11/30 Crystal Desert vs Ehmry Bay vs Maguuma

11/30 Crystal Desert vs Ehmry Bay vs Maguuma

in WvW

Posted by: Bones.5762


My point is, that If you don’t try to win, you don’t put yourself in a position to EVER win. Because of this, it becomes easy for you guys to discount the score, but in the long run you’re not doing anything to get better in regard to what WvW is actually about.

I think this is where our servers disagree.

That was my point.

It’s not that we don’t try, it’s that it’s not our intention, we play to the fullest, or else we wouldnt even bother sieging up a keep/tower/camp and defending it, our intentions is to enjoy the game, winning is a luxury that shouldn’t be chased after, hell i want a mansion but i’m enjoying living in my apartment.

Will you help me move?

11/30 Crystal Desert vs Ehmry Bay vs Maguuma

in WvW

Posted by: Raincrow.1840


It’s the people who really really care about winning that bandwagon onto winning servers.

I think you’re missing the point. I care about Crystal Desert winning. Not myself personally. If CD doesn’t win, I attempt to play in a way that will help them win in the future. I don’t switch servers.

Maybe the confusion stems from the way Maguma plays… where individual success and the number of badges is more important than server success. For me, CD’s score is far more important than my own personal gain. Because of that, switching servers woudn’t help me at all.

Are there people who server hop just because they want to win for the personal benifits? Sure. But that’s not what I’m talking about. Winnig in itself isn’t the important thing… being on a server that trys to win is.

That’s why I love CD.

Crystal Desert; The Viking Server
When are people going to figure out there’s a war going on?

11/30 Crystal Desert vs Ehmry Bay vs Maguuma

in WvW

Posted by: Raincrow.1840


My point is, that If you don’t try to win, you don’t put yourself in a position to EVER win. Because of this, it becomes easy for you guys to discount the score, but in the long run you’re not doing anything to get better in regard to what WvW is actually about.

I think this is where our servers disagree.

That was my point.

It’s not that we don’t try, it’s that it’s not our intention, we play to the fullest, or else we wouldnt even bother sieging up a keep/tower/camp and defending it, our intentions is to enjoy the game, winning is a luxury that shouldn’t be chased after, hell i want a mansion but i’m enjoying living in my apartment.

That’s a nice sentiment but it contradicts many of the other posts being made by Maguma players who seem unaware that there’s any point to winning at all.

Again, I’m not telling people how you SHOULD play. I’ve made it very clear that if you enjoy playing without looking at the score, then by all means that’s how you should continue to play. I’m just making an observation as to how the attitude that the score doesn’t matter effects the way you DO play.

Crystal Desert; The Viking Server
When are people going to figure out there’s a war going on?

11/30 Crystal Desert vs Ehmry Bay vs Maguuma

in WvW

Posted by: Rhyis.7058


Having the higher score is entirely based on which server has the most amount of player coverage within the 168 hour time frame. Until you have queues in all 4 borderlands 24/7, there’s really nothing a single individual (or even a group of individuals) can do to help with the score, unless you and your guild are able to play for 168 hours straight.

Hence, murder > score. I’ll worry about the score when I can stay awake and play for a week straight.

And this isn’t to say objectives are meaningless, that’s not what I’m saying at all. Simply that the end score has almost nothing to do with me personally, so why would I or anybody else, feel the need to take credit for it? Everybody is a very small cog in the wheel that is called <insert your wvw server here>.

(edited by Rhyis.7058)

11/30 Crystal Desert vs Ehmry Bay vs Maguuma

in WvW

Posted by: Bones.5762


The reason we farm for badges is for more siege, most of the players who actually play alot is badge broke, so siege in no way is some kind of special item we horde in our bank, at least for me, or else i would have like 6 stacks of them if not more, i can’t even remember how much siege i’ve bought or gear i’ve bought with it. I don’t believe the mentaility is different, you’re just making it sound different, yes it would be nice if maguuma won, but it’s ultimately better if we win just playing casual instead of playing this hardcore for a win. I don’t ever go to wvw with the intention of “ok so today if we attack server (a) we’ll come on top” i go in there with the mentality of, ok so who do i feel like attacking today, hopefully it’s server (b) because i hate those guys because reason xyz. (not really but you get what i mean)

Will you help me move?

11/30 Crystal Desert vs Ehmry Bay vs Maguuma

in WvW

Posted by: Bones.5762


My point is, that If you don’t try to win, you don’t put yourself in a position to EVER win. Because of this, it becomes easy for you guys to discount the score, but in the long run you’re not doing anything to get better in regard to what WvW is actually about.

