2/1 - Sorrow's, Ferg's, Eredon('s)

2/1 - Sorrow's, Ferg's, Eredon('s)

in WvW

Posted by: silverfire.2547


When we attack, all we do is zerg. Commanders try to use strategy, but most don’t go along with it.

For what it’s worth, for the past two weeks or so I’ve been coordinating with commanders to hit camps with my small group while the main zerg tackles larger objectives. I’d love to take and hold camps, but with only one organized small group actively communicating with commanders we’re stuck with doing laps and keeping track of flip times so we arrive just as RI expires. 50% uptime on camps while hitting a keep or tower is still better than letting them have 100% uptime.

Regarding all the PvDoor comments, as much as I resent seeing that directed at us, it really is true. Until we can shape all the brute force we have into an actual coordinated attack, we won’t get very far from T8. Very few of the players in our main force are doing anything but hitting the door and/or targets of opportunity. I’ve made it a point for my group to drop back a bit further to try to hold something of a perimeter and hold nearby supply camps, but when everyone else sits there autoattacking the door, the reaction time to an incoming zerg is laughably bad. I know every side is just as guilty of it as well; I’ve broken zergs of 20+ all autoattacking a door with just a group of 4 simply because nobody was really paying attention, but that’s all part of the process of learning how to play smarter against higher ranked servers.

Re: the 2v2 in the JP: it just so happened we were in the “right” place at the right time, lol. I had just jumped down after getting a port up to the top when the mesmer at the top reported a couple incoming blues from the dome area so I stuck around instead of joining the keep assault. As an aside, I really do hate being downed vs a downed ranger. That pet heal almost 100% wins them the exchange unless I play it absolutely perfectly while they get a much bigger margin of error. It was at least an entertaining 2v2 duel though.

Re: the video of the “spawn camp”: I was actually puzzled last night what the point to the whole thing was till I saw that video since a spawn camp doesn’t quite make sense with uncontested waypoints in play. That call on voice chat of “we’re on EB doing very stupid things” was hilarious though. Hopefully it was as fun for you guys as it was for me and that charr thief in my group — we were the first responders to seeing the orange crossed swords on our keep and I can definitely hear when we dove into your zerg.

Mira Alluvion (Me) | Hanna Bulwark (W) | Sophie Dusthaven (Th)
[CoSA]/[WWGD] // Sorrow’s Furnace (since August 2012) US West Evening Shift

(edited by silverfire.2547)

2/1 - Sorrow's, Ferg's, Eredon('s)

in WvW

Posted by: stereoblind.4736


Only thing funnier than killing SF that’s spawn camping us on a level 4 elementalist is watching them die to the legendary defenders over and over till they learn that if they touch the stove, they will get burned. It’s like watching infants learn to crawl, I love it!

2/1 - Sorrow's, Ferg's, Eredon('s)

in WvW

Posted by: Judous.5781


More Exploitation fun


[CoSa] Sephx (Engineer)| Sefex (Mesmer)

2/1 - Sorrow's, Ferg's, Eredon('s)

in WvW

Posted by: stereoblind.4736


meh, you guys deserve it.

2/1 - Sorrow's, Ferg's, Eredon('s)

in WvW

Posted by: Darek.1836


meh, you guys deserve it.


Sharks With Lazers [PEW]

2/1 - Sorrow's, Ferg's, Eredon('s)

in WvW

Posted by: Aquilus.9423


Screenie of me(the Mesmer) and my guildie with the NEW Keep Lord in the background after ninja’ing Etheron Hills from Eredon Terrace mere minutes after they capped it. Y’all need to sweep for Mesmers better XD

P.S. No I am not saying where I hid XD That’s a server secret


The Xaldin Edge [XE] ~ Sorrow’s Furnace

2/1 - Sorrow's, Ferg's, Eredon('s)

in WvW

Posted by: Leogolas.6941


Aquilus, it’s all good. We will just take it back in a while. Keep the room warm , it’s cold out there.

[TSA] The Stuffed Animals
~We Are Deadly When Required~

2/1 - Sorrow's, Ferg's, Eredon('s)

in WvW

Posted by: Darek.1836


This is where Aquilis hid.


