WvWer in Protocol [PRO]
11/9 Devona's Rest/Kaineng/Ferguson's Crossing
WvWer in Protocol [PRO]
My personal fear is that this will start the one server moves up a tier and is dominated, one server moves down a tier and dominates cycle again. The last few weeks have been amazing and I really don’t want to see the action killed by a 1000+ point server dropping on us.
Wow lots of drama here since i been gone.
GZ DR hopefully you move up and wvw isnt ruined anymore. I loved old DR.. all these guilds that hopped in to destroy the balance well its too late to do anything. you guys dont deserve to move up but w/e dont want more drama.
As for kain ppl leaving well i havent been on since last thursday. I usualy lead when no other leaders are on. Our server is great.. well used to be. No one listens to anyone on kain ppl just do whatever. Drax nice job on the overtime. Once i get back i will be starting a new guild focused on wvw for kain. I didnt want to since the alliance of main guilds was doin something. Now it just seems dead. So i will be makin a guild to bring us back. Hopefully people join and we can get kain back up and running. If no one joines well there isnt a cause worth fighting for but i will try alone.
Good luck to all and hope you guys been havin more fun than makin drama.
Also why do you people argue and act like hard stuff. Its just a game its ment to make fun not ruin it.
Get your Omega out of our Garrison, Ferg. I have no more honor code while Devona is here.
No hope. Only death.
Darxio – Thief Commander
Nice long battle in front of Durios night with both kain and DR pushing each other back and forth. Also the great battles back and forth at Quentin :o) Surprised to see Ferg trying to take our keeps in the south during that but it was all good. All in all some great fights in EB.
Yak’s Bend
I had a blasty blast clashing zergs with kain and ferg all day. Some skillful piloting out there.
DismÁy (Ele)
Teeheef (Bad Thief)
You guys had us sandwiched a couple times last night, but nobody noticed!
We had a few successful defenses as well, but I think the most enjoyable keep fights were the ones where we ultimately got run over.
Keep it coming!
Kaineng (NoQQ)
Great fight with Kain at EB at Durios earlier tonight. When we got to your other tower it was a gonner…well, right up until someone on DR felt the need to drag the darned Grub into the fight. At that point i just felt the need to let the momentum fade. lol
Other than the bad bad grub..was great fights.
Daemon’s Gate [HELL]
Fort Aspenwood
To the SoS group camping the EB Jumping Puzzle:
Protocol [PRO]
(edited by Tamboure.1207)
We had a blast at kaineng Bordelands last night. I want to thanks Darxio and noQQ for the help, we may not the best commanders, but we do what we can! in the end is about fun too
man, what a bunch of awesome fighting last night. Some brawling in KBL, starting up little scuffles here and there in the North East. Tried to steer clear of the Zerg thing and just started small fights that lasted quite a long time with some really fun back and forth,
I recall some real great fights at the southern end of FBL as well. Love the defense that Ferg has been putting up. great place for a underdog battle (if you are invading)
Even EB had some great small battles for towers and keeps. Quite a bit of fight left in our match mates and for that I am thankful.
Thanks to all for an awesome night.
Yak’s Bend.
transfers work both ways, guilds transferring to a winning server and guilds transferring out of a losing server.
you don’t need guilds joining your server but its the same impact as guilds leaving the opponent’s server
To the SoS group camping the EB Jumping Puzzle:
My guess would be the same reason that I’ve seen PRO do it.
We had a blast at kaineng Bordelands last night. I want to thanks Darxio and noQQ for the help, we may not the best commanders, but we do what we can! in the end is about fun too
You did just fine, everyone did. We loved your timely arrival to thwart the huge Ferg Zerg that was taking the garrison. We devastated them from above and you all on the ground in the lords room. Was a pleasure working with you & hope to work more with you in the future.
You can contact me in game & we can get in voice chat to discuss strategy.
Stylii Elementalist
Shoulda Rolled Kaineng (NoQQ) Leader
We had a blast at kaineng Bordelands last night. I want to thanks Darxio and noQQ for the help, we may not the best commanders, but we do what we can! in the end is about fun too
You did just fine, everyone did
. We loved your timely arrival to thwart the huge Ferg Zerg that was taking the garrison. We devastated them from above and you all on the ground in the lords room. Was a pleasure working with you & hope to work more with you in the future.
