Guild Leader
I just hopped into FABL to see if we really had people trying to exploit anything so we could tell them to knock it off and report them, and ran into a few members of both TSP and JEST. All they were doing was the breakout event.
On a side note, this forum is a joke. I think they just infract any post that contains the word “exploit” and a name or guild tag. So I guess this post will probably be another point for me tonight
sorry, but we wer 6 people plus commander with stream seeing them glitching trough the walls at longview and the door and the cliff.
Yeah, checked back after my post and they were in Longview. Unfortunately I couldn’t catch them there… everyone on FA was too busy trying to kill me!
I talked to them for a few minutes, they claimed that “they were just getting POIs” and it didn’t matter cause “this is a for srs game, yo”… so apparently they don’t really care and don’t see anything wrong with it.
I at least got some screens of the conversation to email to anet.
Mesmer portals, stealth, and teleports — working as intended.
Well, we were just getting PoIs… notice how we never stuck around to defend anything? >_>; Also we built flame rams at the lake! Because that’s an awesome thing to do!
But seriously, last I checked, mesmer portals were not exploits. :P
but u realize that u took garrison like that and our towers that were upgraded!u attacked the lord and took cliffside!that is not the way to do it and if u wanted that POI soo bad why not wait till u guys own it which u did plenty of times this week. u took the places and cost us a lot of money we spent on upgrades,seriously u got to be kidding me!
All that’s happening is that a mesmer is porting us in to grab PoIs/vistas for world completion. We’ve failed to get the Cliffside vista several times due to people arrowcarting the portal. :P It’s totally preventable. We can’t glitch through walls or anything or we’d have all the PoIs already. And on the off chance that we cap a place we immediately leave to grab the next PoI.
Don’t worry, we’re not actually trying to take the place. There are only a few of us, after all.
Oh, well that just makes it all better, right? Doesn’t matter that you just reset the upgrades and removed all of their defensive siege?
Mesmer portals, stealth, and teleports — working as intended.
btw its not the portal iths blink thats causing the glitching through gates
WvW does not cost that much. If you complain about upgrading forts, don’t do it. I’ve dumped plenty of gold into forts and towers, just to watch them get taken again. It’s a constant thing. You’re never going to hold something forever. It can always be reverted. It’s a risk you take.
ok i forgive u!and ty ill use it to get the upgrades going again
(edited by selan.8354)
Hello, everyone. I’m one of the [JEST] officers. On behalf of our guild, I would like to apologize for a misunderstanding on our behalf. Had our members realized their actions were considered exploiting, I have every faith they would not have taken advantage in such a way. We will all do our best to avoid such actions in the future, as we’re not cheaters. Sorry again for any problems we may have caused.
Arrr, dis ‘ere be Sol Ace o’ da Shipwrecked Pirates an’ we see ye nancy boys got yer panties in a bunch o’er some Portal and Catapult usage tonight.
Yarrr har har, ye lubbers an’ yer milksop ways, cryin’ as ye wish when somethin’ not be goin’ yer way.
Pirates an’ Jesters wanted some fun, found some fun, won some and lost some booty, pillaged and plundered while ye lubbers jus’ wondered! Friend o’ mine, foe o’ yers needed to see some places fer her sight, so we all set sail to vanquish her plight!
Garrison, Cliffside were both pirated and taken this night, Longview had defenders which stayed and actually watched over, protectin’ it as ye should… this is why it was also not taken.
A Catapult agains’ a wall will not let ye lubbers know wit’ yer magic map that yer tower be under assault, ye actually need to watch fer points that are vulnerable to attack mateys…this is how you prvent piracy and smuggling, vigilance!
I see yer magic pictures o’ us, me an’ me crew inside yer fancy lads castle, tiower, whate’er ye wish to call it! I’m not quite sure how we be walkin’ through solid rock, I can recall a few times we fell off da cliff to our deaths! …followed by many more o’ ye lubbers to be keelhauled by piratesm, jesters or da sharp rocks an’ snow below.
If ye’ve a problem feel free to speak, but der be no unfair advantage we be usin’ that ye yerselves could not. No walls were walked through, nor flown o’er lads, so quit yer belly achin’ and defend yer points a bit better!
Were this wolrd o’ Tyria to have hooks and ropes, da likes of which be used at sea to hold fast a pirated vessel for the takin’ of the booty…yer lack of defense and wathcful guard would hurt ye much more than it does.
Demoncow, if ye be Rhose o’ Pink I talked wit’ ye and asked fer any input if we were so doing.
Potectorate of Aspenwood lads…we had some good fights and we won and lost good soldiers on bot’ our sides, so why ye gots to be makin’ up lies?
