11/2/2012Dragonbrand Maguuma and Darkhaven

11/2/2012Dragonbrand Maguuma and Darkhaven

in WvW

Posted by: Actium.8765


Gaw! this looks like such a good and close match. can’t wait to play tomorrow… :\ though tomorrow and friday will the only days I will get to play against you, Maguuma and Dragonbrand, I wish you all the best of luck in the last hours of play.

Character: Acium 80 Guard
Server: Northern Shiverpeaks, Commander
Guild: Legends and Myth [Myth]

11/2/2012Dragonbrand Maguuma and Darkhaven

in WvW

Posted by: Anatax.3905


Well Maguuma I have to hand it to you. I knew that 13,000 pts was a big lead. My friends were very afraid but I kept telling them if our Guild actively participates in this war we can maintain a victory. Turns out that this match is too close to call. I’ve had time off work recently so I’ve been able to log 10 hours a day for the past week. You Maguuma guys are the best fight we’ve ever had. We had fun fighting you two weeks ago and are having the closest neck and neck match ever now. About to log in, about to punch the clock and begin my shift. I’m tired, but i’m focused. I’m here to bring you hell. Lets go the distance. See you on the Battlefields, Exelsior!

Guild member of Rethisis, proud server soldier of Darkhaven.

11/2/2012Dragonbrand Maguuma and Darkhaven

in WvW

Posted by: wads.5730


Wait a minute! I’m a PUG and must say something’s. I’m in a small guild with friends I’ve been gaming with for years (mostly FPS but a handful of us like MMO playing once in awhile) but I’m the only one who prefers PVP over PVE (if I’m gonna PVE ill finish Diablo3) Back on subject. I try to stick with helping a commander. Half the time we get slaughtered because they stretch us too deep into enemy territory wi too few troops, or,they hit a point then peel,off and not announce they are changing places and several of us don’t notice until we get slammed. I tried defending in Eternal yesterday and the small group couldn’t hold off the mag Zerg who kept pushing into our lowland then. I’m only a 40 (played from 15-40 in wv3 only) b I tried to help the team but feeling like cannon fodder all the time does get old especially when it doesn’t seem like the commanders are leading and are doing the very thing you claim the dumb Pugs do. 100g and I can get the blue arrow too, but it doesn’t mean I’m a good tactician.

you and your friends are too low level, and not geared enough to make a difference.

i’m in the same situation as you, i run with 3-4 other people in wvw, we try to avoid the zerg as much as possible and seek out small fights and ninja camps/towers, often winning out numbered 2:1, depending on how bad the enemies are. but we’re max geared and good at pvp.

if you go into wvw under geared and level, expect to act as nothing but meat shields and cannon fodder.

11/2/2012Dragonbrand Maguuma and Darkhaven

in WvW

Posted by: Richard Nixon.6573

Richard Nixon.6573

Quick score update:


-1-800-GUILD-WAR? They can’t have my ’Brand… I have special eyes.
-Look, look with your special eyes!
-My Dragonbrand!

11/2/2012Dragonbrand Maguuma and Darkhaven

in WvW

Posted by: Ninein.4782


Wait a minute! I’m a PUG and must say something’s. I’m in a small guild with friends I’ve been gaming with for years (mostly FPS but a handful of us like MMO playing once in awhile) but I’m the only one who prefers PVP over PVE (if I’m gonna PVE ill finish Diablo3) Back on subject. I try to stick with helping a commander. Half the time we get slaughtered because they stretch us too deep into enemy territory wi too few troops, or,they hit a point then peel,off and not announce they are changing places and several of us don’t notice until we get slammed. I tried defending in Eternal yesterday and the small group couldn’t hold off the mag Zerg who kept pushing into our lowland then. I’m only a 40 (played from 15-40 in wv3 only) b I tried to help the team but feeling like cannon fodder all the time does get old especially when it doesn’t seem like the commanders are leading and are doing the very thing you claim the dumb Pugs do. 100g and I can get the blue arrow too, but it doesn’t mean I’m a good tactician.

you and your friends are too low level, and not geared enough to make a difference.

i’m in the same situation as you, i run with 3-4 other people in wvw, we try to avoid the zerg as much as possible and seek out small fights and ninja camps/towers, often winning out numbered 2:1, depending on how bad the enemies are. but we’re max geared and good at pvp.

if you go into wvw under geared and level, expect to act as nothing but meat shields and cannon fodder.

Pretty much this. I find my level 60 die way too quick in WvW compared to my level 80 in exotics. I only log in my low level to run supplies or something that doesn’t involve too much combat.


