12/14 TC - CD - FA

12/14 TC - CD - FA

in WvW

Posted by: DivineBeing.2086


Guess it’s something else regarding some guild transferring over. Saw the other post after my first one. If we get guilds that exploit, I’m leaving WvWvW (not that my crappy 3hr playtime means much to server anyways, but I always held pride in fighting for a server well known for mature players) until things are set right. I’d rather lose in T3, rather than exploit my way to victory in T2. We want respectable guilds (which we have), not the one’s that are hated or feared (from that other thread).

Honestly, if this is true than you were bound to leave sometime anyway. There are bad apples out there and some are bound to show up on your door step. If you leave the server because of these bad apples than honestly you are letting them win and you will be running for the rest of your life. You can’t escape the bad apples. You can only report them and hope that Anet handles the situation appropriately.

Also, what is with this prejudgement with the guild DEV. For all you know, they could have turned over a new leaf by kicking out the exploiters.

Well, I didn’t say I’m leaving server, but only W3. There are other things to do in the game you know :P. Anyway the other day I’ve seen some distasteful things from a few people on my own server that really disappointed me. Someone already brought it to the notice here, regarding Hills Keep on CDBL and I won’t go further into it except it was disappointing. So I’m keeping myself away from W3 for this week. I’m off to do other things right now.

And yeah, as mentioned in my post, there are lots of ’if’s and ’but’s. So IF we find ourselves being continuously legitimately blamed for obvious exploits I don’t mind PvE’ing until things get to normal. So its just a IF … THEN situation I mentioned. No pre-judgement on the guild except what I learned from those who faced them in the past and based on the guild’s own post about “feared and hated” guild and “destruction of servers”, not sure how I’m supposed to take it.

And what’s with this attachment anyway? I’ll have my reservations about the guild for sure, and no judgements passed there. I had them when a few from GODS transferred over, and its gonna take time to fully know them as I haven’t worked with them much. And being perfect? Sure, I’m not perfect and nobody is. And I take pride in being a noob that doesn’t know how to take advantage of some in-game glitch to exploit and learning to play. If there’s someone who’s perfect, pls show me I shall bow to them.

I understand but that kind of mentality is what kills a server.

I and a group of 20ish transferred from BG to TC. Why? This exact mentality. The whole “enemy is being mean to us by calling us hackers/exploiters” (even though it wasn’t just OUR server doing it). So what did majority of the WvW guilds in BG do when it happened to them in tier 1? Exactly what. You are stating, “not participating in WvW until it changes”, in BG’s case until they dropped a tier.

There is a reason why BG doesn’t care to go tier 1. SBI and JQ are a bunch of whiners.

Lightdivinity – Level 80 Bunker Elementalist
Reshaos – Level 80 Power Necromancer

12/14 TC - CD - FA

in WvW

Posted by: phaneo.4597


I understand but that kind of mentality is what kills a server.

I and a group of 20ish transferred from BG to TC. Why? This exact mentality. The whole “enemy is being mean to us by calling us hackers/exploiters” (even though it wasn’t just OUR server doing it). So what did majority of the WvW guilds in BG do when it happened to them in tier 1? Exactly what. You are stating, “not participating in WvW until it changes”, in BG’s case until they dropped a tier.

There is a reason why BG doesn’t care to go tier 1. SBI and JQ are a bunch of whiners.

I wouldn’t give a crocodile’s kitten about what other servers would call us as long as there’s no solid proof. I saw the incident happen on Sunday as I was there and almost took part in it but when I realized where on the map I was I just left the map and worst part was some regular faces took part in it. I’m sure many pugs who took part didn’t realize what’s happening since 2 blue doritos took part in it. I don’t know how it helped them or the server overall while having a major lead, but watching some regulars whom you look up to do kitten like this can definitely spoil the fun of the game. I’m not a hardcore WvW’er, and don’t belong to a big elite guild. In fact I’m the only one from my guild that does W3 regularly. Our guild leader played in W3 on Sunday like after maybe SoR matchup.
Many times I don’t care what others would say when they fail to sweep for mesmers or not understand the mechanics of other professions and just say its an exploit. Things like walking out of the map into a keep isn’t a profession skill, its an exploit. Period.
And this whole matchup has become redundant anyway, adding to it is the frustration of breakkitten event that happens every 15mins, so I decided to take a break from it. I’ll get back into the field when we get our kitten handed over to us in T2, that’s far more fun fighting against bigger odds. And yeah, Wintersday stuff!

Tee See

12/14 TC - CD - FA

in WvW

Posted by: mrochon.8765


Elite Slasher’s stories not being satire?

…I don’t think that possibility crossed my mind.

Sorry to read about your luck TC.

What happened?


^ That? No idea otherwise. Regardless, TC doesn’t put up with hackers and exploiters on our server, and we’ll make sure they either get banned or transfer off in disgrace.

If it is just the other servers missing a mesmer or a random bug, then we’ve got no problems. Wouldn’t be the first time someones called me a hacker because someone built a wall back up on top of me and trapped me inside it.


Sucks seeing them pop inside through a solid door.

That thread is gone by the way.

No idea what you’re talking about sirs.

Joose Buckaloose
Pink Monkeys [DEVS]
God among Thieves and QQ Instigator

12/14 TC - CD - FA

in WvW

Posted by: Tajz.9826


TC u better dont drop your guard. IoJ always start a mass server wide push on wednesday/thursday. The rating gap might get smaller. What i recommend you guys do is that TC guilds to start a mass server wide push taking as many overnight shifts, overtime extends, to guarantee as many points as you can during this mid week.

