11/9: MAG vs EB vs ET Version II

11/9: MAG vs EB vs ET Version II

in WvW

Posted by: Viada.7501


Hey thanks! My guild [TAC] Tactical Terror kick it every night in WvW on Eredon. We still have fun, play with strategy, never a dull moment. No matter what, we still playing WvW, helping to bring the server back.

Viada – Guild Leader
[TAC] Tactical Terror
Eredon Terrace

11/9: MAG vs EB vs ET Version II

in WvW

Posted by: Ninein.4782


Friday Ebay zerg was pretty epic. Lots of complaint in chat how Maguuma couldn’t match Ebay zerg in size even though there was a queue.


11/9: MAG vs EB vs ET Version II

in WvW

Posted by: John Lucier.5486

John Lucier.5486

Hey thanks! My guild [TAC] Tactical Terror kick it every night in WvW on Eredon. We still have fun, play with strategy, never a dull moment. No matter what, we still playing WvW, helping to bring the server back.

We were talking about the All thief guild called “The Assassination Clan”? I think, which is also [TAC] on Ehmry bay

11/9: MAG vs EB vs ET Version II

in WvW

Posted by: saiyr.3071


Haha, yeah…definitely what everyone was talking about. Good to see that ET still has fun, though.

[DERP] Saiyr, “bff” of Sgt Killjoy

11/9: MAG vs EB vs ET Version II

in WvW

Posted by: Cufflink.3985


To the ET killing the champ spirit: Sorry about that, I was trying to help and had no relation to the group that swept in to ruin the fun ><

11/9: MAG vs EB vs ET Version II

in WvW

Posted by: Lilun.8732


Friday Ebay zerg was pretty epic. Lots of complaint in chat how Maguuma couldn’t match Ebay zerg in size even though there was a queue.

Friday openers are the best times. A few of the organized guilds on EBay prep up and organize parties/teams… around 30 minutes to an hour before the reset. I’d think that at least some of Maguuma does the same?

If nothing else, it is what the guild I favor representing has been doing for a long while. Admittedly, the guild does not organize anywhere on that level for the rest of the week.

First impressions and what not, we like to try to give good ones, even if we flag afterwards.

11/9: MAG vs EB vs ET Version II

in WvW

Posted by: kirtar.8453


Friday Ebay zerg was pretty epic. Lots of complaint in chat how Maguuma couldn’t match Ebay zerg in size even though there was a queue.

Friday openers are the best times. A few of the organized guilds on EBay prep up and organize parties/teams… around 30 minutes to an hour before the reset. I’d think that at least some of Maguuma does the same?

If nothing else, it is what the guild I favor representing has been doing for a long while. Admittedly, the guild does not organize anywhere on that level for the rest of the week.

First impressions and what not, we like to try to give good ones, even if we flag afterwards.

At least this week it was more of “get into a BL and we’ll figure it out once people are actually in”

Goon Squad [GOON]

11/9: MAG vs EB vs ET Version II

in WvW

Posted by: Lilun.8732


At least this week it was more of “get into a BL and we’ll figure it out once people are actually in”

That is kinda troublesome, especially when the maps are all full. You have people in the Q and then they see a whole guild sitting around waiting for others…
As I said, we prep 30-60 minutes before the reset happens. Then we all jump in when the new fight starts.
In EBay, usually don’t have a problem getting in the first 5-10 minutes it opens up. Anytime after… yea, might have to wait some.

11/9: MAG vs EB vs ET Version II

in WvW

Posted by: kirtar.8453


At least this week it was more of “get into a BL and we’ll figure it out once people are actually in”

That is kinda troublesome, especially when the maps are all full. You have people in the Q and then they see a whole guild sitting around waiting for others…
As I said, we prep 30-60 minutes before the reset happens. Then we all jump in when the new fight starts.
In EBay, usually don’t have a problem getting in the first 5-10 minutes it opens up. Anytime after… yea, might have to wait some.

It was expected that the maps would fill and that it was very possible that groups would get split up. In fact, I clicked one borderlands and ended up in another, but that seems to be common. I’m sure some guilds tried to do some coordination, but the queue probably messed that up.

Goon Squad [GOON]

11/9: MAG vs EB vs ET Version II

in WvW

Posted by: Rhyis.7058


Mag always does bad on Friday because of the queues. Random people that never WvW are in there taking up spots for quaggan botting and such. I more often than not skip Friday night and focus on every other day since we only have queues on Friday.

I was on for this match ups Friday night though.

11/9: MAG vs EB vs ET Version II

in WvW

Posted by: Cufflink.3985


To all of those magauumanites in the jumping puzzle ~ 12:30 pst this night:

Awesome fight, can’t believe me and my TAC buddy were able to keep you backed up for so long :P

Long live the OP thieves!

11/9: MAG vs EB vs ET Version II

in WvW

Posted by: Yummee.3170


Friday Ebay zerg was pretty epic. Lots of complaint in chat how Maguuma couldn’t match Ebay zerg in size even though there was a queue.

Not to be mean but there was some truth to the complaints. It took me 2 hours to get into eternal aside from my internet dcs. When I got in I saw so many new faces it wasn’t even funny. Like people that must never play WvW before because no one picked up supplies despite having full server. Lmao You can’t beat eBay prime with puppies. I already see how we got kitten so bad during resets. Puppies take up WvW space while the real WvWrs queue for hours.

Name: Fml Yummee
Guild: Hmong Warriors
Server: Maguuma

11/9: MAG vs EB vs ET Version II

in WvW

Posted by: zastari.1730


Sad to see that we can’t report to get account names any more. To any of the people that I’ve 1v1’ed, thanks for the kick kitten fights. Especially the D/D ele I ran into from LZBO, I spent a lot of time reconsidering my build after those fights

Tsarazi – 80 Asuran Mesmer [DERP]

11/9: MAG vs EB vs ET Version II

in WvW

Posted by: kirtar.8453


Sad to see that we can’t report to get account names any more. To any of the people that I’ve 1v1’ed, thanks for the kick kitten fights. Especially the D/D ele I ran into from LZBO, I spent a lot of time reconsidering my build after those fights

Adding characters to your contact list should get you their account name.

EDIT: Wait… I forgot you can’t see character names for enemies in WvW.

Goon Squad [GOON]

(edited by kirtar.8453)

11/9: MAG vs EB vs ET Version II

in WvW

Posted by: Miu Xie.5872

Miu Xie.5872

So, about that overgrown grub both ebay and mag are fighting right now….

It also turned into a moa…more than once.

Sanae Kurita, Mag

(edited by Miu Xie.5872)

11/9: MAG vs EB vs ET Version II

in WvW

Posted by: Halo.8976


So, about that overgrown grub both ebay and mag are fighting right now….

Well… It was fun.


11/9: MAG vs EB vs ET Version II

in WvW

Posted by: Halo.8976


A video of our Boat Party we had today.


11/9: MAG vs EB vs ET Version II

in WvW

Posted by: zastari.1730


To the ET and EBay who started the impromptu fight club, thanks a ton for the awesome fights! Was a blast to watch and learn builds, and I never get tired of fighting D/D eles, such a dynamic class


Tsarazi – 80 Asuran Mesmer [DERP]

(edited by zastari.1730)

11/9: MAG vs EB vs ET Version II

in WvW

Posted by: Pacjam.3920


Before we close out this week I want to say I’ve had a blast 1v1ing, 2v2ing etc against EB/ET players all week and there has been nothing but respect all around.

Hope to see you guys again soon
