11/16 Ehmry v. Henge v. Dragonbrand

11/16 Ehmry v. Henge v. Dragonbrand

in WvW

Posted by: Jamaz.9837


We don’t have to be best friends forever with the enemy, but we need to keep it classy. Keep this thread free of flames and trolls and don’t embarrass your server. Ehmry Bay, let’s show our enemies that we deserve to win and that we still deserve respect.

Ehmry Bay – The Shadowmoon

11/16 Ehmry v. Henge v. Dragonbrand

in WvW

Posted by: Vv W.7821

Vv W.7821

Second post… that’s a record alright. Hopefully Dragonbrand won’t do anything like Darkhaven did… examples being attacking our only supply camp just for kicks when their own side is doing just as bad.

Redundant Sasquatch – 80 Warrior – [aYe] – HoD

11/16 Ehmry v. Henge v. Dragonbrand

in WvW

Posted by: Plutonium.1308


It’s not a baseless accusation. There are screenshots with it. A treb was built in the invuln area and cliffside was taken with it. It was lame and if it was Ehmry people doing it i’d post the screenshots myself.

Other than that this has been a fun fight, dragonbrand has some very skilled folks running around out there.

Observe Adapt Overcome
[FTF]Danke Bitte

11/16 Ehmry v. Henge v. Dragonbrand

in WvW

Posted by: RockonHarder.7235


And the no building seige issue is clearly marked in your screen shot where? you have a screen shot and if it’s an actuall issue it will be dealt with. lets move on.

Deathmonger esq lvl 80 necro
DB forever!!

11/16 Ehmry v. Henge v. Dragonbrand

in WvW

Posted by: Effrum the Wise.5410

Effrum the Wise.5410

I don’t know how they are doing it but I see what you mean now.

11/16 Ehmry v. Henge v. Dragonbrand

in WvW

Posted by: Plutonium.1308


they deleted the post with the screenshots.. i’m guessing so that the exploit doesn’t spread? I agree let’s move on.

Observe Adapt Overcome
[FTF]Danke Bitte

11/16 Ehmry v. Henge v. Dragonbrand

in WvW

Posted by: Jamaz.9837


We lost our last match up against Maguuma even though we obtained a dominating lead on Friday night full borderland vs full borderland. Ehmry will not allow our fortifications to go down so lightly this week during the morning. The real fight begins in several hours.

Ehmry Bay – The Shadowmoon

11/16 Ehmry v. Henge v. Dragonbrand

in WvW

Posted by: Vv W.7821

Vv W.7821

It’s barely an exploit. The range of the no siege placing just needs to be extended a bit. If you’re standing outside the no siege placing effect you can throw a blueprint inside of it. I’m fairly sure it’s well known enough to have a fix in the works.

Redundant Sasquatch – 80 Warrior – [aYe] – HoD

11/16 Ehmry v. Henge v. Dragonbrand

in WvW

Posted by: Shadowscamp.8065


Either way, it looks like EBay has a hell of a lot of people on at prime time. It’ll be interesting to see if they have this kind of coverage ALL the time, or if it’s just this group. They’re upgrading as well as building siege in our borderlands at all points, so it’s very hard to retake points without overwhelming force. I’m interested to see whether our larger-than-normal night crew will be able to claw back some points or not.

Either way, EBay currently seems VERY organized in capping and guarding the other two borderlands. I think a lot of the invaders we see are from the same guilds, so that’s not surprising. It’s certainly disheartening, but I hope that once the weekend is over, it’ll become less of a blowout.

Qoo ~

Quaggan may or may not like you ~

11/16 Ehmry v. Henge v. Dragonbrand

in WvW

Posted by: Plutonium.1308


I’d be happy with them moving the no siege field in a bit so that whole little ledge is vulnerable to balistas and catapults etc along with people firing from below, instead of having invulnerable people standing there shooting while they build something. Either expanding the field or contracting it would fix the problem.

Observe Adapt Overcome
[FTF]Danke Bitte

11/16 Ehmry v. Henge v. Dragonbrand

in WvW

Posted by: Gorefiend.9675


I just checked on the Ebay BL spot. I was not getting the invul buff at that spot. Though when the treb was put up it clearly existed. I was getting Immune popups with my attacks. So maybe they just moved it back.