Small scale and stealth assault is not dead in this world, piracy can happen if ye don’t be careful and defend what is yers. Be not upset ye lost it but aware fer da nex’ time!
Yarr har har, peace to all ye lubberous dogs, yer mudder does a better job watching fer ye to come home while she’s swabbin’ me main mast then ye do watching for enemies at some o’ yer towers!
I don’t WvW much. I didn’t know it costed all that. All I know is, a friend of ours said she could get us the vistas, she dropped a portal and we went in!
EDIT: Tried sending some gold, selan. Hopefully you got it. Apologies once again for the trouble.
You might want to tell your friend to knock it off before you all get bans because of it.
I know we’ve been particularly angry when a few miscreants on FA or CD have exploited their way into our stuff.
Usually the people doing it whether they be from FA, CD, or TC know better, yet they do it anyways. We really need to discourage this behavior as a community since ANet doesn’t seem very keen on just fixing the buildings/terrain.
Arrr, dis ‘ere be Sol Ace o’ da Shipwrecked Pirates an’ we see ye nancy boys got yer panties in a bunch o’er some Portal and Catapult usage tonight.
Yarrr har har, ye lubbers an’ yer milksop ways, cryin’ as ye wish when somethin’ not be goin’ yer way.
Pirates an’ Jesters wanted some fun, found some fun, won some and lost some booty, pillaged and plundered while ye lubbers jus’ wondered! Friend o’ mine, foe o’ yers needed to see some places fer her sight, so we all set sail to vanquish her plight!
Garrison, Cliffside were both pirated and taken this night, Longview had defenders which stayed and actually watched over, protectin’ it as ye should… this is why it was also not taken.
A Catapult agains’ a wall will not let ye lubbers know wit’ yer magic map that yer tower be under assault, ye actually need to watch fer points that are vulnerable to attack mateys…this is how you prvent piracy and smuggling, vigilance!
I see yer magic pictures o’ us, me an’ me crew inside yer fancy lads castle, tiower, whate’er ye wish to call it! I’m not quite sure how we be walkin’ through solid rock, I can recall a few times we fell off da cliff to our deaths! …followed by many more o’ ye lubbers to be keelhauled by piratesm, jesters or da sharp rocks an’ snow below.
If ye’ve a problem feel free to speak, but der be no unfair advantage we be usin’ that ye yerselves could not. No walls were walked through, nor flown o’er lads, so quit yer belly achin’ and defend yer points a bit better!
Were this wolrd o’ Tyria to have hooks and ropes, da likes of which be used at sea to hold fast a pirated vessel for the takin’ of the booty…yer lack of defense and wathcful guard would hurt ye much more than it does.
Demoncow, if ye be Rhose o’ Pink I talked wit’ ye and asked fer any input if we were so doing.
Potectorate of Aspenwood lads…we had some good fights and we won and lost good soldiers on bot’ our sides, so why ye gots to be makin’ up lies?
Small scale and stealth assault is not dead in this world, piracy can happen if ye don’t be careful and defend what is yers. Be not upset ye lost it but aware fer da nex’ time!
Yarr har har, peace to all ye lubberous dogs, yer mudder does a better job watching fer ye to come home while she’s swabbin’ me main mast then ye do watching for enemies at some o’ yer towers!
I read all of that in the voice of Captain Barbossa from Pirates of Carribbean :P
Arrr, dis ‘ere be Sol Ace o’ da Shipwrecked Pirates an’ we see ye nancy boys got yer panties in a bunch o’er some Portal and Catapult usage tonight.
Yarrr har har, ye lubbers an’ yer milksop ways, cryin’ as ye wish when somethin’ not be goin’ yer way.
Pirates an’ Jesters wanted some fun, found some fun, won some and lost some booty, pillaged and plundered while ye lubbers jus’ wondered! Friend o’ mine, foe o’ yers needed to see some places fer her sight, so we all set sail to vanquish her plight!
Garrison, Cliffside were both pirated and taken this night, Longview had defenders which stayed and actually watched over, protectin’ it as ye should… this is why it was also not taken.
A Catapult agains’ a wall will not let ye lubbers know wit’ yer magic map that yer tower be under assault, ye actually need to watch fer points that are vulnerable to attack mateys…this is how you prvent piracy and smuggling, vigilance!
I see yer magic pictures o’ us, me an’ me crew inside yer fancy lads castle, tiower, whate’er ye wish to call it! I’m not quite sure how we be walkin’ through solid rock, I can recall a few times we fell off da cliff to our deaths! …followed by many more o’ ye lubbers to be keelhauled by piratesm, jesters or da sharp rocks an’ snow below.