You can contact me in game & we can get in voice chat to discuss strategy.
Stylii Elementalist
Shoulda Rolled Kaineng (NoQQ) Leader
I would hardly call 20 people a zerg. You guys eventually had more than 20 people in the lord’s room and that was only the ones I could see, who knows how many didn’t render. We were soooo close to taking it though, but we had some thief running around abusing rendering that kept us from taking it. So close!
That being said, NP decided to do that to get me my last 2 vistas (the ones in the garrison). I got a nice shiny star thanks to my guild. We didn’t really expect to take it, we just wanted to get the doors down. Thanks Chris and Sastri!
PS. Upgrade your doors! They weren’t even reinforced :/
At what point did kaining stop fighting overwhelming odds, stop running siege and baiting people into death traps, stop doing anything that levels the playing field? Yeah, you guys are outnumbered, every server in this matchup has been there at some point or another, but christ guys you have the talent! You have an alliance, you have guilds that can and will work together. You have an amazing 10 man strike group via NoQQ (which I openly admit, I’d LOVE to run with and learn from), but it seems like the days of Fubuki rallying people to fight overwhelming odds has come to a close and Kaining is becoming something they’ve never been, a fair weather server.
I still have respect for you guys, tons of it, well the ones who fight instead of wagging their tongues on the forums. You know, a lot of DR’s leadership came out with a plan on reset to completely shut down Kain and demoralize you guys for the rest of the week. I’m just a little sad to see it worked.
I’m still around. I took a couple of weeks off recently due to a death in the family, but I’ve been back for about a week.
My spirit’s still intact. I never cared abut the scoreboard, the imbalanced population, or the losses in the past and still don’t. I hear a lot of the “new guys” complaining about how imbalanced the pairing is now. I can’t help but chuckle a little. Check it the scoreboard in this video, less than 24 hours into a matchup vs DR and NSP back in the old days:
I merged my guild into WAR about 6 weeks back, so I didn’t feel the need to promote the server any more. After seeing what the forums had turned into after the Kaine incident (the week Kaineng won our pairing), I just couldn’t stomach the idea of posting here any more. I didn’t want to be a part of all the negativity. That was never what I was about. These days I do my rallying on the battlefield.
I left WAR a few days ago to create a new guild with my wife, the Kaineng Preservation Society [KPS]. You may remember I used to sign my posts with this fictitious name when I was promoting Kaineng. I figured it was fitting.
The goal is to simply get back to our roots, the kind of stuff you talk about in your post above. Small scale 5 man groups, time tested tactics, and fun open field battles. You can rest assured that no matter how lopsided the matches end up, or how many people come and go, you’ll always have at least 2 people out there trying to be a thorn in your side.
See you on the battlefield (but you’ll have to look down, we’re REALLY short).
Great fight with Kain at EB at Durios earlier tonight. When we got to your other tower it was a gonner…well, right up until someone on DR felt the need to drag the darned Grub into the fight. At that point i just felt the need to let the momentum fade. lol
Other than the bad bad grub..was great fights.
There was some great three way action last night in EB! I know many Kains and Fergs alike got to feel the warmth of some manly Norn chest hair. Battles are so much more fun with limited armor on. Props to Lilj from SoCo for many great counters and retakes of towers.
I love that Grub, a few nights ago Sir Morningstar warned no one to touch it.
“Okay no one touch the grub all on me”
“Imma touch that grub” ( a random)
“Okay who touched the grub?” (grub begins to eat half the zerg)
Many many lines of mostly kitten words afterwards and the zerg has to regroup in SM.
Win or lose it’s those moments that make this game so enjoyable
“Do not argue with an idiot.
He will drag you down to his level and beat you with experience. "
This matchup isn’t much fun anymore.
PS. Dear Fergies, please stop helping Devona crush us by taking our supply camps while they have us pinned in at our last keep. It only means they’re coming after you sooner.
So kain can not deffend themselves and asking help from fergusons?
This week is very challenging. It seems as if our guild meets greater resistance and responsiveness from Ferg and DR every day. We’re continuing to do what we do best, but there’s new pressure for us to up our game and communicate effectively with Kaineng at large.