D/D, Staff Elementalist

11/16 Ehmry v. Henge v. Dragonbrand

in WvW

Posted by: Shadowscamp.8065


…A mod plays for Dragonbrand?

Please. Keep your accusations out of this thread. The rest of us already asked you to. And especially accusing a mod, what do you hope to get out of it?

Keep this thread CIVIL and accusation-free.

On behalf of all of us. As well as for your forum privileges.

Edit: Also, @CRrabbit.

That’s quite insulting to all the people who WvW in DB now.
Like, really insulting.

We have plenty of good WvW’ers and tacticians. Yes, a lot of people left, but that doesn’t mean that you have to insult everyone who stayed.

Qoo ~

Quaggan may or may not like you ~

(edited by Shadowscamp.8065)

11/16 Ehmry v. Henge v. Dragonbrand

in WvW

Posted by: Neth.6108


Try to take my supply camp, will you?
unless it’s still bugged


11/16 Ehmry v. Henge v. Dragonbrand

in WvW

Posted by: Jinks.2057


Anyone got a score update?

11/16 Ehmry v. Henge v. Dragonbrand

in WvW

Posted by: Shadowscamp.8065


Edit: Once again, this post is rendered unnecessary.

@ Jinks: Currently, the score is:
EBay: 13,955
Dragonbrand: 902
Henge of Denravi: 780

Qoo ~

Quaggan may or may not like you ~

(edited by Shadowscamp.8065)

11/16 Ehmry v. Henge v. Dragonbrand

in WvW

Posted by: Jamaz.9837


Honestly, the siege placed in the spawn point can be counter-sieged by another trebuchet in the tower. It’s a bit excessive to make callouts when we’re already spawn camping them. Just be prepared for it to happen next time and always have someone manning a counter-treb. @Dragonband, we’re preparing for your full strength; you’ll not find it easy in a few hours.

Ehmry Bay – The Shadowmoon

11/16 Ehmry v. Henge v. Dragonbrand

in WvW

Posted by: Shadowscamp.8065


It’s not like we’re finding it particularly easy right now. :P

Edit: This last stand at Godslore is pretty hilarious though.

Qoo ~

Quaggan may or may not like you ~

(edited by Shadowscamp.8065)

11/16 Ehmry v. Henge v. Dragonbrand

in WvW

Posted by: Glektor.2934


Props to EB for their absolutely huge start. Great job getting a jump on the rest of us and defending hardcore. Great defense. You guys have a massive presence tonight, it’s hard to gain much ground.

We’ve been fighting hard but you guys kept repelling us back out of our BL’s garrison. We did manage to get a few towers back here and there, but you guys aren’t giving much away.

As to HoD: Good luck! It looked like you guys were having a worse time of it than we were. Quite a big deficit for both our servers for just one night.

Dragonbrand player

11/16 Ehmry v. Henge v. Dragonbrand

in WvW

Posted by: Effrum the Wise.5410

Effrum the Wise.5410

It is going to be a very long week for us it looks like.

11/16 Ehmry v. Henge v. Dragonbrand

in WvW

Posted by: wads.5730


Props to EB for their absolutely huge start. Great job getting a jump on the rest of us and defending hardcore. Great defense. You guys have a massive presence tonight, it’s hard to gain much ground.

We’ve been fighting hard but you guys kept repelling us back out of our BL’s garrison. We did manage to get a few towers back here and there, but you guys aren’t giving much away.

As to HoD: Good luck! It looked like you guys were having a worse time of it than we were. Quite a big deficit for both our servers for just one night.

Dragonbrand player

they did the same thing last week, huge lead after reset, but gives up if you cap them during the day the next day.

as long as dragonbrand recaps everything during ebay’s lower attendance hours, they lose the will to fight.

11/16 Ehmry v. Henge v. Dragonbrand

in WvW

Posted by: Klawlyt.6507


I’m stiiiiiiiiiiill at work.
Is anybody out there to hook me up with a score update?

The possibility of physical and mental collapse is now very real.
No sympathy for the Devil, keep that in mind.
Buy the ticket, take the ride.

11/16 Ehmry v. Henge v. Dragonbrand

in WvW

Posted by: Jinks.2057


Score as of right now is

EB: 39,945 +345
DB: 5,911 +220
HD: 4,108 +130

The DB Euro crew has been zerging it up hardcore this AM, and eventually when the EB players go get some sleep they’ll turn the map around. The real question is….will KISS/DWORF log in? And if they do will they be able to keep the BL’s green or close enough for the NA EB players?

