[RED] Devona’s Rest
11/9 Devona's Rest/Kaineng/Ferguson's Crossing
[RED] Devona’s Rest
And btw girlyman, i run spec ops mostly, i don’t zerg,
zerg goes east, GASM goes west buddy
didn’t you move servers? first of all
why you abandon over small issue that was already dealt with?
why do you think you can talk, when our server up so many points without u?
loved u xan, hated to see u leave, u were most respected commanders on my list
then u left,
now i don’t know what to think, or why you even commenting in this thread?
GASM is weaker without you, we trying to forget…
Why stir the water with the snakes?
I said, and Draygo was awesome, he didn’t mention it but once, he has class, not our guild, please don’t mention it, its being settled with powers to be
I did leave DR, but it doesn’t mean that I can’t still show my pride for the community that I came up in. GASM wasn’t weak with or without me. There are people within that guild that have the ability to be a commander, and why they are not yet is still a mystery. If you knew me though, you’d know I’m not about the points in WvW….that’s not me at all.
What I am about is the play, the defense, the strategy. I moved up a bracket for a “change” of pace, and a change it is. It’s like DR was 5 weeks ago, unstable, all commanders hate each other, and people talking down on those that don’t have Icon and aren’t “from” the server. For better or for worse, the additions to DR gave DR the leg up and DR learned from several of those people new strategies. DR will be moving up, so you will see me again soon, but instead of being by your side, I’ll be the enemy trying to out strategize you.
Fun fun times coming.
[RED] Devona’s Rest
Nah man, I’m just saying you are da best. I’m complimenting you, why are you trying to troll me?
wait i thought i was the best?
or am i the sexiest?
i always get those confused
Termont 80 charr engineer
Jerknife 80 syvlari guardian
Just like to say, To NoQQ those tombstones were from me, Enjoy xD!
Spys Sappin Mah Guild Name! [Red]
Rank: Officer
Just like to say, To NoQQ those tombstones were from me, Enjoy xD!
Thank you, SIR!
Kaineng (NoQQ)
I remember when i used to come to forums to read up on whats been happening or what i missed out on and all i see is drama everywhere. Its not.even viable to use the forum as asource of information while im away from my comp due to the blatant accusations and twistrd recounts on all sides.
Xcavars[End]~Carelinne Condoin[End]~Brianna Condoin[End]~Catrice Degaspi[End]~Tiarra Ferr[End]
I haven’t posted on this forum in a few weeks, but I just wanted to take a minute and share a link:
This was Kaineng months ago. What you see in this video was everyone that was doing WvW that night. All of us, working together. Guilds didn’t matter, egos didn’t matter. We all followed one rule back then:
Server first
This was the first time I can recall us ever fighting off a launch server and defending our Garrison (back when matchups were 24 hours). It was a huge deal for Kaineng back then.
A lot has changed since then, and most of it is not good. We’ve traded honor for ego, and we’ve traded strategy for excuses. We put our guilds before the server, and create alliances that divide us. We may be losing to DR due to numbers, but that’s not the only reason. We’re beating ourselves.
Watch that video above. We didn’t care that we were outnumbered. We didn’t care that we were losing every single matchup by nearly half a million points. We didn’t care that this was the only thing on the map we owned. We didn’t care that we were outnumbered everywhere we went in the game, or that doing even the most simple of things like capturing a tower or defending a supply camp was a trial by fire. We didn’t cry and make excuses every time we lost because we didn’t give a crap about the scoreboard. In our minds, if we put up the best fights we could each night, then we didn’t lose.
Kaineng, we have no control over how many people are on DR or FC (and they don’t either). We have no control over the fact that FC and DR might both decide to be in our BL at the same time. We have no control over what time zones DR players are in, or when their prime time is.
What we do have control over is ourselves though.
