2/1 - Kain/Mag/DB (#2)

2/1 - Kain/Mag/DB (#2)

in WvW

Posted by: Dimeschemo.5493


this video leads to 2 conclusions http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xok2x4PKrdk

1. They are multiboxing

2. They refuse to do anything besides what they are told, and such look pretty awful in alot of scenarios.

pick your poison

My guild and I have killed many WM running along the road who do not respond at all, definitely something strange going on. Either they are so devoted to their leader they do not deviate from his instructions at all (i.e., they’re insane) or they’re botting.

This is exactly what we train to do. What’s the problem?


You do realize that recruitment is done through exactly the above video right? You don’t get in if you can’t move, and can’t stay together. Movement and following your team is mandatory, follow targets is easy, but staying together with the group isn’t as easy as it sounds. It’s an easy mechanic to check whether someone has tunnel vision or not, and identify who might not listen.

They may also be having fun. They are humans ;-)

You hear great stories about many guilds. WM is a great guild, and even better for opening some doors to bring up other players who want to learn or improve on those things.

…but when something plainly suggested falls on deaf ears, and people want to join a made up witch hunt, it gives them something to do (shrugs). Both threads sadly look like a whirlwind of 5 people emailing each other back and forth, and to date … 1 useful post. It’s different looking from the outside in.

It’s unfortunate, and people give kaineng, always give kaineng a rough ride, because someone says something at the wrong time. Well, in any event at least the tiers are so skewed … we won’t be the only ones going through it anymore. And yes, after 4 weeks of apologizing, people from other servers don’t give a kitten, and kick you in the teeth regardless. Eventually… we’re numb to it, and missing all teeth. But we’re still here.

Not looking forward to this next match up either.

Look the point is the programing is out there to bot if this is the case, nothing against the whole server

2/1 - Kain/Mag/DB (#2)

in WvW

Posted by: komokoro.7542


this match up is probably the worst matchup for Kaineng. I mean look at all this forum threads/posts full of hate, crying and accusations.

2/1 - Kain/Mag/DB (#2)

in WvW

Posted by: awesomesauce.5980


I imagine Oceanic prime time would love to have a chance to fight during a true reset at a more convenient time for them.

Server resets are around 8-11am on a Saturday in many Oceanic time zones. I guess people might not log in during the day, but it’s not exactly “inconvenient” for them to log in at any time on a Saturday.

2/1 - Kain/Mag/DB (#2)

in WvW

Posted by: StormageddonBK.9842


I can only talk for my guild, we follow orders as they are called out to us. If the commander says move, we move, if he says stop we stop. We practice every day and we know what the commander is going to say pretty much when he says it so we are an ‘in sync’ zerg-ball (you could say we aim to look as if we are bots, together we stand, divided we fall and all that). After all, WvW is a team environment isn’t it?

2/1 - Kain/Mag/DB (#2)

in WvW

Posted by: Hackuuna.4085


I imagine Oceanic prime time would love to have a chance to fight during a true reset at a more convenient time for them.

Server resets are around 8-11am on a Saturday in many Oceanic time zones. I guess people might not log in during the day, but it’s not exactly “inconvenient” for them to log in at any time on a Saturday.

The difference between logging in to a reset at the moment it starts versus several hours later is vast. I don’t know about you, but most gamers I know like to play at night after work and after they have done all their errands during the day.

2/1 - Kain/Mag/DB (#2)

in WvW

Posted by: junglizm.5843


You left IoJ before it even hit T4, and your entire definition of been through hell is about point loss. People loyally stuck with ET and HoD all the way to T8, those folks get to claim hardship, you do not. HOD was mostly undefeated when they lost, ET had a 60-70% win ratio, if not better when they collapsed. IOJ won 2 matches, once 24 hour matches were done. Hardly a comparison to be drawn here.

Losing isn’t hardship anyways, its a target rich environment, which is a lot more like heaven then hell in my books.

1. IOJ was a target rich environment from day one. That was implied in Jacbo’s original post. Everyone hates Kaineng, as a mostly solo/small group player, I can tell you that there is never a shortage of targets here.

2. It was the fortitude of our community that held us together as long as we did on IOJ. ET and HOD lasted one month. IOJ lasted 4 and a half bouncing between T3 and T1 the whole time.

3. ET and HOD never had to contend with a transfer deadline while they fell tiers. Even SBI, who was renowned for being hardheaded and tenacious, weathered one guild exodus after another with free transfers, fell victim to the same problem to a lesser degree.

