11/2 BG vs JQ vs SbI... the continuation

11/2 BG vs JQ vs SbI... the continuation

in WvW

Posted by: flagg.6073


We need to get a solid Oceanic presence on JQ, because right now SB is winning solely on their ninja skills at 2am-5am.

SBI is also winning during east coast prime time, west coast prime time, after hours and pretty much… yeah, pretty much just winning charlie sheen style with tiger blood and all that jazz.

Granted, I have seen maps turn from completely green to blue within a few hours. But to proclaim you guys are beating us 21 hours out of the day is laughable.

Anyhow, keep the good fights coming.

Flagg – [CRNG]
Asura Warrior
Stormbluff Isle

11/2 BG vs JQ vs SbI... the continuation

in WvW

Posted by: Lofty.8759


I love golem rushing EB and capping everything in under an hour. You had full teams and when we went str8 for both your home keeps you guys instantly switched to borderlands.

DiE guild spend 40minutes trying to recap Mendons Gap, they gave up and left very quickly.

11/2 BG vs JQ vs SbI... the continuation

in WvW

Posted by: Kilerien.5190


A humble thank you to everyone from BG for entering the fight today.

That was a lot of fun logging in and seeing that Golem rush rolling everything. Was good to see BG in such force again. Cheers.

11/2 BG vs JQ vs SbI... the continuation

in WvW

Posted by: Cifu.9270


BG put up some great fights today. I havent looked at the rankings so i dont know who will be in T1 next week. I assume sbi and jq, who will be the third?

[DDH] GuildMaster SBI

11/2 BG vs JQ vs SbI... the continuation

in WvW

Posted by: Syphen.1980


BG put up some great fights today. I havent looked at the rankings so i dont know who will be in T1 next week. I assume sbi and jq, who will be the third?

Unless something major happens it will be SBI , JQ , and BG again next week.

Source : http://mos.millenium.org/matchups#NA
Tracks matches and uses same ranking system that Anet uses so is fairly accurate.

11/2 BG vs JQ vs SbI... the continuation

in WvW

Posted by: zhonnika.1784


btw, anyone know this guild in sbi? claim stonemist everyday without any buff. plz, if u read this stop claim it unless you can benefit everyone.

IIRC, this guild was on JQ not too long ago, doing the same thing. We never figured out who it is; hopefully you guys will. I really don’t understand why anyone would want to claim something like SM without buffs…

Kashmara – Elementalist | Reapermara – Necromancer
Jade Quarry
Onslaught [OnS]

11/2 BG vs JQ vs SbI... the continuation

in WvW

Posted by: Syphen.1980


btw, anyone know this guild in sbi? claim stonemist everyday without any buff. plz, if u read this stop claim it unless you can benefit everyone.

IIRC, this guild was on JQ not too long ago, doing the same thing. We never figured out who it is; hopefully you guys will. I really don’t understand why anyone would want to claim something like SM without buffs…

Because they are either clueless, don’t care, or just want to claim it to see their flag flying and no other reason.

11/2 BG vs JQ vs SbI... the continuation

in WvW

Posted by: flagg.6073


Been awhile since an update so here you go.


Flagg – [CRNG]
Asura Warrior
Stormbluff Isle

11/2 BG vs JQ vs SbI... the continuation

in WvW

Posted by: Snow Aeth.1937

Snow Aeth.1937

Just want to tell that I’ve been having tons of fun last 2 weeks on Blackgate.
Sure the score might tell that we’r completely stomped and what not.

But there’s plenty of awesome fights to be found.
We can’t cover all maps, but the maps we’r on I’m having a blast.

The dead servers we fought before entering T1 now that was something that got me to not play W3.
Having activity in WvWvW at any given time now that’s just awesome!

Having lower score than SBI or JQ, I really don’t care and to be hones I’m happy that we get to fight in T1 some more because the actual fights are tons of fun.

I think SBI being way too stacked and zerging everything into the ground once the other 2 servers are not in prime time are the ones having least fun right now tbh.

To all Blackgate people.
Get out there with ya server mates on the maps that we are on and have some fun with us.
The fights are great, don’t let the score scare you off, it really doesn’t say much about the actual fights.

“I can outrun a centaur”
Hacking your orbs since 2/11

(edited by Snow Aeth.1937)

11/2 BG vs JQ vs SbI... the continuation

in WvW

Posted by: Syphen.1980


Just want to tell that I’ve been having tons of fun last 2 weeks on Blackgate.
Sure the score might tell that we’r completely stomped and what not.

But there’s plenty of awesome fights to be found.
We can’t cover all maps, but the maps we’r on I’m having a blast.

The dead servers we fought before entering T1 now that was something that got me to not play W3.
Having activity in WvWvW at any given time now that’s just awesome!

Having lower score than SBI or JQ, I really don’t care and to be hones I’m happy that we get to fight in T1 some more because the actual fights are tons of fun.