We can choose to bicker on the forums about fairness, or we can do our talking on the battlefield. We can choose to stick to tactics that worked last month but don’t work any more due to changing dynamics in our tier, or we can adapt. We can choose to segregate our server into a bunch of alliances that don’t talk work together, or we can get back to what worked for us in the past:
Server first
Success on Kaineng was never about scoreboards. It was about teamwork, and good fights. If we can’t start putting server first the way we used to, then go back and re-read this week’s entire thread and know this, this is the best Kaineng will ever have to look forward to.
We’re better than this.
Took my thief out for a spin tonight, had a kitten blast! Thanks Kain (not so much ferg tonight but a little bit) for the great fights.. Kudos to the noQQ thief who managed to tag me when I made a bad decision to try and rez someone who was almost up instead of finishing off your buddy. I think that was my only death of the night..
Enjoyed the massive amounts of fergs out tonight!!! It was great to see you guys alive and kicking!!
Yak’s Bend
Maybe our lack of prescence last night should be due to the same excuse you guys whined about last week “oh we have lives you guys are weekend warriors”.
Um…you challenged us on reset, not the other way around. That excuse wont fly. Sorry
I made zero challenges about anything on reset. try again.
Guild Leader – Warsworn [WAR] – www.warsworngaming.com
Just like to say, To NoQQ those tombstones were from me, Enjoy xD!
Thank you, SIR!
Ya, few of our guys/ladies got some tombstones. We sure the heck needed it since there really wasn’t much left of us a few times tonight where even KY would not have helped the amount of numbers that overran us. I Really feel like an elephant trying to kill millions of ants, we may kill a couple million but they still kill me in the end. Anyway gratz, hope we made you work for the honor of throwing that tombstone ;-p
Well on a good side I did hit 12,000 WvWvW kills with only 469 deaths tonight :-}. Plus another NoQQ hit 14,000 WvWvW kills tonight Gratz Serart!!
Stylii Elementalist
Shoulda Rolled Kaineng (NoQQ) Leader
(edited by Zizanzi.4678)
Hi everyone, as a reminder – please keep these kind of threads friendly and productive.
Maybe our lack of prescence last night should be due to the same excuse you guys whined about last week “oh we have lives you guys are weekend warriors”.
Um…you challenged us on reset, not the other way around. That excuse wont fly. Sorry
I made zero challenges about anything on reset. try again.
[WAR] made the challenge, you lead that guild right? If you didnt know anything about it. I do apologize then for comments made to you by accident.
Daemon’s Gate [HELL]
Fort Aspenwood
Just like to say, To NoQQ those tombstones were from me, Enjoy xD!
Thank you, SIR!
Ya, few of our guys/ladies got some tombstones. We sure the heck needed it since there really wasn’t much left of us a few times tonight where even KY would not have helped the amount of numbers that overran us. I Really feel like an elephant trying to kill millions of ants, we may kill a couple million but they still kill me in the end
. Anyway gratz, hope we made you work for the honor of throwing that tombstone ;-p
Well on a good side I did hit 12,000 WvWvW kills with only 469 deaths tonight :-}. Plus another NoQQ hit 14,000 WvWvW kills tonight
Gratz Serart!!
Stylii Elementalist
Shoulda Rolled Kaineng (NoQQ) Leader
Not gonna lie, When i saw NoQQ i was like. “WE GOT THIS LETS GOO” But i turned around and nobody was behind me. As a commander that’s a first i think you guys really put some fear into players xD. In the end i had to switch to my tank sett and chase yall down that cliff. Which is where i got my graveyard of tombstones! You guys are well played in tactics and sure as heck got the arm to take down a army of warriors or guardians
! I hope to encounter and shed more blood with you soon >:D!
Spys Sappin Mah Guild Name! [Red]
Rank: Officer
On a props note:
FERG!!! You leave me alone dangit! Cant you see im by myself tryin to just scoot around the map solo. I turn a corner and POW theres a sea of red Fergs waving hello. Would be ok if they’d stop waving with income missles and spells! hahhaha Heck of some fun though. Im glad you guys are out in massive force and doin some pwnage and wrecking things up. Ive always said you guys were good with great players. Hope you guys can keep the tempo up. With the right strat i can def see you guys nailing 2nd place this week, if not first =).