We’ll see, but I can see how DB has kept their server in this tiers…..PvDoor is vastly superior to winning against even numbers.

11/16 Ehmry v. Henge v. Dragonbrand

in WvW

Posted by: Grit.9061


Unfortunately Dragonbrand and Henge of Denravi both were unable to field enough players in WvW last night to fill even a single borderland. Props to Ehmry Bay for having a devoted crew who ignored the new content in lieu of the rollover.

The battle was lost, but the war has only just begun.

[LION] Lion’s Arch Irregulars – Dragonbrand

11/16 Ehmry v. Henge v. Dragonbrand

in WvW

Posted by: Cain.9724


If only Dragonbrand would stop building trebs in the invuln area.. the guild EA, they did this about 5 or 6 times.


Caen [SM] – Thief
The ShadowMoon

11/16 Ehmry v. Henge v. Dragonbrand

in WvW

Posted by: Kumu Honua.2751

Kumu Honua.2751

Unfortunately Dragonbrand and Henge of Denravi both were unable to field enough players in WvW last night to fill even a single borderland. Props to Ehmry Bay for having a devoted crew who ignored the new content in lieu of the rollover.

The battle was lost, but the war has only just begun.

I’m afraid Dragonbrand will likely not have a show of force till the event is over.

While we do have dedicated wvwvw players, DB has shown to be quite a bit more PvE players and PvE players that like to play in wvwvw as a side hobby. Like myself. I play PvE, but I will mix it up in the mists when I feel like it.

Event has me. Won’t see me this weekend.

Sylvari Guardian. – Dragonbrand.

11/16 Ehmry v. Henge v. Dragonbrand

in WvW

Posted by: Silentghost.5946


I don’t know, The new event doesn’t really matter, I think our numbers will be low just due to the fact of the new dungeon. The one time events have really been nothing. Just everyone is doing the new dungeon while Ehmry has a bunch of dedicated wvwers. That is the true problem, we lack dedicated players.

US Dragonbrand
Leader of Elephant Ambush [EA]

11/16 Ehmry v. Henge v. Dragonbrand

in WvW

Posted by: Vv W.7821

Vv W.7821

HoD will not be going down without a fight, watch out Ehmry Bay!

Redundant Sasquatch – 80 Warrior – [aYe] – HoD

11/16 Ehmry v. Henge v. Dragonbrand

in WvW

Posted by: Ralathar.7236


I feel bad for you guys. You just don’t have the numbers to compete and we really do have some very organized opening nights.

Have some heart though, one of our current problems is that the organization tends to flag after the weekend and night capping seems to kill Ehmry Bay morale. You might organize a few alarm clock raids to give yourself more of a fighting chance if you can.

I’ll be rooting for you even as I defend our realm.

Rashanala – 80 Elementalist
Ehmry Bay – Legion of the Iron Hawk [Hawk]

11/16 Ehmry v. Henge v. Dragonbrand

in WvW

Posted by: Vv W.7821

Vv W.7821

I expect to hear some /cheer ing from the walls as we try to take your stuff. =P

Redundant Sasquatch – 80 Warrior – [aYe] – HoD

11/16 Ehmry v. Henge v. Dragonbrand

in WvW

Posted by: Adein.2031


Score update:

EB: 59,008 +650
DB: 8,271 +45
HoD: 7,274 +0

Adein – SLAY – Thief – Ehmry Bay

11/16 Ehmry v. Henge v. Dragonbrand

in WvW

Posted by: TheFinal.9847


If only Dragonbrand would stop building trebs in the invuln area.. the guild EA, they did this about 5 or 6 times.

However, this Eb guy hid at unmoveable place and used portol to bring more foes up many times. We took almost 1 hour to deal this one with 15+ people.


11/16 Ehmry v. Henge v. Dragonbrand

in WvW

Posted by: TxJBxT.9370


Really guys? Come one ANET this isn’t funny or fair.


11/16 Ehmry v. Henge v. Dragonbrand

in WvW

Posted by: Raven.6287


Really guys? Come one ANET this isn’t funny or fair.

