(edited by smiley.1438)
12/14 RoF/FS/UW
Good morning!
Unfortunately our dedicated few got discouraged by waiting for the patch to download, and the ticks keepd counting while everyone was “Out updating” which means FS lost the lead they had. :/
I do however believe that we’ll either “come back in force” this matchup, or go to sleep and take a holiday. Depends on how the events behave.
A lot of good things are going.
You’re dumb. You’ll die, and you’ll leave a dumb corpse
I had some good fights with FS right from the morning, it’s definitely more fun when 1 team doesn’t take all maps during night time.
Having a bit of a break today, after a long shift yday. (before reset as well).
Hopefully we’ll see a great matchup this week.
You’re dumb. You’ll die, and you’ll leave a dumb corpse
Having a bit of a break today, after a long shift yday. (before reset as well).
Hopefully we’ll see a great matchup this week.
Oh indeed, you missed one of the greatest fights i (and possibly everyone on RoF) had so far i believe – and it’s still running. FS broke SM SW wall and tried to cap it with lots of siege and stuff at inner NW gate – we wiped them successfully in the lordroom then. Unfortunately SM is out of supply so they ran in (and were wiped) like 5 more times when UW finally managed to break SE gate, heading to break inner NE gate (hey, UW, it was already open, you just needed to walk in and say hi ). So RoF spanked FS and UW like 10 times each now in turns – what a hell of a fight! Salutes to FS and UW!
(edited by smiley.1438)
all i must say is RoF in EB AWESOME AWESOME AWESOME we nuked both fs and uw so many times :P :P
People in Rof you did awesome!
The Night Pact Legacy [NP]
i dont undersatnd why both fs and uw feel the need to attack rof only and leave each other? :S
The Night Pact Legacy [NP]
I must say that this evening was one of the best WvW experiances I’ve ever had. First epic defense of SM (awesome job there Chris), then my guild capturing Hills in FS border and defending it vs superior numbers
[TaG] guild/raid leader
Gunnar’s Hold
while the SM thing was cool and all, it was LAG HELL. You couldnt even trigger a damn skill in there.
We knew the gate was open Smartypants, we just wanted to lay more pressure on you being attacked on both sides, it did pay off for FS a little later :P
RoF and FS you guys are more then us, but comming from the Bottom this time UW is holding its own very well.
Later on you nearly got our Keep but we pushed you back out.
Some heavy Zergs in this game, resulting in some nice large Scale battles.
I must admint that this Matchup looks promissing !! so nice to see
Well if you’ve been in higher tiers you wouldn’t call any of this heavy zergs :p
I’m glad those times are over, my skills now activate when i want them to, and i can use more than the basic graphics.
And i can go visit more quiet parts of the maps for some smallgang pvp or 1vs1’s
It has been a lot of back and forth pushing so far.
And i think this is very evenly matched, it’s still anyone’s game.
Luna Solares – Mesmer
After having read the T1 matchup thread, I prefer this place much better
Stable and even! Nice comment! Sad to see I missed that 3 way fight, but I promise that I can give you some nice fights as well when I run in my raids
Oh and about “Both servers attacking my server” – everyone will feel that way, in any matchup. That’s the feeling you get when there’s 1vs1vs1.
Now it’s only the weekend, so it is going to be interesting to see what the week brings!
Keep up the good fights!
You’re dumb. You’ll die, and you’ll leave a dumb corpse
The sm fight was awesome like i said befor :P but to right it was lagy took me about 5mins to use my aoes :| but it was fun and i no people in NP got about 70-100 boh from that fight so TY,also being a commander in that fight was the best thing ever, should of herd me in mumble!
TY for the awesome battles!
P.S have UW lost players?
The Night Pact Legacy [NP]
UW is a PvE server so we have a lot of players doing Xmas events.
You will notice our population going up and down as we run alliance events, unfortunately our server is slow to adopt server wide leadership so its making it a bit harder to fill up the borderlands on weekends.
UW is a PvE server so we have a lot of players doing Xmas events.
You will notice our population going up and down as we run alliance events, unfortunately our server is slow to adopt server wide leadership so its making it a bit harder to fill up the borderlands on weekends.
That’s like the exact same description for RoF =)
Toon: Karakoth – LV80 Necromancer
Guild: NP
Think we (UW) lost some players to new games that came out. Lots of my contacts became inactive. Ofc loads do the events now so our wvw population is a bit low at those times.
But i must say this matchup is far more fun than any in the past months. It’s more fun since every camp is important due to the close score. Wish you all good luck during the weekdays and let’s keep this matcup close and interesting. Hope all 3 servers stay the same next week so there’s no server that owns the other 2 by miles since it’s no fun for the losing as well as winning side.