I think SBI being way too stacked and zerging everything into the ground once the other 2 servers are not in prime time are the ones having least fun right now tbh.

To all Blackgate people.
Get out there with ya server mates on the maps that we are on and have some fun with us.
The fights are great, don’t let the score scare you off, it really doesn’t say much about the actual fights.

Now this is a great attitude to have. Hopefully you guys come back stronger than ever next week. I love good fights.

And the only TZ that SBI is stacked in is SEA. We have almost no euro coverage unless our SEA players pull a all nighter. And our primetime numbers aren’t any greater than other servers unless you have no NA pressence at all. (which very well might be the case looking at the current PPT)

(edited by Syphen.1980)

11/2 BG vs JQ vs SbI... the continuation

in WvW

Posted by: Syphen.1980


Omg Get over it. These forums are ridiculous. You all had MASSIVE transfers. The SBI population is silly atm. As soon as the 7 day cool downs were announced last week, after the weekend where you guys were loosing badly to both BG and JQ you basically have had 2x the other servers numbers like 20 out of 24 hrs of the day.

Numbers….population….numbers….Population. this is wvw congrats on the status of bandwagon server.

We got to T1 and have been here for a while long before you and without a bandwagon. Remind me again how you made it to T1?

I am on in the daytime and trust me we have little to no euro coverage. The only time we have daytime coverage is if our SEA players pull a all nighter. I have been on SBI since BETA 2 and I know this for a fact. We have always had a good NA primetime pressence and a fairly good SEA pressence.

We recently had some SEA guilds transfer over which gave us an even stronger SEA pressence but we still have little to no euro coverage. If we did do you really think your euro guilds on BG would have been able to cap every single thing during Euro prime time and keep it capped till NA prime time when you lost it again? Maybe our euro guilds took that day off ?

I will not deny we have great SEA coverage and NA coverage but to say we have true 24/7 coverage is ludicrous.

(edited by Syphen.1980)

11/2 BG vs JQ vs SbI... the continuation

in WvW

Posted by: cold.3946


Omg Get over it. These forums are ridiculous. You all had MASSIVE transfers. The SBI population is silly atm. As soon as the 7 day cool downs were announced last week, after the weekend where you guys were loosing badly to both BG and JQ you basically have had 2x the other servers numbers like 20 out of 24 hrs of the day.

Numbers….population….numbers….Population. this is wvw congrats on the status of bandwagon server.

Except we’ve always been very competitive during NA primetime and we’ve almost always done better during the work week than weekends.

I attribute this to the fact that SBI is obviously composed of super cool dudes & babes that are busy having sex 24/7 on the weekend.

Seriously though, just a few posts ago a video was posted of a massive golem zerg capping the entire map practically uncontested. Show me the players that went up against them in that video!

Yes we have a major SEA advantage against JQ/BG, but we are also weak during EU hours. Eventually the T1 servers will all be forced to recruit guilds that extend their afterhours coverage – we will need EU guilds and JQ will need SEA guilds.

I’ll be the first to admit that SBI’s success isn’t purely skill. We’re good, but we also have a large Korean army that gives us a huge advantage during their primetime. We’ve been on the short end of that stick too – HoD was the first super-server and they sent us down to T2 not so long ago.

We won’t be #1 forever. Other servers will attract time-zone specific talent and the battles will rage on perpetually. Personally, I look forward to this and I encourage you to get the ball rolling for your server so we can have closer battles in the near future.

Keg – 80 Guardian | Mini Keg – 80 Mesmer
Strike Force [SF] Stormbluff Isle

11/2 BG vs JQ vs SbI... the continuation

in WvW

Posted by: Snow Aeth.1937

Snow Aeth.1937

BG during NA is very high PvE presence, but not enough are into W3.
Most of BG Oceanic team left to join SBI last week.
EU presence on BG is pretty strong, but it can’t compete vs strong NA+Oceanic presence of for example SBI.

Oceanic vs NA being further apart with their prime times gives a bigger 24/7 coverage than NA+EU

But hey, you gotta play with what you have and try to make the best out of it.
There’s really no use complaining.

I’d love to see some more competitive NA spirit on BG.
I’d love to have a team of Oceanics that could stand up to SBI’s team.
Heck even our praised EU team ain’t no where near SBIs Oceanic team size.

All we can do is actively recruit that what we lack.
And educate/train that what we have.

Complaining on this forum where no one gives a kitten about what problems you have isn’t going to help much really.

“I can outrun a centaur”
Hacking your orbs since 2/11

11/2 BG vs JQ vs SbI... the continuation

in WvW

Posted by: earendil.1290


Can someone who understands the matching system explain us the odds of BG going to T2? The site we use is projecting BG tick at 265 (I guess) – that might not be accurate, but I honestly do not know much about how this works.

11/2 BG vs JQ vs SbI... the continuation

in WvW

Posted by: Snow Aeth.1937

Snow Aeth.1937

The site projecting the score, bases it of the current score totals.
Not the point ticks.