Kain: Was very surprised at the very low showing of WAR/KAIN/iSpy during primetime when i got on (note: im referencing when i got online). But hey, RL comes first. Hope things are good for you all in RL and you all can get back into WvW soon. SoS still showing up in force with some good fights. NoQQ….still breakign zergs i see, lol. Good job! I did run up a group of folks wrecking you and pushing you back into spawn. Only got the tail end of it, hope it was good fights all around for all servers.
DR: one word only for you ALL..to include all PvErs that did some WvW at reset as a large portion of you jumped in, all guilds big and small, and all gamers period. I AM PROUD OF YOU ALL! I fully expected a Kain blowout until Sunday, imagine my surprise when i logged on and checked score. Took me a few seconds for what i was seeing to register right. lol. Lets keep putting up a good fight and just having some fun.
Daemon’s Gate [HELL]
Fort Aspenwood
:/ I was throwing my dagger at people! And they ran thinking i was a Thief till they saw my big cat Hou >:D! Rangers are such devils >:D!
Spys Sappin Mah Guild Name! [Red]
Rank: Officer
Fun but rough night. We ran 9-12 people all night.
We got a few decent open field fights, a couple of successful defenses, and several that were doomed to failure.
Several times it ended badly ;-)
Grats to DR, man, you guys really brought it this weekend!
Kaineng (NoQQ)
I see rams being tossed like cannon fire from Kain/FC/DR folks now. sooo much fun.
The NoQQ fad of throwing rams on people has taken hold and now we can’t put the genie back in the bottle! All good fun. (By the way we did have some smarter than the average Bear Kaineng people actually build some of those rams we threw on people. Of course we busted out laughing while they are asking in map chat, “how do we get it to the door”? We told them they had to find the key next to the sentry to move it. Needless to say they said they couldn’t find it ;(… Oy vey
Stylii Elementalist
Shoulda Rolled Kaineng (NoQQ) Leader
I got involved in a brutal fight at arahs in fergies BL earlier today.
DR had capped it and Fergie was trying to take it back, they had about 10 people
my group had 4. The lord was about to go down and we were on cliff above it. I said screw it go. We all jumped down, which reduced us all to halfish health and downed the first guy we made contact with, hopefully to get the enemy group to start to panic. We ended up fighting the remaining 9ish for about 3 minutes. We finally route them and start capping the camp when… [RED] shows up. I signal a wave because I didnt want to fight them at that moment (and I like RED, awesome guys), but they didnt take the signal, they downed our guardian who we ressed so we backed up a bit. Just then a 12 man fergie group rolls right into them and they start fighting and we ended up pulling out to the jumping puzzle area.
We push north and clear godsword so we finally get our suppy and put a ram down at longview and ninja the tower. Setup 3 arrow carts behind the door and waited at the tower. killed a dolyak as it passed by but it was rather uneventful. Then as we sit in the keep a fergie force shows up and stares at us across the way. They get down and start ranging the door. They begin a ballista but it doesnt get finished, some of them run off, so we ran out to kill the construction site and fight a few fergies when..
a DR force of about 15ish rushes in, we back into the tower and DR cleans the small group of fergie in front and starts shooting my flame rams I kept dropping on top of the tower wall. They put down a flame ram on a wall and build it :V Then fergie comes back and starts sieging the front, unaware the DR zerg is at the side wall of longview. So I put down another flame ram BP up at the corner between the two forces, and sure enough they see each other and have a field fight right infront of longview. Fergie took the edge and drove DR off.
Then fergie put down a serious attack on our tower. They built a ballista, and built a ram. Our arrow carts chewed their ram operator down really quickly, and killed the ram shortly after, and fergie just ranged the door at that point. At this point I would estimate the fergie force to be about 20-25, defenders 4. Door breaks we block the door and end up downing about 10 of them and killing 4 in the door way before we get overrun and lose 3, 1 escapes.