Sword of Underworld [SWD]
Piken Square
I havent been there all day, but i’d say possbly this: https://forum-de.gw2archive.eu/forum/support/bugs/WvW-Fly-Bug/first#post174312 (happened in the match RoF/WS/DZ)
its cheating it was shooting through the roof there is no other reson that it would be there
The Night Pact Legacy [NP]
Hmm, ok, i wouldnt consider shooting through the roof as cheating but as abusing the miserable clipping in this game, and here ArenaNet comes in. I believe it cant be that hard to fix a handful of player- and terrain-clippings, especially those which allow people to shoot through walls and roofs or hop over gates and walls.
(edited by smiley.1438)
the shot was going through the roof, its just sick
The Night Pact Legacy [NP]
I don’t play much on EB so I have no idea whats going on ha
If they are using bugs report them, we do the same when your guys cheat too.
I would also like to point out that we do report our own guys too if we see them cheating. Lets hope the match stays fair and stuff. I have seen some other stuff happen, but my posts seem to get deleted so I wont be speakin about them.
Anyhow, lets try to have fun and clean match, so far it has been that for me.
See you all in the battlefield
Now that I look the picture a little bit closer I don’t see any form of cheating in it. It is a treb in lord room that shoots through the hole in the roof. It looks like a good spot for a treb and it can be easily taken down with ballista or arrow cart. I see no problem here, but thats my opinion.
Mouggari – Warrior – Candy cane Avenger
(edited by Paavotar.3971)
Hi all,
thats exactly it, check a tower they all have a hole in the roof and thus if placed correctly you can shoot thru it.
If you call that cheating then i cant help you, and to claim its due to this that sm was taken, and not taking into account the 2 hour all out battle of 3 factions inside then you just dont get it.
But i suppose its easier to yell cheat cheat instead of saying GG guys.
Yesterday the whole FS force came to take Quentin marching over to Langor so we had to pull out of that battle to secure our own land.
P.s. let the flaming start
So I was running arround with my Dr Omnitool lvl 8 character( for you the naked asura for afro) and chased 2 guys away and they needed help good work FS
Well i think everyone has similar stories, except for the naked stuff maybe :p
I always promote fair fights, 1vs1 , 2vs1 if needed. or 1+npcs vs 3 or something like that.
I have been ganked a lot by people not looking for a nice fight, maybe they were just in gankmode or had something else to do and i was just in their way, i’ll never know.
But i also had some very nice fights already the whole weekend.
Yesterday i saw an RoF and UW thief have a duel, was just watching from a distance, untill an RoF guardian came to mess up the duel, so i went in, killed the guardian and continued watching :p
Didnt see who won though, they were stealthing everywhere so i gave up eventually and went on with roaming.
Luna Solares – Mesmer
so just had reports that a UW or FS member has come to rof and is capping are supply limit on Rof :S what happend to playing fair? from a guild from TaT?
The Night Pact Legacy [NP]
Don’t reconize the guild tag, do you have the guilds full name?
Anyway i’m sure that neither UW or FSP supports such actions.
There are always a minority of people outthere ruining the game for the majority.
Luna Solares – Mesmer
I must say that this evening was one of the best WvW experiances I’ve ever had
. First epic defense of SM (awesome job there Chris), then my guild capturing Hills in FS border and defending it vs superior numbers
Yeah, it was a fun weekend. I got an abyss dye so can’t complain. :P
so just had reports that a UW or FS member has come to rof and is capping are supply limit on Rof :S what happend to playing fair? from a guild from TaT?
I didnt quite get what they were doing? Capping supply limit? Or are they making so much siege that you can’t build anything?
But yes, we (Underworld) dont promote any action like that. Fair play is fair play, I keep playing it even if the enemy goes dirty. And I bet FS has the same mentality.
Mouggari – Warrior – Candy cane Avenger
UW cheating to take SM
You can take out that treb with an arrowcart in 3-4 shots…
On another note:
You might have run into this merry band of Asuras in the RoF map today;
http://img90.imageshack.us/img90/6651/gw146.jpg (screenshot from another place tho I forgot to screenshot in WvW!)
You’re dumb. You’ll die, and you’ll leave a dumb corpse
they were capping are sige limit
The Night Pact Legacy [NP]
they were capping are sige limit
Maybe your own team was. I’ve not seen anyone from FSP doing it tbh.
There’s a limit within each area on the map as well as a maximum limit for the entire map.
You’re dumb. You’ll die, and you’ll leave a dumb corpse
Ahh ok so Siege limit I see. And like maloki said, maybe you just hit it yourself on that particular area. Wall sections don’t take that much siege anyways, three carts and you are pretty much done with that section of wall.
And no, I don’t think UW does anything like that.