With the current score BG will stay in T1
Now just look at the gap between BG and SoS score, calculate the remaining time, and calculate how much SoS needs to be scoring non stop above BG to overtake them.

Which is not likely to happen anymore.

Also SoS was ranked #1 of their matchup at the start of it.
So they gain less points total for winning again.

BG was ranked #3 so being ranked #3 again makes BG not loose too many points.

“I can outrun a centaur”
Hacking your orbs since 2/11

11/2 BG vs JQ vs SbI... the continuation

in WvW

Posted by: Ljiona.9142


T1 population is actually down overall. I think fighting the same server has a lot to do with it. SBI routinely has an out-manned buff during the day. They are just good at holding what they got till population increases.

11/2 BG vs JQ vs SbI... the continuation

in WvW

Posted by: pseudosapien.4076


btw, anyone know this guild in sbi? claim stonemist everyday without any buff. pl if u read this stop claim it unless you can benefit everyone.

Lol. My guild on BG has a similar similar logo — red heart with a white beaver.

I think you guys took AB once when we were trying to claim it. And then you didnt throw out any guild buffs either

When was that? I don’t remember my guild ever claiming a Bay keep.

11/2 BG vs JQ vs SbI... the continuation

in WvW

Posted by: Hammer.7019


Both SBI and JQQ both crack me up. They both run from even fights or even outnumbering BG by some to wait until they have double or triple the numbers to attack. Then they talk crap about rolling over us even though we have the outnumbered buff pretty much 24/7 now. Just a joke really with how bad many of those players are then they talk kittens about it on these forums saying they are so good. To those who left BG for JQQ and SBI that is pretty low.

ANET please change server xfers to greater than 14 days. Seven days is still to short and it is messing up the matches in every tier.

11/2 BG vs JQ vs SbI... the continuation

in WvW

Posted by: Syphen.1980


Both SBI and JQQ both crack me up. They both run from even fights or even outnumbering BG by some to wait until they have double or triple the numbers to attack. Then they talk crap about rolling over us even though we have the outnumbered buff pretty much 24/7 now. Just a joke really with how bad many of those players are then they talk kittens about it on these forums saying they are so good. To those who left BG for JQQ and SBI that is pretty low.

ANET please change server xfers to greater than 14 days. Seven days is still to short and it is messing up the matches in every tier.

You crack me up with your crying. You steamrolled every lower tier due to better coverage and then get spanked in T1 and come up with nothing but excuses. Stop making your fellow Blackgate server members look bad by trying to come up with excuses.

SBI have both been in T1 since the start and have been at this a lot longer than you have.

(edited by Syphen.1980)

11/2 BG vs JQ vs SbI... the continuation

in WvW

Posted by: sinister.9216


I was one of the people hoping for a different matchup this week. I suppose its my own fault for not understanding the rating system. I had just assumed whatever server was #3 moved down a tier so I thought JQ was gonna be swapped out for someone else.

The weekend was fun and we hung in pretty well for the first few days but then the next day I log on and SBI has like a 25k lead. Overnight. Apparently the majority of our late night/early morning crew transferred off.

Still had some fun fights, but it seemed like every time I went to any battleground we were -vastly- outnumbered. Except for EBG of course, which almost always had a queue.

I hope we fight someone different next week. I dont even care who. Just anyone not JQ or SBI. No offense intended, but 2 weeks of the same two opponents just isnt very interesting. I haven’t really played much this week because of it.

Best of luck to everyone next week.

Oh by the way, go see Skyfall. Its pretty awesome.

Tywin Onassis – 80 Necro Mez Yar – 40ish Mesmer
Uri Nightshade – 50ish Thief
Sarugaki Hiyori – 80 Warrior – Blackgate [FEAR]

11/2 BG vs JQ vs SbI... the continuation

in WvW

Posted by: Syphen.1980


I was one of the people hoping for a different matchup this week. I suppose its my own fault for not understanding the rating system. I had just assumed whatever server was #3 moved down a tier so I thought JQ was gonna be swapped out for someone else.

The weekend was fun and we hung in pretty well for the first few days but then the next day I log on and SBI has like a 25k lead. Overnight. Apparently the majority of our late night/early morning crew transferred off.

Still had some fun fights, but it seemed like every time I went to any battleground we were -vastly- outnumbered. Except for EBG of course, which almost always had a queue.

I hope we fight someone different next week. I dont even care who. Just anyone not JQ or SBI. No offense intended, but 2 weeks of the same two opponents just isnt very interesting. I haven’t really played much this week because of it.

Best of luck to everyone next week.

Oh by the way, go see Skyfall. Its pretty awesome.

We have only really ever fought HoD, ET, and JQ ourselves for the most part. You get used to it though.

