11/9: MAG vs EB vs ET Version II

11/9: MAG vs EB vs ET Version II

in WvW

Posted by: Besetment.9187


I really am disappointed in Ebay this week… last week we had lots of people out with multiple commanders per map.

This week, we have outmanned buff at primetime in EB.

To make it worse, I x’fered from Mag (where I had been since day 1) to EBay since TAC wanted to move over

Wait, TAC was on Maguuma? How come I have never seen you guys in WvW? 0.o

11/9: MAG vs EB vs ET Version II

in WvW

Posted by: eCheese.8240


And why the hell would TAC leave?

And to Ebay of all places?

Sur Phobos / Dr Quinn
Team X Gaming [TXG]

11/9: MAG vs EB vs ET Version II

in WvW

Posted by: Rabh.2493


People like to say “I was on your server but I transferred off because you are all terrible” all the time to add weight to their arguments, especially around here. There is really no way anyone can disprove it. But it is very lame.

11/9: MAG vs EB vs ET Version II

in WvW

Posted by: eCheese.8240


Except in this case we can prove it, because Ebay is getting stomped, just like last time.

But if having a strong opener and then quitting at the first sign of adversity is a “better server” i guess to each their own.

Sur Phobos / Dr Quinn
Team X Gaming [TXG]

11/9: MAG vs EB vs ET Version II

in WvW

Posted by: Rabh.2493


Didn’t Emry win every match 4 weeks in a row until they met us again?

11/9: MAG vs EB vs ET Version II

in WvW

Posted by: Dockin.1745


As a player on Maguuma I can say this week has been the least fun of the last several. I was on Friday during the initial pounding we received and was delighted at the competition. I thought we would have a spirited battle and would learn a lot.

That hasn’t turned out to be the case. But I have learned that we have tenacity and we kept up the fight, ultimately that decided the battle.

In regards to other elements, as a ‘guuman I wanted to voice my opinion….
—laughing etc at fallen players is not cool by either side. I don’t do it and don’t like it.
—waypoint camping is not cool by either side. I don’t do it and don’t like it.
—fighting in the jumping puzzle. I think there should be a gentleman’s agreement not to. If one emotes (wave, salute) I wouldn’t fight.
—In regards to exploits… None of the commanders I have served use them to my knowledge. If they did, I wouldn’t be a part of it and would jump to a different BL or just play PvE. It is far more fun to play against people evenly matched than it is to cheat.
—night/day capping. That is a part of the game. Having 24 hour presence is important. But even if one is out matched in a certain time slot that can be fun to. One would have to learn other tactics not normally employed during peak hours.

Anyway, for me it about having fun engaging conflicts. The people I play with appear to exhibit that same desire. So I think both sides should show up, play hard and have fun!

11/9: MAG vs EB vs ET Version II

in WvW

Posted by: Yummee.3170


Didn’t Emry win every match 4 weeks in a row until they met us again?

That’s because zergs don’t always win matchups.

I can honestly tell you that our best players weren’t on during reset.

not to be conceited

But I wasn’t on during reset as well as a lot of the commanders and players who typically control the WvW maps throughout the week.

Name: Fml Yummee
Guild: Hmong Warriors
Server: Maguuma

11/9: MAG vs EB vs ET Version II

in WvW

Posted by: saiyr.3071


It seems really weird that people think there’s some sort of formal protocol for transferring servers. I was unaware that posting scores was so unacceptable and controversial.

[DERP] Saiyr, “bff” of Sgt Killjoy

11/9: MAG vs EB vs ET Version II

in WvW

Posted by: eCheese.8240


Its only controversial when it shows that Ebay is losing :P

Sur Phobos / Dr Quinn
Team X Gaming [TXG]

11/9: MAG vs EB vs ET Version II

in WvW

Posted by: Ninein.4782


Maguuma is pretty far in the lead now but I think we should tone down the ribbing from this matchup. I’m sure Ebay is learning a lot from this matchup and one day we may be in their shoes.


