[GoA] Guardians of Arcane – Officer
Ruins of Surmia – Commander
Amazing reset, lag free, and awesome frame rate (said no one ever).
Best of luck to everyone and let’s hope the matchup stays close and fun as it is right now.
I don`t know where you played, but I got pretty intense laggs on EB last night.
But never the less I must say, that I had fun fights all over the place and I hope that this bracket will be well-balanced at the end:)
I don`t know where you played, but I got pretty intense laggs on EB last night.
That was sarcasm my friend
Something happened to UW guilds, you played better last time we met. Hope it’s just a bad day or sth.
Good luck everybody, bring us some entertaining battles.
nah their saturday was the same, The sunday they had a LOT of people.
Something happened to UW guilds, you played better last time we met. Hope it’s just a bad day or sth.
Good luck everybody, bring us some entertaining battles.
We usually start to shine more in the week days, so we need to wait a little bit. But even though our homeborder has been a wrecked a lot, it has still been a lot of fun.
And XT, let other RoS players play in our border also! Tsot tsot!
afaik XT is taking a break (not sure though).
On a side note, Dzg are like wasps. We do the work and they come and take everything. Snatched durios tonight when circle was up.
This Match-up is Epic in my opinion Great fights everywhere especially tonight :P (Score is keeping close also)
Nice fights this morning.
/wave to the Ele from RW, most fun part was in the East Supply Camp was annoying to hunt and kill you, but you were the perfect bait for more people to join the fray and kill them ^^
afaik XT is taking a break (not sure though).
On a side note, Dzg are like wasps. We do the work and they come and take everything. Snatched durios tonight when circle was up.
Life is hard and unfair :P
Ahh, I have been enjoying the match a lot so far. And we even got past RoS, and are now second
But dam you XT, you came and took our Dawn’s, its GuM’s property! We almost held it, but you got the gate down before I could take that superior cata out. It was only two more shots. Two kitten shots.
But thanks for the fight, it was really intense and fun. It’s a shame that all our siege had decayed already, otherwise the outcome could be different, who knows.
Lets have more fun and lets keep the spirit high. Thanks for the good fights
Amazing fight at UW border today, defended it against a full XT onslaught (not on a brake afterall ^^) and a full german invasion. Both keeps are still standing, although we lost Dawn’s. Looking forward to our next encounter!
Amazing fight at UW border today, defended it against a full XT onslaught (not on a brake afterall ^^) and a full german invasion. Both keeps are still standing, although we lost Dawn’s. Looking forward to our next encounter!
My dear friend, full onslaught would be 8 golems + omegas and army of 50 people behind them ^^. That was just a little sunday try. We didn’t treat it serious with 20 people + pugs and 2 rams vs fully upgraded Keep with 1.7k supplies inside But this Dawn’s was a bit more coordinated since you were busy at Hills
Was an entertaining evening, really busy on our borderland but after 2.5h we could move to other
Have fun!
I admit I haven’t seen XT when they’re serious, but with equal numbers, and you being that well coordinated (really, Kudos), I’m proud of how we did.
Good evening everyone.
I decided to share my thoughts on the matchup of this week (a.k.a. Stuck with just phone and no pc with gw)
Before the start I thought we would get stomped by Dzagonur, based on experiences from the past. I did not expect a lot from RoS seeing that we won from them a few weeks ago. Well I couldn’t be more wrong on both things! RoS, or should I just say XT (because in my opinion they are pulling the cart and the only guild putting up a real fight, assisted by WIC) stomped us on Saturday in the garrison with 3 omegas after we held them off multiple times. Impressive how you managed to move them without us noticing. It does explain why you were raiding camps without going for towers though, lol. After the doors went down there wasn’t much we could do with the amount of defenders we had so grats on that nerve breaking victory.
In comparison to last time I haven’t seen any real action from the German side, and I’ve been on a lot this week. Could it be most of your guilds are on holiday ? I remember having good fights with HON a few weeks back. (laketower rings any bells?). Yesterday evening we took the whole share of the Germans on EB and today we took the whole border with 4 golems during a guild event. Now whether your people are on holiday or have “given up”.. I hope we will get some more resistance as I know you guys can do!
To my fellow underworld players, keep up the good work. I was there last night when we moved to first place and I am both thrilled and surprised of the dedication and coordination all the guilds . It seems our investment in trainings and the alliance is finally paying off. More and more guilds are also giving teamwork trainings and I see a lot more turteling than before. In addition I want to thank those who invest their time in guarding the border and upgrading the front towers. Today we managed to keep ros out by our proper communication and quick responses. after 2 hours and 3 commander events they finally gave up and they never owned more than 2 camps at the same time.
