11/30 Crystal Desert vs Ehmry Bay vs Maguuma
I have my thief at 80 just for this , go go greatsword thief.
Pvp Inc. [PvP]
Ferguson’s Crossing
I do not enjoy being on the winning server, I play WvW to kill people that is all. I don’t care about objectives or score as long as there is people to kill I am happy.
/respect for honesty
Question: Wouldn’t you agree that your style of play, and philosophy, makes you better at 1v1 or killing in small groups… where as other players, who did care about winning and were likely playing classes with builds made for large scale group support and seiging, would be better at tasks such as taking and defending objectives or managing larger forces around the map?
When are people going to figure out there’s a war going on?
Meh CD has their zerg on during the off time again.
Some good fights…..lots of zerg dodging……w/e
O and I forgot….the amount of AoN’n in CD has grew 10 fold over the past few days. Ya’ll need to go up a tier and get away from that.
Glad to see people not raging so hard anymore. Coming to the end of this week, I have a new found respect for CD, they proved to me that they aren’t just a zerg server. Even had a few fight clubs with them, was pretty sweet. As for Maguuma, you guys are meh, not even fun and not very nice Dx. Was also fun spawn camping AoN for a while, eat it traitors ^^.
Everyone is bad but me.
Anet ruined Gw2.
I just ran into the saddest thing outside of ebay’s spawn.
Playing an MMO and farming badges off of an afk account while everyone else has fun fighting each other. As they say on reddit, forever alone.
But badges drop so much more often now. I spent all of mine since they upped the rate and I’ve almost got enough for the gift again.
I’m a little envious that the KH guild in CD is able to field so many people at once. I don’t think Maguuma has a guild that can field that many, certainly not this late in the match.
People in the public mumble are basically the same thing as a really big wvw guild.
Might consider merging some guilds nonetheless. Bit of a hassle to let new people lead you around and whatnot but that big ball of players with the same tag has a lot of intimidation value. Plus you can actually try to learn how we turned so many invaders into lootbags that they started just running away as soon as we would charge (we’ve got a banner so only d/d eles can really get to a portal for the safety of their walls.)
We’re kind of working on getting more leaders that can pull this kind of thing off but the evaluation skills for when to do it are a bit of a mystery to most of us.
i honestly don’t remember us at CD calling anyone, let alone TC, mindless zerg. that term was introduced by our opponents in these 2 match ups. if there’s anyone who love to use the term on another server it is certainly not from CD, most likely from our opponents in these 2 match ups.
It’s because you guys only want to acknowledge the good stuff about your server, you fail to give credit to your night crew who pulls 65% of your weight (reason being is because they easily fliped everything for you and upgraded it to make it easier to defend), saying you guys did it all. You guys failed to acknowledge you had numbers on us. You guys failed to acknowledge you guys had hackers til we showed the proof. And once again you’re failing to acknowledge this, I’m sorry but i can’t handle the mentaility that you guys are giving off for CD players, this is prolly why people bash on your server, because the people who post for CD are obnoxious with nothing constructive to say and for that this will be my last post because you guys seem to have ego’s too big for everyone here.
I’ll be realistic now since it’s my last post here, no guild from CD has impressed me at all, [KH] is your typical decent sized guild that every server has which is just average in skills.[rise] is your typical huge guild that zergs together (zerging is not bad, it is needed) and you’re missing the small zerg busting guild group that other servers usually have which is what sets you guys back in my opinion. Guilds like SM from EB, or guilds like OG from Mag. Basically when it’s all watered down, CD is an average playing server with a higher population than everyone in this server, thats all it comes down to.
Although i will come back to post here to defend myself if needed.
Lawls, isn’t that how it suppose to be in WvW though? Zerg the hell out of WvW and make diversion among other zerg guilds?
and Typical zerg groups? why did we win on Friday reset? excluded the night crew (i know isn’t fair) but we did well putting up Potential points at Prime time servers.
Our greatest strength lies in never failing,
But we [RISE] each time we fall.