If ye’ve a problem feel free to speak, but der be no unfair advantage we be usin’ that ye yerselves could not. No walls were walked through, nor flown o’er lads, so quit yer belly achin’ and defend yer points a bit better!
Were this wolrd o’ Tyria to have hooks and ropes, da likes of which be used at sea to hold fast a pirated vessel for the takin’ of the booty…yer lack of defense and wathcful guard would hurt ye much more than it does.
Demoncow, if ye be Rhose o’ Pink I talked wit’ ye and asked fer any input if we were so doing.
Potectorate of Aspenwood lads…we had some good fights and we won and lost good soldiers on bot’ our sides, so why ye gots to be makin’ up lies?
Small scale and stealth assault is not dead in this world, piracy can happen if ye don’t be careful and defend what is yers. Be not upset ye lost it but aware fer da nex’ time!
Yarr har har, peace to all ye lubberous dogs, yer mudder does a better job watching fer ye to come home while she’s swabbin’ me main mast then ye do watching for enemies at some o’ yer towers!
No lies, most of your exploiting was frapsed and the people doing it reported through in-game reporting as well as mail to Personally i hope they all get a permaban but i’m not holding my breath.
There will be another Dolyak Parade this evening! To join/get the time and location of the event, you will have to be a member of Team Dolyak miniguild or know someone who is.
<3 Ellie
Cliffside had no active upgades, the wall was normal which is why a catapult could work so well when der be none o’ ye lubbers around.
Garrison had been taken by Crystal Desert, then retaken by FA lads…there were no upgrades there matey. Ye were too busy takin’ da Bay. The supply depot had 490/500 when we keelhauled da Lord! I fail to see yer expense ye blustery lan’ lubber.
TSP been roamin’ and taking lightly or undefended points since the days o’ new opponents e’ery week. Ye plunder what ye can and get away afore ye get yerself killed.
You might want to tell your friend to knock it off before you all get bans because of it.
I know we’ve been particularly angry when a few miscreants on FA or CD have exploited their way into our stuff.
Usually the people doing it whether they be from FA, CD, or TC know better, yet they do it anyways. We really need to discourage this behavior as a community since ANet doesn’t seem very keen on just fixing the buildings/terrain.
The last sentence is WRONG, this is a terirble tragedy. The strength of an MMO comes from a vocal community AND the game being willing to fix things that need to be. If an exploitable issue is found it is reported, it should then be fixed. There was a point overlooking Stonemist Castle where the terrain of a wall does not exist, creatin an alcove where siege placement could be put down, behind a wall for all intents and purposes. I found this in Beta Weekend Event #2, reported it with multiple screenshots, and months later came back and it was STILL there. That is WRONG.
And Protectorate of Ascalon lubber, why are ye the first to complain of us exploiting towers if we’ve been doing it since launch? Can ye back those words up, will others?Exploitation is not using two rams against an undefended normal gate, unless it’s exploiting your weakness by leaving that point undefended. Exploitation is not using a catapult against a section of wall that is undefended to break it down. This is a lack of vigilance.
Arrrr, sorry mateys fer speakin’ like a lubber but dis ‘ere be a very serious issue and is not to be taken lightly. Speak to me if ye’ve something to show or to say, to try and assault us in this market place forum is thug like and rather rude. Har har har, I be jestin’ with ye, be as rude or crass as ye like lads, ye’ll ne’er out salt a salty dog!
Edit: I don’t know what the wall glitch you speak of is. Please enlighten me, if it involves bugging through terrain or teleportation I better know to take proper action. Thank you.
(edited by ScornofLife.3109)
You TC guys are so much fun.
An awesome tower defense turned into a social event with the enemeies. I was surprised to see you all jump down to greet me!
Why can’t we have enemies like you guys? Spent a good 25 minutes running around with you guys while having a blast. Sure, I died 14 times, but it was so worth it. You’ll be missed when you move up a tier. Especially you, PINK. Especially. ?
P.S. Sorry if I killed you. It’s nothing personal. :>
I was that little midget Asuran, and that was some of the funnest stuff I’ve done in a long time.
Really sorry about the people that wouldn’t listen
I find it amazing how many people are still trying to Alt+f4. Please don’t tell them this now kills them and gives us loot. It’s nice to not have to stomp and get more bags
Re Jaldy:
The longer one continues winning (and the easier those wins become), the more complacent (some) players become. The majority of icon commanders who have fielded easy wins over the past month or so will find themselves in dire straights up in tier 2.
Those of us who play for a challenge tend to play less when that challenge is lacking. This leads to your more casual players, and less experienced icons to ‘run’ maps. Not a bad thing, everyone needs to learn. And in tier 2, those who stick it out the entire week will hopefully learn!