Too soon to say who’s in tier2 next week. Keep on fighting TC!

[LP][HB]Nirvii, Proud Elementalist of Thai Alliance
Commander of Blackgate
Vid: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wyRsSk4l0T4

12/14 TC - CD - FA

in WvW

Posted by: Sunspots.9861


Pretty sure anyone wvwing hard from TC right now is doing so simply because its fun, not to ensure us getting T2. Part of the reason its exciting is because we aren’t faking it. We really do fill up q’s with people who want to enjoy world v world so if we got there, it would just be normal routines for us. Once we are there, well that’s a different story. If we are losing will people still fill up those q’s for “fun?” I dont know!

Auburn Skies – Retired- Ranger of [PiNK]
When wvw was still fun feat. [PiNK]

12/14 TC - CD - FA

in WvW

Posted by: Harodan.5746


The laughing Fort Aspenwood Engineer salutes you, Toast Thief!

This post is a shot in the dark, but I hope you see this.
When you attacked my group today and repeatedly ran, I’ll admit my frustration. It’s what provoked me to /laugh as you left, but I assure you that, in the end, I enjoyed our conflict. My friends and I took your bait and you handled teamwork masterfully.

I am saddened that my net-spam strategy failed so horribly against you; I was hoping that it would save me from class cannon thieves, but it seems that I was wrong.

I’ll have you know that I was losing interest in my level 76 thief alt- but that you have inspired me. I am once again excited to play it, all because of your taunts and slippery antics.

I salute you, and I wish you the best.

12/14 TC - CD - FA

in WvW

Posted by: DivineBeing.2086


I am still waiting for the FA post about how they were farming us at FA BL’s Dreaming Bay from Garrison xD.

Oh, how it was fun to dump a bunch of AOE’s into the middle of a zerg, RTL out, than /dance in front of the big gapping hole in Dreaming Bay’s wall. The badges were rolling in from the 20+ Balista’s and Arrow Cart’s on the other side of that hole.

Good. Game. Lol!

Lightdivinity – Level 80 Bunker Elementalist
Reshaos – Level 80 Power Necromancer

12/14 TC - CD - FA

in WvW

Posted by: Awesomesauce.9528


Lol, whoever that d/d ele was that I chased around CDBL, that was hilarious. I RTL’d after you right off a cliff, and we both fell to our deaths on the same rock. Good fight bro. Let’s do it again sometime.

Famous last words
“You put WHAT in my drink?” – Socrates
“There’s only like eight of them over that hill.” – Custer

12/14 TC - CD - FA

in WvW

Posted by: Sam.8193


Great fun at FABL’s bay, the fight is long as well as epic!

12/14 TC - CD - FA

in WvW

Posted by: phaneo.4597


Pretty sure anyone wvwing hard from TC right now is doing so simply because its fun, not to ensure us getting T2. Part of the reason its exciting is because we aren’t faking it. We really do fill up q’s with people who want to enjoy world v world so if we got there, it would just be normal routines for us. Once we are there, well that’s a different story. If we are losing will people still fill up those q’s for “fun?” I dont know!

I gotta agree with this. It’s been a feeling across majority atleast from what I read on map chat in-game and from TC community site. We didn’t WANT to move up to T2 willingly, as in that wasn’t our primary motive. It was more of an organic move, if anything. After the drop in ratings last week I’m actually amazed how not only our rating went up this week but also managed to move a tier up; I thought with Wintersday we’re gonna go down further in ratings. Am sure we have some tough fights & situations awaiting us upon reset. But nothing we haven’t seen in the past, in fact I think we got better since then.
I don’t think we’d be giving our enemies a chance to spawn camp us this time, and I hope we do it without the help of some stupid NPC. Now I just hope we get guilds to cover the gap during our weakest timeslot (oceanic primetime) so that we have a more balanced match.

Tee See

12/14 TC - CD - FA

in WvW

Posted by: Sam.8193


The laughing Fort Aspenwood Engineer salutes you, Toast Thief!

This post is a shot in the dark, but I hope you see this.
When you attacked my group today and repeatedly ran, I’ll admit my frustration. It’s what provoked me to /laugh as you left, but I assure you that, in the end, I enjoyed our conflict. My friends and I took your bait and you handled teamwork masterfully.

I am saddened that my net-spam strategy failed so horribly against you; I was hoping that it would save me from class cannon thieves, but it seems that I was wrong.

I’ll have you know that I was losing interest in my level 76 thief alt- but that you have inspired me. I am once again excited to play it, all because of your taunts and slippery antics.

I salute you, and I wish you the best.

Are you an asura?

12/14 TC - CD - FA

in WvW

Posted by: Harodan.5746


Are you an asura?

Sorry, nope- Sylvari.

Also, I look a bit like Carmen Sandiego if you have team colors enabled. If you don’t, I look like a… I guess black-colored desperado would be most accurate.

12/14 TC - CD - FA

in WvW

Posted by: Aytrix.4059


Dear FAs, it was a good fight at your Bay till an exploiter, a black haired human female mesmer from the guild Upper Echelon [Echo] glitched into inner Bay’s lord room by going through the gate, and portal-ed some of your zerg on to our walls.