I think this is where our servers disagree.

That was my point.

It’s not that we don’t try, it’s that it’s not our intention, we play to the fullest, or else we wouldnt even bother sieging up a keep/tower/camp and defending it, our intentions is to enjoy the game, winning is a luxury that shouldn’t be chased after, hell i want a mansion but i’m enjoying living in my apartment.

That’s a nice sentiment but it contradicts many of the other posts being made by Maguma players who seem unaware that there’s any point to winning at all.

Again, I’m not telling people how you SHOULD play. I’ve made it very clear that if you enjoy playing without looking at the score, then by all means that’s how you should continue to play. I’m just making an observation as to how the attitude that the score doesn’t matter effects the way you DO play.

also i can’t speak for the whole entire server, that’s just my opinion, they share similar interests but not 100%.

I think like many have said, we might be more inclined maybe to try to win(putting more effort) if the numbers were even throughout all times, but because you guys are able to field more players during nighttime, it wouldn’t matter what we do because you guys will always have a 20k point lead overnight, so unless we totally deny you guys points during primetime and off hours it would never happen, and if it did ever happen shame on you guys for the crappy defense, you guys were handed fully upgraded towers/keeps/camps overnight and didn’t have to do anything except siege and defend important locations.

Will you help me move?

(edited by Bones.5762)

11/30 Crystal Desert vs Ehmry Bay vs Maguuma

in WvW

Posted by: Raincrow.1840


I think like many have said, we might be more inclined maybe to try to win(putting more effort) if the numbers were even throughout all times

Sure, I can see that. But when CD is down in numbers we still care about the score, and we still make attempts at objectives that will make an impact on the score. Obviously there are going to be people who bail when the score is low, but for the most part our commanders are still there, still attempting to go after big targets… and again, that’s what I love about CD.

The only reason I’m even bringing this up is that so many Maguma players love to come here and bash CD as if we have no skill…. but my point isn’t that one server or style of playing is better then the other… it’s that we do have skill, it’s just focused towards different objectives.

Crystal Desert; The Viking Server
When are people going to figure out there’s a war going on?

11/30 Crystal Desert vs Ehmry Bay vs Maguuma

in WvW

Posted by: Rhyis.7058


Score does reflect skill rating. At all.

11/30 Crystal Desert vs Ehmry Bay vs Maguuma

in WvW

Posted by: Raincrow.1840


Score does reflect skill rating. At all.


Crystal Desert; The Viking Server
When are people going to figure out there’s a war going on?

11/30 Crystal Desert vs Ehmry Bay vs Maguuma

in WvW

Posted by: Rhyis.7058


Wooshing denotes not understanding your statement.

11/30 Crystal Desert vs Ehmry Bay vs Maguuma

in WvW

Posted by: Raincrow.1840


Wooshing denotes not understanding your statement.


Crystal Desert; The Viking Server
When are people going to figure out there’s a war going on?

11/30 Crystal Desert vs Ehmry Bay vs Maguuma

in WvW

Posted by: Rhyis.7058


Do I really have to explain this? I mean seriously, it’s right kitten there for everybody to read. This kitten isn’t decrypted.

11/30 Crystal Desert vs Ehmry Bay vs Maguuma

in WvW

Posted by: Bones.5762


I’m so lost…..

O wells, haven’t played much today because busy with finals and homework, last week of school, so i guess ill see you guys on reset if the match stays the same.

Will you help me move?

11/30 Crystal Desert vs Ehmry Bay vs Maguuma

in WvW

Posted by: Bones.5762


I think like many have said, we might be more inclined maybe to try to win(putting more effort) if the numbers were even throughout all times

Sure, I can see that. But when CD is down in numbers we still care about the score, and we still make attempts at objectives that will make an impact on the score. Obviously there are going to be people who bail when the score is low, but for the most part our commanders are still there, still attempting to go after big targets… and again, that’s what I love about CD.

The only reason I’m even bringing this up is that so many Maguma players love to come here and bash CD as if we have no skill…. but my point isn’t that one server or style of playing is better then the other… it’s that we do have skill, it’s just focused towards different objectives.

If you’re implying that we don’t make attempts at objectives, i believe you’re mistaken. We still take objectives that we can, it’s not like we just flip towers and camps only, we flip keeps and defend them as long as we can, at least during my time playing, i haven’t been on for a couple days, so i don’t know if this has changed.