Sharks With Lazers [PEW]

2/1 - Sorrow's, Ferg's, Eredon('s)

in WvW

Posted by: silverfire.2547


Y’all need to sweep for Mesmers better XD

Echoing this sentiment. I’ve only had success hiding in keeps in this current matchup. I’ve stayed hidden in ET Overlook and FC Lowlands fo upwards of 30-45 minutes during last week’s match casually waiting for the zerg to finish capping everything on its way to me and twice in towers during the week before that :X

Mira Alluvion (Me) | Hanna Bulwark (W) | Sophie Dusthaven (Th)
[CoSA]/[WWGD] // Sorrow’s Furnace (since August 2012) US West Evening Shift

2/1 - Sorrow's, Ferg's, Eredon('s)

in WvW

Posted by: Elementalist Owner.7802

Elementalist Owner.7802

Of all things wrong with SF, I must agree with Gisei that our most difficult area is teamwork and coordination. This is likely because many SF players are very new to WvW. Every day I try to encourage more of the server to start playing WvW — eventually I believe these new players will become more experienced, and thus able to follow directions better. Right now I’d say we’re Tier 7 material, but when these newer players begin to understand the basics of WvW, we could really take a bigger stance in the rankings.

Then again, it isn’t all about winning for us. Winning just means harder opponents to face next time, and a bigger queue. What I truly believe would be the best WvW experience is to see the community working together, whether we have 0 areas or all of them. Hopefully we don’t get caught up in the fact that we’re being destroyed next week too much, at least long enough to realize that we’re still a team and no amount of losing can change that. We fight for fun, not to win.

meh, you guys deserve it.

I know that spawn camping ruins all of the fun (trust me, I’ve been spawn camped for hours in matches before), but you must understand that in some circumstances it is absolutely necessary. For instance, yesterday Ferg kept pushing straight for their keep for a while, we defended it as best as we could at the keep, but without upgrades it was only a matter of time before the gates were breached. We needed to spawn camp in order for things to cool down before pulling back. Things like this happen all of the time when we need to block reinforcements to hold our ground. We are always trying to improve in ways like that to prepare ourselves for the many weeks of fighting stronger opponents ahead.

The Art of Roaming [gank]

(edited by Elementalist Owner.7802)

2/1 - Sorrow's, Ferg's, Eredon('s)

in WvW

Posted by: stereoblind.4736


When there’s five of us getting spawn camped by 20+ SF and we don’t own anything I would say it’s unnecessary lol

2/1 - Sorrow's, Ferg's, Eredon('s)

in WvW

Posted by: silverfire.2547


People keep talking about spawn camping as if there’s only one spawn exit. People are gonna go where there are kills to be had if the map is completely dominated. If all the enemies are congregating at only one of the spawn exits, of course people are gonna be there. Go take a camp or two and they’ll all scatter.

Mira Alluvion (Me) | Hanna Bulwark (W) | Sophie Dusthaven (Th)
[CoSA]/[WWGD] // Sorrow’s Furnace (since August 2012) US West Evening Shift

2/1 - Sorrow's, Ferg's, Eredon('s)

in WvW

Posted by: Judous.5781


meh, you guys deserve it.

I don’t personally partake in the spawn camping, but cry all you want because it’s a valid tactic to keep you off the map while we upgrade your keeps and towers.

The smarter option, rather than throwing your own meat into the grinder endlessly. Would be to do a breakout in another BL.

[CoSa] Sephx (Engineer)| Sefex (Mesmer)

2/1 - Sorrow's, Ferg's, Eredon('s)

in WvW

Posted by: ghtchill.7613



Will Sorrow’s Furnace continue to hold an iron grip over EB and their own Borderlands?

SCORE AS OF 2/4/13 2:00 AM EST

As of 2/5/2013, I’d say yes. ;D

and this is why we will be laughing our kitten off when Kain destroys you. you didn’t really think you could avoid them forever did you?

We shall see. I think SF is a much different server in WVW than a couple months ago. Should be obvious. I know I and many others look forward to finally facing new opponents. :-)

Nice!! The spirit is appreciated. Please remember this next week…

Someone asked the Maguuma and Dragonbrand guys for tips on how to beat us, of course they aren’t beating us, but do at times. They do win some individual battles, which they pride themselves on, as they should. They are tough, and good. Unfortunately the score far from reflects these accomplishments, neither in the night nor the day.