(edited by SpitFire.4690)
but that big ball of players with the same tag has a lot of intimidation value. Plus you can actually try to learn how we turned so many invaders into lootbags that they started just running away as soon as we would charge.
No offense but nobody is ever going to run from anybody because of their guild tag. I’ve never even heard of your guild until this very moment, and we’ve fought each other for 3 weeks straight now. A big endless sea of red though, yeah, that’ll happen.
(edited by Rhyis.7058)
a guild that has been on mag server from launch XIII is recruiting for WvWvW we have our own voice server be it mumble or raidcall and as of today a commander. please join us in a continued effort to make WvWvW populated and fun. feel free to message me here or in game. happy hunting
So much promise, and gold, to die so fast!
Gotta give it to Mag, they owned us bad! But it was fun as hell! Thank you whoever donated all those golems!
You’ve got a ram in the middle of that sea of golems.
Essay incoming!
Short version of my point…. players who don’t care about the score aren’t going to measure skill in the same way that a player going for points will.
Yea I see that’s your argument and it’s pretty simple. It’s just that the conclusion doesn’t follow. It could only be valid with a “win win win = better” mentality, which is yours and that’s fine (though ours is better :P).
To understand the Maguuma “epic fight” mentality (I hope it’s not exclusive to Maguuma), lets put it in a logical form because you seem to think there’s contradiction:
Premise 1: REGARDLESS OF THE WINNER, the most fun and epic WvW match ups are of 3 (or at least 2) evenly matched sides. The least fun (worst) WvW match ups are heavily lopsided, to the extreme of one side spawn camping on every map as this is bound to be an entirely pointless week of zero fun for all sides. I don’t care if you have the ‘must have braains cough score’ mentality, your not going to have much fun even when you own everything.
Premise 2: Winning in an epic WvW match up could mean next week is going to be a pointless fight. Most likely because your server can’t field the necessary numbers to compete. (Losing could have the same result but reversed.)
Conclusion: if we’re already fighting an epic match up that’s nearly tied for points, winning (or it could be losing) isn’t necessarily in our best interests if we want to keep fighting an awesome fight next week.
It’s a perfectly logical and actually very simple reason for not caring (or even not wanting) to win. The only contradiction, I assume, is in your own case accepting premise 1, since you don’t think a relatively evenly matched fight is actually the most fun.
(edited by Zephyrus.9680)
I’m here to put this thread back on track..
The ShadowMoon
It’s just that the conclusion doesn’t follow.
Sure it does. If you’re not playing to win, you’re not going to be as focused on doing the things that gain points for the server. Yes it’s simple, but it’s also true.
It could only be valid with a “win win win = better” mentality
False. As I’ve already said many times, winning does NOT = better. You just said you understood my point, but obviously you don’t. You do not need to actually win to be better. You need to try and win, to get batter at the things that lead to winning. If you don’t care about the score, you’re not going to be playing in the same way as someone who does.
Again, yes it’s very simple. The problem is, that you continue to misrepresent that point over and over again.
It’s a perfectly logical and actually very simple reason for not caring (or even not wanting) to win.
Ok? I don’t need to be convinced that your way of playing is valid, you’re free to play however you want. I’m not saying one way is better than the other, I’m saying that having a different goal leads to different tactics. Maguma’s goal isn’t the same as CD’s. Sure we want to have fun, but we also play to win. The fact that we play to win leads us to do things you may find odd, or out of place, even “mindless”. Throwing bodies at a defended keep for example, something you guys seem unable to comprehend…. you see it as letting you farm badges…. but our goal isn’t to keep you from getting badges, or die less times than you, it’s to take the point. For you to come in and act as if our two servers play exactly the same NOW, is a complete contradiction of everything you guys have been saying the other 13 days we’ve been playing.
Great, you enjoy close fights… I enjoy playing to win. I agree that a more even match can be more fun, but winning is still the goal. I see that in the way CD plays, and I see the difference in the way you guys play. It’s a different style of play, with different tactics.
Again, throwing bodies at a tower is a good example. It’s something you guys have stated you “refuse to do”… Well, guess what…. we do it all the time. Why? Because we have a different outlook. It’s just one of the many ways I’ve noticed over the past two weeks that our two servers generally play differently. Different goals mean different tactics.