Also i believe the reason they were bashing you guys were actually over numbers originally, but you guys kept denying it, so they just started using the word mindless for some reason. There’s no server that truly just sucks, if there is, i feel for them, even t8 has players that are good, tiers don’t mean skills, it just means population and coverage in wvw.

Will you help me move?

(edited by Bones.5762)

11/30 Crystal Desert vs Ehmry Bay vs Maguuma

in WvW

Posted by: Raincrow.1840


If you’re implying that we don’t make attempts at objectives, i believe you’re mistaken.

I’m not implying that you don’t make attempts, I’m implying that you’re bad at it. I understand you’re outnumbered, mostly at night. But many times during the day and evening you’re not. I’ve seen attempts to retake your own keeps many times in which larger Maguma forces were driven away very easily. You seem to have a very high thief / Messmer ratio, which I’m sure is great for solo killing at the supply camps and then bragging about your skillz….. but is pretty much worthless for sieging.

Your defense, which consists almost entirely of putting large amounts of arrow carts and balistas in the lord’s room and then letting us come right in, might be good for farming badges, but isn’t great at actually holding points for a long period.

I’ve never seen you make an attempt at SMC, and with the number of badges you guys claim to have I’d think you could pull it off. Maybe you spend too much on arrow carts, I don’t know.

Some of you love to take our credit away from us as if we have no skill, and then go around giving advice to CD on how we should be managing our forces, but if you’re completely unwilling to see the big picture, it makes your pov in WvW a very narrow one.

Crystal Desert; The Viking Server
When are people going to figure out there’s a war going on?

(edited by Raincrow.1840)

11/30 Crystal Desert vs Ehmry Bay vs Maguuma

in WvW

Posted by: Papa Khann.5326

Papa Khann.5326

Capture the camp…. or not….


11/30 Crystal Desert vs Ehmry Bay vs Maguuma

in WvW

Posted by: Tynan.6279


What is Maguuma’s peak time?

Wreckd ~ Mesmer/Warrior/Necro
[SIC] Strident Iconoclast ~ FA

11/30 Crystal Desert vs Ehmry Bay vs Maguuma

in WvW

Posted by: Phzt.9864


Your defense, which consists almost entirely of putting large amounts of arrow carts and balistas in the lord’s room and then letting us come right in, might be good for farming badges, but isn’t great at actually holding points for a long period.

I think you’re bad at WvW as well as PvP after reading this post. Maybe you guys can talk about your brilliant new tactic of taking keeps without orange swords, because we’re still trying to figure that one out on Maguuma.

11/30 Crystal Desert vs Ehmry Bay vs Maguuma

in WvW

Posted by: saiyr.3071


If you’re implying that we don’t make attempts at objectives, i believe you’re mistaken.

I’m not implying that you don’t make attempts, I’m implying that you’re bad at it. I understand you’re outnumbered, mostly at night. But many times during the day and evening you’re not. I’ve seen attempts to retake your own keeps many times in which larger Maguma forces were driven away very easily. You seem to have a very high thief / Messmer ratio, which I’m sure is great for solo killing at the supply camps and then bragging about your skillz….. but is pretty much worthless for sieging.

Your defense, which consists almost entirely of putting large amounts of arrow carts and balistas in the lord’s room and then letting us come right in, might be good for farming badges, but isn’t great at actually holding points for a long period.

I’ve never seen you make an attempt at SMC, and with the number of badges you guys claim to have I’d think you could pull it off. Maybe you spend too much on arrow carts, I don’t know.

Some of you love to take our credit away from us as if we have no skill, and then go around giving advice to CD on how we should be managing our forces, but if you’re completely unwilling to see the big picture, it makes your pov in WvW a very narrow one.

I will admit that lately I’ve come to believe that parts of Maguuma have become a little too complacent in a few ways, but it has nothing to do with whether or not we care about winning. I know my server much better than you do, so I think you should leave that point alone. Or continue to believe what you wish, it really has no effect and is not a helpful critique.

For someone who says we have many thieves and mesmers which are good are soloing, you sure seem to ignore the fact that taking SMC has nothing to do with badges. And the fact that a fully upgraded Stonemist is really difficult to take and not worth the point value, especially when CD will just take it back and re-upgrade it before we even wake up.

I find it a little weird that both CD and EB claim we have a lot of thieves, but I don’t really pay much attention to that. But funny anecdote, a couple of nights ago a group of 5-10 of us went over to Ehmry Bay and tried to get the SW supply camp and their defense was literally a bunch of thieves. I don’t think we do that sort of thing, whereas Ehmry was the first server we played that did that (and have at least a guild dedicated just for thieves).