Before anyone from any server uses the words “more numbers” let me say 2 letters: NO. We don’t have more numbers; instead you seem to have less. I know from experience that both of the other servers have about the same numbers. It’s all about Morale and after our victory of last week and the balanced start of this week the Morale hasn’t dropped all, resulting in no drop of wvw players.
I hope Dz and RoS will keep trying this week because I know you guys can put up good fights.
It seems that with the current pace we’ll be fighting each other next week too! But that’s all up to how you everyone performs the rest of the week.
best regards,
Tidalwiz. Atlantean Army
(edited by Wizard.4056)
Really good matchup. UW are currently leading but all three servers were leading at some point although I gotta admit, UW does this a lot. They start slow but keep rising unlike us or Dzg who completely dominate at some point and get dominated at another.
Matchup is nice many good Fights, not too much Zerg. So we can enjoy our small scale fighting ^^
The pink Mister T Engi from GUM was always fun. You got some interest in a 5v5 or 3v3?
aww xt you ruined our dance party outside bay
The pink Mister T Engi from GUM was always fun. You got some interest in a 5v5 or 3v3?
Haha, I hope I weren’t too annoying. I lost the count how many times we fought in Crossroads and in Mill. Good dam fights and thats what you get if you try to mess around in UW border, you get GuM after you, haha.
But 3v3 or even 5v5 sounds fun. Maybe we can arrange some fights at the end of the week if the score situation aint too close as Im one of those who aint gonna quit till Im kicked in the nuts and said its over.
Friday evening normaly works for something like that :p
Matchup should be clear at that point.
Well next time I’ll be more careful what I wish for. Both RoS and Dz in full force on our border. A shame we lost bay but we did manage to hold both servers off from taking the entire border.
Oh and thanks for sometimes wiping each other :P That made it much easier for us.
We had some nice fights today in this Match-up! Eventually Dz and RoS attacked heavy force on our border. After a hour or so of split-up outnumbered defense we eventually had to give up bay! We kept defending against the nice attacks from Dz and RoS, but eventually after 3 hours we managed to take everything back that was lost!
Thank you RoS and Dz for some nice attacks and battles!
Keep it up y’all and good luck:P
Dusted off my mesmer and played it in UW border tonight, had some minor skirmishes with BNF ( recognized your charr ele and tried to get some confusion up on you) near Bay and Redvale early on. Defending woodhaven from RoS, placing a portal underneath that lovely ballista. Defending north gate of Hills against some persistant DZ multiple times, and a brief guest appearance by RoS at the walls. Throw in a couple times of running to crossroads when someone called out for a few people to come help defend it.
One fun encounter after Hills was empty of supply. It started with escorting a yak from Stargrove to Hills with someone else, only to have 4 DZ show up to take it down, quickly killed a lowby thief while the rest of them focused on my thief partner. Had a pretty persistant warrior trying to cleave/stun me, but kept the focus on his partners. Someone else joined in to make it a 3v3, and the fight was swiftly won, saluted the corpses. One yak delivered safely short there after.
Another fun moment, worth of note when I had a short one on one versus a DZ thief when running from Garrison to Hills earlier. I saw him by his lonesome, he started out with mug for ~4.5k, create clones, shatter, a heartseaker for 2k, phase retreat, a heartseaker some more clones cry of frustration, he stealths, decoy, he gets downed, try to stomp, he shadow steps, stomp #2, distortion and dead. From start to finish it lasted less than a minute, very high-paced.
I have to say using a Shatter/Confusion hybrid is fun, but should up condition damage to make confusion more useful.
About DZ its always the same that’s why i think they loose badly after they win against us (UW), they play ’’dirty’’, i mean they come (lots of times), after other 2 servers are fighting and take an easy keep/tower for them without effort, i believe that tactic could be fun on their point of view but with time they get owned by both other 2 servers cause nobody likes ’’lazy’’ easy cap tactics .
With RoS we had really nice battles but unfortunately not with DZ.
Just want to say big respect to XT for the great fights in Hills tonight. It was awesome, and our alliance/coordination learned a lot just from that single fight. Now im waiting to see WIC serious aswell :P
Respect to both Djag and RoS from me and SPGR
I really enjoy this matchup too, also glad to see the progress Underworld has in WvW matters. I’m looking forward to intense fights the next couple of weeks before our matchup splits up again… we’ll be fighting a few weeks before something changes because I dont think UW will win every of the matchups, not even talking about the clear lead we have right now.
Poor omegagolems. canons & mortars ftw
Haha, you really don’t wanna see my records of UW players outside this bay Was a nice red carpet a couple of times
But yep, with 1.7k supplies wasted you were able to def bay
Thats the thing i must admit!