As I said before, next week’s match won’t really be representative of any server’s prowess due to where it falls, but the lethargy that creeps into one’s tactics when faced with little threat (and all credit to FA, CD and YB, they all made EB an exciting place for me at times over the past 2 months) will lead to some swift re-evaluation of competence in tier 2.
~Nyari Cil, Queen of EB
~Nyari Cil, Queen of EB
Well said, but I don’t think complaceny is all to blame.
I guess we’ll see how it goes.
Every time I’ve logged into EB the past couple weeks the first thing I’ve done is checked on our entire third — siege, supply, upgrades, repairs, etc. On more than one occasion I’ve left Rogue’s Quarry only to have it flipped by the time I reach Klovan. To say that we’re complacent is an understatement.
Every single time I log in I spend a solid 30 minutes running supply, repairing walls/gates, replacing siege (even simple things like oil drums), and finishing upgrades. Our night crews don’t bother with maintenance and some of our commanders are oblivious as to what’s going on in our third. They log in and go straight into attacking things.
We might have good defensive habits during our prime time hours but our lower population hours are so sloppy that it hurts. I’m almost positive that this is because people don’t think about or consider defending unless we have a zerg running or are in active control of the map, as at that point we have so many people that people can “be lazy” and sit in camps chatting.
I had a conversation with someone a few days ago after defending Golanta from a CD raid. Jerrifer’s and Klovan were both low on supply and missing upgrades, so I asked a few members of our zerg to stay behind and help me get us back up to strength. The response was, “who cares, we’re winning” — this was from the commander. At that point the zerg left, no one stayed behind, and I spent an hour doing what five of us could have done in 10 minutes.
I’m excited to move up into Tier 2 because I know we’re going to get our kitten kicked. We’re going to get stomped and hopefully spawn camped, and it’s going to happen because people don’t want to stop that one mesmer from camping our dolyaks, or because people don’t double check to make sure everything is repaired, or because our commanders would rather know more about enemy tower supply than our own.
It will be glorious, and it will throw water on the server’s head. If that doesn’t pull us out of the stupor then we’re not fit for Tier 2 anyway. Now that we’re done riding the “winning Tier 3 forever” wave we’re probably going to lose some population when we start getting hammered, but I have confidence in our ability to continue to grow and improve.
(And re: maintenance: I am a PuG in WvW. My guild is small and doesn’t play with me often. For our major guilds to not catch stuff like that with superior communication, numbers, and coordination is shameful. Tarnished Coast, I’m one player. I cannot be the only one doing this if we’re to succeed. It might be a different story in our home borderland, but it sure as hell is a mess in EB.)
Re Jaldy:
The longer one continues winning (and the easier those wins become), the more complacent (some) players become. The majority of icon commanders who have fielded easy wins over the past month or so will find themselves in dire straights up in tier 2.
Those of us who play for a challenge tend to play less when that challenge is lacking. This leads to your more casual players, and less experienced icons to ‘run’ maps. Not a bad thing, everyone needs to learn. And in tier 2, those who stick it out the entire week will hopefully learn!
As I said before, next week’s match won’t really be representative of any server’s prowess due to where it falls, but the lethargy that creeps into one’s tactics when faced with little threat (and all credit to FA, CD and YB, they all made EB an exciting place for me at times over the past 2 months) will lead to some swift re-evaluation of competence in tier 2.
~Nyari Cil, Queen of EB
~Nyari Cil, Queen of EB
Well said, but I don’t think complaceny is all to blame.
I guess we’ll see how it goes.
Every time I’ve logged into EB the past couple weeks the first thing I’ve done is checked on our entire third — siege, supply, upgrades, repairs, etc. On more than one occasion I’ve left Rogue’s Quarry only to have it flipped by the time I reach Klovan. To say that we’re complacent is an understatement.
Every single time I log in I spend a solid 30 minutes running supply, repairing walls/gates, replacing siege (even simple things like oil drums), and finishing upgrades. Our night crews don’t bother with maintenance and some of our commanders are oblivious as to what’s going on in our third. They log in and go straight into attacking things.
We might have good defensive habits during our prime time hours but our lower population hours are so sloppy that it hurts. I’m almost positive that this is because people don’t think about or consider defending unless we have a zerg running or are in active control of the map, as at that point we have so many people that people can “be lazy” and sit in camps chatting.
I had a conversation with someone a few days ago after defending Golanta from a CD raid. Jerrifer’s and Klovan were both low on supply and missing upgrades, so I asked a few members of our zerg to stay behind and help me get us back up to strength. The response was, “who cares, we’re winning” — this was from the commander. At that point the zerg left, no one stayed behind, and I spent an hour doing what five of us could have done in 10 minutes.