So here’s some fun tips;

1. Don’t sleep…ever.
2. Don’t expect to run around with a 5 man for very long. Orange swords draw a crowd and no matter how good you are, you’re not good enough. Seriously.
3. Likewise, if you like to solo, you may want to change your play style next week and save on repair bills somewhat. Although the large groups you’ll frequently encounter may occasionally let you live, it’s very rare.
3. Please don’t tell us how you would dominate if you had the same numbers…we hear that all the time.
4. Two hour sieges are nothing. Try six hours…
5. Twenty is not a zerg.
5. We have issues with the Queue, particularly at reset lately. Please wait patiently! We’ll be along eventually.
6. No QQ about “unfair” match up please. We didn’t make the match up. QQ to Anet.
7. There’s these guys called WM. Did I mention, don’t sleep?
8. We’re always sorry for stomping the score. We apologize in advance. Sorry I know you’ll find that insulting….Then again since you won’t be QQing, perhaps we won’t feel the need.
9. Many we have played since T8 seem to genuinely hate us. Try to break the trend, we really aren’t the Borg. You will not be assimilated…unless you volunteer.
10. It wasn’t long ago when we were just coming out of T8. We still remember. Have fun and GL


Bring cookies, and all of the above is meant in fun


(edited by ghtchill.7613)

2/1 - Sorrow's, Ferg's, Eredon('s)

in WvW

Posted by: K U R O I T S U K I.4980

K U R O I T S U K I.4980

6. No QQ about “unfair” match up please. We didn’t make the match up. QQ to Anet.

Mhh I believe anet doesn’t have too much to do with it, it was the free transfers, how can you expect Anet to keep track of those bandwagon guilds, with the free transfers we can be in the tier we really deserve, and have a 33/33/34 map, is not really fun to have everything or have nothing, we have been on both sides and we like when the enemy shows their strength, Eredon will go places, they are organized, and they don’t seem to quit, but also the last place seems to be affecting some guys negatively, no one deserves do be victim of a exploit, if you are gonna exploit to play and win WvW, leave… you don’t deserve to win, you don’t deserve to be in the same server that real players are trying to defend and you are staining their name.
Kaineng, we know we are not T1 material, but we are not really fighting for it, we will see if you guys are, best of luck.

[LH]La Hermandad-Guild Leader
Kuroitsuki Lvl.80 Mesmer/La Biribiri Lvl.80 Elementalist
Sorrows Furnace SF (since Aug-25-12)

2/1 - Sorrow's, Ferg's, Eredon('s)

in WvW

Posted by: ghtchill.7613


6. No QQ about “unfair” match up please. We didn’t make the match up. QQ to Anet.

Mhh I believe anet doesn’t have too much to do with it, it was the free transfers, how can you expect Anet to keep track of those bandwagon guilds, with the free transfers we can be in the tier we really deserve, and have a 33/33/34 map, is not really fun to have everything or have nothing, we have been on both sides and we like when the enemy shows their strength, Eredon will go places, they are organized, and they don’t seem to quit, but also the last place seems to be affecting some guys negatively, no one deserves do be victim of a exploit, if you are gonna exploit to play and win WvW, leave… you don’t deserve to win, you don’t deserve to be in the same server that real players are trying to defend and you are staining their name.
Kaineng, we know we are not T1 material, but we are not really fighting for it, we will see if you guys are, best of luck.

As will we. Leaving things as they were, without the reset, we were due to meet T2, and there we would find out. Now, who knows. We will wait and see. Apologies for interrupting your match up thread, no offense meant. Just thought I’d try and setup fun for next week, with the best intentions.


2/1 - Sorrow's, Ferg's, Eredon('s)

in WvW

Posted by: DisplayName.7802


I asked for some tips on how to beat Kaineng.
I know all your secret.

builds 50 golems

Basic Banjo

2/1 - Sorrow's, Ferg's, Eredon('s)

in WvW

Posted by: ghtchill.7613


I asked for some tips on how to beat Kaineng.
I know all your secret.

builds 50 golems

hahahaha! Only 50?


2/1 - Sorrow's, Ferg's, Eredon('s)

in WvW

Posted by: Manoa.5897


At the request of TTA members, here’s part 1 of the SF spawn camping last night (shout out to the red charr thief)

“We are currently in EB doing stupid things.”

Okay, last night makes a LOT more sense now.