You forgot to add the 4 arrow carts, 3 balista around our spawn point. We also encountered some players with lets say extended skill ranges. What I witnessed today was a case of EB being bullies, seriously guys you have the whole map, why sink this low using these tactics. You think its funny, do you get a real laugh out of this behavior. Now dont get me wrong, I dont mind being out manned 50 – 1 and still managing to take stuff away from you guys, but I draw the line at the childish attitudes we have to deal with.

Play the game in the spirit it is intended to be played in and cut out the childish rubbish.

11/16 Ehmry v. Henge v. Dragonbrand

in WvW

Posted by: Vv W.7821

Vv W.7821

Dragonbrand… We’ve ignored you so far, but now you are fair game…

Redundant Sasquatch – 80 Warrior – [aYe] – HoD

11/16 Ehmry v. Henge v. Dragonbrand

in WvW

Posted by: Oxzy.2376


Dragonbrand has a sizable East Asia community- Taiwan, Singapore… They are at 12 hours difference with NA. So their night is your day and vice versa.

WvW will always be there but the one-time event and new content were not there before

11/16 Ehmry v. Henge v. Dragonbrand

in WvW

Posted by: Phuriok.9307


Im gonna seem cynical with this statement but anybody who refuses the truth of it is simply blinded by their current devotion to WvW. Wv3 offers the same exact results and the same exact happenings no matter who you play. Yes you may win and you may lose but the strategies all revolve around the same few possible strategies to do anything and in the end Wv3 is simply about how many people you have to offer in terms of both supply and damage done.

I realize that that is not a blanket statement, however even a team of 10 no matter how well defended will fall to a decently organized zerg, so don’t argue with me that numbers are not important. Believe me you’re talking to a very experienced wvw player, numbers count.

BUT the important thing to remember about this post is simply this, whether you win or lose or tie, next week you will face the same challenges, the same results and the same happenings within your wvw battle no matter what tier you rank in, or how many points you score. You will have to take camps, portal bomb their siege, defend your fortifications and follow your commanders. The scores may be different and the placing may be different, but in the end the simple question is, “Did you have fun?” I actually urge you all to enjoy the new content and not scorn the pve players. They are simply doing what is giving them that fun factor. If you are playing WvW to win all the time, you picked the wrong pvp to play. Cause you wont win all the time, and it will be a repeat of what you saw yesterday, the day before, the week before. THink about your battles, they are not all the same, but within a week’s period, they are.

I wish you guys the best of luck to all servers. But win or lose this week, who honestly gives a rat’s behind. Just play the game for what it is, a game. Have fun Even if it’s in a dungeon with your guild. It’s player vs player, people are gonna find ways to piss you off… so figure out how to counter it and just get over it. I haven’t stepped foot in Wv3 in about a week now but if and when I get beat, i figure out how to beat em, and EB if you’re whining about losing 5 points from your 625…. Get up, walk away and realize what you’re complaining about lol.

Ludicrous. It’s a game guys. Enjoy it, play with your guilds, your friends, your family and have fun. Stop all the whining. Maguuma and FA was a fun match because even with losing, we all enjoyed it. We knew what was important. Not the score, not whether something was fair or unfair, simply, were we having fun? That’s the factor that matters. Remember that throughout this thread please.

~ Phuriok
Commander, Guild Leader of [Epic] Muffins
DragonBrand for life

11/16 Ehmry v. Henge v. Dragonbrand

in WvW

Posted by: Vv W.7821

Vv W.7821

Fair points, but that doesn’t cover the worst of the worst. When you’re in the low tiers you can afford having teammates who place trebs ten degrees off of aiming at the enemy gate, and then turn it around the long way before firing.

Redundant Sasquatch – 80 Warrior – [aYe] – HoD

11/16 Ehmry v. Henge v. Dragonbrand

in WvW

Posted by: Silentghost.5946


Well said Phuriok, Just gets frustrating when we don’t have those numbers, but wvw is still fun just got to change tactics when we cannot field the numbers.

US Dragonbrand
Leader of Elephant Ambush [EA]

11/16 Ehmry v. Henge v. Dragonbrand

in WvW

Posted by: Jinks.2057


Well said Phuriok, Just gets frustrating when we don’t have those numbers, but wvw is still fun just got to change tactics when we cannot field the numbers.

You had the numbers during the Asian/EU/Oceanic wtf ever you call it prime time.