On a new note tho. Thanks to RoF in our border we kinda paniced. My thanks go especially to [NP] Night Pact for the fun. Taking our Garrison and all.
But the wierd part was that the Garrison was not contested when I heard in my VoIP “Garrison Inner gate under siege”. Like my whole bunch of friends and I could waypoint easily back into Garrison. And when I started my futile try to build that one ballista the waypoint was still available and you were bounding the gate? Did you guys notice that it didnt go contested?
Fair fight anyhow. Thank god we finally got you all out, maybe you went to sleep or something, I don’t know :P
Mouggari – Warrior – Candy cane Avenger
Had some great and epic fights yesterday evening. There isn’t anything more epic then when 3 zergs fight each other.
Also had a great fight against a d/d elementist. Fight was very close to bad that after 3 minuts a teammate came up to kill him. And as respect to the elementist i did the /bow animation near his body. Not to humiliated him but as a token of respect for the fight.
Also had a great fight against a d/d elementist. Fight was very close to bad that after 3 minuts a teammate came up to kill him. And as respect to the elementist i did the /bow animation near his body. Not to humiliated him but as a token of respect for the fight.
I think that was me, after we tried to take Hills and got wiped. Good fight indeed, hope we’ll meet each other on the field of battle again and finish what we started
Kuranami – L80 D/D Ele – WvW
(edited by Vicarius.6438)
I enjoyed the fight yesterday evening on UWB aswell, even tough it ended with the loss of (my) full fortified Hills Keep ( who of FSP will refund my money? )
Anyways the matchup is awesomely close, havent had this in weeks, looking forward to my vacations starting with wednesday and some more fun =)
Also had a great fight against a d/d elementist. Fight was very close to bad that after 3 minuts a teammate came up to kill him. And as respect to the elementist i did the /bow animation near his body. Not to humiliated him but as a token of respect for the fight.
I think that was me, after we tried to take Hills and got wiped. Good fight indeed, hope we’ll meet each other on the field of battle again and finish what we started
Was fighting on the top of the south gate at Hills, I was playing a Norn Guardian (staff/mace) Armor (dark/gold).
Well i think everyone has similar stories, except for the naked stuff maybe :p
I always promote fair fights, 1vs1 , 2vs1 if needed. or 1+npcs vs 3 or something like that.
I have been ganked a lot by people not looking for a nice fight, maybe they were just in gankmode or had something else to do and i was just in their way, i’ll never know.But i also had some very nice fights already the whole weekend.
Yesterday i saw an RoF and UW thief have a duel, was just watching from a distance, untill an RoF guardian came to mess up the duel, so i went in, killed the guardian and continued watching :p
Didnt see who won though, they were stealthing everywhere so i gave up eventually and went on with roaming.
Hm I had a similar fight. Might have been my thief alt.
She’s stealth/avoidance specced and so was the UW opponent, so was a boring long fight and in the end I think I ran off. =)
Toon: Karakoth – LV80 Necromancer
Guild: NP
Ahh ok so Siege limit I see. And like maloki said, maybe you just hit it yourself on that particular area. Wall sections don’t take that much siege anyways, three carts and you are pretty much done with that section of wall.
And no, I don’t think UW does anything like that.
On a new note tho. Thanks to RoF in our border we kinda paniced. My thanks go especially to [NP] Night Pact for the fun. Taking our Garrison and all.
But the wierd part was that the Garrison was not contested when I heard in my VoIP “Garrison Inner gate under siege”. Like my whole bunch of friends and I could waypoint easily back into Garrison. And when I started my futile try to build that one ballista the waypoint was still available and you were bounding the gate? Did you guys notice that it didnt go contested?
Fair fight anyhow. Thank god we finally got you all out, maybe you went to sleep or something, I don’t know :P
The WP opens up on each reset of siege event. So every few minutes you have a few seconds to port there.
On the other hand I have also experienced times when Garrison RoF was under siege and we could still port there. Bug maybe.
The UW Blitzkrieg was purely as punishment for you medling in us fighting with FS when FS had 3-400 points each tick. Seems like you only swooped in when we where sieging FS elsewhere. Legit opportunitism but it came with a vengeance ;o)
RoF didnt hold your lands long though, seeing we only wanted to destroy upgrades and send a message ;o)
Toon: Karakoth – LV80 Necromancer
Guild: NP
Was fighting on the top of the south gate at Hills, I was playing a Norn Guardian (staff/mace) Armor (dark/gold).
Yep that was me! Think our fight could’ve lasted for hours with our healing, so maybe it’s a good thing your teammate showed up and finished it
Kuranami – L80 D/D Ele – WvW
Was fighting on the top of the south gate at Hills, I was playing a Norn Guardian (staff/mace) Armor (dark/gold).
Yep that was me!