11/9: MAG vs EB vs ET Version II

in WvW

Posted by: Samusen.4578


Score update from two hours ago. So close, Maguuma.

Sanae Kurita, Mag

I was withholding judgment about FINE jumping ship to Maguuma, and had a lot of respect for Meow for staying on their server, but after this post and the one gloating above, I’ll have to call you out…

Meow is not leaving. I’m representing Meow, now, since FINE has left (but was in both guilds for a while). I’m also trying to work out some ways to get more people to WvW, since I’m honestly getting tired of seeing ghost towns in team chat in the borderland maps.

Miu really appreciate Meows loyalty to NSP, that goes to OS and War as well, you guys rock and are the main reason we do well

Enjoy getting carried by Maguuma’s loyal, core guilds that did all the work for you.

Who are you to judge anyone Jamaz. You think you know him from a couple of posts on the forum? What because our server at NSP didn’t get a huge influx of guilds and become a thriving WvW server like yours. that are better than us? He didn’t grow as a player because of what the server taught him, he grew from people and guilds. Who are you to judge what he wants to do, in order to be happy in a video game.

As for being carried, yes the server did not NEED us to win. But have we contributed with what we can, and when we can of course we have. They may not need us, but we’re going to step up anyway if that’s ok with you buddy. We have not said we were the reason Maguuma is beating Ebay, but we have been a part of it just as much as any guild. So I’m going to ask you now to leave my members alone, and get over your grudge against us.

Commander Samusen – 80 Warrior
Guild Leader of Fat Insecure Neurotic Emotional[FINE]
Resident of Maguuma

11/9: MAG vs EB vs ET Version II

in WvW

Posted by: Gorefiend.9675


Maguuma should be very scared after this match. What it showed was that your pugs are just as susceptible, if not even more susceptible, to being de-motivized and quitting than Ehmry Bays. Here is why:

*It took Ehmry Bay at least a day to really have people start not showing up due to score. It only took a few hours for the same to occur on Maguuma. So congrats on the win, but be very worried if you are to start losing again.

note: Before some genius tries to make this argument, no, there is a difference between people not showing up and not having people available to show up (early morning Ehmry Bay). Well, at least over the last weekend, hi KISS.

D/D, Staff Elementalist

11/9: MAG vs EB vs ET Version II

in WvW

Posted by: saiyr.3071


We are very well aware of our morale problems, having suffered them every week, but thanks. This is why we are super thankful for new, dedicated guilds like FINE, which don’t quit after losing Stonemist an hour into the match. But no, we aren’t scared…we’re actually pretty used to it.

[DERP] Saiyr, “bff” of Sgt Killjoy

11/9: MAG vs EB vs ET Version II

in WvW

Posted by: russia.9057


—fighting in the jumping puzzle. I think there should be a gentleman’s agreement not to. If one emotes (wave, salute) I wouldn’t fight.

No way. Fights in jump puzzles are fun. Booting people back into the arena after they hit the last jump is what keeps me paying my monthly subscription (to GOONs).

Maguuma should be very scared after this match. What it showed was that your pugs are just as susceptible, if not even more susceptible, to being de-motivized and quitting than Ehmry Bays. Here is why:

*It took Ehmry Bay at least a day to really have people start not showing up due to score. It only took a few hours for the same to occur on Maguuma. So congrats on the win, but be very worried if you are to start losing again.

note: Before some genius tries to make this argument, no, there is a difference between people not showing up and not having people available to show up (early morning Ehmry Bay). Well, at least over the last weekend, hi KISS.

So wait, Maguuma won because we gave up first? Interesting logic.


11/9: MAG vs EB vs ET Version II

in WvW

Posted by: saiyr.3071


So wait, Maguuma won because we gave up first? Interesting logic.