Chaos Spatulai [Chef] | Paragon City Elite [PCE]
Henge of Denravi

2/1 - Sorrow's, Ferg's, Eredon('s)

in WvW

Posted by: DisplayName.7802


=| well, no matter what happens on Friday. SF will taste Tier 1 for 1 hour lol. Hopefully, instead of being down and do PvE, it will gives SF a goal to never go back to T8. Our army of quagpacks will takeover and take down Kaening.

Also, anyung haseyo.
(to those Korean players) lol.

Basic Banjo

2/1 - Sorrow's, Ferg's, Eredon('s)

in WvW

Posted by: Detharos.3157


So, I thought to myself tonight that I might as welll enlighten the generally boring lives of SF’s night crew as a going away present in this final week by demonstrating an unspoken of tier 0.2 strategy.

Behold the power of the middle-of-nowhere ram rush! The one thing that may be capable of defeating Kaineng.

With this unheard of maneuver, we were so empowered so as to push back and easily reclaim the camp. The secret lies 100% in building just one of the three ram build sites up to about 85% but then leaving it unfinished. Truly a powerful siege placement.

And yes, I have joined the Quagpack crew. <3


Dathaul, 80 Melee Ranger
Ferguson’s Crossing server.

2/1 - Sorrow's, Ferg's, Eredon('s)

in WvW

Posted by: Stasis.5630


Giving a shout out to the fergs night crew! You guys made taking back our side of EB epic so proud. Much respect to the sf defenders (cosa comes to mind) you are probably taking everything back now but heck it was fun while it lasted

Ed Lecoulte // Engineer [DAWN]

2/1 - Sorrow's, Ferg's, Eredon('s)

in WvW

Posted by: Tanryth.1074


We have a night crew?

To all the ET and SF that were on our FC BL tonight hell of a good time was had by my guild…nothing like our 25 running up against your zergs…. good times were had… and the three way battle in front of Redbriar was absolutely why I love WvW.. GG all

Let’s do it again tomorrow…we’ll bring the beer

Shara Longblade – 80 Guardian
MooN – Seafarer’s Rest

2/1 - Sorrow's, Ferg's, Eredon('s)

in WvW

Posted by: insanemaniac.2456


[BOSS], [MOTS], and [KILL] jump on the dead when its 5 people defending vs 40

stay classy!

credit for not dancing!

JQ: Rikkity
head here to discuss wvw without fear of infractions

2/1 - Sorrow's, Ferg's, Eredon('s)

in WvW

Posted by: Ungood.3054


Sounding out to SF and FC from ET.

New Guy here, I just got GW2 for Christmas (Well, wife said I could get it for Christmas at least, same thing really) and thus I just started playing in January, so all I have ever known as far as WvWvW has been the three of us.

Now, before GW2, I had zero understanding of what WvWvW was, I had played realms vs reams, where you pick a server and a side and that’s that, if Albion was steamrolling you with a zerg rush of 40 to your 2 on that server, then that was your fate. Deal. (Kudos to anyone that played DAoC and can remember the Albion Zergs)

So here I was, seeing this lop sided match, day after day after day. And I quickly started to accept that this game was pretty much going to be the same. I even got to the point where I wondered if there were only 3 american servers given how unbalanced things where.

Now, I;ll be honest, I don’t like needing to do Homework on a game, I like to log in and play. So I learned the basics, kill the Invaders/Defenders, get Supply, build the rams in the middle of the road, and beat mindlessly on the doors while we get stampeded from behind. (I jest! I jest!) but anyway, I really had no idea about rotating matchups.

So you can imagine how ecstatic I was when discussion of the number reset started, and I realized that, Wow, there are a lot of NA servers, and we will be facing new people this coming week. I can honestly say it seems to have brought new life into the WvW here on ET, where before it was all about just trying (and failing) to hold our own, as our own, it became “Lets have some out here!” so, yah. It’s been a blast to me as of late.

Well, I guess it has been a fun month for me, and this reset and new learning about the ladder and progression has been informative, I can say, I am thrilled to face a new opponent. While Ferg will be around for another week, so we will finally get to see how well we face against each other, without being ran over by SF, so that is something I am looking forward to. No offence to FC, but, because of the massive presence SF had on the map, you guys just kinda ended being those “other guys over there” if you took something from us, it was like, give it 10 min and SF will take it back. So to FC, I am looking for the coming week where you will come to your own, and we can meet together in glorious battle.