I think I’ve seen more numbers come out this week than any other week. That goes for all 3 sides. I’m excited for a new level of competitiveness, and I’m looking forward to seeing the more influential guilds expand their playerbase and increase the general skill level.
Great fight with Kain at EB at Durios earlier tonight. When we got to your other tower it was a gonner…well, right up until someone on DR felt the need to drag the darned Grub into the fight. At that point i just felt the need to let the momentum fade. lol
Other than the bad bad grub..was great fights.
There was some great three way action last night in EB! I know many Kains and Fergs alike got to feel the warmth of some manly Norn chest hair. Battles are so much more fun with limited armor on. Props to Lilj from SoCo for many great counters and retakes of towers.
I love that Grub, a few nights ago Sir Morningstar warned no one to touch it.
“Okay no one touch the grub all on me”
“Imma touch that grub” ( a random)
“Okay who touched the grub?” (grub begins to eat half the zerg)
Many many lines of mostly kitten words afterwards and the zerg has to regroup in SM.
Win or lose it’s those moments that make this game so enjoyable
While they got to feel the warmth of manly chest hair, I promise I do not have any of that so they got to feel the embrace of my bosom! haha :p That grub is a zerg killer for sure (speaking from experience haha). I know I always avoid it unless im training the kain into it hehe.
Yak’s Bend
At what point did kaining stop fighting overwhelming odds, stop running siege and baiting people into death traps, stop doing anything that levels the playing field? Yeah, you guys are outnumbered, every server in this matchup has been there at some point or another, but christ guys you have the talent! You have an alliance, you have guilds that can and will work together. You have an amazing 10 man strike group via NoQQ (which I openly admit, I’d LOVE to run with and learn from), but it seems like the days of Fubuki rallying people to fight overwhelming odds has come to a close and Kaining is becoming something they’ve never been, a fair weather server.
I still have respect for you guys, tons of it, well the ones who fight instead of wagging their tongues on the forums. You know, a lot of DR’s leadership came out with a plan on reset to completely shut down Kain and demoralize you guys for the rest of the week. I’m just a little sad to see it worked.
I’m still around. I took a couple of weeks off recently due to a death in the family, but I’ve been back for about a week.
My spirit’s still intact. I never cared abut the scoreboard, the imbalanced population, or the losses in the past and still don’t. I hear a lot of the “new guys” complaining about how imbalanced the pairing is now. I can’t help but chuckle a little. Check it the scoreboard in this video, less than 24 hours into a matchup vs DR and NSP back in the old days:
I merged my guild into WAR about 6 weeks back, so I didn’t feel the need to promote the server any more. After seeing what the forums had turned into after the Kaine incident (the week Kaineng won our pairing), I just couldn’t stomach the idea of posting here any more. I didn’t want to be a part of all the negativity. That was never what I was about. These days I do my rallying on the battlefield.
I left WAR a few days ago to create a new guild with my wife, the Kaineng Preservation Society [KPS]. You may remember I used to sign my posts with this fictitious name when I was promoting Kaineng. I figured it was fitting.
The goal is to simply get back to our roots, the kind of stuff you talk about in your post above. Small scale 5 man groups, time tested tactics, and fun open field battles. You can rest assured that no matter how lopsided the matches end up, or how many people come and go, you’ll always have at least 2 people out there trying to be a thorn in your side.
See you on the battlefield (but you’ll have to look down, we’re REALLY short).
This brought a big smile to my face. Cant be too sure, but I think you’re positivity here on the forums radiated into not only Kaineng, but Devona’s as well.
ex – The Midnight Syndicate [Dark]
To the SoS group camping the EB Jumping Puzzle:
My guess would be the same reason that I’ve seen PRO do it.
Sigh..here we go again. Just include KAIN/WAR/iSPY/SoS/CNB/NoQQ/GASM/RED/WvW/FWAE/PvK….heck every other guild on the servers.
Idea: stop camping it by all servers. It’s already a pain if you know what your doing and seemingly impossible if you dont. Lets call a truce and let that be the one neutral areas on the maps, eh?