11/2/2012Dragonbrand Maguuma and Darkhaven

in WvW

Posted by: Littlefeather.8623


I think some one took the word “discipline” out of context. I initially said discipline in the form of some one being disciplined enough to follow through on something. To handle something from start to finish.

RE has a public vent, but PUG’s choose not to use it.

My expectations from a fellow guildie to help siege and guard a tower or keep is the highest, its not the same for random PUG’s. Few are on the same page as those who see the bigger picture, most are not.

Crazy Leg

11/2/2012Dragonbrand Maguuma and Darkhaven

in WvW

Posted by: Seraphim.3475


I realize i’m not going to a power house killer but my point was that commanders make stupid pug like decisions. I think I do pretty good when we have balanced group gruope fight. Like I said I’ve done mostly 15-40 in just Wv3. See ya on the field

11/2/2012Dragonbrand Maguuma and Darkhaven

in WvW

Posted by: Rhyis.7058


A level 40 can be tough to kill if you’re wearing all toughness/vitality gear. Most don’t and wear power gear and then wonder why they get gibbed in a second. Well, that’s because 80 gear gives you at least 1 defensive stat. Low level gear doesn’t, unless you decide to gear for it. Sure you’ll be missing out the traits, but you should have access to every skill you intent to ever use. With the increased bonus to low level stats, if you’re wearing green gear at the appropriate level, you should have roughly the same toughness and vitality attributes of an 80 wearing full green gear. Which is more then manageable to play.

11/2/2012Dragonbrand Maguuma and Darkhaven

in WvW

Posted by: Kita.7819


I realize i’m not going to a power house killer but my point was that commanders make stupid pug like decisions. I think I do pretty good when we have balanced group gruope fight. Like I said I’ve done mostly 15-40 in just Wv3. See ya on the field

There’s two things you need to see. First, is their guild well known? Have you ever seen anyone with that tag before?

Next, look at their following. Are they like Arishock or Ethersin, who typically have 10+ dedicated guildmates following their actions? Are they doing something bold and courageous, like setting up a catapult zerg, or are they acting stupid, like attacking Ogres when they’re on Green?

Kita – Guardian
Server: Darkhaven. The Besthaven.

11/2/2012Dragonbrand Maguuma and Darkhaven

in WvW

Posted by: Kita.7819


A level 40 can be tough to kill if you’re wearing all toughness/vitality gear. Most don’t and wear power gear and then wonder why they get gibbed in a second. Well, that’s because 80 gear gives you at least 1 defensive stat. Low level gear doesn’t, unless you decide to gear for it. Sure you’ll be missing out the traits, but you should have access to every skill you intent to ever use. With the increased bonus to low level stats, if you’re wearing green gear at the appropriate level, you should have roughly the same toughness and vitality attributes of an 80 wearing full green gear. Which is more then manageable to play.

Here’s what gets scaled up

Base stats

Here’s what doesn’t get scaled up

Skill point pool
Trait pool
Quality of gear

In other words, if you’re not level 80, you won’t have 70 traits to spend. You won’t have plenty of skills unlocked. If you’re a level 40 using white armor, you’ll be upscaled to a level 80 using white armor in a game where every other level 80 has exotic armor.

Upscaling only helps keep you alive against things like coyotes.

Kita – Guardian
Server: Darkhaven. The Besthaven.

11/2/2012Dragonbrand Maguuma and Darkhaven

in WvW

Posted by: Rhyis.7058


A level 40 can be tough to kill if you’re wearing all toughness/vitality gear. Most don’t and wear power gear and then wonder why they get gibbed in a second. Well, that’s because 80 gear gives you at least 1 defensive stat. Low level gear doesn’t, unless you decide to gear for it. Sure you’ll be missing out the traits, but you should have access to every skill you intent to ever use. With the increased bonus to low level stats, if you’re wearing green gear at the appropriate level, you should have roughly the same toughness and vitality attributes of an 80 wearing full green gear. Which is more then manageable to play.

Here’s what gets scaled up

Base stats

Here’s what doesn’t get scaled up

Skill point pool
Trait pool
Quality of gear

In other words, if you’re not level 80, you won’t have 70 traits to spend. You won’t have plenty of skills unlocked. If you’re a level 40 using white armor, you’ll be upscaled to a level 80 using white armor in a game where every other level 80 has exotic armor.

Upscaling only helps keep you alive against things like coyotes.

Don’t wear white gear.