11/16 Ehmry v. Henge v. Dragonbrand

in WvW

Posted by: Ralathar.7236


Really guys? Come one ANET this isn’t funny or fair.

You forgot to add the 4 arrow carts, 3 balista around our spawn point. We also encountered some players with lets say extended skill ranges. What I witnessed today was a case of EB being bullies, seriously guys you have the whole map, why sink this low using these tactics. You think its funny, do you get a real laugh out of this behavior. Now dont get me wrong, I dont mind being out manned 50 – 1 and still managing to take stuff away from you guys, but I draw the line at the childish attitudes we have to deal with.

Play the game in the spirit it is intended to be played in and cut out the childish rubbish.

I apologize on their behalf. Most of the Ehmry Bay I know fights with honor. However we have had an influx of players from the match before last and then another bit at the last match. To be honest you guys are suffering from thier frustration at thier loss to Maguuma and all the “valid tactics” Maguuma likes to employ.

It doesn’t excuse any of this though. This sort of stuff is expected vs a server that you know will break through and give you a hard battle eventually. But there is no excuse using it vs servers that are completely outclassed in population. (An ironic position for Ehmry Bay)

Again I apologize on their behalf. BUT, keep in mind these are not true Ehmry Bay players. When the next match comes around and we get catapulted up a tier or two we will get utterly whipped and these players will be nowhere to be found.

You guys are pretty funny. Spawn camping with siege happens all the time in the higher tiers. Better learn to deal with it if you want to move up in the tiers.

Or you could come transfer to Crystal Desert and get out of that hell hole.

Spawn camping is fine in higher tiers against enemies well capable of breaking the spawn camp and giving you a competitive match. It’s not cool against people without the population to stand a chance.

As far as the transfers? No. You can be a lame fairweather drifter but don’t encourage others. It wasn’t too long ago that Ehmry Bay was in that same state and it’s because of stubborn players like them that Ehmry has rebuilt. Fairweather players like you will move on and Ehmry Bay will still have a much stronger core WvW crowd than it used to. Because we worked hard to build that crowd.

I can’t wait till the end of free transfers so people with your mentality will no longer be on our server giving us a bad name before you hop somewhere else.

Rashanala – 80 Elementalist
Ehmry Bay – Legion of the Iron Hawk [Hawk]

11/16 Ehmry v. Henge v. Dragonbrand

in WvW

Posted by: Ralathar.7236


All respect to DB and HoD for continuing to fight. Don’t give up guys. This is a rough match for you but don’t play for this match. Play for fun and play to build a strong core WvW community.

Rashanala – 80 Elementalist
Ehmry Bay – Legion of the Iron Hawk [Hawk]

11/16 Ehmry v. Henge v. Dragonbrand

in WvW

Posted by: Sojourner.6938


I was thrilled on Friday night to see us (EBay) off to such a strong start. But we did the same thing last week, and when I woke up last Saturday, Maguuma had not only stopped our progress but was dominating the match.

Yesterday when I logged in, I honestly expected something similar … but … uh … no, we were still way ahead. So I left WvW to level and Alt, then ran some errands, made dinneer and came back around 9PM last night.

It’s a total blowout now. Not only did we own almost everything, I heard commanders on our side giving orders to spawn-camp and other players calling to “crush their morale so they don’t even want to play” …

No, sir. I know there are other humans on the other side of those enemy pixels. I don’t like being treated that way and I know others feel the same way. After ten minutes of listening to this sickening chat, I logged off and went to play a different MMO for a while.

I like winning. I don’t even mind losing a fair fight. But this week isn’t about DB and HoD inability to compete with our population … it’s about our populations inability to let others have even a speck of fun.

Odd Bodkins

11/16 Ehmry v. Henge v. Dragonbrand

in WvW

Posted by: jktracey.3487


Sigh. Anet really needs to do something fast about matches like this. 2 days in and the battle is already lost. It really makes it hard to keep logging in. I guess all we can hope for is after this stupid event ends that we can get some decent numbers to make it an interesting battle for 2nd.

11/16 Ehmry v. Henge v. Dragonbrand

in WvW

Posted by: NullMad.4370


Historically we weren’t strong on weekday NA daytime (Ehmry). You probably won’t overtake but there may be some fun to be had fighting us.

