12/21: NSP | Anvil Rock | DR

12/21: NSP | Anvil Rock | DR

in WvW

Posted by: Ambushbug.3146


WoWoWoWOWOW! What a biblical battle for the AR Bay!

To the commander of AR that took it from us kudos to you and your group. That was probably the greatest chess match I have ever played..

Golems, to trebbing to counter trebbing.. I mean it was just an amazing fight..

I was the commander of the defense and I haven’t had a battle like that in WvW in a long time. Great job to everyone involved! Even though we lost it..

Kudos to each and every DR person that helped defend. At some points we even had the outmanned buff.

Indeed! I had the pleasure of being part of this battle, though on the eventual losing end, and it was epic. Most fun I’ve had in WvW since joining the game. Great fight on both sides, much respect to all.

Leader of The Screaming Basenjis [TSB]
Mighty Hyperion-Warrior ~ Koweta-Ranger ~ Leephor-Necro ~ Mighty Mental-Mesmer

12/21: NSP | Anvil Rock | DR

in WvW

Posted by: Malikaii.6149


Great battles against NSP in EB

This is a great matchup and finally a tier we are not just the Zerg server. Hopefully we are showing we have some tactics and not the one trick ponies were labelled.

Props to all

I would say you’re welcome.
But so far I’ve only seen one trick pony tactics.

You attack Northern SM with trebs.
We lose outer wall.
We beat you.
You run back to your keep and hide.
Your keep is stacked with siege.
We have to fall back.
And repeat cycle.

We’ve attacked it from every angle. Not enough people to cover it all.
Commanding in EB all day though.
Sorry if I’m slightly grumpy.

Attached image is me though.
If you see me, give me a wave.
(Spikey Guardian Commander with Vision of the Mists (pink glowing sword) who will rush head first into the enemy zerg)

Hey cmd Bird song,
i like fighting your guild, although i grind my teeth everytime we let you build that fire base on the hill over OL. We tried the mad rush counter on reset which failed. We managed to counter treb today though. Everytime a treb went down the other side threw up another. One of your treb firers is a great shot though, bang on tgt against our counter trebs all the time.
ill make a special effort to look for you in future, if you ever get an arrow in the eye – thatll be me

That was me I have nothing better to do than range trebs all day.

Best thief in the game
[Os] Executive Officer

12/21: NSP | Anvil Rock | DR

in WvW

Posted by: Rob.7624


Great battles against NSP in EB

This is a great matchup and finally a tier we are not just the Zerg server. Hopefully we are showing we have some tactics and not the one trick ponies were labelled.

Props to all

I would say you’re welcome.
But so far I’ve only seen one trick pony tactics.

You attack Northern SM with trebs.
We lose outer wall.
We beat you.
You run back to your keep and hide.
Your keep is stacked with siege.
We have to fall back.
And repeat cycle.

We’ve attacked it from every angle. Not enough people to cover it all.
Commanding in EB all day though.
Sorry if I’m slightly grumpy.

Attached image is me though.
If you see me, give me a wave.
(Spikey Guardian Commander with Vision of the Mists (pink glowing sword) who will rush head first into the enemy zerg)

Hey cmd Bird song,
i like fighting your guild, although i grind my teeth everytime we let you build that fire base on the hill over OL. We tried the mad rush counter on reset which failed. We managed to counter treb today though. Everytime a treb went down the other side threw up another. One of your treb firers is a great shot though, bang on tgt against our counter trebs all the time.
ill make a special effort to look for you in future, if you ever get an arrow in the eye – thatll be me

I believe that was Commander Kerjors fine shooting that you are referring to, I know, because I was laughing.
(Sorry IRD but during morning I watched Kerjor take out 5 of their trebs with his single flash treb. He was shooting and blocking their attacks at one point. One man armied it)
Red keep is overpowered. That hill is probably my favourite vantage point to use, its a high tier server move from what I know. Not many norms recognise it as viable, but its kitten effective.