Apathy Inc [Ai]
Fun but rough night. We ran 9-12 people all night.
We got a few decent open field fights, a couple of successful defenses, and several that were doomed to failure.
Several times it ended badly ;-)
Grats to DR, man, you guys really brought it this weekend!
So i assume its ok for me to continue to harass in the back until mister 4 fps gets a better card, because that was awefulllll close to a QQ
He says it every fight. It’s like a good luck charm.
Kaineng (NoQQ)
Not gonna lie, When i saw NoQQ i was like. “WE GOT THIS LETS GOO” But i turned around and nobody was behind me. As a commander that’s a first i think you guys really put some fear into players xD. In the end i had to switch to my tank sett and chase yall down that cliff. Which is where i got my graveyard of tombstones
! You guys are well played in tactics and sure as heck got the arm to take down a army of warriors or guardians
! I hope to encounter and shed more blood with you soon >:D!
Had fun tonight fightin’ y’all in the field. We had some protracted battles going on there.
Look forward to seeing you guys on the field again. <3
Fun but rough night. We ran 9-12 people all night.
We got a few decent open field fights, a couple of successful defenses, and several that were doomed to failure.
Several times it ended badly ;-)
Grats to DR, man, you guys really brought it this weekend!
So i assume its ok for me to continue to harass in the back until mister 4 fps gets a better card, because that was awefulllll close to a QQ
We have tried to get him to stop his addiction to watching adult shows on his computer while pvping, but to no avail……. Maybe a few deaths would do the trick ;-p. Thanks for keeping it real, makes the game that much more fun.
Stylii Elementalist
Shoulda Rolled Kaineng (NoQQ) Leader
Fun but rough night. We ran 9-12 people all night.
We got a few decent open field fights, a couple of successful defenses, and several that were doomed to failure.
Several times it ended badly ;-)
Grats to DR, man, you guys really brought it this weekend!
I find it the best that, Every video you put up i was leading those Ops. That tower video was the best/worst of the day for me. That lone Sylvari commander who charged up there alone to die by yall was me sadly xD!!! Took my death to have Devonas push up to finally cap the tower :/.
Spys Sappin Mah Guild Name! [Red]
Rank: Officer
uXa brings 10ish actives to NA primetime, i am glad to know that we made such an impact that the other two servers claim that is the reason for their failure.
Check this out from last night, barely 20 people caught a 50 man devona zerg at godsword last night, haha.
@ Chris
Unless that was a different fight, we wiped your team there. However, we didn’t run with those kinds of numbers outside of EB and I don’t see any SoCo tags, so it is likely. I do have to give you props on the Bay defense. We didn’t expect any opposition there and ended up getting trashed for it (with you landing the deathblow on me). I (possibly “we”) had the most fun on Ferg BL last night. Although I died an embarrassingly amount of times, that’s clearly where the challenge was in terms of skill combatants and an organized enemy unit.
Rastofin – Guardian [SoCo]
T Zen – Mesmer [RegA]
I think our tactics are working. DR spawn block in Ferg’s lasted over an hour this morning while being outnumbered the whole time. I was the annoying mesmer in front.
So far this week props to ferg for bringing some dang good fights and numbers!! But seriously where did Kain go? They just aren’t really showin up this week! I’m not even really tryin to chest beat I just literally have not seen so much from Kain yet, like Dred said though, hope you guys are doing alright! Oh and props to a guild in fergs tagged [Np] They are freakin beasts, saw so many of them and they had some good fighters, they brought it on Saturday against running with PRO. Here’s some action pics of Ferg showing what they got. The last on is us at Kains spawn, they couldn’t even come out, that’s why I’m askin where they are, I’m just saying normally we shouldn’t be able to do that you know?
WvWer in Protocol [PRO]
Good fights in EB for a while now, its tough to get anything done or try to get a potential points lead when DR is in our Bl and no-one is in Fergs while they both simultaniously attack either side of our EB map, but w/e.
I don’t like these odds O.O
I don’t like these odds O.O
Looks normal to me.
