12/21 BP vs EB vs DH vs Xmas
So..gues my guild doesn’t matter eh?
When are you on man?
My guild ain’t big enough either,
We need more people in our Guild.
We gotta make it big.
Rethesis is classy and one of the big reasons we are rooting for Darkhaven in every match. Go go DH!
Think so? Because I just happened to find a spy from them on Ehmry Bay.
Ms Refurinn[RE] I believe. Now It’s possible he/she is finishing map completion, but at least have the respect to take off the guild tag in doing so.
No one from rethesis would endorse a spy if it were known. That being said, we haven’t gotten through the loss of DH’s wvwvw population unscathed. We have lost a lot of players to other servers as well.
Short of conspiracy theories there are a lot of reasons why some one with an RE tag might be on your server. Then again, conspiracy theories are fun???
Funny. I found another one of your members today in Eternal, Low level thief too. Argent Bandit i think it was.
1. You’re sending people over to spy
2. You’re recruiting in overflows
3. They came over to do JPs/World CompletionI wouldn’t be surprised if it was all three.
What reason could we possibly have for spying on you? The second 2 are far more likely than creating conspiracy theories.
Like I said before, there are a lot of reasons why people from our guild might be on your server. Spying is not one of them.
(edited by fellyn.5083)
Has been a fun matchup this week I have to say. Shout out to nonofyourbusiness from borliss pass and the other p/d guy he runs with. Partied up with him roamed a bit. Talked about builds etc met another guy from borliss really cool.
Shout out to [WE] Guild from Darkhaven and the Commander Big Norn Guardian that had a small zerg chasing me.
Hey BP stop being so opportunistic in EB ;p
I dont focus on BP in EB in but if yall want to play hot potatoe with our Ogrewatch I dont mind flipping Durios and Bravost either.
3 commanders and still not being able to take thier garri even with borlis helping us. Been trying to take that darkhaven garri for 12 hours. I thought all of Darkhaven’s Major guilds left. I know RE wasnt there either.. Sad Sad day for emery and borlis.
(edited by LightningStrikesThrice.8547)
Has been a fun matchup this week I have to say. Shout out to nonofyourbusiness from borliss pass and the other p/d guy he runs with. Partied up with him roamed a bit. Talked about builds etc met another guy from borliss really cool.
Shout out to [WE] Guild from Darkhaven and the Commander Big Norn Guardian that had a small zerg chasing me.
Server: BlackGate!
Where is Dragonbrand? Did they finally move up the tier?
So..gues my guild doesn’t matter eh?
When are you on man?
Just messin with you.
Server: Northern Shiverpeaks, Commander
Guild: Legends and Myth [Myth]
So..gues my guild doesn’t matter eh?
[WE] and a few commanders step up to the game during offpeak hours, that’s why they don’t get noticed much. But whereas people usually give up during those times, they keep pushing even when outnumbered, pug’d etc. Smile Acium
Where is Dragonbrand? Did they finally move up the tier?
Most likely Emhry will be moving back up this reset so we’ll have Dragonbrand again.
(edited by Goblin.1586)
it wasnt that dragonbrand moved up as much as ehmry moved down, but good fights tonight ehrmy, i was the single commander out there tonight in bp border and eb my followers were listening like a dream always fun to command those types of groups
looks like we had a good showing tonight we were running 60 ppl at midnight and prolly 50 at 2 am pst, looks like people are getting home from their travels expect a hard push till the finish ehmry, gonna close some points a bit.
overall it was good fights this week you guys are very coordinated
Guild: Ominous Threat
Server: Fort Aspenwood
it wasnt that dragonbrand moved up as much as ehmry moved down, but good fights tonight ehrmy, i was the single commander out there tonight in bp border and eb my followers were listening like a dream
always fun to command those types of groups
looks like we had a good showing tonight we were running 60 ppl at midnight and prolly 50 at 2 am pst, looks like people are getting home from their travelsexpect a hard push till the finish ehmry, gonna close some points a bit.
overall it was good fights this week you guys are very coordinated
Meh EBay usually shows you what its about on Friday-Sun
Then its back to work/school/etc.