We did give up first. I got kicked out of Mumble while I was at work because we were reaching our capacity, but by the time I got home, we lost Stonemist and 100 people in Mumble. There are a lot of us that are dedicated to WvW no matter what, but PUGs give up pretty fast sometimes. There are people that only enjoy WvW when we’re winning, for whatever reason.

Also, if you look at the pie charts from Friday, they’re pretty sad.

[DERP] Saiyr, “bff” of Sgt Killjoy

11/9: MAG vs EB vs ET Version II

in WvW

Posted by: Freyvin.5690


First, I am a guardian shout build with extended boons. So while I’m not a pure “tank” support I am a support guardian that happens to do decent damage. So to the people saying Ebay is a server of thieves, yeah and no. I think we have too many (because they freaking suck in zergs), but right now they are also one of the few classes that down people really fast. We do need more elementalists that is for certain.

Here is my “old man” (I’m 37) take on how this week shook out.
I am the GM of a small guild of older guys [Old] Old Age and Treachery and we have teamed up with BT [Blackthornes] in vent/TS3 for the past few weeks and primarily with our numbers have harrassed supply camps, yaks and veteran guards. We were out on Friday, helped turn the map blue to the point it was boring, ran a dungeon and went to bed with 500 points rolling in and a comfortable (we thought) lead.

I woke up, logged in and Mag had overtaken EVERYTHING we had worked for the night before and we just lack the numbers to retake anything larger than a tower. A lot of us are non-zerg type players and don’t really enjoy “public mumble”. I think EBay has a lot of this type of player. We typically can win vs superior numbers because we are LONG time gamers and use solid tactics in small fighting that is akin to WoW arena, but honestly none of us are experts on “where” to place siege, not place siege and we find running trebs BORING as kitten. I also will admit to wanting badges and being annoyed when I’m not getting a steady supply. Why? I don’t know, maybe years of WoW has reforged my once DAOC mind (although I was a Realm Rank glutton even then).

At this point in the week, being a small team isnt fun at ALL because Mag is outnumbering us horribly to the point they are so desperate for a fight they’ll camp us in Eternal spawn or if we try to take one supply camp they swarm it hungry like dogs for a badge/karma. So it may sound defeatist, but I’m not about to keep feeding them badges all week when 1> our guild while trying to be helpful isnt really the “sit back for an hour and siege a wall” type of players bc we’re older with kids and the time we have online we want to be action-packed; and 2> We lack numbers to do anything but a futile take a couple camps for an hour or so giving us 180 pts instead of 160.

P.S. A lot of us don’t have a TON of gold at end-game and we find sponsoring things prohibitive in the money department. So this isn’t a whine, but maybe a solid “reason” as to why the numbers have dropped off the back half of the week.

11/9: MAG vs EB vs ET Version II

in WvW

Posted by: Ninein.4782


I think alot of ppl would’ve given up in the opener if Garrison would’ve fallen in Maguuma Borderlands. However, everyone stuck around the “alamo” and put up an incredible defense that saved Garrison. Much of it was thanks to FINE’s coordination and portal bombing. From that great defense we were able to push out and re-assert control.

Ebay on the other hand couldn’t save their Garrison and they lost lots of people as a result.


11/9: MAG vs EB vs ET Version II

in WvW

Posted by: eCheese.8240


I wouldn’t say Mag gave up, as we did come back the next day.

People logging out on Friday nights could be due to a huge variety of reasons, cause you know, real life…

The important thing about Maguuma has been that every matchup for the last few weeks, no matter how far down in score we are, we stay active and have fun throughout the week.

Thats the thing with week long matchups, you can always come back and try to make up ground tomorrow, unless its Thursday.

I would argue that this week has shown the exact opposite about Maguuma. We got schooled the first night, and didn’t just take our ball home for the rest of the week, we came back and owned those kittenes. Then they quickly gave up and have been largely inactive the rest of the week.