Interesting action by UW … a tower that has been ours for a while, no broken walls, door at 80% and all of a sudden you have guys in the tower … and a few did appear THROUGH the wall … maybe bad luck I had FRAPS running … let’s see if ANet manages to thin the population of UW some …
Are there known gliches for borderlands, NW tower? Sunnyhill it was.
No need to post stuff like that here… Every Server has such Folks sadly.
If you frapsed and reported everything is fine. Telling everybody here is not necessary just provokes a flaming thread
And don’t go asking for gliches ! ^^
That was a very nice fully upgraded stonemist you had there Underworld.. do you like the Angry Commander style paint over i gave it? i think its better in red… oh and wood is a bit more environmentally friendly dont you think?
That tower was bugged we couldnt hur the door people were walking str8 thru it we could of taken the tower easily but we told our guildies to pull out as we dont knowingly use exploits i know it prob seemd like we were hacking or whatever but you cant say we took the tower because we backed off
we are a sharing server we had it for a cpl of days so we decided to let you have ago
That was a very nice fully upgraded stonemist you had there Underworld.. do you like the Angry Commander style paint over i gave it? i think its better in red… oh and wood is a bit more environmentally friendly dont you think?
Was some nice fight though, gratz for taking it. Now, lets count for how long you can keep it :-)
I dont think we can keep it.. i took a break anywho so im not there to defend it :P
About DZ its always the same that’s why i think they loose badly after they win against us (UW), they play ’’dirty’’, i mean they come (lots of times), after other 2 servers are fighting and take an easy keep/tower for them without effort, i believe that tactic could be fun on their point of view but with time they get owned by both other 2 servers cause nobody likes ’’lazy’’ easy cap tactics .
With RoS we had really nice battles but unfortunately not with DZ.
It happened like 3 times while I was commanding during this week in EB, but its fair and square so no complaints. Still, I will tell them to watch their backs ^^
itsmee i like your comments but i think youll find all servers do that to all other servers its called being smart no-one likes it but its part of the game and you both attacked our border yesterday and we were pleased good fighting lots of wipes lots of panicking then you all went to bed at 10pm
itsmee i like your comments but i think youll find all servers do that to all other servers its called being smart no-one likes it but its part of the game and you both attacked our border yesterday and we were pleased good fighting lots of wipes lots of panicking then you all went to bed at 10pm
My friend my comment did not come from anger or anything like that. In fact I do find it smart to utilize an enemy’s power to push another enemy. As I said before, I have enjoyed this matchup and I enjoy fighting Dzg and UW equally :>
That was a very nice fully upgraded stonemist you had there Underworld.. do you like the Angry Commander style paint over i gave it? i think its better in red… oh and wood is a bit more environmentally friendly dont you think?
grats on taking it, shame we couldnt let u have for a long time, we pulled our troops from sm in order to protect our other towers, being attacked on two fronts is hard to deal with, dz were capping our south towers and even tried keep while ros attacking north towers and sm, i guess uw painting ur eb keeps blue for days makes u the angry commander even more angry
was some fun fights with XT yesterday evening on UW Borders
If anybody from Ruins of Surmia is interested in a 5v5 or 2v2 etc could you please contact me
Hoping to organize some fun fights for Friday evening when everything is already decided.
Just send me a PM here or contact me in game, thanks
I’m not sure if it will be decided on friday :> Looks like a fight till the very last minute!
Could be atleast for 2nd and 3rd place :p but the matchup will stay the same next week anyway. So would be nice to have events like that. I’m a big fan of having favorite Enemies and all that Stuff
Maybe the Points will be clear Friday or not. Also if every Server misses 5 ppl no real harm done ^^ (ok i’m not playing for points anyway so i have a very relaxed view on that Aspect of wvw).
Anyway i just wanted to put it out here. As said before just contact me if your interested (same goes to Underworld and our own Dzagonur ofcourse).
If the Points are too tight Friday you can still say sorry have to fight for our Server and no harm done right?
SM turned like 100 times this week, but UW had the record of keeping it.
It has been a great match up. A lot of fun things to do and I have been a lot in WvW this week.
I see you all in the evening again. I will plant a lot of bombs next to your feet with my engineer and smack your head with the candy cane hammer of my warrior.
Let’s have fun and cheer for all the three awesome servers \o/
and I will stop you and say: “hammer time”
5vs5 is sPvP arena :P
XT would gladly take part in GvG 20vs20 or 25vs25. If there is any group on Dz, or UW you know where you can find me
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Contact /u/e-scrape-artist on reddit if you encounter a bug.