What’s funny is during reset I’ve yet to see a server be able to match what Ebay does. If we actually had the numbers/guilds/computergeekbasementdwellars that the higher tier servers got we’d be pretty high up the tier ladder.
Personally though i believe that the lower tiers hold more player skill than the upper tiers….so i’m happy down here =)
DH Last Stand
All maps are green but DH garrison has held on for more than 5 hours now. Thanks to Flint Iron Fist for insisting on upgrades, and the brilliant and charismatic Andrew Sinclaire for smart, decisive commanding!
Hopefully it’ll push through til the next shift arrives. The battle is still ongoing.
it wasnt that dragonbrand moved up as much as ehmry moved down, but good fights tonight ehrmy, i was the single commander out there tonight in bp border and eb my followers were listening like a dream
always fun to command those types of groups
looks like we had a good showing tonight we were running 60 ppl at midnight and prolly 50 at 2 am pst, looks like people are getting home from their travelsexpect a hard push till the finish ehmry, gonna close some points a bit.
overall it was good fights this week you guys are very coordinated
hello, I am the [ToFu] commander from EB. I guess you are the guardian who we fought just now in BP BL. Not bad on defending the garrison. Good job guy !
hi DH and BP all guys , i guess that DB will see u at next matchup. i am waiting that play more funny at next matchup. UM…. EB will up to tier 4.
I’m still having fun fighting you guys, but I do kind of wish all players would show more respect towards each other…dancing over dead bodies, “sleeping” just beyond the spawn points…I know all of us can be better sports than that. It makes me ashamed when I see my fellow Ehmry bays taunting and mocking their opponents, especially when we only won a skirmish because we had more numbers. I get it, that sometimes a victory over a really obnoxiously-hard-to-kill opponent is really something you want to celebrate, but it makes us look like jerks, and then they start doing back to us in retaliation…and bad blood is created, which makes it harder to have actual FUN.
Speaking of obnoxious-to-kill opponents…Props to the dagger dagger Eles in both BP and DH – you guys are SO hard to kill! I can’t say I’ve participated in the kill of any one of you – you just don’t die! xD
Katalii (40ish Asuran Mesmer), Katalyn Galadheon (15ish Human Warrior)
I get it, that sometimes a victory over a really obnoxiously-hard-to-kill opponent is really something you want to celebrate, but it makes us look like jerks, and then they start doing back to us in retaliation…and bad blood is created, which makes it harder to have actual FUN.
I like to /salute opponents who give me a good fight, even if it means doing so while a zerg is incoming. With stoicism, I salute my opponent in one final act of respect before their minions tear me apart. At least thats how it plays out in my head! haha
-From a d/d ele thats not too hard to kill
(edited by Tuluum.9638)
So..gues my guild doesn’t matter eh?
Hell no Actium, your guild matters just as much. I’ve run with you guys a bunch and I’m ALWAYS glad to see your commander tag on & guildies around when kitten hits the fan.
Dr Hoppenheimer – Engi / Meowzir – Guard /
Mulcibur Nox – Ele / Mr Directed – Mes
DH Last Stand
All maps are green but DH garrison has held on for more than 5 hours now. Thanks to Flint Iron Fist for insisting on upgrades, and the brilliant and charismatic Andrew Sinclaire for smart, decisive commanding!
Hopefully it’ll push through til the next shift arrives. The battle is still ongoing.
Gooo Order of Providence~
A shout out to the EBay thieves – you guys are out in numbers and you’re good! The number of times I’ve looked at my kidneys on the floor this week… The CC gets a bit tiresome, but every fantasy PvP seems to ‘need’ it for some reason that is completely beyond me. They should put lots of CC in all FPS games, then ppl would flock to GW2.
I’ve had the outmanned buff more than I care to remember this week, but we’ve learned a lot from EBay, not least of all humility and ltp, and and thanks for that. Things that come to mind are your camp ballista defense, portal bombs on camp trebs, warding on keep entrances and rapid cross-map response. Well, we haven’t all learned these things yet, but we’ve been shown them!