I love Maguuma precisely for this reason. That and we have hilarious and very capable people who come together in Mumble and wreck fools

Sur Phobos / Dr Quinn
Team X Gaming [TXG]

11/9: MAG vs EB vs ET Version II

in WvW

Posted by: Freyvin.5690


I have personally gotten pretty annoyed with Maguuna this week. I have felt it was a zerg-type server and have yet to fight many players that had a ton of skill. Now, that said I’m playing a GS/scepter/focus ret-noob type guardian, so perhaps “skill” is relative. It’s been a frustrating week after coming over to this server a few weeks back and seeing it make solid gains and feeling like our small guilds were making a decent impact. This week I’ve felt we were swimming upstream every map we go to.

11/9: MAG vs EB vs ET Version II

in WvW

Posted by: Jamaz.9837


I’m here to judge because someone who just got on a new server was ecstatic to be winning and conceited enough to be posting a completely Maguuma pie chart that lasted all of 15 minutes. I could care less why your guild transferred.

Ehmry Bay – The Shadowmoon

11/9: MAG vs EB vs ET Version II

in WvW

Posted by: Rabh.2493


Don’t worry ebay, we’ll be fighting again in 2 weeks when we get destroyed in tier 4 and you win in tier 6. Its the natural order or things at this point.

11/9: MAG vs EB vs ET Version II

in WvW

Posted by: Jamaz.9837


Good luck in your next match up, Maguuma. A lot of our guys have put in nearly 60 hours of WvW this week to give our server a fighting chance. Our server hasn’t quit, but many of us have families, school, and work and Ehmry was primarily started as a PvX server. I’m sure the same goes for your server, but our weekday attendance always drops off significantly and Friday night is when we are at our best.

I see us fighting Maguuma fairly often now since the amount of empty servers are finally moving down the list. It should be more interesting with a third server such as Darkhaven or Crystal Desert – I’m not sure how Maguuma has dealt with Darkhaven’s oceanic strength before.

Rabh, we may end up fighting again sooner than you think unless Maguuma can pull out a substantial lead against Crystal Desert and Darkhaven. Ehmry Bay is fighitng Henge of Denravi which is in the same free fall situation as Eredon Terrace, meaning our rating will only go up even if we lose to Dragonbrand.

Ehmry Bay – The Shadowmoon

(edited by Jamaz.9837)

11/9: MAG vs EB vs ET Version II

in WvW

Posted by: Ninein.4782


From the looks of it DH is pretty demoralized and their main guilds are in conflict with each other. They may not be as strong as when we matched up with them last week. We were pretty close to them and came as close as 5k in points toward the end. Will have to see what Crystal Desert does since I’ve never fought against them before.


11/9: MAG vs EB vs ET Version II

in WvW

Posted by: saiyr.3071


I have personally gotten pretty annoyed with Maguuna this week. I have felt it was a zerg-type server and have yet to fight many players that had a ton of skill. Now, that said I’m playing a GS/scepter/focus ret-noob type guardian, so perhaps “skill” is relative. It’s been a frustrating week after coming over to this server a few weeks back and seeing it make solid gains and feeling like our small guilds were making a decent impact. This week I’ve felt we were swimming upstream every map we go to.

Isn’t the point of WvW that individual skill doesn’t matter as much?

Rabh, we may end up fighting again sooner than you think unless Maguuma can pull out a substantial lead against Crystal Desert and Darkhaven. Ehmry Bay is fighitng Henge of Denravi which is in the same free fall situation as Eredon Terrace, meaning our rating will only go up even if we lose to Dragonbrand.

I think he was saying the same thing as you, in two matches. You are probably not fighting us again next week at this point.

We have fought Crystal Desert before. I think it was two 24h matches where we won once and got stomped once, but I can’t really remember anymore.

[DERP] Saiyr, “bff” of Sgt Killjoy

11/9: MAG vs EB vs ET Version II

in WvW

Posted by: Freyvin.5690


I have personally gotten pretty annoyed with Maguuna this week. I have felt it was a zerg-type server and have yet to fight many players that had a ton of skill. Now, that said I’m playing a GS/scepter/focus ret-noob type guardian, so perhaps “skill” is relative. It’s been a frustrating week after coming over to this server a few weeks back and seeing it make solid gains and feeling like our small guilds were making a decent impact. This week I’ve felt we were swimming upstream every map we go to.