[DERP] Saiyr, “bff” of Sgt Killjoy

11/30 Crystal Desert vs Ehmry Bay vs Maguuma

in WvW

Posted by: Bones.5762


@ raincrow

Also you must realize we’re waking up to have to rally up players to take back fully fortified garrison/keeps/towers/camps, unless you’re night crew didn’t do it for some reason. We can’t just flip it in a matter of 2mins and if we can you guys are just baddies. Also we’ve taken SMC plenty of time, but we just don’t hold it past a night because of number issues, mainly because when the nightcrew of CD kicks in, that’s their primary focus and everyone in this tier knows it for a fact. SMC belongs to CD at night because the zerg will come for it sooner or later, although it’s quite nice to have, and when i see we have it, i always try to give thanks to our EB players who were there.

Secondly your second post is wrong, we can hold out for an extremely long time, are you kidding me? maybe when massively outnumber or when not in keep but everytime we’ve had siege there and numbers to defend, i’ve never seen you guys flip the keep from us. My example is going to be on opening night on Friday just a couple days ago in EB bl (don’t know if you were there but idc) we held the keep all night from both servers attacking us, in fact one of your commanders actually whispered our commander saying he was going to push us into our little corner while EB pushes us at the same time to take this keep from us, our commander simply laughed as well as our server in mumble did, though not at him, we simply responded go ahead, and guess what? ended up getting farmed by us like a boss for 4hours. they got wiped 4-5×. eventually it got late like 2am and most of them either logged or got so demoralized they did something else. Not to mention before they attacked us, EB was trebbing us from their garrison, and made a 2hour attempt for the keep but realize they wouldn’t take it, and got smart left, waited til CD attacked us, and they went to go and flip back their east keep from you guys. Basically there was no way in hell you guys could take a keep from us if we defend it properly. I won’t name which commander and which guild it’s from but it shows what kind of character he had. Yes we were pinned down to just a keep in that map and couldn’t leave to flip camps except for a couple occasional camps but we held out against both servers pushing both from the north and east, so i consider that a win. Another example is saturday night(to be exact sunday morning) was when EsF rolled in with the zerg of 60+ (dont argue with me, we’ve been through this, read all of this forum thread as well as the commander of EsF former post before denying this which is in our prev locked thread because of inflammatory posts) we held them at garrison for over 4 hours, with 25players, the only reason the garrison fell was because they were able to split their force into 20/40 or whatever the ratio was to go treb our east keep with the 20 and then the 40 backed off to the NW tower and when the majority of our players went to go destroy those trebs the 40 players came out of NW tower to destroy all our siege then portaled 4-5golems to knock through our gates before we could even run back in time. It was a well played move by EsF and other players there, but when you guys become obnoxious and saying stuff like we got dominated it makes me laugh especially posts like we only had 20 players there, please gtfo of here if you can’t keep it real.

If you’ve evenly remotely played this game as much as you say you do, you should already know by now, it’s easier to defend target location with less numbers then it is to capture it with superior numbers. The high thief/mesmer ratio is just funny i thought, if you haven’t noticed it’s become the choice of profession for wvw now for some reason, thieves in my opinions are baddies (most of them because those portion believes heartseeker+stealth=win) but mesmers are better, not many mesmers are baddies, which is why people qq about mesmer being OP. Wrong. Mesmers are the choice of profession by players who play better usually because it takes a certain amount of skills more than another class to be good at it.

Will you help me move?

11/30 Crystal Desert vs Ehmry Bay vs Maguuma

in WvW

Posted by: azizul.8469


Capture the camp…. or not….

huhuhu… that’s hillarious. how the hell did he get up there? err.. can you normally get up there?

Cutie Phantasmer/Farinas [HAX] – CD Casual
Archeage = Farmville with PK

11/30 Crystal Desert vs Ehmry Bay vs Maguuma

in WvW

Posted by: Bones.5762


That is why i know you are not a veteraned player yet in wvw.

Will you help me move?

11/30 Crystal Desert vs Ehmry Bay vs Maguuma

in WvW

Posted by: Tynan.6279


What is Maguuma’s peak time?

Anyone give me a rough estimate? Trying to nail down a server that matches our groups peak play time of 4pm to 2am Pacific Standard time, any info would be greatly appreciated.

Maybe a score update?

Wreckd ~ Mesmer/Warrior/Necro
[SIC] Strident Iconoclast ~ FA

11/30 Crystal Desert vs Ehmry Bay vs Maguuma

in WvW

Posted by: Raincrow.1840


I know my server much better than you do, so I think you should leave that point alone.

