mean) and 1196 badges (median). That would translate only to 29 or 11 tickets. Proofs of heroics are even more rare: mean 212 and median is only 16. The players who have over 5k of proofs are exceedingly rare. Same: players who have over 50k badges are rare.
I think it is safe to say that most players earn much less than 500 badges per week. With your suggestion that would translate to mere 5 tickets.
I agree that there should be a conversion of WvWvW currencies, but the conversion formula should be more fair. After all these currencies are account bound and you cannot sell them to other players.
My suggestion:
10 badge of honor = 1 ticket
2 proofs of heroics = 10 badges of honor
2 proofs of heroics = 1 ticket
The topic title says it.
It will give stronger incentives for both soft/hardcore wvw players to “actively” play WvW more, rather than leave after pip track is complete.
+ No more complaints about badges are rather useless
+ X #of badges per X# of tickets can change but I say 100 badges per wvw skrimish ticket seems fair for both players and ANet.and yes I know this or similar complaint/suggestion has been made in the past, but I just wanted to keep this topic up in first page regularly.
Soft and hardcore players stayed playing wvw before pips were a thing so I think you’ll find that they are the ones that carry on playing after they get their last ticket chest. It’s the people that just come for the tickets that are the problem you speak about, and the quicker they get tickets, the more likely they are to stop playing once they get their reward.
As one of those players with well over 100k badges I would love this.
I am “That” guy you have all heard about.
1,073 precursors forged and counting.
It should be 3 proof of heroics = 10 badges of honor = 1 ticket. Since you get 6 proof of heroic or 20 badges of honor from the skirmish chests. This would add upto 80 extra ticket per week once you convert the rewards from completing the pip track. You would also get around 50 tickets if you gain 25 wxp level a week. The conversion system would add an extra 130 tickets if you complete the reward track and gain 25wxp levels a week.
The biggest issues with a conversion system is that the top wvwers would instantly complete the Warbringer and at least 2 prestige set(forgot proof of heroics). Zerger would have an advantage in getting tickets. That why it should cost some silver per conversion (10-25s).
Wvwer would get to many tickets to fast. Atm you can get upto 8400 ticket every year and it takes 2 years to get all of the high end wvw rewards. With a conversion system on top of the most active wvwer getting the warbringer and 2 prestige armor instantly, they would be able to get the next prestige armors within 3months. What would wvwer do with their tickets after that? Would ticket become like badges of honor and be stored endlessly?
“Quoth the raven nevermore”
Platinum Scout: 300% MF
(edited by Ulion.5476)
So i could buy 1291 tickets? That is kind of low number if you think how long i have farmed those badges.
Seafarer’s Rest EotM grinch
It would defeat the time gate purpose and the need to play wvw (not eotm), so no.
I Would get about 15000+ tickets at 10 badges per.
I am “That” guy you have all heard about.
1,073 precursors forged and counting.
I’d say more like a 1000 per ticket. Badges are so easy to come by!!!
both badge and proof should be able to covert to ticket 100 to 1 ratio.
You people just want something for nothing. 100 of either are so easy to come by. Just stop with your crying and get your tickets the way Anet has laid the ticket rewards out.
both badge and proof should be able to covert to ticket 100 to 1 ratio.
+1 best idea ever
10:1 is a reasonable rate.
100:1 is not.
1000 tickets for 100,000 badges? That’s a silly ratio.
It should be 3 proof of heroics = 10 badges of honor = 1 ticket. Since you get 6 proof of heroic or 20 badges of honor from the skirmish chests. This would add upto 80 extra ticket per week once you convert the rewards from completing the pip track. You would also get around 50 tickets if you gain 25 wxp level a week. The conversion system would add an extra 130 tickets if you complete the reward track and gain 25wxp levels a week.
The biggest issues with a conversion system is that the top wvwers would instantly complete the Warbringer and at least 2 prestige set(forgot proof of heroics). Zerger would have an advantage in getting tickets. That why it should cost some silver per conversion (10-25s).
Wvwer would get to many tickets to fast. Atm you can get upto 8400 ticket every year and it takes 2 years to get all of the high end wvw rewards. With a conversion system on top of the most active wvwer getting the warbringer and 2 prestige armor instantly, they would be able to get the next prestige armors within 3months. What would wvwer do with their tickets after that? Would ticket become like badges of honor and be stored endlessly?