Isn’t the point of WvW that individual skill doesn’t matter as much?

Rabh, we may end up fighting again sooner than you think unless Maguuma can pull out a substantial lead against Crystal Desert and Darkhaven. Ehmry Bay is fighitng Henge of Denravi which is in the same free fall situation as Eredon Terrace, meaning our rating will only go up even if we lose to Dragonbrand.

I think he was saying the same thing as you, in two matches. You are probably not fighting us again next week at this point.

We have fought Crystal Desert before. I think it was two 24h matches where we won once and got stomped once, but I can’t really remember anymore.

I was unaware that WvW had a point at this time other than “server pride”. I think honestly that individual skill should matter more even in WvW. I wish this game had more skills that allowed smaller groups to handle larger groups if they were more organized like DAOC had. AOE mezz (breaks on dmg) comes to mind.

11/9: MAG vs EB vs ET Version II

in WvW

Posted by: Ninein.4782


Don’t worry ebay, we’ll be fighting again in 2 weeks when we get destroyed in tier 4 and you win in tier 6. Its the natural order or things at this point.

If we end up putting up a good fight in tier 4, we might end up being just the punching bag for low end tier 3’s that drop down.


11/9: MAG vs EB vs ET Version II

in WvW

Posted by: CAKATTACK.4918


It’s been brought up before, but we were pretty close to Darkhaven in terms of score during our last match. We were in a similar position that the EB posters say they’re in now, with most of what we owned getting flipped during our off hours. The difference is that we just sort of played through it and it ended up being a fun week for everyone involved. If you’re curious, you can take a look at the old thread.

Also, the post about our mumble being for zergs is sort of hilarious. It’s just a more convenient means of communication. We have small guilds that do their own thing and we’ll often split a large group into 5 man teams. Again, it’s just easier to call for reinforcements. You might feel like your small guild is constantly outmanned, but the reality is that our small groups will coordinate with each other.

Good luck, guys. I hope you manage to overcome whatever morale problems you’ve been having, and I sincerely mean that.

11/9: MAG vs EB vs ET Version II

in WvW

Posted by: ParaldaWind.4523


Didn’t Emry win every match 4 weeks in a row until they met us again?

That’s because zergs don’t always win matchups.

I can honestly tell you that our best players weren’t on during reset.

not to be conceited

But I wasn’t on during reset as well as a lot of the commanders and players who typically control the WvW maps throughout the week.

Yeah, I wasn’t on during reset, either, and I think Invalid was late as well.

No tears, only dreams
Maguuma – youtube.com/pyrogw2

11/9: MAG vs EB vs ET Version II

in WvW

Posted by: Rhyis.7058


If we end up putting up a good fight in tier 4, we might end up being just the punching bag for low end tier 3’s that drop down.

Mag has been the gatekeeper for the higher tiered servers since forever. Nothing new. It’s actually a good place to be because you’re always fighting new servers. Also our pop isn’t so high that you can’t get on whenever you feel like playing, but it’s not so low that you can’t do anything.

Maguuma should be very scared after this match. What it showed was that your pugs are just as susceptible, if not even more susceptible, to being de-motivized and quitting than Ehmry Bays.

Mag has the best morale of any server imo. We have had absolutely brutal beatings, but people still show up anyway. Reason: we aren’t a server that wins often. Like I’ve said before, we have only won a single match up in the span of this games life time. We’re used to not winning. It’s what we do. We are the official 2nd place server.

Unlike EBay, Mag will create it’s own fun. Hold one keep, and only 1 keep, for 48 hours defending it at all costs. Spend upwards of 30+ gold on siege for a supply camp. Simultaneously attempt to ninja cap every tower and keep in a borderlands. And other various activities to keep us entertained.