Commander Bird Song
Northern Shiverpeaks Night Crew
Os Guild

12/21: NSP | Anvil Rock | DR

in WvW

Posted by: Rob.7624


The situation in EB has turned into a stalemate. Neither we nor NSP have enough strength to smash eachother’s defenses. We can’t take stonemist, and you guys can’t take overlook. We can’t get organized enough to take stonemist, and you guys can’t build up enough strength to push through our absurd amounts of siege. It’s very exhausting.

Tell me about it.

But then again, I have a nasty plan for tomorrows (todays) night shift.
Prepare to lose your keep while you sleep cause I’m going to creep.. all da way in.

It rhymes, you love it.

Commander Bird Song
Northern Shiverpeaks Night Crew
Os Guild

12/21: NSP | Anvil Rock | DR

in WvW

Posted by: Morningstar.6208


The situation in EB has turned into a stalemate. Neither we nor NSP have enough strength to smash eachother’s defenses. We can’t take stonemist, and you guys can’t take overlook. We can’t get organized enough to take stonemist, and you guys can’t build up enough strength to push through our absurd amounts of siege. It’s very exhausting.

Tell me about it.

But then again, I have a nasty plan for tomorrows (todays) night shift.
Prepare to lose your keep while you sleep cause I’m going to creep.. all da way in.

It rhymes, you love it.

My suspension is over Tuesday 5am server time in the morning you better prepare your self.

Commander Sir Morningstar of Devona’s Rest, Army of Devona [AoD] Guild Leader

12/21: NSP | Anvil Rock | DR

in WvW

Posted by: Darwinism.8619


T’was the day before Christmas… And in the Borderlands and EB
I Ponder why all the Siege… Seems to be aiming at me

Do they want to Kill me… Cause I wear a [PRO] tag
Are they Shooting at me… for the Badge and Loot Bag

I am just passing by… Was not even attacking
Now it seems that I’m crippled… & the Bleeding keeps Stacking

See I want a Legend… for my Elementalist Toon
And I need Map Completion… So Grant me this Boon

Please Stop with the Trebs…Pults… Carts… and Ballista
Let me get to the Tower… and Cap this dang Vista

And to Shiverpeaks and A Rock… as I limp out of Sight
“Happy Holidays from DR… and to all a Great Fight”


Darwin Ism(HumanThief) Thin The Herd(HumanMezmer) Abuzz Kill(AsuranD/D Ele)
[PRO] World Defender

(edited by Darwinism.8619)

12/21: NSP | Anvil Rock | DR

in WvW

Posted by: Morningstar.6208


T’was the day before Christmas… And in the Borderlands and EB
I Ponder why all the Siege… Seems to be aiming at me

Do they want to Kill me… Cause I wear a [PRO] tag
Are they Shooting at me… for the Badge and Loot Bag

I am just passing by… Was not even attacking
Now it seems that I’m crippled… & the Bleeding keeps Stacking

See I want a Legend… for my Elementalist Toon
And I need Map Completion… So Grant me this Boon

Please Stop with the Trebs…Pults… Carts… and Ballista
Let me get to the Tower… and Cap this dang Vista

And to Shiverpeaks and A Rock… as I limp out of Sight
“Happy Holidays from DR… and to all a Great Fight”


Commander Sir Morningstar of Devona’s Rest, Army of Devona [AoD] Guild Leader

12/21: NSP | Anvil Rock | DR

in WvW

Posted by: Karg.2381


yay SM is DR red again
now to see how long we can hold it


12/21: NSP | Anvil Rock | DR

in WvW

Posted by: Morningstar.6208


Go get their keeps

Commander Sir Morningstar of Devona’s Rest, Army of Devona [AoD] Guild Leader

12/21: NSP | Anvil Rock | DR

in WvW

Posted by: Jurrzy.1594


Epic ending to that stalemate. NSP really fought hard, but the end result was, as always, a Devona victory. Viva Devona’s Rest!