Daemon’s Gate [HELL]
Fort Aspenwood
I don’t see any problem with camping the jump puzzles. It denys the other teams badges/blueprints. While i believe it’s a waste of time, i also see why people would do it, but highly doubtful that it’s for those purposes, more like trolling purposes. Also it’s quite impossible to have one whole entire server agree to not open fire, because there will ALWAYS be someone who wants to PK in the JP, which would just lead to, omg there was a truce.
(edited by Bones.5762)
We had a nice lil truce there the other day.
ex – The Midnight Syndicate [Dark]
To the SoS group camping the EB Jumping Puzzle:
My guess would be the same reason that I’ve seen PRO do it.
Sigh..here we go again. Just include KAIN/WAR/iSPY/SoS/CNB/NoQQ/GASM/RED/WvW/FWAE/PvK….heck every other guild on the servers.
Idea: stop camping it by all servers. It’s already a pain if you know what your doing and seemingly impossible if you dont. Lets call a truce and let that be the one neutral areas on the maps, eh?
Not trying to start yet more BS, but we don’t camp puzzles. In fact we rarely even do them. The few times we did, we killed the campers and left.
We had a nice lil truce there the other day.
I’m pretty sure that didn’t turn out well, considering what we’re talking about now.
We had a nice lil truce there the other day.
I’m pretty sure that didn’t turn out well, considering what we’re talking about now.
Nah, it was dandy. See pics on page 3, one Kain decided to be a tool though, so I murdered him.
ex – The Midnight Syndicate [Dark]
In the pics i see FC not attacking, but nothing stating a truce. It’s just more like individual who choose not to attack, and besides you guys also had them outnumbered. I personally don’t attack others in the jump puzzle unless they attack me first. I’ve even had an attack from an individual from a server and his server mates didn’t help him because of their choice of no hostility in the jump puzzle. I know it’s annoying to have to go against a group of people who camp the jump puzzle but it will ALWAYS happen regardless, because not everyone reads forums, and not everyone wants to be friendly.
Guys, I think we need to just accept that jump puzzles are fair game for anything and everything. Considering you can get free siege from them, there is no reason why anyone should be able to do it without being harassed.
Anyways, I haven’t had much of a chance to play this week. Can anyone post a score update?
Yeah, not a formal truce per se, but it was happy fun times with no unscrupulous murdering. (Aside from the aforementioned Kain). Poor chap, kept trying to kill me with a torch…
ex – The Midnight Syndicate [Dark]
To the SoS group camping the EB Jumping Puzzle:
My guess would be the same reason that I’ve seen PRO do it.
Sigh..here we go again. Just include KAIN/WAR/iSPY/SoS/CNB/NoQQ/GASM/RED/WvW/FWAE/PvK….heck every other guild on the servers.
Idea: stop camping it by all servers. It’s already a pain if you know what your doing and seemingly impossible if you dont. Lets call a truce and let that be the one neutral areas on the maps, eh?
Not trying to start yet more BS, but we don’t camp puzzles. In fact we rarely even do them. The few times we did, we killed the campers and left.
Wasnt pointing fingers, was just trying to state that every server does the same thing along side most guilds on those servers. I vote to stop camping them myself.
Daemon’s Gate [HELL]
Fort Aspenwood
One thing i’m wondering is why fergies BL is mostly untouched this week.
Also, ninjaing your keeps with suprise golem squads. Mmmm
Apathy Inc [Ai]
If you are from Ferguson’s or Kaineng’s servers… by reading this post… according to my Asuran Legal Team of Bronk, Blipp, Zojja, Zinga & Associates … You have been served Legal Notice that you have been Named in a Class Action Lawsuit… seeking Compensation for damage to my Leather’s during WvWvW… if you’d like to avoid court… feel free to mail me Reparations…
Darwin Ism / Thin The Herd
[PRO] member
[PRO] World Defender
(edited by Darwinism.8619)
One thing i’m wondering is why fergies BL is mostly untouched this week.
Also, ninjaing your keeps with suprise golem squads. Mmmm
Cuz we’ve been defending it
You are a little off.
Devona isnt putting any effort in attacking your BL either, thus you could upgrade it to maximum.
Apathy Inc [Ai]
You are a little off.