We have screenshots and have reported everyone who went through the portals dropped by the said mesmer. I’ve noticed most of you guys have not taken the portal, so you guys must have known WTH has been going on at the time, please report said person and keep our WvW exploit free. We will do the same if you guys ever find anyone from TC responsible for exploiting, thank you and good night.

I was there, tried to figure out who it was that glitched up there. I do think it is unfair to report people just for taking a portal especially if u arent running in a group. Sometimes you take them without knowing where they go, even if just for the excitement of not knowing.

I actually saw the person who u say exploited jump off the wall and be killed and actually was thinking she was the one so I didn’t even try to rez her. Got a screenie of her name and will post it in our forums. Hacking and exploiting is out of control, by all three servers.

edit: Nevermind, turns out i got a screen of someone different so nothing i can do about it.

12/14 TC - CD - FA

in WvW

Posted by: Astry.9476


Dear FAs, it was a good fight at your Bay till an exploiter, a black haired human female mesmer from the guild Upper Echelon [Echo] glitched into inner Bay’s lord room by going through the gate, and portal-ed some of your zerg on to our walls.

We have screenshots and have reported everyone who went through the portals dropped by the said mesmer. I’ve noticed most of you guys have not taken the portal, so you guys must have known WTH has been going on at the time, please report said person and keep our WvW exploit free. We will do the same if you guys ever find anyone from TC responsible for exploiting, thank you and good night.

I think everyone can agree regardless of server, exploiting is wrong. We recently removed a couple of guild members of our own over it.

12/14 TC - CD - FA

in WvW

Posted by: phaneo.4597


Reporting people isn’t gonna help really. Anet should make these exploits impossible to do. If you report one, there’ll be another who’ll take advantage of it. Exploiting is a disease that cannot be cured at individual level, but rather should be done at the system level.

Tee See

12/14 TC - CD - FA

in WvW

Posted by: Sarasti.2453


^ What Sam said.

I was defending Bay inner and saw that mesmer lady appearing right next to me while all walls/gates were still not breached. It wasn’t a clone – I’ve been playing as a mesmer for a few months and can reliably tell a real player from a clone.

I believe it was the same black haired mesmer from [Echo] who glitched into Greenbriar after we lost Bay. There was also a FA necro from a different guild who appeared in the middle of unbreached Greenbriar and tried to kill me while I was manning a catapult in that safe spot behind GB gates. I was sitting there for at least 5 seconds, looking at the row of conditions on me, and only then realized that I should turn around, lol.

I’m really, really disappointed. At both the lack of ANet’s response, and players who support cheating by taking part in it. And to fellow Toasters: like I said in FABL map chat today, if someone steals keeps/towers from us, then it does not give us the right to do the same. If I catch you cheating, you’ll be reported to both ANet and the community, with a nice screenshot if I manage to find my PrtSc button in time.

Sarâsti, level 80 charr mesmer
Tarnished Coast

12/14 TC - CD - FA

in WvW

Posted by: Astry.9476


Well I am glad to see that TC, CD, and FA are most certainly on the same page. If you do see someone from FA doing it, please let us know here as we will do the same.

Ticks me off when it’s an entire guild though devoted to those practices however.

12/14 TC - CD - FA

in WvW

Posted by: Kerithlan.1659


Perhaps rallying against exploiters will be the Squanto that cools down our heated rivalry and brings our servers together?

Fosthe — Sylvari Elementalist
Men of Science [MoS] – Tarnished Coast

12/14 TC - CD - FA

in WvW

Posted by: NomRoxNom.4260


The laughing Fort Aspenwood Engineer salutes you, Toast Thief!

This post is a shot in the dark, but I hope you see this.
When you attacked my group today and repeatedly ran, I’ll admit my frustration. It’s what provoked me to /laugh as you left, but I assure you that, in the end, I enjoyed our conflict. My friends and I took your bait and you handled teamwork masterfully.

I am saddened that my net-spam strategy failed so horribly against you; I was hoping that it would save me from class cannon thieves, but it seems that I was wrong.

I’ll have you know that I was losing interest in my level 76 thief alt- but that you have inspired me. I am once again excited to play it, all because of your taunts and slippery antics.

I salute you, and I wish you the best.

Wouldn’t happen to be from a guild with the tag LW would it?…

12/14 TC - CD - FA

in WvW

Posted by: Lanimal.6541


@Elite Slasher – Your a commander, act like one. WTF is with that book of a post you wrote.

@Lanimal (for why TC is better) – Overall you are right. FA has become basically a wasteland of tactics and zerging. We act more like a pack of dogs then a army in general. That being said I have seen TC do some very stupid very horrible things (on a large scale), so your not that amazing yet. Winning so many weeks in a row certianly helps TC in moral/numbers and attracting talent.

From what I am seeing out of FA I have to say the server seems to be dieing. More and more people are no longer showing up, our tactics basically drop a level every week. 50% of the people seem to be interested in open world 5v5 or similar pvp matches and no objectives whatsoever, the other 50% are just looking to zerg something, anything. We almost never pick up our downed players. We have gotten even worse about defending/upgrading. Or when we do defend, we tend to defend the worst defensible keeps/towers. We take objectives for no strategic purpose whatsoever, and never stick around to hold them. We don’t seem to know what a treb is. We have basically no communication whatsoever and our major guilds are so insular they almost cant work with other people. We even have started auto attacking gates on large scale again. We need to go back to basics and start over again because we are not going in the right direction FA.