(P.S. Not mean, just showing a little server pride. AR and NSP, you guys are amazing)

Garrzz- Devona’s Rest

(edited by Jurrzy.1594)

12/21: NSP | Anvil Rock | DR

in WvW

Posted by: Zeroumus.5402


dont worry, NSP has gone to bed now, they will take it back at 4am

be interesting to see what happens when they meet morning star on tuesday if the pattern continues

12/21: NSP | Anvil Rock | DR

in WvW

Posted by: Heros Slayer.7081

Heros Slayer.7081

Any chance of a score update? as someone who recently got crushed by DR I’m curious to see how they are doing in T6, also from the few posts I’ve read it seems like a good match

Lvl 80 ranger
WvW member of LK on HoD
on a side note no one cares if you 1v3-5 in WvW.

12/21: NSP | Anvil Rock | DR

in WvW

Posted by: Jurrzy.1594


Any chance of a score update? as someone who recently got crushed by DR I’m curious to see how they are doing in T6, also from the few posts I’ve read it seems like a good match

We’re doing pretty good, with a nice balance. We’re leading, but not by a ridiculous amount. We had a ridiculous stalemate today, the lines didn’t move for five hours, and not because no one was playing, but a final push by two of our greatest commanders, mainly Darkestshadows, made us victorious. Anvil Rock and Northern Shiverpeaks are clearly very talented. Sorry for not having a screenshot.

Garrzz- Devona’s Rest

(edited by Jurrzy.1594)

12/21: NSP | Anvil Rock | DR

in WvW

Posted by: Jurrzy.1594


The situation in EB has turned into a stalemate. Neither we nor NSP have enough strength to smash eachother’s defenses. We can’t take stonemist, and you guys can’t take overlook. We can’t get organized enough to take stonemist, and you guys can’t build up enough strength to push through our absurd amounts of siege. It’s very exhausting.

Tell me about it.

But then again, I have a nasty plan for tomorrows (todays) night shift.
Prepare to lose your keep while you sleep cause I’m going to creep.. all da way in.

It rhymes, you love it.

My suspension is over Tuesday 5am server time in the morning you better prepare your self.

No offense Morningstar, but “Tuesday” is Christmas Day. Don’t expect us to have huge numbers, or the other servers, for that matter. I know I won’t be playing. There will be some people, of course, but don’t expect huge numbers.

Still, it’s good to have someone watching. I’ve got a very bad feeling NSP will pull some trick on Tuesday

Garrzz- Devona’s Rest

12/21: NSP | Anvil Rock | DR

in WvW

Posted by: Divrocks.5718


Image attached,

Remember meeeeeeeee….

(The dude who tried to solo your zerg)

That’s me.

Morningstar be assured you’re not alone.
Rest of the commanders are doing fine.
I’ve been in EB and have been capping everything.
Took back SM a couple times and will be here in the future!

Night Nighttt the Necro
Deadly Legends [DDLG]
Droppin baddies since 2012

12/21: NSP | Anvil Rock | DR

in WvW

Posted by: Morningstar.6208


I know I can trust you Darkest. Thank you.

Commander Sir Morningstar of Devona’s Rest, Army of Devona [AoD] Guild Leader

12/21: NSP | Anvil Rock | DR

in WvW

Posted by: Aeolus.3615


The situation in EB has turned into a stalemate. Neither we nor NSP have enough strength to smash eachother’s defenses. We can’t take stonemist, and you guys can’t take overlook. We can’t get organized enough to take stonemist, and you guys can’t build up enough strength to push through our absurd amounts of siege. It’s very exhausting.

Yes, yes, great battle between DR keep and SM, exhausting is the right word.

*Can any gentle soul post new data on scores?

1st April joke, when gw2 receives a “balance” update.

12/21: NSP | Anvil Rock | DR

in WvW

Posted by: FilthyRat.4652


morningstar, you do rage a lot and I hear a lot of complaints from people… not sure if the ban is warranted though (filter is there for a reason)

however, it is true that morningstar is online for like 20 hours a day in wvw lol I’ll give him that… thats gonna hurt not having a blue icon there all the time

Lol… sounds like ArenaNet had to bust out their Sword of a Thousand Truths

Barodd-80 W/Kremklin-80 Me/Dokast-80 Nec
Nine Divines (ND)
Sorrow’s Furnace

12/21: NSP | Anvil Rock | DR

in WvW

Posted by: Rastofin.6132


I, for one, can’t wait for Tuesday at 5 am, because absolutely nothing is going to change. It will be like all of those times the world was supposed to end.

