12/21: NSP | Anvil Rock | DR

12/21: NSP | Anvil Rock | DR

in WvW

Posted by: DeeSystm.1256


Devona’s (Protocol [PRO]) pls tell this ele to stop wasting our time, hes cheating, exploiting a bug and you guys have a good enough lead to not cheat.

Thnx and happy gaming =]


“I came to play.” me
r4420k+ blazetrain

12/21: NSP | Anvil Rock | DR

in WvW

Posted by: Sajec.5302


Devona’s (Protocol [PRO]) pls tell this ele to stop wasting our time, hes cheating, exploiting a bug and you guys have a good enough lead to not cheat.

Thnx and happy gaming =]

That would have been me. ROFL. nowhere to go and the 20+ of you vs 1 of me was a bit overkill. I mean, im already being told you guys are scared of PRO and I think im not too bad on my ele..but darnit man..jst ONE of us and u want to try to zerg me with that many folks? I did have fun later on when a small group of DR folks were hitting the Bay. Loved how i got 22 loot bags for just a few minutes of playtime. =)

Oh, that pic looks like when id jst logged on and ran over the hill from spawn. I stopped there briefly due to getting couple of whispers i answered. I admit i did go back after i charged into your lil zerg at the camp after my chats…dunno why you all were hiding in middle of NPCs though. Just one of me. Fun fights though. Oh..tell ur pals if their half dead, dont stand there and let an ele cooldowns reset. Good way to become a loot bag. =)

TIP: glass cannons in Wv3 = Lewt Bag Build

Dredstorm One Eye
Daemon’s Gate [HELL]
Fort Aspenwood

(edited by Sajec.5302)

12/21: NSP | Anvil Rock | DR

in WvW

Posted by: Rob.7624


Oh Devona I have already had to report two of your players today for hacking(well botting, it’s my only option), is this how you have decided to come up in the ranks. Tell the norn warrior in AoD that warriors don’t have a teleport. I have to say, I am really disappointed, and on Christmas Eve no less. (No it’s not lag, been doing Wv3 for over 1000 hours now, pretty sure I recognize a hack when I see it by now.) Santa isn’t going to bring you any presents if you keep this kind of behavior up.

People used to think my Guardian was a warrior because I play it like one.
Its a Screenshot or it didn’t happen moment man.
Guardians have a huge long range teleport and one that I use quite often.
to get in the middle of a zerg before tanking.
Anyone who stands up in a crowd and shouts “hack” tends to actually just be wrong. I’ve seen a warrior using a skill that looks like a teleport over a 600range distance which can be used in succession.

Please don’t post stuff like this, for your own servers sake. DR are a tough fight, but I’m enjoying their lack of tactical ingenuity backed up by sheer numbers and a Red keep.
Report people sure, just don’t disgrace a guild over it. Because you are probably mistaken.

And that is what NSP has to say.

Commander Bird Song
Northern Shiverpeaks Night Crew
Os Guild

(edited by Rob.7624)

12/21: NSP | Anvil Rock | DR

in WvW

Posted by: Karg.2381


DR are a tough fight, but I’m enjoying their lack of tactical ingenuity backed up by sheer numbers and a Red keep.

Our preacher of profanity has returned to lead the unwashed masses on to righteous victory
Welcome back to the fight morningstar

I hope everyone else if having a good xmas.


12/21: NSP | Anvil Rock | DR

in WvW

Posted by: Oozo.7856


DR are a tough fight, but I’m enjoying their lack of tactical ingenuity backed up by sheer numbers and a Red keep.

And that is what NSP has to say.

Since you speak for NSP, let me give my honest assessment of DR and the servers we have faced since I moved here.

In the first couple of weeks, I was not impressed by DR in general. They did questionable things and seemed more interested in zerging around and karma farming than fighting. However, things have definitely changed in the last few weeks. There is a lot more coordination and I’ve noticed some standout players that I did not notice previously.

DR has always had a few small guild groups that do quite well. Bsty is a good example. These guys pack quite a punch. The combination of what these small forces do (something which you probably don’t see or hear about because people don’t brag when they get killed by one third of their number) combined with the pressure applied by the main forces has worked quite well these last two weeks.

FC and Kaineng, while outnumbered, had some really strong small groups that helped to keep DR in check.

SF and HoD were just horribly outnumbered and we noticed no stand out small groups. However, this was only a week long matchup so we could have just missed running across them.

AR and NSP have much better numbers and there have been some prime time hours where DR has had the outmanned buff, but again, we haven’t run across any strong small groups as of yet. Of course, absence of evidence is not evidence of absence.

As a guild, we have had the most success beating AR and NSP zergs with 8 or less players than against SF, HoD, FC, or Kaineng. We’ve only been killed when heavily outnumbered. Roughly even number engagements haven’t even been close.

One thing I will give both AR and NSP credit for though is discipline. You both keep “eyes on” pretty much everything you hold. We can’t ninja towers or keeps against you because of this.

So, we cut off your supplies, your troops, and distract your weaker-minded zerglings away from our server’s real objectives. That is called tactics.

[Anonymous Defender] on Youtube
Solo & Roaming Group WvW Movies

(edited by Oozo.7856)

12/21: NSP | Anvil Rock | DR

in WvW

Posted by: Karg.2381


Its ok, let them keep thinking we just mindlessly zerg. Every server we have faced think this – we havent lost now in a long time.
Maybe its just numbers – maybe we are actually doing something right.
And we are learning quickly.


12/21: NSP | Anvil Rock | DR

in WvW

Posted by: Cactus.2710


So, we cut off your supplies, your troops, and distract your weaker-minded zerglings away from our server’s real objectives. That is called tactics.

