Asuran Engineer (Lost)
11/9 Dragonbrand/N. Shiverpeaks/Sorrow's Furnace
Asuran Engineer (Lost)
Oh I am not being ignorant on the fact that when 1 large guild leaves, others follow suite. SF has also seen its fair share of large guilds leaving. It happens to all servers at one point in time or another. I remember our DH, SOR, SF fight, when it was all even, best matchup we ever had about a month back. Then I believe, at that time, our largest WvW guild “drgn” I believe it was, left… Several smaller guilds left as well and it put us in the dirt for a few weeks.
It takes time to regroup and get organized after a detriment. Weeks later, we are finally at that stage. We are slowly working with coordinating with our massive hispanic crew that is on our servers, the language barrier sucks, and we get major angry with them at times, but it is a learning progress. SF is finally getting back on its toes, and I feel we will only get stronger in time.
Until then, lets have a darn good time and continue to have fun!
WvW junkie and extraordinaire
Officer of greatest CD WvW Guild. Terror[TG]
There’s been a couple of factors.
#1: the score. Yes our server is lame, full of players who see ooo score let’s go win while we’re winning. (if you’re having fun who cares about the score
#2: A lot of players/guilds (mine include) have been pushing a bit harder for participation in WvW this week as well as improved inter-guild communication which has been amazing.
Last I checked we actually have a full server and people have been having issues trying to transfer in to the server so It’s sad really that we need to try this hard just to get a Q in a bl lol. But it’s ok give it time and let our community keep building itself and we’ll be back to full/semi-full Q’s
Im primarily a Pacific time zone WvWer as is most of my guild, at least play time wise. We tend to get our greatest numbers in there usually around 20-40 depending on the night from about 5pm-10pm PST (Server time).
DB suffers, as it always has, from being “The Unofficial PvE Server” since early access. When we lost the main bulk of our WvW guilds weeks ago, the server dipped from being full … and then filled back up, with almost exclusively PvE or PvX guilds, excited to get to play with their PvE friends on Dragonbrand that they were locked out from this whole time.
Without Orbs, and therefore a massive imbalance that leads to a crazy score spiral, more PuGs have been around. .. and as Phu’ said … winning makes more people show up, still.
There have also been more guilds fielding more organized groups in there as well. I’ve been very happy to see my guild regularly field a group or two for WvW during our prime time.
That said … I haven’t had a queue for anything other than Eternal and I have almost always had the outmanned ‘boon’ on either competitor’s BL during prime time.
Sadly, I think a solid number of our regularly Friday-Night-Reset-Queue, on Dragonbrand at least, is made up of PvE’ers trying to rush in for PoI’s, Vistas, and the free-karma-train that comes from being part of the zerg. lol
What I see now is disconcerting, DB only attack NSP but leaves SF quiet … Would there be an alliance between the 2? Troubling situation … More they benefit from the fact that NSP is now less active to crush …
I really wish you people would find something else to cry about.
Last night I am inside SM, taking advantage of a wall breach to destroy siege and have some fun. While my server, SF, is crying in team chat about DB and NS double teaming us and whatever vast conspiracy they feel they needed to dream up, I am standing on the wall watching a huge fight between NS and DB in the SM courtyard.
What I see now is disconcerting, DB only attack NSP but leaves SF quiet … Would there be an alliance between the 2? Troubling situation … More they benefit from the fact that NSP is now less active to crush …
I really wish you people would find something else to cry about.
Last night I am inside SM, taking advantage of a wall breach to destroy siege and have some fun. While my server, SF, is crying in team chat about DB and NS double teaming us and whatever vast conspiracy they feel they needed to dream up, I am standing on the wall watching a huge fight between NS and DB in the SM courtyard.
There are battles happening between the servers wherever you’re not. There is no grand conspiracy. You might find some cooperation between players of different servers to organize events or to help their buddies through jumping puzzles (and that’s a big ‘might’), but by no means is there some grand alliance or conspiracy to double-team another server. None. And all players of all servers that realize this need to let their less-informed, short-sighted server-mates to realize this as well.