There are some absolutely fantastic commanders on DR that are being overshadowed by the loudest and most visible. They just don’t micromanage everything in map chat even when they only have one or two pugs following them. Props to those on DR leading by example.

…I hear the world is ending on Tuesday at 5 am.

Devona’s Rest
Rastofin – Guardian [SoCo]
T Zen – Mesmer [RegA]

12/21: NSP | Anvil Rock | DR

in WvW

Posted by: Rob.7624


Thanks to all the guys who helped take SM with me.
It was tier 3, and we had one of the worst pug Commanders on the map at the same time. But you guys stuck with me all the same. Good Job.


Commander Bird Song
Northern Shiverpeaks Night Crew
Os Guild

12/21: NSP | Anvil Rock | DR

in WvW

Posted by: Keyba.9570


And don’t forget, Good Job to AR for defending a multiple Golem takeover from both sides =)

Revenant is life

12/21: NSP | Anvil Rock | DR

in WvW

Posted by: Karg.2381


Yeah we botched that at the last moment. Stormed through the outer ring, but i think the golems were a little eager to get at the inner door. They didnt give us time to take the cannons and oil before beginning the assualt.
What can i say, we are young and eager lol.
But when the AR reinforcments turned up – it was all over.


12/21: NSP | Anvil Rock | DR

in WvW

Posted by: Karg.2381


there was a funny moment today for me though. Pro set up a golem rampage through NSP BL. after taking hill we moved towards garrison. We stopped breifly at the crossroads and watched a group of 8 NSP run straight past us and keep going towards the temple.
It was like those 8 golems were invisible of something – i was like wtf how did they not see us.
That small oversight led to every keep and tower falling to those golems.

Funny times


12/21: NSP | Anvil Rock | DR

in WvW

Posted by: Zeroumus.5402


SM back in Devona’s hands


(edited by Zeroumus.5402)

12/21: NSP | Anvil Rock | DR

in WvW

Posted by: Singlemalt.4021


inside Shadaran bastion no gates or wall down 2 min later got portal bomb right in the lord room gg exploit


Side-Nick ele/Nicktamere ranger
Os guild-NSP

12/21: NSP | Anvil Rock | DR

in WvW

Posted by: Zeroumus.5402


inside Shadaran bastion no gates or wall down 2 min later got portal bomb right in the lord room gg exploit

i dunno, looks to me like you just stat there taking screen shots instead of going after the guy, sounds like the take over was personally your fault. am i missing something here?

12/21: NSP | Anvil Rock | DR

in WvW

Posted by: Karg.2381


epic battle at SM, 2 walls down, gate down – being trebbed, golems incoming. Managed to repel 4 assaults so far from NSP.

Keep it up, and merry xmas


12/21: NSP | Anvil Rock | DR

in WvW

Posted by: Rob.7624


epic battle at SM, 2 walls down, gate down – being trebbed, golems incoming. Managed to repel 4 assaults so far from NSP.

Keep it up, and merry xmas

AR decided they wanted a piece of us too.
But I’m off now. Glad you enjoyed it.
Gnight guys.

Commander Bird Song
Northern Shiverpeaks Night Crew
Os Guild

12/21: NSP | Anvil Rock | DR

in WvW

Posted by: Karg.2381


cya Bird song,
We had to repel anvil at the lords room and then a portal bomb at the other side of the keep. Im out now 2.

Merry xmas all


12/21: NSP | Anvil Rock | DR

in WvW

Posted by: Dhampyr.2104


From a T8 lurker, just wanted to say great job to AR and NSP. Glad to see you guys giving DR a good run! Still, as much as I hated ’em when they were down here amongst us common folk in T8, gotta cheer for my former T8 guys!