MMO games that I have played, experience has show me that communities die and thrive throughout the life of a game. I have been on both sides of the Exodus in various games. In the end, you have to decide what is best for your entertainment in the long term.

Accelerant [BURN] – Fort Aspenwood

(edited by junglizm.5843)

2/1 - Kain/Mag/DB (#2)

in WvW

Posted by: DivineBeing.2086


Reset night is during North American prime time. Whoever comes away on that night with the top score has fielded a better NA team. If all servers involved have queues then the server that comes away with the top score at the end of that night has played the best on that night. There is absolutely no denying that.

I deleted that post for a reason. It’s just not worth arguing with you people.

The original point was you CANNOT judge a servers performance based on reset night. Once again, it is like playing the lotto. You get pugs filling slots that would normally go to organized guild members if it was any other night.

So a server wiping another server on reset night only means that server was able to field less pugs and more organized guild members. Congratulations.

The later in the week it is, the better the indication of the servers actual performance. Where each server fields less pugs and more of their dedicated and organized WvW guilds. THAT is when you can do the comparison. If Kaineng still outnumbers you then? Than sorry to say, Kaineng > your server, that is just the reality. Be a good sport, shake hands, and congratulate them. Don’t be the kid on the field that shakes the other teams hand and states “good job winning cheaters”, grow up.

Lightdivinity – Level 80 Bunker Elementalist
Reshaos – Level 80 Power Necromancer

(edited by DivineBeing.2086)

2/1 - Kain/Mag/DB (#2)

in WvW

Posted by: StormageddonBK.9842


I can only talk for my guild, we follow orders as they are called out to us. If the commander says move, we move, if he says stop we stop. We practice every day and we know what the commander is going to say pretty much when he says it so we are an ‘in sync’ zerg-ball (you could say we aim to look as if we are bots, together we stand, divided we fall and all that). After all, WvW is a team environment isn’t it?

Check the video.. no one moves like that.. that’s clearly a bot behavior

Besides is not the 1st time we see a group from that guild moving that way.

While this wasn’t our guild because we were on Maguuma BL all week it didn’t seem like botting to me as they were very spread out (we are much much tighter in our zerg-ball, but who knows for sure?

2/1 - Kain/Mag/DB (#2)

in WvW

Posted by: SnakeDoc.8416


I am not sure what everyone wants to hear from Kain players. you guys want an apology? Do you guys believe that the servers coverage and techniques are all by coincidence? Is it a true belief that if we run in a team of more than 10 people we must really be terrible? I do not why people are so bothered by our game play. Should we let the other servers dictate the way we play the game? tell us “that not the way we do it” so there for you guys are bad. If you need to hear it, here it is… I like my guild, i like the way we run, sometimes we are good and sometimes not so good. Yes we wipe sometimes getting caught in a well played/timed anti-maneuver by the opposing teams. I don’t think that defines the server as being a bad server, but that or opponents actually have some tactics we yet to see. Coverage plays a small part of our success but is indeed a beautiful thing and i will not apologize for the hard work many of our players put in outside the game and dealing with the egos and politics that came with putting together a successful alliance. I dont have anything bad to say about you db and mags, its been fun you have some great players and fight really well. But the animosity towards some of the guilds that transferred is unjustified (for the most part) for how quickly we forget the server transfers built Dragon Brand and Maguma on their way to the top. As i started form darkhaven i know how quickly a prospering server can quickly be broken. Most of us have seen our tough times in WvW on a dieing server so we came together with a common goal to start from the bottom T8 and build a community with Kaineng and make a home for us WVW players because the ones we all came from became broken. The more we fight together the stronger our alliance grows and we get better every week. So if your waiting for us to fall and split you will be waiting a while, because we have decided this is where we want to be and we didn’t just happen by coincidence.