Mag is the honey badger server.

(edited by Rhyis.7058)

11/9: MAG vs EB vs ET Version II

in WvW

Posted by: MuredMoogle.1295


Hurrah for Maguuma! -waves tiny flag-

Anyways, you guys have put up a really hard fight since the matchup and I can honestly say that we’ve had alot of fun fighting against you guys and ET

11/9: MAG vs EB vs ET Version II

in WvW

Posted by: DirtyApe.9360


Maguuma should be very scared after this match. What it showed was that your pugs are just as susceptible, if not even more susceptible, to being de-motivized and quitting than Ehmry Bays. Here is why:

*It took Ehmry Bay at least a day to really have people start not showing up due to score. It only took a few hours for the same to occur on Maguuma. So congrats on the win, but be very worried if you are to start losing again.

note: Before some genius tries to make this argument, no, there is a difference between people not showing up and not having people available to show up (early morning Ehmry Bay). Well, at least over the last weekend, hi KISS.

As some others have stated, Mag has lost (often by a large margin) every match since the last time our servers were matched together. Losing is not that big a deal to us.

Now if Mag were to continue winning, THAT is when I’d be worried. Queue times would go up, fair weather transfers would start moving over, and the core of what makes Mag fun to play on could potentially be diluted. I’m not even a WvW regular and have never actually spoken on Mumble, but some of the best times I’ve had in WvW have been when we were losing (epic standoffs at Pangloss for instance).

The only thing I hate about getting stomped is losing access to the jumping puzzles, because for some reason I can’t get enough of them.

11/9: MAG vs EB vs ET Version II

in WvW

Posted by: kash.9213


It’s an odd feeling being on Maguuma, where our server had been known up until last Friday as being outnumbered but never outmanned where the skill of our players was what kept us in any match. Now, all of the sudden we have some vast surplus of players around the clock? Also, I see great personal skill from any server we’ve played against, I’ve seen some amazing moves from some EB players but it’s not the scenario of one servers mindless numbers vs another servers skilled elite smaller groups.


11/9: MAG vs EB vs ET Version II

in WvW

Posted by: Zephyrus.9680


I didn’t get on till late Friday/AM Sat when about the only thing we held was our EBG keep and a tower or two. At that point we (some of the other mumble crew) organized a huge golem rush and quickly took SM at the cost of almost all the golems (10+ and I think 3 omegas). Honestly we were still facing huge numbers of EBay at the time and held off another 10+ golem rush at the SM lord a couple hours later but for whatever reason it seemed like we were far better organized at that time and it helped that people were putting down big investments in siege gear.

Not sure how we took the other borderlands since I was fast asleep by then but in the few weeks I’ve been on this server, whenever I’m on late we seem to have a weak night presence. Not to bring up old arguments but to say we won just from ‘night capping’ is such a cop out… We turned it back around overnight but then what?

Zefyres – Ele | Maguuma | (ex) top100 solo/teamQ casual | Youtube

11/9: MAG vs EB vs ET Version II

in WvW

Posted by: Jamaz.9837


Then you fully fortified and your small population of morning crew defended against our non-existent morning crew. I don’t intend to belittle Maguuma’s efforts in this week’s match-up since they’ve worked hard for the win, but a large result of the score is due to Ehmry’s weakness outside the evening which is nobody’s fault. We’re at this rank because we make a concerted effort to retake everything we lose during the morning and make an aggressive offense while everyone is online. Maguuma pretty much counters us (as probably every Tier 1-4 server) because they always have a few defenders available to call for help whereas the other servers we’ve been fighting have had to dedicate everyone to only 1-2 borderlands.

Ehmry Bay – The Shadowmoon

11/9: MAG vs EB vs ET Version II

in WvW

Posted by: Rhyis.7058


Mag calls for help across all 4 borderlands when numbers are an issue, because it’s easy to do when you’re all sitting in a single voice chat. Makes a very large difference. Hopping from BL to BL to defend a key location is what it’s all about.