Eve Morrow, Mesmer, Eve Flamescythe, Ele
Tarnished Coast

12/21: NSP | Anvil Rock | DR

in WvW

Posted by: Truefaith.2039


T’was the day before Christmas… And in the Borderlands and EB
I Ponder why all the Siege… Seems to be aiming at me

Do they want to Kill me… Cause I wear a [PRO] tag
Are they Shooting at me… for the Badge and Loot Bag

I am just passing by… Was not even attacking
Now it seems that I’m crippled… & the Bleeding keeps Stacking

See I want a Legend… for my Elementalist Toon
And I need Map Completion… So Grant me this Boon

Please Stop with the Trebs…Pults… Carts… and Ballista
Let me get to the Tower… and Cap this dang Vista

And to Shiverpeaks and A Rock… as I limp out of Sight
“Happy Holidays from DR… and to all a Great Fight”

.. Have my manbabies. Please.

Hatchback Delorean (80 Asuran Warrior)/ Aegis Wolfsblood (80 Charr Guardian)/ Dërp (80 Human Mesmer)

12/21: NSP | Anvil Rock | DR

in WvW

Posted by: Malikaii.6149


@ DR

You know your players need work when there are 8 of them camping the jumping puzzle and still cant 1 solo player from reaching the end. GG I WIN

Best thief in the game
[Os] Executive Officer

12/21: NSP | Anvil Rock | DR

in WvW

Posted by: Morningstar.6208


inside Shadaran bastion no gates or wall down 2 min later got portal bomb right in the lord room gg exploit

Is there any proof that he wasn’t there when you guys captured it? We take exploit issue really serious and we will take action against players who are doing it.

Commander Sir Morningstar of Devona’s Rest, Army of Devona [AoD] Guild Leader

12/21: NSP | Anvil Rock | DR

in WvW

Posted by: Dovgan.8605


Oh Devona I have already had to report two of your players today for hacking(well botting, it’s my only option), is this how you have decided to come up in the ranks. Tell the norn warrior in AoD that warriors don’t have a teleport. I have to say, I am really disappointed, and on Christmas Eve no less. (No it’s not lag, been doing Wv3 for over 1000 hours now, pretty sure I recognize a hack when I see it by now.) Santa isn’t going to bring you any presents if you keep this kind of behavior up.

Dovgan lvl 80 Ranger
[LPC] [KAOS] – Killing As Organized Sport

12/21: NSP | Anvil Rock | DR

in WvW

Posted by: StormWolf.7645


Oh Devona I have already had to report two of your players today for hacking(well botting, it’s my only option), is this how you have decided to come up in the ranks. Tell the norn warrior in AoD that warriors don’t have a teleport. I have to say, I am really disappointed, and on Christmas Eve no less. (No it’s not lag, been doing Wv3 for over 1000 hours now, pretty sure I recognize a hack when I see it by now.) Santa isn’t going to bring you any presents if you keep this kind of behavior up.

…I find this kind of general statement to a whole Server absurdly silly when every single solitary Server has “Hackers” and “Cheaters” on them. Blaming a whole Server for the actions of half a dozen people is just crazy. Please from now on try refraining from such commentary as it is not helpful, but rather inform the DR people of those causing the problems by providing any intel you can. I have found DR is quite good at -refusing- Portals if they know the person Cheated. Witnessed them do so and actively point out Wall-Jumpers for me to kill before.

12/21: NSP | Anvil Rock | DR

in WvW

Posted by: Calos.1350


Maybe some people, but not DR. ^ and you can personally let me know of any DR and I will report them myself. But these open posts, and attacks, should stop.

(edited by Calos.1350)

12/21: NSP | Anvil Rock | DR

in WvW

Posted by: xXTattsXx.4361


inside Shadaran bastion no gates or wall down 2 min later got portal bomb right in the lord room gg exploit

Maybe he just hid very well?