[RE] Demon Nales- O.P Ranger

2/1 - Kain/Mag/DB (#2)

in WvW

Posted by: DivineBeing.2086


I am not sure what everyone wants to hear from Kain players. you guys want an apology? Do you guys believe that the servers coverage and techniques are all by coincidence? Is it a true belief that if we run in a team of more than 10 people we must really be terrible? I do not why people are so bothered by our game play. Should we let the other servers dictate the way we play the game? tell us “that not the way we do it” so there for you guys are bad. If you need to hear it, here it is… I like my guild, i like the way we run, sometimes we are good and sometimes not so good. Yes we wipe sometimes getting caught in a well played/timed anti-maneuver by the opposing teams. I don’t think that defines the server as being a bad server, but that or opponents actually have some tactics we yet to see. Coverage plays a small part of our success but is indeed a beautiful thing and i will not apologize for the hard work many of our players put in outside the game and dealing with the egos and politics that came with putting together a successful alliance. I dont have anything bad to say about you db and mags, its been fun you have some great players and fight really well. But the animosity towards some of the guilds that transferred is unjustified (for the most part) for how quickly we forget the server transfers built Dragon Brand and Maguma on their way to the top. As i started form darkhaven i know how quickly a prospering server can quickly be broken. Most of us have seen our tough times in WvW on a dieing server so we came together with a common goal to start from the bottom T8 and build a community with Kaineng and make a home for us WVW players because the ones we all came from became broken. The more we fight together the stronger our alliance grows and we get better every week. So if your waiting for us to fall and split you will be waiting a while, because we have decided this is where we want to be and we didn’t just happen by coincidence.

Well said. I just wish you split that thing up into paragraphs.

Lightdivinity – Level 80 Bunker Elementalist
Reshaos – Level 80 Power Necromancer

2/1 - Kain/Mag/DB (#2)

in WvW

Posted by: StormageddonBK.9842


^^ I agree with this, and the paragraph thing too. :P

2/1 - Kain/Mag/DB (#2)

in WvW

Posted by: Hackuuna.4085


Reset night is during North American prime time. Whoever comes away on that night with the top score has fielded a better NA team. If all servers involved have queues then the server that comes away with the top score at the end of that night has played the best on that night. There is absolutely no denying that.

I deleted that post for a reason. It’s just not worth arguing with you people.

The original point was you CANNOT judge a servers performance based on reset night. Once again, it is like playing the lotto. You get pugs filling slots that would normally go to organized guild members if it was any other night.

So a server wiping another server on reset night only means that server fielded was able to field less pugs and more organized guild members. Congratulations.

I thought pugs were part of the servers just as much as the organized guilds? What exactly do you think a server community is? That it only comprises guild groups? By the way, Maguuma fields a very large amount of “pugs” which organize themselves as best they can through public mumble and it is extremely active on reset night.

The only thing I judge from reset night is which server performs better on reset night. I don’t know why anyone would downplay that. Ehmry Bay kicked kitten on reset night whenever we would play them and we always learned a lot from them. We always lament about that one reset where we were totally destroyed by them. We had a lot of respect for what they do and it made reset nights all the more fun.

We would always look back and figure out why it didn’t work very well and what we could do better as a server (and yes, that always involved pugs). These habits on reset flow through your server as a whole and help to improve it at all times during the week.

2/1 - Kain/Mag/DB (#2)

in WvW

Posted by: DarthBenedict.3410


Reset night is during North American prime time. Whoever comes away on that night with the top score has fielded a better NA team. If all servers involved have queues then the server that comes away with the top score at the end of that night has played the best on that night. There is absolutely no denying that.

I deleted that post for a reason. It’s just not worth arguing with you people.

The original point was you CANNOT judge a servers performance based on reset night. Once again, it is like playing the lotto. You get pugs filling slots that would normally go to organized guild members if it was any other night.

So a server wiping another server on reset night only means that server was able to field less pugs and more organized guild members. Congratulations.

The later in the week it is, the better the indication of the servers actual performance. Where each server fields less pugs and more of their dedicated and organized WvW guilds. THAT is when you can do the comparison. If Kaineng still outnumbers you then? Than sorry to say, Kaineng > your server, that is just the reality. Be a good sport, shake hands, and congratulate them. Don’t be the kid on the field that shakes the other teams hand and states “good job winning cheaters”, grow up.

Thats only true for extremely high population servers. Outside of tiers 1&2, reset is the only time every server is fielding a full team, and the queues aren’t long enough to keep any important guilds out.