Fer Aline – Thf; Suralinta – Rgr; Alyra Va Tel – Ele; Mer Aline – War
I want to say thanks right now to SF for doing all the work on Dreaming bay. We just came in when your in the lord room and ninja cap it from you guys.
The battle in SM was fun yesterday, and I can see how it looked like they teamed up against us. After we got through inner, we were fighting DB in the Lord’s Room, and NS decided to use our hole to also join in. We got trapped between the two servers and snuffed out.
Knock your own hole in SM inner.
What I see now is disconcerting, DB only attack NSP but leaves SF quiet … Would there be an alliance between the 2? Troubling situation … More they benefit from the fact that NSP is now less active to crush …
There’s no alliance. In fact DB focuses mostly on SF.
We don’t forget about you though, and we do attack and take locations that we think we can add to our empire.
If you are less players as you mention, that’s why you see us taking your locations. They are less defended and more easily taken to add to our score/supply/strategic locations.
I do think holding the northern portion of Eternal is slightly disadvantageous though. From what I can see, Anz and Spel is always getting hit, and so is Pang, but from the few times I’m been to the south central area, there’s just not as much action.
It’s either because I’m not paying enough attention, or the scenery sucks.
del., nothing needs to be said, gl hf all.
(edited by ohac.8720)
I’d wait for the full information to be posted first. Wait and see just how it affects us.
AKA: Darkshines, Schroedingers Mesmer
So far it’s been a really fun fight. to hell with the score, nothing it’s more enjoyable that fight a big zerg of DB or NSP while i’m on my treb aiming rocks to the their siege weapons and cows to their troops.
The score at this point means nothing because the wvw system it’s on rework, so the only thing left it’s just grab some people and have some fun…
Oh btw in one of the Hispanic player on sf, like chewie said “the language barrier sucks”, but hey, the “kill that bloody”insert here your enemy target"" phrase it’s almost an universal language by itself……
Commander Roter Fangblood – lvl 80 Warrior
(edited by Perceptor.7189)
That latin guild with the tag [CL] tries to kill me, I was in the jumping puzzle with them and no other enemies around and they kept opening the arena gate to pull out the veteran mobs whenever I was on the ground. Y U TRY KILL ME FOR!?
That latin guild with the tag [CL] tries to kill me, I was in the jumping puzzle with them and no other enemies around and they kept opening the arena gate to pull out the veteran mobs whenever I was on the ground. Y U TRY KILL ME FOR!?
ehhhh..maby was one of our low lvls members, but it´s hard to say, first of there’s 3 guild with the [CL] tag, one i’m an active member and one of their high ranks (you can call us H, because i know that it’s hard for some of you to read the name) the other one it`s our brother guild, who share the tag but not the name (Chile) and the last one has nothing to do with us, so if you are saying that some Latin guild with the [CL] tag was trying to kill you it’s hard to say why they do that. Maybe the guy was trolling or testing the active part of the puzzle, but in general, is strange to see some of our players doing some like that, i will keep an eye on that……
oh and if you guys on NSP or DB are also suffering with the [CL] guild in the puzzle, well…..denying resource it’s also a valid strategy =)
Commander Roter Fangblood – lvl 80 Warrior
Last night was a great fight in SF BL with SF! Some great battles guys! The one at the Garrison Gate latest forever! You repelled us very well. Great job.
I introduced a couple of my guildmates to WvW last night and the Garrison Gate battle was their first WvW battle ever. They had a lot fun and I think the odds are very good they’ll be back for more WvW action! Thanks for the great time last night guys! See you on the battlefield!
Henge of Denravi
The fight between DB/The giant grub thing/NSF’s Keep was….interesting.
Between the grub damaging us, and NSF defending their keep and coming out to try to stop us from killing the grub. It was quite an interesting fight.