Tatts – SoCo

12/21: NSP | Anvil Rock | DR

in WvW

Posted by: Calos.1350


Why don’t we go back to great job AR with defense of bay, nice NSP you took garrison, keep it up DR hold the lead…….or getting bored so attack in forums cuz you can’t win in game?

12/21: NSP | Anvil Rock | DR

in WvW

Posted by: Calos.1350


Either way, best games i played, this tier is so much fun. Nice job, all servers

12/21: NSP | Anvil Rock | DR

in WvW

Posted by: Dovgan.8605


@StormWolf If had had not stated that it was two of your players I could possibly agree with you. I never said anything about the server in general. What would make you assume I said all of Devona hacks? Why so defensive? I CLEARLY stated two players and the guild in which the one that was guilded was in, the other was not. What you do with the info is up to you. You want these folks on your server, that’s up to you, all I can do is report it. But getting immediately defensive after quoting what I said doesn’t tell me you are the kind that actively reports it, you may be, you may have just misread what I typed.

Dovgan lvl 80 Ranger
[LPC] [KAOS] – Killing As Organized Sport

12/21: NSP | Anvil Rock | DR

in WvW

Posted by: Rastofin.6132


Bipolar much?

As for portaling, if you don’t or have not played a mesmer who portal bombs, save us the kittening about hacking. I hid in the Bay for 10+ minutes tonight with an ele after NSP took it on their borderlands. Unfortunately my portal bugged so I jumped down like the worlds biggest kitten to a group of people ready to ninja. Somewhat glad though because it seems like a successful non zerg strategy would be attributed to hacking and therefor discredit DRs 20k+ point lead (directed at the one crying).

Devona’s Rest
Rastofin – Guardian [SoCo]
T Zen – Mesmer [RegA]

12/21: NSP | Anvil Rock | DR

in WvW

Posted by: Rastofin.6132


God kitten it. I swore I would never double post, but Dovgan…

“Oh Devona I have already had to report two of your players today for hacking(well botting, it’s my only option), is this how you have decided to come up in the ranks”

“I never said anything about the server in general”

Devona’s Rest
Rastofin – Guardian [SoCo]
T Zen – Mesmer [RegA]

12/21: NSP | Anvil Rock | DR

in WvW

Posted by: Morningstar.6208


Oh Devona I have already had to report two of your players today for hacking(well botting, it’s my only option), is this how you have decided to come up in the ranks. Tell the norn warrior in AoD that warriors don’t have a teleport. I have to say, I am really disappointed, and on Christmas Eve no less. (No it’s not lag, been doing Wv3 for over 1000 hours now, pretty sure I recognize a hack when I see it by now.) Santa isn’t going to bring you any presents if you keep this kind of behavior up.

Can you be more descriptive about what you are complaining about? You are accusing one of my guild members. What teleport are you talking about? Are you accusing of speed hacking? Do you have video of the action? If you do please send it to me. Person will be removed from guild and reported.

Commander Sir Morningstar of Devona’s Rest, Army of Devona [AoD] Guild Leader

12/21: NSP | Anvil Rock | DR

in WvW

Posted by: Oozo.7856


You have to be pretty careful when accusing people of using a teleport hack because when someone is lagging it can appear that they are warping around. However, they don’t really cover more ground than they would if not lagging.

Someone is teleport hacking when you see them gaining way too much ground when they warp. Below is an example of teleport hacking.

[Anonymous Defender] on Youtube
Solo & Roaming Group WvW Movies

12/21: NSP | Anvil Rock | DR

in WvW

Posted by: Gangrenous.6314


inside Shadaran bastion no gates or wall down 2 min later got portal bomb right in the lord room gg exploit

The screen shot in question was taken after 3 of us took out 2 walls with catapults to get inside and then the zerg chased us off. Our mesmer was able to hide until we took the keep on the other side of the map with 3 PRO players. Then we trucked it back over and the 6 of us took that keep…. not seeing were the exploit is with that? All keeps were broken into with siege gear. This was also fighting off people most of the time… the opposing sides knew we were there.