I am not sure what everyone wants to hear from Kain players. you guys want an apology? Do you guys believe that the servers coverage and techniques are all by coincidence? Is it a true belief that if we run in a team of more than 10 people we must really be terrible? I do not why people are so bothered by our game play. Should we let the other servers dictate the way we play the game? tell us “that not the way we do it” so there for you guys are bad. If you need to hear it, here it is… I like my guild, i like the way we run, sometimes we are good and sometimes not so good. Yes we wipe sometimes getting caught in a well played/timed anti-maneuver by the opposing teams. I don’t think that defines the server as being a bad server, but that or opponents actually have some tactics we yet to see. Coverage plays a small part of our success but is indeed a beautiful thing and i will not apologize for the hard work many of our players put in outside the game and dealing with the egos and politics that came with putting together a successful alliance. I dont have anything bad to say about you db and mags, its been fun you have some great players and fight really well. But the animosity towards some of the guilds that transferred is unjustified (for the most part) for how quickly we forget the server transfers built Dragon Brand and Maguma on their way to the top. As i started form darkhaven i know how quickly a prospering server can quickly be broken. Most of us have seen our tough times in WvW on a dieing server so we came together with a common goal to start from the bottom T8 and build a community with Kaineng and make a home for us WVW players because the ones we all came from became broken. The more we fight together the stronger our alliance grows and we get better every week. So if your waiting for us to fall and split you will be waiting a while, because we have decided this is where we want to be and we didn’t just happen by coincidence.

It’s frustration that we’re still getting matchups decided by coverage this far into the games lifetime. WvW is a lot more fun when the battles mean something, and the keeps you take aren’t guaranteed to be lost every night through no fault of any of your players. Some players blame that on the server with more coverage because they are not very intelligent people.


2/1 - Kain/Mag/DB (#2)

in WvW

Posted by: Ninein.4782


this match up is probably the worst matchup for Kaineng. I mean look at all this forum threads/posts full of hate, crying and accusations.

Name a matchup when this wasn’t the case after Kaineng’s server explosion. Maybe the issue is not with the opposing servers. Maybe there are legitimate issues being discussed.


2/1 - Kain/Mag/DB (#2)

in WvW

Posted by: StormageddonBK.9842


It’s frustration that we’re still getting matchups decided by coverage this far into the games lifetime. WvW is a lot more fun when the battles mean something, and the keeps you take aren’t guaranteed to be lost every night through no fault of any of your players. Some players blame that on the server with more coverage because they are not very intelligent people.

Please explain… o.O

2/1 - Kain/Mag/DB (#2)

in WvW

Posted by: Slycer.6539


I am not sure what everyone wants to hear from Kain players. you guys want an apology? Do you guys believe that the servers coverage and techniques are all by coincidence? Is it a true belief that if we run in a team of more than 10 people we must really be terrible? I do not why people are so bothered by our game play. Should we let the other servers dictate the way we play the game? tell us “that not the way we do it” so there for you guys are bad. If you need to hear it, here it is… I like my guild, i like the way we run, sometimes we are good and sometimes not so good. Yes we wipe sometimes getting caught in a well played/timed anti-maneuver by the opposing teams. I don’t think that defines the server as being a bad server, but that or opponents actually have some tactics we yet to see. Coverage plays a small part of our success but is indeed a beautiful thing and i will not apologize for the hard work many of our players put in outside the game and dealing with the egos and politics that came with putting together a successful alliance. I dont have anything bad to say about you db and mags, its been fun you have some great players and fight really well. But the animosity towards some of the guilds that transferred is unjustified (for the most part) for how quickly we forget the server transfers built Dragon Brand and Maguma on their way to the top. As i started form darkhaven i know how quickly a prospering server can quickly be broken. Most of us have seen our tough times in WvW on a dieing server so we came together with a common goal to start from the bottom T8 and build a community with Kaineng and make a home for us WVW players because the ones we all came from became broken. The more we fight together the stronger our alliance grows and we get better every week. So if your waiting for us to fall and split you will be waiting a while, because we have decided this is where we want to be and we didn’t just happen by coincidence.

Pretty much sums up my sentiments . Mag and DB thanks for the great fights some of your players are at the top of their game. It’s been refreshing. Wish you all well.

Bowe from RE

2/1 - Kain/Mag/DB (#2)

in WvW

Posted by: DarthBenedict.3410


It’s frustration that we’re still getting matchups decided by coverage this far into the games lifetime. WvW is a lot more fun when the battles mean something, and the keeps you take aren’t guaranteed to be lost every night through no fault of any of your players. Some players blame that on the server with more coverage because they are not very intelligent people.

Please explain… o.O

I’m saying that trashing a server for having timezone coverage is stupid, not that having timezone coverage is stupid.