I’m excited to move up into Tier 2 because I know we’re going to get our kitten kicked. We’re going to get stomped and hopefully spawn camped, and it’s going to happen because people don’t want to stop that one mesmer from camping our dolyaks, or because people don’t double check to make sure everything is repaired, or because our commanders would rather know more about enemy tower supply than our own.
It will be glorious, and it will throw water on the server’s head. If that doesn’t pull us out of the stupor then we’re not fit for Tier 2 anyway. Now that we’re done riding the “winning Tier 3 forever” wave we’re probably going to lose some population when we start getting hammered, but I have confidence in our ability to continue to grow and improve.
(And re: maintenance: I am a PuG in WvW. My guild is small and doesn’t play with me often. For our major guilds to not catch stuff like that with superior communication, numbers, and coordination is shameful. Tarnished Coast, I’m one player. I cannot be the only one doing this if we’re to succeed. It might be a different story in our home borderland, but it sure as hell is a mess in EB.)
It’s not just TC that’s started to slack off… CD and FA don’t seem to be keeping up as much pressure as they were before. When they were… we had far more people doing these sorts of things that you’re doing. I know I spent far more time repairing and making sure the supplies were reaching the towers/keeps when things were harder.
Now it seems pointless when it’ll just get re-capped in a short while due to the lack of pressure we’re feeling vs. the other servers in general (that’s probably the POV of that commander as well).
I hope TC people keep rising to the challenge when it does present itself. I know I’ll enjoy WvW more when we have to work harder to get and hold things.
Re Jaldy:
The longer one continues winning (and the easier those wins become), the more complacent (some) players become. The majority of icon commanders who have fielded easy wins over the past month or so will find themselves in dire straights up in tier 2.
Those of us who play for a challenge tend to play less when that challenge is lacking. This leads to your more casual players, and less experienced icons to ‘run’ maps. Not a bad thing, everyone needs to learn. And in tier 2, those who stick it out the entire week will hopefully learn!
As I said before, next week’s match won’t really be representative of any server’s prowess due to where it falls, but the lethargy that creeps into one’s tactics when faced with little threat (and all credit to FA, CD and YB, they all made EB an exciting place for me at times over the past 2 months) will lead to some swift re-evaluation of competence in tier 2.
~Nyari Cil, Queen of EB
~Nyari Cil, Queen of EB
Well said, but I don’t think complaceny is all to blame.
I guess we’ll see how it goes.
Every time I’ve logged into EB the past couple weeks the first thing I’ve done is checked on our entire third — siege, supply, upgrades, repairs, etc. On more than one occasion I’ve left Rogue’s Quarry only to have it flipped by the time I reach Klovan. To say that we’re complacent is an understatement.
Every single time I log in I spend a solid 30 minutes running supply, repairing walls/gates, replacing siege (even simple things like oil drums), and finishing upgrades. Our night crews don’t bother with maintenance and some of our commanders are oblivious as to what’s going on in our third. They log in and go straight into attacking things.
We might have good defensive habits during our prime time hours but our lower population hours are so sloppy that it hurts. I’m almost positive that this is because people don’t think about or consider defending unless we have a zerg running or are in active control of the map, as at that point we have so many people that people can “be lazy” and sit in camps chatting.
I had a conversation with someone a few days ago after defending Golanta from a CD raid. Jerrifer’s and Klovan were both low on supply and missing upgrades, so I asked a few members of our zerg to stay behind and help me get us back up to strength. The response was, “who cares, we’re winning” — this was from the commander. At that point the zerg left, no one stayed behind, and I spent an hour doing what five of us could have done in 10 minutes.
I’m excited to move up into Tier 2 because I know we’re going to get our kitten kicked. We’re going to get stomped and hopefully spawn camped, and it’s going to happen because people don’t want to stop that one mesmer from camping our dolyaks, or because people don’t double check to make sure everything is repaired, or because our commanders would rather know more about enemy tower supply than our own.
It will be glorious, and it will throw water on the server’s head. If that doesn’t pull us out of the stupor then we’re not fit for Tier 2 anyway. Now that we’re done riding the “winning Tier 3 forever” wave we’re probably going to lose some population when we start getting hammered, but I have confidence in our ability to continue to grow and improve.
(And re: maintenance: I am a PuG in WvW. My guild is small and doesn’t play with me often. For our major guilds to not catch stuff like that with superior communication, numbers, and coordination is shameful. Tarnished Coast, I’m one player. I cannot be the only one doing this if we’re to succeed. It might be a different story in our home borderland, but it sure as hell is a mess in EB.)
I think building defense is just boring to most, I understand it. But, if you left 3-4 people per tower, 5-6 people per keep, and had them upgrading, escorting yaks, putting in siege, running supply, and holding down the supply camps that the keep/tower depends on, that server would have a huge advantage over other servers of the same population.