To SF, Well guys. I am not sure if you will be running off to make your mark in the top tiers or setting yourself up to get destroyed and dominated for the coming weeks. only time will tell. But, while I can’t say I will ever be able to feel bad at the prospect of you all getting steamrolled for the coming weeks (you can understand why) , my hope is that it tempers you and does not break you. in Eredon, while we may have lost a great deal, we seldom gave up. Fighting tooth and nail to the bitter end. And that kind of conflict can draw out the best in people, making them stronger, and building up their resolve to keep fighting no matter what the odds, it can also melt them down and break their spirit. In the coming weeks for you guys, I hope the fires of adversity forge you, not smelt you.

Every Lifelong Journey Ends With a Gravestone.
Born and Raised in Eredon Terrace

2/1 - Sorrow's, Ferg's, Eredon('s)

in WvW

Posted by: Shanks.8793


Hey people! it have been a very long fun fight vs you all :)
Amazing moment from fergs .. I was commanding late at night in SFs BL .. when we got into lords room in SFs garrison, Fergs from Yarr guild tried to steal it from us xD .. their commander is the sunrise holder " Heavens Rage as I heard " .. fought with her/him many times .. fun fights really :).
And there are a Guardian from Gank guild, female norn .. once I 1vs1 with him/him 2 times each over 5 mins xD which was amazing .. ended 1 – 1 :)

I wish u luck everyone <3 and if you saw my guildies glitching or whatever feel free to PM me!

End Ascends [End] GM / Eredon Terrace
Duke Marco – Duke Allycat – Boa Hancuck
– Duchess Cute – Duke Garp – Shiecko.

2/1 - Sorrow's, Ferg's, Eredon('s)

in WvW

Posted by: Shanks.8793


Ah and about the guardian from Gank guild .. I acted like I fell in love with her after those fights in Map chat xD .. they kept telling me where she/he is whenever they located her/him.

End Ascends [End] GM / Eredon Terrace
Duke Marco – Duke Allycat – Boa Hancuck
– Duchess Cute – Duke Garp – Shiecko.

2/1 - Sorrow's, Ferg's, Eredon('s)

in WvW

Posted by: Advent.6193


RE: Ungood

Heh. Last matchup prediction has you ET boys against Maguuma/Dragonbrand.
Unfortunate, since my Ferg self’d like to run into yer lot without a massive field of green in the middle. Of course, that same prediction has us facin off with Stormbluff and … oh my! … Devona! Now, that’s what I call a blast from the past. This should be plenty fun.

Malegryne (Sylvari Mesmer), Lannka (Asura Thief) – Ferguson’s Crossing: [PRD/BRB/OMFG]
Other 80s: Any but Warrior

2/1 - Sorrow's, Ferg's, Eredon('s)

in WvW

Posted by: katz.8376


the prediction models keep changing. a day and a half ago it was saying ET/Fergi/Maguuma. now Fergi is up a tier again

one way or another, that’s gonna be a painful week for all 3 of us i think. lol

Druids of Dhuum [DoD]|Rally Bait [RALY]
~o hai there :D~ LONG LIVE ET

2/1 - Sorrow's, Ferg's, Eredon('s)

in WvW

Posted by: Elementalist Owner.7802

Elementalist Owner.7802

Nice!! The spirit is appreciated. Please remember this next week…
Bring cookies, and all of the above is meant in fun

Ah, we’re happy to be in T1 with you, Kaineng. Just remember while you’re beating the hell out of us to leave some room for our improvement — it won’t exactly be easy moving up 22 ranks Cheers mate, and of course, best of luck!

The Art of Roaming [gank]

2/1 - Sorrow's, Ferg's, Eredon('s)

in WvW

Posted by: silverfire.2547


As this week winds down to a close, I’d like to give a shout out to both our neighbors in FC and ET. The first two weeks of our matchup were the most fun I’ve had on WvW in quite a long time. I can’t speak for the other servers, but for the first time in a long time while things were still balanced, we had primetime queues on non-reset evenings. Free transfers may have turned the last two weeks into a curbstomp, but the blame for that rests squarely with ANet; had there never been free transfers, I do honestly believe none of use would have been in this tier.

Good luck to everyone in whatever your upcoming matchup may be.

Mira Alluvion (Me) | Hanna Bulwark (W) | Sophie Dusthaven (Th)
[CoSA]/[WWGD] // Sorrow’s Furnace (since August 2012) US West Evening Shift

2/1 - Sorrow's, Ferg's, Eredon('s)

in WvW

Posted by: Agricola.2817


Well, they cancelled the reset, so you get the pleasure of beating us up again and again till you climb out of the ratings sink.