2/1 - Kain/Mag/DB (#2)

in WvW

Posted by: StormageddonBK.9842


It’s frustration that we’re still getting matchups decided by coverage this far into the games lifetime. WvW is a lot more fun when the battles mean something, and the keeps you take aren’t guaranteed to be lost every night through no fault of any of your players. Some players blame that on the server with more coverage because they are not very intelligent people.

Please explain… o.O

I’m saying that trashing a server for having timezone coverage is stupid, not that having timezone coverage is stupid.

OK, thanks.

2/1 - Kain/Mag/DB (#2)

in WvW

Posted by: saiyr.3071


I dunno man, Gollum was actually pretty good at fighting.

[DERP] Saiyr, “bff” of Sgt Killjoy

2/1 - Kain/Mag/DB (#2)

in WvW

Posted by: azizul.8469


I dunno man, Gollum was actually pretty good at fighting.

he is.. he bit 1 of froddo’s finger…

Cutie Phantasmer/Farinas [HAX] – CD Casual
Archeage = Farmville with PK

2/1 - Kain/Mag/DB (#2)

in WvW

Posted by: Cabosse.3597


he is.. he bit 1 of froddo’s finger…

I resent this statement.

Frodo Baggins – Dragonbrand
Warsworn – Jawascript

2/1 - Kain/Mag/DB (#2)

in WvW

Posted by: Moddo.7105


It’s frustration that we’re still getting matchups decided by coverage this far into the games lifetime. WvW is a lot more fun when the battles mean something, and the keeps you take aren’t guaranteed to be lost every night through no fault of any of your players. Some players blame that on the server with more coverage because they are not very intelligent people.

Please explain… o.O

I’m saying that trashing a server for having timezone coverage is stupid, not that having timezone coverage is stupid.

It;s more fact that guilds bandwaggoned to Kain and messed up tiers that coverage trashing is going on.

2/1 - Kain/Mag/DB (#2)

in WvW

Posted by: Sev.5769


In response to the constant allegations of botting and the supposed “evidence” presented- I’m pretty much always on the borderlands, and I’ve had the pleasure of following some of the WM commanders when they drop by BL after securing EB. This here’s just my own experience with them

This one time I was tailing Jang Gun with a zerg comprised mainly of our BL guilds, fighting DBs near Sunnyhill I believe. For a moment both sides seemed stuck in your typical long – range engagement stalemate, then Jang turned and ran off back where we came. Most of us followed suit and ran off with him in what seemed like a poorly executed retreat/random running all over the place. Some of us who didn’t react fast enough were left to die, but the DB zerg was encouraged and charged forward, while our maneuvering had put us in the perfect position for a flank. Yeah, we lost maybe 5 but wiped out around 20 of the opposing force in return, and our fallen got their rez after we regained control of the field.

Another time after attacking a heavily defended keep for the longest time and finally managing to get the walls down Jang Gun again turned tail and ran off in a completely different direction, with most of us following him. I’m pretty sure I wasn’t the only one questioning why were we abandoning our hard won victory, but nonetheless almost all of us followed. Turned out he was using the hubbub caused by our attack on one end of the map to pull the defenders there, and rushed our zerg to the other end to cap another undefended keep virtually unopposed.

….Point being, I’ve run with such zergs before, and some of us not even in WM follow such commanders with so – called “botlike” precision for the simple reason that they’re amazingly proficient at what they do – We trust them to make the right tactical decisions, even if they do seem random at the time.

Sev Dreamweaver

2/1 - Kain/Mag/DB (#2)

in WvW

Posted by: Darknicrofia.2604


I am Jang Gun, WM leader.

Only noob sees multi-boxing and never can’t understand.

This sentence is saying that noobs can’t understand multi-boxing? So are you saying you do multibox and that noobs seeing it never can understand why you do it?
And also you said never can’t understand that actually implies that they always understand. Which is not true as I don’t understand why you multibox.

trying to win an argument by picking apart the grammar of a non native speaker?


Darknicrofia Sage – Bad Gerdian, Merciless Legend, Platinum NA Solo Que

2/1 - Kain/Mag/DB (#2)

in WvW

Posted by: Moddo.7105


trying to win an argument by picking apart the grammar of a non native speaker?


No trying to figure out what he said. He is using a english speaking website if I can not understand what he is trying to say am I suppose to not question it? And seriously are you posting in a thread on internt to “win argument” That is so silly you made my dog jump cause I snorted so loud reading that.