This is what I as a TC player observe defending against FA. I think people took my post the wrong way, I never stated that all those strategies are unique to TC alone, of course they are not. Its just that our execution and consistency of those said strategies happens outside of just ‘WvWvW guilds’, it happens with our organized pugs and militia groups. There are often many active group composed parties (Thieves + Mesmers for e.g.) running that consist of members of various guilds (PVE and WvWvW).

That is the main difference, we spend an often lot of time not being exclusionary and acting elite within the various top WvWvW guilds instead we try to consistently up the knowledge of our pugs, everything new we learn we dont keep it as a ‘guild secret’ we share it with other guilds and even pugs. In defense, a knowledgeable group of 10-15 that knows how to deal with nearly every single scenario can do a lot against a zerg.

Before logging off, I will grab someone I know or someone new and pass on the scenarios to him, “if they try to cata wall, this is how you mortar it, if they try to treb from Stargrove you can counter them with this mortar or this treb (keep it active), make sure to keep these three pieces of siege active at the very least etc…”, this person can be a guildie, a regular or a pug that I barely know, as long as hes willing to take up the task, I trust him to do it.

Do we make mistakes? All the time. I get very peeved about losing keeps with kittenty defense. The day when CD and FA took all our borderlands we could have stopped it. Someone started the fortification upgrade before Cannons and Mortars so we lost hills because every educated player knows that mortars > fortification for defense. Now we make sure that we tell everyone about our upgrading order, inform the pugs so that doesn’t happen again.

At the end of the day if a group of four can build a regular ram and take out reinforced gates at outer bay and hills without having any response from FA because they are ‘dealing’ with the breakout event just shows to me how slow in responding their defense is. We were spotted when the gate was 50% as well, few people came trickling in but none were smart enough to just go to the inner mortar and 1 hit our ram let alone build a cata or AC instead they just wanted to fight us 4v4 and die. This shows an uneducated militia/pug force, you guys need to take more responsibility in helping your pugs than acting elitist against them.

On the same topic, I have rarely rarely seen a party of 4 or 5 from FA being able to ninja a Tower or Keep out in the TCBL without us responding in time, the few times I have seen it, it was done by the guys from ULTD who are probably the only guild in FA I respect in tactics, execution, individual skill and overall strategy. Oh and TSI is pretty decent as well.

[VoTF] www.votf.net

12/14 TC - CD - FA

in WvW

Posted by: selan.8354


@ CD redt guild. Stop exploiting into hills please.

your server has enough numbers to compete fair and doesn’t need to exploit, so redt guild comon, you make your whole server look bad like that!

BTW i reported another player from our side, when we saw him{mesmer} glitching through bay wall, i do not tolerate those exploits on our side at all.

Lv 80 glamour Mesmer Triforce Mesmerpower PU mes,Lv 80 power necro
Isle of Kickaspenwood

(edited by selan.8354)

12/14 TC - CD - FA

in WvW

Posted by: selan.8354


@Elite Slasher – Your a commander, act like one. WTF is with that book of a post you wrote.

@Lanimal (for why TC is better) – Overall you are right. FA has become basically a wasteland of tactics and zerging. We act more like a pack of dogs then a army in general. That being said I have seen TC do some very stupid very horrible things (on a large scale), so your not that amazing yet. Winning so many weeks in a row certianly helps TC in moral/numbers and attracting talent.

From what I am seeing out of FA I have to say the server seems to be dieing. More and more people are no longer showing up, our tactics basically drop a level every week. 50% of the people seem to be interested in open world 5v5 or similar pvp matches and no objectives whatsoever, the other 50% are just looking to zerg something, anything. We almost never pick up our downed players. We have gotten even worse about defending/upgrading. Or when we do defend, we tend to defend the worst defensible keeps/towers. We take objectives for no strategic purpose whatsoever, and never stick around to hold them. We don’t seem to know what a treb is. We have basically no communication whatsoever and our major guilds are so insular they almost cant work with other people. We even have started auto attacking gates on large scale again. We need to go back to basics and start over again because we are not going in the right direction FA.

This is what I as a TC player observe defending against FA. I think people took my post the wrong way, I never stated that all those strategies are unique to TC alone, of course they are not. Its just that our execution and consistency of those said strategies happens outside of just ‘WvWvW guilds’, it happens with our organized pugs and militia groups. There are often many active group composed parties (Thieves + Mesmers for e.g.) running that consist of members of various guilds (PVE and WvWvW).

That is the main difference, we spend an often lot of time not being exclusionary and acting elite within the various top WvWvW guilds instead we try to consistently up the knowledge of our pugs, everything new we learn we dont keep it as a ‘guild secret’ we share it with other guilds and even pugs. In defense, a knowledgeable group of 10-15 that knows how to deal with nearly every single scenario can do a lot against a zerg.

Before logging off, I will grab someone I know or someone new and pass on the scenarios to him, “if they try to cata wall, this is how you mortar it, if they try to treb from Stargrove you can counter them with this mortar or this treb (keep it active), make sure to keep these three pieces of siege active at the very least etc…”, this person can be a guildie, a regular or a pug that I barely know, as long as hes willing to take up the task, I trust him to do it.