My most memorable fight was in EBay BL where we held Briar for 2 hrs against ever increasing numbers + golems. 4+ trebs got us in the end and the whole time I was chatting to an EB player (sorry I don’t remember your name, GoldSomething?). We had mutual respect and all agreed it was an epic fight on both sides. I was sorry to hear about the inevitable haters, who doesn’t like a good fight?
Can’t say I’ll be completely sorry when you return to your rightful tier. Here’s to staying in the lower tiers and not having to patrol every point 24/7 “For Great Boredom!” Maybe we’ll meet again on more equal footing once BP is all grown up.
To our commanders, you were sorely noticed in your absence and appreciated on your return!
The Order of Digital Knightz [DKz]
Borlis Pass
Shout out to NP on EB I hear yall run around like bosses while in wvw while I PVE.
To the EB Commander that was in EB-borderlands that partied me (while i was just farming sometime last night), you guys are pretty cool. i’m probably gonna head back to FA sometime tomorrow. keep working at it, and best of wishes in trying to get back to T4.
to the mesmer that kept interrupting my solo-caps…you alwayse just get there as i’m about to kill the camp captain…gg i couldn’t kill you but i hope the chase was fun. showed you 2 jump spots. i have like 6 around foghaven
~solo-Ranger Luriyu.
To the EB Commander that was in EB-borderlands that partied me (while i was just farming sometime last night), you guys are pretty cool. i’m probably gonna head back to FA sometime tomorrow. keep working at it, and best of wishes in trying to get back to T4.
to the mesmer that kept interrupting my solo-caps…you alwayse just get there as i’m about to kill the camp captain…gg i couldn’t kill you but i hope the chase was fun. showed you 2 jump spots. i have like 6 around foghaven
~solo-Ranger Luriyu.
-the mesmer that kept interrupting your solo-caps -.-
DH Last Stand
All maps are green but DH garrison has held on for more than 5 hours now. Thanks to Flint Iron Fist for insisting on upgrades, and the brilliant and charismatic Andrew Sinclaire for smart, decisive commanding!
Hopefully it’ll push through til the next shift arrives. The battle is still ongoing.
Gooo Order of Providence~
Hi Leaf!
To that thief from Emhry Bay with the guild tag [INC], finally a good thief I met from your server (who doesn’t run around with other bunch of thieves). Fun 1v1, I really couldn’t tell who’d win that as others kept interrupting, haha. But /salute.
On a side note:
I’ve waken up and all and it seems DH garrison is still intact (helped def for 6hrs before going to sleep, 4hrs later upon waking it’s alive!). Props to Livebait and Flint Iron Fist who took over after Andrew, and to Littlefeather a bit later <3
To that thief from Emhry Bay with the guild tag [INC], finally a good thief I met from your server (who doesn’t run around with other bunch of thieves). Fun 1v1, I really couldn’t tell who’d win that as others kept interrupting, haha. But /salute.
On a side note:
I’ve waken up and all and it seems DH garrison is still intact (helped def for 6hrs before going to sleep, 4hrs later upon waking it’s alive!). Props to Livebait and Flint Iron Fist who took over after Andrew, and to Littlefeather a bit later <3
There are quite a bit of Ebay thieves that solo.
Sometimes tho ya just have to group up b/c the 5-10 players you are fighting picked up 1-2 that actually know how to play.
Learned something new from EB today
Does that cata actually hit anything? It looks like the rocks will slam into that cliff…
Sometimes tho ya just have to group up
I’ve always posted the question as a sort of fun-trivia thing: What would you hate fighting most of repeat classes — multiple thieves/mesmers/necros?
I’ve encountered a few thieves solo (I remember a sylvari one; most are humans) but fights stretch out too long that reinforcements eventually arrive from their or my side. Personally though if I am to group up (for roaming purposes) I try not to have double classes as it becomes quite unfair.