People, please act civilized and have good sportsmanship. I’m glad that we’re one of the competitive brackets, but people are being really mean. Really, guys? I’ll admit it, we Devonians(As I call the inhabitants of our server) have been really arrogant lately, but this is just sad. Kain and DR used to be in a friendly rivalry. Then PRO came, then we started winning, then we got arrogant, then people started transferring, then you guys got jealous, and now everyone from all three servers are acting like children and are being very unsportsmanlike.
Please guys, this is just really stupid. We’re all bottom bracket, we all (currently) suck, and we don’t need to be so ugly to eachother. Can’t we all just be respectful and fair?
To Kain and Ferg, I’m sorry you guys lost a bunch of players to us. You guys were too awesome for that.
(edited by Jurrzy.1594)
I don’t like these odds O.O
It’s OK man, what you’re not showing is your zerg in the other camera direction. Or maybe it’s just them following you right, they’re just so ENVYous?
Lol, that map has 7 green dots on it…
Hehe, I think I found you today on ferg bl at arahs hope andromeda. You turned me into a moa xD. I think it started as a 3v5 battle with a random on our side popping in towards the end. I was the pesky bursty ele.
ex – The Midnight Syndicate [Dark]
People, please act civilized and have good sportsmanship. I’m glad that we’re one of the competitive brackets, but people are being really mean. Today, I saw a thread called “Kain/Ferg no DR allowed”. Really, guys? I’ll admit it, we Devonians(As I call the inhabitants of our server) have been really arrogant lately, but this is just sad. Kain and DR used to be in a friendly rivalry. Then PRO came, then we started winning, then we got arrogant, then people started transferring, then you guys got jealous, and now everyone from all three servers are acting like children and are being very unsportsmanlike.
Please guys, this is just really stupid. We’re all bottom bracket, we all (currently) suck, and we don’t need to be so rude. Now, we here at Devona’s Rest are acting like the kid who holds his prize just beyond the smaller kid’s reach and laughs at them, while Kain and Ferg are acting like the kids who cry “cheaters!” and become jealous at the winner.
Both behaviors are really unsportsmanlike and have to stop. Can’t we all just be respectful and fair?
To Kain and Ferg, I’m sorry you guys lost a bunch of players to us. You guys were too awesome for that.
Sadly, I think my cry for sportsmanship will just get buried under more angry posts.
So I don’t know if you even opened and read my post of kain/ferg no DR but maybe you should. I started that because If you look at this thread over half of it is DR fighting over who should get the pat on the back for the wins. Having 3 guilds transfer to your server in 3 weeks makes a huge difference end of story.
I also posted my frustration of wasting 5 gold or more in EB to watch it get lost in about 20 minutes from a sea of DR but that is my fault for spending the gold. Anyhow these posts that are made each week should be about a good battle or thanks for the teamwork stuff like that but it has turned into “no i’m the reason we are winning!”
BTW you can read my thread just don’t post in it as no DR hehe
Manyme usee -80 mesmer current main
80 War, Ele, Guar, Rang, thief. 55 engi 16 necro
@scooby treat:
Sorry for misblaming you. But the fact is that sportsmanship has gone way down. It’s just sad to see. I’m not calling anyone a bad person, but I’m sick of everyone being angry at everyone.
Hehe, I think I found you today on ferg bl at arahs hope andromeda. You turned me into a moa xD. I think it started as a 3v5 battle with a random on our side popping in towards the end. I was the pesky bursty ele.
Yay! Lol. I always love turning the burstys into squawkies.
@scooby treat:
Sorry for misblaming you. But the fact is that sportsmanship has gone way down. It’s just sad to see. I’m not calling anyone a bad person, but I’m sick of everyone being angry at everyone.
No worries I think the main issue is ego and also people getting frustrated with how things are going. I am happy that you guys got the transfers as it helps to move up and have more coverage. It sucks for fergs/kain now but I hope overtime that will change. I have seen alot of change over the last couple of weeks on Ferg for the better as we seem to be working better at times as a team.