2/1 - Sorrow's, Ferg's, Eredon('s)

in WvW

Posted by: katz.8376


bah.. really? i was looking forward to changing things up a bit

Druids of Dhuum [DoD]|Rally Bait [RALY]
~o hai there :D~ LONG LIVE ET

2/1 - Sorrow's, Ferg's, Eredon('s)

in WvW

Posted by: Thoughts.1987


Meh, people kitten to much and now, while I do enjoy fighting SF and Fergs, I would have loved some new opponents…kinda lame.

TFOR – Thoughtsone – Ranger – ET – 80
Golem enthusiast

2/1 - Sorrow's, Ferg's, Eredon('s)

in WvW

Posted by: Gisei.5749


Well, I guess this will be going on for a long time, though I enjoy fighting certain FC and ET guilds enough that I’ll be fine for a few weeks.

And I also fought a [Yarr] Commander(sunrise wielder) today in FC borderland at the supply camp north of Bay. S/he was very good, though her ally tipped the 2v2 in my favor.

~Sorrow’s Furnace~

2/1 - Sorrow's, Ferg's, Eredon('s)

in WvW

Posted by: ghtchill.7613


Nice!! The spirit is appreciated. Please remember this next week…
Bring cookies, and all of the above is meant in fun

Ah, we’re happy to be in T1 with you, Kaineng. Just remember while you’re beating the hell out of us to leave some room for our improvement — it won’t exactly be easy moving up 22 ranks Cheers mate, and of course, best of luck!

Well, looks like it’s not meant to be after all. One day perhaps, until then enjoy and hope you get new opponents soon.


2/1 - Sorrow's, Ferg's, Eredon('s)

in WvW

Posted by: Tanryth.1074


ANet hates FC and ET…. when they see lopsided they chuckle and say…. “This should be fun to watch”

Hey ANet can we get a little compassion?

Shara Longblade – 80 Guardian
MooN – Seafarer’s Rest

2/1 - Sorrow's, Ferg's, Eredon('s)

in WvW

Posted by: Tanryth.1074


Wed and Thursday night we organized our guild and a few others and brought in all our Noobs to teach them…. It was great actually having a decent size zerg and being on Mumble to coordinate…. I was almost happy… As we were walking them around the BL we happened upon multiple SF and ET invaders that had a sudden Oh kittenmoment… I would again like to thank the SF and ET crews we annihilated multiple times. Our noobs are now all about getting into the fray and I pray we can get some more in there…. Coordinated Noobs are as bright as a bag of hammers…. but they are fun to watch….

Shara Longblade – 80 Guardian
MooN – Seafarer’s Rest

2/1 - Sorrow's, Ferg's, Eredon('s)

in WvW

Posted by: insanemaniac.2456


Wed and Thursday night we organized our guild and a few others and brought in all our Noobs to teach them…. It was great actually having a decent size zerg and being on Mumble to coordinate…. I was almost happy… As we were walking them around the BL we happened upon multiple SF and ET invaders that had a sudden Oh kittenmoment… I would again like to thank the SF and ET crews we annihilated multiple times. Our noobs are now all about getting into the fray and I pray we can get some more in there…. Coordinated Noobs are as bright as a bag of hammers…. but they are fun to watch….

please please please turn them into regulars
we do NOT have enough regulars

JQ: Rikkity
head here to discuss wvw without fear of infractions

2/1 - Sorrow's, Ferg's, Eredon('s)

in WvW

Posted by: Tanryth.1074


Wed and Thursday night we organized our guild and a few others and brought in all our Noobs to teach them…. It was great actually having a decent size zerg and being on Mumble to coordinate…. I was almost happy… As we were walking them around the BL we happened upon multiple SF and ET invaders that had a sudden Oh kittenmoment… I would again like to thank the SF and ET crews we annihilated multiple times. Our noobs are now all about getting into the fray and I pray we can get some more in there…. Coordinated Noobs are as bright as a bag of hammers…. but they are fun to watch….