Currently the accumulation rate is way too slow. To spend about 2 years in a row every week 20+ h of WvWvW grind to get a prestige armor, which is not even legendary but merely ascended with cosmetic effects is outrageous grindy.
Most top WvWvW players probably play more than just 1 character e.g. play both guardian and necro. Thus they would need to purchase and obtain prestige armor and legendary backbag for both. Even with the currency conversion basically NO player I know of could afford it to do instantly for multiple characters.
Also according to https://gw2efficiency.com/account/statistics/statistics.proofOfHeroics
Only 0.5 % of GW2 players have 4500 proofs or more and only 0.5 % have over 40500 badges. The number of players who have 10k proofs and 100k badges are extremely few. We are talking something like 1 out of 1000 players or less. Is such a tiny minority a real issue at all since we are talking about account bound stuff!?
(edited by Deniara Devious.3948)
I would rather see 1 ticket option added to skirmish chests. This makes higher rank mean more than just getting your weekly chests over with faster.
As a casual wvwer who wants Warbringer so bad I hope they don’t do this because I only want the backpack because of the prestige of having it because a lot of people won’t bother seeing it through because of the grind involved and if you little kittens get your whiney way that would all be ruined. 10:1! Don’t make me laugh. I farmed more than a thousand badges of honor just doing my pip track this week as a roamer. You’re all ridiculous! RIDICULOUS.
No need to give an incentive for ppl to sit in eotm, but hey if they wanna remove badges from eotm then go ahead.
It’s find the way it is. Everyone just wants the backpack ezpz mode
No. Tickets are a time gated currency doing this badge exchange would remove that fact, and thus remove the value of a Ticket. In a few months Tickets would simply become the new stockpile currency. Around, and around we go from there. The way it is now, it will happen in like a year at this current rate. After or during that year, I would propose tickets purchasing the fancy consumables from HoT (e.g. damage reduction foods, stones/oils/crystals, etc. ). Since most of those also require a time gate material, and this will help to curb the rise in stockpile currency since utilities are temporary after all.
P.S. : If this game was subscription based I would be all for it, however it’s not. (Time gated things in a subscription based game is a scummy way to get player’s money over time without providing content).
P.S.S.P.S. : Forum kept clipping my message.
Trinity Of Our EU Lords [Kazo] Zudo Jason Betta
(edited by Chinchilla.1785)
While it would be nice to exchange these tens of thousands of badges for more things, I don’t want the tickets to be one of them.
10 badges for 1 ticket conversion ratio it is ok, that will save some WvW veterans for trash out the badges, and reward them with respect because WvW veterans din’t get anything substantial comparing to others, like fractal/raid pve veterans. At least, if Anet continue to support pve gear for wvw, then, completely remove the pve grid part, as the update for runes. But, i will like more WvW exclusive items, as “Mistforged Triumphant Hero’s armor” or “Warbringer” to see in the incoming updates, this will make WvW GREAT AGAIN and is a HUUUGE BIG plus for Anet, i expect many more players to play GW2. Look at the queue for borders, before legendary wvw update was barely 10+ in prime time, now we almost got 100+, this is a huge difference! this is the way!
(edited by fosfor.9076)
Please stop with the easy BS. These were meant to be not easily obtained. Not sure why everyone wants the easy way out. It is ridiculous. If you like easy pew pew content, please go back to PvE.
@ Malerian.8435 , what about WvW Veterans, they don’t deserve anything?! i know many WvW Veterans that quit GW2 because of that, no reward at all! At least, reward them with some respect.
Please stop with the easy BS. These were meant to be not easily obtained. Not sure why everyone wants the easy way out. It is ridiculous. If you like easy pew pew content, please go back to PvE.
Most likely they want it so they can get rewards within a few weeks (if that) then leave wvw forever.
@ Malerian.8435 , what about WvW Veterans, they don’t deserve anything?! i know many WvW Veterans that quit GW2 because of that, no reward at all! At least, reward them with some respect.
If you’re a veteran, you almost definitely play the mode for the mode itself, not the rewards. Can’t say I’ve heard a Wvw vet leaving because of lack of rewards though. Desert BL, lack of balance, HoT power creep: yes. But not rewards.
(edited by Lahmia.2193)
The topic title says it.
It will give stronger incentives for both soft/hardcore wvw players to “actively” play WvW more, rather than leave after pip track is complete.
+ No more complaints about badges are rather useless
+ X #of badges per X# of tickets can change but I say 100 badges per wvw skrimish ticket seems fair for both players and ANet.and yes I know this or similar complaint/suggestion has been made in the past, but I just wanted to keep this topic up in first page regularly.