The only contradiction, I assume, is in your own case accepting premise 1, since you don’t think a relatively evenly matched fight is actually the most fun
Your assumption is wrong. An even match usually is more fun, but that has nothing to do with anything I’ve said at all. An even match is fun, but if I’m not playing to win, it’s still not going to be as fun for me.
When are people going to figure out there’s a war going on?
(edited by Raincrow.1840)
I’m here to put this thread back on track..
Nice video. Good example of CD tactics showing their superiority.
Nice video. Good example of CD tactics showing their superiority.
Failed tower defense = Failed tower defense.
When are people going to figure out there’s a war going on?
Someone’s mad
cause otherwise they’d see it wasn’t a tower defense..
The beginning is tower defense. You’re firing a balista down into the attackers. It cuts and by the second part you’ve already lost the tower.
Pointing out the truth doens’t mean I’m “mad” lol. You guys are funny.
Oooo someone pulled his own comment. Why is that?
When are people going to figure out there’s a war going on?
(edited by Raincrow.1840)
Failed tower defense = Failed tower defense.
Someone’s mad.. .. otherwise you’d see it wasn’t a tower defense.. it was a 30 minute farming session of KH before we got zerged down.. You’re not the brightest crayon in the box are you? Unless of course you are colorblind, in which case I apologize.
The ShadowMoon
(edited by Cain.9724)
Already answered… But I’ll point out that your video really just makes my point for me. You seem impressed by things that I consider pretty meaningless. The idea that a chopped up vid of you pushing people off a cliff would make me mad, is odd. I don’t care about individual fights. Did you hold the tower or not?
If you’re weren’t defnding it, it’s even worse. Now it just sounds like you spent 30 minutes in a tower and never made an attempt at capturing it. Waste of time.
When are people going to figure out there’s a war going on?
Raincrow have you ever smiled while playing WvW?
edit: sorry I realized after posting this that smiling is meaningless.
Raincrow have you ever smiled while playing WvW?
edit: so I realized after posting this that smiling is meaningless.
I’ve been smiling at the score board for 2 weeks.
When are people going to figure out there’s a war going on?
Already answered… But I’ll point out that your video really just makes my point for me. You seem impressed by things that I consider pretty meaningless. The idea that a chopped up vid of you pushing people off a cliff would make me mad, is odd. I don’t care about individual fights. Did you hold the tower or not?
If you’re weren’t defnding it, it’s even worse. Now it just sounds like you spent 30 minutes in a tower and never made an attempt at capturing it. Waste of time.
Look how much effort you keep putting into replying to this thread, you’re obviously mad.
If you weren’t mad, it’s even worse. Now it just sounds like you spent 18 hours making walls of text in this thread that not a single person cares about. Waste of time.
The ShadowMoon
Look how much effort you keep putting into replying to this thread, you’re obviously mad.
Putting effort into a conversation makes me mad? That’s funny. You guys must be the ones who are mad, since you’re reading that emotion into what I write. This being mad thing is in your heads not mine.
Also funny I’m being accused of being mad, while you guys resort to insults and chopped up videos that attempt to make CD look bad.
If you weren’t mad, it’s even worse. Now it just sounds like you spent 18 hours making walls of text in this thread that not a single person cares about. Waste of time.
I enjoy posting on forums. kitten
edit: that “kitten” probably isn’t what you think it is. Man they sensor everything.
When are people going to figure out there’s a war going on?
while you guys resort to insults and chopped up videos that attempt to make CD look bad.
It’s chopped up because a 30 minute video of what happened would have been even less exciting.. What’s amazing is that you think you have anything whatsoever to do with the success or failure of your server.. you don’t, you’re a forum warrior. Trust me, we have a lot of these on Ebay as well, and I’m sure people on your server are just as embarrassed by you as we are of them.
The ShadowMoon
It’s chopped up because a 30 minute video of what happened would have been even less exciting.