This^ … lol. Yesterday I logged into EB but couldn’t stay long, so I thought I’d just try to harass the enemy a bit. I picked a camp at the far edge of the map that was securely held by AR and attacked it so it would show up on the map. I couldn’t solo the NPCs so I just went stealth to shuck the NPCs and wait for the AR defenders from the nearby keep to show up. Pretty soon five of them did and swiftly killed me. I rez’d and when I came back all five defenders were still there so I just waded in to attack and died again. After I did that three times somebody from AR gave me a /shrug emote, apparently not realizing that they had been wasting five players that entire time for something the NPCs could have easily handled by themselves.

D/D Thief who prefers mobility to stealth … so yeah, I die a lot
Stormbluff Isle [AoD]

12/21: NSP | Anvil Rock | DR

in WvW

Posted by: Aowys.9420


You must be talking about NoQQ and Envy on FC and kain.
Thos guy had been fighting DR for long that they just got to the point where they just wanted to kill ya’ll without walls being in the way.

I believe AR first part of the week was trying to win this match . Then when DR pulled ahead leaves the smaller groups going after NSP to keep second place closer.

I kn how DR fights i told players ya’ll tactics some listened some didnt.
I’ll see if cant get VS to focus on DR alil . To show what some of us can do.
Oh btw loved sniping Klov from NSP while DR was attacking it with only three players.
DR really helped us out there now thats how you snipe or ninja a tower.

Glad your back Morning Star .


12/21: NSP | Anvil Rock | DR

in WvW

Posted by: DeeSystm.1256


Devona’s (Protocol [PRO]) pls tell this ele to stop wasting our time, hes cheating, exploiting a bug and you guys have a good enough lead to not cheat.

Thnx and happy gaming =]

That would have been me. ROFL. nowhere to go and the 20+ of you vs 1 of me was a bit overkill. I mean, im already being told you guys are scared of PRO and I think im not too bad on my ele..but darnit man..jst ONE of us and u want to try to zerg me with that many folks? I did have fun later on when a small group of DR folks were hitting the Bay. Loved how i got 22 loot bags for just a few minutes of playtime. =)

Oh, that pic looks like when id jst logged on and ran over the hill from spawn. I stopped there briefly due to getting couple of whispers i answered. I admit i did go back after i charged into your lil zerg at the camp after my chats…dunno why you all were hiding in middle of NPCs though. Just one of me. Fun fights though. Oh..tell ur pals if their half dead, dont stand there and let an ele cooldowns reset. Good way to become a loot bag. =)

TIP: glass cannons in Wv3 = Lewt Bag Build

Yeah ur a good ele and a few of you held that that tower quite well but…..
You had no where to go? Die with honor then. Sure your a good ele, and i’m personally not afraid to take on w/e class whenever, no matter what the letters in the brackets after their name are.
I also dunno what exactly they were doing as i had jus ran 3/4 of the way around the map listening them whine about you tbh. Also you can’t touch someone in that exploit so its impossible not to let your cd’s reset.
Cool tip btw.

“I came to play.” me
r4420k+ blazetrain

12/21: NSP | Anvil Rock | DR

in WvW

Posted by: Kardiamond.6952



Elitism much?

You are the usual player, that every matchup thread have each week. The player that think that there server individual player skill is so much greater then the ennemies.

If you are running with a premade guild, for sure you’ll win most fights. 50% of WvW population is pug.

Premade vs pug = pug death.

Since Avil Rock have the best tPvP population in the NA servers, I doubt we are really lacking skill.

I think overall everyone is about equal, we have our bads, we have our pros.

The thing I think DR stand out of the much is the FOTM players. The PRO guild, each time I fight them, they are like 90% made of DD Thief/Shatter Mesmer/Guardian/DDElem. Seems like your roster I mostly made of the FOTM class/build, and man is it annoying lol.

Can’t I fight some necros? engis?

It the fights time I come to this conclusion, as I usually see every class represented.

Am I just unlucky?

Rotthen (Necro) / Zhyx (Engineer) /Inglorious Beasterd (Ranger)
Server : Anvil Rock (Since Release!) [SOLO]

12/21: NSP | Anvil Rock | DR

in WvW

Posted by: Oozo.7856



Elitism much?

You are the usual player, that every matchup thread have each week. The player that think that there server individual player skill is so much greater then the ennemies.

If you are running with a premade guild, for sure you’ll win most fights. 50% of WvW population is pug.

Premade vs pug = pug death.

Since Avil Rock have the best tPvP population in the NA servers, I doubt we are really lacking skill.

I think overall everyone is about equal, we have our bads, we have our pros.

The thing I think DR stand out of the much is the FOTM players. The PRO guild, each time I fight them, they are like 90% made of DD Thief/Shatter Mesmer/Guardian/DDElem. Seems like your roster I mostly made of the FOTM class/build, and man is it annoying lol.

Can’t I fight some necros? engis?

It the fights time I come to this conclusion, as I usually see every class represented.

Am I just unlucky?

I’m not an elitist. I’m just stating facts. I’m sure you do have your good players and small groups. That’s what I meant by absence of evidence is not evidence of absence.
We just haven’t run across them yet, but that can happen in a matchup that has only lasted a few days.

I’m not foolish enough to think that we would beat every team out there. There is always going to be someone floating around that has your number.

My response was to the Os guild leader, who like many before them, dismisses or is ignorant of the fact that some of DR does well in even number and outnumbered fights.

