2/12/2015 WvW report on Unbalanced Match-ups

2/12/2015 WvW report on Unbalanced Match-ups

in WvW

Posted by: Forgotten Legend.9281

Forgotten Legend.9281

the purpose of the specialist is to provide reports TO ANET, not to the forum users. Marmatt posted one report so the users could see it. I presume that these reports to ANET are supposed to be sent to specific people via forum messaging or email.

– The Baconnaire

2/12/2015 WvW report on Unbalanced Match-ups

in WvW

Posted by: Videles.6759


i didnt really read about better rewards, i think most people want a fair match!

2/12/2015 WvW report on Unbalanced Match-ups

in WvW

Posted by: DevilishLyx.2340


You do know that in order to make a report he started a topic and people that had thoughts and wanted to contribute posted, which he can mine for his report?

It doesn’t require a two-way conversation after the start.

And in order to do that he needs to start a new thread for each topic. Yet 3 weeks later and no new topic has been created.
Or is he going to spend his time scrolling through 3 years worth of posts? :P

2/12/2015 WvW report on Unbalanced Match-ups

in WvW

Posted by: retsuya.4708


Most people want is an easy win. Join the biggest server/blob/zerg, press 1 and get lootbags. Pretty much the same on world bosses in PvE.

[WB] Fort Aspenwood

2/12/2015 WvW report on Unbalanced Match-ups

in WvW

Posted by: coglin.1867


What are you going on about with Marmatt in reference to “hobbles”? What do you mean by that? How was he “hobbled”? The maps wee created long before the specialist were set up anyway.

By the way, do you have any evidence they are like EotM? As far as I can tell, your doing little more the sabre rattling with little to support the idea that the sky is falling.

Are you suggesting if someone CCs you, it is trolling? In my opinion, that is a poor way to look at it.

A video on what weak PvPer’s and WvWer’s want.

(edited by coglin.1867)

2/12/2015 WvW report on Unbalanced Match-ups

in WvW

Posted by: Tspatula.9086


What are you going on about with Marmatt in reference to “hobbles”? What do you mean by that? How was he “hobbled”? The maps wee created long before the specialist were set up anyway.

By the way, do you have any evidence they are like EotM? As far as I can tell, your doing little more the sabre rattling with little to support the idea that the sky is falling.

Are you suggesting if someone CCs you, it is trolling? In my opinion, that is a poor way to look at it.

Uh, first of all the horse is a metaphor for the specialist program, second have you seen the trailer for the new map? and third fearing groups of unsuspecting players off of thin walkways to their deaths is good fun if you are the person doing it, not so much if you are the one falling… Have you played on EotM?

2/12/2015 WvW report on Unbalanced Match-ups

in WvW

Posted by: coglin.1867


There are bridges, paths in the ruins area, locations near multiple keeps, with chokes that you can be CCed off of. Does that make them EotM? I doubt there is no level of reason that will sway you. You made such a deep claim based on a short video that shows a miniscule area of a map, so clearly your wanted to dislike it regardless.

A video on what weak PvPer’s and WvWer’s want.

2/12/2015 WvW report on Unbalanced Match-ups

in WvW

Posted by: Tspatula.9086


There are bridges, paths in the ruins area, locations near multiple keeps, with chokes that you can be CCed off of. Does that make them EotM? I doubt there is no level of reason that will sway you. You made such a deep claim based on a short video that shows a miniscule area of a map, so clearly your wanted to dislike it regardless.

Seriously? where are the places in the ruins that players actually use frequently that you can be feared off and die of falling damage? In EtoM there are soo many places that you can do that and they are regularly used by players to traverse the map, you an avoid some of them but, it’s a much longer path. There isn’t any need to take any particular path through the ruins and most groups just swim through. You can get feared or pushed off of many cliffs, but it’s kind of hard to hide at a cliffs edge and wait for a group to conveniently run by so you can fear them off of it. Did you read my post? You didn’t understand the metaphor, did you understand any of it? And I am not that optimistic about WvW in general, simply based on the last year and what Anet has let happen to the server populations (stacking and such), but still hope for improvements…

2/12/2015 WvW report on Unbalanced Match-ups

in WvW

Posted by: party buddy.4956

party buddy.4956

nice to see that this thread has gone the way of every other thread in this forum… people just keep posting off topic and no one is around to keep the thread on track.

this forums’ functionality is horrible…

2/12/2015 WvW report on Unbalanced Match-ups

in WvW

Posted by: capnjosh.8925


Maybe implement a queue based on the lowest number of population?


server A has 50 potential players
server B has 25 potential players
server C has 20 potential players

Map is automatically queued for the other 2 based on the lowest population +1. Or a map cannot exceed 2 or 3 players more than the lowest populated server. This might create a stale matchup and there would be no servers going up and down in tiers.