A very small handful of guilds actually know how to defend that well. Every keep/tower is different, you have to learn where to put siege, what positions can hit you with counter siege, what to upgrade first, etc…
EBG might be a bit different strategy, I havent’ spent enough time defending there to really comment.
CD’s KH guild surprised us in TC by hitting TCBL’s Garrison’s Watergate with a massive zerg and several Omega golems. Garrison fell before reinforcements could arrive. You guys almost took Hills too!
Yes, luckily we managed to kill the Omegas at Hills outer gate and could kick CD out of Hills after they breached inner.
Also… we do NOT like it when someone takes our garrison! Prepare to meet your doom tonighet <evil laugh>
Cliffside had no active upgades, the wall was normal which is why a catapult could work so well when der be none o’ ye lubbers around.
Garrison had been taken by Crystal Desert, then retaken by FA lads…there were no upgrades there matey. Ye were too busy takin’ da Bay. The supply depot had 490/500 when we keelhauled da Lord! I fail to see yer expense ye blustery lan’ lubber.
TSP been exploiting points since the days o’ new opponents e’ery week. Ye plunder what ye can and get away afore ye get yerself killed.
Fixed that for ya.
Also, besides seeing it with my own eyes, I had one of your mesmers admit to using the wall glitch to get into the towers via PM so you’re just making yourself look stupid with posts like this.I never admitted to exploiting anything. I said I was portaling people to the vista and PoI locations, that was it. Because that was all it was.
Honestly all this crying about exploits because of portaling to vistas and PoIs, if mesmer portals cause such an up roar, then remove it from the game.
Yes we should remove Mesmer portal from the game because you can’t keep yourself from “magically entering” enemy structures. Oh, it’s okay though because you needed those POIs and Vistas.
You’ve got to be kittenting me…
I never thought I’d see the day when a well known guild not only uses a known exploit but tries to defend their use of it. You can’t honestly say you didn’t know that blinking through a gate wasn’t intended. You didn’t know you were using an exploit? That’s a joke, right? I guess blame Anet for forcing you into WvW. Why should you have to work your way to those like everyone else when you can just cheat?
The level of integrity is astonishing.
(edited by Stonesolid.2706)
I think building defense is just boring to most, I understand it. But, if you left 3-4 people per tower, 5-6 people per keep, and had them upgrading, escorting yaks, putting in siege, running supply, and holding down the supply camps that the keep/tower depends on, that server would have a huge advantage over other servers of the same population.
A very small handful of guilds actually know how to defend that well. Every keep/tower is different, you have to learn where to put siege, what positions can hit you with counter siege, what to upgrade first, etc…
EBG might be a bit different strategy, I havent’ spent enough time defending there to really comment.
All the maps are dependent on having the 10% of the population who defend, stategise, and know their towers/keep inside out online to do these things.
‘Most’ icon commanders do not think to repair walls, replace siege, act defensively instead of offensively. They don’t know ‘where’ to place defensive siege, or advanced offensive siege. But, this doesn’t matter when you outnumber an opponent, or you’re playing against opponents of a similar skill level.
What ‘most’ icon commanders do is lead around large groups of people to assault towers – often the ‘wrong’ towers, often at the expense of a swift and concise defensive response to any assault in one’s home territory.
EB is different to the BL’s in that it’s a map where ‘defense’ is what ‘wins’ the day. The faster you upgrade your 4 towers and keep, and the less you lose your camps, the larger advantage you have. It allows you to press for SM with relatively security. It allows you to make prolonged attempts at another server’s (ideally) weaker towers. You will never ‘keep’ what you take for more than an hour under normal circumstances – again, different to the BL’s. EB isn’t about take and hold. It’s ‘flip and keep them weak.’
Therefore, if your towers and camps never flip, you are infinitely stronger than your opponents.
Me, I hate losing towers. I hate it :p. I don’t even like losing camps >.> When I’m around, and I’m actually ‘needed’, we don’t lose many towers in EB. Even during weeks when our opposition fielded more even numbers, and stronger tactics, we still didn’t lose towers. We don’t even lose camps (holding Golanta for 5+ hours without loss has become rather standard in these match ups).
I remember holding off Kome, and EDSM, and EsF for over 90min with their prolonged sieges of Klovan at 6am in the morning. We had around 25 people on the map, but that doesn’t matter, because I know exactly how to counter everything you could possibly throw at Klovan. The times I dare to sleep? It’ll flip.