Again, a level 40 should have access to every skill he ever intents to use for his spec. If you don’t, you messed up. If you’re wearing green gear with defensive stats, you’ve got roughly the same attributes as an 80 in green gear. But yeah, you’ll be missing out on traits, which I already said in the previous post.

11/2/2012Dragonbrand Maguuma and Darkhaven

in WvW

Posted by: saiyr.3071


Yeah, I just hit level 40 on my Nth alt and have all the skills I need right now with I think 12 skill points to spare. I don’t have a 30 skill point elite, nor do I need one. I don’t know why anyone would wear white armor anyway, there are only very rare circumstances where you’ll pick up white armor that’s better than what you have. The bigger issue is lazy people like me who don’t refresh their gear for too many levels, but that’s easily fixed.

[DERP] Saiyr, “bff” of Sgt Killjoy

11/2/2012Dragonbrand Maguuma and Darkhaven

in WvW

Posted by: Wintuo.1356


Had to log in to talk about this a bit, about the lower level geared players in W3. When a server is lacking manpower during offpeak hours even the low levels play huge importance. When you have a group of 8 or around that and yea they might be 1-40 but the enemy doesnt know this. If you’re aggressive they back off and flee for the hills if their numbers dont match yours. Also when you’re trying to defend keeps n such you really do want those knowledgable 1-40’s running supplies for you or manning siege so your 80s can take the fight man to man with the few numbers you may have. It’s all about context and player skill vs level. 1v1 or 2v1 a 1-40 will most likely lose out everytime but to doubt their usefullness is a waste. Should spend more time educating them on how to use what they have to the fullest, dont push away active W3 players that are using it to level just by scaring them saying oh, you’re not 80 yet so ur not very useful. We on every server it seems throw the term pugs around too often. Why arent we doing more to make these PuGs, non-pugs, seems the best strategy for a server would be to use what you have regardless, if you need to 1 on 1 talk to people you see looking stupid cause odds are they are trying to learn the mechanics of stuff, you just never know, we judge before we reason with people.

Win Two Ohhh lvl 80 Human Mesmer
Guard the Guild lvl 80 Norn Guardian
Outlaws and Vagabonds(LaWz) on TC

11/2/2012Dragonbrand Maguuma and Darkhaven

in WvW

Posted by: Arius.7031


:) Maguuma says hello

Darkhaven says goodbye.

Been waiting to do that for a while—I hate bragging.


Darkhaven Commander
Co-leader of [Sold]

11/2/2012Dragonbrand Maguuma and Darkhaven

in WvW

Posted by: Rhyis.7058


Had to log in to talk about this a bit, about the lower level geared players in W3. When a server is lacking manpower during offpeak hours even the low levels play huge importance. When you have a group of 8 or around that and yea they might be 1-40 but the enemy doesnt know this. If you’re aggressive they back off and flee for the hills if their numbers dont match yours. Also when you’re trying to defend keeps n such you really do want those knowledgable 1-40’s running supplies for you or manning siege so your 80s can take the fight man to man with the few numbers you may have. It’s all about context and player skill vs level. 1v1 or 2v1 a 1-40 will most likely lose out everytime but to doubt their usefullness is a waste. Should spend more time educating them on how to use what they have to the fullest, dont push away active W3 players that are using it to level just by scaring them saying oh, you’re not 80 yet so ur not very useful. We on every server it seems throw the term pugs around too often. Why arent we doing more to make these PuGs, non-pugs, seems the best strategy for a server would be to use what you have regardless, if you need to 1 on 1 talk to people you see looking stupid cause odds are they are trying to learn the mechanics of stuff, you just never know, we judge before we reason with people.

Yep, siege doesn’t care what level you are. A group of levels 1 defending a supply camp with some ballistas and arrowcarts is almost the exact same as some level 80 doing the job. And really, you’re doing your server a greater service performing this task than just being another mindless blob in the zerg.

11/2/2012Dragonbrand Maguuma and Darkhaven

in WvW

Posted by: Wintuo.1356


:) Maguuma says hello

Darkhaven says goodbye.

Been waiting to do that for a while—I hate bragging.

LoL when its only a 6 k lead bro I dont think provoking them would be a wise idea here eh? There’s still a lot of time left in this matchup and theyve been gaining more each day. Still props to our server for sticking it out and fighting man to man in this 3 way madness.

Win Two Ohhh lvl 80 Human Mesmer
Guard the Guild lvl 80 Norn Guardian
Outlaws and Vagabonds(LaWz) on TC

11/2/2012Dragonbrand Maguuma and Darkhaven

in WvW

Posted by: Arius.7031


:) Maguuma says hello

Darkhaven says goodbye.

