150 to all Stats and +15% Health is a massive Advantage.
Switching orbs to something as useless as that would mean nobody serious would ever contest, defend, or focus on getting orbs.
Accumulated upgrades/demoralization are far bigger factors in lockout matches remaining that way.
also L80 Ele/Necro/Mesmer
Im pretty sure they are working on a big patch to fix all these issues, Arenanet is a great company and they will deliver
Switching orbs to something as useless as that would mean nobody serious would ever contest, defend, or focus on getting orbs.
Accumulated upgrades/demoralization are far bigger factors in lockout matches remaining that way.
The Orb Buff IS demoralizing, especially if you play a condition damage build.
Hey! Everyone you fight now has 33% damage reduction forever now due to having massively more hp!
buffing the losing side would go a long way to making matches better. i don’t think anyone enjoys 199,000-9,000-11,000 matchups.
The out manned buff is worthless, it would be much easier to take back things and fight on par if the winning side (which usually has more numbers) doesn’t have an extra…
150 Toughness.
150 Condition Damage.
150 Healing.
150 Vitality.
150 Power.
150 Precision.
15% Health. (this plus 150 vitality is rediculous…)
Oh look, we have bigger numbers, are dancing on your corpse and have a huge statistic advantage!
259,000-6,000-5,000 are common these days.