11/16 Ehmry v. Henge v. Dragonbrand

in WvW

Posted by: eCheese.8240


Have been observing the match and this thread and I have to say EBay is true to form. There are a few good guys who dearly want their server to be respectable and with the showing they have on opening night they almost have it but then the balance of the population open their mouths here and you see the servers true character.

Even another reference to Maguuma here… still sore from last week’s lovins?

Sorry dragonbrand and hod I wish you guys didn’t have to deal with the temper tantrum of revenge.

Okay I’ve had my fun swipe at eBay. Its only fun because they crai so hard.

Sur Phobos / Dr Quinn
Team X Gaming [TXG]

11/16 Ehmry v. Henge v. Dragonbrand

in WvW

Posted by: Glektor.2934


It’s a total blowout now. Not only did we own almost everything, I heard commanders on our side giving orders to spawn-camp and other players calling to “crush their morale so they don’t even want to play” …

No, sir. I know there are other humans on the other side of those enemy pixels. I don’t like being treated that way and I know others feel the same way. After ten minutes of listening to this sickening chat, I logged off and went to play a different MMO for a while.

I like winning. I don’t even mind losing a fair fight. But this week isn’t about DB and HoD inability to compete with our population … it’s about our populations inability to let others have even a speck of fun.

Well, cheers to you for good sportsmanship and having respect for your opponents. The world could definitely use more of it(not just talking about here).

That was something I never understood in PvP games. It was particularly bad in games where high levels could kill lowbies/newbies. I’m not really sure what they hoped to gain by making people not want to play anymore, as it just kills your own game.

11/16 Ehmry v. Henge v. Dragonbrand

in WvW

Posted by: OrangeMint.7980


@soujourner: that is horrible, I honestly didn’t think anyone would actually say that, “crush their morale so they don’t even want to play”, I mean I thought there was a line of respect, but that’s pretty sickening. Then again I should know better.

But it’s whatever, I just keep on playing, it’s not like I’m getting destroyed in real life xD but at the time when spirit entrance was camped, I was shocked to see so much red names, arrows, catapults everywhere xD
It was really fun and challenging taking out those arrow carts though, but getting yanked off the edge by like 5 players was kind of sucky lol.

11/16 Ehmry v. Henge v. Dragonbrand

in WvW

Posted by: Ralathar.7236


Have been observing the match and this thread and I have to say EBay is true to form. There are a few good guys who dearly want their server to be respectable and with the showing they have on opening night they almost have it but then the balance of the population open their mouths here and you see the servers true character.

Even another reference to Maguuma here… still sore from last week’s lovins?

Sorry dragonbrand and hod I wish you guys didn’t have to deal with the temper tantrum of revenge.

Okay I’ve had my fun swipe at eBay. Its only fun because they crai so hard.

“There are a few good guys who dearly want their server to be respectable” are likely going to be the bulk of Ehmry Bay population after the end of the next matchup. Our mouthier and crueler members are mostly joins from the winning weeks we had.

I’ve been on Ehmry Bay since the beginning. I’ve seen them all come and go since the first exodus. I’ve seen those who stay behind while we get whipped badly.

Rashanala – 80 Elementalist
Ehmry Bay – Legion of the Iron Hawk [Hawk]

11/16 Ehmry v. Henge v. Dragonbrand

in WvW

Posted by: Gorefiend.9675


Just wondering, but would there be any interest in a fight club this week?

D/D, Staff Elementalist

11/16 Ehmry v. Henge v. Dragonbrand

in WvW

Posted by: Anubbyss.3805


Luckily a few bad apples don’t make the entire tree rotten. I don’t care what server your on, when you make a much stronger show of force than your enemy and push them back real well your going to have people with the mentality of “crush their morale so they don’t even want to play” and the like. It is, sad to say, simply human nature, but luckily not all of us are like that and just because a few are doesn’t mean the entire server is bad or else every server in the game would be bad I can guarantee.

On one note I can see the spawn camping and complete and utter destruction of your enemy in any way possible a fully legit strategy anyone would use to win, for such is the way of war. That being said however I can’t agree at all with the extended use of such tactics. Secure your server a good lead, sure, but using it beyond that so that other servers literally can’t even do anything all week really makes wvw compeletely and utterly worthless. Whats the point in WvW if there is no one to fight all week? Winning is a total bore and doesn’t mean kitten if you can do it without ever fighting anyone.