Or just simply destroy the current WvW with the Mordremoth storyline and create 6-9 alliances where all servers can opt which they want to belong to.

(edited by capnjosh.8925)

2/12/2015 WvW report on Unbalanced Match-ups

in WvW

Posted by: Andred.1087


Not sure what this thread is even about anymore but I just wanted to drop in and say,

Magoo is facerolling all over CD and EBay this week, and it sucks a lot.

“You’ll PAY to know what you really think.” ~ J. R. “Bob” Dobbs

2/12/2015 WvW report on Unbalanced Match-ups

in WvW

Posted by: Thothkepara.2539


YB vs DH vs NSP, NSP and DH together don’t have the same numbers as YB at any given time. Just another day in T3.

2/12/2015 WvW report on Unbalanced Match-ups

in WvW

Posted by: Dayra.7405


Most people want is an easy win. Join the biggest server/blob/zerg, press 1 and get lootbags. Pretty much the same on world bosses in PvE.

Are most people like that? I mean: I don’t know most people and their interest.
But this doesn’t seem to be very strong position on my server.

From participation and TS/Chat-mud I would see the following fun-ranking:

  1. Close/unexpected win
  2. Overwhelming/expected win and Close loss
  3. Overwhelming/expected loss

All in all: close matches clearly outperform overwhelming ones in fun.

Ceterum censeo SFR esse delendam!

2/12/2015 WvW report on Unbalanced Match-ups

in WvW

Posted by: Ragnar the Rock.3174

Ragnar the Rock.3174

What is really needed is the removal of the idea of the home server.

Instead it should work on an alliance of guilds with a strict cap on how many people can belong to an alliance at a given time.

This would also allow for guild hierarchy to remove players who are inactive or caught spying for another side.

As for people who have no intrust in maintaining membership in such an organization they could simply have them tossed together in a random alliance each week (with some consideration for guilds & friends lists)

This ^ combined with improvements to map design would do great wonders for fixing the many problems with WvW.

2/12/2015 WvW report on Unbalanced Match-ups

in WvW

Posted by: Crapgame.6519


What is really needed is the removal of the idea of the home server.

Instead it should work on an alliance of guilds with a strict cap on how many people can belong to an alliance at a given time.

This would also allow for guild hierarchy to remove players who are inactive or caught spying for another side.

As for people who have no intrust in maintaining membership in such an organization they could simply have them tossed together in a random alliance each week (with some consideration for guilds & friends lists)

This ^ combined with improvements to map design would do great wonders for fixing the many problems with WvW.

Someone said it a while back. The way it stands today is that the only thing that separates the number one ranked server to the last ranked server is population AND wall clock coverage. There is no more skill on those servers than any others. If you believe there is, then it is just the ego getting in the way.

Furthermore, this isn’t anything unique to GW2. We saw similar issues back in DaOC. Some servers and factions had greater coverage and so the story goes again. Hard to hold towers, keeps, or relics when one of the factions is asleep, no? Oddly enough what happened to our orbs? Yeah, similar to DaOC relics This is probably why WoW and other games created BG’s or open maps with time limits and users pulled from a bucket. Arena Net did it with Edge of Mists…

If you want to somehow tie in server pride into ranks, then maybe you should consider:
1. Make claiming and defending towers, keeps, and castles worth something
2. Make the guards useful and broadcast messages in /g if under attack
3. Form alliances on the server and broadcast message in /alliance
4. Allow cross-server alliances to port to world in which alert was broadcast
4a. Time gate the cross server alliance / hot join so it isn’t abused
5. Assign XP point per player based on level. Score such that 1 v 1 kill = max points 2 v 1 kill = points divide by players tagged/assist kill, X v 1 (zerg vs 1) divide again

Unless they shorten the games to say 15 or 30 minute chunks there is no way to get around the population and wall clock issues. At least in my opinion.

Edit: Not to pick on this server, but if you want an example take Americas/Maguuma. This is a server that was doing well, then had some drama and lost a lot of people, fell down to where Ehmry Bay would solidly beat them, and now are back on the rise in ranks after what key element happened recently? An influx of people/guilds…

Main – Laaz Rocket – Guardian (Ehmry Bay)
Johnny Johnny – Ranger (Ehmry Bay)
Hárvey Wallbanger – Alt Warrior (Ehmry Bay)

(edited by Crapgame.6519)

2/12/2015 WvW report on Unbalanced Match-ups

in WvW

Posted by: Tspatula.9086


The alliance idea is an interesting one, but probably still prone to the same lopsided dynamics that plague servers… The more I think about this, the more I think it’s not a solvable problem… and did Marmatt fall off the edge of the planet or what? I pretty sure he hasn’t posted to any of the forums in almost a month…

2/12/2015 WvW report on Unbalanced Match-ups

in WvW

Posted by: Baldrick.8967


Dead thread, may as well be locked (looks like the lock monster is out in force tonight).