Devona isnt putting any effort in attacking your BL either, thus you could upgrade it to maximum.
And then they took a well fortified keep just in 2 minutes.
I think killing enemies in the jumping puzzle should be encouraged. Altho I guess this forum was to much to tolerate for some, server rivalry is a good thing and hindering your enemies from completing an objective builds that rivalry.
Oh my gosh, that is like the third time this week I have actually agreed with Bones, I must be getting soft in my old age j/k
I also see no problem with camping a jumping puzzle, although those 5 or more people could be out capping points for the team.
I never even go to the jumping puzzle, seige is too easy to buy with badges to aggravate myself with those lol
Oh and Darwin, that post was LOL
Devona’s Rest
(edited by SpaceLord.4590)
Great night in WvW for a little group of PRO and 2-3 randoms. We rolled over to Ferg, ninja’d Hills and took supply camps and got ready for the fight we knew was coming. Its what we was there for. Quite a few skirmishes over camps but eventually Ferg pulled a zerg together and threw it at the Hills. By this time, we’d had siege in place and a few supplies for emergency repairs. We managed to push the zergs off 3 times. One notable moment was someone in chat going “Incoming golems, 3 of em!” We manned the catapults and blasted those 3 golems to shreds before they got anywhere near the gate. After that crushing defeat….the enemy faded for so long we got bored and went to roaming the map. I so love Ferg folks! You guys can field some impressive numbers late night. I think the only thing that held us up was the fact that a lot of Fergs we ran into were upgraded 80s. But that didnt stop you cuz you took as much ground as you gave. (props to you!) At one point a Kaineng zerg (NoQQ) landed on the map, it broke like waves on rocks in skirmishes of equal number. Looked to be a karma train as they took quick nodes then moved on to another map. Although they did stick around and zerg gank anyone caught out in the open. (i got a golem planted on me…rofl)
Action died down for couple hours to nothing more than a few of us that was still online and a few Fergs. We’d skirmish across the map taking/giving, but overall having fun. I was in whisper chats with several Fergs the whole time. Was great!
Eventually our numbers dwindled to a small handful and NP got online. We didnt have enough folks to man the siege we’d set up at the Hills and repair the gates. Took a bit but eventually they broke through and took the Hills back. Sorry we didnt offer more resistance, but the best pieces of siege we’d set up despawned (arg, fix this Anet!) and we just didnt have enough to put up a decent defense. All in all, was a great night in Wv3.
Pics of the ninja of Hills…took it from fully fortified to ours without getting caught. (lol)
Ferg’s YARR guild…you 2 little rascals sneak ninjaing towers! Now you stop that and play nice darnit. (lol) great job you 2
Fun for all, got some loot bags, gave up a few. Props to all the Fergs/Kain that was in Fergs BL.
Daemon’s Gate [HELL]
Fort Aspenwood
You are a little off.
Devona isnt putting any effort in attacking your BL either, thus you could upgrade it to maximum.
You guys still don’t get it at all. We focus our whole server into one map, we barely venture out. Our map 70% of the time has 20+ devonas running around during the day hours that we’re constantly fighting. I ventured to kain map the other day after seeing you guys hold your garrison for nearly 5 hours. You guys still had paper walls/gates.
With that kind of crap, how do you expect to hold off against 50+ devonas? Yesterday SoS came in and wiped everything of ours but our garrison, we barely held that, there was so many of them during the day hours. It took us not even 2 hours to get everything built up back to what it was before so our day crew could somewhat “hold” everything.
Try actually defending, put your people in one map and focus them down that way. Half your server or more than half runs off to EB then you lose everything. So don’t start the “devona only hits us kitten”.
Also, needless to say how many kains we get in our map as well. You were one of them for the longest, we usually have 20+ dev and kain in our map, even right now theres a good 15 kain hitting bluewater camp. When they should be in your map defending or in EB. In our tier 15 is a LOT! I already tell fergs everyday there is no point in hitting Kain since Devona is the biggest problem, yet everyday there is tons of you guys in our maps.
Don’t cry about us not being hit, you guys need your priorities straight.