Think our fight could’ve lasted for hours with our healing, so maybe it’s a good thing your teammate showed up and finished it
Well yeah i think we would just die of getting bored. But real good fight nice show of skill.
Guys. I’ve never had as much fun as I’m having right now. Playing since day one and this is the first time I see a balanced WvW. All 3 servers so close to each other. It has been awesome so far. I wish it could always be like that.
PS: Checked the score today, I guess RoF’s being outmanned this morning, crippled the server’s score a bit. But it’s not too late yet. Gl hf.
This thread is much more pleasant to read than the T1 thread! Up there it’s only about crying.
Here we congratulate each other on good fights and try to find the person we dueled. I totally approve!
I am sorry that our “Strong night team” ( 10 people <3 ) too much of the mapthis morning. I am however glad that it is so even in this match-up.
Stay classy people
You’re dumb. You’ll die, and you’ll leave a dumb corpse
Ahh ok so Siege limit I see. And like maloki said, maybe you just hit it yourself on that particular area. Wall sections don’t take that much siege anyways, three carts and you are pretty much done with that section of wall.
And no, I don’t think UW does anything like that.
On a new note tho. Thanks to RoF in our border we kinda paniced. My thanks go especially to [NP] Night Pact for the fun. Taking our Garrison and all.
But the wierd part was that the Garrison was not contested when I heard in my VoIP “Garrison Inner gate under siege”. Like my whole bunch of friends and I could waypoint easily back into Garrison. And when I started my futile try to build that one ballista the waypoint was still available and you were bounding the gate? Did you guys notice that it didnt go contested?
Fair fight anyhow. Thank god we finally got you all out, maybe you went to sleep or something, I don’t know :P
The WP opens up on each reset of siege event. So every few minutes you have a few seconds to port there.
On the other hand I have also experienced times when Garrison RoF was under siege and we could still port there. Bug maybe.The UW Blitzkrieg was purely as punishment for you medling in us fighting with FS when FS had 3-400 points each tick. Seems like you only swooped in when we where sieging FS elsewhere. Legit opportunitism but it came with a vengeance ;o)
RoF didnt hold your lands long though, seeing we only wanted to destroy upgrades and send a message ;o)
Heh, you got us when we had pants down. But it was buggin or something, becouse we could portal in like we want. It wasnt that 1 second window becouse it was available when I came in, then when I ran into supply depot it was still open and when I died it was still open. Also there was no contested mark on the keep itself.
I do understand you did the old good guerilla tactic where you dont trigger the battlemarker on the map, but still, wierd. It was a good fight tho, and you were kind of a pain in the kitten there
Mouggari – Warrior – Candy cane Avenger
Hmm, i believe RoF suffers from the PvE event (i see many of our WvW regulars at Tixx, including me) or UW and FS had not that much people online on saturday, where RoF started pretty strong (right, we were 7k in the lead).
after the fun at UW garrison we left to go for bay as we had the outer wall down then we got wiped :/ but it was fun sitting at your garrison and then attacking woodhaven then a fake to dawns
just looking out for [NP] they will be in a borderland near you soon :P
The Night Pact Legacy [NP]
Every servers seems to get his moment of glory everyday where they dominate for a few hours, its nice to see.
Between last night and early morning all 3 borderslands were whiped completely in a few hours by different factions, well, exept for our one tower on our bl where we had a last stand
Thats a lot of upgrades down the drain :p
And EB has the mentality, you invade me, i invade you when your busy invading the other guy, no destruction of upgrades goes unpunished
Luna Solares – Mesmer
I am really enjoying how leveled and even this matchup is!
Oh I did something I’ve not done before: Invited the enemy into my party last night. I saw the lone defender having lfg up. I had to try something. I popped open my contact screen (y) and checked looking for group, and then I invited him. Whereupon I greeted him with:
“Hello there!
I am the person in the Golem punching your door”
He left the party and I cried a little
You’re dumb. You’ll die, and you’ll leave a dumb corpse
I am really enjoying how leveled and even this matchup is!
Oh I did something I’ve not done before: Invited the enemy into my party last night. I saw the lone defender having lfg up. I had to try something. I popped open my contact screen (y) and checked looking for group, and then I invited him. Whereupon I greeted him with:
“Hello there!
I am the person in the Golem punching your door”He left the party
and I cried a little
lol nice catch :P whenever i’ll be running around without group i’ll put a LFG too maybe someone will invite me
And no, I don’t think UW does anything like that.
Unfortunately we do (well… i dont, fair play belief and what not), many times I have seen useless siege (flame rams) build in places that I have questioned as to why it was put there.
Side note- This has to be the best WvW match up I have enjoyed so far, ignoring the odd exploiter here and there, it has been the most civilized and fun fight so far.
(edited by Aisunokami.6430)