Either way both sides have some really good players.
In the meanwhile:
Current state of the nation
This is just to express how much of a fun and learning experience it has been this week fighting against Ehmry Bay. Be it when we’re conducting a siege, defending against one, or having open field battles, Ehmry has shown that it knows numerous advanced tactics that we in Darkhaven can definitely learn from. That aside, I’ve also met some very good Ehmry Assassins that were kind enough to give us some pointers on how they go about their “chaotic” business. It’s always nice when elite players share their knowledge, even to those that they’re fighting against. Creates better competition overall.
Sadly though, it seems like we will most likely finish in 3rd this week unless we can rally back the points we lost during the past few days. That being said, we’re looking forward to this week’s finale. Hopefully, we can pull something off.
Home World: Darkhaven [US] Representing: Order of Providence [OP]
The Order is currently enjoining recruits to join our cause.
Just got out of BP borderlands.
Fun night of defending garrison with barely 5 at first then being able to rally more to push out to Woodhaven. The fights on the north side to knock down those couple of trebs you guys set up was fun.
When we finally decided to push and take the tower, you guys pushed NW gate at garrison and had I think 2 Golems at the inner gate around 20% when we made it back to stop you guys. I was telling people to not take the tower but instead camp inside lol, good thing no one listened to me.
Thanks for the action and good fights all around.
Some interesting fights this week for sure. I do think EB should have one guild and you could put them all under the same tag. [IRUN] would be fitting
I kid EB.
Commander Plok The Original Leader of Shadow of Agony [GOAT]
So..gues my guild doesn’t matter eh?
It does, a lot.
For a guild called One Vs Ten Np you sure do run in small zergs a lot. You guys also seem to not like the fact that I’m an asura :P
Good luck to both BP and DH. Even though we ran away with it you guys never gave up.
DH, hang in there. You had some great numbers in our BL but the coordination and tactics weren’t quite there. There were plenty of times we defeated larger parties because of that. Also, have to say I enjoyed chilling with Loki and our commander Goldiy the other day. It was nice to not kill everyone you come across for a change! Lastly, to the ranger who killed my treb with your pet at Hills in EB BL a few hours ago… nice work! Although you annoyed me to no end while doing it. I definitely learned that the invincible treb spot is not safe from pets!
BP, I didn’t see you guys that much while I was on. However, your server has like 2 hours of power every night that is very impressive. Hopefully your coverage improves because you certainly show moments of strength.
Good fights all around this week!
Unseen Spectacle – Necromancer
[FATE] – Ehmry Bay
For a guild called One Vs Ten Np
It’s a pun. They’ll Ten Vs One Np you anytime :>
to the ranger who killed my treb with your pet at Hills in EB BL a few hours ago
We took a tower hoping we’d get some action. Instead what we got was siege fighting with a mesmer and thief, and your treb later. Pretty empty for a last day :<
I had fun with some 1v1’s today… although I won neither
One fight was with a d/d ele (I think!) at the sentry point above Champions… after fighting for a good 10 mins, we decided neither of us would be able to finish each other off bowed, an left…
The other was against a sub 80 mesmer in EB and with a sub 80 hunter…. hunter didn’t do much tbh… but anyways took forever to try to kill the mesmer.. and when I finally got her down to like 5% life… I went for the kill with a Death Blossom….. right off the #$
# cliff! T__T
Ahhh…. fun Gl to both DH and BP, you guys were fun, sporting opponents
Ebay Asura Thief
For a guild called One Vs Ten Np
It’s a pun. They’ll Ten Vs One Np you anytime :>
to the ranger who killed my treb with your pet at Hills in EB BL a few hours ago
We took a tower hoping we’d get some action. Instead what we got was siege fighting with a mesmer and thief, and your treb later. Pretty empty for a last day :<
yeah, the BL was pretty deserted when you did that. I built a treb because I could not get anyone to help retake the tower. I was on my alt at the time who happens to be a thief; So that was likely me.
Unseen Spectacle – Necromancer
[FATE] – Ehmry Bay