11/9: MAG vs EB vs ET Version II

in WvW

Posted by: Samusen.4578


Mag calls for help across all 4 borderlands when numbers are an issue, because it’s easy to do when you’re all sitting in a single voice chat. Makes a very large difference. Hopping from BL to BL to defend a key location is what it’s all about.

I’ve yet to be on this server for a full week yet, but it is truly amazing how people will rally to us when we ask. This server has such a great community, and helpful guilds. I must say Mag has the best pugs I’ve seen so far. I thank you all for giving us one of the best weeks of WvW we’ve ever had.

Especially yesterday afternoon, when we golem rushed Ebays fully upgraded Garrison. You guys rallied with us so well, one of my most memorable commander moments ever. The whole golem siege from; creation, transporting, to taking the keep was all done under 20 minutes. Was incredible..

Commander Samusen – 80 Warrior
Guild Leader of Fat Insecure Neurotic Emotional[FINE]
Resident of Maguuma

(edited by Samusen.4578)

11/9: MAG vs EB vs ET Version II

in WvW

Posted by: Rhyis.7058


Maguuma, a server full of pugs. An underdogs tale.

11/9: MAG vs EB vs ET Version II

in WvW

Posted by: Samusen.4578


The thing I like about Maguuma is, theres no fighting between people. Theres no pointless bickering about who is right or wrong. It’s just one way.. and it’s so fluid. Maguuma is a voice of 1, and not 1000s

Commander Samusen – 80 Warrior
Guild Leader of Fat Insecure Neurotic Emotional[FINE]
Resident of Maguuma

11/9: MAG vs EB vs ET Version II

in WvW

Posted by: Samusen.4578


Haha I think the Overmind is more like it since we zerg heavily. xD

Commander Samusen – 80 Warrior
Guild Leader of Fat Insecure Neurotic Emotional[FINE]
Resident of Maguuma

11/9: MAG vs EB vs ET Version II

in WvW

Posted by: Freyvin.5690


Maguuma, a server full of pugs. An underdogs tale.

/golf clap

To say I want a rematch is an understatement.

11/9: MAG vs EB vs ET Version II

in WvW

Posted by: Besetment.9187


I’m not sure how Maguuma has dealt with Darkhaven’s oceanic strength before.

We didn’t. We lost both times. The second time by a very small margin but still. I spent nearly all of last week doing 7:00pm GMT to 2:00am GMT shifts in Maguuma Borderlands and did over 30 hours on the weekend. We closed the gap to 1000 points at one stage, but for them I guess it still felt like a game. At times for us it felt more like work.

Thats lower pop/coverage vs higher pop/coverage. I guess I went the extra mile because I knew they were beatable. We didn’t do that against SoS 2.0 because hahaha oh my god…

The thing I like about Maguuma is, theres no fighting between people.

Ohhhh boy…

Lets just say we have had our problems in the past and they are by this point buried. In the past.

No shovels allowed beyond this point.

(edited by Besetment.9187)

11/9: MAG vs EB vs ET Version II

in WvW

Posted by: Seregdae.9085


On the topic of [FINE] Im glad to see you all come over and have already had a few fun moments commanding alongside you Samusen. Also to EB the actual fights I have had with your main forces have always been fun and enjoyable. Keep it up! And for the record I only /laugh at thieves who try to stealth kill me and fail other than that if you put up a good fight I’ll salute you or even whisper you it your really good.

Seregdae – 80 Guardian – Kilrauth – 80 Thief
Hello Kitty Hit Squad[HKHS] Guild Leader – Maguuma

11/9: MAG vs EB vs ET Version II

in WvW

Posted by: Ninein.4782


I’m not sure how Maguuma has dealt with Darkhaven’s oceanic strength before.