Maybe so, but many of your players in this very thread have said straight up that they don’t care about winning. So if there is a large, but very quiet group of Maguma players oput there who do want to win, you might want to have a little chat with the people attempting to speak for you guys on the forums. Somewhere along the lines you’ve got some signal’s crossed.

I find it a little weird that both CD and EB claim we have a lot of thieves, but I don’t really pay much attention to that.

Likely because you do.

Crystal Desert; The Viking Server
When are people going to figure out there’s a war going on?

11/30 Crystal Desert vs Ehmry Bay vs Maguuma

in WvW

Posted by: Bones.5762


I’ve seen plenty of thieves over in CD as well, luckily i play a build that facerolls glass cannon anything, except for heavy armor glass cannons becasue their toughness is still decently high, i purposely go out to look like i would be a easy kill, and then i burst out my damage on him killing glass cannons in 5-7seonds if even. thieves that are glass dies to me in 4seconds, and eles die in about 7seconds.

Will you help me move?

11/30 Crystal Desert vs Ehmry Bay vs Maguuma

in WvW

Posted by: azizul.8469


  • turning on troll ignoring mode.
Cutie Phantasmer/Farinas [HAX] – CD Casual
Archeage = Farmville with PK

11/30 Crystal Desert vs Ehmry Bay vs Maguuma

in WvW

Posted by: Raincrow.1840


@ Bones….
Anyone can place massive amounts of siege in their own keep and hold that one spot for quite awhile. I find it funny that that’s the types of things you guys consider a success.

Anyway, I made my point. You can ignore it if you want to, but arguing is not going to change my opinion of your server. Especially after so much bragging in the forums about your skillzz with no actual WvW success that I can see. If you want people to see your skill, show it in the game, and I don’t mean stealth jacking lowbies while they do supply runs either.

Funny how fast you rush in to defend your own server when the shoe’s on the other foot though, isn’t it?

Crystal Desert; The Viking Server
When are people going to figure out there’s a war going on?

(edited by Raincrow.1840)

11/30 Crystal Desert vs Ehmry Bay vs Maguuma

in WvW

Posted by: saiyr.3071


I don’t really see what point you made, especially since your last reply to me didn’t address what I said in the least. Nevermind the fact that your equating of “WvW success” to skill is absurd.

[DERP] Saiyr, “bff” of Sgt Killjoy

11/30 Crystal Desert vs Ehmry Bay vs Maguuma

in WvW

Posted by: Raincrow.1840


I don’t really see what point you made.

Obviously not.

equating of “WvW success” to skill is absurd.

You’re wrong here, and untill you understand WHY you’re wrong, you’ll never fix what’s holding your server back.

THAT is my point.

Crystal Desert; The Viking Server
When are people going to figure out there’s a war going on?

11/30 Crystal Desert vs Ehmry Bay vs Maguuma

in WvW

Posted by: Bones.5762


@ Bones….
Funny how fast you rush in to defend your own server when the shoe’s on the other foot though, isn’t it?

What the hell does that even mean lol. I’m sorry but i put on my shoes correctly since i was 7 years old?

Yea if any1 can do it and it works to defend against invaders, whats the issue? we’ve done that as one of the tactics, we’ve wiped you guys several times as one of the tactics. Sorry that we choose to not throw countless bodies at a tower, our commanders stubbornly refuses us to be farmed by you guys because when we try it always happens in reverse.

Will you help me move?

11/30 Crystal Desert vs Ehmry Bay vs Maguuma

in WvW

Posted by: Zephyrus.9680


So you mean in your opinion only the server with the highest score (most people) should play

Not even remotely.

Please outline why getting a higher score is a good thing for Maguuma.

My point is, that If you don’t try to win, you don’t put yourself in a position to EVER win. Because of this, it becomes easy for you guys to discount the score, but in the long run you’re not doing anything to get better in regard to what WvW is actually about. So while you’re having fun (which is great) and gaining more players who think the score doesn’t matter (which is only great if that’s the type of player you are) it’s never going to get you anywhere as a server. If you don’t care about the score, then I’m not going to “outline” why you should. I really don’t care how or why you play.

I’m just saying that unless you care about the points in WvW, you’ll never improve at gaining them. Nor will you gain many other players who care.

Lots of people like to win, lots care about the score. Not all are bandwagon players.

2nd quote isn’t actually mine but anyway… Your point doesn’t apply because it has nothing to do with lack of trying.

Fact is, try as hard as we can, we can’t beat CDs sheer numbers. There… is that the pat on the ego you wanted?