WvW player. Doing another world completion for my next Legendary. Hater of mini-games.

2/12/2015 WvW report on Unbalanced Match-ups

in WvW

Posted by: Baldrick.8967



This one week between reports and topics is beginning to resemble the way time flows in 12 Monkeys.

Maybe we can get someone who knows Marmatt in RL to check his basement and see if he’s still breathing?

About time Anet said something on the matter too- feels like we’re being treated like third class citizens again with our ‘forum specialist’ having gone AWOL and nothing happening apart from the usual lock fest if anyone raises the point.

WvW player. Doing another world completion for my next Legendary. Hater of mini-games.

2/12/2015 WvW report on Unbalanced Match-ups

in WvW

Posted by: Sixes.5824


I like the idea of player kills being worth more than the keeps and towers.

Coming from DAoC, which to my knowledge was the first proper mass PvP game (and likely was the best) keeps and relics (borderland domination essentially) gave small bonuses across the board, much like the current xp track with x% damage to server members.

On the other hand, realm points, which determined realm rank and unlocked abilities, something like the mastery tracks from HoT, we obtained only by killing players. Not only that but there were hugely diminishing returns when you zerged someone, as I recall a solo kill was about 1000 rp, a full group (8 players) killing another player was around 200 rp and in a zerg you could expect about 20 rp per kill.

This meant that players who wanted to unlock the rewards would roam in 8 man groups, trying if at all possible to break zergs. And even when they lost, they likely got more rewards out of it than the zerglets did.

Now I don’t mind a little more objective focus, but getting hundreds of Wxp from each tower or keep captured in a train while gaining on 20-30 on a kill seems silly. From what I can tell a high WvW rank just means people have played since release consistently and have too much time on their hands. In DAoC it meant “Run !” because they had a trophy rack of dead player’s ears.

2/12/2015 WvW report on Unbalanced Match-ups

in WvW

Posted by: Orochimaru.4730


About time Anet said something on the matter too- feels like we’re being treated like third class citizens again with our ‘forum specialist’ having gone AWOL and nothing happening apart from the usual lock fest if anyone raises the point.

For a moment there I was hoping this was a new topic, I saw the author’s name first; then I scrolled to see the thread title, and up, it’s week 1’s thread still being bumped when we’re almost into week 6.

We really really need a mod or dev to comment on this situation. Perhaps even an apology for when we all voiced our disapproval of marmatt being picked; we saw it coming, we gave him a chance, he and the WvW devs have failed to deliver, yet again!

2/12/2015 WvW report on Unbalanced Match-ups

in WvW

Posted by: Tspatula.9086


About time Anet said something on the matter too- feels like we’re being treated like third class citizens again with our ‘forum specialist’ having gone AWOL and nothing happening apart from the usual lock fest if anyone raises the point.

For a moment there I was hoping this was a new topic, I saw the author’s name first; then I scrolled to see the thread title, and up, it’s week 1’s thread still being bumped when we’re almost into week 6.

We really really need a mod or dev to comment on this situation. Perhaps even an apology for when we all voiced our disapproval of marmatt being picked; we saw it coming, we gave him a chance, he and the WvW devs have failed to deliver, yet again!

or perhaps a second WvW forum specialist should be added for Marmatt’s vision quest absences?

2/12/2015 WvW report on Unbalanced Match-ups

in WvW

Posted by: Reanne.5462


Maybe if someone would put something relevant to the game, and wvw, then Marmatt or a dev would take the time to respond to this thread, from what I can see there is nothing in this thread notable.


I think they’re actually reading this thread and laughing at the general wvw population.

masters of the carrot on the stick, business model

2/12/2015 WvW report on Unbalanced Match-ups

in WvW

Posted by: Reanne.5462


Do not go gently into the dark… ^bump

2/12/2015 WvW report on Unbalanced Match-ups

in WvW

Posted by: swellercross.3974


Do people learn something when transfering to a overstacks server, like whats happening on T2 FA got more transfer everyday non stop recruitment promising a win et etc where is the fun of playing this game,this overstacking need to stop or people will stop playing this game

2/12/2015 WvW report on Unbalanced Match-ups

in WvW

Posted by: Chaba.5410


non stop recruitment promising a win


Chaba Tangnu
Founding member of [NERF] Fort Engineer and driver for [TLC] The Legion of Charrs
RIP [SIC] Strident Iconoclast