Didn’t you guys have some HoD guilds transfer in and power you guys through the tiers? Not saying you don’t deserve to be in T1 but I thought that was what happened.

11/2 BG vs JQ vs SbI... the continuation

in WvW

Posted by: jojojoon.8607


This is an FYI for the guild leader of SF in sbi. You guys have members who are trying to glitch into keeps. I saw a few incidents of the glitching by SF members at Langor keep in EB.

11/2 BG vs JQ vs SbI... the continuation

in WvW

Posted by: Skeltah.5846


Both SBI and JQQ both crack me up. They both run from even fights or even outnumbering BG by some to wait until they have double or triple the numbers to attack. Then they talk crap about rolling over us even though we have the outnumbered buff pretty much 24/7 now. Just a joke really with how bad many of those players are then they talk kittens about it on these forums saying they are so good. To those who left BG for JQQ and SBI that is pretty low.

ANET please change server xfers to greater than 14 days. Seven days is still to short and it is messing up the matches in every tier.

That’s funny – My 5 man is constantly looking for 5v20’s so let me know where we can find you. thx

Skeltah – GM of KoS

11/2 BG vs JQ vs SbI... the continuation

in WvW

Posted by: GekoHayate.2451


SBI have both been in T1 since the start and have been at this a lot longer than you have.

Didn’t we fight SBI 3-4 weeks before BG hit T1?

And didn’t we fight SBI towards the beginning of the game’s release?

Is there a site with all the previous matchups and final scores compiled (in one location)? It would be interesting to take a look at how far each server has come/fallen over time.

Havroun of Karp – Disciples of Magikarp [Karp]

11/2 BG vs JQ vs SbI... the continuation

in WvW

Posted by: emoleas.4309


Gotta be honest here. I was dreading playing the same matchup a 3rd week in a row. But after seeing BG playing these past few days, giving us hell despite being outmanned and getting their kitten pushed in from two sides… I like them as an opponent; and I’d like a round 3. Hopefully there’s less ‘outmanned’ periods on all sides (even SBI EB has no queue for several hours of the day)

We’ll see how this next matchup goes. Just like with HoD in the top spot: I now see why HoD focused red so much more than blue playing as green. Red is significantly easier to attack than blue, as well as it is significantly easier to defend from blue than it is from red.

AP and MG are significantly easier to capture than QL and AL. Lowlands keep is a threat to SM constantly as well, forcing the SM holder to generally put more focus up north. The constant 2v1’ing is in no way a ‘punishment’ or a ‘pact’; it’s more of the fact that red is a much greater threat than blue… and that’s why SBI focuses north in Eternal Battlegrounds.

In addition, with all the experience SBI has gained from playing as blue… again, it’s easier to push up north than it is to push down south. KG is a freakin’ fortress; and those mortars in lowlands make it nigh unpenetrable when used correctly. So you push north instead…

Red is a tough spot to siege, it requires dedication and a strong will to push into green territory. Probably the advantage given to the top spot in anticipation that spot will be 2v1’d.

tl;dr I’m actually excited to see the same matchup next week!

11/2 BG vs JQ vs SbI... the continuation

in WvW

Posted by: Xyanide.8650


btw, anyone know this guild in sbi? claim stonemist everyday without any buff. pl if u read this stop claim it unless you can benefit everyone.

Lol. My guild on BG has a similar similar logo — red heart with a white beaver.

I think you guys took AB once when we were trying to claim it. And then you didnt throw out any guild buffs either

seriously what is AB? we are mainly doing eternal battleground, not familiar with anything outside that. And if we are about to claim something we have to make sure we got buff on it. If you have screenshot post here and I’ll see who does this. btw is that bear flag your guild? plz tell your guildmate cease doing so unless you have buff on it.

[NöPë] from Stormbluff Isle
In morte ultima veritas

11/2 BG vs JQ vs SbI... the continuation

in WvW

Posted by: Xyanide.8650


We need to get a solid Oceanic presence on JQ, because right now SB is winning solely on their ninja skills at 2am-5am.

That is entirely wrong good sir. If we are winning soley on the 2 am to 5 am area, which for me I’m in Eastern, yeah we has a strong lead. But almost entirely this week SBI has held the lead for PPT. So you can’t say we are winning SOLEY on those 3 hours. And 3 hours isn’t nothing compared to a full 24 hours.

Also, I’m suprised I haven’t seen any mention of the SBI Zerg Golem Army that can running through EB late last night. Took both Keeps and Capped everything Tower/Supply. Wiping upgrades clean. I felt bad for BG and JQ. It was just demoralizing to keep doing that to them.

I wish both Good Luck next week. I can’t wait.

we not meant to demoralizing them. it’s just a payback for what they have done to us. they used a hella buncha omega golems trying to take our stonemist, our lowlands. in return we use quite a few alpha golems to couter attack. that is it. it happens a lot in eb nowdays since anet did nothing to keep the value of golds, gems etc. that is what will happen when the economy system failed.