[Anonymous Defender] on Youtube
Solo & Roaming Group WvW Movies

12/21: NSP | Anvil Rock | DR

in WvW

Posted by: GamerToukotsu.4219


Just wanted to give a shout out to the Anvil Rock crew that was out in Devona’s Rest borderlands. You guys did a wonderful job stopping us from completely recovering our tower. Too bad right as I left we were camp spawning you.

Illusory Ally [TFD]
Illusionary Ally [TFD]
Devona’s Rest

12/21: NSP | Anvil Rock | DR

in WvW

Posted by: Sajec.5302


Yeah ur a good ele and a few of you held that that tower quite well but…..
You had no where to go? Die with honor then. Sure your a good ele, and i’m personally not afraid to take on w/e class whenever, no matter what the letters in the brackets after their name are.
I also dunno what exactly they were doing as i had jus ran 3/4 of the way around the map listening them whine about you tbh. Also you can’t touch someone in that exploit so its impossible not to let your cd’s reset.
Cool tip btw.

Well i did go out when it was 1 v 4-5 of you, but after i put em in downed state the rest of the masses showed up. Not much “honor” in that fight so i ran back to that spot figuring eventually you’d leave and I’d WP out. Instead there was an easy 10 stayed to “camp” me. lol. Still showed them the errors of their ways and managed to get 5-6 loot bags before they finally left and I WP’d out and regrouped with ma server mates.

I agree, kinda lame for me to stand in that spot. Bout as lame as all those camping me, and even lame for AR to build siege on the immune area north of WH by your citidel spawn and sit up there on the cliff with the mass zergs ranging WH when we have it. But meh…was all in good fun and I wasnt QQn or complaining.

Been having great fights with AR and NSP. From what I’ve seen both servers got some great Wv3 guilds. Props to you all and lets keep up the fun fights.

Dredstorm One Eye
Daemon’s Gate [HELL]
Fort Aspenwood

12/21: NSP | Anvil Rock | DR

in WvW

Posted by: DeeSystm.1256


Yeah ur a good ele and a few of you held that that tower quite well but…..
You had no where to go? Die with honor then. Sure your a good ele, and i’m personally not afraid to take on w/e class whenever, no matter what the letters in the brackets after their name are.
I also dunno what exactly they were doing as i had jus ran 3/4 of the way around the map listening them whine about you tbh. Also you can’t touch someone in that exploit so its impossible not to let your cd’s reset.
Cool tip btw.

Well i did go out when it was 1 v 4-5 of you, but after i put em in downed state the rest of the masses showed up. Not much “honor” in that fight so i ran back to that spot figuring eventually you’d leave and I’d WP out. Instead there was an easy 10 stayed to “camp” me. lol. Still showed them the errors of their ways and managed to get 5-6 loot bags before they finally left and I WP’d out and regrouped with ma server mates.

I agree, kinda lame for me to stand in that spot. Bout as lame as all those camping me, and even lame for AR to build siege on the immune area north of WH by your citidel spawn and sit up there on the cliff with the mass zergs ranging WH when we have it. But meh…was all in good fun and I wasnt QQn or complaining.

Been having great fights with AR and NSP. From what I’ve seen both servers got some great Wv3 guilds. Props to you all and lets keep up the fun fights.

True all that man, fair enough, I don’t like that crap and everyone got me all worked up >.<
GG takin us out of EB this morning btw lol Seen some PROs in there.

“I came to play.” me
r4420k+ blazetrain

12/21: NSP | Anvil Rock | DR

in WvW

Posted by: Sajec.5302



The thing I think DR stand out of the much is the FOTM players. The PRO guild, each time I fight them, they are like 90% made of DD Thief/Shatter Mesmer/Guardian/DDElem. Seems like your roster I mostly made of the FOTM class/build, and man is it annoying lol.

Can’t I fight some necros? engis?

It the fights time I come to this conclusion, as I usually see every class represented.

Am I just unlucky?

You have to be hugely unlucky when you run up against PRO groups. We have all of 3 80 guardians that actually play in Wv3 i think. Not sure what the mix up is when I’m offline, but when im online i think theres 3-4 ele’s and 3-4 thieves. There are some mesmers out there but with the steady mesmer nerfs from Anet not many want to play an open field fighter or support roles. We have a pretty even class spread in Wv3, other than short on necros and guardians. Some of our warriors use hammers so maybe that might be the “guardians” your seeing so much.

Dredstorm One Eye
Daemon’s Gate [HELL]
Fort Aspenwood

12/21: NSP | Anvil Rock | DR

in WvW

Posted by: Sajec.5302


True all that man, fair enough, I don’t like that crap and everyone got me all worked up >.<
GG takin us out of EB this morning btw lol Seen some PROs in there.

Darn i missed it! Well hope you gave em heck before you got pushed out.

Dredstorm One Eye
Daemon’s Gate [HELL]
Fort Aspenwood

12/21: NSP | Anvil Rock | DR

in WvW

Posted by: Psychatog.8246



Elitism much?

You are the usual player, that every matchup thread have each week. The player that think that there server individual player skill is so much greater then the ennemies.

If you are running with a premade guild, for sure you’ll win most fights. 50% of WvW population is pug.

Premade vs pug = pug death.

Since Avil Rock have the best tPvP population in the NA servers, I doubt we are really lacking skill.

I think overall everyone is about equal, we have our bads, we have our pros.

The thing I think DR stand out of the much is the FOTM players. The PRO guild, each time I fight them, they are like 90% made of DD Thief/Shatter Mesmer/Guardian/DDElem. Seems like your roster I mostly made of the FOTM class/build, and man is it annoying lol.

Can’t I fight some necros? engis?

It the fights time I come to this conclusion, as I usually see every class represented.