(edited by Moddo.7105)

2/1 - Kain/Mag/DB (#2)

in WvW

Posted by: Acelerion.6820


But that’s just like, what a multi boxer would say, man

OINK – Devona’s Rest
http://www.youtube.com/user/Axcelerion?feature=watch – Small group videos

2/1 - Kain/Mag/DB (#2)

in WvW

Posted by: Moddo.7105


i think what Jang meant was only noob sees zergball as people using multi-client, and noob never understand how zergball operate, and simply accuse people of botting…

Ahh ok that makes sense now. Now I can properly think of a rebuttal and “win a argument” as Darknicrofia.2604 was saying. BTW anyone know score for winning vs losing arguments in this thread? Darknicrofia.2604 you know what score is cause you seem to think people are actually trying to ""win a argument"/:)

2/1 - Kain/Mag/DB (#2)

in WvW

Posted by: dreztina.4820


Could anyone explain to me why every single person in the guild Duel has run away from me 1v1 like a little kitten? I really have to question their choice in guild name.

Out of Attunement – D/D Ele

2/1 - Kain/Mag/DB (#2)

in WvW

Posted by: nalenb.1425


Could anyone explain to me why every single person in the guild Duel has run away from me 1v1 like a little kitten? I really have to question their choice in guild name.

Not me. I even dueled with some OG guys the other day at windmill. Lost horribly to a ranger.

~ Abbish – Dragonbrand

2/1 - Kain/Mag/DB (#2)

in WvW

Posted by: Moddo.7105


Could anyone explain to me why every single person in the guild Duel has run away from me 1v1 like a little kitten? I really have to question their choice in guild name.

Because Duel is short for Dirty Underpants Eating League and not actual Duels?

2/1 - Kain/Mag/DB (#2)

in WvW

Posted by: nalenb.1425


Could anyone explain to me why every single person in the guild Duel has run away from me 1v1 like a little kitten? I really have to question their choice in guild name.

Because Duel is short for Dirty Underpants Eating League and not actual Duels?

I’m in Duel and I’ve never eaten any underpants.

~ Abbish – Dragonbrand

2/1 - Kain/Mag/DB (#2)

in WvW

Posted by: sinfulape.6301


trying to win an argument by picking apart the grammar of a non native speaker?


No trying to figure out what he said. He is using a english speaking website if I can not understand what he is trying to say am I suppose to not question it? And seriously are you posting in a thread on internt to “win argument” That is so silly you made my dog jump cause I snorted so loud reading that.

My dear sir, as we are conversing on the internet, grammatical structure and sometimes even spelling are mutually overlooked in favor of speed of response. However, since we have a chance to collectively correct our individual grammar, let us start with this post. Firstly, in the first sentence it would be best to use a comma after ‘No’, otherwise it would come to be ‘No trying’, in which case you are stating that you are not trying to figure out what he just said. In the second sentence, we see what is seemingly a typo, as it should properly say ‘an English’ and not ‘a English’. Next we see that it would be best to put a period (alias a fullstop), but a comma can suffice as well. Alternatively, you can choose to put ‘and’ instead, making it ‘… website and if …’ The second part of that sentence we see some more common mistakes once again involving a comma – ‘… trying to say, am I …’ Also we see confusion in using tenses, where present tense suppose should properly be supposed. Moving on to the next sentence, we see And is out of place at the start of the sentence, removing it and adding a few more corrections, we should get ‘Seriously, are you posting in a thread on the internet to “win arguments”?’ Please do not forget that sentences should be ended with the proper punctuation marks in this case a question mark. Taking that as the end of the sentence, we see the following sentence correctly starts with an uppercase (capital) letter, however we see that we need to do some slight adjustments to the rest of the sentence. My suggestion is to adjust the sentence to become – ’That was so silly that you made my dog jump because I snorted so loudly after reading that.
With that, dear sir, we are at an end of our short grammatical exercise. It is always a pleasure to meet people who are so passionate about the English language, and may we forever strive towards better more, grammatically correct dialogues.

Respectfully yours,

Mr. Grammar Troll

(edited by sinfulape.6301)

2/1 - Kain/Mag/DB (#2)

in WvW

Posted by: nalenb.1425


With that, dear sir, we are at an end of our short grammatical exercise. It is always a pleasure to meet people who are so passionate about the English language, and may we forever strive towards better more, grammatically correct dialogues.

Respectfully yours,

Mr. Grammar Troll

And we call that “missing the forest for the trees”.