Been waiting to do that for a while—I hate bragging.

LoL when its only a 6 k lead bro I dont think provoking them would be a wise idea here eh? There’s still a lot of time left in this matchup and theyve been gaining more each day. Still props to our server for sticking it out and fighting man to man in this 3 way madness.

Haha no, I’m not meaning to brag or provoke. The guy I was quoting bragged about Maguuma having the lead, that just irked me. So I posted when Dh had the lead in potential points to counter his post. Maguuma still very well could win, it was more just to get at that specific guy because I hate bragging.

Darkhaven Commander
Co-leader of [Sold]

11/2/2012Dragonbrand Maguuma and Darkhaven

in WvW

Posted by: Wintuo.1356


Aha its all good bro, when the guy you quoted did that I saw it as kinda funny too. Just wish our lead was more than 6k when you did your comeback on him T.T lol but o well this is war n all cya on the field.

Win Two Ohhh lvl 80 Human Mesmer
Guard the Guild lvl 80 Norn Guardian
Outlaws and Vagabonds(LaWz) on TC

11/2/2012Dragonbrand Maguuma and Darkhaven

in WvW

Posted by: Seraphim.3475


Had to log in to talk about this a bit, about the lower level geared players in W3. When a server is lacking manpower during offpeak hours even the low levels play huge importance. When you have a group of 8 or around that and yea they might be 1-40 but the enemy doesnt know this. If you’re aggressive they back off and flee for the hills if their numbers dont match yours. Also when you’re trying to defend keeps n such you really do want those knowledgable 1-40’s running supplies for you or manning siege so your 80s can take the fight man to man with the few numbers you may have. It’s all about context and player skill vs level. 1v1 or 2v1 a 1-40 will most likely lose out everytime but to doubt their usefullness is a waste. Should spend more time educating them on how to use what they have to the fullest, dont push away active W3 players that are using it to level just by scaring them saying oh, you’re not 80 yet so ur not very useful. We on every server it seems throw the term pugs around too often. Why arent we doing more to make these PuGs, non-pugs, seems the best strategy for a server would be to use what you have regardless, if you need to 1 on 1 talk to people you see looking stupid cause odds are they are trying to learn the mechanics of stuff, you just never know, we judge before we reason with people.

Exactly. I die quick if i run get caught by myself against 1or 2 others, but I survive pretty well by not staying still or push to far out ahead of a siege. I do like being a little aggressive and push sometimes and it is funny to see people back up because they can’t tell what i have or can do. Last night felt like we kept getting led to the slaughter but tonight was pretty good and i only died when the 60 Dragons sieged DB gate and swarmed me over what i was on catapult or other times we were just outnumbered and everyone got wiped. LOL

11/2/2012Dragonbrand Maguuma and Darkhaven

in WvW

Posted by: Shajin.5492


I have to say, Dragonbrand, that night time Taiwan zerg is such a pain to deal with. At a time when we have maybe 10-15 people on that huge group can train all 3 maps. Frustrating, but really helps you guys keep the score close, and making sure both DH and Mag dont have any upgraded structures left come morning. They are like the night time cleaning crew haha.

11/2/2012Dragonbrand Maguuma and Darkhaven

in WvW

Posted by: Grit.9061


I have to say, Dragonbrand, that night time Taiwan zerg is such a pain to deal with. At a time when we have maybe 10-15 people on that huge group can train all 3 maps. Frustrating, but really helps you guys keep the score close, and making sure both DH and Mag dont have any upgraded structures left come morning. They are like the night time cleaning crew haha.

They’re certainly a force to be reckoned with!

For the record, our NA primetime crew is also getting consolidated and we did a lot of work on the Maguuma Borderlands tonight, as well as the other maps. Was great fun.

[LION] Lion’s Arch Irregulars – Dragonbrand

11/2/2012Dragonbrand Maguuma and Darkhaven

in WvW

Posted by: Rottaran Owain.6789

Rottaran Owain.6789

Seems the people in the Eternal Battlegrounds jumping puzzle are much friendlier than they were a few days back. I noticed a fairly large number of Maguma, and DH players who didn’t attack on sight there.

11/2/2012Dragonbrand Maguuma and Darkhaven

in WvW

Posted by: wads.5730


Seems the people in the Eternal Battlegrounds jumping puzzle are much friendlier than they were a few days back. I noticed a fairly large number of Maguma, and DH players who didn’t attack on sight there.

i won’t stand for this, need to spend less time doing wvw stuff and more time in puzzle

11/2/2012Dragonbrand Maguuma and Darkhaven

in WvW

Posted by: Rottaran Owain.6789

Rottaran Owain.6789

i won’t stand for this, need to spend less time doing wvw stuff and more time in puzzle

But I was having so much fun pranking friendly people with randomly placed knockdown traps!