Maguuma does an amazing job with the numbers it has and I’m 99% sure if CD had identical numbers and coverage, well… We would have a fine demonstration of quality tactics and organization over quantity :P

The difference is not lack of trying as you mistakenly believe. It’s recognizing that, sure, it’s an uphill fight with no possibility of “winning”, simply by the numbers. But whereas for you apparently, that’s everything, for a lot of us, that’s nothing. It has zero effect on our motivation. In fact, being the underdog means it’s probably going to be an even better fight!

So while you see EBay starting to lose ground this week from what I assume is morale attrition, Mag is as ready as ever to kick kitten rack of kills and points, and chew bubblegum while we’re at it!

We’re comfortable fighting outnumbered, we don’t want or need to be a top tier server with massive numbers and queues because that’s not what makes WvW fun. I see and hear sentiments like this from fellow Maguumians all the time and that’s more of what they mean when you see “Mag doesn’t care about winning”.

Zefyres – Ele | Maguuma | (ex) top100 solo/teamQ casual | Youtube

11/30 Crystal Desert vs Ehmry Bay vs Maguuma

in WvW

Posted by: saiyr.3071


I don’t really see what point you made.

Obviously not.

equating of “WvW success” to skill is absurd.

You’re wrong here, and untill you understand WHY you’re wrong, you’ll never fix what’s holding your server back.

THAT is my point.

Haha, ok. I guess I should stop trying not to be condescending since you clearly have no problem doing so while saying idiotic things.

[DERP] Saiyr, “bff” of Sgt Killjoy

11/30 Crystal Desert vs Ehmry Bay vs Maguuma

in WvW

Posted by: Bones.5762


Also since you guys are so good and that’s what you imply, why can’t you beat TC who has 2x your number? should be easy right? You guys call them cowards, mindless zergs but you guys obviously got your A** handed to you.

Will you help me move?

11/30 Crystal Desert vs Ehmry Bay vs Maguuma

in WvW

Posted by: Bones.5762


I guess CD just don’t understand what it takes to be a maguuman, so please don’t xfer over here because you guys will qq about how we play.

Will you help me move?

11/30 Crystal Desert vs Ehmry Bay vs Maguuma

in WvW

Posted by: Raincrow.1840


@ Bones….
Funny how fast you rush in to defend your own server when the shoe’s on the other foot though, isn’t it?

What the hell does that even mean lol. I’m sorry but i put on my shoes correctly since i was 7 years old?

Seriously? If you can’t even see this point, I’m not going to talk to you anymore.

Crystal Desert; The Viking Server
When are people going to figure out there’s a war going on?

(edited by Raincrow.1840)

11/30 Crystal Desert vs Ehmry Bay vs Maguuma

in WvW

Posted by: Raincrow.1840


I see and hear sentiments like this from fellow Maguumians all the time and that’s more of what they mean when you see “Mag doesn’t care about winning”.

You don’t see the contradiction there?

Crystal Desert; The Viking Server
When are people going to figure out there’s a war going on?

11/30 Crystal Desert vs Ehmry Bay vs Maguuma

in WvW

Posted by: azizul.8469


i honestly don’t remember us at CD calling anyone, let alone TC, mindless zerg. that term was introduced by our opponents in these 2 match ups. if there’s anyone who love to use the term on another server it is certainly not from CD, most likely from our opponents in these 2 match ups.

Cutie Phantasmer/Farinas [HAX] – CD Casual
Archeage = Farmville with PK

11/30 Crystal Desert vs Ehmry Bay vs Maguuma

in WvW

Posted by: Bones.5762


@ Bones….
Funny how fast you rush in to defend your own server when the shoe’s on the other foot though, isn’t it?

What the hell does that even mean lol. I’m sorry but i put on my shoes correctly since i was 7 years old?.

Seriosuly? If you can’t even see this point, I’m not going to talk to you anymore.

If you only believe i defend my server only you’re severely mistaken. I’ve defended everyone in this server at least once. I defended SM from Ehmry Bay when you guys are calling them skill less. I defended MrKnieves from CD (although i probably shouldn’t have because i failed to read his prior post). I defend anyone who i believe is right. Yes there is a vocal minority who speaks other wise, in fact they could be saying the same thing about me, saying everything good i said about those servers actually are false when Mag might believe them to be crap, but who knows, all i can say is, if they are wronged when i know they are right i defend them.

Will you help me move?