Am I just unlucky?

actually [PRO] has way more warriors then anything else i think. also it has very little to do with FoTM classes and more to do with the current meta being tanky dps > glass cannon. the only classes we are REALLY lacking are rangers(generally bad in wvw) and engineers(alot of anger over the nade nerf). i personally play both my thief(which is a 0/0/20/20/30 deathblossom spec) and necro bunker/well spec(im the big kitten in the middle that doesn’t die) roughly equally in wvw. Also our smaller squads are made up of thieves,guardians, and elementals because they are highly mobile to devastating effect, which is probably why you notice them more often.

what every one of our opponents have yet to understand is that DR is a wvw server(same for upcoming kaineg aswell…they are going roflstomp GoM when they hit t7). we spec,plan, and dedicate ourselves to this aspect of the game. come reset time DR pve is completely devoid of people. our general population is probably smaller then either of ARs or NSPs(know it true here i haz my scout) but our wvw participation percentage is WAY higher.

as for us being all number, i have more then a few fraps clips showing otherwise that im planning to include in my summary of the week video on thursday(ill also have losses and kitten…i try to remain unbias).

also 2 non DR guilds that ive seen play skillful in wvw are [WOLF] and [PAXA](believe this is right). these 2 seem to be on the ball in wvw. props to you

(edited by Psychatog.8246)

12/21: NSP | Anvil Rock | DR

in WvW

Posted by: jkctmc.8754


I got to play for a couple hours last night, after being gone from the game for about a week. I was the SoS Thief at Bay who was picking people off, until a couple PRO members nearly downed me, so I started targeting them. I got quite a few PRO, but they had a Thief who kept getting away from me, and downed me twice, but I was able to get back on my feet without dying once.

I was trying a new spec, and was forced to change back to my old spec because it didn’t seem to be working for me.

All in all it was a lot of fun trying to down PRO players who knew how to put up a fight. I wouldn’t engage two PROs solo, expecting to down them, because they put up a hell of a fight one on one.

Then, I was up by Woodhaven tower trying to take out some trebs, and my G700 dies, and I about run off a cliff, only to hit my arrow keys long enough to avoid falling off, only to die shortly after to two PRO players.

That said, don’t think AR doesn’t have any good players, we do. It’s the holidays after all, and many of us are not able to participate due to family obligations.

Up until this point the best group we’ve encountered was a group from GoM, but I havnt’ been able to get on long enough to form a group, and go look for DR groups.

Renno – Stonegard – Aece
80 Thief – 80 Warrior – 80 Guardian – 80 Ranger
80 Mesmer – 80 Necromancer

12/21: NSP | Anvil Rock | DR

in WvW

Posted by: Truefaith.2039


@ Dovgan, IDK if morning has had a chance to resolve the issue or not, but was it a male or female warrior norn? If its not resolved yet, I would like to narrow down as to what to look for in the guild.

Hatchback Delorean (80 Asuran Warrior)/ Aegis Wolfsblood (80 Charr Guardian)/ Dërp (80 Human Mesmer)

12/21: NSP | Anvil Rock | DR

in WvW

Posted by: Rob.7624


Happy Crispmas guys! (Yes this is what we are now calling it).

Very bad WvW today, but I hope it’ll pick up tomorrow for Boxing Day!

Commander Bird Song
Northern Shiverpeaks Night Crew
Os Guild

12/21: NSP | Anvil Rock | DR

in WvW

Posted by: WrathOfGod.4695


Such a good WvW turnout today. AR you guys made us suffer by going through our supply camps, if you kept it up we would have been massacred. NSP hats off to you guys, holding us at your keep for that long is quite an accomplishment. Klovan and Wildcreek were pretty much taken every 20min for 3 hours. Can’t get Aldons, Can’t get Jerrifers, And definately can’t get the keep yet.

DR – we still have alot of work to get done, see when I commanded how I managed to take back ALL of what AR took in about 30min? That’s what we need all the time between us as a WvW server. It’s a shame our group fizzled out when we hit Jerrifers and people didn’t keep moving.


-AR/SF gona suffer now.

(edited by WrathOfGod.4695)

12/21: NSP | Anvil Rock | DR

in WvW

Posted by: Psychatog.8246


Such a good WvW turnout today. AR you guys made us suffer by going through our supply camps, if you kept it up we would have been massacred. SF hats off to you guys, holding us at your keep for that long is quite an accomplishment. Klovan and Wildcreek were pretty much taken every 20min for 3 hours. Can’t get Aldons, Can’t get Jerrifers, And definately can’t get the keep yet.

DR – we still have alot of work to get done, see when I commanded how I managed to take back ALL of what AR took in about 30min? That’s what we need all the time between us as a WvW server. It’s a shame our group fizzled out when we hit Jerrifers and people didn’t keep moving.


-AR/SF gona suffer now.

we’re fighting AR and NSP not SF bro

12/21: NSP | Anvil Rock | DR

in WvW

Posted by: Divrocks.5718


Got to admit, never faced a guardian that good at knock back and healing
was a good fight, kept me in that ring real good.

Night Nighttt the Necro
Deadly Legends [DDLG]
Droppin baddies since 2012

(edited by Divrocks.5718)

12/21: NSP | Anvil Rock | DR

in WvW

Posted by: dunnberry.2964


That’s just plain insulting being mistaken for SF…no respect

Borlis Pass
Asuran Engineer (Lost)

12/21: NSP | Anvil Rock | DR

in WvW

Posted by: Kardiamond.6952


Hey NSP whats up on your side?

Been playing with the unmanned buff all day, is it better for you6 :P

Rotthen (Necro) / Zhyx (Engineer) /Inglorious Beasterd (Ranger)
Server : Anvil Rock (Since Release!) [SOLO]

12/21: NSP | Anvil Rock | DR

in WvW

Posted by: Cyanchiv.2583



Elitism much?