11/2/2012Dragonbrand Maguuma and Darkhaven

in WvW

Posted by: Rhyis.7058


Seems the people in the Eternal Battlegrounds jumping puzzle are much friendlier than they were a few days back. I noticed a fairly large number of Maguma, and DH players who didn’t attack on sight there.

This shall not abide.

11/2/2012Dragonbrand Maguuma and Darkhaven

in WvW

Posted by: ViperWire.4261


:) Maguuma says hello

Darkhaven says goodbye.

Been waiting to do that for a while—I hate bragging.

LoL when its only a 6 k lead bro I dont think provoking them would be a wise idea here eh? There’s still a lot of time left in this matchup and theyve been gaining more each day. Still props to our server for sticking it out and fighting man to man in this 3 way madness.

Haha no, I’m not meaning to brag or provoke. The guy I was quoting bragged about Maguuma having the lead, that just irked me. So I posted when Dh had the lead in potential points to counter his post. Maguuma still very well could win, it was more just to get at that specific guy because I hate bragging.

Showing that Maguuma has not given up /=/ bragging. I am a commander on Maguuma and am very happy that we are fighting this out rather than giving up. Sorry if your feelings were hurt, but there was less brag and more proud.

Great fight Darkhaven and Dragonbrand I’ve really enjoyed this match!!

**EVOH has really enjoyed this match as well!

Invalid Password [EVOH] – Maguuma

(edited by ViperWire.4261)

11/2/2012Dragonbrand Maguuma and Darkhaven

in WvW

Posted by: katniss.6735


I love the scores this week. This is how it should always be. Not 1 team with 300k and the other two with 100k and 30k like you see in the other threads.

Server: Maguuma – Leafy Lass – Elementalist (WvW)
Guild: Bill Murray [Bill]/ [DERP]

11/2/2012Dragonbrand Maguuma and Darkhaven

in WvW

Posted by: DirtyApe.9360


Yeah, Mag is being much more competitive with DH this time around than a couple weeks ago in our last matchup which is good to see. Last week DB and Mag were neck and neck the entire time with FA way out in front.

Oh and if you are low level in wvw you can still contribute if you are handy with siege weaponry and running supply and repairing things, or at least that’s what I do if I’m on an alt. Support abilities that aren’t affected by level help a lot too (condition removal, feedback, etc).

11/2/2012Dragonbrand Maguuma and Darkhaven

in WvW

Posted by: Shurimpu.2048


Maguuma Here.

This wvwvw session has been awesome. DB and DH are both really good, and most importantly, it hasn’t been a stomp like the last 3-4 weeks were. Even if we’re probably not going to come out on top, it’s been fun all week and we’ve been able to contribute.

Hope to get matched with you guys again sometime. This is what a proper WvWvW match should be like, I think. Good hunting! We’ll win next time we fight! :P

Kjaerand Gramvalda – Warrior – Maguuma

11/2/2012Dragonbrand Maguuma and Darkhaven

in WvW

Posted by: Actium.8765


Don’t get your hopes up Shurimpu! We wont go easy next time. (completely joking ofcourse…were wore out from trying to hard as is..)

Character: Acium 80 Guard
Server: Northern Shiverpeaks, Commander
Guild: Legends and Myth [Myth]

11/2/2012Dragonbrand Maguuma and Darkhaven

in WvW

Posted by: Shurimpu.2048


I feel you. Good sports all around, I love it.

Worn out here, too. The last few matchups Maguuma had were completely onesided, 300k v 30k v 20k. I’m not used to actually being able to play and work hard, it’s been a while since we were able to leave our spawn

Kjaerand Gramvalda – Warrior – Maguuma

11/2/2012Dragonbrand Maguuma and Darkhaven

in WvW

Posted by: Ricky.4706


huge fight last night between DB and Mag’s by Durios – incredible strategies and siege work displayed by both servers in that spot, and I was among the Darkhaven guys that kept getting sandwiched between the two!! Thanks for the high repair bills guys, much appreciated!! lol -shakes fist with a smile-

Keep up the great work!

IBM PC XT 4.77mhz w/turbo oc@ 8mhz 640kb windows 3.1 hayes 56k seagate 20 meg HD mda@720x350 pixels

11/2/2012Dragonbrand Maguuma and Darkhaven

in WvW

Posted by: Littlefeather.8623


If I get a little bit over excited in chat it is only because I am trying to convey very important messages to every one who has enough sense to listen to reason.