Oh my gosh, that is like the third time this week I have actually agreed with Bones, I must be getting soft in my old age
I also see no problem with camping a jumping puzzle, although those 5 or more people could be out capping points for the team. It’s honestly a waste of my time to camp a jump puzzle, i would much rather camp a tower/keep, even a supply camp is better. But i’m more of a frontline fighter where the action is.
I never even go to the jumping puzzle, seige is too easy to buy with badges to aggravate myself with those lol
Oh and Darwin, that post was LOL
What? that must be crazy for you to agree me with 3x this week lol. when was the first and second.
(edited by Bones.5762)
You are a little off.
Devona isnt putting any effort in attacking your BL either, thus you could upgrade it to maximum.
You guys still don’t get it at all. We focus our whole server into one map, we barely venture out. Our map 70% of the time has 20+ devonas running around during the day hours that we’re constantly fighting. I ventured to kain map the other day after seeing you guys hold your garrison for nearly 5 hours. You guys still had paper walls/gates.
With that kind of crap, how do you expect to hold off against 50+ devonas? Yesterday SoS came in and wiped everything of ours but our garrison, we barely held that, there was so many of them during the day hours. It took us not even 2 hours to get everything built up back to what it was before so our day crew could somewhat “hold” everything.
Try actually defending, put your people in one map and focus them down that way. Half your server or more than half runs off to EB then you lose everything. So don’t start the “devona only hits us kitten”.
Not for sure but my speculation of why we have paper gates is because seeing as they flip at least every hour, it’s pointless to spend money and time to hold it. I won’t say there is or isn’t much dr on your bl or not because i’m never really there much. I won’t be playing much til the weekend but when weekend rolls around i’m sure 60% of us will be doing the events.
Bones, either they were posts that got deleted or I was mistaken on how many times I agreed with you this week lol.
And nice job on the doctoring of my quote not sure where some of that paragraph came from but it is funny.
I actually am not looking forward to the event, less people in WvW.
Devona’s Rest
well be sure that i won’t be in wv3 with you guys lol. I hear there’s alot of new items coming such as the ascended items, limited time things, so i would much rather get them seeing as wv3 is a neverending battle anyways. And most likely they were deleted, alot of people seems to have reported my posts when they weren’t even offensive, granted some were.
@ Drednyte:
You’re welcome for the Golem bub, killin some of your minions had funded that anyways You all definately had some impressive numbers! Some hard fought fun was had earlier on in Briar, not sure if you were there for that or not. I’m pretty sure there will be some video brought out from Jhorl in short order.
Whoever had the idea to throw scouts out on all sides of the keep after the first wipe is finally getting it! It became more and more difficult for us to maneuver around without being called and marching head long into the fray. Hats off to thinking on your feet, and it was pretty apparent you all were using some kind of voice chat… or a dude who types like 200 wpm or some rediculous number.
My only negative comment, is actually a polite disagreement to your “Zerg” labeling of our guild group running coordinated in a voice chat situation. Zerg is a mindless rabble generally speaking, that uses the tactic of numbers and brute force trump all. We maneuvered pretty well against your folks, and had to think pretty quickly to get back ahead after a couple of oh crap moments you all presented us.
Lastly, I’d like to politely challenge/invite/request you guys to field out your finest 10 sometime, or whatever number you feel is warranted to come play open field. I’d love to have an area similar to Agramon’s Lair or Labyrinth (Late DAoC) to have straight 5 and 10 man roaming groups… Avoid the zerg on zerg activity and have some classic fights in the old manner.
<3 This weeks fights, Keep it up all!!!
80 Dive Bomb Guardian for NoQQ Alliance
Over Extending since 2001
Great night in WvW for a little group of PRO and 2-3 randoms. We rolled over to Ferg, ninja’d Hills and took supply camps and got ready for the fight we knew was coming. Its what we was there for. Quite a few skirmishes over camps but eventually Ferg pulled a zerg together and threw it at the Hills. By this time, we’d had siege in place and a few supplies for emergency repairs. We managed to push the zergs off 3 times. One notable moment was someone in chat going “Incoming golems, 3 of em!” We manned the catapults and blasted those 3 golems to shreds before they got anywhere near the gate. After that crushing defeat….the enemy faded for so long we got bored and went to roaming the map. I so love Ferg folks! You guys can field some impressive numbers late night. I think the only thing that held us up was the fact that a lot of Fergs we ran into were upgraded 80s. But that didnt stop you cuz you took as much ground as you gave. (props to you!) At one point a Kaineng zerg (NoQQ) landed on the map, it broke like waves on rocks in skirmishes of equal number. Looked to be a karma train as they took quick nodes then moved on to another map. Although they did stick around and zerg gank anyone caught out in the open. (i got a golem planted on me…rofl)
Action died down for couple hours to nothing more than a few of us that was still online and a few Fergs. We’d skirmish across the map taking/giving, but overall having fun. I was in whisper chats with several Fergs the whole time. Was great!