When the right people are in EB to perform the necessary tasks, and the right icon commanders (those being the ones that will listen, that watch the map, and that understand defense > offense), TC does not lose things >.>
This long at the top of tier 3 has led to the situation I described above. I fully expect us to lose a lot of towers in EB next week. Especially as I won’t be around for most of it, and there is arguably nobody more versed in defense on TC, in EB, than myself (though there are quite a few who do exactly what I do, day in, day out, and are the backbone of EB). I am by no means the foremost authority on ‘offense’, however.
Ideally, this will encourage a return to the philosophy I feel sets TC apart from FA and CD (in EB), and that is that taking ‘anything’ from us is a ridiculously daunting prospect. If we remain in tier 2 for more than a week, I’ll be putting forth as much effort as I can to teach folks, once again, how to defend, and communicate with icon commanders as to what they should be doing with their forces, once they’re willing to listen.
~Nyari Cil, Queen of EB, repeater of ‘use the cart in the lord room.’
(edited by Vagrant.1094)
Yes, luckily we managed to kill the Omegas at Hills outer gate and could kick CD out of Hills after they breached inner.
Also… we do NOT like it when someone takes our garrison! Prepare to meet your doom tonighet <evil laugh>
Pfft, we not scurrrd!
Just more fun timez!
Score/Map Update please?
Lurv youuu
Only because you asked nicely and it is Christmas.
Thank you snookums.
Daaaaw, feel the love!
;] I’m too sexy to not love everyone. I mean it won’t stop me from killing you in W3, but I’ll be kitten if we can get our freak on here in the forums.
So there’s a lot of talk about why we won’t succeed in T2, and I think I’ve found the answer to why:
Worthless commanders.
Sugar Packet was rockin’ the game before s/he stepped down to build trebs at SMC, and for the sake of asbestos, some “other” commanders took over throwing rocks at a titanium hull. I spent almost 3 hours defending Anz, upgrading the tower, escorting yaks from Speldan, you know…Something we ought to all do.
It was only 10% away from reinforced doors and it came under heavy treb fire from FA. 20 minutes later and an FA failure at trebbing from the vista, it was breeched. Repeated calls for help were ignored by this commander because you can’t “defend all over the map”. That’s not the point. Chucking rocks at CD’s keep while FA is hurling frozen boulders at our reinforced location is completely unnecessary.
This is why we won’t succeed in T2. Defend a tier 1 tower close to the CD base that you’re chucking rocks at, versus coming to defend a reinforced tower that’s only a waypoint away.
I commend Kerrick and his Elementalist friend for attempting to take out the FA treb @ OL (which was entirely doable, and was stated multiple times in team chat, but ignored by that certain commander).
Yeah, I’m a little kitten, but you can count me out of T2 when we have people that don’t have a map-wide team mentality.
Thanks for you kind words Jaldy. I’m still getting use to EBG, usually the borderlands are what I know best. I am trying to get use to the fast paced battle style of EBG compared to the Borderlands. I think it went fairly well for my 1st time trying to command in EBG
I hope to see you on the battlefield some more VERY soon!
I think I’ll take this moment to remind everyone that although exploits are heinous and very unsportsmanlike (not to mention against the ToS), I’d like to remind all that the majority of the population on the 3 servers have been great, bar a few bad apples.
I’ve thoroughly enjoyed my counters with both CD & TA defences and offensive and if we get knocked back down from T2 to T3 – then I look forward to some good fights again!
Thank you snookums.
I guess that pet name wasn’t reserved for me. Now I’m wondering what else was just pillow talk.
I’m going to need to do some serious thinking about our relationship.
Thank you snookums.
I guess that pet name wasn’t reserved for me. Now I’m wondering what else was just pillow talk.
I’m going to need to do some serious thinking about our relationship.
Aww you know I’m all for you sweet thing.
I think I’ll take this moment to remind everyone that although exploits are heinous and very unsportsmanlike (not to mention against the ToS), I’d like to remind all that the majority of the population on the 3 servers have been great, bar a few bad apples.
I’ve thoroughly enjoyed my counters with both CD & TA defences and offensive and if we get knocked back down from T2 to T3 – then I look forward to some good fights again!
TA? You mean Tarnished Aspenwood? The freak being that spawned when Mr. Sulu tried to beam up FA and beam down TC at the same time?
I think I’ll take this moment to remind everyone that although exploits are heinous and very unsportsmanlike (not to mention against the ToS), I’d like to remind all that the majority of the population on the 3 servers have been great, bar a few bad apples.
I’ve thoroughly enjoyed my counters with both CD & TA defences and offensive and if we get knocked back down from T2 to T3 – then I look forward to some good fights again!
TA? You mean Tarnished Aspenwood? The freak being that spawned when Mr. Sulu tried to beam up FA and beam down TC at the same time?