Do we make mistakes? All the time. I get very peeved about losing keeps with kittenty defense. The day when CD and FA took all our borderlands we could have stopped it. Someone started the fortification upgrade before Cannons and Mortars so we lost hills because every educated player knows that mortars > fortification for defense. Now we make sure that we tell everyone about our upgrading order, inform the pugs so that doesn’t happen again.

At the end of the day if a group of four can build a regular ram and take out reinforced gates at outer bay and hills without having any response from FA because they are ‘dealing’ with the breakout event just shows to me how slow in responding their defense is. We were spotted when the gate was 50% as well, few people came trickling in but none were smart enough to just go to the inner mortar and 1 hit our ram let alone build a cata or AC instead they just wanted to fight us 4v4 and die. This shows an uneducated militia/pug force, you guys need to take more responsibility in helping your pugs than acting elitist against them.

On the same topic, I have rarely rarely seen a party of 4 or 5 from FA being able to ninja a Tower or Keep out in the TCBL without us responding in time, the few times I have seen it, it was done by the guys from ULTD who are probably the only guild in FA I respect in tactics, execution, individual skill and overall strategy. Oh and TSI is pretty decent as well.

erm just wanna say…there is like noone online atm….we were like 10 people..max 15 in our bl….just saying..has nothing to do with our tactics or response,we are simply not enough atm.

Lv 80 glamour Mesmer Triforce Mesmerpower PU mes,Lv 80 power necro
Isle of Kickaspenwood

12/14 TC - CD - FA

in WvW

Posted by: free frage.8952

free frage.8952

just like to offer my thanks to all who helped in W v W tonite at 7 pm Singapore time
it was a nice effort in our borderlands

12/14 TC - CD - FA

in WvW

Posted by: WIGZ.8245


Looking forward to some end of the week fighting.

[BT] Wigz – Blackgate – 80 Engineer & Warrior

12/14 TC - CD - FA

in WvW

Posted by: Elite Slasher.3561

Elite Slasher.3561

Good Fights for FA Dreaming Bay Keep tonight TC. Was a lot of fun. We were outnumbered but didn’t gave up easily. Lost it with a few people defending than more people showed up so we just flipped it. Nice job on that siege second time you guys didn’t gave up easily but this time we were more prepared. So this is what happened second time:

Its ok that happens to us all the time from your side.
Hoping to have more fun on battlefield later! Keep up good fights!

Fort Aspenwood
Commander Elite Slasher [PRO]

12/14 TC - CD - FA

in WvW

Posted by: Deyja.6745


Good Fights for FA Dreaming Bay Keep tonight TC. Was a lot of fun. We were outnumbered but didn’t gave up easily. Lost it with a few people defending than more people showed up so we just flipped it. Nice job on that siege second time you guys didn’t gave up easily but this time we were more prepared. So this is what happened second time:

Its ok that happens to us all the time from your side.
Hoping to have more fun on battlefield later! Keep up good fights!

You outnumbered us quite badly and we managed to take it the first time, you retook it when we left it to defend SM and then as we took the outer gate for bay the second time I got the sound bug and restarted and CD was hitting our BL so we pulled out again.

I will look forward to upgrading bay tomorrow when I wake up.

12/14 TC - CD - FA

in WvW

Posted by: Elite Slasher.3561

Elite Slasher.3561

Good Fights for FA Dreaming Bay Keep tonight TC. Was a lot of fun. We were outnumbered but didn’t gave up easily. Lost it with a few people defending than more people showed up so we just flipped it. Nice job on that siege second time you guys didn’t gave up easily but this time we were more prepared. So this is what happened second time:

Its ok that happens to us all the time from your side.
Hoping to have more fun on battlefield later! Keep up good fights!

You outnumbered us quite badly and we managed to take it the first time, you retook it when we left it to defend SM and then as we took the outer gate for bay the second time I got the sound bug and restarted and CD was hitting our BL so we pulled out again.

I will look forward to upgrading bay tomorrow when I wake up.

We didn’t outnumber you guys the first time don’t flatter yourself. Plus you took the inner gate out with treb in supply camp. Which was a good strategy. Also we were out of supply to build any defensive siege the first time. Anyways it was a good fight! I don’t know about you guys but we had a lot of fun.

Fort Aspenwood
Commander Elite Slasher [PRO]

12/14 TC - CD - FA

in WvW

Posted by: Tallis.5607


Anyways it was a good fight! I don’t know about you guys but we had a lot of fun.

Yes, it was just a pity that the guild had to leave to defend SM twice, but it was needed: CD was at the inner gates of SM for more than an hour!

Tallis – Perpetual newbie – Tarnished Coast.
Always carries a towel – Never panics – Eats cookies.

(edited by Tallis.5607)

12/14 TC - CD - FA

in WvW

Posted by: Daedalus.3954


On the same topic, I have rarely rarely seen a party of 4 or 5 from FA being able to ninja a Tower or Keep out in the TCBL without us responding in time, the few times I have seen it, it was done by the guys from ULTD who are probably the only guild in FA I respect in tactics, execution, individual skill and overall strategy. Oh and TSI is pretty decent as well.

We do our best to make sure we leave lasting impressions. ;] Thanks for the shout out. We’ll keep doing our best.

Cheers to future battles!

Commander Kaena Godsfire – Guardian
Server – Fort Aspenwood

12/14 TC - CD - FA

in WvW

Posted by: Haldunius.7864


This is what I as a TC player observe defending against FA. I think people took my post the wrong way, I never stated that all those strategies are unique to TC alone, of course they are not. Its just that our execution and consistency of those said strategies happens outside of just ‘WvWvW guilds’, it happens with our organized pugs and militia groups. There are often many active group composed parties (Thieves + Mesmers for e.g.) running that consist of members of various guilds (PVE and WvWvW).