ThanksSoft and hardcore players stayed playing wvw before pips were a thing so I think you’ll find that they are the ones that carry on playing after they get their last ticket chest. It’s the people that just come for the tickets that are the problem you speak about, and the quicker they get tickets, the more likely they are to stop playing once they get their reward.
Leave the reward to be long. People who aren’t interested in playing the game mode shouldn’t be rewarded just as people who aren’t interested in raiding or 5v5 cap and hold shouldn’t get the respective rewards from raids and sPvP.
Granted, it’s going to happen sooner or later since the profession design/balance is borked and likely will stay as such.
10 badges for 1 ticket conversion ratio it is ok, that will save some WvW veterans for trash out the badges, and reward them with respect
because WvW veterans din’t get anything substantial comparing to others, like fractal/raid pve veterans. At least, if Anet continue to support pve gear for wvw, then, completely remove the pve grid part, as the update for runes. But, i will like more WvW exclusive items, as “Mistforged Triumphant Hero’s armor” or “Warbringer” to see in the incoming updates, this will make WvW GREAT AGAIN and is a HUUUGE BIG plus for Anet, i expect many more players to play GW2. Look at the queue for borders, before legendary wvw update was barely 10+ in prime time, now we almost got 100+, this is a huge difference! this is the way!
Desolation has probably the biggest pve population in EU. And we know that many pve players are for shinies.
Desolation didn’t used to have much any queues before legendary WvWvW update. When the update hit, we got queues to all for 4 maps, but those queues died out quick. Within less than 2 weeks from the update, the situation is back to the old one.
In other words: the pve players noticed that it takes way too much grind to get anything decent out of WvWvW. This should be a clear message for the developers. The current speed of obtaining weapon and armor skins from WvWvW is set artificially way to high. The pve population in general couldn’t care less as pve rewards are still far greater than WvWvW rewards.
We can argue whether 20 badges or 10 badges per 1 ticket is the right conversion rate. And how many proofs are equivalent of badges, but we really need a conversion.
100 badges = 1 ticket is a bad joke. I know that some hardcore WvWvWers can get 500-1000 badges per week, but even that would then equal mere 5-10 tickets = close to nothing.
How about a way to trade badges/proofs for Grandmaster Marks? Time gating for all ticket rewards stays the same, but WvWers get to use their currency to offset the crafting cost of ascended equipment.
@ Malerian.8435 , what about WvW Veterans, they don’t deserve anything?! i know many WvW Veterans that quit GW2 because of that, no reward at all! At least, reward them with some respect.
I am a veteran. Playing since launch. I think the reward system is meant to be difficult. Anyways I do not play WvW for rewards, nor have I asked for any. I just want better fights. The rewards are secondary for me at best.
I am also a veteran who has been playing since launch, and I’d love better rewards. XD
I don’t have an opinion about the conversion rate or process, but I think trading badges, proofs, tickets and marks for each other in some way is a good idea. PvE has some versatility across its various currencies. I don’t see why that can’t work here.
10 badges for 1 ticket conversion ratio it is ok, that will save some WvW veterans for trash out the badges, and reward them with respect
because WvW veterans din’t get anything substantial comparing to others, like fractal/raid pve veterans. At least, if Anet continue to support pve gear for wvw, then, completely remove the pve grid part, as the update for runes. But, i will like more WvW exclusive items, as “Mistforged Triumphant Hero’s armor” or “Warbringer” to see in the incoming updates, this will make WvW GREAT AGAIN and is a HUUUGE BIG plus for Anet, i expect many more players to play GW2. Look at the queue for borders, before legendary wvw update was barely 10+ in prime time, now we almost got 100+, this is a huge difference! this is the way!
Desolation has probably the biggest pve population in EU. And we know that many pve players are for shinies.
Desolation didn’t used to have much any queues before legendary WvWvW update. When the update hit, we got queues to all for 4 maps, but those queues died out quick. Within less than 2 weeks from the update, the situation is back to the old one.
In other words: the pve players noticed that it takes way too much grind to get anything decent out of WvWvW. This should be a clear message for the developers. The current speed of obtaining weapon and armor skins from WvWvW is set artificially way to high. The pve population in general couldn’t care less as pve rewards are still far greater than WvWvW rewards.
We can argue whether 20 badges or 10 badges per 1 ticket is the right conversion rate. And how many proofs are equivalent of badges, but we really need a conversion.