It would almost seem better if there was no such thing as a “guild” just a server. Everyone no matter if they don’t have a guild (like myself I like to be free hehe) or are in a guild makes a difference in WvW not just 1 group but everyone. Yesterday in EB I saw some great teamwork in fergs where people were upgrading running supplies and I thought now this is how it should be a team effort with everyone helping out where they can. If you don’t have money for upgrades run supplies, make sure camps don’t get taken do what you can to help the “team”.
Now it seems when a team starts winning I see alot of “we are the reason” when its everyone. DR had great players before you guys got the transfers just the transfers now put you guys over the top because I know that both Ferg and Kain have great players also we just don’t have the numbers.
I see bad blood starting to rise because of how long we are fighting each other. We are going on is it 4 weeks in a row now (ferg would go up and down the first month so we wern’t always fighting each other week after week)? As DR gets more and more players from transfers and we keep fighting each week and it becomes more and more of a blowout people get frustrated. Add that and the “we are the reason” (between DR guilds) and its a bad combination (It should be a separate thread to be honest).
Manyme usee -80 mesmer current main
80 War, Ele, Guar, Rang, thief. 55 engi 16 necro
Okay…Im an avid lurker but I’m too lazy to read up on the thread. With all the midterms Im bogged down in next week I refuse to do any unnecessary reading x_x.
Ive been on Kain since the end of September through the good and bad. The bad is attributed (at least partially) to the continued transfers, especially transfers towards Dev. But to not take into account the general disorganization/karma/token hunting/drooling that I find a lot of Kainers going for nowadays would misrepresent the problem as a whole. There are currently several problems that are happening with Kain, I will only go over the ones listed above/below to save my fingers from cramping -.-
You try to contribute to your server in wvw, but you keep getting moshed by major Dev zergs sending you running back to the spawn point as well as the repair vendor putting a major dent in your pocketbook. You try and stock up on siege equipment in order to take towers, set up defense bunkers in key areas, and upgrade keeps only to have your server mates:
1. Scatter like kittenroaches due to disorganization and lack of corporation.
2. Hop map to another battlefeild as soon as they take the entire map, without completing the upgrades to keeps. Sometimes they get the upgrades started and hop but not usually. Least from my experience.This makes it difficult for those left behind to make a good stand against invaders. The less upgrading, the easier it is to take a keep. On many occasions after devs take a keep, and before upgrades can be made, they set up siege asap in order to avoid a major backlash from the previous keep’s owner. Kainers more often than not do not copy this behavior resulting in a continuous loss of keeps. Or if we do upgrade, stay on map till upgrades are complete, we have such severe off hours where nobody is available to defend. This results in the borderlands turning a ugly shade of green (no offense devs) within an hour.
3. Really…really bad commanders. Ive actually been in zergish groups where the commander (bless their little heart) lead several members of the zerg off of a cliff. The term lemmings comes to mind. I saw this happen on youtube several times before I got the game and made it a point to learn the different parts of the map where major falls could be made without the angel of death coming to claim me. However….I can count at least 4 occasions where the zerg went to pieces dropping off of a cliff this week and its only Sunday. I dont expect group leaders to be perfect but for the love of all thats holy…lemmings! Not to say we dont have some good commanders, but good commanders are few and far between in times of need.
4. Ive seen a lot of tactics being used from time to time however, I find the Devs utilizing tactics far more often than us. Don’t get me wrong. A couple of our guilds War/Sos/Kain/Etc (sorry for leaving anybody out) are great guilds. But we often just zerg silly as opposed to making long term strategies. Which is often the result of…
5. We dont have the numbers neccesary to keep constant coverage going throughout the day/night. But then again wvw is suppose to be unbalanced in that regard, isnt it?
6. For some unexplainable…last week and even this week..our major guilds..you know the ones that organize and function properly seem to be on hiatus.