~ Abbish – Dragonbrand

2/1 - Kain/Mag/DB (#2)

in WvW

Posted by: DarkElvenChic.2618


trying to win an argument by picking apart the grammar of a non native speaker?


No trying to figure out what he said. He is using a english speaking website if I can not understand what he is trying to say am I suppose to not question it? And seriously are you posting in a thread on internt to “win argument” That is so silly you made my dog jump cause I snorted so loud reading that.

My dear sir, as we are conversing on the internet, grammatical structure and sometimes even spelling are mutually overlooked in favor of speed of response. However, since we have a chance to collectively correct our individual grammar, let us start with this post. Firstly, in the first sentence it would be best to use a comma after ‘No’, otherwise it would come to be ‘No trying’, in which case you are stating that you are not trying to figure out what he just said. In the second sentence, we see what is seemingly a typo, as it should properly say ‘an English’ and not ‘a English’. Next we see that it would be best to put a period (alias a fullstop), but a comma can suffice as well. Alternatively, you can choose to put ‘and’ instead, making it ‘… website and if …’ The second part of that sentence we see some more common mistakes once again involving a comma – ‘… trying to say, am I …’ Also we see confusion in using tenses, where present tense suppose should properly be supposed. Moving on to the next sentence, we see And is out of place at the start of the sentence, removing it and adding a few more corrections, we should get ‘Seriously, are you posting in a thread on the internet to “win arguments”?’ Please do not forget that sentences should be ended with the proper punctuation marks in this case a question mark. Taking that as the end of the sentence, we see the following sentence correctly starts with an uppercase (capital) letter, however we see that we need to do some slight adjustments to the rest of the sentence. My suggestion is to adjust the sentence to become – ’That was so silly that you made my dog jump because I snorted so loudly after reading that.
With that, dear sir, we are at an end of our short grammatical exercise. It is always a pleasure to meet people who are so passionate about the English language, and may we forever strive towards better more, grammatically correct dialogues.

Respectfully yours,

Mr. Grammar Troll


Mr. Grammar Troll wins!

Commander ~ Aurora Noctai ~ Thief
Officer of Rethesis [RE] ~ Kaineng
NEO Alliance ~ NeverEndingOdds.com

2/1 - Kain/Mag/DB (#2)

in WvW

Posted by: nalenb.1425



Mr. Grammar Troll wins!

I blame the public school system for failing to properly teach logic and reasoning.

~ Abbish – Dragonbrand

2/1 - Kain/Mag/DB (#2)

in WvW

Posted by: Draygo.9473


Or failing to teach logic and reasoning properly?

Apathy Inc [Ai]

2/1 - Kain/Mag/DB (#2)

in WvW

Posted by: nalenb.1425


Or failing to teach logic and reasoning properly?

I think either is acceptable, but then again, I’m a math major.

~ Abbish – Dragonbrand

2/1 - Kain/Mag/DB (#2)

in WvW

Posted by: ChinQ.1706


Even, failing to teach to accept too true.

2/1 - Kain/Mag/DB (#2)

in WvW

Posted by: DarkElvenChic.2618



Mr. Grammar Troll wins!

I blame the public school system for failing to properly teach logic and reasoning.

That, sir, was a joke. Because the entire argument was a joke. A waste of time as well.

See I know they’re not bots because I talk to them regularly. Punch a hole in that logic, please do try.

Commander ~ Aurora Noctai ~ Thief
Officer of Rethesis [RE] ~ Kaineng
NEO Alliance ~ NeverEndingOdds.com

2/1 - Kain/Mag/DB (#2)

in WvW

Posted by: nalenb.1425


See I know they’re not bots because I talk to them regularly. Punch a hole in that logic, please do try.

I talk to my computer all the time too, especially when I get killed by thieves.

~ Abbish – Dragonbrand

2/1 - Kain/Mag/DB (#2)

in WvW

Posted by: DarkElvenChic.2618


See I know they’re not bots because I talk to them regularly. Punch a hole in that logic, please do try.

I talk to my computer all the time too, especially when I get killed by thieves.

It responds too, eh? Must be nice.

Being bad enough to die to GC thieves. I forgot what it’s like. I killed two GC thieves earlier…then three more. /cry

Commander ~ Aurora Noctai ~ Thief
Officer of Rethesis [RE] ~ Kaineng
NEO Alliance ~ NeverEndingOdds.com

2/1 - Kain/Mag/DB (#2)

in WvW

Posted by: nalenb.1425


It responds too, eh? Must be nice.