You are the usual player, that every matchup thread have each week. The player that think that there server individual player skill is so much greater then the ennemies.

If you are running with a premade guild, for sure you’ll win most fights. 50% of WvW population is pug.

Premade vs pug = pug death.

Since Avil Rock have the best tPvP population in the NA servers, I doubt we are really lacking skill.

I think overall everyone is about equal, we have our bads, we have our pros.

The thing I think DR stand out of the much is the FOTM players. The PRO guild, each time I fight them, they are like 90% made of DD Thief/Shatter Mesmer/Guardian/DDElem. Seems like your roster I mostly made of the FOTM class/build, and man is it annoying lol.

Can’t I fight some necros? engis?

It the fights time I come to this conclusion, as I usually see every class represented.

Am I just unlucky?

Now, now, engineer here who’s spent quite a few hours fighting this week… except the last couple of days. I do feel kind of lonely out on the field as an engineer honestly, but at the same time I don’t see many engineer opponents. Engineers are just simply accepted as not being fantastic at WvW. My particular build works best with small groups, and does decent at 1v1, but gosh I’m tired of being so slow, that is something thieves, warriors, guardians, etc. all have an advantage with. (Yes I have options but one of my particular escapes require me to turn backwards in order to use the way I want to use it. It’s awkward.)

12/21: NSP | Anvil Rock | DR

in WvW

Posted by: jkctmc.8754


I think DR has more Kill Shot spec’d Warriors than any other server I’ve seen.

I don’t see many Engineers, or Rangers anymore. I decided to play my Ranger tonight, instead of my Thief, and will probably continue to play my Ranger next week.

I’m seeing more, and more Necro’s though, which is good. Probably because they can get 40% run speed now, permanently without having to cast anything.

Renno – Stonegard – Aece
80 Thief – 80 Warrior – 80 Guardian – 80 Ranger
80 Mesmer – 80 Necromancer

(edited by jkctmc.8754)

12/21: NSP | Anvil Rock | DR

in WvW

Posted by: Malchior.5042


Hey NSP whats up on your side?

Been playing with the unmanned buff all day, is it better for you6 :P

Not really. Klovan and Wildcreek are under constant trebbing, but it’s difficult for DR to push out because of the cover fire from our keep trebs.

We did manage to establish some quick ground trebs to remove the fire from Klovan, which then allowed us to establish 3-4 trebs there. One got taken out, but the other 2 on the supply hut…I’ve never seen a more perfectly placed treb. Literally, we could hit the wall of SM but their trebs on their supply hut and outer wall could not hit us. If it was too short, it’d hit the mountain. If it was the slightest bit long, it’d hit the klovan walls instead.

We dropped SM from 2800 to 200 supply over a 2 hour siege. Over this time, Klovan had regular walls destroyed, reinforced back to full, reinforced walls destroyed, healed back to full from gate upgrade, and finally destroyed again. It was on that last breach of the walls that no less than 50-100 DR stormed Klovan. Since they had to funnel in through the small breaches, we actually held Klovan for 15-20 minutes until the finally overwhelmed us.

However, after that, DR ran into the brick wall that is Jerrifer’s. One of the best towers to hold in EB in my opinion. Full view of below, no high ground for enemy to build siege, and no safe backdoor. At this point, the zerg had grown, and there must have been at least 100 DR bashing at Jerrifer’s. They melted to arrow carts, keep trebs, and keep mortars.

It was an amazing night. I just wish we could have at least attacked SM inner.

(P.S. DR, That was me and a guildie on the Klovan trebs the whole time Good counter with the shield eles. You stormed the tower just as we were planning our next angle of attack )

Malchior Devenholm | Proud member of Zealots of Shiverpeak [ZoS] | Northern Shiverpeaks

12/21: NSP | Anvil Rock | DR

in WvW

Posted by: WrathOfGod.4695


Great Job AR holding QL with 4 balistas, 2 arrow carts, 1 superior arrow cart and 2 catas, was hella hard to get in there.

12/21: NSP | Anvil Rock | DR

in WvW

Posted by: Aowys.9420


Great Job AR holding QL with 4 balistas, 2 arrow carts, 1 superior arrow cart and 2 catas, was hella hard to get in there.

Thank you it was my idea. some wanted to just repair the wall . tere was no point to repairing it if we couldnt tae down that treb.

So i asked if they wante dto make a kill box. I throw them down.

Oh and it was just two ballista. not four . a ram and a ballista didnt get the chnce to make them .

Glad we gave ya afight tats all i wanted well plus to kill ya


12/21: NSP | Anvil Rock | DR

in WvW

Posted by: Hoenheim.5492


The difference between geared 80 and low level WvW’ers. Was defending a supply camp (with 1st upgrade) when this lot showed up. What it doesn’t show is me getting my own head handed to me by a similar sized group later on.


Anvil Rock

12/21: NSP | Anvil Rock | DR

in WvW

Posted by: Keyba.9570


Wow, thank you for the fights this evening DR. I was fortunate enough to get on a cannon right as you portaled your golem to the inner door of our bay. Would like to thank all the AR members who contributed to keeping our keeps =). GJ AR

Revenant is life

12/21: NSP | Anvil Rock | DR

in WvW

Posted by: Khanswrath.1032



Elitism much?

You are the usual player, that every matchup thread have each week. The player that think that there server individual player skill is so much greater then the ennemies.

If you are running with a premade guild, for sure you’ll win most fights. 50% of WvW population is pug.

Premade vs pug = pug death.