[NöPë] from Stormbluff Isle
In morte ultima veritas

11/2 BG vs JQ vs SbI... the continuation

in WvW

Posted by: IomegadriveOne.5291


Gotta be honest here. I was dreading playing the same matchup a 3rd week in a row. But after seeing BG playing these past few days, giving us hell despite being outmanned and getting their kitten pushed in from two sides… I like them as an opponent; and I’d like a round 3. Hopefully there’s less ‘outmanned’ periods on all sides (even SBI EB has no queue for several hours of the day)

We’ll see how this next matchup goes. Just like with HoD in the top spot: I now see why HoD focused red so much more than blue playing as green. Red is significantly easier to attack than blue, as well as it is significantly easier to defend from blue than it is from red.

AP and MG are significantly easier to capture than QL and AL. Lowlands keep is a threat to SM constantly as well, forcing the SM holder to generally put more focus up north. The constant 2v1’ing is in no way a ‘punishment’ or a ‘pact’; it’s more of the fact that red is a much greater threat than blue… and that’s why SBI focuses north in Eternal Battlegrounds.

In addition, with all the experience SBI has gained from playing as blue… again, it’s easier to push up north than it is to push down south. KG is a freakin’ fortress; and those mortars in lowlands make it nigh unpenetrable when used correctly. So you push north instead…

Red is a tough spot to siege, it requires dedication and a strong will to push into green territory. Probably the advantage given to the top spot in anticipation that spot will be 2v1’d.

tl;dr I’m actually excited to see the same matchup next week!

It seems a majority of BG no longer wants to be Tier 1. If we are going to get falsely accused of hacking every single time out of the gate then get teamed up on because 2 servers formed a grudge against us for no kitten reason. Then we don’t want the top stop. Guilds have been ordered to stay back and let SoS in and we will see what happens. Although it is now hilarious that SBI took all those bandwagoners with them. So there will be no excuses next time. Oh wait. I guess we can get falsely accused of hacking again. But I guess it will be another week of this nonsense.

11/2 BG vs JQ vs SbI... the continuation

in WvW

Posted by: Magni.2835


SBI have both been in T1 since the start and have been at this a lot longer than you have.

Didn’t we fight SBI 3-4 weeks before BG hit T1?

And didn’t we fight SBI towards the beginning of the game’s release?

Is there a site with all the previous matchups and final scores compiled (in one location)? It would be interesting to take a look at how far each server has come/fallen over time.

The site that has been previously posted that shows scores and projected ranks also has a history section that I believe covers all matches since 1 weeks have started.

11/2 BG vs JQ vs SbI... the continuation

in WvW

Posted by: BMW.2951


I was one of the people hoping for a different matchup this week. I suppose its my own fault for not understanding the rating system. I had just assumed whatever server was #3 moved down a tier so I thought JQ was gonna be swapped out for someone else.

The weekend was fun and we hung in pretty well for the first few days but then the next day I log on and SBI has like a 25k lead. Overnight. Apparently the majority of our late night/early morning crew transferred off.

Still had some fun fights, but it seemed like every time I went to any battleground we were -vastly- outnumbered. Except for EBG of course, which almost always had a queue.

I hope we fight someone different next week. I dont even care who. Just anyone not JQ or SBI. No offense intended, but 2 weeks of the same two opponents just isnt very interesting. I haven’t really played much this week because of it.

Best of luck to everyone next week.

Oh by the way, go see Skyfall. Its pretty awesome.

We have only really ever fought HoD, ET, and JQ ourselves for the most part. You get used to it though.

Didn’t you guys have some HoD guilds transfer in and power you guys through the tiers? Not saying you don’t deserve to be in T1 but I thought that was what happened.

[DtD] was the HoD clan that helped us get to tier 1. I havent seen them on in 2 or 3 weeks so im guessing they all quit the game though. Sad to see [DtD] and [RQ] go.. they helped so much in NA time…

Character- [KnT] Masta Yodaa
Asura Thief
Server- Beastgate

11/2 BG vs JQ vs SbI... the continuation

in WvW

Posted by: Cover Girl.2580

Cover Girl.2580

This is an FYI for the guild leader of SF in sbi. You guys have members who are trying to glitch into keeps. I saw a few incidents of the glitching by SF members at Langor keep in EB.

Thanks for the report Jojo. I’ll bring that to the leader of SF to address with his soldiers. We do not condone or accept any cheating. I like SF guild and have respected their leadership and seriously doubt they would allow this if the accusation proves true.

Also, which guild transferred from BG to SBI. I’m extremely curious to know.

Good fights this week everyone. There’s good and bad in every server, and we have to look past them all and focus on whats important…dead bodies on the battlefield.

Sanctum of Rall
The Mord Sith [MORD]
(Borderlands Stationed Commander)

11/2 BG vs JQ vs SbI... the continuation

in WvW

Posted by: Heavyhitta.3719


Heya Guys,
Got to be honest, ELTE was a TA guild from HoD. We moved to BG after TA Decided to call it Quits for many reasons.