The time it took to take out that grub though? Wow….I did not feel the 4 badges the chest gave me. Not in the slightest. Heh.
Last night was a great fight in SF BL with SF! Some great battles guys! The one at the Garrison Gate latest forever! You repelled us very well. Great job.
I introduced a couple of my guildmates to WvW last night and the Garrison Gate battle was their first WvW battle ever. They had a lot fun and I think the odds are very good they’ll be back for more WvW action! Thanks for the great time last night guys! See you on the battlefield!
Glad to hear it! I am sure we will all meet again and looking forward to more battles like that.
On a different note; NSP is not down and out. And with all due respect to FINE, they were not our “most” anything. We still have a ton of awesome guilds left on NSP with both numbers and organization. Last night we had our first get-together to reboot the communication we lost. Tuesday night was just 3 of those guilds working together on SF BL and as you can see, we did ALRIGHT!
We may not have the numbers we once had but once we get things rolling, when you see us out there on our prime time, plan for some good battles. All the NSP guilds that met together last night are here to stay. To us, it is not just about winning, it is about Server Pride and having a good time. To all Server Jumpers (due to loses because sometimes there are good reasons to move servers), just keep jumping and please don’t jump to NSP. We don’t want you. To all the Guilds that have stuck by their servers, thick and thin, my hat is off to you.
Kot Thaed – Warrior
Maguuma Server
What a great night last night in Sorrow’s Borderlands. I am from NSP and although we were outnumbered much of the night it was still a great time and we had some great battles along the way. Many thanks to SF you guys are truly a great bunch.
I just wanted to point out that our WvW thread is filled with more praise than QQ, goes to show that our servers are filled with great players with a passion for WvW.
Keep it up guys, looking forward to another week with NSP!
Homeworld = Home Borderland!
Yes losing a few guilds from NSP we took a little hit this week. But that was expected has we reorganize and such…. All and all it was a great week of WvW. I had a lot of fun and I am looking forward to next week.. See you all there.
Northern Shiverpeaks
(edited by Delmorgan.2174)
I am predicting this weekend will not be the best WvW we’ve seen due to the PvE events. Hopefully it will be good, but not likely.
AKA: Darkshines, Schroedingers Mesmer
I am predicting this weekend will not be the best WvW we’ve seen due to the PvE events. Hopefully it will be good, but not likely.
I’m more interested in the rank shake-ups. Eredon Terrace and Henge of Denravi have fallen like bricks. I wouldn’t doubt the next match-up being between ET, SF, NSP.
Fer Aline – Thf; Suralinta – Rgr; Alyra Va Tel – Ele; Mer Aline – War
I am predicting this weekend will not be the best WvW we’ve seen due to the PvE events. Hopefully it will be good, but not likely.
I’m more interested in the rank shake-ups. Eredon Terrace and Henge of Denravi have fallen like bricks. I wouldn’t doubt the next match-up being between ET, SF, NSP.
Friday will be NSP/SF/ET the following week will most likely be SF/NSP/HoD and after that either SF or NSP will be moving up a tier.
Homeworld = Home Borderland!
(edited by Serebus.7314)
Yep, thank you ANET for allowing Free Server Transfer. It’s really helping! :\
Someone mentioned an idea that if you Xfer, you are blocked from WVW for 7 or more days. I think that is a great idea but suggest more like a month. At least until they get the Guesting up and running.
Kot Thaed – Warrior
Maguuma Server
I’m more interested in the rank shake-ups. Eredon Terrace and Henge of Denravi have fallen like bricks. I wouldn’t doubt the next match-up being between ET, SF, NSP.
Friday will be NPS/SF/ET the following week will most likely be SF/NSP/HoD and after that either SF or NSP will be moving up a tier.
The two servers can’t both be in the match with ET and then in the match with HoD. When HoD drops down to your tier, one of you has to go up to fill the void. Similarly, when ET drops to the tier below you, one of the servers there will come up.