Since Avil Rock have the best tPvP population in the NA servers, I doubt we are really lacking skill.

I think overall everyone is about equal, we have our bads, we have our pros.

The thing I think DR stand out of the much is the FOTM players. The PRO guild, each time I fight them, they are like 90% made of DD Thief/Shatter Mesmer/Guardian/DDElem. Seems like your roster I mostly made of the FOTM class/build, and man is it annoying lol.

Can’t I fight some necros? engis?

It the fights time I come to this conclusion, as I usually see every class represented.

Am I just unlucky?

Oozo has always called it as he/she has seen it. I have found his/her assessments to be spot on about our server as a whole and I would in no way call him/her an elitist. There are a few guilds on DR that are filled with exceptional players. With the server population we have it’s very difficult for those guilds and players to stand out as say if they were on a smaller server facing larger numbers. Also don’t take what I’m saying to mean only smaller guilds have the exceptional players either, as I know firsthand PRO has a nasty core base as well as AoD. Those exceptional players however can get lost in the shuffle of a very large guild.

The thing I’ve noticed about both the AR and NSP population has been the large number of Rangers. I may be alone in this observation but it’s felt every other fight I’ve engaged in has been against a Ranger.

Khanswrath-80 Thief [ODN]
“Do not argue with an idiot.
He will drag you down to his level and beat you with experience. "

12/21: NSP | Anvil Rock | DR

in WvW

Posted by: Apocalypse.5239


Great Job AR holding QL with 4 balistas, 2 arrow carts, 1 superior arrow cart and 2 catas, was hella hard to get in there.

That’s what she said + i need to make more superior Blue prints.

Only if you want to watch.
lvl 80 Charr Warrior part of Twin.

12/21: NSP | Anvil Rock | DR

in WvW

Posted by: Rob.7624


NSP defending SM.
Commander kills Commander


Commander Bird Song
Northern Shiverpeaks Night Crew
Os Guild

12/21: NSP | Anvil Rock | DR

in WvW

Posted by: Khanswrath.1032


NSP defending SM.
Commander kills Commander

Looks photo-shopped to me. There is NO WAY a guardian can kill a thief. ANET GET ON THESE BOGUS POSTS PLEASE…….;) Maybe he was just taking a nap? Okay I could buy that one.

Khanswrath-80 Thief [ODN]
“Do not argue with an idiot.
He will drag you down to his level and beat you with experience. "

12/21: NSP | Anvil Rock | DR

in WvW

Posted by: Nuzt.7894


Yeah ur a good ele and a few of you held that that tower quite well but…..
You had no where to go? Die with honor then. Sure your a good ele, and i’m personally not afraid to take on w/e class whenever, no matter what the letters in the brackets after their name are.
I also dunno what exactly they were doing as i had jus ran 3/4 of the way around the map listening them whine about you tbh. Also you can’t touch someone in that exploit so its impossible not to let your cd’s reset.
Cool tip btw.

Well i did go out when it was 1 v 4-5 of you, but after i put em in downed state the rest of the masses showed up. Not much “honor” in that fight so i ran back to that spot figuring eventually you’d leave and I’d WP out. Instead there was an easy 10 stayed to “camp” me. lol. Still showed them the errors of their ways and managed to get 5-6 loot bags before they finally left and I WP’d out and regrouped with ma server mates.

I agree, kinda lame for me to stand in that spot. Bout as lame as all those camping me, and even lame for AR to build siege on the immune area north of WH by your citidel spawn and sit up there on the cliff with the mass zergs ranging WH when we have it. But meh…was all in good fun and I wasnt QQn or complaining.

Been having great fights with AR and NSP. From what I’ve seen both servers got some great Wv3 guilds. Props to you all and lets keep up the fun fights.

You use exploits because your out numbered and fighting an unfair fight in WvW ….
Your a disgrace, simple as that. If you want even numbers maybe you should stay out of WvW. The worst part is you openly admit to it and have seemed to justify it in your own mind that its ok to do.

Just shows the mentality of DR considering according to your sig your a commander for what has been claimed to be the largest WvW guild on your server. Here’s a clue, if your outnumbered die with some dignity like everyone else in WvW does. If you want even or close to even fights everytime you play then perhaps you should go to SPvP/TPvP.

Waste of a player/commander imo.

12/21: NSP | Anvil Rock | DR

in WvW

Posted by: Highlie.7641


Lol thank you for reading one of the funniest things out there.

can i have directions to the land of dreams?

12/21: NSP | Anvil Rock | DR

in WvW

Posted by: Sajec.5302


Yeah ur a good ele and a few of you held that that tower quite well but…..
You had no where to go? Die with honor then. Sure your a good ele, and i’m personally not afraid to take on w/e class whenever, no matter what the letters in the brackets after their name are.
I also dunno what exactly they were doing as i had jus ran 3/4 of the way around the map listening them whine about you tbh. Also you can’t touch someone in that exploit so its impossible not to let your cd’s reset.
Cool tip btw.

Well i did go out when it was 1 v 4-5 of you, but after i put em in downed state the rest of the masses showed up. Not much “honor” in that fight so i ran back to that spot figuring eventually you’d leave and I’d WP out. Instead there was an easy 10 stayed to “camp” me. lol. Still showed them the errors of their ways and managed to get 5-6 loot bags before they finally left and I WP’d out and regrouped with ma server mates.

I agree, kinda lame for me to stand in that spot. Bout as lame as all those camping me, and even lame for AR to build siege on the immune area north of WH by your citidel spawn and sit up there on the cliff with the mass zergs ranging WH when we have it. But meh…was all in good fun and I wasnt QQn or complaining.