Out of our 138 man Roster, we are only fielding around 5-10 guys a night. Attrition, Bored, out side work commitments, you name it we got it.

Would of loved to have our original 40+ on to Smash WM as per the old HoD days, but things have changed.

We still having fun with the BG Guys, but alot of clans/Guilds are facing attrition atm.
Enjoyed what fights we have been having with SBI and JQ, but I must admit I miss the HoD days.

11/2 BG vs JQ vs SbI... the continuation

in WvW

Posted by: Ferris Bewler.9706

Ferris Bewler.9706

I think also that the game is just flat out losing players on all servers, hence why there’s just no people on Blackgate that are on to play Wvw.

Pheras Bewler Lvl 80 Ranger (JINX-BG)
Frozen Man Lvl 80 Guardian (JINX-BG)
Frozen Moo Juice Lvl 80 Warrior (JINX-BG)

11/2 BG vs JQ vs SbI... the continuation

in WvW

Posted by: Alsonia.4753


I think also that the game is just flat out losing players on all servers, hence why there’s just no people on Blackgate that are on to play Wvw.

False; nobody on BG wants to WvW. It’s not a population issue; it’s a motivation issue. RQ left and the NA players feel like it’s pointless to even WvW now. If these players looked for other active guilds like KnT or HB to play consistently we’d be fine but our players would rather sit in LA and whine all day about imbalance instead of getting into the BL and EBG and grinding it out.

Gloria Taril | Guardian of [ICoa]
Repping Beastgate since day 1.

11/2 BG vs JQ vs SbI... the continuation

in WvW

Posted by: Syphen.1980


SBI have both been in T1 since the start and have been at this a lot longer than you have.

Didn’t we fight SBI 3-4 weeks before BG hit T1?

And didn’t we fight SBI towards the beginning of the game’s release?

Is there a site with all the previous matchups and final scores compiled (in one location)? It would be interesting to take a look at how far each server has come/fallen over time.

Here is the history -

Week 40 BG was in 8th
Week 41 BG was in 6th SBI was 4th. Score SBI – 327,528 – BG Score 145 617
Week 42 BG was in 7th
Week 43 BG was in 5th Was the Week HoD dropped a tier finally after the breakup
Week 44 BG hit 3rd

Week 40 started on 9-29 to 10-05

http://mos.millenium.org/matchups#history for the site

That is as far back as the history on the site that tracks the scores goes. I am sure we fought you guys a few times in the 24 hour matchups but we haven’t seen you except for once after the 1 week matches started untill you showed up the last match.

We did fight you one of those weeks but the score was as lopsided as it is now. BG has never beat SBI in the one week matches. Not boasting just stating facts.

(edited by Syphen.1980)

11/2 BG vs JQ vs SbI... the continuation

in WvW

Posted by: Blade.9317


Didn’t you guys have some HoD guilds transfer in and power you guys through the tiers? Not saying you don’t deserve to be in T1 but I thought that was what happened.

No. The time when TA dissolved and we gained HoD guilds was right around when we hit Tier 3. Beating two servers with only NA coverage (FA and TC) and then beating two dead servers in our Tier 2 match-up (HoD and ET) could hardly be called powering us to Tier 1. We rose to Tier 1 so quickly mainly because of lopsided match-ups. We would have ended up in Tier 1 with or without HoD influence. In retrospect I wish our Tier 2 match-up would have been more challenging. That would have better prepared us for Tier 1.

[ICoa] Feisty Brat, Mesmer

(edited by Blade.9317)

11/2 BG vs JQ vs SbI... the continuation

in WvW

Posted by: Syphen.1980


Didn’t you guys have some HoD guilds transfer in and power you guys through the tiers? Not saying you don’t deserve to be in T1 but I thought that was what happened.

No. The time when TA dissolved and we gained HoD guilds was right around when we hit Tier 3. Beating two servers with only NA coverage (FA and TC) and then beating two dead servers in our Tier 2 match-up (HoD and ET) could hardly be called powering us to Tier 1. We ended up in Tier 1 so quickly mainly because of lopsided match-ups. We would have ended up here with or without HoD influence. In retrospect I wish our Tier 2 match-up would have been more challenging. That would have better prepared us for Tier 1.

We stomped T2 when we dropped there also as evidenced by my post of matchup history. Note the score between SBI and BG expecialy, And that was a stomp because of coverage. Unfortunately the higher up in tiers you go the better the coverage hence why they are in the tier they are. You either have to just suck it up, recruit, or quit. I hope you pick one of the first two options and make them fight for every inch. Even if you don’t beat them make it fun for yourself if you can.

11/2 BG vs JQ vs SbI... the continuation

in WvW

Posted by: DivineBeing.2086


Maybe majority of BG players are college aged and are in the same boat as me?