11/30 Crystal Desert vs Ehmry Bay vs Maguuma

in WvW

Posted by: Titan.3472


Magumas has now plenty chance to finish third by the end of the week :p
Go Ehmry ! Go !

11/30 Crystal Desert vs Ehmry Bay vs Maguuma

in WvW

Posted by: Raincrow.1840


i honestly don’t remember us at CD calling anyone, let alone TC, mindless zerg. that term was introduced by our opponents in these 2 match ups. if there’s anyone who love to use the term on another server it is certainly not from CD, most likely from our opponents in these 2 match ups.

I think one guy implied that when they had a late night zerg, TC they would run around looking for undefended towers to take, and if they spoted defenders they’d run away. It was likely true, fot at least that one night that he was talking about…. but we never, ever argued that TC’s entire server was an unskilled cowerdly zerg, or anything like that.

If anything the whole week against TC was about the jump puzzle.

Other than that, I almost never see CD talk bad about the other servers. I for one have held the highest regard for Maguma and Ebay, as I recognize it takes a lot not to give up while outnumbered.

Every server has it’s strengths and weaknesses, some people just love to go around pointing out the weaknesses of other’s but can’t take when the SHOE IS ON THE OTHER FOOT.

See below for an example….

Crystal Desert; The Viking Server
When are people going to figure out there’s a war going on?

(edited by Raincrow.1840)

11/30 Crystal Desert vs Ehmry Bay vs Maguuma

in WvW

Posted by: Bones.5762


i honestly don’t remember us at CD calling anyone, let alone TC, mindless zerg. that term was introduced by our opponents in these 2 match ups. if there’s anyone who love to use the term on another server it is certainly not from CD, most likely from our opponents in these 2 match ups.

It’s because you guys only want to acknowledge the good stuff about your server, you fail to give credit to your night crew who pulls 65% of your weight (reason being is because they easily fliped everything for you and upgraded it to make it easier to defend), saying you guys did it all. You guys failed to acknowledge you had numbers on us. You guys failed to acknowledge you guys had hackers til we showed the proof. And once again you’re failing to acknowledge this, I’m sorry but i can’t handle the mentaility that you guys are giving off for CD players, this is prolly why people bash on your server, because the people who post for CD are obnoxious with nothing constructive to say and for that this will be my last post because you guys seem to have ego’s too big for everyone here.

I’ll be realistic now since it’s my last post here, no guild from CD has impressed me at all, [KH] is your typical decent sized guild that every server has which is just average in skills.[rise] is your typical huge guild that zergs together (zerging is not bad, it is needed) and you’re missing the small zerg busting guild group that other servers usually have which is what sets you guys back in my opinion. Guilds like SM from EB, or guilds like OG from Mag. Basically when it’s all watered down, CD is an average playing server with a higher population than everyone in this server, thats all it comes down to.

Although i will come back to post here to defend myself if needed.

Will you help me move?

11/30 Crystal Desert vs Ehmry Bay vs Maguuma

in WvW

Posted by: Raincrow.1840


It’s because you guys only want to acknowledge the good stuff about your server

I don’t think we’re reading the same thread.

Crystal Desert; The Viking Server
When are people going to figure out there’s a war going on?

11/30 Crystal Desert vs Ehmry Bay vs Maguuma

in WvW

Posted by: azizul.8469


i honestly don’t remember us at CD calling anyone, let alone TC, mindless zerg. that term was introduced by our opponents in these 2 match ups. if there’s anyone who love to use the term on another server it is certainly not from CD, most likely from our opponents in these 2 match ups.

It’s because you guys only want to acknowledge the good stuff about your server, you fail to give credit to your night crew who pulls 65% of your weight (reason being is because they easily fliped everything for you and upgraded it to make it easier to defend), saying you guys did it all. You guys failed to acknowledge you had numbers on us. You guys failed to acknowledge you guys had hackers til we showed the proof. And once again you’re failing to acknowledge this, I’m sorry but i can’t handle the mentaility that you guys are giving off for CD players, this is prolly why people bash on your server, because the people who post for CD are obnoxious with nothing constructive to say and for that this will be my last post because you guys seem to have ego’s too big for everyone here.

I’ll be realistic now since it’s my last post here, no guild from CD has impressed me at all, [KH] is your typical decent sized guild that every server has which is just average in skills.[rise] is your typical huge guild that zergs together (zerging is not bad, it is needed) and you’re missing the small zerg busting guild group that other servers usually have which is what sets you guys back in my opinion. Guilds like SM from EB, or guilds like OG from Mag. Basically when it’s all watered down, CD is an average playing server with a higher population than everyone in this server, thats all it comes down to.