Well that’s obvious. You spent 30 minutes doing spin attacks in front of a small channel where enemy players had to run in attempt to get past 2 balista and at least 1 if not more arrow carts. Wow exciting stuff….
What’s amazing is that you think you have anything whatsoever to do with the success or failure of your server.
WHAT???? LoL When did I EVER say that? You guys have had trouble grasping the point before but that’s the funniest thing yet.
we have a lot of these on Ebay as well, and I’m sure people on your server are just as embarrassed by you as we are of them.
But I’m sure your vids make you the king of Ebay huh? LoL.
When are people going to figure out there’s a war going on?
(edited by Raincrow.1840)
Getting badges from kills is fine, but in the end, it’s all about the World Bonuses.
Raincrow have you ever smiled while playing WvW?
edit: so I realized after posting this that smiling is meaningless.
I’ve been smiling at the score board for 2 weeks.
You guys will have to recruit moar people to keep that smile going…
But even then I think it is -50 DKP for CD against TC/FA
You guys will have to recruit moar people to keep that smile going…
Sure, but as long as we’re still trying to win I’ll be happy.
You spend an unnatural amount of time on this mad subject.
Because it’s fasinating the way you guys keep bringing it up.
Is it that you guys are really so mad that the score doesn’t reflect your imaginary skillz that you can no longer read a forum post without projecting your own anger into it? Or do you simply assume anyone who doesn’t agree with you is angry about it? Seriously, what’s the issue there?
I enjoy my time here on the forums. Maybe some of you should try enjoying it too, instead of going around trying to make other people mad at you.
Second time one of you has posted something and then tried to remove it after the fact. Is that the new forum version of the ALT-F4?
When are people going to figure out there’s a war going on?
(edited by Raincrow.1840)
You guys will have to recruit moar people to keep that smile going…
Sure, but as long as we’re still trying to win I’ll be happy.
You spend an unnatural amount of time on this mad subject.
Because it’s fasinating the way you guys keep bringing it up.
Is it that you guys are really so mad that the score doesn’t reflect your imaginary skillz that you can no longer read a forum post without projecting your own anger into it? Or do you simply assume anyone who doesn’t agree with you is angry about it? Seriously, what’s the issue there?
I enjoy my time here on the forums. Maybe some of you should try enjoying it too, instead of going around trying to make other people mad at you.
Second time one of you has posted something and then tried to remove it after the fact. Is that the new forum version of the ALT-F4?
See, your attempt to use psychology is hilarious. I am just pointing out you are spending an exorbitant amount of time on the subject. Which has nothing to do with anything lol. And you spewed out this really poor argument. Pretty sure you mad now. Also report button on forums is telling of who is mad since I got a mod mail lol
CD is funny in this regard. You are a zerg server. Many of your members don’t know what to do outside a zerg. And you guys let it drag on and on. It is like an endless cycle of lulz.
I am just pointing out you are spending an exorbitant amount of time on the subject.
I’ve only spent as many posts on it as have been used to accuse me of it. It’s not psychology, I seriously am confused by the assumption that putting effort into a conversation means the person is mad. It’s just a very odd thing to assume about a person.
Also report button on forums is telling of who is mad since I got a mod mail
I didn’t report you, but if you got a mod mail I would consider you stop whatever it is you were doing.
CD is funny in this regard. You are a zerg server. Many of your members don’t know what to do outside a zerg. And you guys let it drag on and on. It is like an endless cycle of lulz.
Likely because most of the day there is literally nothing to do outside of the zerg, since you guys don’t hold more than one or two spots on the map.
You mad bro?
When are people going to figure out there’s a war going on?
(edited by Raincrow.1840)
I’m here to put this thread back on track..
Nice video. Good example of CD tactics showing their superiority.
It was entertaining.
I’m sad that most of Phzt’s responses get deteled before I get to chortle.
Nerf sticks!
Do you guys use registered fraps to record with, or free one, or something better? My screenshots don’t really tell the WvW story. Rift had an in-game recorder that I used constantly. I want to record/upload in 1080p.
Getting badges from kills is fine, but in the end, it’s all about the World Bonuses.