100 badges = 1 ticket is a bad joke. I know that some hardcore WvWvWers can get 500-1000 badges per week, but even that would then equal mere 5-10 tickets = close to nothing.
Not every shiny is for a pve player, you should come to grips with this right now.
The topic title says it.
It will give stronger incentives for both soft/hardcore wvw players to “actively” play WvW more, rather than leave after pip track is complete.
+ No more complaints about badges are rather useless
I think this topic is about being able to instantly attain the new rewards based on previous gameplay. That’s not an awful idea by itself.
I know some dedicated players use badges to create tactics. Denying them instant access to the new rewards, rather than token hoarders seems a bad show, frankly.
Got to admit, this is a double edged sword.
Those of us who contributed to the server and used badges to get siege, traps, disablers etc and get don’t gain many badges in a week would be disadvantaged over those selfish hoarders- probably the same players that bandwagonned, OS’d their max title, spammed 1 in massive blobs and who currently enjoy 250% more pips for their minimal effort.
On the other hand, being able to use badges, proofs, etc at some decent conversion rate might be useful.
They could easily time gate it by making the maximum 10 tickets a day with an exchange rate of 25 badges per ticket.
With a time gate limit per day and a sensible exchange rate of 25 per ticket, it would look like a fair reward system that benefits everyone equally.
A straightforward ‘swap all for tickets now’ wouldn’t be a good solution.
Yea that the biggest issue, instant high end rewards for the top wvwers. Other than that it would make use of the thousand of badges some wvwer have stockpiled. The new reward system does need to be modified to be more casual friendly, so tickets will not be a rarity for new players.
Also, a conversion system would make zerging more rewarding than roaming. Right now roaming vs zerging come down to preference both get the same about of wxp. Roamers get better spvp type fights and they tend to be scouts for the zerg. Zergers get more drop and bigger fights. If this is implemented zerging will be the best way to get rewards in wvw.
“Quoth the raven nevermore”
Platinum Scout: 300% MF
I support this, I have a hard enough time getting the wooden chest, even with the dedicated bonus pip.
This way I can earn anfew more tickets with a currency that doesnt reset every week
Personally, although this boat has probably sailed, I’d have given one-off tickets to veterans based on “WvW experience” and then had a far smaller pip gain advantage. Maybe enough tickets for the backpack immediately if you had “max” “experience”, however that was determined.
Using badges for tickets gives unfair advantage to hoarders over those who spent badges for many reasons – some for personal benefit, but many not and would discourage using them for those purposes in future. And, even at 10:1, as others have pointed out, the conversion of newly earned badges adds negligibly.
I’d also have used WvW AP points rather than WXP as it rewards broader play styles, but that’s a different debate. .
This post was NOT to support the idea for causal players to get ‘free/easy’ rewards, and I’m NOT casual/PvE/new wvw player who wants easy rewards then leave. I am currently sitting around 2.8k wvw rank and spent lots of badges/proofs for sieges/foods/traps/disablers, etc.
I personally do not agree less than 100 badges per 1 ticket conversion.
Tbh, I haven’t thought about hoarders before posting the topic but I see lots of good ideas/precautions. (If this idea is on ANet’s interest at all)
(edited by SCVwar.3784)
I like this idea, but 100:1 is too low of a ratio. You can earn 100 badges very quickly. I think around 1000:1 is a good conversion ratio. It makes it so badges are not the best source of tickets, but you can get some extra passive tickets from badges you don’t spend.
In general there should always be a way to convert the currencies between each other, even at an inefficient rate.
The topic title says it.
It will give stronger incentives for both soft/hardcore wvw players to “actively” play WvW more, rather than leave after pip track is complete.
+ No more complaints about badges are rather useless
+ X #of badges per X# of tickets can change but I say 100 badges per wvw skrimish ticket seems fair for both players and ANet.and yes I know this or similar complaint/suggestion has been made in the past, but I just wanted to keep this topic up in first page regularly.
I’d say 500 badges per ticket.
We want long term players, not one hit wonders.
WvW badges are never going to be exchangeable for skirmish rewards. ANet already removed Gift of Battle from the list of things we can buy with badges and, as others have noted, there remain plenty of other uses, including ways to turn badges into gold.
I think it’s far, far more likely that ANet will rebalance the amount of pips we earn and/or update the amount of skirmish tickets earned per tier and/or update the costs at the skirmish ticket vendors.