We didn’t. We lost both times. The second time by a very small margin but still. I spent nearly all of last week doing 7:00pm GMT to 2:00am GMT shifts in Maguuma Borderlands and did over 30 hours on the weekend. We closed the gap to 1000 points at one stage, but for them I guess it still felt like a game. At times for us it felt more like work.

Thats lower pop/coverage vs higher pop/coverage. I guess I went the extra mile because I knew they were beatable. We didn’t do that against SoS 2.0 because hahaha oh my god…

SOS 2.0 late night was just a slow moving 100 person zerg that pops out trebs like nobody’s business. Tactic for anything they do is pop out trebs if there’s resistance.


11/9: MAG vs EB vs ET Version II

in WvW

Posted by: Seregdae.9085


Yah Rebel I put a fair amount of time in last matchup and it was insanely fun but I would be lying if I said it didn’t feel like work sometimes lol I look forward to what next match may bring with another large server tossed into the mix.

Seregdae – 80 Guardian – Kilrauth – 80 Thief
Hello Kitty Hit Squad[HKHS] Guild Leader – Maguuma

11/9: MAG vs EB vs ET Version II

in WvW

Posted by: Besetment.9187


I’m not sure how Maguuma has dealt with Darkhaven’s oceanic strength before.

We didn’t. We lost both times. The second time by a very small margin but still. I spent nearly all of last week doing 7:00pm GMT to 2:00am GMT shifts in Maguuma Borderlands and did over 30 hours on the weekend. We closed the gap to 1000 points at one stage, but for them I guess it still felt like a game. At times for us it felt more like work.

Thats lower pop/coverage vs higher pop/coverage. I guess I went the extra mile because I knew they were beatable. We didn’t do that against SoS 2.0 because hahaha oh my god…

SOS 2.0 late night was just a slow moving 100 person zerg that pops out trebs like nobody’s business. Tactic for anything they do is pop out trebs if there’s resistance.

Yeesh. I had PRX, TSym, HUG etc. I mean we could beat them in a fight. Thats fine. The trouble is that you trade punches for a couple of hours and its like wow, we are putting all this effort in and still slowly losing territory. You flip open your map and its like, wow, they just wiped out Eternal. Thats alot of bored players who can relieve the war weary… Another 4 hours later you want to dive out of the ring and leave the country. The SoS 2.0 machine has still got 18 rounds left in them. Our last commander logs out with nobody around to pass the baton to and we have a channel collapse. Thats been my experience of smashing the head of our 2 borderland + pubbie eternal 10 hour/day operation against the wall of a bigger 3 borderland + eternal 24 hour/day operation.

They consumed us so quickly the fun drained out of the match by Monday and they didn’t bother logging in after that. They still won by over 300,000 points.

(edited by Besetment.9187)

11/9: MAG vs EB vs ET Version II

in WvW

Posted by: Rabh.2493


We didn’t even do that badly against SoS 1.0 the week before

11/9: MAG vs EB vs ET Version II

in WvW

Posted by: Mythios.2735


Nothing but good times fighting TAC, you guys are welcome back on Maguuma anytime.
Everytime we attack a keep gate, I am expecting to see that one thief of yours to caltrop our entire group over… and over, so much I find myself standing further back and keeping marks at my feet lol

Good fights always to be had

11/9: MAG vs EB vs ET Version II

in WvW

Posted by: eCheese.8240


Seriously /agree with Mythios.

While I have been out of the game due to RL issues much of this week, the most talent I have seen from Ebay is from TAC. Even funnier knowing that you are ex-Mags. Come back into the fold any time guys.

Sur Phobos / Dr Quinn
Team X Gaming [TXG]

11/9: MAG vs EB vs ET Version II

in WvW

Posted by: Besetment.9187


Nah, SM and CoS have been class. Credit where its due.

11/9: MAG vs EB vs ET Version II

in WvW

Posted by: saiyr.3071


Can’t forget TTD for the epic golem rush.

[DERP] Saiyr, “bff” of Sgt Killjoy