That’s really skillful to both out-number 2 teams, and get higher % of hp, healing, etc.
I don’t mind, though. I have more hp than the majority of warriors.
Have fun next week with 1% on everything.
Glad to see people not raging so hard anymore. Coming to the end of this week, I have a new found respect for CD, they proved to me that they aren’t just a zerg server. Even had a few fight clubs with them, was pretty sweet. As for Maguuma, you guys are meh, not even fun and not very nice Dx. Was also fun spawn camping AoN for a while, eat it traitors ^^.
That’s what happens when the guild utilizing you as guinea pigs to test out new builds, whilst studying for final semester exams. Pretty convenient to have you right by the spawn, saves us the trouble of chasing you down. Mei is the only traitor by the way…I wonder why she left, I’m sure it’s because she doesn’t like playing with angry nooblets. ^^
This thread is so long it had me wondering if it was for last week’s matchup as well. Sheesh.
Just wanted to say hi and good fights to an EBay Thief from [TAC] that I ran into a couple times last night. Somewhat unconventional build and I couldn’t break it! Noticed you giving some others a hard time as well. Cheers.
We Bey – Mesmer
If you do not aim to win then you are not a skilled player/server. You will never be ichiban in your heart or as a server. By not aiming to win and doing all you can to win, you are not challenging yourself. Therefore, you will always be held back and unskilled. Playing for fun gains you no skill at all. Happiness is within the score, one day you will see this.
Good. We can move on now, right?
The devs don’t care about WvW so I’m gonna kill players in PvE!
I’m here to put this thread back on track..
Nice videos, keep em up, some people just mad because they can’t fraps anything good i guess, they have free will to fraps, but they choose to rather down everyone else by degrading everything done in the video because everything they done in forums is better and actually happens like you know their 20 vs our 40.
I can’t wait until reset tomorrow. Rather have to deal with our kitten getting kicked by TC.
I am just pointing out you are spending an exorbitant amount of time on the subject.
I’ve only spent as many posts on it as have been used to accuse me of it. It’s not psychology, I seriously am confused by the assumption that putting effort into a conversation means the person is mad. It’s just a very odd thing to assume about a person.
Also report button on forums is telling of who is mad since I got a mod mail
I didn’t report you, but if you got a mod mail I would consider you stop whatever it is you were doing.
CD is funny in this regard. You are a zerg server. Many of your members don’t know what to do outside a zerg. And you guys let it drag on and on. It is like an endless cycle of lulz.
Likely because most of the day there is literally nothing to do outside of the zerg, since you guys don’t hold more than one or two spots on the map.
You mad bro?
Here’s the thing. Why would Maggies be mad at WvW or CD? We can take over large sections of EB and hold down our own borderland when we are online. The scoreboard is an after thought to most of us because we accept the fact we have a medium population in terms of WvW.
The fact when we bring up the reasons behind wins and losses, your server throws a collective hissy fit instead of trying to better yourselves. Whereas Maggies know that the only way we can truly better ourselves is if 200 or so dedicated WvWers jumped ship to our server. Which is always hit and miss, for the record.
I’m here to put this thread back on track..
The quaggan part was the best part. Just sayin.
I’m here to put this thread back on track..
The quaggan part was the best part. Just sayin.
That part made my morning 100x better. Although, I think this song would’ve been more fitting for all the quaggan cuteness and rainbows going on in there: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZyhrYis509A
Happy Thursday everyone!!
[DERP] [iRez]
Eh. Honestly, Mag and EB have been awesome opponents these last two weeks. The first week you guys did really… kinda badly. This week? Oh my, you pulled through almost completely and are doing a ton better than before. It’s been a lot more fun and I enjoy fighting you guys greatly.
Even more so when I try and do a cease fire in the jumping puzzles, but that rarely does any good since.. ya know, limited conversation.
But ya, good job guys. You’ve made it fun. I’m just sorry that we have more numbers, cause I feel like if our numbers were even we’d be pretty neck and neck.