Gas/Bait/Lab/Flesh/Miskito/Sterility/Gangrenous/Rot Ten
Devona’s Rest

12/21: NSP | Anvil Rock | DR

in WvW

Posted by: Karg.2381


@StormWolf If had had not stated that it was two of your players I could possibly agree with you. I never said anything about the server in general. What would make you assume I said all of Devona hacks? Why so defensive? I CLEARLY stated two players and the guild in which the one that was guilded was in, the other was not. What you do with the info is up to you. You want these folks on your server, that’s up to you, all I can do is report it. But getting immediately defensive after quoting what I said doesn’t tell me you are the kind that actively reports it, you may be, you may have just misread what I typed.

Just as a point of note – stormwolf isnt from DR. That one of our old foes, comes to our defence (somewhat) speaks volumes about our server and levels of exploiting. Weve been called many things – but not exploiters. I believe NO server condones this behaviour and NO server is free of the curse. Im sure if evidence is sent to morningstar he will act accordingly.


(edited by Karg.2381)

12/21: NSP | Anvil Rock | DR

in WvW

Posted by: Cactus.2710


@StormWolf If had had not stated that it was two of your players I could possibly agree with you. I never said anything about the server in general. What would make you assume I said all of Devona hacks? Why so defensive? I CLEARLY stated two players and the guild in which the one that was guilded was in, the other was not. What you do with the info is up to you. You want these folks on your server, that’s up to you, all I can do is report it. But getting immediately defensive after quoting what I said doesn’t tell me you are the kind that actively reports it, you may be, you may have just misread what I typed.

That’s a pretty lame and disingenuous comment. You clearly referenced the entire server when you said:

“Oh Devona I have already had to report two of your players today for hacking(well botting, it’s my only option), is this how you have decided to come up in the ranks.”

Guilds don’t “come up in the ranks” … servers do. I’m not sure which is worse … two outlaws running a hack or you slamming hundreds of other players because of it.

D/D Thief who prefers mobility to stealth … so yeah, I die a lot
Stormbluff Isle [AoD]

12/21: NSP | Anvil Rock | DR

in WvW

Posted by: Dovgan.8605


@Morningstar I don’t do any recording, never see much point in it, considering how often it gets dealt with. By teleporting I mean flashing across the screen over repeatedly to get away from death, and I know you guys are usually clean, but running across two players in a fairly short time is disheartening. He was already reported. Just wanted your side to keep an eye open for it, because the higher you go, the more you are going to see it. Clearly Stormwolf thinks that this is labeling DR a server just full of hackers. You seriously can’t weed all of them out, but if A-Net gets enough reports, they will hopefully respond to it. I mean, they ban people for abusive language for god’s sake.

Dovgan lvl 80 Ranger
[LPC] [KAOS] – Killing As Organized Sport

12/21: NSP | Anvil Rock | DR

in WvW

Posted by: Rastofin.6132


I’m a bit disappointed that he caved so quickly. I kitten love talking kitten up in this kitten …after finding out how awesome the filter system is, Anet got that kitten right.

Devona’s Rest
Rastofin – Guardian [SoCo]
T Zen – Mesmer [RegA]

12/21: NSP | Anvil Rock | DR

in WvW

Posted by: Sajec.5302


Fun fight just now in AR BL up at Woodhaven and Garrison. We traded the Bay to each other lol. We’d had the Garrison too but the, sigh, zerg wouldnt listen and prep WH for the zerg attack that i knew was coming so it was a pretty easy take there. Surprised it took that big AR zerg that long to actually take WH though. Easy 3-4:1 odds rofl.

I was the PRO commander giving u heck up there…but after the zerg failed to follow strats and I had PRO members off doing something else. Had nothing to work with but fails so i fell back and let you have the north. Hopefully one day DR folks will learn the zerg mentality is fail mentality, but until then I’ll stick to coordinating PRO strats and ignore the randoms until they step it up in teamwork.

PS: few guilds/players on DR rock..those are not included in this chat btw. (you know who you are)

Dredstorm One Eye
Daemon’s Gate [HELL]
Fort Aspenwood