Eventually our numbers dwindled to a small handful and NP got online. We didnt have enough folks to man the siege we’d set up at the Hills and repair the gates. Took a bit but eventually they broke through and took the Hills back. Sorry we didnt offer more resistance, but the best pieces of siege we’d set up despawned (arg, fix this Anet!) and we just didnt have enough to put up a decent defense. All in all, was a great night in Wv3.
Pics of the ninja of Hills…took it from fully fortified to ours without getting caught. (lol)
Ferg’s YARR guild…you 2 little rascals sneak ninjaing towers! Now you stop that and play nice darnit. (lol) great job you 2
Fun for all, got some loot bags, gave up a few. Props to all the Fergs/Kain that was in Fergs BL.
We didn’t “break” against anything. The 7 of us were slowly pushed back in the 4 or 5 engagements by 15 ish PRO on a few occasions and you eventually killed most of us. One time was at Sunnyhill with guards on us as well. Grats!
By all means, field your best 10. We would love that.
I readily admit that at times Dred may (multiply a few numbers) for entertainment purposes lol
But last night around 10pm EST there were around 30 or so Kains between wood and garrison. DR had about that many as well.
Kain had taken Wood (and most of the rest of DR BL) and was attacking our Garrison as well.
Not saying you were there, but there were several NOQQ there. It was an awesome 30 minute battle. We had the advantage and probably won because we spawned much closer to the battle.
As for top 10 on 10, I would not qualify, but you tell your number 41 ranked player I am waiting any time
Devona’s Rest
But last night around 10pm EST there were around 30 or so Kains between wood and garrison. DR had about that many as well.
Kain had taken Wood (and most of the rest of DR BL) and was attacking our Garrison as well.
Not saying you were there, but there were several NOQQ there. It was an awesome 30 minute battle. We had the advantage and probably won because we spawned much closer to the battle.
Assuming we’re talking about the same fight, which we might not be because I cannot be arsed to remember the proper name of every bloody objective when they all look the same, NoQQ had 18 for that. Granted there were like 5-7 non-NoQQ people there as well, but they got wiped out pretty quickly and didn’t even try to come back.
Out of curiosity, did you come down to Bluebriar afterwards? Now that was some fun stuff.
As for top 10 on 10, I would not qualify, but you tell your number 41 ranked player I am waiting any time
Can’t. We don’t have that many members.
(edited by Attic.1562)
You are a little off.
Devona isnt putting any effort in attacking your BL either, thus you could upgrade it to maximum.
I am inclined to disagree here. Being from DR, I can attest to the fact that Ferg has done an incredible job defending their borderlands from invaders. DR has attacked and Ferg responded multiple times. Granted, I feel like the general feeling on DR is to beat K into dust now. That bout of bad blood in this thread has settled in and many members of DR have taken the gloves off.
Fergs in-house communication must be amazing. AMAZING! and I don’t mean the kind of amazing that consists of A-team thinking they are the stars of the show and require their fannies to be polished. They respond pretty fast and with good numbers. The defense of Ferg is something that should be remembered. Look at their southern keeps and the Eyes crawling around the southern edge of the map. They came into this week with what appears to be a server wide plan, and stuck to it. Their efforts and team work are to be applauded and more importantly: Learned from.
They deserve some recognition.
I want to invade Ferg because I think that’s where you are going to get the best fights atm. Now I wonder how long it will be before K shows it’s true colors and attempts to invade Ferg at the same time as DR to weasel out of dead last.
Yak’s Bend.