Glad to see people not raging so hard anymore. Coming to the end of this week, I have a new found respect for CD, they proved to me that they aren’t just a zerg server. Even had a few fight clubs with them, was pretty sweet. As for Maguuma, you guys are meh, not even fun and not very nice Dx. Was also fun spawn camping AoN for a while, eat it traitors ^^.
That’s what happens when the guild utilizing you as guinea pigs to test out new builds, whilst studying for final semester exams. Pretty convenient to have you right by the spawn, saves us the trouble of chasing you down. Mei is the only traitor by the way…I wonder why she left, I’m sure it’s because she doesn’t like playing with angry nooblets. ^^
Other way around bro. You saved us the trouble! You even brought more of ur friends to come die too. So sweet of you.
And no, the majority of that guild (atleast the officer and leader) hail from Ehmry Bay. I know. I use to be in that guild. And when they mentioned to me that they wanted to transfer servers. I said no and left. For a guild thats more dedicated and has stronger bonds with the players around them. I found that and i never regretted it.
Remember that FTF tag yesterday. Yeah thats us, 50+ badges in about 30min. ;D
Lvl 80 Sylvari Guardian – Tzenjin [GF]
Lvl 80 Human Elementalist – Tzenkai [GF]
Remember that FTF tag yesterday. Yeah thats us, 50+ badges in about 30min. ;D
I hear you guys did a fight club without us. How rude
I thought CD said they were too hardcore to fight club.
I thought CD said they were too hardcore to fight club.
FTF is from Ehmry Bay, and we had a few people from CD in our last fight club, so.
I must say on a whole CD is perhaps the worst server I’ve fought in terms of individual player skill.
You will get smashed next week due to not having a significant numbers advantage over your opponents.
I can’t wait until reset tomorrow. Rather have to deal with our kitten getting kicked by TC.
Yeah. I found that when we were matched up V TC and YB, there was less useless rage on our matchup threads. I’m surprised this one hasn’t been closed too, with the random attacks on other players that everyone is so hell bent on making. People need to relax.
It’s probably going to be random rage targeted at YB next week.
I can’t wait until reset tomorrow. Rather have to deal with our kitten getting kicked by TC.
Yeah. I found that when we were matched up V TC and YB, there was less useless rage on our matchup threads. I’m surprised this one hasn’t been closed too, with the random attacks on other players that everyone is so hell bent on making. People need to relax.
It’s probably going to be random rage targeted at YB next week.
The funny part is that the first thread was locked due to CD infighting, not because of what you are talking about. Maguuma hasn’t played Yak’s Bend in a long time, so I don’t know what to think of them now. They must have come a long way to be fighting in T3 though, because we beat them last time. We don’t hate all servers that outnumber us, either. A lot of us like Fort Aspenwood quite a bit despite them massively outnumbering us (seemingly), because their coordination is pretty insane compared to ours.
I can’t wait until reset tomorrow. Rather have to deal with our kitten getting kicked by TC.
Yeah. I found that when we were matched up V TC and YB, there was less useless rage on our matchup threads. I’m surprised this one hasn’t been closed too, with the random attacks on other players that everyone is so hell bent on making. People need to relax.
It’s probably going to be random rage targeted at YB next week.
The funny part is that the first thread was locked due to CD infighting, not because of what you are talking about. Maguuma hasn’t played Yak’s Bend in a long time, so I don’t know what to think of them now. They must have come a long way to be fighting in T3 though, because we beat them last time. We don’t hate all servers that outnumber us, either. A lot of us like Fort Aspenwood quite a bit despite them massively outnumbering us (seemingly), because their coordination is pretty insane compared to ours.
Well, they have pretty equal, if not stronger presence than CD at all times, other than our night/early morning crew. TC is the same way.
Plus, what I’m talking about, is everyone who comes on here, just says they don’t care about winning, and then blindly attacks any player that isn’t on their server, for whatever reason. If it isn’t that they want to win, or they’re mad they’re losing or something, what is it? They want to come on here and just be kitten like that?
The only other server I really didn’t like fighting was SoS because they intentionally wouldn’t fight you. PvD all week long.