Although i will come back to post here to defend myself if needed.

if your definition of night crew is Asian, i’m one of them, and I certainly do give credit to my fellow fighters.

we at CD no need to impress anyone from another server. we play for fun and let everyone else on the server enjoy the realm bonus. we play the way we play, not sure why anyone from another server whine about it and tell us “hey, you shouldn’t be playing like that !” . ego ? it was not us undermining people from other server, and claiming to be more skillful, we kept low profile mostly…

Cutie Phantasmer/Farinas [HAX] – CD Casual
Archeage = Farmville with PK

11/30 Crystal Desert vs Ehmry Bay vs Maguuma

in WvW

Posted by: Diehard.1432


It’s because you guys only want to acknowledge the good stuff about your server

I don’t think we’re reading the same thread.

Yep, he was readng other thread i guess. Oh and I am CD Asian player as well

Garuda X, lvl 80 human Siamoth Ranger JQ SEA

11/30 Crystal Desert vs Ehmry Bay vs Maguuma

in WvW

Posted by: Bones.5762


It’s because you guys only want to acknowledge the good stuff about your server

I don’t think we’re reading the same thread.

Yep, he was readng other thread i guess. Oh and I am CD Asian player as well

Sorry, didn’t realize you went to go see Dr Phil and everything about you changed in the course of a week. I’m a US asian player too but what does that have to do with anything except for the fact im not online during 4am pst. Also if you guys are implying i’m a rascist you’re severely mistaken, because i have no infinity towards any race, only people’s show of characters and you guys don’t have good character. Is it whinning? possilby but hell even obama and mitt romney shook hands after he loss, sorry to say but i won’t be shaking your hand because you are acting similar to a terrorist on forums.

Will you help me move?

(edited by Bones.5762)

11/30 Crystal Desert vs Ehmry Bay vs Maguuma

in WvW

Posted by: Deathdom.8250


It’s because you guys only want to acknowledge the good stuff about your server

I don’t think we’re reading the same thread.

Yep, he was readng other thread i guess. Oh and I am CD Asian player as well

Sorry, didn’t realize you went to go see Dr Phil and everything about you changed in the course of a week. I’m a US asian player too but what does that have to do with anything except for the fact im not online during 4am pst.

It’s referring to your comment that they only acknowledge themselves and not the night zerg. They are the night zerg.

11/30 Crystal Desert vs Ehmry Bay vs Maguuma

in WvW

Posted by: Diehard.1432


It’s because you guys only want to acknowledge the good stuff about your server

I don’t think we’re reading the same thread.

Yep, he was readng other thread i guess. Oh and I am CD Asian player as well

Sorry, didn’t realize you went to go see Dr Phil and everything about you changed in the course of a week. I’m a US asian player too but what does that have to do with anything except for the fact im not online during 4am pst.

It’s referring to your comment that they only acknowledge themselves and not the night zerg. They are the night zerg.

^Thanks for explaining that to him man. Its my bad though, I thought he could have gotten my point

Garuda X, lvl 80 human Siamoth Ranger JQ SEA

11/30 Crystal Desert vs Ehmry Bay vs Maguuma

in WvW

Posted by: zastari.1730


Holy kitten y’all forum warriors need to get sedated

Tsarazi – 80 Asuran Mesmer [DERP]

11/30 Crystal Desert vs Ehmry Bay vs Maguuma

in WvW

Posted by: zastari.1730


Oh my goodness look at the amount of Words in this thread

Tsarazi – 80 Asuran Mesmer [DERP]

11/30 Crystal Desert vs Ehmry Bay vs Maguuma

in WvW

Posted by: Diehard.1432


It’s because you guys only want to acknowledge the good stuff about your server

I don’t think we’re reading the same thread.

Yep, he was readng other thread i guess. Oh and I am CD Asian player as well

Sorry, didn’t realize you went to go see Dr Phil and everything about you changed in the course of a week. I’m a US asian player too but what does that have to do with anything except for the fact im not online during 4am pst. Also if you guys are implying i’m a rascist you’re severely mistaken, because i have no infinity towards any race, only people’s show of characters and you guys don’t have good character. Is it whinning? possilby but hell even obama and mitt romney shook hands after he loss, sorry to say but i won’t be shaking your hand because you are acting similar to a terrorist on forums.

I LOLed… Please read deathdom’s post’. Now you came up with this allegation? oh boy… Let me simplify for you. I am the night crew

Garuda X, lvl 80 human Siamoth Ranger JQ SEA

(edited by Diehard.1432)