Midterms just ended a few weeks ago (October). Finals are in December. Consistently throughout my four year college experience, papers and other big projects are due between Midterms and Finals so the students have time to prepare for their finals.

As of this moment, the next time I will even get to play again isn’t this weekend, not next weekend, but the weekend after that (weekend of Thanksgiving and Black Friday).

See you guys on the battlefield then!

Lightdivinity – Level 80 Bunker Elementalist
Reshaos – Level 80 Power Necromancer

11/2 BG vs JQ vs SbI... the continuation

in WvW

Posted by: Mjolniir.2541


November 9 2012:


I am the punishment of God… If you had not
committed great sins, God would not have sent a
punishment like me upon you." ~ Temüjin ~

11/2 BG vs JQ vs SbI... the continuation

in WvW

Posted by: Mjolniir.2541


November 9, 2012


I am the punishment of God… If you had not
committed great sins, God would not have sent a
punishment like me upon you." ~ Temüjin ~

11/2 BG vs JQ vs SbI... the continuation

in WvW

Posted by: Smokee.1754


Thanks all for a good game again. It has been a week filled with good fights, and also less QQ on the forums!

3 things I´m going to remember from this week:

1) Our Omega golem fun in EB, and the push we made that night.
2) Finally seeing an enemy guild using the “turtle” – Kudos to [Fire]
3) Loosing RQ as a guild on BG. It is going to take time to recover and re-structure from this.

A special thank goes out to those BG players that on short notice stepped up, and showed both SBI and JQ that Blackgate is far from dead.

See you all for round #3

[HB] Herfolge Boldklub – Competitive online gaming since 2001
Nominated “Internet tough guy” 2013 by Tarkus

11/2 BG vs JQ vs SbI... the continuation

in WvW

Posted by: Syphen.1980


Thanks all for a good game again. It has been a week filled with good fights, and also less QQ on the forums!

3 things I´m going to remember from this week:

1) Our Omega golem fun in EB, and the push we made that night.
2) Finally seeing an enemy guild using the “turtle” – Kudos to [Fire]
3) Loosing RQ as a guild on BG. It is going to take time to recover and re-structure from this.

A special thank goes out to those BG players that on short notice stepped up, and showed both SBI and JQ that Blackgate is far from dead.

See you all for round #3

We definately are looking forward to it. Give it all you got and enjoy the game as much as you can. There are ups and downs but the fun is what matters.

11/2 BG vs JQ vs SbI... the continuation

in WvW

Posted by: Yama.9376


I was one of the people hoping for a different matchup this week. I suppose its my own fault for not understanding the rating system. I had just assumed whatever server was #3 moved down a tier so I thought JQ was gonna be swapped out for someone else.

The weekend was fun and we hung in pretty well for the first few days but then the next day I log on and SBI has like a 25k lead. Overnight. Apparently the majority of our late night/early morning crew transferred off.

Still had some fun fights, but it seemed like every time I went to any battleground we were -vastly- outnumbered. Except for EBG of course, which almost always had a queue.

I hope we fight someone different next week. I dont even care who. Just anyone not JQ or SBI. No offense intended, but 2 weeks of the same two opponents just isnt very interesting. I haven’t really played much this week because of it.

Best of luck to everyone next week.

Oh by the way, go see Skyfall. Its pretty awesome.

I agree we need more strong hearts to fight. Weak hearts who quit after weekend warrior glory make it not fun. IoJ should come back they fought. 3 Strong heart servers make more fun then 2.

Zibzab [sOLo]
Zergling Bandwagon Hunter
Pnt And Lul

Zibzab SBI
Pnt N Lol at Bndwgn Zerg Server[sOLo]
Zergling Hunter [ZILF]

11/2 BG vs JQ vs SbI... the continuation

in WvW

Posted by: cold.3946


This is an FYI for the guild leader of SF in sbi. You guys have members who are trying to glitch into keeps. I saw a few incidents of the glitching by SF members at Langor keep in EB.

Thanks for bringing this to our attention. Can you please clarify whether this was Shining Force [SF], Select Few [sF], or Strike Force [SF]?

We take allegations like these very seriously. If we find a member of our guild has exploited, rest assured they will be removed. To help our investigation can you please gather any screenshots or evidence collected so that we can identify the offending player? If you happened to right click their name and select report you would have their account id – that would be very helpful.

Thanks again for helping out.

Keg – 80 Guardian | Mini Keg – 80 Mesmer
Strike Force [SF] Stormbluff Isle

11/2 BG vs JQ vs SbI... the continuation

in WvW

Posted by: FrozeNuggz.7219


Would like to thank, Your Soul for leading Blackgate on its 2 hour rampage in EBG this morning. NOTHING better to put the fighting spirit back into Blackgate then solid tactics, motivated troops, and STRONG desire to give JQ and SBI a black eye, bloody nose, and knock out a few teeth.