That is the main difference, we spend an often lot of time not being exclusionary and acting elite within the various top WvWvW guilds instead we try to consistently up the knowledge of our pugs, everything new we learn we dont keep it as a ‘guild secret’ we share it with other guilds and even pugs. In defense, a knowledgeable group of 10-15 that knows how to deal with nearly every single scenario can do a lot against a zerg.

Before logging off, I will grab someone I know or someone new and pass on the scenarios to him, “if they try to cata wall, this is how you mortar it, if they try to treb from Stargrove you can counter them with this mortar or this treb (keep it active), make sure to keep these three pieces of siege active at the very least etc…”, this person can be a guildie, a regular or a pug that I barely know, as long as hes willing to take up the task, I trust him to do it.

Do we make mistakes? All the time. I get very peeved about losing keeps with kittenty defense. The day when CD and FA took all our borderlands we could have stopped it. Someone started the fortification upgrade before Cannons and Mortars so we lost hills because every educated player knows that mortars > fortification for defense. Now we make sure that we tell everyone about our upgrading order, inform the pugs so that doesn’t happen again.

At the end of the day if a group of four can build a regular ram and take out reinforced gates at outer bay and hills without having any response from FA because they are ‘dealing’ with the breakout event just shows to me how slow in responding their defense is. We were spotted when the gate was 50% as well, few people came trickling in but none were smart enough to just go to the inner mortar and 1 hit our ram let alone build a cata or AC instead they just wanted to fight us 4v4 and die. This shows an uneducated militia/pug force, you guys need to take more responsibility in helping your pugs than acting elitist against them.

On the same topic, I have rarely rarely seen a party of 4 or 5 from FA being able to ninja a Tower or Keep out in the TCBL without us responding in time, the few times I have seen it, it was done by the guys from ULTD who are probably the only guild in FA I respect in tactics, execution, individual skill and overall strategy. Oh and TSI is pretty decent as well.

I really hope you guys make it to T2. I’m so tired of reading this type of worthless babble from TC (I actually didn’t read it all because I could tell it was worthless and redundant after the first sentence). Yes, you guys are perfect. In addition to your perfect WvW strategy, you also seem to have an uncanny ability to watch the movements of every FA player at all times so you can post such amazingly educated criticisms on the forums. We all strive to be a server that’s way too overpopulated for the tier it’s been stuck in because it is obviously so amazingly skilled. I eagerly await the tell-all so I too can learn your secrets.

Would love a score/map update if possible. Thanks.

FA Mesmo – [VK]
Last words – “I’m going to jump off this cliff
and pull all those guys down cuz they’ll die.”

12/14 TC - CD - FA

in WvW

Posted by: Vorpal.4683


Who knew that FA has more pve players than TC? I was expecting the wintersday stuff to hit TC harder, but it appears FA has suffered the most from it!

12/14 TC - CD - FA

in WvW

Posted by: Boom.9304


This is what I as a TC player observe defending against FA. I think people took my post the wrong way, I never stated that all those strategies are unique to TC alone, of course they are not. Its just that our execution and consistency of those said strategies happens outside of just ‘WvWvW guilds’, it happens with our organized pugs and militia groups. There are often many active group composed parties (Thieves + Mesmers for e.g.) running that consist of members of various guilds (PVE and WvWvW).

That is the main difference, we spend an often lot of time not being exclusionary and acting elite within the various top WvWvW guilds instead we try to consistently up the knowledge of our pugs, everything new we learn we dont keep it as a ‘guild secret’ we share it with other guilds and even pugs. In defense, a knowledgeable group of 10-15 that knows how to deal with nearly every single scenario can do a lot against a zerg.

Before logging off, I will grab someone I know or someone new and pass on the scenarios to him, “if they try to cata wall, this is how you mortar it, if they try to treb from Stargrove you can counter them with this mortar or this treb (keep it active), make sure to keep these three pieces of siege active at the very least etc…”, this person can be a guildie, a regular or a pug that I barely know, as long as hes willing to take up the task, I trust him to do it.

Do we make mistakes? All the time. I get very peeved about losing keeps with kittenty defense. The day when CD and FA took all our borderlands we could have stopped it. Someone started the fortification upgrade before Cannons and Mortars so we lost hills because every educated player knows that mortars > fortification for defense. Now we make sure that we tell everyone about our upgrading order, inform the pugs so that doesn’t happen again.

At the end of the day if a group of four can build a regular ram and take out reinforced gates at outer bay and hills without having any response from FA because they are ‘dealing’ with the breakout event just shows to me how slow in responding their defense is. We were spotted when the gate was 50% as well, few people came trickling in but none were smart enough to just go to the inner mortar and 1 hit our ram let alone build a cata or AC instead they just wanted to fight us 4v4 and die. This shows an uneducated militia/pug force, you guys need to take more responsibility in helping your pugs than acting elitist against them.

On the same topic, I have rarely rarely seen a party of 4 or 5 from FA being able to ninja a Tower or Keep out in the TCBL without us responding in time, the few times I have seen it, it was done by the guys from ULTD who are probably the only guild in FA I respect in tactics, execution, individual skill and overall strategy. Oh and TSI is pretty decent as well.