Been having great fights with AR and NSP. From what I’ve seen both servers got some great Wv3 guilds. Props to you all and lets keep up the fun fights.

You use exploits because your out numbered and fighting an unfair fight in WvW ….
Your a disgrace, simple as that. If you want even numbers maybe you should stay out of WvW. The worst part is you openly admit to it and have seemed to justify it in your own mind that its ok to do.

Just shows the mentality of DR considering according to your sig your a commander for what has been claimed to be the largest WvW guild on your server. Here’s a clue, if your outnumbered die with some dignity like everyone else in WvW does. If you want even or close to even fights everytime you play then perhaps you should go to SPvP/TPvP.

Waste of a player/commander imo.

WoW..mate..gonna guess you’ve been rear end hurt by DR a few times to go off like that. For all your talk I noticed you havent bothered to mention the fact that when DR takes WH AR sets up siege and lines the north immune area with a 20+ man zerg on the cliffs north of WH just outside your citidel spawn. Then you camp the immune area ranging WH gate while protecting the siege from immune areas. But meh, you still didnt get WH anytime i was there so its all good fun i guess.

Anyways, i was at least open and honest to admit it was me. And if you’re so "die with honor, why do you like to run to NPCs and spawn immune areas so much. By your thinking you should stand and fight until you either win or die, right? At that supply camp spot i was outmanned by quite a bit and I’d been happy to just WP out soon as I dropped combat, but the 10ish AR folks who stood there camping me wouldnt let me drop combat. Im not one to give up a free loot bag, and neither and i one to run from a fight, hence teaching bout 6 of them a lesson on camping. If i could have got out I would have but with that many circling me nowhere to go. And dying to get out isnt my play style. I opted for patience, eventually i “won” that matchup cuz they left, I WP’d out to rejoin my fellow PRO. Oh, and while those 10ish players were camping me, my team was out capping more AR stuff…so who do you think had better strats? =)

have a nice day mate!

Dredstorm One Eye
Daemon’s Gate [HELL]
Fort Aspenwood

12/21: NSP | Anvil Rock | DR

in WvW

Posted by: Max Castle.6173

Max Castle.6173

You use exploits because your out numbered and fighting an unfair fight in WvW ….
Your a disgrace, simple as that. If you want even numbers maybe you should stay out of WvW. The worst part is you openly admit to it and have seemed to justify it in your own mind that its ok to do.

Just shows the mentality of DR considering according to your sig your a commander for what has been claimed to be the largest WvW guild on your server. Here’s a clue, if your outnumbered die with some dignity like everyone else in WvW does. If you want even or close to even fights everytime you play then perhaps you should go to SPvP/TPvP.

Waste of a player/commander imo.

Awfully brave for a player with no tag in their signature…

Edit: oh and my vacation is about over so I will finally get a taste of this matchup tomorrow night! Glad to see its been good fights so far!

30/30/30/30/30 Memer

12/21: NSP | Anvil Rock | DR

in WvW

Posted by: jkctmc.8754


Here we go with chest thumping, when the thread was doing so well to. First, and foremost, do not cheat. That goes out to every player on any server, and in any guild. If you’re not meant to do it, don’t find ways to do it.

I’ll report you regardless, if you cheat. I expect everyone to win/lose with dignity. There is NEVER a good excuse to cheat, ever.

As to the above PRO players saying AR are just bad players, and that one person can kill 10, I’m up for any one vs one with any of you. I’m the Thief, Ranger, and occassionally Warrior that has killed plenty of you the last few days in the SoS guild.

I thought we had a good thing going here, but alas all good things come to an end, eventually.

Let’s have some fun, and quit being insulting, or critical of your enemies. Without them, you don’t have a game.

Renno – Stonegard – Aece
80 Thief – 80 Warrior – 80 Guardian – 80 Ranger
80 Mesmer – 80 Necromancer

(edited by jkctmc.8754)

12/21: NSP | Anvil Rock | DR

in WvW

Posted by: Max Castle.6173

Max Castle.6173

I’ll report you regardless, if you cheat. I expect everyone to win/lose with dignity.


Now this is 100% spot on.

30/30/30/30/30 Memer

12/21: NSP | Anvil Rock | DR

in WvW

Posted by: jkctmc.8754


The Anvil Rock zerg can’t be doing that bad. AR BL is constantly under siege by DR, and NSP sweeps in on occassion with Golems, and the zerg has managed to hold back to forces, with barely enough people to fill a single map.

So don’t be to harsh with your criticism of them.

Renno – Stonegard – Aece
80 Thief – 80 Warrior – 80 Guardian – 80 Ranger
80 Mesmer – 80 Necromancer

12/21: NSP | Anvil Rock | DR

in WvW

Posted by: Laiboch.4380


Yeah ur a good ele and a few of you held that that tower quite well but…..
You had no where to go? Die with honor then. Sure your a good ele, and i’m personally not afraid to take on w/e class whenever, no matter what the letters in the brackets after their name are.
I also dunno what exactly they were doing as i had jus ran 3/4 of the way around the map listening them whine about you tbh. Also you can’t touch someone in that exploit so its impossible not to let your cd’s reset.
Cool tip btw.

Well i did go out when it was 1 v 4-5 of you, but after i put em in downed state the rest of the masses showed up. Not much “honor” in that fight so i ran back to that spot figuring eventually you’d leave and I’d WP out. Instead there was an easy 10 stayed to “camp” me. lol. Still showed them the errors of their ways and managed to get 5-6 loot bags before they finally left and I WP’d out and regrouped with ma server mates.