My wife thinks I’m crazy, but I’ve lost track of all the AI I’ve coded over the last few years and it keeps me company.

~ Abbish – Dragonbrand

2/1 - Kain/Mag/DB (#2)

in WvW

Posted by: DarkElvenChic.2618


It responds too, eh? Must be nice.

My wife thinks I’m crazy, but I’ve lost track of all the AI I’ve coded over the last few years and it keeps me company.

Chatterbots are fun and all, but as the WM members have personalities and all respond in different ways…I’d be incredibly impressed if Jang coded them all. Language barriers notwithstanding.

Commander ~ Aurora Noctai ~ Thief
Officer of Rethesis [RE] ~ Kaineng
NEO Alliance ~ NeverEndingOdds.com

2/1 - Kain/Mag/DB (#2)

in WvW

Posted by: nalenb.1425


Chatterbots are fun and all, but as the WM members have personalities and all respond in different ways…I’d be incredibly impressed if Jang coded them all. Language barriers notwithstanding.

Sorry, this isn’t coming across the right way through text, I’m just joking around. I see that one could construe my responses as being serious though. I’ve not run into WM personally at all this match up. I’m having fun defending our borderlands.

Do you really speak Korean and talk to them? On DB we have a lot of players from Taiwan and we rely on just a few translators. Sometimes it makes communication hard. I wonder how other servers are at coordinating cross prime time.

~ Abbish – Dragonbrand

2/1 - Kain/Mag/DB (#2)

in WvW

Posted by: ChinQ.1706


You can buy yourself a bot now only 66 USD at Walmart.

2/1 - Kain/Mag/DB (#2)

in WvW

Posted by: wads.5730


not gonna lie, i pooped myself a little when i saw that flame ram inside the wall after we broke it down.

2/1 - Kain/Mag/DB (#2)

in WvW

Posted by: DarkElvenChic.2618


Chatterbots are fun and all, but as the WM members have personalities and all respond in different ways…I’d be incredibly impressed if Jang coded them all. Language barriers notwithstanding.

Sorry, this isn’t coming across the right way through text, I’m just joking around. I see that one could construe my responses as being serious though. I’ve not run into WM personally at all this match up. I’m having fun defending our borderlands.

Do you really speak Korean and talk to them? On DB we have a lot of players from Taiwan and we rely on just a few translators. Sometimes it makes communication hard. I wonder how other servers are at coordinating cross prime time.

To be perfectly honest, I’m bored. I rarely take anything on any forum seriously. Sorry I’ve been told my tone comes across as harsh in text. I’m really just sarcastic or plain joking.

No, I don’t speak Korean but a good half of WM + speaks at least some English. For the rest they have several translators though.

Kaineng has quite a few Taiwanese players as well. It can be an issue but we get along just fine with strategically placed translators during highly active times.

Commander ~ Aurora Noctai ~ Thief
Officer of Rethesis [RE] ~ Kaineng
NEO Alliance ~ NeverEndingOdds.com

2/1 - Kain/Mag/DB (#2)

in WvW

Posted by: nalenb.1425


To be perfectly honest, I’m bored. I rarely take anything on any forum seriously. Sorry I’ve been told my tone comes across as harsh in text. I’m really just sarcastic or plain joking.

No, I don’t speak Korean but a good half of WM + speaks at least some English. For the rest they have several translators though.

Kaineng has quite a few Taiwanese players as well. It can be an issue but we get along just fine with strategically placed translators during highly active times.

Same here, should have gone to bed hours ago, but I’m just bored. Now I read about no February update for WvW. Sad times.

~ Abbish – Dragonbrand

2/1 - Kain/Mag/DB (#2)

in WvW

Posted by: saiyr.3071


To be perfectly honest, I’m bored. I rarely take anything on any forum seriously. Sorry I’ve been told my tone comes across as harsh in text. I’m really just sarcastic or plain joking.

No, I don’t speak Korean but a good half of WM + speaks at least some English. For the rest they have several translators though.

Kaineng has quite a few Taiwanese players as well. It can be an issue but we get along just fine with strategically placed translators during highly active times.

Same here, should have gone to bed hours ago, but I’m just bored. Now I read about no February update for WvW. Sad times.

Wait, what?

[DERP] Saiyr, “bff” of Sgt Killjoy

2/1 - Kain/Mag/DB (#2)

in WvW

Posted by: nalenb.1425


~ Abbish – Dragonbrand