Lastnight around 1100 PST, EH or SH not sure, was being hit by only maybe 10 people. They setup catapults and went through the walls twice on two attempts. Now I am sorry if i came off some what offensive with how I convey messages to every one but in all honesty, this nonchalant behavior by every one is how things get taken when we could defend. I stayed in the map a little late to see how a BL skeleton crew does things, and what I notices was.

One person said one thing in chat about that keep, I asked for the situation, it was given, I told every one to go to said keep, to take supply with them. No one brought supply, the one person who was there died and res’d out. No one was there when I got there, I statrted working on the enemy then ppl finnally showed up, we pushed them out twice. No one repaired anything but me.

As I was giving the situation on the other towers and keeps (upgrading/seige) some heckler in chat said something in the form of me keeping my thoughts to myself. Which angered so much… I’ve been deployed twice in 12 years of service and need to see two psychotherapy doctors to deal with some anger issues, I would appreciate if people would take what I say (to benefit the match) and use it. Because no one else was saying anything, no one else was trying to organize anything or get any one to repair or guard anything. One Commander showed up after I had to get people to help save that keep. I bet no one repaired anything, I bet no one guarded anything, I bet both keeps were lost because PUG’s will be PUG’s and DH still needs to learn you cant always defend things rolling in the map with a big zerg.

Crazy Leg

(edited by Littlefeather.8623)

11/2/2012Dragonbrand Maguuma and Darkhaven

in WvW

Posted by: Ninein.4782


If I get a little bit over excited in chat it is only because I am trying to convey very important messages to every one who has enough sense to listen to reason.

Lastnight around 1100 PST, EH or SH not sure, was being hit by only maybe 10 people. They setup catapults and went through the walls twice on two attempts. Now I am sorry if i came off some what offensive with how I convey messages to every one but in all honesty, this nonchalant behavior by every one is how things get taken when we could defend. I stayed in the map a little late to see how a BL skeleton crew does things, and what I notices was.

One person said one thing in chat about that keep, I asked for the situation, it was given, I told every one to go to said keep, to take supply with them. No one brought supply, the one person who was there died and res’d out. No one was there when I got there, I statrted working on the enemy then ppl finnally showed up, we pushed them out twice. No one repaired anything but me.

As I was giving the situation on the other towers and keeps (upgrading/seige) some heckler in chat said something in the form of me keeping my thoughts to myself. Which angered so much… I’ve been deployed twice in 12 years of service and need to see two psychotherapy doctors to deal with some things in my life, I would appreciate if people would take what I say (to benefit the match) and use it. Because no one else was saying anything, no one else was trying to organize anything or get any one to repair or guard anything. One Commander showed up after I had to get people to help save that keep. I bet no one repaired anything, I bet no one guarded anything, I bet both keeps were lost because PUG’s will be PUG’s and DH still needs to learn you cant always defend things rolling in the map with a big zerg.

Maguuma PUG’s tend to be aware of these things. You can switch to Maguuma and save yourself a lot of frustration.


11/2/2012Dragonbrand Maguuma and Darkhaven

in WvW

Posted by: Hexin.5603


Yes, I’ll second Little’s frustration. Defense is pivotal but feels like very under-rewarding work. I know people/pug’s random individuals may not like the work, and prefer to go zerg (both for safety in numbers while going to attempt a takeover, and the rewards seem continuous) … if this was the same with D, it would be much more attractive to random individuals.

It’s so frustrating to see a great advancement, followed up with a unmanned, defensless keep. I mean, I am not sure here, but I prefer at least trying to make it a little harder, or slow down the enemy’s speed by helping out defensively~ but often it feels very lonely. Very very lonely – because people want to go pew pew pew and not sit and repair a wall being continually hammered by a treb. I am at a lose on this one – and no idea how others are able to have success here.

Outside of a guild member/s/ who you can ask … how does this aspect of the game get escalated as something that is important or fulfilling to a random person?

On topic of the overall week ~ every server … job well done. I’ve never stayed up this late ‘ever’ because the competition is so fierce. I can’t be doing this all the time ~ I’m dead tired, but only 1 more night to go. What a great, enjoyable week of competition – it has highlighted many things which we could improve upon. Just wanted to thank all who are also in the same shoes for their time they have put into WvW. I know all servers are feeling it.