I agree, kinda lame for me to stand in that spot. Bout as lame as all those camping me, and even lame for AR to build siege on the immune area north of WH by your citidel spawn and sit up there on the cliff with the mass zergs ranging WH when we have it. But meh…was all in good fun and I wasnt QQn or complaining.

Been having great fights with AR and NSP. From what I’ve seen both servers got some great Wv3 guilds. Props to you all and lets keep up the fun fights.

You use exploits because your out numbered and fighting an unfair fight in WvW ….
Your a disgrace, simple as that. If you want even numbers maybe you should stay out of WvW. The worst part is you openly admit to it and have seemed to justify it in your own mind that its ok to do.

Just shows the mentality of DR considering according to your sig your a commander for what has been claimed to be the largest WvW guild on your server. Here’s a clue, if your outnumbered die with some dignity like everyone else in WvW does. If you want even or close to even fights everytime you play then perhaps you should go to SPvP/TPvP.

Waste of a player/commander imo.

Funny… I could say its a disgrace to watch people building siege in a glitched area at Citadel because the 20+ AR couldn’t drop the 2 thieves and 1 warrior defending the tower… People that live in a glass house should not be throwing stones.

Zoe Pain [GASM]
DB Night Crew

12/21: NSP | Anvil Rock | DR

in WvW

Posted by: Kyskythyn.6471


Funny… I could say its a disgrace to watch people building siege in a glitched area at Citadel because the 20+ AR couldn’t drop the 2 thieves and 1 warrior defending the tower… People that live in a glass house should not be throwing stones.

Citadel is made of glass? :o
Bring out the earth ele’s! We’ve got walls to break!

Miss Kysie – S/F condi bunker ele
River of Tears – S/D glass ele
Solo and small group roamer

12/21: NSP | Anvil Rock | DR

in WvW

Posted by: Jscull.2514


I dont understand why these forum posts are about congratulating each other on zerg fighting and taking objectives… Zerg fighting takes ZERO skill. You want to find skill, run 5 mans and win 75+% of your fights.

Give credit where credit is due.


(edited by Jscull.2514)

12/21: NSP | Anvil Rock | DR

in WvW

Posted by: Nuzt.7894


@max I could careless about having a Sig, the Ppl I play with know me and that’s all that really matters. As for the AR people sieging from whatever spot, if its an exploit then they also are pathetic but that doesn’t make exploiting because your outnumbered OK to do, you sound like a child using this as a justification. Also just really think about what your saying, its OK to exploit if your outnumbered …. so if a server is outnumbered exploiting keeps is OK ? Same idea different story, anyone who exploits for any reason regardless of server is a waste of space.

12/21: NSP | Anvil Rock | DR

in WvW

Posted by: Sajec.5302


As to the above PRO players saying AR are just bad players, and that one person can kill 10, I’m up for any one vs one with any of you. I’m the Thief, Ranger, and occassionally Warrior that has killed plenty of you the last few days in the SoS guild.

Woah mate…if you’re refering to me in this I never once said AR were bad players. If you’re unsure what i mean please ask and not interpret, that can/will lead to misunderstanding. If I thought AR were bad players I’d have said it. I think AR rocks as well as NSP. Been some great fights out there. No map has been truly ‘secure’ as everyone flips everything lol.

All i said in my post to the one fella flaming me was that I’d been happy to leave that spot if the 10 folks camping me would have left. Run out and die just to get out…well thats absurd dontcha think? 90% of my time i spent standing there doing nothing hoping they’d leave so i’d drop combat to WP. They didnt and kept spamming me so few times I ran out downed/spiked a few. They eventually caught on their time was wasted and left…then I WP’d.

Anyway…fun fight AR/NSP and props to everyone for staying in there and doing what we all do best…givin em heck!

Dredstorm One Eye
Daemon’s Gate [HELL]
Fort Aspenwood

12/21: NSP | Anvil Rock | DR

in WvW

Posted by: Karg.2381


Well this went down hill quick. Welcome back everyone, to many shandy’s and sore heads I think.

Been having a good time myself, we almost had all of eb earlier, just couldn’t quite take the inner door of nsp keep. Logged off for a few hours to do some rl stuff, came back and nsp had all but our keep. Anvil made a surge later but ran into a brick wall in dr bl so went to smash nsp bl instead.

I don’t understand all this solo, 5man or Zerg kitten talk. A good healthy servers needs all 3 and a good commander will use the strengths of those assetts to dominate the battlefield. If you wanna 5man all day, be my guest – however it isn’t smallmanpvp so don’t cry if everyone else doesn’t share your view.

As always, have fun and bring it on


12/21: NSP | Anvil Rock | DR

in WvW

Posted by: Sajec.5302


@max I could careless about having a Sig, the Ppl I play with know me and that’s all that really matters. As for the AR people sieging from whatever spot, if its an exploit then they also are pathetic but that doesn’t make exploiting because your outnumbered OK to do, you sound like a child using this as a justification. Also just really think about what your saying, its OK to exploit if your outnumbered …. so if a server is outnumbered exploiting keeps is OK ? Same idea different story, anyone who exploits for any reason regardless of server is a waste of space.

Again..you’re tossing out your own interpretation of what you ASSUME is meant. You should really break down that word ASSUME before you comment more on this subject. You’re obviously rear end hurt over something that happened to you by either DR, PRO, or someone/some other guild. How bout you just get over it and get back to having fun in Wv3.

It was a conversation between me and Deesytm, we both had our say, we both “walked” away with i hope a lil more respect for each other. (least i did for him/her) All others just bystanders..thanks and have a GREAAAAAAAAAT Wv3 day.

Dredstorm One Eye
Daemon’s Gate [HELL]
Fort Aspenwood