But Im rambling. For Glory! For Kaineng! watches out for lemming drops
Server: Maguuma…it’s…interesting…
DR won’t be coming up a bracket for at least 2 consecutive matchups, so it’ll be more of beating each other up. You’ll definitely be up against AR in the next bracket, but unsure how the tide is going to turn as BP got a boost this week and are ahead thus far.
[RED] Devona’s Rest
Also dred, i made the challenge, by myself, i did not confer with my guild/alliance as you have dishonorably refused the challenge, so don’t say you accepted it. No where any any prev thread did any DR players say they accepted so for you to bring it up here in this week is just dishonorable. Also i don’t really see you guys as rivalry, more like just opposing team.
No offense but rivalry is someone/guild who can match our strategies and skills, not outnumber us.
Lol, now I can see why do many DR eventually become so hostile. For 1, nobody needs to post “accepted” to an open challenge. Don’t make excuses, you made the challenge and lost, horribly at that.
2, stop whining about how it’s only because of numbers that we win. “strategy” in WvWvW is not difficult. Look through every single WvW thread for all the tiers and the ones losing in all of them complain saying they have “better strategy” but lack the numbers. Get over yourself. Your strategies are the same, numbers ARE the only difference.
I also wanted to add that another issue I see (my opinion) is that because there is a big money sink and its hard to come by alot of people tend to run with the zerg for that money rather than stay behind and defend (not all the times but alot) or upgrade. So in the end you have a zerg that might have taken over half of the map or more but nothing is upgraded and the other teams zerg is licking its chops wanting that money as well and if the other team doesn’t have the numbers its a steamroll. In fact I think this week a certain server with the numbers (again my opinion) have left certain maps (maybe went and did some PvE or something) so that the smaller server/servers will take over alot of it so they can come back in and zerg it again for the money/karma but that is just my opinion.
What i’m getting at is that the money factor is a huge reason for the zergs and the reason for not as much open battles. I think it would be much better if the upgrades to keeps/towers/supply camps just took time and supply not gold and that the only gold you got in WvW was off of killing players and NPC’s. I think it would lead to even greater battles. Less worry about the money more about the game.
Anyhow, Go Ferg!
Manyme usee -80 mesmer current main
80 War, Ele, Guar, Rang, thief. 55 engi 16 necro
Yeah, i should probably edit that. My opening sentence of 2 meant to say stop saying how you have tactics and we have only numbers. Numbers is a valid complaint but also realize it is one that nobody on DR has control over. It’s not like we take a vote on who is allowed to transfer onto our server.
My point does still stand that strategy in Wv3 is laughable at best. The biggest reason being differences in strategy produce usually very minor results, enough to the point where you can only tell the difference if both sides have exactly equal numbers…im afraid that’s never going to happen.
This also assumes that a server is not 100% mindless zergs with no direction(because that’s NO strategy), which i cant speak for other servers but i know for sure is not the case of most DR commanders.
At the end of the day, I think the atmosphere in this bracket has become too toxic and we need a switch-up for some fresh air. I am just sad that it likely won’t happen until 2 weeks from now. Another week of all 3 servers not really happy with the situation. Woohoo…
I think ill go to Fergs map and throw myself at the spawn point blockade. THAT is still fun lol. Been a massive battle there all day, who cares about objectives!
Devonas folks: did you guys make public on your channel our guild’s challenge (ENVY, FC) to BSTY? we have had many matches with those glass cannon thieves and mostly we win, but we want to have a 4v4 or whatever number they pick and do a little official guild vs guild duel. What I don’t understand is how can anyone fail to answer a challenge? I know none of us in my guild would lose an opportunity to fight a good opponent or back down from any fight, we love it. So please let ’em know again, maybe their chat channel was bugged that day.
Thank you
I almost pity bones for how butthurt he is.. it will never end. No matter what you say in ANY scenario, no matter the facts, I read “excuses excuses, blah blah, etc etc etc” He’s not gonna give up guys. But all your claims and defenses are cute bro.
Lol I was there when that happened. I was calmly typing to AOE that mortar that you were in. Then i turn around and see a huge Devona zerg right in my face XD.
Nice one