Oh gods no, think of the angry forum roleplay that would spawn. All of FA’s rage paired with all of TC’s demand for good fashion sense.
Arg, arg, arg.
Da hate be ’n palpable among the servers. TSP be gone ’n found yer stream mateys, which be why we knew where ye where.
We be fare ‘n square and don’t be taking kindly to no bellyaching.
While I don’t support anyone exploiting, they did admit to it and their explanation did make some sense in the mind of a Carebear with a srs case of ‘NEEDZ NOW!!’ I think so many people miss the point of the legendary…a reward for participating in every aspect of the game…If you couldn’t get those PoI its because you simply didn’t care to try. We have have had that tower 2 to 3 times a day this week. Legendaries are srs bsns, just like wvw huh? Don’t expect people to be understanding next time.
Anet needs to fix the issue, and I for one am really dissapointed that WvW is such a low priority to them. I never played Guild Wars but I never once heard from anyone how great the PVE was, it was always the WvW. Why is the best part of that game such an after thought in this one?
Did I hear about another Dolyak Event! I really think more people should join DOLY. I for one have gotten used to fighting you guys and it would be cool to occasionally tap into a 3 server guild to talk about the battles some place other than this heavily moderated forum. Feel free to msg me for an invite, though im not the gleader, I think everyone can invite.
Everyone can, indeed, invite to DOLY The guild bank is also up now, and I will be distributing free Ruminant potions via the guild bank if anyone would like to transform into a dolyak. Please pick them up prior to the event!
People need to relax and enjoy the ride. There shouldn’t be a short-cut to legendaries, they should take a lot of time and effort. The attempt of acquiring one should be more memorable than the actual acquisition. Just my 2 cents.
At any rate, I hope that now that my pre-holiday prep work is done, I can get into WvW more in the following weeks. Hope to see you out there!
Anet needs to fix the issue, and I for one am really dissapointed that WvW is such a low priority to them. I never played Guild Wars but I never once heard from anyone how great the PVE was, it was always the WvW. Why is the best part of that game such an after thought in this one?
Because there was no WvW in Guild Wars.
[TV] is having a great time out in EB playing a rousing game of Pretty Pretty Princess. Thanks for OL!
(edited by Vanity.2506)
Anet needs to fix the issue, and I for one am really dissapointed that WvW is such a low priority to them. I never played Guild Wars but I never once heard from anyone how great the PVE was, it was always the WvW. Why is the best part of that game such an after thought in this one?
Yeah the WvW attention is disappointing. I bought the game for WvW and the advertised lack of “progression” (no treadmill). I’m having some fun today, but w/o changes I’m not sure I would fork out more $ for an xpac if its just more of the same (and I would not still be playing at all if this game had a sub). I suspect their focus is where the $ are though. This game launched with something like 2 million copies sold…..the wvw population today is a tiny, tiny fraction of this….so either there has been a giant exodus overall from the entire game (likely) and/or there is a ton of PvE only players who are dumping a ton of RL $ in the store for PvE fluff that Anet is catering too first. Who knows.
Yeah the WvW attention is disappointing. I bought the game for WvW and the advertised lack of “progression” (no treadmill). I’m having some fun today, but w/o changes I’m not sure I would fork out more $ for an xpac if its just more of the same (and I would not still be playing at all if this game had a sub).
I’m in total agreement with you here. This game is holding on to me with a string right now. If they don’t make some changes, it will snap, and I’ll move on to something else.
Just thought I’d throw in a little levity:
Yes, I am saddened that TC’s excursion into tier 2 will be cut tragically short by the sudden onset of Armageddon.
Apocalypse is a real downer.
Happy holidays!
Just thought I’d throw in a little levity:
Yes, I am saddened that TC’s excursion into tier 2 will be cut tragically short by the sudden onset of Armageddon.
Apocalypse is a real downer.
Happy holidays!
Lol. Not a R.E.M. fan I take it?
Lol. Not a R.E.M. fan I take it?
Oh, I love to nap. I’m an extreme napper.
I was referring to the common interpretation of the Mayan calender, that indicates December 21st marks the End of the World As We Know It.
I think there’s actually a prophecy that roughly translates to: ’when the sullied waters rise to meet the gate of night, then shall the serpent swallow the whole of the world.’ *
Clearly, "sullied waters" is the Tarnished Coast and "gate of night" is Black Gate. The serpent is... I dunno. Probably Nexon.
So, grab your ankles and alla dat, ’cuz the final curtain call is tomorrow!
* There is no such prophecy.
(edited by Hydrophidian.4319)
But do you feel fine?
But do you feel fine?
I do believe he has no idea what you are talking about
the I love to nap made me spit out my drink
Well he did cite the song title so I wasn’t sure
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