I really hope you guys make it to T2. I’m so tired of reading this type of worthless babble from TC (I actually didn’t read it all because I could tell it was worthless and redundant after the first sentence). Yes, you guys are perfect. In addition to your perfect WvW strategy, you also seem to have an uncanny ability to watch the movements of every FA player at all times so you can post such amazingly educated criticisms on the forums. We all strive to be a server that’s way too overpopulated for the tier it’s been stuck in because it is obviously so amazingly skilled. I eagerly await the tell-all so I too can learn your secrets.

Would love a score/map update if possible. Thanks.

Opinions are like bellybuttons..

We’re not perfect. I for one think we have a lot to learn and will do so from stepping into T2. The majority of TC wouldn’t claim to be perfect and the utmost l33t0rz players.

We love to WvW and we have a tremendous amount of fun doing it. Should you have any particular constructive criticism to share on our methods you’ve observed and experienced, I personally welcome it.

Boomkins / Ayvaree
Bringer of Hellfire & “Dirtnapping Diva”
Leader, Transcendent Veneration [TV] – Tarnished Coast

12/14 TC - CD - FA

in WvW

Posted by: Maniac.5163


Who knew that FA has more pve players than TC? I was expecting the wintersday stuff to hit TC harder, but it appears FA has suffered the most from it!

Nah, I think they just have TONS of players in general. I don’t know if anybody noticed, TC was the first server to hit “Full” when ArenaNet expanded the caps. The second and only server to hit it since then was the #1 NA WvW server, Sea of Sorrows.


12/14 TC - CD - FA

in WvW

Posted by: Daedalus.3954


Score/Map update would be lovely. ;]

Commander Kaena Godsfire – Guardian
Server – Fort Aspenwood

12/14 TC - CD - FA

in WvW

Posted by: Usagi.4835


@Elite Slasher – Your a commander, act like one. WTF is with that book of a post you wrote.

@Lanimal (for why TC is better) – Overall you are right. FA has become basically a wasteland of tactics and zerging. We act more like a pack of dogs then a army in general. That being said I have seen TC do some very stupid very horrible things (on a large scale), so your not that amazing yet. Winning so many weeks in a row certianly helps TC in moral/numbers and attracting talent.

From what I am seeing out of FA I have to say the server seems to be dieing. More and more people are no longer showing up, our tactics basically drop a level every week. 50% of the people seem to be interested in open world 5v5 or similar pvp matches and no objectives whatsoever, the other 50% are just looking to zerg something, anything. We almost never pick up our downed players. We have gotten even worse about defending/upgrading. Or when we do defend, we tend to defend the worst defensible keeps/towers. We take objectives for no strategic purpose whatsoever, and never stick around to hold them. We don’t seem to know what a treb is. We have basically no communication whatsoever and our major guilds are so insular they almost cant work with other people. We even have started auto attacking gates on large scale again. We need to go back to basics and start over again because we are not going in the right direction FA.

This is what I as a TC player observe defending against FA. I think people took my post the wrong way, I never stated that all those strategies are unique to TC alone, of course they are not. Its just that our execution and consistency of those said strategies happens outside of just ‘WvWvW guilds’, it happens with our organized pugs and militia groups. There are often many active group composed parties (Thieves + Mesmers for e.g.) running that consist of members of various guilds (PVE and WvWvW).

That is the main difference, we spend an often lot of time not being exclusionary and acting elite within the various top WvWvW guilds instead we try to consistently up the knowledge of our pugs, everything new we learn we dont keep it as a ‘guild secret’ we share it with other guilds and even pugs. In defense, a knowledgeable group of 10-15 that knows how to deal with nearly every single scenario can do a lot against a zerg.

Before logging off, I will grab someone I know or someone new and pass on the scenarios to him, “if they try to cata wall, this is how you mortar it, if they try to treb from Stargrove you can counter them with this mortar or this treb (keep it active), make sure to keep these three pieces of siege active at the very least etc…”, this person can be a guildie, a regular or a pug that I barely know, as long as hes willing to take up the task, I trust him to do it.

Do we make mistakes? All the time. I get very peeved about losing keeps with kittenty defense. The day when CD and FA took all our borderlands we could have stopped it. Someone started the fortification upgrade before Cannons and Mortars so we lost hills because every educated player knows that mortars > fortification for defense. Now we make sure that we tell everyone about our upgrading order, inform the pugs so that doesn’t happen again.

At the end of the day if a group of four can build a regular ram and take out reinforced gates at outer bay and hills without having any response from FA because they are ‘dealing’ with the breakout event just shows to me how slow in responding their defense is. We were spotted when the gate was 50% as well, few people came trickling in but none were smart enough to just go to the inner mortar and 1 hit our ram let alone build a cata or AC instead they just wanted to fight us 4v4 and die. This shows an uneducated militia/pug force, you guys need to take more responsibility in helping your pugs than acting elitist against them.

On the same topic, I have rarely rarely seen a party of 4 or 5 from FA being able to ninja a Tower or Keep out in the TCBL without us responding in time, the few times I have seen it, it was done by the guys from ULTD who are probably the only guild in FA I respect in tactics, execution, individual skill and overall strategy. Oh and TSI is pretty decent as well.

erm just wanna say…there is like noone online atm….we were like 10 people..max 15 in our bl….just saying..has nothing to do with our tactics or response,we are simply not enough atm.