please please please turn them into regulars
we do NOT have enough regulars


Shara Longblade – 80 Guardian
MooN – Seafarer’s Rest

2/1 - Sorrow's, Ferg's, Eredon('s)

in WvW

Posted by: Ynot.8397


Wed and Thursday night we organized our guild and a few others and brought in all our Noobs to teach them…. It was great actually having a decent size zerg and being on Mumble to coordinate…. I was almost happy… As we were walking them around the BL we happened upon multiple SF and ET invaders that had a sudden Oh kittenmoment… I would again like to thank the SF and ET crews we annihilated multiple times. Our noobs are now all about getting into the fray and I pray we can get some more in there…. Coordinated Noobs are as bright as a bag of hammers…. but they are fun to watch….

please please please turn them into regulars
we do NOT have enough regulars



Ferguson’s Crossing→ SoS→ DR→ EBay

2/1 - Sorrow's, Ferg's, Eredon('s)

in WvW

Posted by: Tanryth.1074


Wed and Thursday night we organized our guild and a few others and brought in all our Noobs to teach them…. It was great actually having a decent size zerg and being on Mumble to coordinate…. I was almost happy… As we were walking them around the BL we happened upon multiple SF and ET invaders that had a sudden Oh kittenmoment… I would again like to thank the SF and ET crews we annihilated multiple times. Our noobs are now all about getting into the fray and I pray we can get some more in there…. Coordinated Noobs are as bright as a bag of hammers…. but they are fun to watch….

please please please turn them into regulars
we do NOT have enough regulars



Was stressing that WE’RE TRYING…and I like cookies……

Shara Longblade – 80 Guardian
MooN – Seafarer’s Rest

2/1 - Sorrow's, Ferg's, Eredon('s)

in WvW

Posted by: Harbinger.8637


Took a SF zerg +30 minutes to take a tower from three people.

I lol’d

Guardian WvW Guide!
Heavens Rage

2/1 - Sorrow's, Ferg's, Eredon('s)

in WvW

Posted by: Darek.1836



Sharks With Lazers [PEW]

2/1 - Sorrow's, Ferg's, Eredon('s)

in WvW

Posted by: Advent.6193


Heh – my Thief was holding Langor from SF’s clutches a coupla nights ago. Of course, then they multiplied from ~5 to 15, and I ran her lil Asura self outta there. Stealth is yer friend, when yer packing 11.4k hp and about to get smashed into the walls.

Malegryne (Sylvari Mesmer), Lannka (Asura Thief) – Ferguson’s Crossing: [PRD/BRB/OMFG]
Other 80s: Any but Warrior

2/1 - Sorrow's, Ferg's, Eredon('s)

in WvW

Posted by: Tanryth.1074


SF are like rabbits… you hit one..2 appear… you hit 2, 4 appear…you hit 4 they call you out as Americas most wanted and raise the National Guard.

we on FC and ET put out the Calling all Cars and arrive with 10…. can we get some help here

Shara Longblade – 80 Guardian
MooN – Seafarer’s Rest

2/1 - Sorrow's, Ferg's, Eredon('s)

in WvW

Posted by: moutzaheadin.4029


we on FC and ET put out the Calling all Cars and arrive with 10…. can we get some help here

This makes me laugh, FC had people that would respond all the time. They one by one was chased away by the weekend wvw Xmas noob. I miss FC , what I dont miss is the unskilled know it alls that are still there. You included.

There are still a few great players there, but honestly for how long……

NSP | Obsessïon | XOXO

2/1 - Sorrow's, Ferg's, Eredon('s)

in WvW

Posted by: Tanryth.1074


we on FC and ET put out the Calling all Cars and arrive with 10…. can we get some help here

This makes me laugh, FC had people that would respond all the time. They one by one was chased away by the weekend wvw Xmas noob. I miss FC , what I dont miss is the unskilled know it alls that are still there. You included.

There are still a few great players there, but honestly for how long……

Yeah we used to get help and then all the big guilds Jumped ship…like Np and ENVY (twice) so now it’s a little harder to get a response when you ask for help. As for your Unskilled comment. I am far more skilled then you give me credit for but oh yeah we never worked together because I was too unskilled for your taste (fun that a guy who was military for 24 years and knows tactics is called unskilled btw)… have fun wherever you finally decided to call home. We will rebuild our numbers and come back as we always do.

Shara Longblade – 80 Guardian
MooN – Seafarer’s Rest

2/1 - Sorrow's, Ferg's, Eredon('s)

in WvW

Posted by: Elementalist Owner.7802

Elementalist Owner.7802

The Art of Roaming [gank]

(edited by Elementalist Owner.7802)