Empty pockets, bags under my eyes – not even any time to really do anything but got on, get in, and go help something.
~X, from DH

Willing to pay for boxed expansion if you put legit GvG in the box $$

(edited by Hexin.5603)

11/2/2012Dragonbrand Maguuma and Darkhaven

in WvW

Posted by: Hexin.5603


Maguuma PUG’s tend to be aware of these things. You can switch to Maguuma and save yourself a lot of frustration.

You devil ~ this is strike two ….

Willing to pay for boxed expansion if you put legit GvG in the box $$

11/2/2012Dragonbrand Maguuma and Darkhaven

in WvW

Posted by: Ninein.4782


Maguuma PUG’s tend to be aware of these things. You can switch to Maguuma and save yourself a lot of frustration.

You devil ~ this is strike two ….

Instead of beating you guys up about your tactics, I figured I’ll say something nice hahaha….


11/2/2012Dragonbrand Maguuma and Darkhaven

in WvW

Posted by: saiyr.3071


Maguuma PUG’s tend to be aware of these things. You can switch to Maguuma and save yourself a lot of frustration.

You devil ~ this is strike two ….

Don’t worry, you can come too. We won’t tell anyone.

[DERP] Saiyr, “bff” of Sgt Killjoy

11/2/2012Dragonbrand Maguuma and Darkhaven

in WvW

Posted by: Moonlite.7536


We still make our mistakes though Ninein on Maguuma. Our what should have been 1 hour golem clearing in Darkhaven took us almost 3 hours… and 1 hour for them to recap back. Now i’m all for keep a BL upgrades all restarted but we lost Stonemist because there still those pugs that run after Karma instead of playing defense can farming Loot. Trust me those zergs are fun to wreck as they can fill my 15 slotters real fast. Were all in the middle Tiers because we still have some work to do. I’m just glad our work isn’t with the commanders which i think are doing an amazing job or our beginning commanders learning the ropes to help with the 24 hour coverage. Population hurts us but we still know how to give a good fight and I’m glad servers like Fort Aspenwood and Darkhaven aren’t Roflstomping us anymore and were now see that Maguuma can hold it’s own.

Moon Lite – Officer of Digital Villains (DV)

11/2/2012Dragonbrand Maguuma and Darkhaven

in WvW

Posted by: Nilgoow.1037


If I get a little bit over excited in chat it is only because I am trying to convey very important messages to every one who has enough sense to listen to reason.

I get a lot of the same thing on Maguuma as far as people disobeying direct orders from commanders. We just have to try our best without them.

Supreme World Commander
Maguuma (US)

11/2/2012Dragonbrand Maguuma and Darkhaven

in WvW

Posted by: Ninein.4782


Pug’s will be pugs but if they talk back then that’s when things gets bad hehehe.


11/2/2012Dragonbrand Maguuma and Darkhaven

in WvW

Posted by: Dominae.3146


It’s so frustrating to see a great advancement, followed up with a unmanned, defensless keep.

At this point, when in a keep or tower as the enemy arrives, if I turn around and don’t see everyone on my team leap off the back wall or teleport out I’m in awe.

_ under attack, bail.” is one of the more frequent things I hear in WvW.

That being said … I’m not going to queue upgrades, or drop siege if I am almost certain no one will defend the place. So I guess I’m part of the problem in a way. lol

I get a lot of the same thing on Maguuma as far as people disobeying direct orders from commanders. We just have to try our best without them.

Supreme World Commander
Maguuma (US)

It is a tough system we have, in game. Everyone knows becoming a Commander is just a P2Command situation, therefore the little blue Dorrito doesn’t actually command much respect in-and-of-itself.

Those of us that WvW regularly will start to recognize Commander’s names, and know who we can trust (or at least who will have semi-decent plans/ideas). PuGs don’t tend to play often enough, or care, to learn names. So they either blindly follow the blue icon, or just do their own thing and tell you to kitten off.

That being said … buying the icon doesn’t really give anyone actual authority, either. You can’t be court-mashalled for ignoring some random internet dude. I’ve listened to commanders I didn’t even know that have asked nicely (“Hey could your 2 groups hit XYZ then defend it while we hit ABC?”) over ones I’ve immediately recognized but just spam chat or send tells in caps giving “direct orders”.

11/2/2012Dragonbrand Maguuma and Darkhaven

in WvW

Posted by: Kita.7819


Dear Darkhaven,

Stop being stupid.

Love, Darkhaven

Kita – Guardian
Server: Darkhaven. The Besthaven.

11/2/2012Dragonbrand Maguuma and Darkhaven

in WvW

Posted by: Hexin.5603


At this point, when in a keep or tower as the enemy arrives, if I turn around and don’t see everyone on my team leap off the back wall or teleport out I’m in awe.