League Of Ascending Immortals [OATH]
I’m more interested in the rank shake-ups. Eredon Terrace and Henge of Denravi have fallen like bricks. I wouldn’t doubt the next match-up being between ET, SF, NSP.
Friday will be NPS/SF/ET the following week will most likely be SF/NSP/HoD and after that either SF or NSP will be moving up a tier.
The two servers can’t both be in the match with ET and then in the match with HoD. When HoD drops down to your tier, one of you has to go up to fill the void. Similarly, when ET drops to the tier below you, one of the servers there will come up.
Your right! I just realized this thank you, well I hope NSP moves up then, SF isnt nearly close to even be ready to be moved up a tier.
Homeworld = Home Borderland!
(edited by Serebus.7314)
Its tough because having 98% of the map is even more boring than having 1%. At least when you are getting beat, you can head out to go take something just for fun. If you have everything, you can’t even do that.
I understand the way ranking works but I wish they would have an intervention and place those poor server that got decimated due to World Jumpers at the bottom of the rank. At least then they would have a Servers to play against that would be semi fun.
Either way, fighting SF has been awesome. DB just has Off Hour (To us) warriors that neither NSP or SF can compare to so they are not as enjoyable to battle ATM. Next week they will go vs EBay which will be interesting to watch since Ebay, after all their “we reborn, we great now” talk last week, went and got housed by Mag. Good job Mag! Sorry, I had to go there…
Kot Thaed – Warrior
Maguuma Server
I think that if we could get GoM in our tier the fights would be a lot more even. Hopefully HoD or ET can match our population. Or else its going to be another 2-3 weeks of SF (assuming we are the ones moving up a tier) getting spanked by servers with more coverage.
Homeworld = Home Borderland!
Either way, fighting SF has been awesome. DB just has Off Hour (To us) warriors that neither NSP or SF can compare to so they are not as enjoyable to battle ATM.
Yea this match is pretty much NS vs SF with DB getting a bunch of free points when no one else is playing. Sucks for them.
I’ve enjoyed fighting both NS and SF when we have our weak times. Even during our weaker-than-our-night-crew hours, we still have plenty of good fights. As I said before, I didn’t want to have this advantage of a night crew versus servers who don’t really have one. However, please don’t discount our day crew who also works very hard to protect what we have when SF and NSP have their stronger hours, even if you are frustrated at not having a strong presence at night.
Edit: In fact, we fought for SM and got it just last night, and that was completely our NA crew.
Quaggan may or may not like you ~
(edited by Shadowscamp.8065)
I’ve enjoyed fighting both NS and SF when we have our weak times. Even during our weaker-than-our-night-crew hours, we still have plenty of good fights. As I said before, I didn’t want to have this advantage of a night crew versus servers who don’t really have one. However, please don’t discount our day crew who also works very hard to protect what we have when SF and NSP have their stronger hours, even if you are frustrated at not having a strong presence at night.
Edit: In fact, we fought for SM and got it just last night, and that was completely our NA crew.
I genuinely meant sucks for them. I could care less how many matches my server wins, if I spent all my play time fighting doors I would have transferred to a new server.
I wouldn’t get too exited about the day crew taking SM. Our ‘know it all, new to the server/job’ leadership seemed to feel that NSP was the only threat and after people kept saying DB is a bigger concern, they got mad and all left. Had a great time fighting on the walls regardless.
We are going to come in 3rd this week but this week has been MUCH more fun than last. EBay is so pompous and full of themselves it was refreshing to fight good servers regardless win or loss. Last week EBay would have 98% of the maps and claim is was due to their awesome leadership and that we were all equal pop. :\
DB, I hope you stomp EBay next week but I really would rather they keep out of our tier so I am kind of torn. :P And if you do beat them, they will just make up excuses like they did this week vs Mag. Heh
Kot Thaed – Warrior
Maguuma Server