That thing about a group of 4 ramming down Hills… That happened yesterday. Or the day before.

Commander Chocolate Teapot | Prettier than you | Forum damsel in distress

12/14 TC - CD - FA

in WvW

Posted by: sceptus.9415


I saw a video on Youtube of a thief climbing the wall of any tower or keep (and doing it without any difficulty). He was kitten that it hadn’t been fixed yet, and his posts on these forums were deleted. So he made a video and showed everyone how it was done. This is terrible. There are so many exploits in this game. I just want to say to all three servers that we shouldn’t hold guilds or servers responsible for these exploiters. Report them to the guild leaders and through the system in-game and keep them alone and hopefully banned from the game.


Hern | Sceptus | Vulkus | Colbane
[DIS] and [TTC]
Tarnished Coast

12/14 TC - CD - FA

in WvW

Posted by: Usagi.4835


I don’t think those abilities require line of sight… (which, as a mesmer, I feel is grossly unfair.)

Commander Chocolate Teapot | Prettier than you | Forum damsel in distress

12/14 TC - CD - FA

in WvW

Posted by: Astry.9476


Yeah I’m okay with throwing aoes ON the door, sure whatever. But to be able to put targeted spells down that far into the keep? No that’s not broken at all. /end sarcasm

12/14 TC - CD - FA

in WvW

Posted by: Dolores.5471


You don’t need to “place” the aoe for that skill, just need to have an enemy selected on it’s range. Every scepter ele uses this and quite frankly complaning about it when you’re using a cata behind a gate doesn’t really makes sense to me.

(edited by Dolores.5471)

12/14 TC - CD - FA

in WvW

Posted by: Bastionhawk.7120


You don’t need to “place” the aoe for that skill, just need to have an enemy selected on it’s range. Every scepter ele uses this and quite frankly complaning about it when you’re using a cata behind a gate doesn’t really makes sense to me.

He was just looking for clarification.

Aauryn | Sylvari Ranger
EJS I | Human Guardian
Tarnished Coast

12/14 TC - CD - FA

in WvW

Posted by: Ligis.7634


The ele is me and the scepter 2 skill when attuned to fire does not require line of sight to cast, just for something to be targeted.

12/14 TC - CD - FA

in WvW

Posted by: Teknoflow.4618


Here’s an update for the people that asked nicely.


12/14 TC - CD - FA

in WvW

Posted by: Daedalus.3954


Back on topic please: Map/Score Update?

Edit: Thanks Teknoflow.4618

Commander Kaena Godsfire – Guardian
Server – Fort Aspenwood

12/14 TC - CD - FA

in WvW

Posted by: Dolores.5471


Ohh sorry, I get livid when people go “OP ELE NERF BLA BLA BLA” -.
Anyway, you can do that on keeps/towers in which doors have that little open space on top of them, since catas/invaders are usually positioned directly behind the door you can select and destroy them.

12/14 TC - CD - FA

in WvW

Posted by: Waffler.1257


Who knew that FA has more pve players than TC? I was expecting the wintersday stuff to hit TC harder, but it appears FA has suffered the most from it!

Server population limits were increased for the wintersday event, so it’s actually more likely that TC just got a fresh group of transfers to offset any decreased WvW activity due to people doing event stuff. If you look at the rating evolutions this week, there are relatively large swings in most tiers also supporting this.

12/14 TC - CD - FA

in WvW

Posted by: Astry.9476


Iohanna, we kicked Windowshaker from guild after finding out they were exploiting into hills. We reported them as well.

Wish Anet would take faster action towards them.

12/14 TC - CD - FA

in WvW

Posted by: Handin.4032


I’m sad..I was running around as a cute friendly plush griffon, and some FA attacked me made me very sad…

TC Golden Dolyak – [DOLY]
Mesmer – FURY
Rank 55 – Bunker Engi, Top 300

12/14 TC - CD - FA

in WvW

Posted by: DivineBeing.2086


Today in FA BL it was interesting to fight some FA exploiters from taking Cliffside and Green Briar. Flipped them both twice :/.

Not blaming the entire server, but that tactic is just pathetic. I understand you lost your entire BL but never resort to using exploits.

Again, not blaming the entire server.

Lightdivinity – Level 80 Bunker Elementalist
Reshaos – Level 80 Power Necromancer

12/14 TC - CD - FA

in WvW

Posted by: Astry.9476


Today in FA BL it was interesting to fight some FA exploiters from taking Cliffside and Green Briar. Flipped them both twice :/.

Not blaming the entire server, but that tactic is just pathetic. I understand you lost your entire BL but never resort to using exploits.

Again, not blaming the entire server.

Can say the same thing about TC and CD. If you see it, screenshot and could you let the folks on FA know?

12/14 TC - CD - FA

in WvW

Posted by: Haldunius.7864


Today in FA BL it was interesting to fight some FA exploiters from taking Cliffside and Green Briar. Flipped them both twice :/.

Not blaming the entire server, but that tactic is just pathetic. I understand you lost your entire BL but never resort to using exploits.

Again, not blaming the entire server.

Thank god you aren’t blaming the whole server. Your benevolence knows no bounds. Thanks for the great tip though. I was worried it was only pathetic when TC exploits into the keeps and towers but your post clarified that for me.

FA Mesmo – [VK]
Last words – “I’m going to jump off this cliff
and pull all those guys down cuz they’ll die.”