Beastgate Don’t Quit!!
…respect and honor!!

Shaniquia Johnson – Frozenuggz [KnT] Blackgate

11/2 BG vs JQ vs SbI... the continuation

in WvW

Posted by: Walay The Brave.6813

Walay The Brave.6813

anyone else thinks the upcoming match in 5 hours might be a little boring sooner than later… i guess we all got to do something to keep it interesting

[TEAR] – Stormbluff Isle
There is no time to talk! We must concentrate on the matters at hand — Brother Mhenlo

11/2 BG vs JQ vs SbI... the continuation

in WvW

Posted by: Syphen.1980


Win or lose just fight your best is the key to fun.

11/2 BG vs JQ vs SbI... the continuation

in WvW

Posted by: Lensar.4920


anyone else thinks the upcoming match in 5 hours might be a little boring sooner than later… i guess we all got to do something to keep it interesting

The great thing about the WvW design is that as long as your server doesn’t hold absolutely everything on a map, there’s always something to do regardless of how out-manned you may be. Even solo, it’s possible to kill yaks, take control points, and even camps if you’re determined enough.

Perhaps I’m just finding a “game within the game”, but I’ve had some of the best fun I’ve ever had in an MMO this past week in the Eastern Borderlands. Despite being greatly outnumbered most times, there always seems to be a handful of us blackgaters out there having a blast.

Being a 3 way conflict, something that no MMO since DAOC has tried to do for some reason, even an outnumbered group of people can have some really fun and exciting battles. Zipping around capturing points and camps while dodging the JQ and SBI zergs and getting in lots of small scale fights has led to countless epic battles and sooo many times when we inexplicably managed to survive when there is no way that we should have, due to the shifting nature of the war between the other two forces.

Sometimes we prey on the stragglers, other times we try and bait some folks into pulling off the zerg and chasing us. Other times, we make what we think will be a clever escape from one enemy zerg, only to run right into the path of the other, getting ourselves caught between two large forces that are charging each other. Fun times.

Interesting things always happen in WvW if you’re willing to go out and have some fun with it. Just last night, a couple of us were harassing a couple of JQ folks at Redvale who were trying to hold the camp. We fought back and forth for a bit, managed to down the warrior, while their thief vanished for a bit. The thief appeared and tried to heal up the downed warrior and we were just about to blast down the thief when we saw the SBI zerg rolling and start smashing the guard camps. Instead of 2v2, the fight was about to be 2v2v25. And while I always want to kill every enemy I see, it made no sense for us to drop the JQ thief when all four of us were about to have much bigger problems. So I just waved to the thief as he healed up his warrior buddy, saving up my cooldowns for the impending SBI rush, and moved off away from the JQ folks to have our own last stand against the SBI. (I didn’t want to stick around near the JQ folks, since you can never trust a thief, ya know.) In the end, we killed a few SBI and died, and I like to think that maybe the two JQers did as well.

Either way, there’s always some of us out there fighting for BG no matter what, and having a great time. I encourage more people to come out and do the same.

Lensar – [End] Rasnel – 80 Warrior
Ascalons Requiem – Blackgate
Public Blackgate WvW Forum: http://bit.ly/X3Bifl

11/2 BG vs JQ vs SbI... the continuation

in WvW

Posted by: Lensar.4920


Win or lose just fight your best is the key to fun.

Exactly my point. If only I could have said it so succinctly. :p

Lensar – [End] Rasnel – 80 Warrior
Ascalons Requiem – Blackgate
Public Blackgate WvW Forum: http://bit.ly/X3Bifl

11/2 BG vs JQ vs SbI... the continuation

in WvW

Posted by: CarelessKrow.8032


This is an FYI for the guild leader of SF in sbi. You guys have members who are trying to glitch into keeps. I saw a few incidents of the glitching by SF members at Langor keep in EB.

Thanks for bringing this to our attention. Can you please clarify whether this was Shining Force [SF], Select Few [sF], or Strike Force [SF]?

We take allegations like these very seriously. If we find a member of our guild has exploited, rest assured they will be removed. To help our investigation can you please gather any screenshots or evidence collected so that we can identify the offending player? If you happened to right click their name and select report you would have their account id – that would be very helpful.

Thanks again for helping out.

I can confirm that there were instances of SBI (like 2-3 people) walking into Langor Tower with the gate at 95% health. I’d like to believe it was just some bug though, and not some intentional glitch.
This happened last night when a huge SBI zerg held Danelon with a ton of siege for about an hour, and they were pushing a bit to attack siege on Langor Tower. As for the guild, all I saw was [SF]. Unfortunately, no screenshot evidence available. Couldn’t click on the dead ones to confirm guild name. :/

In any case, it wasn’t anything harmful to us, but will definitely keep an eye out in case it happens again.

[AoS] Army of Shepherds | Jade Quarry
That thief shooting rainbows at you? That’s me.