In some circumstances this is a strategy, usually when your deep in an area that will be highly flipped, and the only thing to care about is burning supply & resupply. No way would I want to try to hold Ogreswatch in EB (this week as an example) or an opposition’s natural tower in a BL during prime times. But I’m talking about the ones which should be considered worthy of the defensive effort. And even more so … the ones you own or have owned for some period of time that are going to face common trebs in prep of an advance or AH/AB EH/EB/etc

These to me see more worthy of setting up and securing

Willing to pay for boxed expansion if you put legit GvG in the box $$

11/2/2012Dragonbrand Maguuma and Darkhaven

in WvW

Posted by: Nilgoow.1037


It is a tough system we have, in game. Everyone knows becoming a Commander is just a P2Command situation, therefore the little blue Dorrito doesn’t actually command much respect in-and-of-itself.

Those of us that WvW regularly will start to recognize Commander’s names, and know who we can trust (or at least who will have semi-decent plans/ideas). PuGs don’t tend to play often enough, or care, to learn names. So they either blindly follow the blue icon, or just do their own thing and tell you to kitten off.

That being said … buying the icon doesn’t really give anyone actual authority, either. You can’t be court-mashalled for ignoring some random internet dude. I’ve listened to commanders I didn’t even know that have asked nicely (“Hey could your 2 groups hit XYZ then defend it while we hit ABC?”) over ones I’ve immediately recognized but just spam chat or send tells in caps giving “direct orders”.

I agree. I don’t think I’ll ever have enough to get the icon itself, although it would definitely be useful for groups. Until something comparable is more easily obtained we’ll just have to pay attention. LOL

Grand Admiral of the First Maguuman Navy
Maguuma (US)

11/2/2012Dragonbrand Maguuma and Darkhaven

in WvW

Posted by: Ninein.4782


Barring any major server transfers looks like Maguuma, FA, DH, and Ebay will be hanging out in the 4th and 5th tier. I don’t see any of these servers cracking the 3rd tier. 3rd tier and up have servers with huge zerg and nightcapping crews.


11/2/2012Dragonbrand Maguuma and Darkhaven

in WvW

Posted by: zastari.1730


Speaking of coordinated PUGs, nice work in DB this morning Mag. First we took the tower back with a group of 3. Next we upgraded the supply camps to max and fortified the tower while a few more groups came in, and then punched down their upgraded keep without much trouble. We were portalling people in with supply, knocking out their mortars, cannons, and catapults behind the door (<3 berserker phantasms), and generally ruining their day in the keep~

Maguuma PUGs own

Tsarazi – 80 Asuran Mesmer [DERP]

11/2/2012Dragonbrand Maguuma and Darkhaven

in WvW

Posted by: Rhyis.7058


Barring any major server transfers looks like Maguuma, FA, DH, and Ebay will be hanging out in the 4th and 5th tier. I don’t see any of these servers cracking the 3rd tier. 3rd tier and up have servers with huge zerg and nightcapping crews.

Mag’s been holding the 4th and 5th tier pretty much since this game started. Don’t think we’ve ever been higher then 10th and never been lower then 15th. I feel pretty comfortable where we’re at.

11/2/2012Dragonbrand Maguuma and Darkhaven

in WvW

Posted by: Kita.7819


Mag stopped being Tier 4 once Darkhaven started rising again.

Kita – Guardian
Server: Darkhaven. The Besthaven.

11/2/2012Dragonbrand Maguuma and Darkhaven

in WvW

Posted by: Hexin.5603


Very true, but who needs tier 3? I mean seriously … we have the best level playing field and competition I’ve seen ever between our worlds.

- which means more parties for our servers … and maybe more organized fight clubs for our duels? Did we get one going this week?
- more time to get to know eachother here, while we bite away at our nails, and try to hide the bags under our eyes from this great rivalry
- and more time to help our overall brackets and worlds increase our skill together, learn new things and grow (but on battlefield, we’ll be shaking fists, chasing tail, and back at it again)
- the # one reason though. We wouldn’t want to build these lasting relations with eachother only to drop them the next night, bad class irl … and we’re full of charasmatic gentleswayers who know how to wooo a golem. Those other servers can’t shake it like we do I’m happy to play with this tier for a while longer…

… or is it safe to assume that we all are still eagerly hoping the scores are as close as they have been all week. I don’t know why, but it’s an addiction this week like none other.

Willing to pay for boxed expansion if you put legit GvG in the box $$